Papaya Face Scrub with Pineapple and Oats

pineapple papaya and oats face scrub

It’s everyone’s burning desire to have radiant and glowing skin. As skin plays vital role in looking gorgeous, it’s no sin in having such desire. Anyhow, we’re against chemical ingredient face creams, not because they’re pricey, but they do more harm than good. Most people who love natural face creams will think twice before handing their skin to chemical creams. Pineapple and papaya face scrub is one such innate remedy to clear dead skin cells and nourish your delicate skin.

OK fine, but what the heck is face scrub?

In simple words, it’s a product made to exfoliate your skin, especially on face, as the skin over face is delicate and need to be pampered unlike other parts. And process of removing top layer of the skin (dead cells) is known as exfoliation.

Now let’s dwell deep, to know how to make papaya and pineapple face scrub.

Also read: Papaya face mask for oily skin

Making Papaya and Pineapple Face Scrub at Home

pineapple face scrub

These delicious fruits are known to have abundant nutritional benefits for health as well as skin. According to article, juice from both fruits has exfoliating properties.

Pineapple is filled with vitamin C that makes your skin clear and antioxidants in it thwart free radicals. Vitamin A and Papain enzyme in papaya helps to shed dead cells and breaks inactive proteins. It also reduces skin discoloration. (source)

Things you’ll need

  • Ripe papaya – 1/4 (Peel it and slice into small pieces)
  • Pineapple – 1/4 (After peeling, remove the hard stems and slice the fruit into pieces)
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp
  • Manuka honey – 1 tbsp
  • Almond oil – 1 tbsp


  • Blend sliced papaya and pineapple pieces separately.
  • In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix well.
  • Using your fingers apply it over prewashed face. Leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Get warm wash cloth and press over skin to remove the scrub.

Tip: Apply homemade moisturizer after treating with papaya face scrub.

Papaya and Oats Face Scrub

papaya face scrub

If you’ve no pineapple, don’t worry you can try oats. As you might know, oats are slightly rough and acts as excellent exfoliants. It’s also hydrates your skin from the outside just like papaya. If you’ve vigorous itching then this is the most recommended face and body scrub for you.

Note: If you’ve very sensitive skin, then replace oats with sugar.

Things you’ll need

  • Ripe papaya – 1/4
  • Oats – 4 tbsp
  • Almond oil – 1 tbsp


  • Initially peel papaya and slice it into small pieces. Then blend papaya cubes and oats.
  • Instead of blending both oats and papaya at a time, you can mash it separately.
  • Now add 1 tbsp of almond oil to the mixture.
  • Mix it well and apply it over prewashed face.
  • After 10 minutes wipe it out with warm wash cloth or like warm water.

Don’t forget to use natural moisturizer after face or body scrub treatment.

Important tips

  • Avoid refrigerating the papaya face scrub, use it fresh.
  • Use spoon to take the scrub.
  • Drink lemon juice before starting face scrub, as it helps to detoxify the skin. (source: Internet)
  • Avoid using soap or face wash creams immediately after face scrub treatment.
  • Topically apply moisturizer when you’re done with rinsing off the face scrub.
  • Add it to your beauty regimen.

Did you ever use pineapple, oats or papaya face scrub? Share your views here in comments.

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Homemade Cornmeal Face Scrub

cornmeal face scrub

Face is the most exposed and delicate part of your body. Alarming levels of pollution ruins your face texture. Regular cleansing is important to restrain wrinkles, dryness and itching. Rather than trying pricey facial scrubs, give your face a natural experience with cornmeal face scrub.

Am I reminding you of fish fries? No, not just fish fries, with cornmeal you can exfoliate your face at home. You might ask me, why I should use face scrub, when I’ve soap to wash my face. Your skin sheds cells and as it’s exposed to lot of dirt and UV rays chemical filled soaps can’t rejuvenate your face.

Cornmeal is made by grinding corn. This face scrub includes water and honey, both acts as moisturizers. Nutritional profile of cornmeal includes vitamin B6, A, C, selenium, calcium and iron. (source:

Cornmeal Face Scrub Recipe

Things you’ll need

  • Cornmeal – 1tbsp
  • Raw Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Required amount of water

Procedure to make cornmeal face scrub

  1. Blend the above mentioned mixture in a bowl, till you obtain smooth paste.
  2. Prior to application of paste; wash your face with cleanser.
  3. When the skin is still damp apply cornmeal and honey paste over your face in circular motion by applying slight pressure.
  4. Leave it for about few minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Benefits of Cornmeal Face Scrub

  • Exfoliates your face.
  • Sheds dead skin cells.
  • Enhances collagen production which tightens your skin.
  • Controls excess oil.
  • Hydrates your face from the outside.
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles. (Use Banana peel for wrinkles)
  • Thwarts infection causing bacteria if found, as it as antibacterial and antimicrobial agents in it.

You can try this homemade cornmeal face scrub once in a week.

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9 Unproved Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection

It’s the second most common type of vaginal infection, and about 70% of women get infected by candida yeast at-least once in their lifetime. Imbalance in microscopic organism (bacteria and fungi) in vagina is the main reason behind yeast infection. Antibiotics, stress, hot weather and pregnancy trigger this imbalance of bacteria.

Good bacteria restrain yeast growth in vagina. Above mentioned factors decreases the number of bacteria leading to growth of yeast. Though, it’s not associated with any serious health concern, it always accompanied by vigorous itching. Topical application of anti-fungal cream is enough to treat yeast.

If you’re looking for effective and inexpensive home remedies for yeast infection, then yes, there are many such natural remedies that have been used since ancient times.

Home Remedies for Treating Yeast Infection

Though many ancient and religious books documented the effectiveness of this natural remedy for treating yeast like fungus infection, no scientific data is available to prove it. This is why we mentioned unproved in the title. Anyhow, as it’s extracted from nature they barely have any side-effects.

#9 Calendula Treating Candida Yeast

calendula for yeast infection

It’s an herb used to soothe minor wounds and for culinary purpose. Americans use it for treating various skin conditions. Collect calendula leaves and add it to your morning tea. Else you can also drop few calendula leaves in the body lotion. Antiseptic agent in calendula fights infection causing germs.

Alternatively you can take calendula capsule. A detailed version of the article is here.

#8 Cranberry Juice and Yeast Infection

cranberry for yeast infection

It’s packed with highly nutritional properties like antioxidants, zinc, potassium, vitamin C and calcium. Cranberry juice available in the market contains added sugar, and candida yeast feed on sugar. So stay away from sugar contained foods. Instead try natural cranberry juice.

A detailed post on recipe and nutritional profile is here.

#7 Boric Acid for Yeast Infection

Hydrogen borate or boric acid is added as an ingredient in cosmetic products because of its anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. A study carried out in 2010 states, those antioxidant properties in boric acid thwarts yeast. Anti-fungal and antimicrobial agents housed in this acid fights with candida yeast and ensures a healthy environment for the good bacteria to grow.

Get boric acid suppository from local drug store and insert in vagina at night, remove it in the morning. Repeat the process regularly. If found any irritation, reach Doctor and avoid consuming it.

A more detailed version is here.

#6 Coconut Oil Treating Yeast Infection

coconut oil for yeast infection

Acids in coconut oil like lauric, capric and caprylic acid contains antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-fungal agents, which kills yeast and increases the number of good bacteria. According to reputed magazine, this acid in coconut oil breaks cell membrane of candida yeast. Also it’s an instant relief from itching.

Blend unrefined coconut oil with essential oil and topically apply over yeast affected area or swish if you’ve thrush.

For a detailed article on coconut oil for yeast infection, click here.

#5 Oil of Oregano

Oregano oil is extracted from wild oregano leaves. Effective properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial are housed in this oil. Either consumes it by dropping few drops in water or make douche. (Mix 1 tbsp of oregano oil, goldenseal root and echinacea in 2 cups of water to make douche.)

You can make oregano oil at home. Recipe included here.

#4 Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection

In 2006 a study carried out to test effectiveness of tea tree oil on yeast infection, and they found positive results. Properties in tea tree oil shows anticandidal, which restrains yeast.

Blend tea tree oil with other essential oil. Dip tampon in this mixture and insert in vagina. Alternatively you can drop few tea tree oil and vegetable oil in bath tub. More detailed version of tea tree oil is included here.

#3 Garlic and Vaginal Yeast Infection

garlic clove for yeast infection

A study carried out in 1991, states that topical application of garlic clove on affected area is one of the effective home remedy to treat yeast infection. This is packed with antiseptic, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties, which fights candida yeast and reduces infection.

Slice garlic clove and insert it vagina, needle a thread to clove for easy retrieval. More on garlic and candida yeast here.

#2 Yogurt for Yeast Infection

Healthy vagina contains both fungus (small number) and bacteria (large number). Antibiotics and poor diet reduces the number of bacteria which paves the way for yeast (fungus) to grow exponentially triggering itching and redness. Yogurt with live cultures increases the good bacteria, which restrains yeast growth. Probiotics in yogurt prevents recurring candida yeast infection.

You can either consume it or topically apply using tampon. Apply yogurt on tampon and freeze it, then insert it into vagina at night. Repeat the process for good results.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar and Yeast

apple cider vinegar for candida yeast infection

And here comes no.1 home remedy for vaginal yeast infection. Not just for culinary purpose, ACV can treat assorted skin disease, which includes eczema, acne and yeast. Mayoclinic states that antibiotics like apple cider vinegar treats candida yeast. You can either consume it or topically apply.

Acetic acid in ACV lowers pH of vaginal skin, thus making it intolerable for candida yeast. Apart from killing candida yeast, apple cider vinegar enhances a healthy environment for the good bacteria. Know more about apple cider vinegar and how it helps to treat vaginal yeast infection here.


Apart from trying these natural remedies for vaginal yeast infection, you must change your diet. Avoid taking sugar and clean your genitals regularly. Stay away from your partner if you or she/he has vaginal yeast infection.

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Brown University

Can Garlic Treat Yeast Infection? – a Home Remedy With No Proof

garlic for yeast infection

Excess buildup of microscopic fungi in vagina quirk warning signs of yeast infection, like itching, redness and swelling. Women’s vagina is the root place where yeast (fungus) takes room to trigger infection. Main causes being stressed, antibiotics that kill the good bacteria and poor diet. Its common and 75 percent of women experience this infection occasionally.

And most of them heads-up for home remedies, as they involve home available ingredients. Garlic for yeast infection is one such home remedy which has been used extensively for treating fungal infection. Louis Pasteur, the famous microbiologist concluded in an original work that garlic can kill bacteria. Even British government used garlic to restrain wound infection at war time in 1916. Russians called it as penicillin in World war -2, when they ran out of antibiotics. Using garlic to treat wounds and infection dates from ancient times. (1)

Also read: Tea tree oil for treating yeast infection

Now the question raises, can this folk remedy treat chronic yeast infection?

May be it can, as few studies prove. Anyhow, we lack scientific proves backing this statement. Let’s take a deep look into properties of garlic clove that stated to kill yeast.

How Garlic for Yeast Infection Works?

  • Dr. Watson (researcher at University of Melbourne), states that in a lab garlic had shown anti-fungal property. If you want to try this to cure infection you can try, but for now there is no evidence backing up this.
  • It’s packed with antiseptic properties.
  • A double-blind study published in 1999, states that topical application of garlic can treat fungal skin infection because of antimicrobial properties. (2)
  • Ajoene in garlic constitutes of anti fungal properties.
  • Allicin, a chemical compound in garlic clove is responsible for its effective properties and strong smell.
  • Taking garlic increases antioxidant levels in your body. Dietary experts suggest taking antioxidant foods to get rid of yeast infection. (3)

Related: Oil of Oregano & Yeast Infection

 How to Use Garlic Clove for Yeast Infection?

how to insert garlic clove to vagina

Now that you’ve been through its exceptional nutritional properties, you might want to reap them? You can either add it to your diet, which can improve food taste or topically apply over infected part. Most yeast infected women prefer inserting peeled garlic clove into vagina. Yes, it may burn. But those who tried it say it worked.

Crystal Collins, a blogger states that inserting garlic vagina treated yeast infection. (4)

  • Initially break garlic bulb to obtain its clove.
  • After removing its cover, cut it into small slits or slice it into half.
  • Using sewing needle make a hole into garlic clove and tie it with thread so that you can easily retrieve. Alternatively you can make tampon like substance to insert into your vagina.
  • After inserting it at night, remove in the morning. Don’t expect for instant results. Try it for few days regularly.
  • And no need to say, stay away from mister when it’s in.
  • Wounds or infection may cause burning sensation.

And ladies you’re done.

Along with topically application, don’t forget to eat garlic clove by adding it to your diet. Besides being delicious it’s packed with numerous health benefits like lowers your blood pressure and risk of heart disease, also improves bone health. Alternatively you can try cranberry juice to treat yeast infection.


Inserting garlic clove into vaginal can treat yeast infection. Anyhow, we lack essential scientific data to back this statement. Garlic for yeast infection has been recommended by many beauty experts and bloggers. Dr. Watson, a researcher states that using garlic probably can’t hurt.

Did you ever try garlic clove to treat any skin disease? Share your story here in comments.

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Does Cranberry Juice Help Yeast Infection

cranberry juice for yeast infection

Assorted nutritional properties like antioxidants, vitamin C, salicylic acid, zinc, potassium and calcium are housed in cranberry juice. Some evidence show consumption of cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infection, anyhow it’s not definite. Components in cranberry juice had shown to prevent E. coli and H. pylori bacterial growth.

Though cranberry juice for yeast infection lacks decisive evidence, like other folk remedies beauty experts suggest to give it a try, as it may work for you. Yeast are no foreign fungus, they live in vagina in small number, when the good bacteria which inhibits yeast growth decreases, candida yeast grow exponentially triggering itching and redness. Along with home remedies you must checkout your diet and avoid taking sugar as candida yeast feed on sugar.

Also read: Yogurt for treating yeast infection

How Cranberry Juice for Yeast Infection Works?

Let’s dwell deep into nutritional profile of cranberries that aids in treating yeast infection.

  • A laboratory study (funded by NCCAM) concludes that cranberry juice may have antioxidant agents. And this property helps to restrain candida yeast growth. According to a journal published in 2007 antioxidants can make anti-candida drug more effective. (1)
  • Drinking cranberry juice levels pH level of urine, this flush out yeast from the body.
  • A research carried out on women with yeast infection, half of them given cranberry juice and other are left without giving any medicine for 6 months. After 6 months women only 8 among them left with infection other were almost treated. (2)
  • Various properties in cranberries fight candida yeast and enhances healthy environment for lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.
  • Substance in cranberry juice prevents infection causing yeast from sticking to mucus membrane.

[Related post: Oil of oregano for yeast infection]

Treating Yeast Infection with Cranberry Juice

homemade cranberry juice

Drinking cranberry juice regularly can help you to reduce yeast infection. But normally cranberry juice contains sugar and consuming it can worsen the situation. So experts recommend unsweetened cranberry juice. If you don’t like the strong taste of cranberries then alternatively you can take cranberry pills from local drug store.

Drink cranberry juice 2 to 3 times a day. Remember to drink 100% pure cranberry juice with no added sugar.

Along with this innate remedy you need to change your diet and keep your genitals clean and dry. Alternatively you can try apple cider vinegar for yeast infection, click here.

You can make cranberry juice at home, recipe here.

Did you ever use cranberry juice for yeast infection? Share your story with us in comments.

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Use Sandalwood Oil or Powder for Treating Acne

sandalwood powder and oil for acne

Sandalwood powder and oil are renowned for its distinctive aroma. Its powder has been an integral part of ceremonies and rituals in many religions. Up till 1930 sandalwood essential oil was popular for its antiseptic and urogenital uses. Santalol which is the main component in sandalwood powder that weighs about 75% has antimicrobial properties.

Sandalwood powder or oil for acne works because it’s packed with antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. To reap these nutritional benefits many cosmetic and soap manufacturing industries include this oil and powder as mere ingredient.

Acne is the common skin condition in teenagers and adults; Mayoclinic blames hormones as the main cause of acne blemishes. In simple words, hormones trigger excess production of sebum which gets accumulated over skin pores, dead cells accompany this oil forming bump. The bacteria invade to worsen the situation.

How Sandalwood Oil for Acne Works?

Numerous traditional medicines like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine are associated with sandalwood. Properties like antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial housed in sandalwood battles with clogged pores and reduce its affect. (1)

sandalwood for radiant skin

Food and Chemical Toxicology journal published in 2007 states that, sandalwood powder also contains antiviral and bactericidal properties.

These assorted properties unclog pores and enhances healing process. It also rehydrates skin and helps in tissue regeneration. Herbalist use this natural oil to treat sunburns, rashes, pimples and other skin diseases. You can include sandalwood to your beauty regimen; this makes your skin supple and radiant.

Also read: Jojoba oil for oily skin

Sandalwood Face Pack for Acne

sandalpowder face pack for acne

Apart from directly using sandalwood powder or oil topically you can make your own face pack to treat acne and give your face a lightening effect.

Sandalwood, turmeric and honey face pack

Sandalwood powder and turmeric powder both has antimicrobial agents which aids in removing tan, pimples and scars. Coming to honey, its uses are documented in various religious books. Properties like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral are housed in raw honey. This nutrition list is mouth watering, isn’t it?

Want to reap all these properties for your skin? Mix all the tree ingredients in required quantities. (Preferably 1/2 tbsp of sandalwood and turmeric powder, 2-3 tbsp of honey). After mixing it well, topically apply over prewashed acne prone skin. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water.

Note: We recommend opting manuka honey as an effective treatment for acne

Alternatively you can use sandalwood powder and rose water. Mix them in required quantities and apply over face to treat acne and acne scars.

Must read: How to apply a face pack

How to Use Sandalwood Oil for Acne

Concentrated sandalwood oil may trigger allergic reaction. So experts suggest to test with small quantity first, by diluting it with water or carrier oil. Remember to wash and pat dry your face before applying. Don’t apply pressure over acne blemishes or it may bust.

Natural remedies always take time to treat unlike chemical filled medicines. So have patience and don’t give up. Along with sandalwood oil or powder change your diet for reducing acne.

Other treatments include

Sandalwood for Acne Scars

sandalwood for acne scars

Not just acne it also fades acne scars, but you must use it regularly. Above mentioned face pack will work to fade acne scars. Though these scars are not associated with any serious skin problem most people want to remove it out of cosmetic concern.

We lack evidence to prove sandalwood fades scars; anyhow many beauty experts have been recommending this folk remedy to their clients.

Things you’ll need

  • Black gram powder
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Rose water


  • Mix sandalwood powder with black gram powder in a plastic container.
  • Then pour rose water to the mixture till you obtain paste like consistency.
  • Now topically apply the paste over prewashed face or skin. Leave it for 15 minutes so that properties in these innate items start effecting over skin.
  • Rinse it off wither water.

Alternatively you can try turmeric, oats or carrier oil. Regular application is important to fade acne scars.


Antibacterial and antimicrobial properties in sandalwood powder can treat acne and fade acne scars. Include this aromatic powder to your beauty regimen to obtain radiant skin. However, consult doctor if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients listed above.

Did you ever use sandalwood powder or oil for acne? Put down your views in comments.

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Oil of Oregano for Yeast Infection

oil of oregano for yeast infection

Yeast infection is associated with vigorous itching and swelling. Yeast is nothing but a fungus living in vagina in small number. The good bacteria restrain yeast growth, thus maintaining a healthy environment. But when this good bacteria start decreasing because of antibiotics or poor diet, yeast start growing triggering infection.

In a study carried out in 2009 it’s stated that, oil of oregano for yeast infection is the best remedy compared to tea tree oil. The study further states that anti-fungal compound in oregano inhibits Candida yeast. (1)

Oregano oil is derived from wild or common oregano. Dried oregano is extensively use for culinary purpose. It’s strong enough to numb your tongue. So, experts recommend diluting it by blending carrier or essential oil with oregano oil before application. Wikipedia mentions, Hippocrates used oregano as antiseptic and to cure stomach and respiratory problems.

How Oil of Oregano for Yeast Infection Works?

Though there are few researches which proved its ability to treat Candidiasis, still scientifically proofs are lacking to back these studies.

  • Oregano is an herb packed with high amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants inhibits free radicals in cell and enhances its ability to fight infection.(2)
  • Two antimicrobial components namely carvacrol and thymol in this oil are able to fight infection causing bacteria. (3)
  • Anti-inflammatory properties in oil of oregano reduce yeast inflammation. (4)
  • As oregano oil is natural, chances of experiencing side-effects are very low.

Also read: Apple cider vinegar for treating candida yeast

How to Use Oregano Oil for Yeast Infection?

Natural oregano oil is very strong to use it straight away. Blend it with carrier oil or essential oil before trying. You can get it from local drug store.

  • You can consume it by dropping 2-3 drops in a glass of water daily.
  • Mix it in your bath tub before taking bath.
  • To make vagina douche, University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that, mix 1 tbsp of oregano, goldenseal root and echinacea in 2 cups of water.

As oregano oil is not approved by FDA to treat yeast infection. So we recommend consulting doctor before trying.

Related post: Yogurt for treating candida yeast

How to Make Oregano Oil at Home?

Oil of oregano for treating yeast infection is available in oil as well as capsules form in stores. Anyhow, you can make your own oregano oil using essential oil and Origanum vulgare. The recipe which involves oregano leaves will be discussed here.

[yumprint-recipe id=’9′] Image source: 1, 2

Alternatively you can use coconut oil or boric acid for yeast infection.

Use Banana Peel for Wrinkles, Psoriasis and Other Skin Diseases

Did you have delicious banana fruit? Wait! Don’t throw its peel. Instead use it as an effective home remedy to treat various chronic skin diseases.

Weird? No, not really. Like banana, its peel is packed with assorted nutrients which are capable of moisturizing your dry skin, treating psoriasis, warts and fading wrinkles.

Don’t believe?

According to WebMD, if you’ve hemorrhoids then it’s recommended to consult old folk remedies like banana peel. Ara DerMarderosian PhD supports this by stating that, banana can soothe your skin because it contains slippery components called polysaccharides and he continues saying, banana has mild anti-microbial properties which can cure skin infections. (Source:

Interesting isn’t it? All these days we threw this peel thinking it’s useless. But now it’s more precious than our pricey cosmetics. Let’s jump on to see what properties in banana peel enhance supple skin.

Banana peel is packed with antioxidant, antimicrobial and potassium. Also its rich in carbohydrates, all these exceptional properties hydrate your skin and keep itching at bay.

banana peel for wrinkles

Benefits of Banana Peel for Skin

#1 Banana Peel for Wrinkles

Take fresh banana, after washing peel its flesh. Now cut peels into small pieces. Using your fingers smoothly rub over targeted areas. Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse it off with water. Else you can use dampened cloth to remove excess pulp and leave it for about few hours.

Alternatively you can blend egg yolk with banana peel. Now apply this mixture on face and rinse it off after 5 minutes.

Nutritional properties in banana peel helps to fade wrinkles.

#2 Banana Peel for Psoriasis

 Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease which triggers vigorous itching and dry patches over different parts of the body. Unfortunately its cause is still unknown and you can’t completely treat psoriasis. Anyhow, with medicines and alternative remedies like banana peel you can reduce its affect. (Read more about psoriasis here)

Just massage with banana peel over affected parts. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse it off. Renowned moisturizing properties of banana peel reducing itching and enhance healing process. With repeated application you can see the change. Banana peel for psoriasis has been recommended by various beauty experts.

#3 Banana Peel for Warts

Warts are not cancerous skin growth that appears after a virus infection. Normal type of wart is not harmful but may be contagious. Banana peels helps to remove these over grown parts of the skin and prevent new occurrence, because of its antimicrobial properties.

All you need is to rub the white part of the peel over affected part smoothly or band aid the peel over wart. Also rub skin surrounding the warts. To prevent warts, when you experience cuts or injuries place banana peel over it or apply antibacterial cream. (source)

#4 For Pimples

Pimples are most common skin disease. Cleanse your face and start rubbing smoothly with banana peel. Leave it for about 15 minutes and rinse it off. (Read this: Banana Peel for Acne)

#5 Protects from Harmful UV Rays

Rub banana peel over most exposed skin to protect it from UV rays. You can also use it on eye. Though cucumber mask is best to remove wrinkles and relax them, placing banana peel over eye lids can act as a conditioner for eyes.


Even for me it seems so simple, but believe me there is no exaggeration in it. Banana peel for wrinkles, psoriasis and other skin diseases works great. As its natural remedy you don’t have to bother about its side-effects, give it a try and if you experience irritation avoid using it.

  • Eat peeled banana, don’t preserve it.
  • Take only fresh banana peels.
  • Don’t refrigerate banana peels for future use.
  • Throw banana peels in dust bins.

And last thing do us a favor share this post so that we can reach all those people who’re wasting time over pricey cosmetics.

Image source

Benefits of Banana for Skin