How to Use Sesame Oil for Skin Lightening – 5 Methods Included



We all desire to have whitening skin with no dark spots or scars. And to achieve this, you don’t have to opt for pricey creams. Instead, use sesame oil for skin lightening.

Extracted from sesame seeds, remarkable nutrients in sesame oil are discussed by Ancient Indians. Packed with antioxidants, vitamin A, E and fatty acids, sesame oil is prominent in Ayurveda.

Topical application will help to fight free radicals, to get rid of dry skin, to lighten dark spots and to reduce aging wrinkles.

Though cosmetic industries include this oil to their beauty creams, they prefer to incorporate refined ingredients which make the cream less beneficial than natural remedies.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation & Dark Spots?

Melanin is the responsible pigment that gives your skin its color. Food you eat, external and internal factor influence melanin production.

For instance, excess exposure to sunlight, repeated application of chemical filled creams, skin ailments and your diet results in dark complexion.

Due to increasing levels of pollution and excess exposure to UV rays your skin becomes dark. You might find face wash creams helpful, but some of them might reap natural moisture from the skin. Topically applying sesame oil for skin whitening can be more effective with no side-effects.

Recommended: Saffron face pack for skin whitening

Does Sesame Oil Lighten Skin

  • Improves circulation: Assorted nutrients residing in sesame oil penetrates into deeper layers of the skin due to its viscosity. Where the nutrients improve blood circulation and make the outer layer of the skin smooth.
  • Hydrates your skin: Palmitic, linoleic and stearic acids packed in sesame oil can effectively moisturize your dry skin.
  • Natural sunscreen: Vitamin C and E packed in this oil guards your skin from UV rays and stimulate healthy functioning of your skin.
  • Reduce wrinkles: Vitamin A and E exhibits antioxidant activity, which thwart free radicals and improves skin’s elasticity that aids in reducing wrinkles.
  • Repairs your damaged skin: Nutrients packed in this innate ingredient penetrate deep into your skin and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Cleanse your skin: Exfoliating ability of the oil help to remove dead cells, impurities and excess oil from the skin.
  • Treats Acne: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property residing in sesame oil can effectively reduce acne blemishes.
  • Treat skin disease: Packed with antioxidants and antibacterial properties, sesame oil restrain bacterial infection and fasten the healing process. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation.

Topically apply this herb oil to improve your overall skin texture and make it supple. It also wipes out the impurities accumulated over the skin, resulting in clear and whitening skin.

Also read: Potato face pack for skin whitening

How to Use Sesame Oil for Skin Lightening?

You can get sesame oil from a local store, wash the affected area initially and pat dry. Now, massage this Ayurvedic oil evenly over the face and around the neck. Leave it to get absorbed, best time is to apply at night before going to bed.

#1 Sesame Oil and Rice Flour

Packed with skin whitening abilities, rice flour face mask removes excess oil from the skin. Vitamins in it promote formation of collagen and elastin. Tyrosinase compound present in rice flour regulates production of melanin.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with 1 tablespoon of sesame oil.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Apply the mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#2 Brown Sugar, Sesame Oil and Eucalyptus Oil

Known for its exfoliating ability, brown sugar helps to cleanse impurities and dead cells.

Antiseptic, antibacterial and hydrating ability packed in eucalyptus oil improve skin texture and make it supple.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of sesame oil and 15 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Cleanse your face to remove impurities.
  • Apply the mixed mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.

Sesame oil can be applied throughout the body and face to protect it from UV rays. It will protect you from impurities and aging wrinkles or fine lines.

#3 Apple Cider Vinegar and Sesame Oil

Glycol packed in vinegar help to clear your skin from impurities. Acidic ability helps to exfoliate your skin and retain its natural tone. Regular application will lighten the appearance of dark spots and get rid of hyperpigmentation.

  • Mix 5-6 tbsp of sesame oil with 4 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp of water.
  • After stirring thoroughly, massage the lotion on face before going to bed.
  • Rinse it off in the morning.

Regular use of sesame oil will cleanse impurities and dirt off the face. Experts recommend buying organic sesame oil for skin lightening, as refined oil has fewer nutrients.

Related: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Skin Whitening?

#4 Sesame Oil Face Mask

Instead of mixing other natural ingredients, you can just apply this innate ingredient directly over the face.

Prepare your face by washing it with water and pat dry with clean water.

Take 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and gently massage on the face in circular motion. Allow it to dry naturally.

Repeat the process twice in week.

#5 Turmeric and Sesame Oil

Turmeric powder is extensively used for culinary purposes. It’s also known for its cosmetic benefits. Bleaching, cleansing, antibacterial and antiseptic ability properties of this spice improve your skin tone and texture.

  • Mix 8 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 5 tablespoons of sesame oil.
  • Apply this smooth mask on your face using clean fingers.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Also read: How to Use Turmeric for Skin Whitening?

Important Tips

Depending on your skin type, choose any one remedy and stick to it for few months.

Ingredients that trigger irritation must be avoided.

Drink enough water and ingest water rich diet to hydrate your skin internally.

Moisturizing is one of the best ways to protect your skin from skin ailments and to obtain flawless skin.

Did you ever use sesame oil to lighten skin? Share your recipe in comments.

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How to Use Jojoba Oil for Stretch Marks – 12 Methods Included

jojoba oil for stretch marks

Everyone desire to have aesthetic appearance, youngsters are going crazy for media promoted products. Fortunately, you’ve home remedies, in this article you’ll learn about benefits of jojoba oil for stretch marks.

People are transforming themselves by quitting junk food and eating healthy, they are trying to eat as healthy as possible so that they can stay away from health problems, but one problem is there that annoys everyone and that is “stretch marks” on the body.

After putting so many efforts when we finally notice change in our body, we feel motivated and happy but we keep on finding ways to get of those unwanted stretch marks. So, today I am going to tell you about how you can use Jojoba oil for stretch marks.

Though there are many oils that can help us in getting rid of stretch marks and you can take the treatment for it too but getting rid of stretch marks slowly and naturally will be more helpful and your skin will remain good too.

You must be wondering that how Jojoba oil is beneficial for stretch marks. I will mention that very soon, but before it let us see the main cause of stretch marks on our body.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Because of stretch marks, we are not able to wear good clothes because we do not want anyone to see our stretch marks and it is not possible to get rid of it in one day or two. Below are the top 5 reasons of stretch marks.

  1. Pregnancy: While pregnancy, almost all the women experience stretch marks on their body because the skin stretches as the development of baby is going in the womb. The skin stretches in number of ways which causes stretch marks.
  2. Weight Loss / gain: If your body goes through sudden gain or loss in weight, stretch marks appear. These stretch marks are seen on the fatty area of body like shoulders, hands, thighs and belly.
  3. Some pills, corticosteroid creams are the reason behind stretch marks because it decreases the ability of skin to stretch.
  4. Some of the gland disorders like Cushing’s syndrome, marfan’s syndrome and ehlers-danlos syndrome are the reason behind stretch marks.
  5. Gym: If you go to gym and do exercises regularly then you can experience stretch marks on those parts of the body which is stretched most while doing exercises.

Having these much amazing benefits, let us see what jojoba oil actually is. Extracted from nut of an indigenous American shrub, jojoba oil is a liquid wax which is helpful for skin, hair and our body.

Is Jojoba Oil Good for Stretch Marks?

Since, we are talking about how you can use jojoba oil for stretch marks; one of the main questions that will arise in your mind is, about the nutrients in jojoba oil that can prevent stretch marks. How it is beneficial compared to other oils?

Mainly, women face stretch marks post pregnancy and jojoba oil is specially made for women who want to get rid of stretch marks after their delivery.

  • Jojoba oil for stretch marks is really good but it is also highly beneficial for skin. Jojoba oil plays an important role as a remedy because it moisturizes our skin.
  • Apart from skin, if you want your hair to grow long and strong then you must use jojoba oil and do massage with it.
  • Jojoba oil can also save you from acne and you will be happy to know that you can also use jojoba oil for getting rid from chapped lips. You can use it as lip balm.
  • Rub small amount of jojoba oil every night on your face, your skin will get smoother day by day.
  • Major benefit of jojoba oil is, it helps you to get rid of stretch marks.

Related: How to use Emu oil for stretch marks?

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Stretch Marks?

When you apply jojoba oil on your skin it moisturizes your skin where stretch marks are available and open the pores of your skin.

According to doctors, jojoba oil is so much helpful that it is used even in manufacturing of shampoos, lipsticks, cleansing products and more.

You can mix up jojoba oil with many things or you can apply it directly on the stretch marks. It depends on your requirement.

Remember that everything using in wrong way or in excess manner can cause problems, so here are some precautions you have to take while using jojoba oil:

  • Never leave the bottle open in high temperatures for example in freezers, cars or direct sunlight.
  • Never heat or boil jojoba oil otherwise all it’s oxidation will evaporate and it will have nothing.
  • Never use oil while bathing. Apply it after half or 1 hour of shower.
  • Once applied on skin, try not to keep that much portion open. Protect it from sun light.
  • Prevent your nose and eyes while applying.
  • Keep it at safe place so that your kids cannot reach to it.

12 DIY Recipes to Make with Jojoba Oil

As we are talking about jojoba oil for stretch marks, here are the top 12 recipe you must know so that you can use jojoba oil for other things also.

#1 Jojoba oil with Moisturizer

The moisturizer includes oilatum, balnuem, medi oil bath oils which help you to get rid from dryness. So, if you want to use jojoba oil with moisturizer, below are the steps.

Process: Take few drops on your palm, rub it and apply it on your body. Your skin will look beautiful and glowing.

You can even use it for removing your makeup.

#2 Jojoba Oil with Conditioner

Process: If you want your hair to grow long and faster, take some jojoba oil on your hand.

  • Mix with few drops of conditioner and keep it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Massage your scalp for 2-5 minutes. You will love your hair the next day.

#3 Jojoba Oil with Night Cream

Process: if you apply cream on your face before sleeping, mix few drops of jojoba oil.

  • Blend both cream and jojoba oil in such a way that it is well mixed.
  • Massage your skin in a circular motion for 5 minutes.

#4 Jojoba Oil with Aloe Vera

As you know aloe Vera is used in many medicines as it includes Vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. Below are the steps you need to follow if you want to use jojoba oil with aloe vera.

Process: Take little bit amount of aloe vera gel in a bowl.

  • Drop few droplets of jojoba oil and mix well.
  • Apply it on your stretch marks and massage for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wash it after 10 minutes.

#5 Jojoba Oil with Almond Oil

Because of the easiness through which almond oil absorbs into our skin, it is recommended to use jojoba oil with oil. How? Below is the recipe.

  • Take ½ cup of almond oil.
  • Add 1/4th cup of jojoba oil.
  • Add aloe vera gel.
  • Mix well and apply it on your skin or hair.
  • Leave for 15 minutes and wash.

#6 Jojoba Oil with Balm

  • Take little amount of you lip balm.
  • Take few droplets of jojoba oil and mix well.
  • Apply around your lips for keeping your lips smooth.

#7 Jojoba Oil and Castor Oil for Stretch Marks

  • Take 1 table spoon of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of castor oil.
  • Mix the mixture well and apply it on the stretch marks for 10 minutes.
  • Cover it with a hot cloth and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the cloth and wash the area.

Do it daily.

#8 Jojoba Oil with Lemon

Lemon includes thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic, iron and magnesium and it has many benefits. So, lemon is surely going to help you when mixed with jojoba oil.

  • Take juice of half lemon in a bowl and 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the area having stretch marks and leave it till it dry.
  • Wash it with warm water after 10 to 20 minutes.

#9 Jojoba Oil with Coffee Grounds

  • Take 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds and add jojoba oil in it.
  • Mix the mixture well and apply on your stretch marks.
  • Leave the mixture on your body for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it after 20 minutes.

You can repeat this process 2-3 times per week and you will see the result.

#10 Jojoba Oil with Turmeric

Turmeric is also known as curcuma longa is a member of ginger family which is used to heal wounds and for getting rid of fever and infections. It includes large amount of curcumin because of which it can be used in many drugs.

As you all know, turmeric plays an important role in medical field, it can help you to get rid of stretch marks too.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and 1 teaspoon oil of turmeric.
  • Apply the mixture in the stretched area and leave it for whole night.
  • You can even add 1 tablespoon of orange juice too.
  • Repeat this daily.

#11 Jojoba Oil with Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is also known theobroma oil and it is made up of cocoa bean which includes amazing aroma.

  • Cocoa butter itself is having lots of benefits as it soothes your skin, so take 2-3 tablespoon of cocoa butter and add 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.
  • Apply it on the area and leave for few minutes.
  • Wash it well.

Also read: Is Cocoa Butter Good for Stretch Marks?

#12 Jojoba Oil with Honey

Honey is known for weight loss when you take it with warm water as it is natural and does not contain any extra chemical.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks, below is the recipe you need to make with honey.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of oil and mix it with honey and let it mix well.
  • Apply it on the stretched area and wash it well.

I hope you all will get rid of stretched marks very soon and can wear whatever you want to without feeling embarrassed.

Try the above-mentioned recipes of jojoba oil for stretch marks for fast and better results.

Along with topical application of natural ingredients, beauty experts recommend foods packed with vitamins that can improve overall healthy functioning of the skin.

Hydrate your skin from the inside by ingesting water rich fruits and vegetables.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Wrinkles on Face and Under Eyes – 12 Methods

aloe vera for wrinkles

Hey, ladies are you tired of wrinkles and marks on your face? We are pretty sure you would have tried every product on your face to get rid of them but your hard earned money and hard work would have gone in vain.

Today we are going to provide you with a very simple solution. Can you imagine aloe vera for wrinkles can do miracles? It’s inexpensive, readily available and easy to use. This write-up covers the usage and benefits of aloe vera.

It is a natural anti-wrinkle moisturizer. It can maintain your golden period of the twenties for a long time.

Aloe Vera is a most versatile anti ageing natural plant which is always helpful for soothing, healing and moisturizing the skin. It is helpful in improving the elasticity of skin and removing the faces lines from the skin.

Also read: Is Castor Oil Good for Wrinkles?

Aloe vera gel is no wonder one of the most effective herbal product. All aloe vera products whether its gel, cream or eye cream are considered as the perfect beauty remedy. So they are used all over the world.

You can easily rely on aloe vera because it is a natural product without any side effect. The use of aloe vera is not a new discovery; it has been used as a beauty product for ages. Hollywood star Victoria Beckham and other celebrities use this miraculous anti-wrinkle agent.

What causes wrinkles on face and under eyes?

Generally, wrinkles are the symbol of ageing, but nowadays the scenario is quite different. Even people of quiet young age are also suffering from this problem, the reason being our rapidly changing lifestyle. Pollution, sunburn, improper diet, smoking, alcohol and inheritance are some causes among many.

  • Aging is the most common cause of wrinkles. As humans get older, skin becomes thin, dry and starts losing its elasticity. Thus, fine lines start appearing on the skin which turns into wrinkles.
  • When people go out from the house on a sunny day, the harmful UV rays directly fall on their skin and it gets sunburned. This sunburn slowly starts damaging collagen of skin and start producing wrinkles.
  • Low amount of protein in our diet can lead to lack of collagen in our body. If collagen amount is low in our body, our body starts losing its elasticity so very soon wrinkles can appear on our skin. Junk food and spicy food are also responsible for wrinkles.
  • It’s a known fact that smoking is injurious to health and skin. Cigarettes contain nicotine which affects the outer layer of skin. It chokes the flow of oxygen in the blood vessels resulting in the low production of oxygen and skin layer becomes thinner, wrinkles start appearing.
  • Stress is the outburst of wrinkles as it causes a chain reaction in which cells of skin get damage creating fine lines on the face.
  • Particles of dust, smog, contaminated water makes our skin unhealthy slowly creating scars on the skin and these ugly scars are no other than wrinkles.
  • Wrinkles can be genetic. Sometimes the genes you have received from your ancestors are the real culprit for the fine lines on your skin.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Foreheads Wrinkles with Botox?

Is Aloe Vera Good for Wrinkles?

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant which contains antioxidants, salicylic acid, vitamin b12, choline, mineral, enzymes and amino acid, anthraquinones, sugars, hormones. These are enough to keep skin free from wrinkles.

  • Aloe vera works internally to rebuild collagen. Collagen is very important for making skin more elastic. If skin will be more elastic then wrinkles will occur less.
  • It has moisturizing properties. It contains mucopolysaccharides which bind moisture to the skin, remove skin dryness and reduce the fine wrinkles. It penetrates deep into the skin and makes skin soft.
  • Aloe vera has abundant of antioxidants, which is very helpful in removing free radicals from the skin.
  • It acts as a shield from the sun radiation by creating a layer around the skin.
  • Aloe vera gel has astringent properties, which is very helpful in removing dead cells from the skin.
  • When skin became brittle and rough, an amino acid present in the Aloe Vera can make skin softer.

All facts prove that aloe vera is a magical moisturizer which significantly removes the wrinkles and gives us a healthy skin.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Wrinkles?

Above we discussed the Aloe Vera’s properties and benefits. Usage of aloe vera for wrinkles in your daily life can give you a charming face and an adorable beauty. There are several homemade methods which can be used for skin care.

Have look how aloe Vera can be used in different ways-

#1 Almond Oil and Aloe Vera

As it is an excellent antioxidants and works as an astringent, the aloe vera gel is considered as an excellent moisturizer as well. Here’s how you can use it.

  • Take one tablespoon of aloe vera and 3 drops of almond oil.
  • Apply this over the affected area as moisturizer.
  • Use tips of your fingers to massage on your skin.

#2 Drinking Aloe Vera gel

According to research drinking aloe vera juice daily can work as an excellent for removing wrinkles, you have to take it with clean water or you can also have it by mixing fruit extracts.

  • Blend together 1 apple, 2 tablespoons of banana, and some berries.
  • To the mashed fruits, add 3 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Blend this in a glass of water.
  • Drink every night, this works as a healing drink.

Related post: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Wrinkles?

#3 Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

After a long tiring day, you are bound to find your skin dull, brittle, and wrinkles appear on when you tend to ignore them. Have you ever considered using aloe vera for face wrinkles?

You can refresh your dull-wrinkled skin by applying homemade Aloe Vera Ice cube. Here’s how:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel in a glass of water.
  • Pour the mixture in an ice cube tray.
  • Freeze it in the refrigerator.
  • Daily before going to bed, rub an ice cube gently on your skin for 2 minutes.

Your skin will look fresh and glowing within 2 weeks of use.

#4 Fresh Aloe Vera Mask

You can take fresh aloe vera leaves, peel the leaf and directly apply gel to your skin. If you don’t find aloe vera plant nearby your place then buy a simple aloe vera gel from the market.

  • Apply aloe vera gel to your face.
  • Let it sit for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat daily for a month to find a new radiance on your face.

#5 Egg Yolk, Olive Oil and Aloe Vera for Eye Wrinkles

For the men & women struggling with the wrinkles around their eyes and face, this recipe can be your ultimate choice to removing fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Blend together 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.
  • After mixing the ingredients well, and apply to the affected skin.
  • Let it sit for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use this recipe three times in a week.

Egg yolk contains vitamins, minerals and protein which works effectively when gets mixed with the aloe vera gel. The olive oil and aloe vera gel contains antioxidants, and they are a good source of vitamin E.

So, these ingredients together can help you maintain the elasticity of your skin.

Also read: How to Use Egg White to Whiten Your Face?

#6 Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Capsule

Vitamin E is an excellent source for improving the skin elasticity and increase the collagen production in the skin, the vitamin capsules work great for removing wrinkles.

  • Take a bowl and break 1 capsule of vitamin E to extract its oil.
  • To the oil, add 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel.
  • Mix together the liquids and after that apply this mixture to the affected skin.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes after.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.

It is an efficient source of increase collagen production, using it with aloe vera gel for will definitely give you a positive result.

#7 Lemon Juice and Aloe Vera for Face Wrinkles

 Aloe vera and lemon together make powerful anti-wrinkle solutions. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Mix a teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  • Blend well and apply the mixture to the affected skin.
  • Using your fingers, massage gently in a circular motion.
  • Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water.
  • You can apply it daily and regular use of this remedy will definitely reduce your wrinkles.

#8 Aloe Vera with Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in water. It is an excellent hydrating, skin-lightening, and anti-ageing agent to be used with Aloe Vera extract.

  • Take a half cucumber and blend it properly.
  • Take a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of fresh cucumber juice.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel mix it well.
  • Gently apply it by massaging in a circular motion.
  • Wash it off with normal water after 20 minutes.

You can use it once a day to remove facial wrinkles.

#9 Aloe Vera with Papaya

Papaya has skin lightening properties that help clear blemishes and pigmentation. To make an aloe vera and papaya pack you can use ripe papaya.

  • Mash 2 tablespoons of ripe papaya and mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel in it.
  • Mix it well and apply it on your face.
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with normal water.

You can follow this recipe in your daily skin care regimen.

#10 Aloe Vera with Raw Honey

Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention.

  • Take a bowl and mix one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of aloe vera gel mix it well.
  • Apply it in your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry.

You have to use this mixture of aloe vera and honey once in a week to get a glowing face

#11 Aloe Vera with Brown Sugar

You can use brown sugar as an exfoliator on sensitive skin as it is softer compared to regular sugars.

  • Take a half tablespoon each of brown sugar and Aloe Vera gel in a bowl.
  • Mix the ingredients properly.
  • Apply it on the affected skin.
  • Gently massage it for 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water then pat it dry.

Repeat this process thrice in a week.

#12 Aloe Vera and Turmeric

Turmeric is an excellent antioxidants and it boost circulation and collagen production. Regular use of turmeric with aloe vera can help get rid of wrinkles.

  • Take one pinch of turmeric and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • To the same bowl, add one teaspoon of honey and few drops of rose water.
  • Mix these ingredients and make a paste.
  • Then apply it to your neck and face.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it with lukewarm water and then your face with a clean towel

Important Tips for Prevent Premature Aging

  • Starts following healthy diet that contains all important food constituents like fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals etc.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of Water.
  • Say a big NO to junk food and soft drinks.
  • Use skin grooming products which contains aloe vera gel.
  • Try to keep your skin covered when you leave out in the sun. Use sunscreens.
  • Avoid smoking. It is injurious for both your health and the skin.
  • Protect your skin from pollution. Wash your face twice a day.
  • Stay away from stress, keep smiling.

These recipes and their effective results are a proof that aloe vera gel can significantly reverse the sign of skin ageing. So add Aloe Vera based products in your daily beauty regime to make your skin younger, beautiful and charming.

What was your experience of using aloe vera for wrinkles? Let us know in the comments below.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Acne and Acne Scars – 7 DIY Methods


Nearly 50 million people are affected by acne every year in the US alone. No need to worry, you can treat this common skin ailment with natural remedies. In this article, you’ll learn about benefits of jojoba oil for acne.

The cosmetic industry is booming with this huge demand for anti-acne products, but they all are filled with chemical preservatives. In few cases, repeated use of these cosmetic products even triggered ailments.

So, what is jojoba oil?

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax extracted from the jojoba plant. Properties of this liquid wax are identical to skin’s natural oil sebum. This is why it’s included as an ingredient in many cosmetic products.

Jojoba oil is non-comedogenic in nature; Comedo is a type of a pimple or lesion caused due to excess oil or bacterial infection. A non-comedogenic cleanser controls excess sebum production but doesn’t strip natural oils from the skin.

Mix jojoba oil with vitamin C or aloe vera gel. Antibacterial properties of aloe help fight bacteria in pores and vitamin C boosts the immune system.

We recommend aloe vera and jojoba oil for acne scars, because of aloe’s gamut nutritional values.

The Cause

Unfortunately, the real cause of this skin disorder is not known. Experts say that hormonal imbalance that occurs when a person reaches puberty is the primary cause of acne inflammation.

Other studies state genetics, medication with androgen and cosmetic creams can trigger acne flare-ups.

  • Hormonal imbalance, as you step into adulthood androgens and female hormones rears its ugly head in the form of acne.
  • Stress triggers cortisol hormone to deal with stress. But, along with it small bit of hormones leak resulting in excess production of sebum.
  • You’re surrounded by alarming levels of pollutants that form a layer on your face. Air pollution is going to make the things worse.
  • One wrong product can cost you inflamed acne on your face. Check for ingredient’s list before topical application.
  • Repeated cleansing will not treat acne, instead, it can dry out your skin. Experts say that this can promote acne lesions.
  • The food you eat has a great impact on your health and skin. Those delicious oily products can actually be dangerous for your skin. It can cause break-outs. (source)

Whiteheads, nobules, cysts, blackheads, papules, and pustules are different types of acne pimples.

Is Jojoba Oil Good for Acne?

1. Anti-inflammatory property

Acne experts held inflammation to be the mere cause of break-outs. This property is essential to get rid of inflammation and redness. Even your anti-acne creams exhibit this ability.

Jojoba oil is housed with anti-inflammatory abilities that reduce pain, redness and helps to shrink swollen acne.

2. Prevents Excess Oil

Due to various factors your skin secrets excess sebum that blocks skin pores and this lead the way for acne.

The non-comedogenic ability of this liquid wax helps to unclog skin pores and tricks your skin to prevent it from releasing excess oil.

3. Fights Bacteria

P.acnes is the bacteria that is responsible for acne blemishes. The antibacterial ability of the oil helps to restrain infectious bacteria and reduce acne inflammation.

Topical application of this oil will also help to reduce redness and cleanse your skin.

4. Natural Moisturizer

Jojoba oil has similar properties to sebum, thus it can effectively hydrate your dry skin and protect it from harmful germs.

Apart from moisturizing this liquid wax can avoid sunburn, hyperpigmentation, unclog skin pores, itching, and other skin disorders.

5. Vitamin E for Acne Scars

This vitamin exhibits antioxidant ability that thwarts free radicals and reduces the appearance of acne scars.

It easily penetrates into the skin and promotes collagen production to make your skin free from wrinkles.

Other benefits of jojoba oil to treat acne are:

  • Vitamin B helps to maintain hormonal balance for the healthy functioning of the skin.
  • Its distinct feature helps to unclog blocked skin pores.
  • Jojoba oil can be used as a cuticle moisturizing cream, just drop one drop of jojoba oil to fight dry cuticles.
  • It’s a makeup removal, using a cotton ball dipped in jojoba oil to remove makeup.
  • Apart from acne, jojoba oil can effectively treat other chronic skin ailments including eczema and psoriasis.
  • If you’ve oily skin don’t worry you can use this oil, properties in jojoba oil control excess production of sebum.
  • Antioxidant properties in jojoba oil help to fight free harmful radicals effecting the skin.
  • It has an antibacterial agent which fight acne infecting bacteria, this will reduce acne flare-up.

A study carried out in Italy state that jojoba oil has the ability to fasten the healing process and stimulate collagen production.

Another study, regular application of jojoba oil face mask efficiently reduced acne and enhances the supple skin.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Acne and Acne Scars?

Yes, it seems paradoxical that oil is used to treat acne which is caused by excess oil production. Because jojoba is not oil but a wax, this is similar to skin’s natural oil.

Jojoba oil when applied on skin with aloe gel forms a paradoxical effect controlling oil production and reduces bacterial infection. It tricks skin to produce less sebum.

#1 Jojoba Oil and Aloe Vera Gel

Its anti-bacterial ability restrains P.acnes bacteria. Jojoba oil also acts as a cleanser to unblock skin pores, reduce itching and inflammation.

Aloe vera is prominent for its cooling and soothing abilities. Topical application of this innate ingredient will reduce inflammation and fasten the healing process.

  • Wash the affected part with cleanser.
  • Pat dry and when the skin is still damp, using cotton ball apply jojoba oil + aloe gel (1 tbsp of jojoba oil and few drops of aloe vera gel). Don’t scrub.
  • Repeat the process 3 times, as this is purging period you may see acne pores purging.

These ingredients absorb excess oil from the skin that clogs skin pores.

#2. Raw Honey, Jojoba Oil and Lemon Juice

Benefits of honey and lemon are renowned. Just by applying raw honey you can treat acne lesions. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities are housed in honey that works effectively to treat acne.

Lemon juice is also packed with antibacterial and bleaching properties that lighten the appearance of acne scars.

However, for effective remedy people prefer to blend all these ingredients.

Take 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, few drops of lemon juice and mashed strawberries.

Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft cloth. Apply the obtained mask and allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes. The, rinse it off with normal water.

Also, read this: Use raw honey to cure acne.

#3. Jojoba Oil, Frankincense Oil, and Carrot Seed Oil

This blend of all innate ingredients will not only treat acne blemishes but helps to obtain flawless skin.

Nutrients in these natural oils penetrate deep into the skin to stimulate healthy functioning.

Nutrients in frankincense oil can treat acne, eczema and reduce acne scars.

Take a ¼ ounce of jojoba oil, ¼ ounce of evening primrose oil, ¼ ounce of pomegranate oil, 15 drops of vitamin E oil, 10 drops of carrot seed oil and 20 drops of frankincense oil.

Mix all ingredients and apply it over the prewashed face.

#4. Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil for Acne

Tea tree essential oil is renowned for its exceptional nutrients. This strong oil can treat chronic skin ailments and reduce stress.

If you’ve sensitive skin, then dilute tea tree oil with rosewater or jojoba oil to get rid of acne.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of jojoba oil with ½ tbsp of tea tree oil.
  • Apply the obtained mixture on acne lesions as a spot treatment.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply the oil on red swollen bumps.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.

#5. Jojoba Oil and Cornmeal

Obtained by grinding corn, this home available ingredient can remove excess sebum and shed dead cells. Check out, cornmeal face scrub recipe here.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of cornmeal with 1 tbsp of jojoba oil in a bowl.
  • Cleanse your face to remove impurities.
  • Apply the obtained face mask to your acne affected skin.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.

#6. Almond Oil, Brown Sugar and Jojoba Oil

Brown sugar is known for its exfoliating abilities. It can remove excess oiliness from your face.

Vitamins and minerals packed in almond oil are essential to treat acne, improve your skin texture and for skin whitening.

  • Take 1 tbsp of jojoba oil, 1 tbsp of almond oil and ½ cup of brown sugar in a bowl.
  • Alternatively, you can mix required amount of honey and lemon juice.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it to your pre-washed
  • After 20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#7. Lemon Juice and Jojoba Oil for Acne Scars

As mentioned above, lemon juice is also packed with antibacterial and bleaching abilities that treat acne and lighten the appearance of scars.

To make the face mask more effective you can add honey and strawberry juice.

  • Drop 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.
  • Optionally, add 1 tbsp of raw honey and few mashed strawberries.
  • Apply this homemade face mask on your acne affected skin.
  • Let it dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with normal water.

Myths about Acne

You’ll find lots of myths surrounding this chronic skin ailment. Some of them are:

  • Acne is for teenagers (myth) – even adult people can get affected by acne vulgaris.
  • Acne and spots are different (myth) – they both are same. Acne is a medical term used by doctors.
  • Acne is caused due to unclean skin (myth) (source)

How to Store Jojoba Oil?

You can store jojoba oil, it will not spoil. But if water droplets enter it may leave jojoba oil with black dots in it.

Use an airtight container and take away from the bathroom after use. Place it refrigerator for future use.

Important Tips

  • You must change your diet to combat acne.
  • Foods that trigger acne must be avoided.
  • As mentioned above stress trigger acne vulgaris, so avoid it.
  • Drink enough water and ingest water-rich foods to hydrate your skin from the inside.
  • Cosmetic creams that are incorporated with chemical preservatives must be avoided.
  • Avoid squeezing inflamed bumps; this will leave deep scars on your face.
  • Regularly use any of the natural ingredients like cucumber, jojoba oil, almond oil or rosewater to treat acne.

Did you ever use jojoba oil for acne? Share your recipe in comments.

Image source: 1, 2




How to Use Kalonji Oil for Skin Whitening – 5 DIY Methods

We all are exposed to thousand ads on cosmetic creams, which fail miserably to full fill our dreams of obtaining flawless skin.

Your quest has the best ingredients can come to halt, kalonji for skin whitening is one the natural remedy that is packed with essential nutrients that your skin needs.

A clear and healthy skin reflects your beauty. Media promoted models aren’t beauty icons. Because it isn’t just about fair skin; natural glow is what makes you look gorgeous.

With hectic work schedule and alarming increase in pollutants, we pay little to no attention to skin and as a result dark spots, dry patches and hyperpigmentation are triggered.

Is Kalonji Good for Skin Whitening?

Like mentioned above innate ingredients are filled with essential vitamins and minerals that can make your skin radiant. Repeated application of these ingredients will gradually improve your overall skin functioning.

  • Rich in linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, kalonji oil application can improve your skin texture and hydrate it.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by kalonji oil thwarts free radicals that initiate oxidative stress and reduce fine lines.
  • Use of Nigella seeds will keep your skin youthful and radiant.
  • Anti-inflammatory abilities packed in this oil reduce acne inflammation and redness on your skin.
  • Anti-bacterial property exhibited by the oil restrains infectious germs.
  • Vitamin A and other assorted nutrients residing in the oil promote cell regeneration and help to get rid of skin disorders.
  • Vitamins housed in kalonji seeds protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • It promotes collagen production and improves elastin to reduce wrinkles.
  • Nutrients in kalonji seeds can treat chronic ailments like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Essential fatty acids housed in this natural oil help to get rid of dry patches.
  • Linoleic acid hydrates your skin and guards the skin from impurities.
  • Vitamins in the oil help to cleanse the accumulated impurities and dead cells.

This innate oil is obtained from the seeds of Nigella Sativa. It is prominent for its medicinal properties. Ailments like cancer, blood pressure, heart problem, diabetes, kidney stones, headache and piles can be reduced by regular consumption of these seeds.

However, you may find positive feedback after a couple of applications.

GET Kalonji Oil Here


How to Use Kalonji for Skin Whitening?

Cleanse your face or wash it with water. Pat dry and gently massage with kalonji oil.

You can try this simple version or blend other innate ingredients available in your kitchen to make it more effective.

Below mentioned are different recipes that may help you depending on your skin type.

#1 Honey and Black Seed Oil (Kalonji)

Both ingredients are renowned for their healing properties.

Honey with its viscous nature help to lock moisture on your skin and cleanse impurities. Vitamins residing in honey help to lighten your skin and also treat ailments.

  • Take required amount of heated and grounded kalonji seeds and mix with raw honey
  • Apply this paste over prewashed face and rinse it off after 20-30 minutes.
  • You can internally consume this nutritious ingredient.

Alternatively, you can just mix honey and kalonji oil in required quantity before applying it over the face.

#2 ACV and Kalonji Seeds

Glycol housed in apple cider vinegar help to cleanse your skin and improve its texture. Regular application of ACV will promote wrinkle and acne free skin.

  • For ailments, heat kalonji seeds and finely grounded them.
  • Mix the powdered seeds with apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the paste over the face.

#3 Sesame Oil and Kalonji Oil

Like kalonji seeds, sesame seeds can be used for cosmetic purposes.

Nutrients in sesame seed oil tighten your skin and make it radiant. Regular application will improve blood circulation and promote collagen production. Check its benefits for skin whitening.

  • Take required amount of sesame seed oil and kalonji oil in a bowl.
  • Wash your face to remove impurities and pat dry.
  • Using your clean fingers apply the mixed oil on your face in circular motion.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.

#4 Lemon Juice and Kalonji Oil to Lighten Skin

Bleaching ability and acidic properties of lemon juice help to lighten dark spots and improve your skin complexion.

Antibacterial properties residing in lemon fight acne causing bacteria and thwart other infectious germs.

  • Take few drops of Lemon juice and mix with kalonji oil.
  • Apply it over the face evenly and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive towards sunlight.
  • Patch test before applying lemon juice on your face.

#5 Black Onion Seed Oil and Milk Face Pack

Prominent queen Cleopatra reportedly bathed herself in milk to reap its cosmetic benefits.

Milk hydrates your skin, soothes inflamed patches, removes dead cells and makes your skin whitening.

Vitamins and minerals housed in milk need no explanation. They are known to energies your body internally and make it radiant topically.

  • Take ½ cup of milk and 1 tbsp of kalonji seeds
  • Soak kalonji or black seeds in water for an hour.
  • Mean while heat raw milk for few minutes.
  • Now, shift soaked kalonji seeds to warm milk and soak for another 1 hour.
  • Grind both ingredients to obtain smooth paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face and apply it on the skin.
  • Massage gently and allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Apart from skin, you can use kalonji oil to obtain shiny hair.

Along with kalonji oil, you must practice a healthy lifestyle, drink enough water and reduce stress for the beautiful skin.

BUY NOW – Kalonji Oil

Foods that lighten your skin must be included in your diet. These fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins that reduce melanin production and help you obtain glowing skin.

Did you ever use kalonji oil to lighten skin? Please share your views in comments.

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How to Use Neem Oil for Psoriasis and Scalp Psoriasis

About 3 percent of World population experience psoriasis symptoms. Itching and inflammation is the constant problem faced by these people. In this article, you’ll learn uses of neem oil for psoriasis.

Though there is no permanent treatment for this chronic skin ailment, you can reduce lesions and itch through natural and western treatments.

Steroid creams have shown positive results, but unfortunately, they don’t last for a long time. This is why most people prefer natural remedies to reduce psoriasis. It’s not important that a remedy which worked for someone should work for you.

Using neem oil to treat psoriasis will reduce inflammation and itching on scalp. High concentration of vitamins and minerals residing in this herbal remedy can thwart infectious bacteria and moisturize your dry itchy skin.

Is Neem Oil Good for Psoriasis?

Neem is large and fast-growing tree found mostly in India. Its seeds, leaves, and bark has significant role in Ayurvedic medicine

Because of its antiseptic and antioxidant properties, it can effectively soothe your skin ailments.

Also read: Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

Dry skin is the main culprit to trigger psoriasis. Your skin is guarded with natural oil that protects it from harmful bacteria. Due to external or internal factors, your skin loses this natural oil and becomes dry allowing germs and fungi to invade.

Neem oil is renowned for its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. With this and other nutrients, this herbal oil can help you to reduce psoriasis symptoms.

  • Emollient properties in neem can hydrate your skin and thwart itching.
  • Antioxidants housed in neem oil fight free radicals that can damage cell membrane.
  • Researchers state that neem oil consists of 100 chemical compounds that exhibit antibacterial and antiviral abilities.
  • The antibacterial and antifungal activity of this herbal oil can restrain infectious germs.
  • Its cleansing property can remove dead cells from skin and scalp.
  • Carotenoids and omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids in neem oil can reduce aging wrinkles, hydrate dry skin and fade scars.
  • Its hydrating activity helps to get rid of itching and scaly skin.
  • Inflammation and redness caused by psoriasis can be reduced by anti-inflammatory properties residing in neem oil.
  • Nimbidin and azadirachtin are active components residing in the oil that exhibits antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
  • These active components can stimulate collagen production and fade fine lines.
  • Vitamin E and other nutrients promote supple and soft skin.
  • Along with psoriasis, neem oil can effectively soothe eczema symptoms.

How to Use Neem Oil for Psoriasis?


Initially, there is no permanent treatment for this chronic skin disease. But, with natural remedies, you can reduce its effect and make your skin free from scaly patches.

#1 Neem Oil Application

Initially, wash affected the skin and pat dry with soft cloth. Now apply neem oil evenly and leave it to dry naturally. You must repeat the process to see positive results.

#2 Neem Oil for Scalp Psoriasis

An estimate of 75 million Americans affected with psoriasis has it on their scalp. Dry itchy patches and hair loss are signs of this ailment. (Source)

  • Wash your scalp to remove impurities.
  • When the scalp is still damp apply neem oil evenly.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off with water.
  • You can mix required amount of neem oil with your favorite shampoo to fight scalp psoriasis.

#3 Neem Oil for Nail Psoriasis

Discolored fingernail is one of the main symptoms of nail psoriasis. If you’ve psoriasis, then do check you may have it on nails.

  • Apply few drops of neem oil on affected finger or toenails.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#4 Neem Leaves for Psoriasis

Apart from its oil, you can actually use neem leaves itself.

Internal consumption of this leaves will boost the immune system, treat ulcers, restrain the growth of yeast and treats psoriasis patches.

  • Crush fresh neem leaves with tulsi leaves.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tsp of sandalwood powder with the neem paste.
  • Apply this mixed paste on psoriasis affected face.
  • Let it be on your skin for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#5 Neem Oil and Coconut Oil

Neem is a powerful herb and has a very strong aroma. To make it easy, mix required amount of coconut oil to it.

Coconut oil is also prominent for hydrating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities that soothe psoriasis patches.

Apart from its nutritional abilities, coconut oil is cheap and available at home.

  • Mix equal amount of neem oil and coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Cleanse affected the skin and pat dry.
  • Take the oil and apply it to psoriasis affected skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Apart from coconut oil, you can also mix geranium essential oil with neem oil to treat psoriasis. While applying neem oil for scalp psoriasis, mix some coconut oil and patch test.

Recommended Dosage

For adults recommended neem capsules are 1-2. Each capsule consists of 500 mg neem extracts. (Source)

Pregnant women must avoid its internal consumption.

There are few cases reported of adverse reaction of neem capsules. Make sure to patch test before ingesting.

Important Tips

Along with home remedies, you must avoid irritants that can trigger psoriasis, including alcohol, junk foods, red meat, dairy products and citrus fruits. (foods that cause psoriasis)

  • Another way to use neem oil over the itchy skin is to mix 1 tablespoon of neem oil with 4 ounces of jojoba oil and apply topically to the skin.
  • About 7.5 million Americans who have psoriasis have it over the scalp. Intense itching, redness and hair fall are few notable symptoms of scalp psoriasis.
  • Neem oil for scalp psoriasis can be effective if you apply it to Like mentioned above you can mix it with other carrier oil to use it over psoriasis affected parts.

Neem oil can not treat psoriasis. Actually, there is no treatment available for this chronic skin condition.

Though its cause is unknown, experts avoid certain things that can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. You must practice the lifestyle recommended by your doctor to get benefited from neem oil.

As mentioned above, neem oil may or may not work for all. Let us know if you ever used neem oil for psoriasis.

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How to Get Rid Of White Patches on Skin, Lips & Neck – 20 Naturally

how to get rid of white patches on the skin & neck

Are you troubled of those small white patches on your skin that are too stubborn to disappear? Or maybe you are trying to ignore them. But you shouldn’t panic either. It happens due to idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis, in common terms; it is called as white freckles.

The obvious question which can arise in your mind is how to get rid of white patches on the skin? But before that, it is mandatory to know what its causes are.

There are many reasons for its cause and melanin deficiency is prominent of those. The pigment that forms cells usually called as melanocytes can be destroyed. It can often be the sign of a disease too.

It can affect the entire body, even your inside-mouth. The extent of color loss from your skin is highly unpredictable. Many diseases like eczema, tinea versicolor, psoriasis, and vitiligo can become causes of white patches on the skin.

And this is the reason why you mustn’t ignore it, you may have a dangerous disease and you wouldn’t even find out until it’s too late.

What Causes White Patches on the Skin?

1. Lichen Sclerosus

This is a rare disease that causes thin white patches to appear on the skin. Even though it can affect children and men, Lichen sclerosus is most common for the women who went through the condition of menopause. It usually affects the sensitive part such as genitals. There is no present cure for this condition.

2. Psoriasis

It is a skin disorder caused due to the inflammation of white cells in the blood. The cells multiply on the surface that causes itchy and scaly plaque. There are many ways that can cause this condition such as, smoking, vitamin D deficiency, stress, alcohol, etc. treatment can be done by the use of certain ointments or creams with systematic drug usage.

3. Tinea Versicolor

When a certain yeast, pityrosporum ovale, which is naturally found on the surface of the skin, starts to grow out of control, the condition tinea versicolor occurs. It changes the pigmentation of the skin.

You can see white patches on the skin due to this disease. There are a variety of factors involved in its occurrences such as oily skin, hormonal changes, hot weather, weak immune system, excessive perspiration etc. this usually happens in adulthood and adolescents.

4. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis

Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis skin disorder causes 1 – 10 mm white and flat spots to appear on arms, face, upper back and thighs. It is most common for individuals with fair skin. The exact cause of this condition is still not known, but it starts occurring in the people above the age of 40.

Many times harsh sunrays kill the skin cells known as a melanocyte. There is usually no need for any treatment but sun protection methods should be certainly used.

5. Vitiligo

This condition causes white patches to appear on the skin. This happens when a melanin-producing cell stops doing its work for some reason. It’s still not known why this happens, but often it’s considered to be a disease which is autoimmune.

There are no age and bodily boundaries for this condition. It can also possible for the white patches to spread all over the body. In many cases, this condition happens in the early ages of one’s life. It can even be genetic.

You will often have quick pigment loss. The white patches may get bigger in size after a while. You can even have the cycles of stability of pigment and its loss.

How to Get Rid of White Patches on Skin – Natural Remedies?

#1 Mustard Oil and Turmeric

Turmeric is said to be antibacterial which heals the skin. It is antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and also is the answer to the common question asked such as ‘how to get rid of white patches on skin fast?’ The mustard oil moisturizes the dry skin and fights bacteria and fungus.

Let’s see how to use this method and get rid of skin patches.

  • Take a container filled with 8 kg water and put 500 gm of turmeric in it. Let it soak overnight.
  • Next morning reduce the mixture till it becomes 1 kg of water by heating it.
  • Add mustard oil to it after straining the water out and heat it again.
  • Let the remaining water evaporate.
  • Thereafter, only turmeric mixture and mustard oil will be left.
  • Apply this mixture to the white patches daily for lasting results.

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar

This method has been used since centuries for skin problems. It contains several acids such as alpha hydroxyl that reveals vibrant and glowing skin and removes dead skin cells. It’s a good option if you have spots on your neck, arms or face.

How to get rid of white spots on neck using apple cider vinegar? Let’s find it out below.

  • Mix apple cider vinegar in water in a ratio of 2:1.
  • Apply it on your white patches at periodic intervals all day.
  • You can also add few drops of ACV in your warm bathtub and let your body soak the mixture in for 15 minutes.
  • You can even drink the mixture daily for good results.

#3. Neem Leaves

Neem is usually used as a treatment for skin problems and is a good option for autoimmune disorders. A study showed that even 4g of neem powder, oil or paste can cure the patient within 90 days.

  • Take some dried neem leaves, fruits, and flowers and crunch it in powder.
  • Mix a teaspoon of the above powder in a glass of water and drink it every day.

You can also make a paste of fresh neem leaves by adding little water to it. Apply it to the white patches and wait for 10 to 15 minutes.

#4. Holy Base Oil

It’s an anti-fungal element that acts on killing fungus and bacteria from the body. It even acts on the discoloration of the skin.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of holy basil oil and add the same amount of coconut oil to it.
  • Apply it daily on the white patches for quicker benefits.

#5. Herbal Face Mask for White Patches on Nose

You’ll know how to get rid of white patches on nose, neck, arms, legs, or face just by knowing the basic ingredients behind the masks. Regular use of these masks can give you radiant skin and bright color.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric, mustard oil and cabbage juice in a bowl and mix well.
  • Whip the mixture until it becomes a paste.
  • Apply it to the white patches and rest it for 20 minutes.
  • Use this daily for good results.

#6. Vinegar and Black Pepper Powder

Vinegar is good for skin if it’s been used every day. Your white patches will be cured and you will get the bright and radiant skin.

  • Take vinegar in a small amount and add pepper powder to it.
  • Mix it well and let it form a paste.
  • Use this on the white patches daily for long-lasting results.

#7. Aloe Vera for White Spots on Face

The healing properties of Aloe Vera help the skin in the removal of white spots and it keeps the skin in the hydrated situation.

  • Open the Aloe Vera leaf and extract its gel.
  • Apply it on your skin and let it rest for few hours.
  • Repeat it 2 to 3 times daily for good results.

#8. Frankincense Essential Oils

It is used as ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various skin problems like Eczema or vitiligo. It increases the production of melanin under the skin that can reduce the white patches.

  • Take few drops of essential oil and one tablespoon of carrier oil.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply and massage the oils in the affected area.
  • Leave it for few minutes and use this daily.

#9. Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil acts as a natural photosensitizer as it is prone to increase skin sensitivity to the UV rays. It reproduces melanin and reduces the white spots on your skin.

  • Add few drops of the essential oil in a skin cream.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply it to the white patches.
  • Use this twice a day.

#10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil darkens the white spots on the skin using its good properties like anti-inflammation and immune stimulation.

  • Add few drops of this oil in one tablespoon of carrier oil.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply it on the white patches using a cotton ball.
  • Use it thrice a day.

#11. Ginger

Ginger is a powerful herbal medicine that increases the circulation of blood. Its anti-inflammatory property makes it powerful to restore your skin health. After using this remedy, you don’t have to think about how to get rid of white patches on lips, face, neck, arms, legs, or legs.

  • Take the ginger juice and apply it on the white patches.
  • Let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with water.

You can even drink a tablespoon of ginger juice by adding lemon juice in it.

#12. Ginkgo Biloba Extract

The Gingko Biloba herb slows the growth of white patches on the skin and does the pigmentation of your affected area.

Want to know how to get rid of white patches on skin using this herbal medicine? Let’s find out below.

  • Take ginkgo biloba extract supplement in a bowl.
  • Apply it on the white patches twice a day.
  • Use this method for 10 to 12 weeks.

#13. Cucumber and Celery Green Juice

Celery is known to cure white spots on the face. It fights off the disease by the using psoralens, which helps the skin in reacting to the heated sun rays properly.

  • Take 1 cucumber, 2 to 3 kale leaves, half apple, half lemon juice, 5 celery stalks and blend them.
  • Drink two glasses every day.

#14. Olive oil, Beeswax, and Honey

The mixture is effective for the cure of white patches on the skin. It is known to give long-lasting results.

  • Blend the olive oil, honey, and beeswax in an equal measure and blend them well.
  • Drink it daily for best results.

#15. Radish Seeds

This remedy produces the missing melanin under the skin and removes white patches.

  • Take 25g of radish seed powder and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar in it.
  • Mix it till the paste is formed.
  • Use it on your white patches till it dries and then wash it away.

#16.  Vitamin E Oil

It rejuvenates the skin and recovers it from infections such as vitiligo. It helps your skin to be hydrated and prevents further occurrences of itch and irritation.

  • Take pure vitamin E oil and apply it to the skin area that is affected.
  • Let your skin absorb the vitamin for 30 minutes.
  • Make sure to use it at periodic intervals the entire day.

#17. Carrot

It helps in generating pigments and protects the skin from sun rays.

  • Take some carrots and blend it well.
  • Take the fresh carrot juice in a glass and drink it daily.
  • Do this for 5 to 6 weeks.

#18. Drink the Green Tea

It helps in removal of the white spots and makes your skin bright.

  • Take the green tea bag and brew it in the hot water.
  • Let it cool down and apply it to your skin.
  • Let it rest for few minutes and wash your face.

#19. Have Ginger and Beetroot

This mixture helps in fighting off the white patches by reducing them from your skin.

  • Blend 1 inch of ginger and 2 to 3 beetroots.
  • After straining the mixture drink it.

#20. Papaya

Just like beetroot and carrot, it helps you to revive melanin and get the natural glow back.

  • Take a papaya piece and rub it on your white spots.
  • You can keep it as a layer for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cold water.

How to Stop Vitiligo from Spreading?

There are multiple ways by which you can stop it from spreading further on your skin. Ayurveda recommends avoiding non-vegetarian foodstuffs while you have this condition. You should also avoid having a deficiency of D3 and B12 vitamins.

Make sure to check if the water in the swimming pool is clean since white patches on your skin can spread further.

You should avoid using homeopathy treatment to treat Vitiligo as it comes with high risk of triggering the disease. Ultimately it’s up to you to control this disease by changing food habits and diet plans.

Tips to Get Rid of White Spots

  1.  Use artificial phototherapy, it increases the potency of melanocytes cell.
  2. Avoid using soap on your face and prefer homemade face cleansers.
  3. Consult a dermatologist and use medicine prescribed by him.
  4. Make sure to keep your face clean.
  5. Don’t let your skin be exposed to the sunlight for a long time.

Wondering how to get rid of white patches on skin? You could try different remedies mentioned above at home to have your spotless skin. Wash your face five times a day with water to attain glowing skin.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Underarms – 9 DIY Methods

apple cider vinegar for dark underarms

People’s perception to see the image of an underarm varies from one to another. Someone sees it as a tickle spot while for others it’s a source of embarrassment from skin darkening.

The good news, however, is that you can use apple cider vinegar for dark underarms. But does it really work? We will see that in a while.

Both men and women have darkened arms, but it’s more common for women to be anxious about it. They try their best to ignore the circumstances when they have to wear sleeveless dresses and bathing suits with dark underarm.

You might be one of these women, or perhaps a man who has been embarrassed by a woman. And you might even have tried every possible treatment, from chemicals to creams. But nothing seemed to work; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article.

Also read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Melasma?

What Causes Dark Underarms?

1. Dead skin cells

Not only underarms, but your entire body is affected by it. It’s accumulated over your skin. That’s why cleaning of the whole body every day is a must.

But if you are not hygienic enough, you may be inviting dead skin cells to make underarms their private homes.

2. Shaving the hair

You must have noticed that your skin suddenly turns dark after few hours of shaving, even after using good treatment for it. The main reason for this could be the hair itself. They automatically grow after shaving is done.

All you might have had seen is the rough surface of hair that is growing back. You can use plucking or waxing to avoid it.

3. Infections

Erythrism is a bacterium that can cause your dark underarms. It starts from pink patches and it turns into ugly brown scale surface. It mostly affects people in either warm climates or having diabetes.

4. Frictions of tight clothes

One of the most sensitive areas of your body is underarms. And wearing tight clothes can cause friction in that area. Discoloration is the primary effect of it. Try to avoid tight clothing as far as possible.

5. Hormonal imbalance

If you have a thick brownish patch on one of your sensitive skin then you must understand that it’s because of Acanthosisnigricans. It’s a medical term for darkened thick patches that mostly occurs because of hormonal imbalance.

Other reasons for this condition is diabetes, obesity etc. you can always consult your doctor for this.

6. Use of antiperspirants

They usually consist of chemicals that can react with your delicate skin that often leads to discoloration. You won’t notice in your day to day life. But if you stop using these products altogether, your underarms will look different.

This mainly happens because of antiperspirants. And thus, it’s safe to say that you can switch to deodorants, rather than using a combination of both.

7. Hyperpigmentation

It’s a common condition where melanin is overproduced and some part of your skin turns darker. It forms deposits on the skin, but you don’t have to be anxious about it.

There are many home remedies out there for hyperpigmentation and you can always consult a dermatologist.

Related: How to Use Coconut Oil for Dark Underarms?

Is ACV Good for Dark Underarms?

You get many skin and health benefits after using apple cider vinegar to whiten dark underarms. Some of those are cited below:

  • Apple cider vinegar contains amino acids that dissolves the dead cells and also burns the extra fat.
  • The lactic and malic acids reduce the scar on the skin.
  • It restores the pH value of the skin.
  • The antibacterial quality that ACV has kills harmful bacteria.
  • The hydroxyl in ACV removes excess of oil and dirt from the skin making it look clean and clear.
  • It allows your skin to be free from clogged pores.
  • It detoxifies your body with the help of several enzymes and bacteria.
  • It cleans your liver from toxins and makes you feel healthy.
  • It also helps you to maintain blood sugar level to prevent many health problems.
  • The Malic acid in ACV will help you to have regular bowel activities.

ACV has its impact on the digestion system that can make your skin look younger and brighter.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Underarms?

While you can still use costly chemicals or creams for your underarms, ACV for dark underarms is cheaper and more effective method. Here are the top 9 methods to use apple cider vinegar for underarm whitening.

#1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Firstly, clean your underarm thoroughly.

  • Then take cotton ball and dip it in the apple cider vinegar liquid.
  • Apply it to the skin and let it soak, don’t rinse it.
  • You can also wear clothes.
  • You can do your daily work after the ACV starts to dry.

Repeat the process three times a day for effective usage. Do this daily to get a beautiful bright skin.

#2. Armpit Scrub

The mixture of baking soda and cider vinegar will make your skin free from dead cells, oils, toxins. It lightens the skin tone and removes discoloration. But to get this result you have to include the scrub in your discipline.

  • First mix one teaspoon of baking soda in ACV.
  • You will see it fizzing; just wait for it to stop.
  • Apply the paste to your underarms and scrub it gently.
  • After few minutes clean the area or take a bath instead.

#3. Apple Cider Vinegar with Water

If you are a busy person, this is the most efficient and effective way to remove dark underarms. People with sensitive or dry skin usually use this method because of its easy nature. You just have to add water to it to reduce the acidic level.

  • First, take 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water.
  • Mix them well for few minutes. Rinse it on your underarms and let it stay for 5 minutes.
  • Take a bath after that.
  • Repeat the process every day until your underarms get rid of the dark skin.

#4. An Underarm Mask with Turmeric

You can find many such masks, but the best method is to use apple cider vinegar for skin whitening purposes.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add a little turmeric to it.
  • Stir it well.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply it as a mask on your underarms.
  • Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After that, you can take your bath.

Include this in your daily schedule for the bright skin.

#5. Clay and ACV Mask

It is effective in removing dirt and dead skin cells. It also helps you to get rid of tanning.

  • Take apple cider vinegar, water, and one bentonite clay and stir them well.
  • Stir well to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste to your clean underarms.
  • Leave it at rest for 20 minutes.
  • After that, rinse it with lukewarm water.

Repeat it daily to get bright and fresher results.

#6. Underarm Spray

A spray will help your underarms to look lighten in tone. The rosewater used with ACV is a good combination for soothing the skin and clear the dead skin cells.

  • Take 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
  • Add a few drops of lavender essential oil in it.
  • Further, add a half cup of rose water and stir well.
  • Pour it in a sprayer and use it on your underarms before going to sleep.
  • Leave it for the night.

You can also use it a toner for your underarms and it will get you the same results.

#7. ACV with Coconut Oil

Your skin will be detoxified and lightened as well. You can even moisturize your skin with this method.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 more of coconut oil and mix them in a bowl.
  • Apply the liquid on your clean underarm and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it with warm water and bathe it with cool water as well.
  • Repeat this process daily.

#8. Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

This is my favorite one. You just have to get your bathtub ready, of course, if you have one.

  • Just add one cup of apple cider vinegar in the warm water and get in.
  • Let your skin soak it all in for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this thrice a week.

#9. Apple Cider Vinegar and Rice Water

Rice flour is a package of good qualities. If you mix it with ACV, it will eliminate the harmful bacteria and get rid of smelly underarms.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Add one tablespoon of rice flour in it.
  • Stir them well so that it becomes a fine paste.
  • Apply it after a hot water bat on your armpits.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • Do this three times in a week.

Important Tips for Dark Underarms

  • Start wearing loose cotton clothes rather than tight once.
  • If you are using ACV for the first time, make sure to perform a skin patch test to see if you are allergic to it.
  • To get best benefits, use unfiltered, raw, organic and unpasteurized ACV.
  • Apple cider vinegar can increase your skin sensitivity, it is better to apply a sunblock or sunscreen before going out in the sun.
  • Before going to shower, just make sure you have exfoliated the skin. It removes the dead skin cells and stops your skin from discoloring.

Use of any of the above-mentioned methods of apple cider vinegar for dark underarms will definitely get you good benefits.

Which recipe did you find worth trying? Let us know in the comments.