Manuka Honey for Acne and Acne Scars – How to Use it

manuka honey for acne and acne scars

There is no exaggeration in saying that honey is Almighty’s boon to mankind. Benefits of honey are documented in many religious books, including Vedas, Islamic scriptures and in Bible. Its magical healing power and versatility gave honey a significant importance in history.

Today, we lack a conclusive evidence to prove this. However, many cosmetic products come with honey as an ingredient and advocates say manuka honey for acne and acne scars is an effective remedy.

Most of us not aware of this that honey have different types. Manuka honey is one among them which is produced in New Zealand from nectar of native manuka tree.

Nutritional Profile:

All honey doesn’t have same nutritional properties. It differs depending on type and harvesting process. Manuka honey is packed with anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti inflammatory properties. You may think, even normal honey has these properties, but the benefits this monofloral honey gives are not comparable.

Wonder How Manuka Honey Treats Acne and Fades Acne Scars

  1. You either consume this strong flavored honey or use it topically. Both ways it’s going to pull you out of diseases.
  2. Anti-irritant properties restrain clogged pores from getting inflamed.
  3. Impurities and bacteria accumulated over skin pores get cleared with anti-bacterial properties of manuka honey.
  4. Moisturizing properties in manuka honey leads to brighter and scars free skin texture.
  5. Relieves you from inflamed acne lesions.

Is it seems like a normal honey? Unless you try it yourself, you’ll not know the mere benefits of manuka honey for skin.

Check these sure things before buying manuka honey:

Though its expensive when compared to other honey, benefits worth it.

  • A honey jar labeled manuka honey will not do wonders, unless it has those magical properties, and not all manuka honey has it. Check for UMF (unique manuka factor), OMA (organic manuka active), or MGO on the jar. Depending on this rating we can confirm its quality.
  • Rating labeled as UMF or OMA 15+ and MGO 15+ is preferable.
  • Imprint includes New Zealand on it.

How to Use Manuka Honey for Acne

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You can add any essential oil to manuka honey if you’ve problem with stickiness.

Note: Regular application is important to see result.

Other Remedies for acne

Manuka Honey Face Pack

  • Initially cleanse your skin with natural cleanser or Bioderma cleanser.
  • From aisle of manuka honey jars, pick the one with bio active 12+, this rating shows honey is cold pressed rather than fine filtered.
  • Take few drops of manuka honey and apply on skin evenly.
  • Leave for 15 minutes, the anti bacterial and anti microbial properties starts working.
  • Wash with warm water and pat dry. If you’ve dry skin, moisturizer when skin is still damp. (Here is the list of natural moisturizers)

Did you ever tried manuka honey? Share your experience in comments.

rejuvenate the skin

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Tea Tree Oil for Acne with Recipe to Use it

tea tree oil for treating acne

When you check aisle of home remedies to treat acne you’ll find tea tree oil as most effective yet inexpensive remedy.

Tea tree oil is yellowish essential oil. According to WebMD, tea tree oil is derived from Melaleuca alternifolia tree. It was named tea tree by 18th century sailors, who made tea using leaves of the tree.

Is tea tree oil good for acne?

Tea tree oil has many acne fighting properties in its arsenal.

  • Anti-microbial properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Anti-fungal properties
  • Antiseptic properties

A Study of Tea Tree Oil for Treating Acne:

There are few exaggerated claims about tea tree oil. However, only anecdotal evidence exists in treatment of various skin diseases.

To prove this, a study carried out for 124 patients with acne. Half of them treated with 5% of tea tree oil and other half are treated with 5% benzoyl peroxide. After a course of 3 months, result showed both reduced acne lesions but people who’re treated with benzoyl peroxide left with side-effects where as people with tea tree oil treatment has less side-effect. (source)

Based on this study we can confirm and rely on tea tree oil for treating acne.

Important Note: Tea tree oil can be used topically, internal use may harm you. As concentrated tea tree can irritate your skin, we recommend diluted tea tree oil.

Also read this: Hydrogen peroxide can treat acne

How to Use Tea Tree Oil

As mentioned above diluted tea tree oil is recommend, even in the above mentioned study researchers used diluted tea tree oil.

  1. Get tea tree oil from a local store.
  2. Clean the affect part before treating it with essential oil.
  3. Take 1/2 cup of water and add 2-3 drops of essential tea tree oil.
  4. Stir the solution well.
  5. Dip cotton ball into the solution and apply gently over affected area when the skin is still damp.
  6. Leave it for about 20 minutes then rinse it off.

Repeat the process.

You can substitute water with aloe vera gel or green clay powder.


  • For spot treatments, use green clay powder and tea tree oil.
  • Though this remedy is effective and has no serious aide-effects, it takes time to show results.

Share your experience with tea tree oil for acne. Did you ever use this essential oil for skin?

Other Remedies for Acne

argan oil for skin

How Does Honey Fades Scars?

honey for acne scars
Nutritional values in raw honey can treat acne scars and other chronic skin diseases.

Ancient geeks when they get wounded in battle, there main remedy to soothe was honey. Though there is no conclusive research to validate the health benefits of honey, possible benefits of honey have been documented in Islamic texts, Greeks and in Vedas. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) glorified healing benefits of honey.

Even in modern times honey is used to treat health as well as skin diseases, to fade scars, and is included in cosmetic products. Recently a (social networking site) user shared how she cured acne using raw honey.

How to use Honey to Fade Scars

From minor burns to chronic skin diseases you can use honey as a home remedy. According to experts blend 2 tbsp of honey with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Now apply it on acne scars or other scars. Rinse it off with water.

You can also use 1 tbsp of baking soda with 2 tbsp of honey to exfoliate your skin.

Note: Repeated use or topical application is important to fade scars.

Also read: You can’t ignore benefits of Papaya for skin

Properties in Honey

Honey consists of high levels of monosaccharides, fructose and glucose.

  • Antioxidants in honey help to fight radicals.
  • pH level of honey refrain bacterial growth.
  • It consists of antimicrobial and antibacterial properties to heal wounds.

Don’t miss this: What Benefits Vinegar has for you skin?

Why We Recommend Raw Honey?

James F. Balch suggests raw honey, as filtered honey loses its nutritional value due to heating and processing. You can get honey from grocery but for unprocessed honey you must find some expert.

Well it’s not tough to get some raw honey to test it out.


Though there is no scientific evidence that honey can treat scars, many philosophers and experts suggest honey to soothe skin diseases. Raw honey has more nutritional values than processed one.

easily digested foods

Top 10 Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin

castor oil for skin

Do you remember your grandmother threatening you to give castor oil if you don’t eat food? Most of us have experienced this thick and odor oil. But unfortunately we limited its use as laxatives.

From centuries castor oil has been used to treat major health issues. But because of its odor (I guess) it didn’t receive much press attention.

Before delving into benefits of castor oil for skin let’s have a brief intro about castor oil.

Castor oil is extracted from seeds of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis). It is colorless to very pale yellow liquid with unpleasant smell. It’s a vegetable oil and native to Africa and India. Cosmetic industries as well as other industries use castor oil as main ingredient.

10 Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin

Ricinoleic acid is the main protein present in castor oil, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. To steal the benefits of castor oil opt for organic castor oil.

1. Castor Oil Remedy for Dry Skin

Our largest organ skin has capability to release natural moisture which refrains skin from drying out, but at times skin fails to do so. Applying external moisturizer helps skin a lot.

Mix equal quantities of castor oil and coconut oil in a bowl and apply it on your dry skin. Rinse it off after 30 minutes. Repeat the process.

Face Mask Remedy:

Mix 1tbsp of castor oil with egg yolk thoroughly, and then apply it on your face in circular motion. After leaving it for 20 minutes rinse it off. Apply perfumed moisturizer after this.

2. Castor Oil for Sunburn

This remedy is only for minor burns, major burns need doctor’s attention.

Anti-inflammatory properties present in castor oil helps soothe sunburns. Apply castor oil mixed with coconut oil in equal quantities on affected area and soon it will relieve pain.

3. Itchy Skin Remedy

Skin protects our body and natural moisture present on skin protects it from harmful bacteria. Because of dehydration your skin fails to release natural moisture, this triggers itching and bacteria starts invading resulting in chronic skin diseases.

Apply castor oil on dry itchy skin; soon you’ll see the result. You can also mix coconut oil with castor oil.

4. Castor Oil for Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Main protein which is responsible for skin’s elasticity is collagen. Decrease in collagen leads to wrinkles and frown lines. Castor oil when applied on skin gets absorbed and it stimulates production of collagen. It also hydrates skin from the outside. Thus makes your skin softer and smoother.

You just need to apply castor oil on wrinkles and fine lines for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat the process for best results.

Also read: How to get rid of forehead wrinkles

5. Castor Oil to Prevent Stretch Marks

Castor oil gets absorbed into skin fading stretch marks. For pregnant women castor oil is must recommended oil. Mix castor oil with coconut oil to apply on stretch marks.

6. Castor Oil for Acne

Ricinoleic acid present in castor oil makes it a super remedy for treating acne blemishes. Skin when secrets excess oil gets accumulated over skin pores with dead skin cells forming pimples/blemishes. Anti-inflammatory properties in castor oil soothe these blemishes and controls excess oil production.

Anyway, for severe acne we recommend consulting doctor.

Other treatments for Acne

7. Castor Oil Fades Scars

Acids present in castor oil penetrate into tissues and stimulates its growth. Thus fades scars. Regular application is important.

Related post: 10 Home Remedies for Acne Scars

8. Removes Warts and Skin Tags

Warts are caused due to virus infection on outer layer of the skin. Whereas tags are formed when bunch of collagen and tissues gets trapped inside skin it forms skin tags.

Regular topical application of castor oil can remove warts and tags.

9. Castor Oil Works as a Great Moisturizer

If you’re looking for inexpensive and quick moisturizer then opt for castor oil. Fatty acids present in castor oil gets absorbed by skin easily, hydrating dry and itchy skin patches.

Few drops of castor oil are enough to bring your skin back to life.

10. Antimicrobial Properties

Acids present in castor oil has antimicrobial properties that helps to heal open wounds, ring worms, minor cuts and other fungal infections.

Few drops of topical application can do this work for you.

Did we forget to disclose any top benefits of castor oil for skin? Do share in comments.

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witch hazel for acne

Why Minocycline for Acne is Not Recommended

minocycline for acne

Minocycline has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which can treat acne. Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria which is the main cause of acne blemishes can be restrained with anti-bacterial properties.

It was believed that minocycline is most effective antibiotic for treating acne inflammation. Anyhow, after studies it was proved that other tetracycline antibiotics can treat acne without side-effects. Though minocycline has properties to treat acne, it’s now not first line antibiotic acne treatment because of its adverse effects.

Related post: Cortisone Cream for acne

Below listed are few points disclosing why minocycline for acne is not recommended.

  1. Minocycline belongs to tetracycline antibiotics and it can treat bacterial infections, skin infection, severe acne and urinary tract says However it’s very expensive when compared to other oral antibiotics.
  2. doesn’t recommend minocycline for pregnant women, as this may harm unborn baby and may permanent cause tooth discoloration.
  3. Minocycline neutralizes birth pills. Experts don’t recommend minocycline if you’re taking birth control pills.
  4. Makes your skin sensitive to sun.
  5. Long term use of minocycline may cause hyperpigmentation. (Source:
  6. This antibiotic treatment may induce hypersensitivity reactions affecting liver, kidney, and lungs, also may cause autoimmune reactions. (Source:

Considering its adverse effects with its efficacy in treating acne, experts don’t recommend minocycline for acne as first line antibiotic treatment.

Note: Anyway if you want to give this pricey antibiotic a try then don’t do it without doctor’s prescription.

Share your home remedy for acne here in comments.

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shea butter for treating acne

Zinc Oxide for Eczema

zinc oxide for eczema

According to Medline Plus, zinc supplement fails to treat skin diseases like eczema and allergies. Anyway zinc oxide when used topically showed improvement in treating atopic eczema.

There are different types of eczema. Atopic eczema is the most common type of eczema. So note that one remedy won’t work for all eczema. You must try, test and use to treat eczema and for this you must take doctor’s help.

Also read: Sulfur for Eczema

Zinc oxide for Treating Eczema

Not just for treating eczema, zinc oxide can be used to soothe skin. Dr. Marilynn Syrett says to protect skin from harmful UV rays zinc oxide turn to be safest treatment. This is why many sunscreen creams add zinc oxide as main ingredient.

  • Wash the entire eczema affected area with water.
  • Pat dry and apply with zinc oxide paste on it.
  • If you’re allergic to zinc, cod liver oil, petroleum jelly or any other ingredient in zinc oxide, don’t use it.
  • Follow doctor’s prescription.
  • For rough or thickened eczema affected areas you can use bandage containing zinc paste and ichthammol paste so that it boosts absorption of medicine and soothes skin.

Related post: Interesting Facts About Eczema

Excess oil production caused by puberty can be controlled by topical application of zinc oxide. Thus it can be used to treat acne in some cases.

Must read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema

Note that zinc oxide leaves thin white residue on applied part which can’t be rubbed.

Overdose may cause side-effects, consult your doctor before considering zinc oxide. Side-effects include hives, itching, skin rashes and difficulty in breathing.

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home remedies for eczema