How to Use Carrot Face Mask for Skin Whitening & Acne – 7 Methods

carrot face mask for skin whitening

Why should you make your own homemade carrot face mask when you can get an instant facial treatment at a beauty spa?

Not that they are pricey, apart from being costly chemical ingredients housed in cosmetic creams may ruin your sensitive skin. Instead, this super beauty food can improve your complexion and combat ailments.

Add this home available ingredient to your arsenal to fight skin disorders.

Stay tuned, I’ll share different recipes on using a carrot for skin whitening, wrinkles, and acne.

Every man has his own taste.

Likewise, for healthy functioning, different skin types need distinct ingredients. Dry skin needs moisturizing elements, while acne-prone skin needs anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants can effectively fix wrinkles.

Is Carrot Good for Skin Whitening and Acne?

Carrot is packed with antiseptic and antioxidants, which can save skin cells from free radicals and infectious bacteria.

Carrots are renowned for its health benefits like improving vision, cleansing the body, preventing heart stroke and cancer. Apart from this, carrot, when used topically, can enhance elasticity and promote healthier skin.

Below mentioned are few notable benefits of carrot face mask for the skin. Anyway, it’s not possible to include numerous nutritional benefits of carrots for skin in this post.

  • Ingesting carrot juice can effectively reduce scars and clear blemishes.
  • Vitamin C housed in carrot help to prevent wrinkles and fine lines on your face.
  • Topical application or internal consumption, however, you prefer this ingredient will hydrate your skin.
  • Beta-carotene and vitamin A residing in carrot exhibits antioxidant properties, which aids to thwart free radicals and slow down the aging process.
  • Apart from that vitamin A promotes cell regeneration and forms a protective layer of your skin.
  • You can get rid of dry skin if it is due to potassium deficiency.
  • Antiseptic agents help to strengthen the immune system and restrain infection triggering germs.
  • Anti-inflammatory agents in carrot can reduce acne inflammation and fasten healing process of injuries.
  • Vitamin C and potassium-packed in carrots stimulate collagen production and enhance skin’s elasticity.
  • Vitamins and minerals residing in carrot help to combat skin ailments like acne, rashes, and dermatitis.
  • Assorted properties of carrot hydrate the skin from the outside and help to treat different skin ailments.

How to Make Carrot Face Mask at Home?

If you want to reap above listed cosmetic benefits, then the topical application is best.

There are many ways to use a carrot for glowing skin, the simple recipe would be to wash your face and apply mashed carrot paste on the damp skin.

Below mentioned are recipes, choose the one that goes well with your skin.

#1. Carrot Face Mask for Skin Whitening

When increasing pollution, dirt and dead cells get accumulated over your face they leave behind black spots.

Cosmetic face wash can wipe these impurities, but the harsh chemical ingredients can strip natural moisture from the skin making it dry.

Add honey, lemon and olive oil to mashed carrot for glowing skin.

Honey is packed with humectant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial abilities that are essential for your skin.

Lemon is packed with bleaching and antibacterial properties that whiten your skin.

Olive oil is also prominent for its skin whitening abilities


  • Fresh Carrots – 2 medium sized
  • Raw honey – 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 1-1/2 tbsp


  • Initially, peal the carrot and boil sliced carrots in water until it becomes soft.
  • Using fork or spoon mash sliced carrots.
  • Add 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of raw honey or manuka honey and mix thoroughly.
  • Now add few drops of lemon juice.
  • Wash your face or cleanse it and pat dry.
  • With your clean fingers apply the facial mask evenly without missing any spot.
  • Leave the mask for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

#2. Homemade Carrot Face Pack for Wrinkles

Vitamin C and antioxidant properties enhance skin’s elasticity and reduce wrinkles. To hydrate the skin from the outside, add 1 tbsp of olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is loaded with vitamin E and K that exhibits antioxidant activity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Take 1 or 2 peeled, boiled and sliced carrots to mash them in a bowl.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of olive oil with carrot paste.
  • Wash your face thoroughly and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Apply the obtained face pack and allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#3. Carrot Facial Mask for Refreshing

After a long day of hectic work we get tired, the same way our skin gets tired and need refreshing treatment.

  • Grate 2 carrots and add 2 tbsp of potato flour to it.
  • Mix 1 egg yolk to the mixture and apply it over the prewashed face.
  • Leave this refreshing face mask for 15 minutes then rinse it off with water.

#4. Carrot Facial Spray

Your skin feels uncomfortable and tanned after getting exposed to sunlight and dust. Carrot spray will remove accumulated impurities and fasten the healing process.

  • Mix extracted carrot juice with equal amount of rosewater.
  • Using a cotton ball to apply this spray to your face.
  • Store the remaining toner in a bottle for future use.

#5. Papaya and Carrot Face Mask

Papain is the vital ingredient in papaya that exhibits cosmetic benefits. Topical application of this fruit will help to obtain lightening skin.

Vitamins in this fruit help to reduce wrinkles and lighten the appearance of scars.

  • Mash peeled carrots and add required amount of papaya to it.
  • Add milk and grind to an obtained smooth paste-like
  • Wash your face and then apply the face pack evenly all over the face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#6. Cinnamon, Honey, and Carrot Face Mask for Acne

Experts say that inflammation is the main cause of acne lesions. Excess oil is secreted that blocks your skin pores.

Honey is packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to combat acne-causing bacteria.

  • Mash 1 fresh carrot to obtain a smooth paste.
  • Add 2 pinches of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix well and apply it to the prewashed face.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#7. Carrot Face Mask with Yogurt, Turmeric, and Besan

Gram flour or besan is my favorite ingredient to remove impurities. Regular application of this home available ingredient will whiten your skin.

Turmeric powder is also renowned for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and skin whitening properties.

Lactic acid in yogurt exhibits bleaching ability to obtain radiant skin.

  • Mix carrot paste with 1 teaspoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of gram flour.
  • Also, add 3 pinches of turmeric powder to it.
  • Now, apply this mixed face mask evenly on your skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

You’re free to add any natural ingredient to carrot face mask to make it suitable for your skin type, but remember to stay away from ingredients that trigger an allergic reaction.

Apart from topical application, you must ingest vitamin-rich food to whiten your skin

Studies claim that stress ruins your appearance and may result in skin ailments. So avoid it.

Stay peace. Stay beautiful.

Did you ever, use carrot face mask for skin whitening or to treat acne? Let me know your recipe in comments.

How to Use Coconut Milk Face Mask for Skin Whitening & Acne – 7 Methods

coconut milk face mask, skin whitening, acne

I love natural home remedies. Because they are free from chemical preservatives and packed with assorted vitamins that are essential for you. Stay tuned you’ll learn about coconut milk for skin whitening and different face mask recipes here.

Enticing healing and hydrating properties of coconut milk made many cosmetic industries to incorporate it into their beauty products. Dry and itchy patches on the skin can be replaced with the moisturized smooth skin by using coconut milk.

Coconut milk face mask combined with honey or almond powder can be an excellent nutrient for your skin.

Remember coconut milk is different from coconut water. It’s obtained by granting brown coconut and adding warm water to it.

Is Coconut Milk Good for Skin?

Coconut milk is lactose-free, unlike cow’s milk. Though coconut considers has saturated fat, its rich in medium-chain- fatty acids, which may promote weight loss without an increase in cholesterol level.

Studies further show that ingesting coconut milk will reduce Alzheimer’s disease.

Coming to beauty benefits of coconut milk face mask:

  • Beauty experts say that essential vitamins residing in this innate ingredient can reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Protein, copper and fatty acids residing in coconut milk are beneficial for a healthy skin.
  • Cleansing ability and skin brightening property of coconut milk make it effective to whiten your skin.
  • Lauric acid housed in it exhibit antibacterial and antiviral abilities.
  • Antioxidant activity of coconut milk face pack thwarts free radicals and reduces oxidative stress.
  • Fatty acid in it hydrates and moisturizes your dry itchy skin.
  • These fatty acids in coconut milk are naturally antiseptic that doesn’t clog skin pores.
  • Vitamins such as C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6 are housed in coconut milk. Minerals include iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic properties mentioned above can effectively treat acne lesions.
  • These assorted nutrients are beneficial when consumed or when topically applied to the skin.

Vitamins and minerals listed above removes impurities, cleanse your skin, treat acne, fade scars and make your skin fairer.

How to Use Coconut Milk for Skin Whitening?

Apart from using it as a beauty cream you can add it to cuisines and replace dairy products. But remember to choose only organic or unsweetened coconut milk.

#1. Coconut Milk Face Mask

Renowned for its moisturizing properties, coconut milk mixed with other nutrients like raw honey can leverage your skin’s texture.

Honey is loaded with humectant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and skin lightening properties. Prominent for its medicinal and cosmetic properties, benefits of raw honey have been documented in religious and historical books.

Things you’ll need

  • Coconut milk
  • Honey
  • Almond powder

Get organic coconut milk and honey, as they have most nutrients listed above. To make the face mask thick, mix almond powder. Apply over prewashed face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with water.

Also read: Honey cinnamon face mask

#2. Coconut Milk Face Pack for Infections

Soothing properties housed in coconut milk can relive you from inflammation caused by eczema, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. That being said, regular use can postpone aging wrinkles on your face. Get organic coconut milk from the local store and using cotton ball apply it over the prewashed face.

Minor sunburns can be healed using plain coconut milk.

  • Using cotton ball apply the milk to affected areas before going to bed.
  • Rinse it off in the morning.
  • Natural remedies always take time but they are more effective when compared to chemical creams.

Recommended: Milk face mask recipe

#3. Coconut Milk and Olive Oil as Make-up Remover

First thing is, am against applying chemical filled creams over the face. If you want to remove them, use this natural remedy. You must pamper your skin with natural remedies.

  • Combine organic coconut milk to an equal quantity of virgin olive oil.
  • Massage this solution over your face for few minutes.
  • Use a washcloth to wipe the mask off.

Also read: Olive oil and honey face mask

#4. Coconut Milk Scrub

Increasing levels of pollution and dirt get accumulated over your skin. Dead skin cells accompany them leaving your skin dehydrated and itchy. Using a cleanser you can shed these impurities and dead cells improving skin tone.

  • Mix 2 cups of white clay, 1 cup finely grounded oats and add enough coconut milk to the mixture.
  • Apply it over the prewashed
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Optionally hydrate your skin with rose water.

#5. Cleanser – Coconut Milk Face Mask

Mix yogurt with coconut milk to cleanse your face. Yogurt is known to have skin brightening and hydrating properties.

  • Take required amount of coconut milk with plain yogurt in a bowl.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Apply the face mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#6. Coconut Milk – Skin Brightener

In this ingredient, you’ll need almonds, lime juice, milk powder and coconut milk.

Almond is prominent for its exceptional nutritional value. Topical application of almond oil can whiten your skin.

Other innate ingredients in this recipe are also known for their bleaching and skin lightening properties.

  • Grind 4 almonds to obtain its powder. Mix 2 teaspoons of coconut milk, 1 tsp of milk powder and few drops of lime juice.
  • Wash your face to remove impurities.
  • Pat dry and apply the obtained face mask evenly on your skin.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#7. Turmeric and Coconut Milk for Glowing Skin

Turmeric also includes skin lightening properties that can your skin radiant. Antiseptic and healing properties of this home available ingredient can treat chronic skin ailments and remove unwanted facial hair.

  • Mix ½ tsp of turmeric powder with 2 tbsp of coconut milk.
  • Optionally, add finely grounded rice powder and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply this face mask on your face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Bonus: Coconut Milk Facial Oil

This is from ancient ayurvedic beauty tips for glowing skin.

  • Extract half cup of coconut milk and heat it on low flame.
  • After few minutes, you’ll see coconut oil turns into oil.
  • Off the gas and allow it to cool down.
  • Add a pinch of turmeric powder to this oil and mix well.
  • Apply this mask on your face and leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Choose any one recipe and stick with it for 3-4 weeks.

Apart from these innate ingredients, you must ingest foods for skin whitening. Essential vitamins in your diet will reduce melanin and promote collagen production.

Drink enough water and other liquids to hydrate your skin from inside.

Never use chemically incorporated creams and avoid ingredients that may trigger an allergic reaction.

Did you ever use coconut milk face mask? Would you like to use it? Let us know in comments.

How to Use Egg White For Face Whitening – 6 DIY Methods

egg white for face whitening

Your hectic work schedule doesn’t allow you to regularly visit the spa for skin care. Don’t worry you can use egg white for face whitening.

Pollutants and dead cells pile on the skin making it dry and dark. This is what my friends and colleagues complain when I ask about their dry patches.

Your kitchen is loaded with many ingredients that can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. These ingredients are packed with essential nutrients that can show some positive results instantly.

Why shouldn’t you use media promoted beauty products?

Not all, but most cosmetic products are loaded with chemical ingredients that can strip natural moisture and result in premature wrinkles.

Yes, they claim to include natural ingredients but the refining process removes all nutrients in them.

Egg white is packed with nutritional values that penetrate deep into the skin and thwarts ailments. Though egg yolk is packed with more nutrients, egg white has enough properties to remove impurities from the skin.

Also read: How to Use Tomato for Skin Whitening

Is Egg White Good for Face Whitening?

Along with impurities, excess sebum secreted by your skin and dead cells block skin pores resulting in bumps. If you don’t wipe them off, infection triggers leading to chronic ailments.

  • Egg white contains 69 different proteins that work magically on your skin.
  • Lysozyme is an enzyme present in egg white face mask which can restrain acne-causing
  • Cleansing ability housed in egg white help to remove impurities, dead cells and excess sebum from the skin.
  • Vitamin A residing in this ingredient exhibit antioxidant and healing properties.
  • Prominent to remove blackheads, vitamins in egg white prevent infectious bacteria.
  • Proteins residing in egg white promotes cell repair and helps to get rid of wrinkles.
  • Potassium in this mask will hydrate your skin and locks the moisture.
  • Magnesium and riboflavin help to get youthful skin and fights cell-damaging toxins respectively.
  • Egg white can effectively tighten skin pores and reap the dirt from the skin.
  • When large pores shrink, chances of ailments like zits, cysts can be reduced.
  • Assorted vitamins in egg white help to enhance collagen production and promote elastin, which results in the youthful

How to Use Egg White for Skin Whitening?

You can use this foul smelling mask alone or blend it with other ingredients if you don’t like the smell.

#1 Egg White and Orange Juice

Orange juice and its dry peel are prominently used for skin lightening. Vitamin C, bleaching agents and cell regenerative ability of orange peel can lighten your skin.

You can optionally add turmeric powder to lighten scars and treat ailments. Curcumin is the vital ingredient in turmeric that is packed with cosmetic benefits.

  • Mix egg white and 1 teaspoon of orange juice till the mask become frothy.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix thoroughly.
  • Mean while wash your face with water or cleanse it.
  • Pat dry and topically massage the mask all over the face and leave it to dry naturally.

Turmeric may leave yellow stains on your face and clothes. So wear an old t-shirt while applying this face mask.

After applying the face mask lay down and refrain smiling, else wrinkles may appear.

#2 Yogurt and Egg White for Glowing Skin

Moisture is very important for a radiant skin. Your skin is surrounded by natural moisture that protects it from infectious germs. Due to external and internal factors, this protection strip and germs invade leading to disorders.

Yogurt contains effective agents that can thwart acne and turn your dry skin to soft. Lactic acid residing in yogurt show bleaching property that helps to whiten your skin.

Also read: Is yogurt good for face whitening?

Avocado is renowned for its hydrating properties.

  • Mash avocado pulp and mash using fork.
  • Add egg white and 1 teaspoon of yogurt to the pulp.
  • After mixing thoroughly, apply it over the face.
  • Let it dry naturally for 20 minutes
  • Rinse it off with water.

#3 Lemon Juice and Egg White for Face Whitening

Like above-mentioned ingredients lemon is also packed with bleaching properties that help to reduce dark spots and improve your skin complexion.

  • Drop 1 egg white in a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it.
  • Optionally, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Cleanse your face and pat dry.
  • Apply the mask evenly and massage in circular motion.
  • Wash your face after 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat this process regularly for best results.

#4 Egg White and Honey

Religious scriptures and historical books back benefits of raw honey. Apart from healing and medicinal abilities, this natural ingredient can treat acne, eczema, clear blackheads and make your skin radiant.

You can mix lemon juice with this ingredient to make it more effective on your oily skin.

  • Mix 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of honey and ½ tsp of lemon juice.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Evenly apply the mixed egg white mask on your skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

As honey is packed with humectant properties, your skin will be guarded by natural moisture.

#5 Egg White, Cucumber, and Yogurt

Cucumber has hydrating and skin lightening properties, which are essential to obtain radiant skin. Healing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities of this home available ingredient are essential for a healthy skin.

  • Grate cucumber and obtain its juice.
  • Take egg white, yogurt and 1 tsp of honey to a bowl.
  • Add cucumber juice to the same bowl.
  • Mix well and apply the mask on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#6 Oatmeal and Egg White for Glowing Skin

Oatmeal is packed with an amino acid that is renowned to lighten the appearance of dark spots, scars and improve your skin complexion.

Vitamin B1 residing in oatmeal improves blood circulation and makes the skin radiant. Vitamin E fades wrinkles on your face by boosting elastin.

Check out benefits of oatmeal for skin whitening.

  • Take egg white and whisk till it turns frothy.
  • Add 1 tsp of honey and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal to egg white.
  • Wash your face and apply the obtained face mask.
  • Allow it to dry, so that ingredients in the mask start affecting your skin.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Eggs are not just for the healthy body. You can use them for perfect skin.

Topical application of egg white isn’t enough for skin whitening. Internally, you must ingest vitamin-rich diet that promotes collagen and elastin.

Drink enough liquids on a day that your skin gets hydrated from inside.

Chemical peels and products aren’t recommended if you love your skin. There are some cases where regular use of these beauty creams resulted in chronic ailments.

Above mentioned recipes aren’t associated with any serious side-effects, however, if you’re sensitive towards any ingredient then stop using them.

The most important thing, avoid stress. Studies show that stress results in ailments. Clear your mind and stay beautiful.

Did you ever use any recipe mentioned in this article? Would you mind sharing your personal experience with egg white for face whitening with me?

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How to Get Rid of Peeling Skin Fast (After Sunburn) – 15 Remedies

how to get rid of peeling skin fast after sunburn

Have you ever experienced peeling of skin after suffering from dehydration or sunburn?

I bet you’ve no idea about how to stop skin peeling, and so I am here with an article to enlighten you how to get rid of peeling skin fast.

Human skin is made of three layers called the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. At regular intervals, the outermost layer of the skin called as epidermis gets replaced with new skin.

During this time, the old skin begins to peel off and gets replaced with a new layer. However, in some cases, there may be excessive peeling on various parts of the body. This process is usually not noticeable to people.

Most people have experienced this condition as the skin can peel due to various reasons. Peeling skin is not a severe condition but it can cause scaly and inflamed patches on the skin followed by irritation and itchiness.

While you can’t prevent the damaged skin layer from shedding off, you can certainly try few things to support healing and prevent irritation. Natural remedies are best at speeding up the healing process of skin peeling.

But before we dive in to find the remedies to remove peeling skin after sunburn, let us first go through the reason that causes peeling skin and sunburn.

Also read: How to get rid of dark pores on legs?

What Causes Peeling Skin and Sunburn?

Peeling of skin can be observed when the skin is exposed to the harmful rays of sun for long period of time. The sun emits UV radiations that damage the skin cells, causing sunburn. After the sunburn, the skin layer begins to peel off and may flake from the exposed area.

In most of the cases, the epidermis layer of skin responds by killing the exposed skin and producing sunburn. The sunburned skin is typically painful and appears unattractive. Peeling skin is more common in people with dry skin.

Other reasons that cause the skin to peel off are as follows.

  • Skin Allergy
  • Eczema causes peeling of skin
  • Infections of skin
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Skin cancer
  • Mineral and vitamins deficiency

Lack of care and required treatment can result in more infections. That’s why it is very important to follow skin protection remedies and slather on sunscreen every day before heading outdoors.

A balanced diet can help your body maintain smooth and moisturized skin. Make sure to take a diet that consists of essential proteins, fats, and carbohydrates on a required amount. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Related post: How to get rid of dark ankles?

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Peeling Skin Fast

This article can be a great help for those who want to know how to get rid of peeling skin after sunburn. For effective results and quick healing, here are the best home remedies that can be easily prepared from the ingredients in your kitchen cabinet.

#1 Olive Oil

Olive oil is known as an excellent skin moisturizer because it is abundant in skin-nourishing fatty acids. The fatty acids in an olive coat the dry skin and locks in moisture. It also has vitamin E to help the body get rid of free radicals.

  • Take a small bowl; add two teaspoons of honey and one tablespoon of yogurt.
  • Mix together the ingredients and apply this mixture to the affected skin.
  • Allow the mixture to dry.
  • Rinse off under cool water.

This recipe is especially good if you want to heal the burning caused by sunburn. Try to use it twice or thrice a week to get the desired result.

#2 Aloe Vera

For those wanting to know natural remedies to remove peeling skin fast, here is the most favourite ingredient to solving your problem. Yes, I am talking about Aloe Vera!

Aloe Vera Gel has both moisturizing and soothing properties that can help you to get rid of peeling skin. The regular use of Aloe Vera extract reduces itching, inflammation, and irritation. Here’s what you need to do with this wonderful ingredient:

  • Mix few drops of vitamin E oil with fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Apply this mixture evenly over the affected area.
  • Allow it to dry and then rinse with Luke warm water.

Repeat this recipe once a day for best results.

#3 Milk

When it is about curing the sunburned skin, Milk comes as the best healer. It is very beneficial for reducing the pain, inflammation, and dealing with nuances of peeling skin. The lactic acid in milk reduces itching and has a soothing effect.

  • Soak a washcloth in a milk bottle and refrigerate it for twenty minutes.
  • Put the washcloth over the affected area before wringing out excess milk.
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash the skin with clean water.

For best results, repeat this process three times daily. Do

#4 Oatmeal Bath

Try taking an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal is helpful in relieving the irritation and itching associated with the peeling skin.

  • To a bathtub filled with warm water, stir one cup of oatmeal.
  • Let your body get soaked in bath water for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse under running water and pat dry your body using a clean towel.
  • Follow up with a gentle moisturizer on your skin.

Oatmeal has soothing properties that can help the skin return to its natural state.

#5 Sugar Scrub and Lemon

Sugar and Lemon work as a natural scrub for your skin. As an astringent, the lemon can dissolve the dead skin cells; reduce inflammation, and peeling of skin.

  • Mix together half tablespoons of lemon juice, and three tablespoons of sugar.
  • To this mixture, add one teaspoon of olive oil and honey.
  • Apply this mixture on your skin by rubbing in circular motions for a minute.
  • Rinse off under running water.
  • Repeat this once or twice a week.

Both lemon and sugar has soothing and healing properties that are good for skin.

#6 Cucumber

Cucumber contains lots of water to hydrate the skin and works as a natural astringent. Apart from having lots of vitamins, it also has cooling effects to helps alleviate itching and irritation.

  • Grate one cucumber in a bowl and make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste to the affected skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Let your skin soak the nutrients.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.

The vitamins in cucumber can facilitate skin repair and reduce sunburn.

Also read: Home remedies to tighten skin under eyes?

#7 Honey

Honey is an excellent ingredient that is known for rejuvenating the peeling skin. It contains water, oil, fructose, enzymes, and oils that make it an excellent skin moisturizer.

  • Rub few drops of honey on the peeling skin.
  • Leave it one for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with the lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this thrice a day for best results.

Honey is also known for reducing the irritation and itchiness associated with the peeling skin.

#8 Coconut Oil

The coconut oil is considered one of the best remedies for getting rid of dry peeling skin. It has an abundance of skin nourishing minerals and fatty acids. The fatty acids in coconut oil work as an excellent skin healer and moisturizer.

  • Warm some virgin coconut oil in a pan.
  • Rub it on the sunburned skin area.
  • Gently massage the oil so that your skin absorbs the essential nutrients.
  • Follow this remedy thrice a day to get the good result.

Coconut oil also has antioxidant properties to help reduce irritation and itching.

#9 Mint

Mint is one of the most beneficial ingredients that support treating the peeling skin. It is known exhibiting a calming effect on the inflamed skin.

  • Extract the mint juices from the mint leaves.
  • Directly apply it to the affected skin.
  • Leave overnight and rinse off in the morning.
  • Apply a light moisturizer.

Mint helps moisturize the dry skin, and keep it rejuvenated and refreshed with a regular use.

#10 Yogurt

The trace elements, powerful enzymes, minerals, and acids in yogurt make it the best ingredient in the treatment of peeling skin. It also acts as a natural moisturizer for flaky, dry, and peeling skin.

  • Mix one tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of yogurt.
  • To this mixture, add the pulp of banana and make a paste.
  • Apply it evenly to the affected skin.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.

#11 Banana

Banana has essential vitamins and minerals that can relieve the painful inflammation of sunburn. The pulp of ripe banana and yogurt has been used for sunburn since old days.

  • To a small bowl, add two teaspoons of the pulp of a ripe banana and yogurt.
  • Mix together the ingredients and apply this mixture on the sunburned skin.
  • Allow the mixture to dry.
  • Rinse off under cool water.

Try to use it twice daily to get the desired result.

#12 Turmeric and Sandalwood powder

Nutrients in these ingredients can effectively help you to get rid of peeling skin.

Sandalwood powder has long been used in the skin care regimen. It is an excellent toner and healer that rejuvenate the peeling skin. Turmeric, on the other hand, has healing properties that make it a great skin product.

  • Mix together one teaspoon of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder.
  • Add two tablespoons of honey and make a fine paste.
  • Apply this mixture to the peeled surface.
  • Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes.

Rinse off with lukewarm water, towel dry your skin and apply a gentle moisturizer. Follow this remedy three times daily to make your skin supple and soft.

#13 Papaya

Papaya is an excellent antioxidant known for having anti-inflammatory properties as well.

  • Take a papaya, slice it into pieces, and mash them.
  • Apply it to the affected area.
  • Leave it on for half an hour.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.

If you are applying the mashed papaya on your foot, be sure to cover the skin after the application.

#14 Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is one of the most effective ingredients for healing sunburns, skin blisters, and painful inflammations. It is an easy way to get rid of the sunburned and peeling skin.

  • Take some drops of sesame oil in your hands.
  • Apply it directly to the affected skin.
  • Leave it on for ten minutes.
  • Wash it with warm water.

Repeat the process thrice a day for best results.

#15 Almond Oil

The beneficial effect of almonds is availed with the oils extracted from it. Its specialty is its goodness in providing nutrients important for nourishing skin. They are rich in magnesium, fibre proteins, and fatty acids. Here’s how you can use Almond for getting rid of peeling skin.

  • Soak 10 almonds overnight
  • Make a fine paste the next day.
  • Apply this paste to the affected skin.
  • Let your skin absorb the nutrients
  • Rinse off after 30 minutes

Almond is one of the best sources of vitamin E, and the almond face pack comes with the benefits of nourishing skin, reducing the signs of aging, and healing the inflamed skin.

Important tips to protect skin from sunburn

  • Avoid the urge to tear or scratch the peeling skin.
  • Always use a moisturizing lotion before going to bed.
  • On the peeling parts, apply an antibacterial ointment.
  • Avoid chemical loaded skin care products.
  • Seek advice from a dermatologist about proper skin care.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, keep your skin hydrated.
  • Take cold showers, it will relieve itching.
  • Avoid taking hot baths.
  • Do not scratch your skin forcefully.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen.

If you didn’t skip above mentioned points, you might know how to get rid of peeling skin fast, it’s high time you choose the best recipe and start following it. Peeling of skin is also related to our diet. So, it is important to maintain a healthy diet.

The best way to prevent the peeling skin and sunburns is to avoid the overexposure to the sun and keeping your skin slathered with 30 SPF sunscreen.

Although most sunburn can be healed by using these natural remedies and simple home care, severe burns may require immediate medical attention.

If you experience skin peeling that leads to the formation of blisters, see your doctor as soon as possible.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Skin Lightening – 5 DIY Methods

lavender oil for skin lightening

Lavender oil for skin lightening exhibits nourishing and therapeutic benefits for your face. Its soothing aroma is the vital ingredient in many cosmetic products.

Hundreds of skin lightening products testifies the existence of huge percentage of women who’re yearning to have glowing skin. Unfortunately, these cosmetic creams are filled with chemicals to increase the shelf-life of the product.

And don’t be fooled by their marketing campaign about natural ingredients, often they are refined to meet the product level. Further, these chemical substances can trigger allergic reaction over your skin. (1)

Crave to have glowing skin lead most people to natural home remedies. You can use lavender oil for skin whitening, as it’s filled with assorted nutrients. This essential oil has got a prominent role in religious and medicinal purposes. The aromatic smell of lavender oil can be used to reduce anxiety, stress and improve mood in aromatherapy.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

Before dwelling on benefits of this essential oil, let’s first understand why your skin turns dark?

Experts say that skin color is determined by the amount of melanin, which is produced by melanocytes. External factors like sunlight, skin infection, chemicals and hormones increase the production of melanin.

In some cases, staying indoors away from sunlight is enough to fade the tan. But normally when you don’t pay attention to your skin, wrinkles and dark patches become permanent.

According to, mercury is the active ingredient in most skin whitening creams which can lead to serious neurological, psychiatric and kidney problems. It also states that continuous use of skin lightening creams may contribute to premature aging signs. (2)

Related post: Is Olive Oil Good for Skin Whitening?

Is Lavender Oil Good for Skin Lightening?

Like other natural essential oils, lavender oil is loaded with essential nutrients that your skin needs to look radiant.

Below listed are cosmetic benefits of lavender oil for skin.

  • Topical application of lavender oil can improve blood circulation. Mean more oxygen and nutrients are brought to the skin which makes your skin healthy.
  • Skin brightening property of lavender essential oil help to lighten the appearance of dark spots, age spots and improve your skin complexion.
  • The cleansing activity of this essential oil helps to remove dirt and other impurities accumulated over the skin.
  • Antioxidant activity of this essential oil helps to thwart free radicals, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and avoid oxidative stress.
  • Hydrating ability housed in lavender oil help to lock moisture and relieve dry itchy patches.
  • This oil is renowned for its healing properties. Experts say that it can enhance new cell growth and fasten the healing of wounds and injuries.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties help to soothe inflammation and other skin ailments.
  • Antiseptic and anti-fungal agents help to cure minor sunburns, acne blemishes, acne scars, and rashes.
  • Assorted nutrients in lavender oil help to fasten the healing process of bug and insect bites.
  • Stress triggers skin ailments; as mentioned topical application and inhalation of lavender essential oil will reduce stress and anxiety.

Though home remedies are filled with natural ingredients, there is no strong scientific evidence to back these theories. However, people who’ve used it gave positive feedback with no side-effects.

Note: People who’re allergic to lavender oil must avoid using it.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Skin Lightening?

You can use this essential oil for cosmetic purposes in four ways.

  • Massage, which involves blending lavender oil with other base oil and gently massaging on your sensitive skin.
  • Facial mist – it is used to hydrate your dry skin. Mix lavender oil with water and spray on your dry face once or twice in a day.
  • Natural perfume – It may surprise you, how can aroma help skin. Studies show that stress trigger skin ailments and the pleasant aroma of this oil will heal and reduce stress.
  • Compress– This one is to relieve pain and inflammation. Add lavender oil to warm water, dip a towel in the warm water and apply it on the affected

#1 Yogurt and Lavender Essential Oil

If you didn’t skip above lines, then you might have known about cosmetic benefits of lavender oil.

Plain yogurt is packed with lactic acid, which exhibits bleaching properties. Apart from this, antibacterial, anti-aging and moisturizing properties of this home available ingredient can make your skin radiant.

  • Take 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil and mix it with 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.
  • After mixing thoroughly, apply the paste on prewashed face.
  • Allow the mask to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Also, apply rosewater to hydrate your skin.

#2 Egg White and Lavender Essential Oil

Prominent for to remove whiteheads and excess sebum from skin pores, egg white application will tighten your skin texture and make it radiant.

This face mask will reduce wrinkles and help you to obtain youthful skin.

  • Remove egg yolk and collect only egg white in a bowl.
  • Add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to this egg white.
  • Stir and apply it to your pre-washed face using a brush.
  • Leave it to dry naturally.
  • Wash your face with water.

#3 Carrier Oil and Lavender Oil

High concentration of essential oil can irritate your sensitive skin and lead to allergic reaction.

So, beauty experts recommend diluting it with any carrier oil.

Jojoba oil, castor oil, sweet almond oil and sesame oil are few carrier oils that you can try.

  • Mix one ounce of carrier oil with 12 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the oil mask.
  • Allow it to dry for few hours.

#4 Lavender Oil Essential Oil for Skin Lightening

Initially, you must wipe the impurities off the skin. You can use natural exfoliator like oatmeal or sugar. Pat dry with a soft cloth and apply lavender oil topically when the skin is still damp.

Instead of mixing lavender oil with water you can actually prepare your own lavender skin toner at home.

  • Boil 100ml of water and drop lavender buds to it.
  • Cover the bowl and steep for few more hours.
  • Drain the mixture and collect the water in a container.
  • After cooling, spray this lavender toner on your face and wipe with a cotton pad.
  • You can store for a week for future use.

#5 Rosehip Oil and Lavender Oil to Whiten Skin

Like lavender EO, rosehip oil is renowned for its healing and cosmetic benefits. Hydrating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities exhibited by this oil help to achieve the aesthetic look.

Experts recommend blending any carrier oil like rosehip oil or olive oil with lavender oil before applying it over the face. Alternatively, you can mix warm water with this essential oil and massage evenly all over the face.

  • Mix 2 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 drops of frankincense essential oil and 1 tbsp of rosehip oil.
  • Massage this oil on your face for few minutes.
  • Allow it dry for few more minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

As nutrients residing in this oil have to penetrate deep into the skin and start the healing process, so it takes time to see a positive result. So you’re advised to add this essential oil to your beauty regimen and regularly or thrice a week use it over the skin.

Important Tips

Lavender oil alone is not enough to make your skin lightening. You must include nutritional diet and stay away from sunlight or wear natural sunscreen cream.

You must ingest vitamin-rich diet and drink enough liquid to hydrate your skin from the inside.

Cosmetic creams that include chemical preservatives must be avoided, as they irritate your skin and may trigger an allergic reaction.

One more important aspect to achieve glowing skin is to avoid stress.

Did you ever use lavender oil for skin lightening? Let me know here in comments.

How to Use Olive Oil for Skin Whitening – (Is it Good?) 9 DIY Methods


It’s not another vegetable oil that can be used for culinary purpose. Olive oil benefits have been documented in religious books like The Holy Qur’an and in many ancient books. Here you’ll learn how to use olive oil for skin whitening and get rid of hyperpigmentation.

Since centuries this oil has been used to treat various health issues and skin ailments.

Mediterranean women use this oil as a moisturizing and cleansing agent. Exceptional vitamins and fatty acids packed in olive oil make it an ideal remedy for sensitive skin people.

Topical application of this oil will help to rejuvenate your skin, improve skin complexion, get rid of dark spots, and fade wrinkles.

Also read: 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Foreheads Wrinkles without Botox

If you want to use olive oil for skin complexion, then you must remember that it’s not an instant process and regular application is important to see positive results.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Glowing Skin (Why Olive Oil?)

High concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil makes it the healthiest diet for Mediterranean people. Studies show that people who consume this oil have a lower risk of cardiovascular problems.

Along with its impeccable health benefits, olive oil can be used topically for face fairness, to make your skin supple and soft.

Is olive oil good for skin whitening?

Exfoliate your skin

When the increasing pollutants get accumulated over your skin, along with harmful UV rays they lead to dark skin. Nutrients in olive oil help to cleanse these piled impurities.

Polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamin E residing in this innate oil promotes cell regeneration, cleanse dead cells and lightens your skin.

Olive oil to get rid of hyperpigmentation

External and internal factors influence the excess production of melanin resulting in brown spots or dark complexion. Apart from this, skin ailments also leave scars that ruin your aesthetic appearance.

Vitamins and minerals packed in this innate oil can effectively help to improve your skin complexion.

Moisturize your skin

External and internal factors stripe natural oils from the skin, hydrating agents in olive oil penetrate deep into the skin and moisturize it from the outside.

Regular application of this oil will make your skin smooth and supple.


Vitamin E and K in olive oil exhibit antioxidant activity, which fights free radicals and enhances cell regeneration. Free radicals damage skin cells and elasticity, resulting in fine lines or wrinkles. (1)

Anti-inflammatory agents

Most nutrients in this golden color oil show anti-inflammatory property, which reduces acne inflammation.

Dark Circles

Skin lightening properties housed in olive oil and lemon will improve your skin complexion.

Assorted nutrients in the oil help to promote elastin and collagen production.

Olive oil application will rejuvenate skin and reduce dark circles.

Treats Blackheads and Whiteheads

The nutritional ability of olive oil helps to cleanse blocked pores and remove blackheads. Regular massage will remove excess sebum accumulated on your skin and wipe blackheads.

Protects your skin from UV rays

Vitamin A and E residing in this oil protects from harmful UV rays and pollutants, which may damage your skin.

Repeated exposure to sunlight may lead to excess production of melanin and dark complexion. Vitamins residing in olive oil help to guard your fair skin.

Assorted nutrients in olive oil can improve your skin tone and its elasticity.

Unlike store available skin lightening products, olive oil is free from harmful chemicals that irritate your skin.

You can use olive oil for face whitening, because of A and E vitamins. They exhibit antioxidant property and improve cell generation.

To reap all exceptional nutrients, experts recommend using extra virgin olive oil for skin lightening and to make it supple. Because refined olive oil has chemical ingredients packed in it.

Recommended: Carrot face mask for skin whitening

How to Use Olive Oil for Skin Whitening?

Get an extra virgin olive oil from local drug store and topically massage over prewashed face. Best time to apply this oil is before going to bed. So the nutrients will have enough time to react to skin ailments.

You can use a cotton swab to apply it to acne lesions as a spot treatment. Don’t expect instant results, natural remedies require continuous use. To make this natural oil more effective or suitable for your skin type, you’re free to mix any innate ingredient to it. (Until you’re not allergic to it)

Let’s check out few different olive oil face mask recipes.

Also read: Olive oil for stretch marks

#1 Olive Oil for Fair Skin

Everyone desires to have a glowing skin. To obtain this, most people run after cosmetic creams that are included with chemical ingredients. You can use olive oil for glowing skin, but to make it more effective, beauty experts recommend blending it with other home available ingredients.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with 1 tablespoon of raw honey and egg yolk.
  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Evenly apply this face mask on the face and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

#2 Olive Oil for Glowing Skin

Ingredients you need are honey, sugar, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil.

To get a natural glow, you need to first wipe impurities accumulated over the skin. This olive oil face mask can help you exfoliate dead cells and dirt off the face.

  • Initially, wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Mix olive oil, honey, and sugar in a clean bowl. Optionally add 1-2 drops of lemon juice.
  • Now, apply the face mask over the skin and smoothly start massaging in circular motion. After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off.

Lemon juice may irritate your sensitive skin, so limit its use or apply olive oil after this face mask treatment.

Also read: Sesame oil for skin whitening

#3 Lemon and Olive Oil for Skin Lightening

Acidic nature of lemon juice helps to remove impurities and lighten dark spots over the skin. Olive oil has hydrating properties that can moisturize and make your skin bright. Regular use of this face mask will fade dark spots and acne scars.

  • Initially, cook 1/2 cup of oatmeal and cool it. Now mix 1 tbsp of olive oil, few drops of lemon juice and 1 egg white to it.
  • Apply this face mask over prewashed face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and apply natural moisturizer like jojoba oil or coconut oil.

#4 Olive Oil for Hyperpigmentation

There are various factors that cause hyperpigmentation. External factors include excess exposure to UV rays, impurities and longer exposure to the computer screen.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon of raw milk.
  • Apply the obtained smooth paste over the prewashed face.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes, so that nutrients in the face mask penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Apart from this, include nutrient-rich diet and wear sunscreen cream while going out.

#5 Olive Oil and Cucumber

Like other natural home ingredients, cucumber is also packed with essential vitamins that your skin needs.

Cucumber is also packed with skin lightening abilities that can improve your skin complexion and lighten the appearance of scars.

  • Take 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 fresh cucumber.
  • Mash or grind cucumber slices into a smooth
  • Add olive oil and milk to the paste.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on the prewashed
  • Allow it to be on your skin from 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Oats, Milk and Olive Oil for Glowing Skin

Oats are prominent for exfoliating and cleansing your skin. Packed with exceptional vitamins and minerals, oats are beneficial for cosmetic purposes.

Lactic acid residing in milk is also renowned for its magical ability of whitening your skin.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil with 1 tbsp of oats and 1 tbsp of milk.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixed paste on your face and allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Repeat this simple process twice per week.

#7 Glycerin and Olive Oil to Whiten Skin

Glycerin is a colorless and tasteless liquid that is packed with healing properties. Mixing it with olive oil will help to relive inflammation.

In this recipe, you can also add lemon juice. Bleaching property of lemon lightens the appearance of dark or brown spots.

  • Mix ½ tbsp of olive oil with ½ tbsp of glycerin.
  • Also, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the solution.
  • Apply this mask to prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water after 20 minutes.

#8 Olive Oil and Castor Oil for Skin Lightening

Omega-3 fatty acids residing in castor oil improves the elasticity of your skin and reduces pigmentation.

Ricinoleic acid is the main component in this viscous oil that helps to lighten your skin and make it look radiant.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil with 1 tsp of castor oil.
  • Optionally add few drops of lavender oil to above oil.
  • Apply this oil on your prewashed using a cotton ball or clean fingers.
  • Massage gently for 2 minutes.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.

#9 Apple Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil

Glycol housed in ACV cleanse your skin and alpha hydroxy acids help to shed dead skin cells.

Assorted vitamins in vinegar help to lighten the appearance of your skin and make it radiant. Did you ever use apple cider vinegar for skin whitening? Check the below recipe.

  • Dilute ¼ cup of ACV with ¼ cup of water.
  • Also, add ½ cup of olive oil to it.
  • Stir well and apply the lotion on your face.
  • Allow to dry for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Store for future use.

How to Use Olive Oil for Face at Night?

All the DIY recipes listed above can be used at night.

Else, you can prepare your own night face mask cream with apple cider vinegar.

  • Mix ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil with ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Dilute the solution with ¼ cup of distilled water.
  • Apply this natural face mask over the prewashed face with cotton ball.
  • Leave it dry naturally throughout the night.

Alternatively, dip a cotton ball in extra virgin olive oil and wipe it over dark areas of your face for skin whitening. You can also use this method to remove makeup.

Note: Patch test before applying olive oil to avoid an allergic reaction.

Where Can I Buy Olive Oil for Skin Whitening?

To reap all benefits listed above, beauty experts recommend extra virgin olive oil.

Check your local drug store or Buy it from Amazon.




How to Use Rosehip Oil for Wrinkles & Eye Wrinkles – 5 Methods

rosehip oil for wrinkles, eye

Sources reveal that Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge use rosehip oil for wrinkles and to maintain her soft skin. (1)

Nutrients residing in this oil got enough attention; even cosmetic industries started incorporating the oil into their beauty products.

Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the hip of the rose. Due to its exceptional nutrients, beauty experts recommend this oil for flawless skin. You must keep this oil in cool and dark location to prevent rancidity.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are natural and appear as you grow older. A major cause of premature aging wrinkles includes sun rays, smoking, dehydration and some medications.

Few among us consider wrinkles as an aspect of wisdom, but most people don’t welcome them.

  • Aging, smoking, excess exposure to sunlight damage collagen and elastin resulting in wrinkles.
  • Apart from this, chemical incorporated creams and unhealthy lifestyle leads to wrinkles.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles without Botox?

Is Rosehip Oil Good for Wrinkles?

Globally, millions are spent to fade wrinkles. Fortunately, you can prevent wrinkles using this simple home remedy. With assorted nutrients, you can use rosehip oil for eye wrinkles, without any side-effects.

Let’s now dwell on nutritional benefits of rosehip seed oil.

  • Vitamin C in rosehip oil helps to enhance collagen production and fade aging wrinkles. Its antioxidants activity thwarts free radicals that may damage cell membrane.
  • Essential fatty acids like omega 3, 6 and 9 help to regenerate broken skin tissues and can lighten the appearance of acne scars.
  • Vitamin E exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which aids in reducing inflammation and protects your sensitive skin from UV rays.
  • Retinol or vitamin A is renowned to increase collagen production, interrupt free radicals, enhance collagen production, treat acne, eczema and prevent wrinkles.
  • Beta-carotene housed in this oil helps to obtain natural glowing face. With its antioxidant activity, it also prevents premature aging. Skin disorders like minor boils, dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis can be healed with topical application of this natural oil.
  • Assorted properties of this oil hydrate your skin and help to fight infectious germs giving you a glowing flawless skin.

A study was carried out on 20 women with 50% dry skin. Rosehip seed oil was applied twice per day for 8 weeks. The report state 44% improvement in moisture, 21% smoother skin and 23% decrease in wrinkles and fine lines.

How to Use Rosehip Oil for Wrinkles?

To get benefited from its vitamins and minerals, you must include nutritional diet. Initially, impurities and dead cells piled over the skin must be removed.

Cleanse the face using natural exfoliator like an oatmeal face mask or just rinse with water.

Apply rosehip oil when the skin is still damp. Evenly massage the oil and leave it to dry naturally. Nutrients in the oil penetrate deep into the skin and start healing to enhance elasticity.

#1 Almond Oil and Rosehip Oil

You can mix equal quantity of almond oil with rosehip seed oil to fade fine lines. (2) Experts recommend blending it with vitamin E oil to increase its shelf-life.

  • Wash your face with water or cleanse it with gram flour.
  • Pat dry and apply mixed rosehip oil and almond oil mask.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#2 Direct Application

If you’ve sensitive skin, then dilute it with a carrier oil. Else, take few drops of rosehip seed oil and apply it on your face and under eyes.

  • To remove impurities and pollutants, cleanse with water.
  • Pat dry and apply drops of this innate ingredient on your face.
  • Massage gently for few minutes and then leave it to dry naturally.

#3 Honey, Geranium and Yogurt

Honey includes vitamins that can stimulate collagen production and its topical application improves elastin.

Lactic acid and bleaching ability of yogurt will help to fade dark spots to make your skin look radiant. (Read: 25 Best Foods to Lighten Skin)

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of Greek yogurt with 1 tbsp of rosehip oil.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to the solution.
  • 2 drops of geranium oil can be included to reduce stress.
  • Apply this mixed paste on your pre-washed face and allow it to dry naturally.

#4 Vitamin E Oil and Rosehip Oil for Eye Wrinkles

Vitamin E oil application will penetrate deep into your skin to thwart free radicals and avoid wrinkles under eyes.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of vitamin E oil with 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil.
  • Optionally you can also add lavender essential oil to this mixture.
  • After mixing thoroughly, apply the mask on your face and under eyes.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Note: If you’re allergic to lavender oil, then don’t use it.

#5 Shea Butter and Rosehip Oil

Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties housed in shea butter help to fight ailments that can ruin your physical appearance.

Assorted vitamins residing in this natural ingredient can help to promote collagen production and improve elastin.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of rosehip oil with 3 tbsp of shea butter.
  • Wash your face and apply this mixed paste on the skin.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Important Tips

  • Everything goes in vain if you don’t hydrate your skin from inside. Drink enough water and wear sunscreen to guard your skin against harmful UV rays.
  • As mentioned you must now change your lifestyle. Stay away from irritants that strip natural moisture from the skin.
  • Most exposed part of your body is skin, so increasing pollutants, and impurities get settled over the skin and damage its healthy functioning leading to wrinkles and dry skin.
  • Along with rosehip oil or other essential oil application, you must cleanse the skin regularly.

I recommend gram flour mask to remove impurities. Soaps and cosmetic face wash may remove moisture and irritate your skin.

A healthy lifestyle has great impact on your skin. Wrinkles and fine lines are inevitable, natural ingredients are capable of returning the lost moisture and vitamins to your skin.

Rosehip oil for is one among them which not only helps to prevent wrinkles but makes the skin glow naturally.

Is this article convincing enough to use rosehip oil for wrinkles? Let me know.

8 Absolute Musts of a Solid Skincare Routine – You Won’t Miss It

Have you ever wondered if there is some secret to flawless, glowing and youthful skin? There absolutely is, and there isn’t just one but a few secrets to unlocking the best skin of your life.Apply these principles to your daily, weekly and monthly routine for a solid skincare routine that will keep you glamorous.

1. Wash your face in the morning.

With normal, healthy skin, most dermatologists will say that one wash a day is enough. However, when you wash really matters, especially if you’re putting makeup or sunscreen on for your daily wear.

When is the most crucial time to wash your face? In the morning!

That’s because, when you sleep, your skin and body goes through a healing process that pushes toxins out, through your pores. That means, when you wake up in the morning, your body is covered in toxins that your body has just eliminated through your skin. Washing your face in the morning is crucial to remove those toxic layers, especially so that you don’t seal them in under your makeup, clogging your pores.

2. Don’t squeeze your pimples, use the right acne treatment instead.

Nothing can be more disheartening than blemished, red skin. Even though you may be tempted to pop your zits in search of relief, don’t do it. Squeezing your pimples can lead to infection, inflammation and the scarring. Plus, whenever you touch your face, you could be adding more dirt to your precious pores. Instead of attacking your skin problems with your fingers, use a product that’s developed specifically for your problem, like acne, for example. You can always learn more about the right products through reading a site, like

3. Exfoliate to remove dead cells.

No matter what type of skin you have, exfoliation is a must for your routine. Doing it will remove dead skin cells from your face, leaving the newer layers of skin cells to radiate uninhibited. Plus, removing the excess cells leaves less debris to clog your pores, preventing acne and other irritable skin problems. Ideally, you should exfoliate once a week with a gentle scrub or warm wash cloth.

4. Avoid too much sun.

No matter how many beauty routines you read about, this one is an absolute must. Vitamin D is your friend, but UV rays are not. Avoid intense sunlight and harmful UV rays as much as possible. In fact, you should be wearing sunscreen daily, even on days when it doesn’t seem sunny. After all, you can always find another way to tan, but sun-endowed wrinkles are harder to beat.

5. Get enough sleep.

Beauty sleep is a real thing. Without proper rest, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. This chemical in our body is the culprit behind stress-related skin problems, like acne breakouts. It even causes weight gain, which isn’t exactly a skin problem, but it does affect the way we “wear” our skin. On other hand, our bodies heal while we sleep, and gets rid of excess cortisol in the blood stream. Get your eight hours in, when you can.

6. Exercise for better skin.

A crucial part of a healthy life, exercising is also great for your skin. It improves blood flow and circulation, which means that healthy nutrients in your body can be distributed to your skin. It also causes you to perspire and push harmful toxins out of your body, while giving you a natural flush that can make you look young. Do it 3-4 times a week for best results.

7. Stay hydrated.

Being made of two-thirds water, our skin needs to be hydrated to be beautiful. Dry skin can make you look dull and aged, and makes skin more susceptible to damage, as it has reduced elasticity. Hydrate yourself, both inside and out, by drinking plenty of water and using alcohol-free cleansers, and other hydrating products for your skin.

8. Do facials or facemasks at least once a month.

You have to pamper yourself at least once a month. It’s not really about feeling spoilt, as it is about making sure your skin gets the love it needs to last and be youthful. Facials are key to keeping your skin exfoliated, hydrated and nourished. If you can’t go to a salon to get one, don’t worry! There are plenty of affordable options, and even better homemade DIY options, so your skin never has to be neglected.

You can do a home-made microdermabrasion with a baking-soda mask/scrub. Also, try a soothing flour and egg white mask at home for a quick-nourishing mask that can make you glow.


No matter your budget or time schedule, these are the absolute musts for any goddess’s skincare routine.