How to Use Coconut Oil for Cuticles – 5 DIY Methods

cuticle oil for cuticles

Having healthy and well-moisturized cuticles makes a big difference for your manicure. On the other side, cracked and dry cuticles hurt you. Luckily, there are many natural oils to treat; coconut oil for cuticles is one among them.

A thin skin surrounding and protecting your nail plate from infectious bacteria is known as cuticle. Like your skin, cuticles are a barrier to your nails, which guard nail plate against infectious germs without this you can’t expect healthy nails.

Most of us cut or pick dry cuticles out of ignorance. Experts condemn this act, as cutting cuticles will leave a small gap through which fungi may invade to trigger infection.

Extolling benefits of coconut oil for dry skin enticed experts to try this cheap yet effective remedy on nails, and it’s confirmed that coconut oil for cuticles is an excellent home available moisturizer.

What Causes Dry Cuticles?

Most people experience minor issues with cuticles, which are easily treated.

External factors like low humidity, cold weather and wind strip moisture from cuticles leaving it dry and cracked. Apart from this few chemical incorporated lotions, soaps and creams can damage cuticles.

Ailments like nail fungus, eczema and psoriasis also leave your cuticles dry. Few habits like pushing, plucking or cutting cuticles may leave them injured.

Internal factors include lack of nutritious diet and dehydration may result in dry cuticles.

Is Coconut Oil Good for Cuticles?

  • Hydrating properties packed in coconut oil help to moisturize your dry cuticles and make it look healthy.
  • Coconut oil consists of anti-fungal agents that restrain infectious germs from nail plate and avoid fungal infection.
  • Essential fatty acids in coconut oil enhance collagen production and fasten the healing of dry cracked cuticles.
  • Regular application of this oil over dry cuticles can strengthen your nails and avoid hangnails.
  • Topical application of this natural oil helps to remove impurities from the skin.
  • Lauric acid housed in the oil acts as an anti-bacterial agent and protects your nails from bacterial infection.
  • Regular application of pure coconut oil will stimulate the growth of nails.
  • Due to lack of moisture, your nails and cuticles crack ruining your physical appearance. The moisturizing ability of coconut oil will help to cure ridges and cracks.
  • Assorted nutrients in this oil help to restrain mild to moderate atopic dermatitis over nails and skin.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Cuticles?

Who doesn’t want to have healthy and attractive nails?

Along with trimming nails and cleaning them, you need to pamper your cuticles. Dry and hanging cuticles give an unsightly look. Few external and internal factors dry them out. But! No worries. Every home has coconut oil, which is popular for hydrating skin; scalp and now it can be used to moisturize dry cuticles.

While assorted properties residing in coconut oil helps to moisturize dry cuticles, lauric acid restrain bacterial and fungal infection.

#1 Coconut Oil for Dry Cuticles

  • Wash your hands (including cuticles) with a conditioner after a bath.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth and apply virgin coconut oil around nails and on cuticles.
  • Regular use will do wonders.
  • You can blend essential oils listed below if you’ve a problem with coconut oil smell.

The night is the best time to apply this natural ingredient. Cleanse before going out.

#2 Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil

Solid coconut oil is enough to treat dry cuticles, but if you’d like to make it more effective then mix it with lavender oil.

Renowned for its aromatic smell and hydrating abilities, lavender essential oil can do wonders for your skin.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and add 1 drop of lavender essential oil to it.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed cuticles.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water. (Source)

You can save remaining in a tight container.

#3 Aloe Vera Gel and Coconut Oil

It’s sticky gel prominent for healing and moisturizing properties. Also, the antimicrobial activity of this gel thwarts infectious germs and protects your nails.

Dead cells piled around the nails can be cleansed by this home available remedy.

  • Take 1 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix required amount of aloe vera gel to it.
  • After mixing thoroughly apply it around nails and on cuticles.
  • Allow nutrients in this remedy to act effectively and heal cuticles.

#4 Best Nail Soak with Coconut Oil

Hydrating is one of the most important factors of treating dry cuticles. To make it more effective, you can mix honey and rosemary oil with coconut oil.

Honey is known for its humectant properties, which help to lock moisture in the skin. Anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties avoid fungal infection and reduce inflammation.

Rosemary oil thwarts free radicals that damage cell membrane and promotes new skin cells. Moisturizing and astringent abilities of the oil can make it more effective.

  • Mix ¼ cup of virgin coconut oil with ¼ cup of raw honey.
  • Also, add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil to the solution.
  • Wash your fingers and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Now, soak your fingers in this solution for about 15 minutes once in a week.

#5 Coconut Oil – the best cuticle oil

This is the ultimate cuticle oil, packed with all innate ingredients.

If you’re like simple things, then go with coconut oil + aloe vera gel. To make the cuticle cream more effective, try this below-mentioned recipe.

To start you need lavender essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, vitamin E oil, peppermint essential oil, coconut oil and a bottle to store this cuticle oil.

  • Add 15 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil in a bowl.
  • Mix 1mL of vitamin E oil to it and add required amount of coconut oil to the solution.
  • Shift the oil to empty nail polish bottle and shake well before applying it over the cuticles. (Source)

Tips on Using Coconut Oil for Cuticles

  • Instead of picking or cutting dry cuticles, experts advice to push them back using metal or wooden cuticle pusher.
  • Take experts help if you’re doing it for the first time. If you frequently visit the spa, avoid manicurist from cutting cuticles.
  • Apply coconut oil or any other moisturizer on cuticles before going to bed. This way you don’t have to dip your oil filled nails in a drink or dish.
  • Housewives are recommended to wear rubber gloves while doing household works, as prolonged contact with water may weaken your nails and cuticles.
  • Alternatively, you can apply other cuticle oils to moisturize cuticles.

A simple tip, don’t apply coconut oil on cuticles in a closed bathroom, because it’s difficult to turn the doorknob with oily hands 🙂

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Why I See Black Lines on Fingernails?

Your nails are like 20 mini mirrors to your over health. A slight discoloration or a vertical black line on fingernails reveals that you’re unhealthy. Though they’re not associated with any serious condition, in some cases it may trigger pain and ruin your physical appearance.

When you dig deep into causes of black or brown discoloration of nails, you’ll find various internal and external factors as culprit. Few among them include vitamin deficiency, low intake of nutrients, stress and other health diseases.

Related: Why are fingernails blue?

black lines on fingernails


Apart from this, most worrying cause would be nail melanoma known as subungual melanoma. Excess production of melanin at the same part of the nail results in these vertical lines. Dark skinned people are prone to get melanoma. Based on a review in 75% cases big toe or thumb gets affected with black lines.

If you see the vertical line is increasing at the bottom of the nail, you must at once reach dermatologist without delay, because the pigment is penetrating deep into the skin. Based on your age, hereditary and the length of melanoma, doctor carries the treatment.

Also read: 25 Interesting facts about nails – You never knew

An external trauma can also leave a black streak over nails. Likewise deficiency in B12, zinc, calcium and other vitamins in your diet leave your nails discolored. Anyhow, don’t judge by yourself, consult your doctor for diagnosis. In case of nail melanoma, a surgery will be performed this involves removing of complete nail complex.

Like your face, nails also need utmost care. If not you may end up with some really serious health issues. Women need to check out their nails regularly has most of them use chemical filled nail polish to decorate their sensitive nails. Repeated application and removal of nail polish will make your nails weak and brittle.

Black lines on fingernails are serious if the cause is melanoma. So don’t delay and reach your dermatologist right away.

25 Interesting Facts About Nails

interesting facts about nails

Though nails are believed to be windows of your health you seldom have hygienic look at them. This simple part of your body is actually a bit complicated and hides many interesting facts beneath it.

Are you expecting me to expel all those alluring facts in this single post? Sorry! Am not capable of doing so, anyhow on your request I put down few interesting facts about nails.

  1. Brittle nails relieve that your body is feeling stress. Irregular sleeping habits and stress has effect on your nail growth and its health. When you see weak and irregular nails, then take a nap and have medication.
  2. Primates (including humans) are separated by other mammals with nails. Nails are flattened form of claws.
  3. Fingernails serve as a visual advertising of your health. Deficiency in vitamin and minerals can be diagnosed after having a glance at your fingernails. Calcium and zinc deficiency results in white spots on fingernails. However, all white spots are not caused by vitamin deficiency.
  4. Men’s nails grow faster than women’s, except in pregnant women.
  5. Fingernails grow faster than toenails and if you’re right handed person, then right hand nails grow faster than left hand nails. (Why you see dents in toenails and fingernails?)
  6. People in ancient times experienced slower nail growth when compared to present day. Nutrients and vitamins intake may have spurred nail growth.
  7. Did you notice that in summer nails grow faster than winter.
  8. Of all fingers middle fingernail grows faster and slower ones are those on the pinkies.
  9. Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters per month, whereas toenails grow 1.6mm per month.
  10. About 10% dermatological problems include nail problems. Nail fungal infection cause half of the nail disorders.
  11. White spots on nails are caused by injuries.
  12. Nails and hairs are made of keratin. Food and vitamins good for your hair is good for your nails. So rich consumption of vitamins and minerals will improve nail and hair condition.
  13. Biting nails is a common practice and is known as onychophagia.
  14. Oxygen penetrates through nail plate to nail bed. Polishing them frequently will make them unhealthy.
  15. We can’t stand nails on a chalkboard because the noise gets amplified by the shape of ear canal, making it uncomfortable to hear. Facts about nail polish will leave your astonished, the chemicals in polish will not only block oxygen but can make your nails weak when you repeatedly use acetone to remove it. (Tips to remove shellac nail polish)
  16. Nail fungus is common nail disorder effecting 20% of the general population. Yellow, blue, brittle and uneven nails are not to be ignored anymore it can lead to serious problem.
  17. Longer the nails are more bacteria invade to cause infection.
  18. Guinness World Record for longest nails documented in 2008 by a Lee Redmond with a total length of 28 feet.
  19. Cuticles locks moisture and blocks virus from invading nail bed. Experts avoid cutting or pushing cuticles.
  20. Hardness of your nails is genetic. Your toenails are twice as thick as fingernails.
  21. Your nails need normal blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients to grow normally. This is why when you get injured your nails fall out. (Natural nail polish remover method)
  22. Nail plates are made of dead cells, while nail bed and cuticles are made of live cells.
  23. Cutting fingernails after sunset is not bad luck; it’s just a superstitious belief.
  24. Placing nails in Coco-cola drink for 4 days will dissolve it, as drinks are corrosiveness.
  25. Nails take ~100 days to grow 1 centimeter.

I invite you to add more interesting facts about nails in comments.

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How to Remove Shellac Nail Polish at Home?

Because of its long lasting results most women love shellac nail polish, but after two weeks when the nail starts growing and affection towards the chemical filled nail polish slowly fades, they start searching nail salons or inquire with friends on how to remove shellac nail polish at home.

Few nail salons may have injected wrong statement in your mind that it’s not safe to remove shellac nail polish at home, but beauty experts try and recommend this simple strategy to wipe nail polish.

We’re going to discuss two simple ways to remove shellac nail polish one with acetone and other without acetone.

Recommended: Natural nail polisher remover

Method: 1 (With Acetone)

how to remove shellac nail polish at homeThings you’ll need

  • Acetone
  • Cuticle oil
  • Manicure stick
  • Warm water, soap and bowl.

Repeated application of acetone will leave your skin dry, so apply cuticle oil around the nail plate extensively to form a protective layer on cuticles.

  1. Take pure acetone in a large bowl so that you can easily dip your fingernails. Highly concentrated acetone will dehydrated your skin, so experts recommend limiting its use. Anyhow, low concentrated acetone may not be effective at wiping nail polish.
  2. Soak your fingernails in acetone solution for about 10 minutes in such a way that little skin is dipped in acetone.
  3. After the mentioned time, use manicure stick and start wiping the shellac nail polish. Start from the nail bottom and completely remove the nail polish. Alternatively, you can start wiping when your nails are still in acetone.
  4. After scraping nail polish wash your hands with warm water and soap. This will remove white residue left behind by these chemicals.
  5. Don’t worry if you see dry skin around nails, repeated application of natural moisturizer will help you hydrate them. You can also apply cuticle oil around the nail plate.

Acetone is effective in removing nail polish but because of its drying effect few skin loving people prefer alternate method which am discussing below.

Also read: What causes dents in fingernails?

Method – 2 (Without Acetone)

Things you’ll need

  • Cuticle oil
  • Cotton pads
  • Acetone free nail polish remover
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cuticle pusher

It’s not going to be easy to remove extremely strong shellac nail polish without acetone, you may want to try the below method more than twice or apply little acetone to fasten the process.

  1. Initially to protect your sensitive skin around the nail plate, apply cuticle oil extensively.
  2. Dip cotton pads or saturate them with acetone free nail polish remover. Best way would be cutting cotton pads to fit the person’s nail so that you can save your skin from drying.
  3. After placing saturated cotton pads, wrap them using aluminum foils. Leave it for about 10 minutes then you can scrap shellac nail polish using cuticle pusher.
  4. For tough shellac nail polish use metallic pusher. You must repeat the process until shellac nail polish gets off.

However, we recommend staying away from this chemical filled nail polish to keep your nails healthy and natural. How do you remove shellac nail polish at home? Please share your steps in comments.

Must read: Why your fingernails turn blue?

Why Are My Fingernails Blue?

Climate has significant impact on your skin. Excess cold may disrupt normal blood circulation in your body resulting in pale or blue fingernails. Pink nails are a sign of healthy and well circulated nails. As mentioned above low blood circulation may turn your pinkish nails to pale blue, another reason according to experts is low levels of hemoglobin in blood.

To know the exact cause of blue fingernails, rub your fingers repeatedly to improve blood circulation. If you don’t see any positive sign then it can be cyanosis, a chronic disease.

Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Like minor injuries on nail bed or cuticles you can’t ignore blue fingernails. It may increase exponentially and cause serious trouble. First thing it spoils your appearance, whenever you meet a person first thing you do is shake hand and blue fingernails may raise insecurity in your colleague. People intentionally isolate which will shatter your confidence level. This social isolation is a serious problem than the disease itself.

Asthma, Adult respiratory distress syndrome, cardiac tamponade and Raynaud’s disease are other diseases associated with cyanosis.

How to Use a Cuticle Pusher?

how to use cuticle pusher

Infectious bacteria invade dry cuticles and trigger fungal infection underneath nail plate. Fingernail manicure hydrates your dry cuticles and restrains harmful bacteria.

Cuticles are part of your skin that protects nail matrix like a barrier. Just like your skin, cuticles deserve your utmost attention. Besides manicure and pedicure, you must push cuticles when necessary. Though wooden cuticle pushers are soft and inexpensive, metal cuticle pushers last for longer time.

Utmost care must be taken if not you may end up damaging cuticles. Below is the step by step guide on using cuticle pusher.

Different Ways to Use a Cuticle Pusher

  1. Initially decide to get a wooden or steel cuticle pusher. For sensitive cuticles experts recommend wooden cuticle pusher.
  2. Before pushing cuticles, prepare your nails by moisturizing them. If you try pushing without hydrating them, the cuticle pusher will tear your skin. Use cuticle remover or any essential oil to hydrate the cuticles.
  3. After moisturizing, soak your fingernails in lukewarm water for few minutes to soften them.
  4. Pat dry using soft cloth.
  5. When the skin is still damp, use wooden or steel cuticle pusher to push cuticles. Use round shaped part of the cuticle pusher and gently push the cuticles towards the nail base.
  6. To push the cuticles at the corner of fingernails use sharp end of the cuticle pusher.


  • Apply jojoba oil or coconut oil to hydrate dry cuticles.
  • Start the process only when the cuticles are completely moisturized.
  • Place your hand on firm surface while pushing cuticles.
  • Take an expert advice or ask them to help you out for few days.

Would you prefer pricey spas over this home available cuticle pusher? Please share your views in comments.

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What Causes Dents in Fingernails and Toenails?

dent on fingernails

Nails are made of kertain, the protein which is also composed in skin and hair. Unlike toenails, fingernails grow faster and are surrounded by nail plate, nail bed, cuticle and nail fold. Experts claim that nails can give you health warnings of serious diseases.

Apart from this, fingernails can be affected by fungus leading to yellow, ridged and weak nails. Wonder what causes dents in fingernails? Though dents are common, causes of fingernail dents are various. Fingernails, which play a vital role in your beautiful appearance, will be ruined with dents and grooves.

Also read: How to get rid of thick skin under toenails

Causes of Dents in Fingernails

As mentioned earlier, fingernails & toenails abnormality is a sign of your health problem. Often they’re caused by fungal infection, external trauma or poor diet. Let’s now dwell into possible reasons of nail dents.

Vitamin Deficiency

Experts claim that deficiency in vitamin B-12 is the main reason that may possibly cause dents on nails. Poor nutritional diet is the main reason for this deficiency says health experts.

Not just dents, deficiency in vitamin B-12 will result in brittle and discolored nails. Study carried out in 2012 quotes that the fingernails may change to blue, blackish-pigment with dark streaks. Another study carried out in 2007 states that taking B-12 supplement may not improve your nail condition if you already have enough vitamin B-12.

However, experts suggest consuming vitamin rich diet like milk, egg, beef, salmon and chicken breast. Apart from this, restrain biting nails and practice hygiene.

Nail Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition with dry itchy patches on elbows, knees and on scalp. This skin disorder can be spread to nails known as nail psoriasis resulting in irregular and pitting nails. Causes of psoriasis are still unknown, but scientific data states that hereditary may be reason behind these patches.

Unfortunately there is no permanent solution for psoriasis. However, you can decrease its effect by following doctor prescribed creams.

Trauma or Injury

A sudden accidental injury may leave a dent on your fingernails or toenails. Extreme biting of nails may also cause dent on fingernails.

Reiter Syndrome

It’s a chronic inflammatory form of arthritis with inflammation of eyes, genitals, urinary and gastrointestinal system. These symptoms may also cause dent on fingernails. Reach your doctor for diagnosis and treatment, which may involve drugs and steroid creams.

Alopecia Areata

In alopecia areata your immune system attacks your hair follicles resulting in hair fall in small patches at different parts. Allergies, autoimmune disease, hereditary and extensive hair loss may result in permanent hair loss in alopecia areata. Using prescribed topical steroids, UV rays and other immunotherapy can treat this condition.

These were few causes of dent in fingernails and toenails. Apart from this, you’re advised to practice good hygiene, take nutritional diet, avoid injuries and groom your nails regularly.

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3 DIY Natural Nail Polish Remover Methods

natural nail polish remover

Cosmetic products are filled with chemicals that may damage your sensitive skin and nails. On the other hand, natural ingredients are effective and side-effects are ignorable in most cases. Though you can get nail polish removers from local drug store, I recommend trying natural nail polish remover as they’re cheap and available at home, you don’t have to rush to get one.

If you’ve sensitive skin or nails limit the use of lemon juice and other strong remedies. They may dry your soft skin around the nails.

Home Available Natural Nail Polish Remover Methods

1. Use Tooth Paste to Remove Nail Polish

Sounds weird, but your tooth paste has ability to wipe away chemical filled nail polish. Assorted properties packed in tooth paste make it an effective method.

  • Apply Vaseline on polished nails.
  • Mix some water with tooth paste and squeeze few drops of lemon juice.
  • After mixing thoroughly, using nail cleaning brush wipe the nail polish vigorously.
  • If you’ve brittle/weak nails, then you should do it smoothly.
  • Rinsing it with water and apply natural moisturizer.

Also read: Get Rid Thick Skin Under the Toenails

2. Vinegar and Lemon Method

Acetic acid and other renowned properties blended in vinegar helps to remove nail polish and fight fungal infection. Get vinegar from local drug store and mix it with few drops of lemon juice. Using cotton ball apply it over polished nails. When your nails completely dipped with vinegar and lemon solution, use another cotton ball to wipe the polish.

Dip your fingernails in lukewarm water to fasten the process.

3. Deodorant to Remove Nails Polish

Luckily deodorants or hair sprays can not only be used to keep body odor at bay, but you can remove any type of stains. Almost all deodorants are packed with such solvents that can remove stains and polish from anywhere.

Spray your body spray over polished nail from close distance. Immediately, using cotton ball wipe the nail polish. You can repeat the process if needed.

Alternatively you can use perfume to remove polish, just like deodorant method.

Another simple remedy is to use nail polish itself. Apply nail polish over polished nails and immediately wipe using cotton ball. Try these natural nail polished removers, you’ll find it interesting.

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