10 Home Remedies for Acne Scars Removal

home remedies for acne scars

Your body is made to take care of itself; it can manage, healing injuries and fading acne scars. But when you squeeze or touch acne pimples skin loses its elasticity because of loss of collagen, this makes skin to depend on external treatments.

Anyway, before trying home remedies for acne scars prevent pressing or squeezing acne blemishes. Yes, we knew that you can’t stop squeezing or pressing, apply hydrogen peroxide or other creams which keeps itching at bay.

A short intro about Acne

Oil glands present under skin produces excess oil called sebum making to clog skin pores and dead cells present on the skin along with bacteria gets accumulate on skin pores forming pimples or blemishes. Acne is most common skin disease.

10 Effective Remedies for Acne Scars Removal

With steroid creams you may treat acne blemishes but they leave scars on your face and no one in this world would love to have acne scars. With natural remedies you can not only fade acne scars but also make your skin youthful.

Nature is packed with thousands of remedies to treat various skin diseases but here we’re sharing only few home available remedies, so that you can choose one among them.

1. Papaya Remedy for Acne Scars

Two main nutrients present in papaya are vitamin A and papain (an enzyme). Whereas vitamin A acts as antioxidant to restrains acne causing bacteria, papain acts as an exfoliator to clear clogged pores by removing dead cells.

Not just acne, papaya benefits for skin are endless, which includes removing frown lines, hydrates skin, heals injuries, controls premature aging etc…


  • Get some fresh papaya and mash it.
  • Mix 2 tbsp of honey to the paste and apply it on your face or affected part.
  • Rinse it off with cool water after 20 minutes.

2. Honey Remedy to Remove Acne Scars

honey for acne scars

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in honey helps in treating acne and also help to fade acne scars. Not just skin disease, honey can be used to treat other major health problems. You can take it internally or use it topically.

Here is a case study about honey treating acne.


  • Add 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of grape seed oil.
  • Then add 1 tbsp of lemon juice.
  • You can also add 1-2 tbsp of essential oil.
  • Then apply it on acne scars.

Else you can try directly applying on acne scars.

3. Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

Like honey, aloe is another nature’s gift to human kind. Packed with vitamin A, B complex and C, aloe can be used to treat acne, eczema and psoriasis. To treat acne with aloe you just need to apply aloe gel on affected part and rinse it off after few minutes repeat the process and you can see wonders.

Repeating same remedy will help you to fade acne scars.

Also read: Aloe Vera benefits for skin


  • Take fresh aloe leaf and peel its skin to see gel like substance.
  • Apply the gel on acne scars.
  • Rinse it off after few minutes.

You can use aloe vera internally. Click here to make aloe juice.

4. Lemon to Fade Acne Scars

lemon jucie for dark spots

Vitamin C present in this citrus fruit helps to rebuild collagen which was damaged because of acne and by squeezing pimples. It also helps to lighten dark spots and scars on skin.


  • Directly squeeze lemon juice in a bowl and apply it on acne scars using cotton ball.
  • If you’ve sensitive skin, then dilute lemon juice by adding water to it.
  • For lemon mask, mix lemon juice, tomato juice and sandal wood to make paste. Apply this paste on affected area and rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Lemon makes your skin sensitive, so while going out either wear sunscreen cream or wide spread hat.

5. Olive Oil for Acne Scars Removal

Olive oil is obtained from olive tree berries, packed with antioxidants and vitamins, works great for skin diseases. It can be used both internally and externally.


  • Using cotton ball apply olive oil on acne scars.
  • Leave it for few minutes so that your skin absorbs olive oil.
  • You can remove excess oil using a soft cloth.
  • Rinse it off after few minutes.

6. Baking Soda for Acne Scars

Baking soda is best remedy to exfoliate dead cells accumulated on skin. Anyway it may dry your skin so apply moisturizer after using baking soda.


  • Mix water with baking soda to make paste.
  • Apply the paste on acne scars and massage for about 2 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off.

For sensitive skin we don’ recommend baking soda, anyway you can consult dermatologist.

Also read: Using baking soda to treat pimples

7. Raw Potatoes for Acne Scars

potatoes for acne scars

This comfort food consists of vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium and magnesium. Place raw sliced potato on acne scars to see what this vegetable can do for your skin.


  • Slice fresh potato and rub it on acne scars in circular motion.
  • Repeat the process until you see sliced potato dried.
  • Take another sliced potato and do same.
  • Leave it for few minutes and then rinse it off with water.

8. Raw Tomatoes to Fade Acne Scars

Lycopene present in tomatoes have an antioxidant property which helps to fight bacteria.


  • Mash raw tomatoes into a bowl.
  • Now apply tomato pulp on your face.
  • Rinse it off after few minutes.

9. Cucumber for Acne Scars

Though this vegetable didn’t receive much press attention, it’s packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help to heal acne and fade acne scars.


  • Soak sliced cucumber in water for few minutes so that all nutrients get transferred to water, then wash acne scars with this water.
  • Else, make cucumber juice and mix yogurt to it. Apply this paste to your acne scars.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy for Acne Scars Removal

apple cider vinegar for acne scars

ACV is packed with antimicrobial properties which help to kill bacteria. It can be used to treat chronic skin diseases like eczema. Apple cider vinegar can also fade moles.

Read this: Vinegar benefits for skin


  • Get raw apple cider vinegar from local store or through Amazon.
  • Apply it on acne scars using cotton ball.

Did we miss any effective and inexpensive home remedy for acne scars here? Please share in comments so that we could include in this post.

easily digested foods

Natural Remedy for Eczema with Sea Water

There are many controversies surrounding the use of sea water for treating eczema. Because soaking eczema flare-ups in sea water is nothing but just like “adding salt to an open wound”.

Yes, it pains but British Association of Dermatology claims that Dead Sea water can be used to treat eczema. Treating eczema has more worth than having mild pain.

Why Sea Water Treats

Salt in sea water dries out eczema wounds and refrain further infection, may be this feature of sea water helps to treat eczema. Anyway, there are different types of eczema and same remedy may not work for all. So you need to try your luck with home available remedies to treat eczema.

Because of the antiseptic properties of sea water it’s an effect natural remedy for eczema. Wounds when exposed to seawater it pains so it’s up to you to weight the benefits of sea water with pain you get.

Also Read: Can’t stop scratching?

Have a look at forum discussion.

Eczema is a chronic skin diseases, main cause is still unknown. Anyway hereditary and food you eat may trigger eczema. Skin becomes dry, itchy and scaly. Applying antioxidant and antibacterial creams can relieve itching. Though it gets treated using creams and home remedies if you don’t care of your skin they appear once again.

7 Interesting Facts About Freckles You Must Know

facts about freckles

It’s a myth that freckle causes skin cancer.  Freckles can no way lead you to skin cancer. Anyway as people with freckles have lighten skin and weak skin protection from UV rays; they may prone to get skin cancer.

It is important for you to differentiate myths from facts of freckles. Below listed are interesting facts about freckles.

1. Kids can have freckles

Baby with 1 to 2 years of age can have these brown spots on her face, shoulders and arms.

2. Freckles are formed by a bunch of melanocytes

Skin gets its color because of a pigment called melanin produced by cells called melanocytes. Melanin doubles when your skin gets exposed to sunlight to protect you from harmful UV rays. When a bunch of pigments accumulates at one place because of uneven distribution it forms a dark brown spot called freckle.

3. Freckles are harmless

Normally freckles are harmless. Except few people who think freckles add beauty, for others it’s a cosmetic concern.

4. Genetics Causes Freckles

If anyone of your parent has freckles chances of you having freckles are more. Hereditary is one of the main causes of freckles.

5. Brown spots of freckles lighten and darken naturally

Depending on the climate, freckles spots may lighten or darken. In summer when your skin gets exposed to sunlight more melanin is produced which results in dark spots and in winter they get lighten. No need to worry if you see this change.

6. Freckle spots can be lighten

You can try natural remedies to fade these spots or try bleaching and fading creams available in local stores. We recommend talk to your dermatologist before taking any medicine.

7. You can also prevent freckles

Freckles darken when exposed to UV rays, so avoid going out in summer if possible, or else wear sunscreen creams and hats to cover your skin from sunlight.

If you want to get treated then consult your dermatologist.

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Different Types of Moles That You Must Know

Moles generally are not dangerous but they ruin your appearance. Identifying the type of mole will let you understand about the risks associated with it. Though moles look benign they may cause skin cancer in long run.

You may think that this small brown or black cluster on your body will do nothing and there is no need to pay attention, but ignoring them may lead to serious problems.

Blemishes which appearance suddenly or have these signs need medical attention.

  • Mole with irregular shape
  • Mole with uneven color
  • Mole with jagged borders
  • Great protruding mole
  • Lager than normal moles

Also read: Risks associated with mole removal

If your mole has any of the above signs then rush to a dermatologist and get medical attention.

Experts suggest checking asymmetry, border, color and diameter of a mole to identify its nature, popularly known as ABCD.

Also read: Itchy Dry Skin Patches On Body, Face and Hands

Dysplastic Nevi

dysplestic nevus

Also known as atypical mole, dysplastic mole differs to normal mole in appearance, it has irregular shape, irregular color, larger than normal moles and has jagged borders.

Though this mole has all the signs mentioned above we can’t confirm that it causes skin cancer. According to National Cancer Institute these atypical moles are more likely to turn into cancer called melanoma.

If you’ve dyspletic nevi then it’s better to have an appointment with dermatologist.

Congenital Nevus

congenital nevi

These types of moles appear from childhood and it occurs in 1% of infants worldwide. Mainly there are 3 main type of congenital nevus small-sized, mid-sized and giant-sized. Unlike atypical mole congenital nevi is larger in diameter and can occupy larger portion of the body.

As child grows this mole grows and may turn cancerous. Immediate medical attention is needed after observing color or shape variation.

Related post: 6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Moles

Halo Nevus

halo nevus

Halo nevus is associated with vitiligo. It was named halo because of its appearance, this particular type of mole is surrounded by light depigmentation making it resembles a halo. People with this mole will have a white patch surrounding that mole.

It’s believed that when white blood cells destroy pigmentation it forms white patch. Anyway mere cause is unknown.

As Halo Nevus is not cancerous except for cosmetic purpose there is no need of treatment.

Skin Tags

Though both moles and skin tags appear on various parts of the body they’re quite different. Like moles skin tags are removed for cosmetic purpose, this benign flap doesn’t have any health issues. Anyway this may cause discomfort and may sometimes ruin your appearance. You can either try natural or surgical way to remove skin tags.

Note: Before going with any treatment check with your professional dermatologist.

Also read: Get rid of blood blisters over night

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10 Herbal Remedies for Body Odor

herbs for body odor

The unpleasant smell you get from your body is not because of sweat.

According to Mayoclinic.org sweat is odorless. So why do you get foul smell after sweating?

Our body has sweat glands which secrete sweat when body temperature rises. When you don’t take bath or wash your body, bacteria gets accumulated on sweat to feed on fats and proteins in sweat. This releases a foul smell.

As it’s a common problem there are many conventional deodorants and antiperspirants to control body odor. Few of them works great but few are harmful because of chemical ingredients. (Though not proved.)

One medicine doesn’t work for everyone. Try different remedies to find out which one works for your body.

Note: Try with doctor’s supervision.

Herbs are natural medicines used to treat various health problems including body odor. Here in this article we’ll discuss about few herbs for eliminating body odor.

Body odor is caused when fats and proteins don’t gets digested; these herbs listed here will help you out in digestion which in one way reduces body odor.

Herbs for Body Odor

1. Take an Herbal Bath

Blend herbs like oregano, coriander, licorice root, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, bay leaf, fennel and nutmeg to make a tea. Refrigerate it and apply it on sweat prone areas like under-arms and in groins using cotton ball.

You can also dip all these herbs packed in a cloth into bath tub for an herbal bath. These herbs restrain bacteria from spreading odor. They act as a natural deodorant.

If you’ve no knowledge about blending herbs you can see it here.

2. Rosemary (for external application)

Rosemary is an evergreen herb used in foods. This herb especially its top flower contains phenolic acid which is said to be antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Packed with A, B – complex and C vitamins, rosemary is an antioxidant and is traditionally used for treating indigestion.

Because of these properties rosemary has shown evidence in killing bacteria in a lab test, says University of Maryland Medical Center.

Steep ½ cup of rosemary leaves in 2 to 4 cups of water and add it to your bath tub.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is a great boon for skin, almost all skin diseases can be treated using aloe Vera gel. Antioxidant properties in aloe treat and fights diseases causing bacteria. Aloe gel applied on skin burns helps to heal them fast. Chronic skin diseases like eczema and acne can be treated by repeated application of aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera can be used both internally and externally. You can consume aloe Vera gel after blending it.

Blend the gel and mix the juice in any fruit juice of your choice and drink. It acts as a great cleanser in stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder.

Related: How to make aloe vera juice

4. Peppermint

Leaves and oil of peppermint are used to treat many health problems including digestive problems like diarrhea, upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, bacterial in small intestine and gas.

High in copper, vitamin C and manganese peppermint can treat skin disease as well as body odor.

After meals drink peppermint tea, this helps to digest food.

5. Cleavers

Properties in cleavers help in cleaning lymph and toxins from the body. This promotes good digestion.

6. Milk thistle

Silymarinis, the main compound in milk thistle is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, according to WebMD. Though there is no scientific evidence, milk thistle or Mary thistle is used to treat liver problems.

You can consume milk thistle after blending it with other herbs or in tea.

7. Oregano

In a preliminary test CAMonline found that oregano may have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which can help to control odor causing bacteria.

Add steeped oregano to your bath tub which aids to control body odor. It may cause blood sugar level fluctuate. (Use under doctor’s supervision)

8. Dandelion

Mix it with herbal tea and it can treat liver and kidney problems including constipation, jaundice, gall stones and upset stomach.

9. Chamomile

Having any stomach problem? Brew a cup of chamomile tea. Take 3-4 cups of tea every day. Chamomile tea has anti-oxidant and cleansing properties which restrains odor causing bacteria.

10. Essential Oils

Oil extracted from herbs like rosemary, sage, lavender and oregano can be used topically to fight odor causing bacteria. Anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties present in these herbs helps fight bacteria and its aroma counteract with the foul smell.

Consult your doctor or any medical care provider to select herbs for essential oil them mix it with vegetable oils to lessen the effect of essential oil on skin, as they may irritate your skin.

It can be a great natural deodorizer, but consult your doctor before trying.

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Can Black Tea Be a Solution for Body Odor?

The most annoying and inevitable odor can be treated by various remedies and can be controlled using chemical added deodorants. (Check homemade deodorants here)

This is what many people say, am I right?

And they’re right.

black tea for body odor

There are lots of remedies which help you to fight odor causing bacteria and black tea is one among them. If you don’t knew why your odorless sweat gives unpleasant smell, read causes of body odor.

In short, bacteria on our body feed on fats and proteins present in sweat, which gives unpleasant smell.

How Can Black Tea Control Body Odor?

Black tea though we think that it just helps to improve concentration. It has handsome of health benefits. It stimulates the immune system and inhibits the growth of cancer. You can also use it for weight loss.

Antioxidant properties in black tea fights free radicals. It contains vitamin A, B, C, E and K.

Tea stops the growth of bacteria.

Dr. Jaliman says, black tea cuts down body odor. Because tea contains polyphenols which reduces output of sulfur compounds by 30% and also refrain bacteria growth.

Sulfur compounds in sweat and bacteria, these two are main causes of body odor which can be controlled by black tea.

Note: Excess consumption of tea may discolor your teeth and it may interfere with other medication. Consult your doctor before trying.

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How to Control Body Odor with Baking Soda?

baking soda and body odor

Baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate is a common household item used for cleaning and baking. Also, baking soda refrain odor causing bacteria from clothes. This is why several detergents advertisers promote that they use baking soda.

In the same way it can treat body odor by refraining bacteria which feed on fats and proteins present in sweat.

Read: What causes body odor?

Though sweat secreted by sweat glands is odorless, bacteria feed on them to release unpleasant smell.

How to Use Baking Soda to Treat Body Odor?

  1. Get fresh baking soda from a local store. Mix it with water and apply the paste on odor causing areas like under arms, foot and in groin areas.
  2. After leaving it for about 3 to 4 minutes rinse it off.
  3. If you want to give baking soda treatment to your complete body, then mix 1/2 cup of baking soda in bath tub.
  4. To extend odorless hours, sprinkle baking soda powder mixed with other baby powder (for fragrance) under arms. Let it be for 5 minutes before you wear clothes, else it leaves white marks on your clothes.
  5. To treat foot odor, add 4 tbsp of baking soda in 4 cups of warm water and soak your feet in the solution.

Note: Baking soda may burn, so test before trying.

To uproot body odor avoid foods which causes odor.

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Candida (Yeast) and Body Odor

candida body odor

For those who’re thinking WTH is Candida. Its yeast like fungus found in your body and it’s harmless. But when they grow in excess, researchers say that they cause many health problems including body odor.

Out intestine contains other type of bacteria (friendly bacteria) which fight Candida, unfortunately when Candida builds up bacteria fail to stop them and indigestion problem starts leading to other health problems.

Simply change your diet and you can control this intestinal yeast.

Wonder How Candida is Linked to Body Odor?

Experts say that yeast infection cause yeast to convert sugar to alcohol in the body. These compounds course through blood and come out through skin pores, bacteria on your body reacts with these compounds to give an unpleasant smell.

Edward F. Group carried out a test and they found that people suffering from body odor have low level of friendly bacteria which restrain Candida growth.

Don’t miss this: Zinc Supplement can keep body odor at bay

How to Control Candida Body Odor?

Candida feed on sugar; experts suggest avoiding diet with added sugar for about 3 months. Automatically Candida gets reduced. Let me list out few of them here.

Avoid all processed food that has sugar as ingredient

  • Maltose
  • Dextrose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Cane juice
  • Milk products with lactose
  • Fruit juice
  • Dried fruit with lactose
  • Cane syrup and high fructose corn syrup

Also avoid high carbohydrate food

  • Rice
  • Wheat
  • Beans
  • Corn
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yams
  • Potatoes and squash

You can try homemade deodorant to control body odor.

What you can eat?

Go with lean protein and low-carbohydrate food.

  • Yogurt (this is exception, because yogurt has friendly bacteria which fights Candida)
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Kamut
  • Fruits with low sugars such as pears and berries
  • Meat and fish (not excess)

Also read: Fish Oil Treats Acne

Low carbohydrate vegetables include.

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Avocados and tomatoes

You can also consume nuts and seeds but in small amounts.