5 Benefits of Kaolin Clay for Skin, Acne and Skin Whitening

kaolin clay for skin

Assorted nutrients in kaolin clay for skin enticed cosmetic world, so they started incorporating this natural ingredient into their pricey products.

Luckily, benefits of kaolin clay are not just confined to skin, but it has been used to treat diarrhea and other health issues from centuries.

Check out the ingredients over your tooth paste, soap, paper, light bulbs, food additives and skin care creams. Surprisingly you’ll find kaolin clay in most of them.

What is Kaolin Clay?

Kaolin clay is natural clay found in different parts of the world, naturally produced by chemical reaction of aluminum silicate minerals in rock and soil.

Usually it’s soft and white, anyway in other parts of the earth it is colored pink, red or orange based on chemical minerals.

To use it as a medicine lab experts make kaolin clay in laboratories. Based on kaolin clay uses and its chemical composition, it is also known as kaolinite clay, china clay, white clay, aluminum silicate hydroxide and kaolin clay.


What’s Special about kaolin clay?

When there are other natural clays, what makes kaolin clay stand out?

Unique properties of this clay include it is mildest of all clays. As mentioned above, this clay is packed with wide range of minerals and is silky.

It can withstand high firing temperature and is stronger.

Is kaolin clay good for skin? What are benefits of kaolin clay? Can you use it for culinary purpose? Let’s discuss these things in detail.

5 Amazing Benefits of Kaolin Clay for Skin

Kaolin clay powder is one such innate remedy which has been used extensively from centuries. Its renowned properties soothe skin and restrain infectious bacteria.

Though there is no strong scientific research backing these claims, you’ll find people extolling kaolin clay skin benefits.

Let’s dwell into kaolin clay uses.

#1. Cleanse with Kaolin Clay Mask

Commercial cleansers contain chemicals that may stripe natural moisture off your skin. Kaolin clay mask is more natural and recommended for sensitive skin. High concentration of silica housed in this clay will thwart dirt and dead cells by exfoliating.

Along with cleansing, kaolin clay acts as detoxifying agent. Toxins which may trigger infection and other skin diseases can be restrained or removed with silica.

You can use it over complete body, just mix kaolin powder with water and apply it over body and rinse it off after 20-30 minutes.

Kaolin clay mask will leave your skin moist and well hydrated because of phytonutrients in this mask.

With cleansing, detoxifying and hydrating properties you can use kaolin clay for skin whitening.

Here is an effective cleansing face mask recipe. Research concludes that, phytonutrients acts as antioxidant and protects from UV rays.

#2. Kaolin Clay for Acne

According to dermatologists, hormonal imbalance and inflammation are main causes of acne lesions. Hormonal imbalance stimulates excess production of sebum, which gets clogged at skin pores along with dead cells, P.acnes bacteria feed on them increasing acne condition.

Kaolin clay mask cleanses dead cells and stripes excess oil from the skin. Anti-inflammatory properties residing in this clay reduces acne inflammation, resulting in smooth and nourished skin.

If you’ve dry skin, then apply moisturizer after using kaolin clay face mask.

#3. Excellent Remedy for Various Diseases

When combined with other remedies kaolin clay will be able to treat diseases like ulcers and intestinal inflammation. Kaolin clay forms a protective layer over gastrointestinal tract, which removes toxins and reduces inflammation.

Topically applying China clay or white kaolin clay will treat skin conditions like soreness of muscles, reduces pains, treats insect bites, herpes zosters, bruises and enhances fast healing of minor cuts and injuries.

As kaolin clay helps to improve blood circulation it can treat soreness of muscles, aches, pain, heel cuts, reduce inflammation, treat insect bites and zosters.

#4. Kaolin Clay Helps in Detoxifying Your Skin

Detoxifying and cleansing ability of kaolin clay help to remove dead cells and also stimulate cell regeneration.

As discussed above, phyto-nutrients residing in the clay eliminate excess oil and toxins from the body.

  • Wrap your skin with thin layer of kaolin clay face mask.
  • After 20 minutes peel the mask.
  • Rinse your face with water
  • Nutrients in the clay are remained on your skin to trigger cell regeneration.

#5. Kaolin Clay Bath

Winter isn’t good for your skin.

Dry itchy skin patches appear all over the face. Fortunately, you can try this cheap yet effective clay to combat cosmetic issues in this old season.

  • Mix ¼ cup of kaolin clay with few drops of lemon essential oil.
  • Also grate the zest of orange and add to the mixture.
  • Add the obtained paste to lukewarm bath water.
  • Soak yourself in the tub for 15 minutes, so that vitamins and minerals in kaolin clay start their work.
  • People who’re suffering from eczema, psoriasis and rosacea will find it useful.

Other Benefits of Kaolin Clay

Because of its exfoliating ability, kaolin clay can be used on scalp to stimulate blood circulation.

While cleansing your hair and scalp, it won’t strip moisture from your scalp.

Prominent vitamins and minerals in kaolin clay prevent premature graying of hair and improve elasticity.

  • Instead of just mixing the China clay with water, you can mix aloe vera gel or lemon juice.
  • Aloe vera gel is renowned for its hydrating and healing properties.
  • Lemon juice helps to remove dandruff and removes excess oil from the scalp.
  • Mix all these 3 ingredients in required quantity and apply it on prewashed hair.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Where to Buy Kaolin Clay?

Buy Here (Amazon)

Now that you know kaolin clay uses for skin, you’d like to try it. But from where you can buy kaolin clay? Try your local drug store first; else try Amazon.com coastalscents.com or vitaminshoppe.com.

White kaolin clay is most recommended; anyway you can try pink kaolin clay powder also. After getting kaolin clay powder, mix it with water and topically apply over face or skin.

Calcined Kaolin Clay

When I checked ingredients of my soap I found this version of kaolin clay. Calcined kaolin clay produced from natural mineral kaolinite clay. Its non-toxic and used in various daily used products.

Kaolin Clay during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, skin develops various diseases like acne and stretch marks. Can you use kaolin clay to treat them? Yes, you can use kaolin clay mask to treat acne during pregnancy, but under doctor’s supervision, because most women love to eat kaolin clay.

Can you eat kaolin clay?

This habit of eating clay is old practice. When asked women in African why they eat clay, they said they like the smell. Though few nutritionist believe eating kaolin clay will decrease toxins in the body, there are no such scientific research backing this claim. (More on pregnancy and clay eating here )

How to Make Kaolin Clay Facial Mask

  • Get white kaolin clay through online and mix it equal proportion of water.
  • Cleanse your face with water and then evenly applying it over face.
  • Leave minerals in kaolin clay to start affecting for 15 minutes. (depending on your skin, for sensitive skin 5 minutes)
  • Then rinse it off with water.
  • Pat dry and applying moisturizer.

Important Tips

  • Use kaolin clay as facial mask, don’t eat or use it in powdered form.
  • Avoid smelling kaolin clay powder; the fine dust may enter your nose.
  • If the clay is making your skin dry, then limit its use and apply moisturizer like jojoba oil.
  • Consumption of kaolin clay may result in low hemoglobin level in blood.
  • Chalk eater love to eat kaolin clay because of its enticing smell, but remember that it may cause malnutrition.
  • Red kaolin clay, one of the varieties of clay has adverse effect, so use it in small quantity.
  • With numerous benefits, kaolin clay has few side effects. Reach your physician if you notice change in your eating habits or increase in skin infection.

Benefits of kaolin clay for skin are renowned and unmatched, anyhow more research and analysis is needed in this area.

Do share your views in comments.

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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Melasma – 7 Methods (Included)

apple cider vinegar for melasma

It is almost a craze among women and teenagers these days to have to have a smooth and clear skin. Stay with us, you’ll learn benefits of apple cider vinegar for melasma.

As brown spots and imbalanced skin tone are a beauty concern for most of the people, melasma sufferers often experience low self-esteem and low confidence.

We all know that there are numerous spot-lightening creams available in the market. But, do not be fooled because most of these products are loaded with chemicals. Now, we are not saying that all these products will harm your skin, some may work and others may not. So, it is best to stay on the safer side and go with natural remedies.

How about checking your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator for Apple cider vinegar and other natural ingredients that be used to treat melasma?

There has been a lot of debate in the melasma community about the powerful effects of vinegar. Some are using it as a facial toner, and some drink it in various forms.

Jump: How to Use ACV?

In this article, we are going to cover this topic in detail. Below we will discuss various ways in which apple cider vinegar can be used to treat hyperpigmentation or melasma of the face.

What Causes Melasma?

Excess usage of cosmetic products, sun exposure, and hormonal changes are some of the common triggers of this skin disorder. The main cause of Melasma is still unknown.

Researchers believe that the excess melanin production is also responsible for the pigmentation

Melasma is commonly seen in women and people who have dark skin. Pregnancy is another cause for melasma breakout because hormones like progesterone and estrogens trigger this disorder. This is the main reason 90% of the melasma sufferers are females.

Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, high exposure to UV radiation is also believed to promote Melasma. When these pigments get triggered because of pregnancy, they are very likely to fade away with time.

Using a sunscreen before stepping out in the sun will prevent the melanin concentration from the skin. So, it is advisable to apply sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. This will provide great protection from sun exposure.

Also read: Apple cider vinegar to Get Rid of Jock Itch

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Melasma?

Though there are quite a few natural remedies, chemical ointments, de-pigmenting agents, and medications to reduce the effects of Melasma, yet nothing has been proven to be as effective as ACV.

Apple cider vinegar has exceptional bleaching agents and nutritional value. It has a high concentration of vitamins and acts as a great moisturizer to improve the texture and elasticity of the skin.

This effective ingredient is very potent an acidic solution that shows great benefits on treats skin problems. Because of its powerful bleaching effects,

ACV is believed to cure hyperpigmentation and it is definitely less damaging than the cosmetic products and chemical agents.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Melasma?

While there is no guaranteed cure for treating melasma, you can effectively reduce skin pigmentation and the skin discoloration by using this ingredient.

Lightening the dark pigments and reducing the severity of melasma is a huge relief for women who dream to have smooth and clear skin.

Let’s dive in to discover various ways to use ACV to treat melasma.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar as a Facial Toner

A large group of women in the western countries have been using Apple Cider Vinegar and seen a lightening of their pigmented skin.

The composition of acetic acid and other natural exfoliants in the apple cider vinegar works on the pigmented skin. It encourages cell renewal and restores skin healing properties as well.

How to use ACV as a facial toner:

  • Take a bowl and mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Stir well and apply the mixture to a clean face with a cotton ball.
  • Allow the mixture to dry on your face.
  • When dried, wash off with lukewarm water and washcloth.
  • Apply your regular moisturizer.

You have to be patient to get the results. You’ll see the pigments getting lighter after three weeks of regular use.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar Drink for Melasma

There are some women who have used ACV in their diet to cure melasma, and fortunately, the results were good enough to recommend it to all melasma sufferers.

Apple cider vinegar juice, when taken with a glass of water, makes melasma pigment fade away within a month. ACV doesn’t only treat melasma but also aids in digestion.

How to use ACV as a drink: Add one tablespoon of ACV juice to a glass of water and mix well. Drink this mixture twice a day to get effective results.

#3 Apple Cider Vinegar and Horseradish

Apple cider vinegar is known for its miraculous bleaching effects and excellent nutritional values. It has a high amount of vitamins that enhance the texture and elasticity of the skin.

ACV, when used with Horseradish, becomes twice as effective because Horseradish penetrates deep into the skin and improves its overall functioning.

Minerals and Vitamins housed in both these ingredients not only treat pigments but enhance the skin texture as well.

How to use ACV with Horseradish:

  • Crush two tablespoons of horseradish and add 2 tbsp. apple vinegar to it. Place both these ingredients in a bottle and leave it for two weeks.
  • Shake the bottle every day and apply the solution over the melasma pigment.
  • Regular use of this mixture will lighten the pigment and the marks will fade away eventually.

Related post: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Whitening?

#4 Apple Cider Vinegar, Glycerine, and Buttermilk

There are many ways you can use apple cider vinegar for melasma. To make it more effective and get a smooth skin, we recommend blending it with buttermilk and glycerine.

Both glycerine and buttermilk, when used in equal proportions, can give a smooth texture to your skin and make the pigment removal process faster.

Minerals in the buttermilk start working by opening the pores and improving its elasticity.

How to use ACV with Glycerine and Buttermilk:

  • Add one tsp. of glycerine and one tsp. of buttermilk to 4 tsp. of ACV.
  • Mix well, and apply the mixture evenly over the pigmented skin patches.
  • Allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Once dried, wash under running water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Moisturize your face if needed.

Experts recommend trying this method twice in a week.

#5 Apple Cider Vinegar with Lemon Juice

Apple cider vinegar, when used with Lemon Juice, is believed to be the best method of curing Melasma.

The acidic nature of both these ingredients along with vitamin C helps reduce the hyperpigmentation. These two ingredients when used together make skin lighter and brighter.

How to use ACR with Lemon Juice:

  • Extract lemon juice and mix it with two parts of ACV.
  • Apply the mixture on affected areas and rub it for a minute.
  • Allow it to rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off under running water.

#6 Apple Cider Vinegar with Turmeric

The most effective ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin, when mixed with ACV, works as an anti-oxidant to lighten the pigments.

Turmeric can also reduce the melanin concentration from the skin and thus help to get rid of melasma.

How to use ACV with turmeric:

  • Mix 5 tablespoon of turmeric with ACV.
  • Add gram flour to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on the pigmented patches and allow it to dry for half an hour.
  • Rinse off under running water, pat dry with a towel and moisturize with your regular moisturizer.

#7 Apple Cider Vinegar with Beef Bone Broth

The Leaky gut can also be the main cause of Melasma. And ACV proves to be beneficial in this case as well. You can use ACV with the homemade bone broth. Bone broth has been proven to give relief from leaky gut, and it becomes twice as effective with ACV.

How to use ACV with bone broth:

  • Place 4 pounds of beef bones marrow with ¼ cup of ACV and 5 cups of cold water.
  • Bring it to boil over high heat, and then simmer for few hours. Discard solid remainder and filter the water contents.
  • Let stock cool and use within a week.
  • Consume this drink once a month to get rid of leaky gut and to keep the skin free from the dark patches.

Tips to Prevent and Control Melasma

Including these simple tips in your lifestyle and bringing about some changes in your diet can help a lot in preventing Melasma.

  • Wear Sunscreen to get protection against the sun
  • Stay Hydrated; drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day
  • Wear protective hats to provide extra protection to your facial skin
  • Use chemical free, mild skin care products
  • Have a balanced, healthy, and nutritious diet
  • Include high-quality proteins and fatty acids in your diet
  • Stay away from stress
  • Try stress-relieving methods such as yoga and meditation

So, now that you have learned the beneficial effects of ACV, make sure to use them as directed and get rid of ugly melasma spots and pigmentation.

Will you use apple cider vinegar for melasma? Let us know your recipe in comments.

How to Use Sunflower Oil for Acne – 7 Methods (Fade Acne Scars)

sunflower oil for acne

Are you fed up squeezing acne blemishes? Stop right now, this will scar on your face. Instead, use sunflower oil for acne.

Vitamins and essential fatty acids residing in this home available oil can effectively use on acne prone skin.

Anecdotal reports claim that home remedies are one of the best ways to pamper the skin. Not just they’re cost-effective, also no chemical ingredients are found.

Though cosmetic companies claim to enhance skin texture by their beauty products, dermatologists say that repeated use of chemical-filled creams will affect the elasticity of the skin.

A study claims that levels of linoleic acid in acne patients are very low. Massaging with essential fatty acids that include linoleic and oleic acids can effectively reduce acne inflammation.

So, what causes acne?


Yes, experts say that acne is triggered by inflammation and hormonal imbalance that triggers excess production of sebum.

Dead cells your skin sheds pile on the skin blocking it and resulting in swollen bumps. Bacteria invade and feed on your dead cells making acne worse.

Puberty, genetics, food you eat and stress can also trigger acne lesions.

Is Sunflower Oil Good for Acne?

There is a wide range of natural oils packed with exceptional vitamins and nutrients that can effectively treat acne. But, not every oil works for every person.

Vitamins, fatty acids and other nutrients housed in the oil may or may not go well with you. So, it’s good to patch test before using it over the face.

With the decrease in linoleic acid, sebum becomes sticky and clogs skin pores. Dead cells and impurities pile over it and create acne.

This sticky sebum highly consists of oleic acid, topical application of sunflower oil (which contains linoleic acid) will balance these two essential fatty acids over the skin. Thus, reduce breakouts.

Dawn Michele, a beauty blogger says that she used only oils that have a high concentration of linoleic acid to treat acne and avoided other carrier oils with higher levels of oleic acid. With this theory, she successfully reduced acne breakouts. (Source)

  • Emollient activity locks natural moisture over the skin. This protective barrier keeps the ailments away.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids residing in the oil supply essential acids to your skin. As mentioned above balance between linoleic and oleic acid helps to treat acne.
  • Vitamin E packed in sunflower oil protects skin from UV rays and reduce scars.
  • Fatty acids help to regenerate skin cells and thwart P.acnes bacteria.
  • Vitamin A, C, and D protect the skin and enhance collagen production.
  • Its non-greasy ability helps to penetrate deep into the skin and supply essential vitamins.
  • Assorted properties can cleanse impurities, dead cells and excess sebum over the skin.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by sunflower oil reduces oxidative stress, reduce wrinkles and thwart free radicals.

Its alluring properties can improve overall skin functioning. Even beauty products incorporate this innate ingredient to reap its nutritional benefits.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles Without Using Botox?

How to Use Sunflower Oil for Acne?

Remove dead cells and impurities from the skin by cleansing it. If you’ve inflamed or painful blisters, then wash your face with lukewarm water or expose the skin to steam.

Steam will open blocked skin pores and makes easy for sunflower oil to penetrate into it.

#1 Simple Recipe

Let’s not make it complex.

If you’re lazy, then start with this simple recipe.

  1. Cleanse your face like mentioned above.
  2. Pat dry and apply sunflower oil on your skin.
  3. Dab cotton ball dipped in the oil on acne prone skin.
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

Isn’t it simple?

The right time to apply sunflower is after a bath or before going to sleep.

#2 Sunflower Oil for Oily Skin

Ingredients you need include lemon juice, sunflower oil, and artichoke.

You can skip artichoke.

Lemon is packed with acidic and astringent abilities that can shrink large skin pores. Its antibacterial property can effectively fight P.acnes bacteria. Anti-inflammatory agents in this natural juice will relieve pain and inflammation.

  • Blend a fresh artichoke and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Also, add 2 teaspoons of sunflower oil to the puree.
  • Mix well and apply the obtained paste on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Note: people with dry skin must limit the use of lemon juice, as it may irritate your sensitive skin.

#3. Sunflower Oil, Yogurt, and Lemon Juice

According to Livestrong.com dairy products including yogurt can trigger acne formation in certain people.

However, anecdotal reports claim to that topical application on Greek yogurt can effectively reduce acne blemishes.

Lactic acid, calcium, zinc and vitamin B residing in yogurt help to remove dead cells, fight acne, hydrate your skin and promote supple skin.

  • Take 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Mix all three ingredients well.
  • Apply it on your face and leave it dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

While yogurt and sunflower help to treat acne and remove dead cells. Lemon juice can whiten your skin complexion.

Related: Is Rose Water Good for Acne?

#4 Tea Tree Oil and Sunflower Oil

Tea tree essential oil has all those nutrients that your skin needs to look radiant and acne free.

Antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities exhibited by this essential oil is excellent. However, applying it directly on your skin may trigger irritation.

So, mix it with a carrier oil or sunflower oil.

  • Take 5 drops of sunflower oil and mix it with 1 drop of tea tree oil.
  • Wash your face to remove accumulated impurities.
  • Take a cotton ball and apply the oil on acne affected skin.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

If you experience allergic reaction or tingling sensation stop using it and consult a physician.

#5 Sunflower Oil for Acne Prone Skin

Like safflower oil, sunflower oil has zero comedogenic rating, means it doesn’t clog your skin pores.

Non-comedogenic property of this oil makes it the perfect ingredient to treat acne blemishes.

Directly apply this home available ingredient directly on your face or mix it with other innate ingredients.

Face mask recipes where you add jojoba oil or almond oil can be replaced by sunflower oil.

#6 Aloe Gel and Sunflower Oil for Acne Scars

Aloe gel is housed with antibacterial, soothing, hydrating and anti-inflammatory abilities.

Renowned for its cooling effect, topical application of this gel will relieve you from inflamed acne lesions.

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of aloe gel with 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil.
  • Cleanse your face to remove excess oil and sebum.
  • Pat dry and apply the obtained gel all over the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#7. Sunflower Seeds Face Mask

Instead of oil, you can mash sunflower seeds and mix it oatmeal to treat acne.

Oatmeal is prominent for its exfoliating properties. Its application will remove excess oiliness from your skin.

  • Mash ½ cup of sunflower seeds and mix it with 1 tablespoon of finely grounded oatmeal.
  • Add 2 drops of Neroli oil and 2 tbsp of yogurt.
  • Skip use of yogurt if it triggers acne.
  • Mix all listed ingredients well and apply it on the prewashed
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with water.


  • First thing, patch test the recipe to avoid irritation.
  • Foods that trigger acne must be avoided.
  • Avoid stress and chemical incorporated creams that strip natural moisture from your skin.
  • Don’t squeeze or press acne, it leaves scars on your face.
  • Drink enough water; it removes toxins from your body.

Is this article convincing you to use sunflower oil for acne treatment? Let the world know this. J

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How to Use Castor Oil for Skin Whitening – 9 DIY Methods

castor oil for skin whitening

This age-old remedy has been used by ancient people for various purposes including cosmetics. Here you’ll learn about uses of castor oil for skin whitening.

Extracted from seeds of castor, this pale yellow and thick liquid is known to include essential vitamins and nutrients that your skin needs.

Excess production of melanin, environmental factors, and diet you ingest results in dark spots or complexion on your skin.

Why shouldn’t you use cosmetic creams?

Reports state that topical application of certain beauty creams can result in dermatitis or skin allergies.

Incorporated with chemical-filled ingredients, these cosmetic creams will strip natural moisture from your skin. Another report state that regular application of these creams will damage collagen production.

Is Castor Oil Good for Skin Whitening?

You can use castor oil for skin lightening effectively as it is packed with exceptional nutrients. Even studies back anecdotal claims that castor oil can reduce pigmentation.

To reap its nutrients, regular use is important.

  • This pale yellow oil is filled with omega-3 fatty acids that magically reduce pigmentation.
  • These fatty acids stimulate new healthy cell growth, hydrate your skin and make your skin supple.
  • Nutrients in castor oil form a protective layer on your skin to avoid harmful UV rays.
  • Ricinoleic acid is the vital ingredient that helps to fade dark spots and make your skin free from scars.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids residing in this viscous oil can improve the elasticity of your skin and avoid premature wrinkles.
  • Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic abilities housed in the oil avoid skin ailments and bacterial infection.
  • Assorted vitamins residing in castor oil makes your skin firm.

With its excellent cleansing ability, it removes impurities and pollutants pilled on your skin.

How to Use Castor Oil for Skin Whitening?

Nothing works overnight. It takes time and effective ingredient to show positive results.

As these innate ingredients are free from preservatives, there are no serious side-effects associated with it.

Below mentioned are different recipes, pick the best one.

#1. Castor Oil for Pigmentation

Wash your face with water to remove impurities.

  • Pat dry and apply 1 teaspoon of castor oil on your face in circular motion. Massaging will benefit your skin.
  • After application, allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Repeat this simple remedy after and before bed.

Castor oil is packed with an anti-pigmentation agent that inhibits hyperpigmentation.

Note: People with oily skin must stay away from using excess castor oil.

#2. Turmeric and Castor Oil for Skin Lightening

In India, turmeric is prominent for its skin whitening properties. Curcumin is the vital compound in turmeric powder that exhibits various beauty benefits.

This enzyme, inhibit melanin production and lighten the appearance of dark spots on your face.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of castor oil.
  • Apply this obtained paste on the prewashed face in circular motion.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Excess use of turmeric may leave yellow stains on your face, which will fade in few hours.

#3. Castor Oil and Vitamin E for Pigmentation

Antioxidant activity exhibited by vitamin E can prevent skin damage and reduce oxidative stress. It can also thwart free radicals and make your skin supple.

  • Take 1 vitamin E capsule and pierce it.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of castor oil with it and mix thoroughly.
  • Gently massage the obtained mixture on your face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#4. Castor Oil and Lemon for Skin Whitening

Along with lemon juice, you can add honey.

Lemon juice exhibits bleaching ability that helps to whiten your skin and fade dark spots. It helps to crush excess melanin production and helps to shrink large skin pores.

Benefits of honey need no explanation, as it is packed with moisturizing, cleansing, healing and antioxidant properties.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 tsp of raw honey and ½ tsp of lemon juice.
  • Wash your face and apply this obtained paste on it.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#5. Castor Oil and Gauze

Gauze is thin transparent fabric. This is one of the effective ways to use castor oil for glowing skin.

  • Dab gauze in castor oil and apply it on your face.
  • Apply few drops of castor oil on the gauze.
  • Now, wrap the gauze with cling film, but make sure it’s not too tight.
  • Leave it for few minutes and then remove it.

Try this remedy once in every 15 days.

#6. Aloe Vera Gel and Castor Oil

Gibberellins packed in aloe gel helps to reduce the appearance of scars and dark spots. Its sticky nature help to rejuvenate your skin cells, hydrate it and improve blood circulation.

Related post: Aloe vera for skin hyperpigmentation

  • Mash aloe gel into a smooth paste and add required amount of castor oil to it.
  • Wash your face and apply the mask on it.
  • Avoid eye contact.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#7. Potato and Castor Oil

Catecholase enzyme residing in potato has the ability to reduce scars, dark spots and improve your skin complexion.

Vitamin C, magnesium and zinc promotes collagen production, reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Mild bleaching ability of potato will inhibit melanin production and reduce hyperpigmentation.

  • Extract potato juice and mix it with the required amount of castor oil.
  • Wash your face and apply the mixed oil.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#8. Almond Oil and Castor Oil

Skin whitening properties in almond oil reduce the appearance of dark spots, melasma, and wrinkles.

Vitamin E, B2, A, F and unsaturated fatty acids residing in almond oil is essential for radiant skin.

  • Add 1 tbsp of castor oil to 2 tbsp of almond oil.
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Apply mixed oil on your face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#9. Tea Tree Oil and Castor Oil

Antiseptic properties residing in tea tree oil improves your skin complexion. Assorted properties in this essential oil remove impurities and reduce pigmentation.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil with ½ tbsp of castor oil.
  • Also, add few drops of tea tree essential oil to it.
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixed oil evenly all over the face and rinse it off with water.


  • Stop using this face mask if you experience an allergic
  • Ingest vitamin-rich diet to enhance collagen production.
  • Wear sunscreen while going out to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Drink enough water to hydrate the skin from inside.
  • Regularly use the face mask for 3-4 weeks.
  • Avoid using chemically incorporated creams, as they strip moisture.
  • Cleanse your face regularly to remove impurities.
  • Patch test before applying the mask evenly all over the face.

Did you ever use castor oil for skin whitening? Share your recipe in comments.

How to Use Rice Flour for Skin Whitening – 12 Methods Included

rice flour for skin whitening

Everyone yearns to have a glowing spotless skin, but only a few of them really work for it. Are you among them? Use rice flour for skin whitening and to boost your confidence.

People in South India use rice flour extensively to make different food items. We can’t expect festivals and traditional occasions without rice flour. Fiber, proteins and other vitamins help to reduce cholesterol, diabetes and improve digestion.

Unfortunately, most of them are not aware of the exceptional benefits of rice flour for the skin. The Geisha in Japan uses rice flour for their fairer and flawless skin. Exfoliating activity of this mask helps to wipe all the impurities off the face and enhance the healthy functioning of the skin.

Is Rice Flour Good for Skin Lightening?

Our grandparents had an excellent environment, nutritious diet and lived a healthy life. They had natural beauty, so no need for any creams.

But now we’ve pollutants, impurities, and chemical filled creams. Not taking care will leave your skin dark and wrinkles start appearing.

Natural face masks like rice flour are filled with nutrients that can help you to remove those accumulated impurities. Coarse nature of the mask aids to remove dead cells, pollutants and dry patches effectively.

You can blend rice flour with other innate ingredients to make it more effective.

  • UV rays, hormones, and impurities are main causes of dark spots on your face. Exfoliating nature of rice flour will help to remove impurities and guard your skin against UV rays.
  • Vitamin B residing in rice flour reduces aging wrinkles and protects your skin from sun rays.
  • Para amino benzonic acid residing in this ingredient acts as a sunscreen and protects your skin.
  • Allantoin housed in rice flour helps to soothe minor sunburns and its application can promote skin regeneration.
  • Tyrosinase is an enzyme that is housed in this home available ingredient that can inhibit melanin production.
  • Topical application of this ingredient will remove excess sebum and other impurities accumulated over the skin.
  • Excess oil secreted by your skin can be controlled by topical application of this mask.
  • Bacterial infection over skin like acne can be restrained.
  • Regular application of rice flour will brighten your skin, enhances collagen production and improves elasticity.
  • Assorted nutrients in the mask will lighten acne scars, fine lines, and dark spots.

How to Use Rice Flour for Skin Whitening?

If you’re lazy to check all below-listed ingredients, then mix rice flour with rose water and apply the paste on prewashed face.

To make the ingredient more effective, it’s recommended to blend with other innate ingredients.

#1. Rice flour and oats to remove impurities

You can mix raw honey to this mixture. Both oats and rice flour can effectively wipe dead cells, excess oil and pollutants from the skin.

Oatmeal contains saponin that helps to remove toxins, which causes skin discoloration.

Amino acids residing in oats help to lighten the appearance of scars and dark spots.

Enzymes in residing in honey promote cell regeneration and make your skin glow naturally.


  • Rice flour – 1 teaspoon
  • Oats – 1/2 tbsp
  • Raw honey – 1 tbsp

Blend the ingredients and topically apply it over the prewashed face. After 15-20 minutes using a wet cloth wipe the face mask and rinse with water.

Add this simple yet effective home remedy to your beauty regimen for skin whitening.

#2. Rice flour face mask for skin whitening

As mentioned above, to achieve a glowing skin you must initially wipe impurities off the skin. Gram flour is another natural ingredient that you can use to make the skin fair.

  • Rice flour – 1 tbsp
  • Gram flour – 1/2 tbsp
  • Rosewater
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp

If you’ve dry patches all over the skin, sugar and other ingredients in the mask will remove them. But make sure to be gentle while massaging, apply natural moisturizer after the face mask treatment.

Alternatively, you can mix turmeric powder and coconut milk with rice flour for skin whitening. Add 2 pinches of turmeric powder, excess use will leave yellow stains on your face.

Also read: Rosehip oil to get rid of wrinkles

#3. Rice flour face mask for skin tightening

Dried rice flour face mask helps to tighten your skin pores. Combine 3 tbsp of rice flour with 1 tbsp of honey and 1 egg white. Wash your face and pat dry. Apply the mask evenly all over the face and leave it to dry naturally and then rinse it off.

You’re free to pick your favorite face mask recipe for fairer skin. However, stay away from irritants and processed items.

#4. Rice powder and milk

Vitamin A packed in milk promotes healthy skin cells and vitamin D enhances collagen production.

Lactic acid housed in milk help to lighten your skin and make it radiant.

  • Grind uncooked rice into fine powder.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of this rice flour with the required amount of milk.
  • Apply it on the face and allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this simple process twice in a week.

#5. Rice flour and tomato face pack

To your surprise tomato also packed with skin whitening properties. Nutrients like vitamin B, C, lycopene, and magnesium are packed in tomato that helps to shrink skin pores, whiten your skin and reduce wrinkles.

  • Extract juice from tomato pulp.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of rice flour with 4 tbsp of wheat flour and 1 tbsp of tomato juice.
  • Apply this mixed paste on your face and allow it to dry naturally.
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#6. Rice powder and chickpea flour

Chickpea flour is prominent for its exfoliating properties. It removes impurities that make your skin look dark.

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of chickpea flour with 1 teaspoon of rice flour.
  • Add milk to make a thick paste-like
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a soft
  • Now, apply this obtained paste evenly all over the face.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#7. Coconut milk and rice powder for skin whitening

Like its oil, coconut milk is packed with essential nutrients that your skin needs. Its moisturizing, skin lightening and exfoliating ability help to improve your skin texture.

  • Mix 2 tbsp of rice powder with a required amount of coconut milk.
  • Apply the obtained paste on your pre-washed
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#8. Rice flour and egg white

Egg white is renowned for its cleansing, skin whitening and tightening properties.

Vitamins residing in this home available ingredient can reduce premature aging wrinkles.

  • Blend 3 tbsp of rice flour with 1 egg white and 1 tbsp of raw honey.
  • Wash your face to remove impurities and pat dry.
  • Apply the paste on prewashed face and allow it dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#9. Orange peel and rice flour

Dried orange peels can exhibit skin lightening properties. Nutrients in this ingredient can remove impurities, enhance collagen production and protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with 1 tbsp of dried orange peel powder.
  • Add rose water to make a paste.
  • Apply this natural ingredient on your face and allow it to dry for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and apply moisturizer.

#10. Potato, yogurt and rice flour

These ingredients are packed with skin bleaching properties. Apart from making your skin radiant, these ingredients can improve the overall functioning of your skin.

  • Take potato pulp, yogurt and 1 tbsp of rice flour.
  • Grind to make a smooth
  • Apply it over the prewashed
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#11. Turmeric, milk cream and honey

These ingredients no explanation, they all are packed with vitamins and minerals that you need to have a radiant skin.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of milk cream, honey and rice flour with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Apply this thick paste on your face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • After 15-20 minutes rinse it off with water.
  • Pat dry and apply natural moisturizer after this face mask treatment.

#12. Yogurt, olive oil, turmeric and rice flour

Lactic acid in yogurt exhibits bleaching property. Antibacterial and moisturizing properties of yogurt can prevent chronic skin ailments.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of rice flour with a pinch of turmeric powder and ¼ tsp of olive oil.
  • Also, add 1 teaspoon of yogurt to above mixture.
  • Apply this paste on your face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process twice or thrice in a week.

Important Tips

  • Choose any one ingredient to mix it with rice flour.
  • Avoid being harsh whiling applying the face mask.
  • Above listed ingredients shouldn’t be applied on cuts or bruises.
  • To avoid irritation patch test before applying the ingredient.
  • Remove makeup or beauty cream before applying the recipe.
  • Avoid stress, as researchers state that it can trigger ailments.
  • Ingest vitamin rich and water-rich diet to hydrate your skin from the inside.
  • Stick with the same recipe for a month to see positive results.

Did you ever use rice flour for skin whitening? Please share your recipe in comments.

rice flour for skin whitening

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How to Use Emu Oil for Stretch Marks – One Effective Remedy


Emu oil penetrates into the skin and its nutrients properties reduce inflammation, heal wounds and lighten the appearance of scars. Read on to know how to use emu oil for stretch marks.

First time I heard about Emu bird is when my cousin discussed about its demand in the market. After inquiring I came to know that its oil has extensive use in medical filed.

In this article you’ll about miracle benefits of emu oil for your skin.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

As the body grows dermis layer stretches slowly. But, due to sudden weight gain or loss connecting fibers break at different spots. This breakage results in silvery white long lines over upper layer of the skin.

Though there aren’t associated with serious ailment, most people want to get rid of stretch marks because of cosmetic concern.

Pregnancy, sudden gain or loss in weight and puberty are held responsible for this skin disorder.

Note: Experts say that you can’t permanently treat stretch marks. However, repeated application of natural and cosmetic creams can lighten its appearance.

Is Emu Oil Good For Stretch Marks?

This oil is obtained from fat of Emu bird, which resembles small ostrich. Fatty acids residing in this oil help to treat various health and skin ailments.

Its moisturizing and emollient properties are renowned in cosmetic industry.

  • Omega -3 and 6 fatty acids packed in emu oil makes your skin healthier.
  • Moisturizing activity of the oil fasten the healing process of stretch marks.
  • Its unique ability helps to penetrate deep into the skin and repair broken tissues.
  • Inflammation results in itching, redness and discomfort in people with stretch marks, anti-inflammatory ability of this oil can reduce tingling sensation.
  • Repeatedly massaging with the oil improves blood circulation and promotes youthful skin.
  • Assorted properties in emu oil enhance collagen production, stimulate regeneration of new cells and avoid deep tears of skin layers.
  • Vitamin A packed in this natural oil exhibits antioxidant properties, which thwart free radicals.
  • Oleic acid helps to prevent aging wrinkles and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Sapogens makes your skin soft and supple.
  • Terpines exhibit antiseptic ability, which helps to heal wounds and injuries.

Emu oil is one of the natural trans-dermal oil, which easily gets penetrated deep into the skin and repair connective tissues.

Packed with vitamin E, palmitic acids, oleic acid and linoleic acid, topical application of emu oil will improve your overall skin texture.

Don’t expect overnight results. Regular application over stretch marks will improve your skin texture and helps to fade these annoying scars.

How to Use Emu Oil for Stretch Marks?

Like any other natural remedy, it’s damn simple to use emu oil.

But make sure that you prefer only pure emu oil. As processed versions include chemical preservatives, which can irritate your skin.

  1. Wash your skin with water or cleanse it to remove dead cells.
  2. Pat dry using soft cloth.
  3. Take 1-2 drops of pure emu oil in your palm and gently spread over the desired part.
  4. Within few minutes the oil will get absorbed by the skin. So for small area take no more than 2 drops of emu oil.
  5. Massage gently in circulation motion and leave it to dry naturally.

Ultimate Emu Oil Recipe to Treat Stretch Marks

You’ll need aloe vera gel (2 tbsp), shea butter (1/4 cup), lavender oil (3 tsp), frankincense oil (5 drops), rose otto oil (5 drops), geranium oil (5 drops) and emu oil (2 teaspoons) for this recipe.

All these ingredients are packed with lots of nutrients that are essential for your skin. Not just they improve collagen production, but lighten the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

  • Dump all listed ingredients in a small blender jar.
  • Depending on your blender, blend at least for 2 minutes till you obtain white fluffy texture.
  • Apply this lotion on prewashed face and allow it to dry naturally.

To save your favorite garments, cover the area with a cloth.

You can avoid stretch marks by regularly massaging over knees, waist and shoulders. Vitamins residing in the oil enhance collagen production and help to stretch the dermis layer without deep tears.

Apart from being beneficial to your skin, emu oil can reduce cholesterol and relieve from menstruation discomfort.

Patch test before using emu oil for stretch marks

Other Benefits of Emu Oil

As mentioned, not just topical application you can use this miracle oil internally.

  • Emu oil acts as natural sunscreen. It protects your sensitive skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Prominent for its healing abilities, this oil can heal burns and cuts.
  • Cold sores on lips and skin results in discomfort and inflammation. Emu oil with its healing ability can treat cold sores.
  • Analgesic ability of this oil can relieve joint and muscle pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory property of emu oil can treat various skin ailments like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Possible Side-Effects of Emu Oil

Researchers state that biologically emu oil is identical to your natural oil sebum. So, it doesn’t clod skin pores or irritates your skin.

However, you must try with small amount of emu oil to make sure your skin isn’t allergic to this oil.

Based on studies, adverse effect of emu oil are uncommon.

Tips to Prevent Stretch Marks

Though you can’t completely avoid stretch marks, with good lifestyle you can at least reduce its appearance.

  • Hydrate your skin from inside and outside by ingesting water rich diet and by applying essential oil on skin.
  • Control your weight, sudden weight gain or loss isn’t good for your health.
  • Ingest vitamin C rich diet. Citrus fruits like oranges and lemon are prominent for vitamin C.
  • Get some vitamin D. Studies show that maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D will reduce stretch marks.
  • Zinc helps to reduce inflammation. So include zinc rich diet such as fish and nuts.
  • Don’t avoid, treat stretch marks as they appear.

Image source: 12

How to Use Rose Water for Acne and Acne Scars – 7 DIY Methods

rose water for acne

Rose water is prominent for its healing and moisturizing abilities. For centuries this natural ingredient has been used to tone the skin. In this article, you’ll learn how to use rose water for acne or pimples.

My cousin’s beauty kit includes cleanser, toner, moisturizing lotion and sunscreen product. Am pretty sure there can be few more to the list. If you’re like me and love the frugal lifestyle, replace them by rose water.

Before you rely completely on this home available remedy, let me disclose that for serious acne lesions consult a dermatologist.

As it isn’t associated with any side-effects, you can give it a try.

Jump to: How to use rose water toner for acne

Is Rose Water Good for Acne?

Rose water which is an emulsion of essential oil (rose oil) and water acts as an effective home remedy to soothe blemishes. Mostly rose water is used as a cleanser.

This innate ingredient is packed with healing and antibacterial abilities, which can efficiently treat acne.

Topical application of rose water helps to cleanse dead skin cells and excess sebum.

Antiseptic and antimicrobial properties exhibited by rose water avoid infectious bacteria and reduce blemishes.

  • Antibacterial properties in rosewater reduce bacterial infection on the skin.
  • Rose water contains natural bioactive chemicals; some of them are phenylethyl alcohol, cintronellol, methyleugenol, geraniol and other complex sugars.
  • Vitamin C residing in this remedy helps to strengthen the immune system to fight back acne causing bacteria.
  • Vitamin B3 can efficiently reduce redness over the skin and also hydrate it.
  • Unlike other chemical included creams, rose water is gentle on skin and works for all skin type people.
  • Hydrating your skin is one of the effective ways to keep the ailments at bay. Rose water is renowned for its hydrating properties can efficiently keep your skin moist.
  • Vitamin E is prominent for reducing dryness and emollient properties. It can form a protective layer of the skin to thwart infectious bacteria.
  • Vitamin A housed in rose water exhibited antioxidant activity, which can reduce acne inflammation. (Source)
  • Assorted vitamins residing in rose water can also help to maintain pH level over the skin.
  • Antioxidant ability housed in this ingredient can reduce oxidative stress and prevent premature aging wrinkles.
  • Rose water toner is also packed with astringent property that can cleanse your skin pores and tightens the skin.
  • Regular application of this effective ingredient will helps to balance pH level on your skin.

Few scientists carried out a study to learn the working of rose water. Rose oil in rose water stimulates the activity of keratinocytes (skin cells). These cells help to heal and protect skin from injuries.

Keratinocytes also release inflammatory chemicals which kill germs, healthy skin cells and avoid inflammation.

Does Rose Water Work for Acne Prone Skin (Oily)?

A British experiment concludes that using only rose water for oily skin is not recommended. As the components in rose water stimulate cell growth which in turn increases sebum production blocking skin pores. So use lemon or glycerin with rose water for pimples.

Before you proceed further, let me discuss main causes of acne.

Skin experts hold inflammation as the main culprit to trigger acne, which stimulates the body to produce more sebum. (Source)

Along with dead cells, this excess oil blocks skin pores resulting in bumps. Further, P.acnes worsens the condition.

How to Use Rose Water for Acne?

rosewater for acne, acne scars (glycerin and lemon juice)

You can use rose water directly applying it on washed face or you can add lemon, sandalwood or other natural remedies.

Here we’re going to discuss step by step process to use rose water with other natural home available remedies.

  1. Wash your face with cold water and using any cleanser clean it.
  2. Pat dry, now dip a cotton ball in rose water to apply it on your face or acne affected area.
  3. Instead of just using rose water, mix 2 tbsp of lemon juice to 2 tbsp of rose water. Using a cotton ball damp this natural medicine on affected part.
  4. After 15 minutes rinse off with water.
  5. Repeat the process.

Other combinations of rose water

#1 Rose water and Lemon for Acne

This combination is already mentioned above. The healing ability of rose water helps to generate new skin cells.

Lemon juice, which is renowned for its acidic and bleaching ability can lighten the appearance of scars.

These two ingredients combine to cleanse clogged skin pores and restrain infection.

Mix equal quantities of lemon juice and rosewater, now directly apply over pimples using a cotton ball. Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Limit or avoid lemon juice if you’ve sensitive skin. Else wear sunscreen before going out, because the excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to sunlight.

#2 Rosewater and Sandalwood Face Pack

Sandalwood powder is prominent to obtain radiant skin. Even cosmetic industries make use of this ingredient to market their chemical included products.

Cleanse ability of sandalwood help to remove excess sebum, dead cells and also enhance collagen production.

To use sandalwood face pack for acne, blend 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder with a required amount of rose water.

Expose your face to steam before applying this face mask. Steam helps to unclog blocked skin pores and removes impurities.

#3 Rose water, Cucumber, and Honey Mask

If you’ve sensitive skin, replace lemon juice with cucumber and honey mask.

According to experts topical application of cucumber will unclog skin pores and helps to wipe impurities. The astringent ability of this ingredient can reduce pimples.

Antioxidant agents like Beta-carotene, Alpha-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin housed in cucumber make it an effective remedy to treat acne.

Benefits of honey for acne need no explanation. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and humectant ability of this natural remedy can keep all skin ailments at bay.

Mix 2 pieces of crushed cucumber and 2 tbsp of honey. Then add rose water to this mixture. Now you can apply this face pack on washed face.

Honey and rose water has antibacterial properties which help to fight bacterial infection and cucumber give a cool feeling to your skin.

#4 Glycerin and Rosewater for Acne

Glycerin, also known as glycerol renowned for its use as an ingredient in body lotions, soaps, and creams. Though it looks like oil, it easily gets absorbed by your skin.

These two ingredients combine to form an impeccable remedy to treat acne. Combine this with rose water and both medications will thwart acne causing bacteria. Not just soothing pimples is remedy also hydrates your skin.

Glycerin and rosewater toner can help to treat acne, balance pH of the skin hydrates the skin, fade scars and redness.

#5 Rose Water Toner for Oily Acne Skin

The same remedy may not work for all, due to different skin types. Oily skin needs an excellent recipe that can remove excess oil and open up skin pores.

Apple cider vinegar and rose water both can be used for this purpose.

Cleansing, astringent and skin tightening ability of ACV helps to remove oil from the face.

Rose water is used to dilute ACV, as a high concentration of ACV may irritate your sensitive skin.

Take 30ml of rose water and 5 ml of apple cider vinegar. Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed face. Beauty experts recommend applying it twice per day.

You can store excess toner at room temperature for 20-30 days. However, it’s preferred to make a small quantity for a week use.

#6. Fuller’s Earth and Rose Water for Acne Scars

Multani mitti or fuller’s earth is prominent for its beauty benefits. It helps to remove excess oil and impurities piled over your skin.

Healing abilities housed in this natural ingredient will lighten appearance of scars and make your skin glow.

  • Mix required amount of fuller’s earth with rose water to obtain smooth paste.
  • Wash your face or expose it towards steam to open blocked skin pores.
  • Apply the mixed paste on acne affected skin and allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • You can apply it as a spot treatment on acne lesions.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Moisturize your face with rose water after this face mask treatment.

#7. Rose Water and Baking Soda

Exfoliating property of baking soda removes impurities and excess sebum accumulated on your face.

Its anti-inflammatory ability is known to reduce acne inflammation and redness on your face.

Further it helps to cleanse skin pores and stimulate regeneration of skin cells by peeling outer layer.

  • Take 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with rose water.
  • Now, apply the obtained paste on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Patch test before applying baking soda on your sensitive skin, it may irritate your skin.

Related post: How to get rid of pimples using baking soda?

What is Rose Water Made Of?

Rose water is a byproduct of distilling rose petals for essential oil known as rose attar.

  • Workers collect rose petals and crush them in a copper pot.
  • Petals are now covered with water and heated for few hours, steam in collected in a cooling flask through a valve.
  • This steam carries essential oil of rose and water. 20% of it is essential oil (rose oil) and 80% is water mixed with essential oil.
  • This water is known as rose water.

Rose water stays in its stay in room temperature. In Greece and Turkey rose water is used as a flavor in some foods.

You can also make your own rosewater at home. Make sure you choose organic rose petals. Check the process here.

Brief History of Rose Water

I know you’re interested in history.

Persian scientist named Avicenna in 10th century discovered this effective natural ingredient. In the Middle Ages, the rose water is used to wash hand before eating.

Cleopatra, who is known for her beauty was huge fan of authentic rose water. Even Shakespeare wrote about her affinity with this wonderful water.

Traditional use of rose water include to treat various ailments like constipation, indigestion, redness, swelling and to ease menstrual bleeding.

Aromatherapy use rose water to get rid of headaches, reduce blood pressure and to calm nerves.

People in India, China and the Middle East use rose water for culinary purposes. (Source)

Important Tips

  • Start with simple recipe, by applying rose water toner to treat acne lesions.
  • Ingredients that trigger tingling or burning sensation must be avoided.
  • Avoid squeezing acne lesions, it worsens the condition and leaves scar on your face.
  • Research says that acne is also triggered due to stress, so avoid stress.
  • Have patience while trying to treat acne. It takes time.
  • Food that triggers acne must be avoided.
  • Chemical incorporated creams that may damage your skin must be prevented.
  • You can use cosmetic creams that include rose water.
  • Feel free to try these recipes on back acne and chest acne.
  • Do consult a physician if problem persists.

Most important thing, beauty isn’t just about looks. Remember it. J

Did you ever use rose water for acne? Share your experience in comments.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Jock Itch – 7 Methods Included


Wonder liquid or terrific tonic, this home available ingredient is prominent for its nutritional abilities. Be it for weight loss or to make the food delicious, vinegar can do wonders.

By end of this article, you’ll know how to use apple cider vinegar for jock itch.

ACV has been used for centuries to treat all kinds of health problems and for cooking purposes. Assorted properties residing in raw or organic apple cider vinegar can effectively treat and soothe your hair, health and skin ailments.

What Is Jock Itch and How Do You Get It?

Jock itch is a common itchy rash that appears in the groin area and is mostly seen in men.

Jock itch is mainly caused due to moisture and bacterial growth, which results in itching, pinkish rash, pain and unpleasant smell.

This skin rash can be seen in older, obese people and athletes.

Topically applying anti-fungal creams would help to treat jock itch. Anyhow, when you come in contact with irritants they will trigger itching again.

To completely restrain the bacterial growth, experts recommend using vinegar for jock itch. Vinegar exhibits antimicrobial activity that kills bacteria and pathogens. (1)

Is jock itch contagious?

Yes, mildly contagious. If you’re with jock itch affected a person, but doesn’t provide warm and most environment for fungi, then you’re safe.

Else, the favorable environment for infectious fungus will trigger the rash.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Jock Itch?

  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial properties packed in ACV helps to thwart bacterial and fungal infection in the groin area.
  • The bad odor coming from jock itch can be banished using vinegar because it kills odor-causing bacteria.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation caused due to rigorous itching.
  • Malic and lactic acids in ACV helps to exfoliate impurities accumulated in the groin.
  • High concentration of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar aids in killing bacteria.
  • Renowned to maintain pH level of the skin. Dilute ACV with water and apply it over face and on hands to lock moisture.
  • Vitamins residing in ACV help to fasten the healing process and lighten the appearance of scars.
  • Antioxidants effect that can be attributed to ACV helps to thwart free radicals and avoid oxidative stress.
  • Astringent ability shrinks large skin pores and makes the skin firm.
  • Topical application of diluted apple cider vinegar will form a protective layer on your skin.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Jock Itch?

Both white vinegar and apple cider vinegar can effectively treat jock itch and fungal infection. Wash the area initially before applying vinegar.

Depending on your skin type you can mix other innate ingredients with ACV. Below listed are some effective remedies, go with your favorite recipe.

Method – 1 (Not recommended for all)

Pat dry using a soft cloth after washing the affected area. You can use undiluted apple cider vinegar over rashes. However, the acetic nature of vinegar can damage your skin, so experts recommend using it as a spray.

  • Fill organic apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and shake it well.
  • Spray very small amount of apple cider vinegar on jock itch area.
  • Leave it to dry naturally.

Note: This method is not recommended for sensitive skin people, it may sting a bit.

Also read: How to use apple cider vinegar for yeast infection?

Method – 2 (Apple Cider Vinegar and Water)

High concentration of acetic acid in ACV is not safe for your skin. Dilute it with equal parts of warm water and mix thoroughly.

  • Rinse and pat dry the affected part.
  • Use a cotton ball or spray to apply this solution to the groin.
  • Avoid wiping with a cloth, leave it to dry naturally.
  • Repeat the process 2-3 times a day.

Method – 3 (Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil)

Coconut oil is known to hydrate and enhance healing.

Apart from this, coconut oil is packed with antifungal and antibacterial abilities that can help to treat jock itch.

  • Mix equal parts of coconut oil to apple cider vinegar thoroughly.
  • After washing the affected area, pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Now, topically apply or spray the solution over the affected part.

Note: You can wash the area with lukewarm water, but avoid hot water as it triggers itching.

Method – 4 (Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey)

Honey is renowned for its amazing healing, antimicrobial and hydrating properties.

Anti-inflammatory ability of honey can reduce redness and inflammation accompanied by rashes.

Its antibacterial property can restrain bacterial infection and lock moisture to avoid itching.

  • Initially, wash the affected part with water and pat dry.
  • Apply 1 tablespoon of raw honey on rashes and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry to remove moisture.
  • Dilute 1:1 ACV with water and apply on jock itch affected area using a cotton
  • Allow it to dry naturally.

Repeat this process before going to bed.

Method-5 (Aloe Gel and Apple Cider Vinegar for Jock Itch)

Known for its cooling and healing properties, aloe vera gel application will reduce inflammation.

Antibacterial ability will ensure to combat infection triggering fungi to prevent itching.

Like other natural ingredients listed above, aloe gel will lock moisture on your skin and prevents irritation.

Method – 6 (ACV and Garlic)

Topical application of garlic may seem strange for you, but those who are aware of its properties will use.

However, if you’re using it for the first time, then I recommend patching test. It may irritate your sensitive skin.

Anecdotal reports claim that garlic and clove paste will reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Extra juice from garlic and add an equal quantity of ACV to it.
  • Apply this mixed lotion on the affected skin using a cotton ball.
  • Allow it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Apply moisturizer like olive oil to avoid irritation.

Method -7 (Apple Cider Vinegar and Onion Juice)

You may not like its smell, but this vegetable can prevent most common fungal infections.

Packed with antibacterial and antibiotic abilities, onion juice can do wonders to treat jock itch.

  • Crush fresh onion to extract its juice and mix equal quantity of vinegar with it.
  • Apply the lotion on the prewashed skin and allow it to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can add few drops of apple cider vinegar to the bathtub to treat jock itch and other skin ailments.

Important Tips

  • Avoid moisture, this is very important to treat jock itch.
  • Personal hygiene during jock itch will prevent from spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Take regular bath after exercise. Sweating will provide a favorable environment for fungus to grow.
  • Personal care products that include chemical ingredients must be avoided. They strip natural moisture from your skin and trigger irritation.
  • Tight clothes possibly result in fungal infection, avoid them.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Ingest vitamin-rich diet that enhances the healthy functioning of your skin.
  • Foods that trigger irritation must be avoided.
  • Avoid itching or scratching. Yes, it will be tempting to scratch but as you know the cycle continues.
  • If you’ve severe rash, then take rest don’t exercise.
  • To some extent this skin disorder is contagious, so don’t share personal belonging like towel and clothes with others.

Do consult a physician.

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