How to Use Jojoba Oil for Eczema – 10 Methods

Rigorous itching accompanied by inflamed flare-ups is among the common signs of contact dermatitis. Your restless nights of scratching can now come to an end.

Spare some time and you’ll end up learning benefits of jojoba oil for eczema.

It starts with a scratch and then the cycle repeats. Initially, I never regret for scratching but the inflammation of eczema flare-ups made my day worse. I’ve zero knowledge about dermatology and can’t give you medical assistance.

However, from my personal experience and few anecdotal reports I came to know that natural remedies can do wonders on your skin. Apart from treating various ailments, jojoba oil can enhance collagen production and make the skin firm.

Eczema is a chronic skin infection which results in dry and itchy patches. Reports say that about 30 million Americans experience atopic dermatitis (eczema). But, unfortunately there is no permanent cure for this skin ailment.

However, you can reduce it with different home and over the counter remedies.

Note: If you don’t care to change your diet and lifestyle, topical remedies cannot make an impact on the skin.


Is Jojoba Oil Good for Eczema?

Jojoba oil is extracted from nuts of jojoba plant. This liquid wax resembles sebum, which keeps your skin moist. Because of this unique quality, it is prominent for hydrating dry itchy patches.

  • Often dry skin is the root cause of most skin ailments. Moisturizing elements in this oil helps to get rid of itching and dry skin.
  • It tricks skin to control excess sebum production. Excess oil attracts impurities and leads to acne.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties residing in jojoba oil relieves you from burning sensation of eczema flare-ups.
  • Antioxidant and vitamins lighten the appearance of scars and dark spots.
  • Vitamins and minerals penetrate deep into the skin and enhance elasticity of the skin.
  • Assorted properties in this liquid wax remove impurities and dead skin off the skin.
  • Non-comedogenic activity of jojoba oil unclogs blocked skin pores, by which the skin can quickly absorb nutrients and vitamins.
  • Antibacterial ability exhibited by this oil can effectively restrain infectious germs.
  • Vitamins residing in jojoba oil can help to maintain pH level on your skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in this liquid wax boost collagen production and encourage elastin to make your skin free from premature wrinkles.

Being a carrier oil, jojoba oil can be mixed with any essential oil to improve your skin texture. For the best aroma mix lavender oil and jojoba oil together.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Eczema?

Impurities and dry skin patches block skin pores and acts as obstacle for topical remedies. So, you’re advised to exfoliate the skin using cleanser or with water so that your skin gets ready for the natural treatment.

#1 Jojoba Oil

  • Make sure you don’t scratch in the process and avoid lukewarm water or chemical incorporated soaps.
  • When you’re done with cleansing; pat dry using soft cloth.
  • Take organic jojoba oil in a palm and apply over the affected parts. Concentrate more on flare-ups or bumps. Leave it to dry naturally.

Because of its exceptional property, you won’t find the oil too oily. Your skin absorbs it and the vitamins housed in the oil will kick start their work.

#2 Aloe Vera Gel and Jojoba Oil

Prominent for its cooling and healing abilities, aloe gel application will reduce eczema inflammation.

Its hydrating ability can put an end to your repeated scratching.

  • Wash eczema affected area with normal water and pat dry.
  • Now mix, 1 tbsp of aloe gel with 2 tbsp of jojoba oil.
  • Apply thoroughly mixed mask on eczema affected skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and apply thin layer of aloe gel to avoid itching.

#3 Honey, Lemon Juice and Jojoba Oil to Treat Eczema

Experts always recommend raw honey for cosmetic and health related issues. As it is packed with humectant abilities that lock moisture on your skin and avoid itching.

Dry eczema patches that ruin your physical appearance can be removed by healing abilities of this natural ingredient.

Lemon juice is prominent for its bleaching and antibacterial abilities can effectively improve your skin texture.

  • Take a bowl and add 3 tbsp of jojoba oil and 1 tbsp of raw honey to it.
  • Mix thoroughly and add few drops of fresh lemon juice.
  • Mix the paste once again.
  • Apply the mixed mask on eczema affected skin using your clean fingers.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#4 Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil for Scalp Eczema

Renowned for its antibacterial properties, tea tree essential oil can thwart infectious germs and avoid itching.

However, high concentration of this essential oil can irritate your sensitive skin or scalp. So, mix jojoba oil with it and gently apply on the scalp.

  • In a tablespoon of jojoba oil, add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Mix thoroughly and then apply it on prewashed scalp or skin.
  • Try this simple remedy regularly to get rid of scalp eczema.

#5 Carrot Seed Oil, Frankincense Oil and Jojoba Oil

Frankincense essential oil is packed with astringent, moisturizing and soothing properties. Its application can lighten the appearance of eczema scars on your skin.

Healing property in carrot seed oil helps to regenerate damaged skin cells and avoid rigorous itching.

  • Mix ¼ ounce of jojoba oil with ¼ ounce of evening primrose oil, ¼ ounce of pomegranate oil, 10 drops of carrot seed oil, 15 drops of vitamin E oil and 20 drops of frankincense oil.
  • Mix all listed ingredients and apply it on your skin evenly using a cotton ball.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes

#6 Jojoba Oil and Cornmeal

Cornmeal can help to remove hanging dry patches. However, if you’re gentle while applying the mask it may irritate your sensitive skin.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of cornmeal with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.
  • Wash your face and then apply this face mask on the affected skin.
  • Let it dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#7 Almond Oil and Jojoba Oil

Almond oil is housed with vitamins and minerals that can lighten the appearance of eczema scars. Its hydrating property can help to avoid dry patches.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil with 1 tbsp of almond oil.
  • Apply the mixed lotion on eczema affected skin and allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water.

#8 Lemon Juice and Jojoba Oil

High amount of vitamin C in lemon juice promote collagen production and its bleaching ability lighten your skin.

Applying few drops of lemon juice mixed with jojoba oil can help to reduce inflammation triggered by eczema and thwart infectious germs.

#9 Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil

Ricinoleic acid residing in castor oil helps to reduce eczema inflammation, as it is packed with anti-inflammatory properties.

Stick nature of this oil lock moisture and instantly stop itching.

  • Though you may not like its smell, mix 1 tbsp of castor oil with 1 tbsp of jojoba oil.
  • Apply this obtained lotion on your eczema affected skin and allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#10 Turmeric and Jojoba Oil

Antiseptic abilities residing in this spice is prominent. Its application can avoid excess scratching and thwart infectious germs.

Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric powder that can fade eczema scars.

However, excess use of this ingredient may leave yellow stains on your skin.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.
  • Apply the obtained paste on your prewashed face and allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • If in case the mask leaves yellow stains, don’t worry they will fade in few hours.

Like cosmetic industries, I’ll not give false claims that jojoba oil will reduce eczema overnight. Natural remedies aren’t associated with any chemical ingredients and they treat the ailment from the root.

So you must try applying jojoba oil for about 2-3 weeks to see the positive change. Like mentioned above, this liquid wax can replace your beauty products. Consider this before going to bed and include it in your beauty regimen.

Other innate ingredients which you can include with jojoba oil are glycerin, tea tree oil, rosewood essential oil, and lavender oil.

Important points

Though jojoba oil is one of the effective oil and has bunch of assorted nutrients. But, it alone can’t treat eczema. You must check with your dermatologist for severe eczema symptoms and must follow strict diet as prescribed by doctor.

Drinking enough water, doing regular exercise and moisturizing the skin with jojoba oil or any other natural oil will keep eczema in control.

Sweat and unhygienic lifestyle will trigger itching and the cycle commence. Hygienic lifestyle is also important.

Coming to creams, this is my personal opinion that we must pamper our skin but not with chemical incorporated products. Like you love natural items, your skin will love to have innate ingredients.

If you ever used jojoba oil to treat eczema, then please share your experience in comments.

How to Get Rid of Melasma Forever With 20 Home Remedies

It is not easy at all to have wholly healthy and clean skin. Most of the people around the world are facing some types of skin related issues. There are loads of unhealthy skin conditions you can suffer from very quickly due to different factors like environment, diet, lack of physical exercises, consumption of junk food, pregnancy, medications, etc.

We are going to discuss- How to get rid of melasma without using any harmful or harsh skin product.

Melasma is one of the prevalent skin problems usually occurs in women. Although it can also be seen in men, the condition is more common in women, especially during and after pregnancy. It is also termed as “chloasma,” and when it occurs during pregnancy, it is called as “mask of pregnancy” in general terms.

Melasma causes discoloration patches on different parts of the body. Usually, the melasma patches are darker than your natural skin color and typically occurs on the face. It is very easy to observe similar patches on both sides of the face.

Different parts of the body like forehead, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose, forearms, and neck can develop melasma, and it tends to increase its presence when the person suffering from melasma is continuously under the sunlight.

The melasma doesn’t cause any physical harm, but it can create a lack of self-confidence and may develop self-consciousness especially due to the way it looks. If you are also annoyed with melasma or want to help someone to get rid of the annoying skin discoloration, you can have a look at this article.

We will try to figure out some causes of melasma. Then we will proceed further to learn about some home remedies for melasma. We will also underline some handy tips to avoid melasma. Let’s talk about the causes of melasma in brief.

Also Read: 12 Essential Oils for Hyperpigmentation

how to get rid of melasma

What Causes of Melasma?

The exact cause of melasma is still not apparent, but the tendency or trends of melasma can be taken into account to point out some common causes.

According to the reports, melasma is commonly seen in individuals with dark skin. The sensitivity of estrogen and progesterone are also associated with melasma.

We can say stress, pregnancy, bit control pills, hormone therapy and sunlight exposure can trigger melasma.

20 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Melasma Naturally

When melasma occurs due to pregnancy or birth control pills, usually it disappears on its own. If some other factors are responsible for melasma, it can be a bit tough to get rid of it. Using unknown harsh chemical substances can cause further damage to the skin. So, it is better to adopt some natural ways to get rid of melasma.

This is the most crucial part of our discussion. We are going to discuss so many natural and home remedies that can reduce melasma with ease and that too without causing any health-related problem. You can use these home remedies to get rid of melasma without overthinking about the side effects or something like that.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits: ACV is one of the best home remedies and can cure most of the unhealthy skin conditions. Presence of acetic acid makes ACV a very powerful bleaching agent which can help to remove dark spots from the skin. It can also make your skin radiant and smooth.


  • Take half cup concentrated ACV and half cup of water.
  • Mix well and apply on the melasma spots.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes in open area to let it dry.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • You can use ACV like this every day.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Melasma?

#2 Lemon Juice

Benefits: Wonderful astringent properties of lemon juice make it one of the best skin lightener. Powerful acidic nature of lemon juice is capable of removing unhealthy skin layers and eliminating a whole new layer.


  • There are so many different ways to use lemon juice. We are discussing a very simple one.
  • Take a fresh medium sized lemon (green lemon is better) and squeeze its juice.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and rub gently for a couple of minutes.
  • You can wash off with lukewarm water after leaving it for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process twice a daily and you will see the difference with 2-3 weeks.

#3 Onion Juice with ACV

Benefits: There are plenty of sulfur-containing compounds in onion which make it one of the best natural remedies for maintaining the tonicity of the skin. It can easily remove the dark patches from skin. Onion juice can also nourish your skin to a decent extent.


  • Take 3 medium sized onions and chop finely.
  • Cover them in a soft cotton cloth and beat slightly on a hard surface.
  • Squeeze the cloth to extract onion juice.
  • Add equal amount of ACV.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply on the affected areas.
  • Keep the mixture on for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Apply a scented moisturizer like rose water to get rid of raw smell of onion.
  • Follow the process twice daily for 3-4 weeks.

#4 Turmeric and Milk

Benefits: Abnormal melanin production is also one of the responsible factors behind melasma. And using turmeric is one of the best options to maintain the melanin production.

Active ingredient of turmeric- curcumin has antioxidant and skin-lightening properties and can be very effective in case of melasma. Skin Glowing properties of milk is undoubtedly going to be helpful to reduce dark spots caused due to melasma.


  • Add 5 tbsp. turmeric powder to 10 tbsp. milk.
  • Mix well and prepare a fine paste.
  • It is better to use whole milk.
  • Add 1 tbsp. gram flour to maintain the consistency.
  • Apply evenly on the melasma affected areas.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat this process daily for excellent results.

Also read: How to Use Turmeric for Melasma?

#5 Oatmeal

Benefits: Oatmeal is one of the most powerful natural exfoliating agent and can remove dark spots very easily. It can also dissolve dead skin cells under the skin layers and will give you clean, brighter and glowing skin.


  • Take 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. milk and 1 tbsp. honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Keep the mixture on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Keep doing this three times a week for 5-6 weeks.

#6 Aloe Vera Gel

Benefits: When we talk about skin, how can we forget Aloe Vera Gel? It is one of the best natural remedies for most of the skin conditions. There are plenty of mucilaginous polysaccharides in Aloe Vera gel and is capable of alleviating hyperpigmentation and restoring your natural and original skin color.


  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut it to open.
  • Extract the fresh gel into a small bowl.
  • Gently message on the affected area for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave it on the skin for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the process for twice or at least once in a day for 5 weeks.

#7 Horseradish

Benefits: Horseradish is not only beneficial for reducing excessive body weight, it is also very good at curing plenty of different skin problems. It has the capacity to reduce all types of skin discolorations, scars, and blemishes. It is also one of the most effective home remedies for melasma.


  • Take a dried horseradish and break into small pieces.
  • Convert these pieces into fine powder.
  • Add 2 tbsp. horseradish powder and 1 cup of sour curd together.
  • Mix well to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.

Also Read: How to Use Olive Oil for Melasma?

#8 Papaya

Benefits: Papaya is one of the best fruits for maintaining overall health. It is also very good for skin. Both raw and ripe papaya is used in different skin products especially fruit facial masks. Active enzyme papain of papaya is a wonderful exfoliant and is capable of removing dead cells from skin layers and maintaining the natural skin color.


  • Mash a few pieces of papaya and prepare a fine paste with slightly thick consistency.
  • Add 2 tbsp. honey to it and mix well.
  • Apply the paste on affected area and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Follow the process once in a week for 2 months and see the magic.

#9 Guava

Benefits: Guava is not only a delicious fruit. It is a wonderful natural remedy as well. Lycopene compound of guava is very good for melasma and is capable of reducing hyperpigmentation as well as blemishes. It can also exfoliate your skin and can remove the dead skin cells as well.


  • Cut 1 medium sized guava into small pieces.
  • Mash properly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Add a little amount of milk or glycerin.
  • Mix well and apply on the affected areas.
  • Wash off with fresh water after half an hour and pat dry.
  • It is better to repeat this process on the daily basis.

#10 Banana

Benefits: In addition to being a yummy and tasty fruit, banana is very good at promoting glowing skin. It contains moisture, vitamin E and C as well as potassium in large amounts. Due to its effective glowing capacity, it can reduce melasma in very quick time.


  • Mash one banana and make a fine paste.
  • Add a 1 tbsp. honey and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process once in a day for 2 months.

#11 Ginseng

Benefits: Ginseng is very beneficial for skin in plenty of ways. Whether you are using its root or leaves, both are full of health related benefits. Due to the ant-inflammatory, anti-ageing and energy supporting properties of ginseng leaves, it can be a great idea to use ginseng for melasma.


  • Take a handful of fresh ginseng leaves and add in a glass of water.
  • Pour the water into a kettle or pan and boil it properly.
  • Keep aside for a while until water gets slightly colder.
  • Take out the leaves and mash to make fine paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with the remained ginseng water.
  • Follow this process twice or thrice a week for 2 months.

#12 Grape Seed Extract

Benefits: Extract of grape seed is used in a lot of different skin and cosmetic related products thanks to its powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. Very strong detoxifying capacity of grape seed extract makes it one of the most potent home remedies for melasma.


  • Take a handful dry grape seed and make fine powder.
  • Add 2 tbsp. glycerin and 2 tbsp. honey.
  • Mix well to prepare fine paste.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week for 7-8 weeks.

#13 Apricot

Benefits: Apricot is a delicious fruit containing plenty of health-related benefits. It is also used in different types of skin and cosmetic products and is a wonderful scrub. Apricot is full of vitamin A, C, and E, and fatty acids. It can nourish your skin to a decent extent, reduce inflammation and can lighten the skin in case of melasma.


  • Cut 2 apricots and remove the seed.
  • Cut again into small pieces and smash properly.
  • Smash until it becomes a fine paste.
  • Add a little amount of milk and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Wash off after half an hour and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process twice a week for 6 weeks.

#14 Sandalwood

Benefits: Using sandalwood powder and sandalwood oil is very beneficial for skin. There are numerous skin benefits of sandalwood. Essential oil present in sandalwood can enhance skin complexion, remove blemishes and is one of the best home remedies for melasma pigmentation.


  • Mix 2 tbsp. sandalwood powder, 1 tbsp. turmeric powder and 10 tbsp. whole milk.
  • Add some drops of lemon juice and mix well to make fine paste.
  • Apply the paste evenly on the melasma spots and rub in circular motion.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water containing little amount of rose water.
  • Pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process 4 times a week for 4 weeks.

#15 Cucumber

Benefits:If you want to remove pigmentation, nothing can be as effective as cucumber. There is plenty of water in raw cucumber which makes it one of the best natural remedies for keeping your skin hydrated. Ascorbic acid is the active ingredient of cucumber and is proved very handy to treat most of the skin problems including acne, blemishes, and melasma.


  • Take a small sized or half large sized cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  • Cover in a soft cotton cloth and crush properly.
  • Squeeze the cloth to get the cucumber juice.
  • Keep aside the squeezed cucumber pieces.
  • Add 2 tbsp. rose water to cucumber juice and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected area using a cotton ball.
  • Wash off after half an hour and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process on alternate days for 2 months.
  • Dry the squeezed cucumber pieces under sunlight and use it as scrubber.

#16 Almond

Benefits: All of you are very well aware about the benefits of almonds. Almonds and almond oil are very good in most of the skin conditions. High protein content of almonds can lighten the skin. Vitamin E of almond is very effective to reduce the discoloration of skin. Using almonds for melasma is undoubtedly one of the best options.


  • Grind 10-12 almonds to make a fine powder.
  • Add 2-3 tbsp. honey and mix until you get a fine paste.
  • Smear the paste on melasma and rub for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it on for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week for 2 to 2 ½ months.

#17 Gotu Kola

Benefits: If you can get the Chinese herb Gotu Kola with ease, it might be the blessing for you. Gotu Kola is used in China and its neighbor countries for ages in different skin-care products. It is a powerful natural remedy for most of the skin problems like dark pigmentation, scars, spots, blemishes. You can use it to remove melasma spots on face.


  • Take a handful of dried Gotu Kola leaves and make a fine powder.
  • Add equal amount of glycerin and rose water and prepare a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Keep applying this wonderful paste regularly to get rid of melasma forever.

#18 Yogurt

Benefits: Active ingredient of Yogurt, Lactic acid is very effective in conditioning the skin. It can make your skin soft and supple. Applying yogurt on the skin affected with melasma is one of the very good options.


  • Add a pinch of turmeric to two tbsp. yogurt.
  • Mix well and apply on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Leave for about 30 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Keep doing this twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

#19 Soy Milk

Benefits: Most of the topical creams used to treat melasma contain soy milk thanks to its ability to inhibit hyperpigmentation. Different constituents of soy milk are capable of lightening the skin and hence can be very effective for melasma.


  • Take a cotton pad and soak it in soy milk.
  • Dab gently on your face and leave it for an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process two times a day for a few weeks.

#20 Tomato

Benefits: Tomatoes contain large amount of lycopene- an antioxidant known for providing protection from sunlight. Tomatoes are very good for skin health and are known for producing great results in case of melasma as well.

To get rid of melasma forever, apply this natural ingredient regularly.


  • Cut two tomatoes into small pieces.
  • Gently smash to make a slightly thick paste.
  • Add 2-3 drops of lemon and mix well.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • You can repeat the process twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

 How to Prevent Melasma?

  • Wear sunscreen every time you step out of your home.
  • Drink enough water and other liquids to stay hydrated for whole day.
  • Take care of your skin and use very mild and gentle skincare products.
  • Try to avoid waxing as it causes inflammation and can aggravate melasma.
  • Have a balanced and nutritious diet consisting all types of vegetables and fruits.
  • Keep avoiding junk food as much as possible.
  • Try to maintain your mental stress as it is one of the primary causes behind most of the unhealthy conditions.
  • Keep your body fit and fine by doing physical exercise on daily basis.
  • Try to avoid strong medications like hydrocodone, buprenorphine, morphine etc. as much as possible.
  • Always try to take bath at least once in two days.
  • Wear soft and mild clothes as harsh clothes are also responsible for skin irritations and other skin problems.

If you ever used home remedies for melasma pigmentation removal, then share your views in comments.

How to Use Egg White for Blackheads – 12 Face Mask Recipes

Everyone wants to have a beautiful and attractive body. There are different aspects of your body structure like body weight, body shape, height, skin color and texture responsible for defining your personality.

Skin is one of the most important parts of your body without which, you couldn’t even imagine the existence of human’s body. Along with benefits, we also have few disorders that accompany skin. Blackheads is one among them. Stay tuned to acknowledge yourself with benefits of egg white for blackheads.

Being the outermost part of your body, skin is always at risk of getting affected by different problems and diseases. Even a little problem with your skin can reduce its beauty and can be an annoying factor for your personality.

In this article, we are going to discuss a very common and harmless skin condition- blackhead. Small bumps called blackheads to appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. In general, blackheads are supposed as the mild type of acne that usually appear on the face, especially nose. But these bumps can appear on other parts of the body like chest, arms, back, shoulders and neck.

Treating blackheads is not easy at all, but some natural remedies are beneficial to reduce its effects. We will try to address all about egg white and blackheads under different headings like causes of blackheads, why egg white is useful in case of blackheads, how we can use egg white differently and uniquely to get rid of blackheads and of course, some handy tips to avoid blackheads. So, let’s start with the causes.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Stubborn Deep Blackheads on Nose?

egg white for blackheads

What Causes of Blackheads?

Development of clogs or plugs on the skin causes the blackheads. These clogs or plugs may develop in the opening of hair follicles. There is a sebaceous gland present in each hair follicle which produces oil called sebum. Sebum is responsible for keeping your skin soft and smooth.

Due to different reasons, dead skin cells and oils may collect in the openings of skin follicles- which can produce a bump known as comedo. There are two types of bumps- open and closed.

If the bump is closed, it is called whitehead, and if the bump opens up, it is termed as “blackhead”. Different factors like the production of excessive oil, hormonal changes, taking drugs like lithium, androgens, corticosteroids etc. can trigger the death of skin cells and hence can cause blackheads.

Can Egg White Remove Blackheads?

Egg white can be proved very handy to remove blackheads thanks to its wonderful skin-friendly properties. There are plenty of different properties of egg white, which make it a great option in case of blackheads. Let’s have a look at some of these properties.

1. Shrinks Large Skin Pores

Astringent properties of egg make it very good to shrink the large pores of the skin. It is very good at repairing the skin. Shrinking the pores is a very smart and effective way to reduce the blackheads. And egg white can do it perfectly.

2. Reduces Oil from Skin

As we have already learnt, excessive oil from the skin can only aid blackheads, controlling the excessive oil production is very important in order to get rid of blackheads. Egg white is very good to control the extra skin oil.

3. Skin Toner

Maintaining the tonicity of your skin can be very easy thanks to the egg white. It is capable of removing dirt, dead cells and excess oil from the skin. By making your skin fresh and clean, it can easily improve the tonicity of your skin.

4. Removes Facial Hair

Facial hair can be very annoying especially for women. Sticky nature of the egg white is very good at removing the facial hair. Egg white face mask peel off has been proved very helpful to get rid of facial hair in very quick time.

5. Reduces Wrinkles

Pre-mature wrinkles are undoubtedly a matter of concern. Application of only egg white cab be very successful to reduce wrinkles from your face.

6. Moisturizes Skin

Dryness of skin is one of the primary causes of plenty of unhealthy skin conditions. Egg white is not only capable of removing excessive oil from skin, it can also reduce the skin dryness and can work as a great moisturizer.

7. Stops Aging

Using egg white face mask can provide plenty of benefits to your face skin. It is a wonderful remedy for aging for all types of skin.

8. Reduces Skin Darkness

If you’ve tried different ingredients for achieving light and clean skin and getting no desired results, you should use egg white. You will be able to get rid of darkness of your skin in very quick time.

Also read: How to Use Cinnamon for Blackheads?

How to Use Egg White for Blackheads?

You can use egg white in different ways and with different ingredients in order to get most of it. There are plenty of skin-friendly ingredients that can be used with egg white. Let’s go through some very effective egg white recipes for blackheads.

You might have seen many before and after images of blackhead removal. If you’d like to have similar results, then stick with any of the recipe mentioned below.

#1 Egg White and Lemon Face Mask

Benefits: There are loads of skin benefits of lemon juice, and using it with egg white is undoubtedly one of the best ways to maximize the chances of getting rid of blackheads. Thanks to vitamin-C, lemon juice is capable of improving your immune system and overall health. It is excellent to reduce the darkness of skin as well.


  • Take two egg whites and a tbsp. lemon juice in a medium bowl.
  • Whisk them together very well.
  • Clean your face and apply the mask avoiding your eyes and lips.
  • Cover your face with a couple of tissue papers and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wait until it gets dried and then peel off with the tissue.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply a gentle moisturizer.
  • Keep repeating this process once or twice in a week.

#2 Egg White and Honey

Benefits: Thanks to rich amount of anti-oxidants, honey is one of the most effective natural remedies for most of the skin conditions. The antibacterial property of honey is very good to keep the skin infections away. Honey is also capable of maintaining the smoothness of your skin.


  • Take two egg whites and beat until it gets frothy.
  • Add 2 tbsp. honey and mix again properly.
  • Clean and dry your face properly and apply the mask avoiding your lips and eyes.
  • Leave for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use a scrubber for removing face mask easily.
  • Follow the procedure for at least 2 months.

#3 Egg White with Baking Soda

Benefits: Baking soda itself is a wonderful ingredient to remove blackheads. Thanks to its excellent bleaching properties, it can be used for getting rid of blackheads in very quick time. Using it with egg white is going to give you some excellent results.


  • Take 3 egg whites and beat properly to make sure it gets frothy.
  • Add 2 tbsp. baking soda and mix well using a spoon.
  • It will be not so easy to mix both egg white and baking soda.
  • After mixing well, apply on the affected parts and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Keep following the procedure twice a week for 2 ½ to 3 months.

#4 Egg White with Coconut Oil

Benefits: Coconut oil can work in both ways. If you are annoyed with the dryness of your skin, it can work as a wonderful skin moisturizer. And if you are looking to control excessive oil of your skin, it can be very helpful in this condition as well. Antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil make it one of the best and cheapest oils for skin and can combat any skin condition including blackheads.


  • Beat 2 egg whites properly and add 2 tbsp. coconut oil.
  • Mix both the ingredients well and apply on affected area(s).
  • Keep it on for 1 hour and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Use a gentle moisturizer after washing your skin.
  • Repeat the process thrice a week for 2 months.

#5 Egg White Face Mask for Blackheads

Benefits: When it comes to maintaining the skin tonicity, nothing can be as effective as white vinegar. Being a natural astringent, it is capable of soothing any type of skin. By getting rid of excessive oil from skin layers, it can be proved very handy to reduce blackheads.


  • Take 3 egg whites and add 2 tbsp. white vinegar.
  • Mix both ingredients properly and apply on blackheads.
  • Leave for half an hour and wash off with clean water.
  • Use a mild skin moisturizer.
  • Keep repeating it regularly for 2- 2½ months.

#6 Egg White with Milk Powder

Benefits: Milk powder is one of the best skin cleanser. If you want to maintain your skin glow, nothing can be as effective as milk powder. It contains large number of vitamins and minerals. Lactic acid of milk is very good to maintain the smoothness of the skin.


  • Take 3 egg whites and beat to make enough frothy.
  • Add half cup milk powder and mix thoroughly.
  • You can add a little water to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Apply on the areas affected with blackheads.
  • Leave for 1 hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Make a separate paste of only milk powder and use it as a mild moisturizer.

#7 Egg White with Castor Oil

Benefits: Presence of plenty of fatty acids and its capacity to penetrate through the skin makes castor oil very effective to reduce blackheads. It can easily penetrate through the skin layers and control the excessive sebum production and can repair skin from inside.


  • Take 2 egg whites, half cup of castor oil and mix properly.
  • Apply on the blackheads and leave for 3 hours.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and apply a mild moisturizer.
  • Repeat the procedure for at least two months.

#8 Egg White with Olive Oil

Benefits: Olive oil is full of health benefits and when it comes to skin, plenty of different benefits make it one of the best oils for skin. Its antibacterial and exfoliating properties make it stand out to get rid of blackheads.


  • Add 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 egg white together.
  • Mix both the ingredients properly.
  • Apply on the blackheads and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with clean water and pat dry.
  • Follow the process twice a week for 2½ to 3 months.

#9 Egg White with Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits: In order to get rid of blackheads, it is very important to remove dead cells from the skin layers. Thanks to the presence of alpha hydroxy acids, ACV is very good at removing the dead cells from skin. Its constant use on the skin can help you to get a new, vibrant and healthy skin.


  • Beat 3 egg whites and add half cup concentrated ACV.
  • Mix thoroughly and keep aside for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, apply properly on your face.
  • Cover with tissue paper and leave for half an hour.
  • Peel off the mask along with tissue paper using a gentle scrubber.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and apply a gentle moisturizer.
  • You can add this method to your beauty mantra and can use it constantly twice a week.

#10 Egg White with Rose Water

Benefits: Rose water is very good at controlling the inflammation of the skin. Blackheads can cause the darkness and hardness of the skin and rose water is capable of making your skin light and clean. Using it with egg white is a wonderful idea.


  • Take 2 egg whites and add 2 tbsp. rose water to it.
  • Mix both the ingredients properly and apply on the affected area(s).
  • Keep it on for 20-30 minutes and then wash off with cold water.
  • Pat dry and use rose water as a moisturizer.
  • Using rose water constantly is very good for your skin.

#11 Egg White with Orange Juice

Benefits: Maintaining the p H level of skin can be very easy with lemon juice. It is very good to control the production of collagen thanks to the presence of vitamin-C. Exfoliating and cleansing properties of orange can be very effective in case of blackheads.


  • Squeeze the juice of half orange and add it to two egg whites.
  • Mix thoroughly until you get a frothy mixture.
  • Take a soft makeup brush and use it for applying on your face.
  • Keep the face mask on for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Keep doing the same once in two days for 2 months.

#12 Egg White and Cucumber Face Mask

Benefits: Caffeic acid and vitamin-C make cucumber one of the best vegie for skin. If you want to keep your skin hydrated, nothing can be better than cucumber. It can reduce any type of skin inflammation and can be very helpful to get rid of blackheads.


  • Take 3-4 thin slices of cucumber and mash until you get a slightly thick structure.
  • No need to squeeze the juice of cucumber.
  • Add 2 egg whites to beaten cucumber and mix well.
  • Cut some more thin and round slices of cucumber and keep aside.
  • Apply the mixture on your face, Put the round cucumber slices on it.
  • Cover with a soft cotton cloth and leave for half an hour.
  • Remove cucumber slices and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • You can follow this process once in a week for better results.

Egg White and Tissue Paper Mask

This simple recipe need toilet paper or tissue paper and egg white.

Wash your with water to cleanse impurities and then pat dry using a soft cloth.

  • Now, apply egg white evenly all over the affected part of your face.
  • Tear tissue paper into small patches and place one such patch on the egg white applied skin.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Peel off the paper mask to remove blackheads off the skin.

You can try this egg white blackhead peel off mask at regularly at home.

Tips To Prevent Blackheads

  • Control the excessive skin oil by using a mild scrubber.
  • Take enough vegetables and fluids with your diet.
  • Wash your face daily with a soft face-wash.
  • Don’t rely heavily on junk foods.
  • Don’t skip daily exercise or workout.
  • Try to make sure your skin is healthy from inside as well as from outside by drinking some healthy fruit and vegetable juices regularly.
  • Don’t use harsh chemical products for your skin, it can cause a lot of damage to your skin and might be one of the reasons behind blackheads.
  • Try to wear makeup as little as possible because most of the makeup products contain harsh chemical substances.
  • Wash your pillow-cover at least twice a week.
  • Avoid over-washing your face or skin. Using cleansing agents excessively can also cause the blackheads.
  • Remove makeup before going to bed.
  • Try to take shower after every tiring and vigorous activities.
  • Keep your skin moisturized by using mild moisturizer on a daily basis.

You can share your experience of using egg white blackhead removal recipe in comments.

How to Use Honey for Skin Whitening – 15 Methods to Lighten Skin

Religious scriptures including Qur’an, Vedas and Bible had documented exceptional benefits of honey. It is renowned for its healing properties. This write-up is on using honey for skin whitening.

Not just consuming, you can topically use it over injuries, wounds and to make the skin glow. Using honey to lighten your skin dates back from ancient times.

What Causes Dark Skin Complexion?

Being the largest organ of the body, your skin is protected by natural oils. But when you get out of your house, the impurities, dirt and dead cells accumulated over your skin blocks its pores. This can lead to pigmentation and dark spots on various parts of the body.

Apart from impurities and dead cells, excess exposure to sun rays may result in dark complexion.

Your skin gets its color from a pigment known as melanin. Excess exposure to UV rays triggers excess production of melanocytes resulting in darker complexion and dark spots on different parts of your body.

Chronic skin ailments like acne, eczema and psoriasis leave scars on the skin.

Is Honey Good for Skin Whitening?

honey for skin whitening

Essential vitamins and minerals that your skin needs are fortunately packed is honey. Topical or internal consumption of honey can improve your skin texture and make it supple.

  • Nutrients in honey exhibits bleaching property, which can lighten dark spots on your face.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in raw honey will restrain bacterial infection over the skin.
  • Antioxidants residing in honey kill free radicals that can damage skin cells.
  • When added with other ingredients like baking soda, honey can turn into an excellent exfoliator.
  • Vitamins and minerals present in raw honey helps to guard your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Enzymes housed in this natural ingredient can help to promote cell regeneration and lighten your skin.
  • Regular application of honey can brighten your dull and damaged skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in honey can unclog skin pores and avoid skin ailments like acne.
  • Humectant property exhibited by honey can lock moisture on the skin and increase your skin’s ability to rejuvenate.

How to Use Honey for Skin Whitening?

Enticing nutrients in honey made cosmetic world to incorporate honey into their skin care creams. I think they’re adding honey solely for marketing purpose, because when a research team tested 60 honey products they found no pollen and raw honey include pollen. This means manufactures are using filtered honey that lacks required amount of nutrients.

If you want to get benefited from nutritional value of honey, then you must opt for raw or unpasteurized honey. Commercial or pasteurized honey is processed and may sometimes incorporate chemicals.

Instead of applying only honey, you can mix it with other natural ingredients listed below to make it inexpensive.

Below mentioned are different recipes. Choose any one of them and stick with it for weeks to see positive results.

#1 Honey and Lemon Juice

Lemon has bleaching property that can lighten dark spots on your face, whereas honey is packed with emollient agents that can hydrate dry skin. As lemon juice can make your skin sensitive, its recommend to use it with honey or water.

  • Mix 1 tea spoon of raw honey and 1/2 tea spoon of lemon juice in a bowl, wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • You can use cotton ball to apply lemon and honey for skin lightening.
  • Repeat the process 2-3 times in a week.

Also read: Honey for stretch marks

#2 Honey and Yogurt Face Mask

Lactic acid present in yogurt helps to lighten the appearance of scars and dark spots on your skin.

It is also packed with hydrating properties that can moisturize your skin.

There is no harm in applying raw honey directly over your face without adding any other innate ingredient. Apply pure honey with cotton ball after washing it with water.

  • Alternately, you can add yogurt to honey.
  • Add 1 table spoon of yogurt and 1/2 table spoon of honey thoroughly and apply it over face evenly.
  • After leaving it for 15-20 minutes rinse it off. Regular use of this face mask will help you attain glowing skin.

#3 Honey and Multani Mitti

Multani mitti is nature’s best clay that can remove impurities off the skin. Skin disorders like acne; itching and oily skin can be treated using multani mitti.

  • Mash one banana in a bowl; add 1 tbsp of honey and aloe vera gel to the bowl.
  • At last add required amount of multani mitti to make paste like consistency.
  • Mean while, wash your face and pat dry. Apply mixed face mask over the face evenly and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Alternatively, you can add almond oil or other natural ingredients to honey for skin whitening. Regularly apply the mask to see effectively results.

#4 Cucumber and Honey for Skin Lightening

Cucumber is renowned for its soothing, healing and skin lightening properties. Vitamins residing in this ingredient can effectively promote collagen production and reduce appearance of wrinkles.

  • Mash ½ peeled cucumber with 2 tbsp of honey.
  • Mix the ingredients well to form smooth paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face and apply the mask on it evenly.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#5 Gram Flour and Honey

Chickpea flour or gram flour is my favorite ingredient to obtain glowing skin. Packed with exfoliating abilities, this natural remedy can remove excess sebum, impurities and dead cells off the skin.

Repeated application of this mask will improve your skin texture and make it supple.

  • Mix 2 tbsp of gram flour with 1 tbsp of honey and 4 tbsp of rose water.
  • You can replace rose water with distilled water.
  • Now, apply this obtained paste on your prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Oatmeal, Avocado and Honey

Oatmeal is prominent for its weight loss ability. However, you can use this on your skin to obtain whitening face.

It has exfoliating property that can remove impurities and improve your skin complexion.

Avocado is packed with B complex vitamins, vitamin A, K, C and E. These vitamins help to promote cell regeneration, moisturize your skin and improve elastin of the skin.

  • Take fresh avocado and mash it into smooth paste.
  • Add 1 tbsp of finely grounded oatmeal and 1 tbsp of honey to it.
  • Mix well for few minutes and then apply the paste on your prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#7 Papaya and Honey for Skin Whitening

Papaya is packed with hydrating and skin brightening abilities. Its application will help you to get rid of dry itchy patches.

  • Take ½ papaya and slice it into small pieces.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey to it and grind to make smooth paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face with normal water and then pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mask and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#8 Tomato and Honey for Glowing Skin

Tomato is packed with astringent ability that reduces large skin pores and tightens your skin. Vitamin A, B and C packed in this ingredient can lighten your skin and prevent premature aging wrinkles.

  • Take ½ piece of ripe tomato.
  • Peel and mash it to obtain its paste.
  • Now, add 1 tbsp of raw honey to it.
  • Mix well and apply it on prewashed face.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

Must read: Is Tomato Good for Skin Whitening?

#9 Turmeric, Milk and Honey

All three ingredients in this recipe are prominent for their abilities to combat ailments.

Skin whitening, antiseptic and exfoliating properties packed in turmeric powder is a boon for you.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Apply the obtained paste on your face.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.
  • Limit excess use of turmeric powder if you see yellow stains on your face.

#10 Honey and Carrot Facial Mask

Ingesting carrot juice regularly will reduce wrinkles, as it is packed with vitamin C. It can also stimulate collagen production and improve your skin texture.

  • Extract juice from grated carrot.
  • Add 1 tbsp of honey to the juice and stir well.
  • Using a cotton ball apply the obtained lotion on your face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.

#11 Rice Powder and Honey

Rice water is renowned for its beauty benefits. Wash your face with rice water can make it bright and wrinkle free.

Same abilities are housed in rice powder. Additionally, it can help to remove impurities and dead cells with its exfoliating ability.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of rice powder with required amount of water to make smooth paste.
  • Add honey to rice powder paste and mix thoroughly.
  • Now, apply the mask on your prewashed face and allow it to dry for 20 minutes.

#12 Pumpkin and Honey to Lighten Skin

Vitamin E packed in pumpkin helps to improve blood circulation and rejuvenate skin cells.

Alpha-hydroxy acid housed in pumpkin whitens your skin and improves its elasticity.

  • Slice small pumpkin and peel it.
  • Grind it into smooth paste and add 2 tbsp of honey to it.
  • Mix the paste thoroughly and then apply it on your face.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#13 Baking Soda and Honey

Prominent for its exfoliating abilities, baking soda application will remove dead cells and lighten the appearance of your skin.

Regular application will remove blackheads and prevent skin ailments like acne.

  • Blend 1 tbsp of baking soda with 1 tbsp of raw honey.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#14 Aloe Vera and Honey

Sticky nature of aloe gel will help to remove dead cells, impurities and protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Hydrating ability of this ingredient can effectively lock moisture on the skin and helps to get rid of dry itchy patches.

  • Scoop 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Add 1 tbsp of honey to the same bowl and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the obtained mask on the skin and allow it to dry naturally for 15-0 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#15 Honey and Strawberry for Face Whitening

Lactic acid, alpha hydroxy acid and assorted vitamin housed in strawberry helps to lighten the appearance of scars and dark spots.

  • Take fresh strawberries and mash them to form smooth paste.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply it on prewashed face and then rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Important Tips

For best results, use only organic or raw honey.

  • If you experience allergic reaction after using any of these ingredients, then stop using it and consult physician.
  • Avoid using chemical incorporated creams, as they may strip natural moisture from your skin.
  • Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen cream.
  • Hydrate your skin from inside by ingesting vitamin rich diet.
  • Consume foods that reduce melanin.
  • Studies show that stress can trigger skin ailments, so avoid it.

Stick with one recipe to see positive results.

How to Use Baking Soda for Skin Whitening – 16 Methods to Lighten Skin

Looking good and attractive is very important for your personality. It doesn’t only give you plenty of confidence; it also makes a massive impact on your personal as well as professional life.

Stay tuned to know about benefits of baking soda for skin whitening.

Everyone wants to have a clean, gorgeous and flawless skin but it is not always possible due to various factors like poor dieting, pollution, prolonged exposure to sunlight, stress, genetics and different skin problems.

There are so many different whitening products available in the market which can be a bit harmful due to presence of chemicals and other unhealthy substances in them. In this article, we are going to discuss baking soda to lighten skin.

You don’t need to worry about your skin darkness as baking soda is going to be very useful to give you fair and whiter skin. The most important thing about baking soda is. It is entirely safe for your skin and doesn’t contain any harsh or unhealthy chemical.

Before going to address the properties and skin benefits of baking soda, we will try to talk about the causes of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Let’s have a look at some of the apparent objects of the darkness of the skin.

Related: 12 Essential Oils to Remove Dark Spots on Face

What Causes Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation?

baking soda for skin whitening

There might be different responsible factors behind the darkness of skin including genetics, hormonal imbalances, pollution, dieting, lack of physical activities, stress etc. We are trying to encircle some very common causes of dark spots or hyperpigmentation.

  • Genetics and hormonal imbalance are apparent reasons behind hyperpigmentation. If there is a history of hyperpigmentation in your family, you might get affected by it as well. Rise in estrogen and progesterone due to any reason can boost the production of melanin and hence can increase the darkness of the skin.
  • Pollution is another undeniable reason behind skin darkness. Presence of unhealthy and harmful particles in the atmosphere can cause damage to your skin cells which can turn into dark spots.
  • Your dieting is one of the most critical factors of your health and can play a crucial role in building your personality. Imbalanced and improper diet can be very harmful to your overall health and can be a responsible factor behind skin darkness as well.
  • Most of the world population is suffering from health problems related to obesity and overweight. Excessive body fat can cause loads of health-related issues including hyperpigmentation. When your body is not moving constantly, the blood circulation gets affected which can also damage the skin cells and hence can cause dark spots on different parts of the body.
  • Stress is another very common reason for most of the health-related problems, and hyperpigmentation is not different. When you are suffering from mental stress, all the systems and functions of your body get affected severely including the process of pigmentation and hence can cause the hyperpigmentation.

Related: 25 Foods to Lighten Your Skin

Is Baking Soda Good for Skin Whitening?

Why baking soda can be used for skin whitening? Which properties of baking soda make it very effective to reduce hyperpigmentation? Let’s underline some very useful skin benefits of baking soda.

1. Exfoliates Skin

Hyperpigmentation or dark spots can cause cell death just under the layers of skin. Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent exfoliator. It is capable of removing dead cells from the skin and paving the way for new and fresh skin.

2. Maintains the p H Levels of Skin

Hyperpigmentation can make your skin cells a bit acidic. Thanks to its amphoteric properties, baking soda is very good to neutralize the acid-alkaline nature of the skin which is much needed to maintain the health of your skin.

3. Wonderful Antioxidant

Different types of factors can cause different skin infections which can only aid the dark spots. Due to being a great antioxidant, sodium bicarbonate keeps the skin infections at bay and can be very handy to bring back the natural whiteness of the skin.

4. Fights Acne and Pimples

Acne and pimples can make your skin look unhealthy. If you are annoyed with acne and pimples, you don’t need to use harsh and strong chemicals. Baking soda can do it for you. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of sodium bicarbonate are very helpful to treat acne and pimples and are very good to reduce the aftereffects of acne and pimples.

5. Relieves Sunburn

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause severe damage to the skin cells and can be an apparent cause behind the dark spots. Baking soda has excellent soothing effects on the sunburned skin. It can also provide excellent relief to itching and burning caused due to sunburn. Due to its antiseptic and drying properties, it is capable of drying out sunburn blisters.

6. Improves Skin Tonicity

Uneven skin tone is very annoying for many. If you want to maintain the tonicity of your skin, or even want to get the tonicity back, sodium bicarbonate is going to help you thanks to its exfoliating and p H maintaining properties.

7. Natural Deodorant

Using baking soda as a deodorant is always a very good option. It is very safe and gentle for skin and won’t cause any type of skin irritation. It is capable of neutralizing bad odor and absorbing excess sweat from the skin. You can use it alone and can use it as in ingredient for preparing a nice and gentle deodorant.

8. Removes Blackhead

Thanks to its wonderful bleaching properties, it is capable of removing blackheads from skin. Using it as scrub along with lemon juice can remove blackhead in very quick time.

9. Poison Ivy Relief

Poison ivy is known for producing blisters on the skin. Baking soda is one of the best natural remedies for fighting the effects of poison ivy. Using it with a little amount of water is enough to promote speedy healing.

10. Removes Excess Oil from Skin

Excessive oil of the skin is not healthy at all. It can make your skin unhealthy and dull. If you are annoyed after trying different things to reduce oil from your skin, you must try baking soda at least once. Baking soda is very good to exfoliate your skin and can control excessive moisture of the skin.

How to Use Baking Soda for Skin Whitening?

As we have already discussed about the causes of hyperpigmentation and skin benefits of sodium bicarbonate, we can proceed further. We are now going to talk how to use baking soda to lighten skin. You can use it differently and with other skin healthy ingredients for increasing its effects.

#1 Baking Soda Paste

Benefits: It is more than enough to use only baking powder for skin whitening. We have already discussed about the skin benefits of baking soda. All the properties of it make it very effective for most of the skin problems including hyperpigmentation and dark spots.


  • Take 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate and half cup of water.
  • Mix well with water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with clean water and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process at least thrice a week for better results.

#2 Baking Soda with Lemon Juice

Benefits: You are very well aware about the benefits of lemon juice. There are dozens of health benefits of lemon juice. Constant use of lemon juice is going to improve your immune system thanks to the presence of vitamin-C in it. Rubbing lemon juice itself on the skin is going to be very helpful to achieve clear and white skin.


  • Take 1 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate and 2 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • Mix well and make a fine paste.
  • Apply properly on the affected area(s).
  • Wash off after 15 minutes and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer as both lemon and baking soda are acidic.
  • Follow the procedure twice a week.

Must read: How to Use Lemon Essential Oil for Skin Lightening?

#3 Baking Soda with Orange Juice

Benefits: Orange is slightly acidic in nature and maintains the p H levels of your skin. Due to the presence of vitamin-C, it also improves the production of collagen.

All these properties of orange juice and exfoliating and cleansing properties of baking soda is going to be very helpful for achieving fair skin. More importantly, it is very easy and affordable to use orange with baking soda for skin lightening.


  • Take 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice and 1 tbsp. baking soda.
  • Mix well until you get a smooth paste.
  • Wash the surface of the skin and dry it using a towel.
  • Apply the paste properly on skin and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry again.
  • You can follow this procedure 4-5 times a week.

#4 Baking Soda with Coconut Oil

Benefits: In addition to being an excellent skin moisturizer, coconut oil is also known for its wonderful antibacterial and antifungal properties. Using it with sodium bicarbonate is a very good option as it will be helpful to combat any type of skin infection.


  • Add 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tbsp. coconut oil together.
  • Mix well to prepare a fine paste.
  • Apply on the affected area and keep it on for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process daily for at least a month.

#5 Baking Soda with Honey

Benefits: Honey is not less than a blessing from nature. It is full of antioxidants which make it excellent for most of the skin conditions. In addition to it, it is a wonderful antibacterial agent and keeps all types of infections at bay.

It is also a wonderful moisturizer and maintains the smoothness and complexion of the skin. Using it with baking soda is only going to increase the effects of both ingredients.


  • Combine 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tbsp. honey.
  • Mix properly until you get a thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture on the dark spots and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with clean water and pat dry.
  • You can use a mild scrubber as honey is a bit sticky on skin.
  • Follow the procedure at least twice a week.

Related: Is Honey Good for Skin Whitening?

#6 Baking Soda with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Benefits: Concentrated hydrogen peroxide is very good for skin and it can cure dark spots very rapidly. Being a very good antiseptic and disinfectant, it is a very good choice to use with baking soda.


  • Add 1 cup baking soda with 1 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Keep aside until the mixture eases of after the chemical reaction.
  • Mix both ingredients again and check if there is any bubbling.
  • Mix until you get a fine paste.
  • Apply properly on the dark spots and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer.

Note: Hydrogen Peroxide is a very strong acid and can severely burn your skin. It is strictly advised to use only 3% concentrated hydrogen peroxide. If you have even a little sensitive skin, ignore this method.

#7 Baking Soda with Epsom Salt

Benefits: Epsom salt is very good to reduce the inflammation of skin. Skin can absorb Epsom salt very easily and it can work effectively to remove dead cells from the layers of skin. There are plenty of other health benefits of Epsom salt and using it with sodium bicarbonate is going to help you to reduce hyperpigmentation,


  • Add 1 tbsp. baking soda and ½ tbsp. Epsom salt.
  • Add a little water and prepare a fine paste.
  • Apply properly on the affected area(s) and leave for half an hour.
  • You can add 2 tbsp. Epsom salt to your bath water as well.
  • After half an hour, wash off with clean water and pat dry.

#8 Baking Soda with White Vinegar

Benefits: There are dozens of skin benefits of white vinegar. Using it with baking soda for skin lightening is one of the smartest options. It is a natural astringent. It can soothe your skin in any condition.

In addition to it, white vinegar is used for maintaining the tonicity of the skin. There are plenty of other benefits of white vinegar which make it perfect for using with baking soda.


  • Take 2 tbsp. baking soda and 2 tbsp. white vinegar.
  • Mix thoroughly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Apply one the dark spots and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and then pat dry.
  • Apply any gentle moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process daily in the morning.

#9 Baking Soda with Castor Oil

Benefits: Castor oil is a wonderful moisturizer. It is full of fatty acids which help it to penetrate through the skin and repair the skin damage caused due to hyperpigmentation.


  • Take 2 tbsp. baking soda and 2 tbsp. castor oil.
  • Mix well and make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) using a cotton plug.
  • Keep the mixture on for 2 hours.
  • Wash off with clean water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process twice or thrice a week.

#10 Baking Soda with Cucumber

Benefits: Cucumber is very good for skin thanks to the presence of vitamin-C and caffeic acid. There is plenty of water in cucumber which helps to reduce the inflammation and irritation of skin. It also keeps your skin hydrated.


  • Take half cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  • Grind these slices in a grinder and transfer to a small bowl.
  • Add 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate and a little amount of water.
  • Mix well to make a thick paste.
  • You can add water according to the consistency.
  • Apply well on the dark spots.
  • Cover it with a soft cloth and leave for whole night.
  • Take shower in the morning.
  • Follow the procedure at least once in a week.

Read this: Is Cucumber Good for Skin Lightening?

#11 Baking Soda with Olive Oil

Benefits: Olive oil is one of the best oils when it comes to skin. In addition to being a wonderful moisturizer, it is very good antibacterial agent, exfoliator, and wonderful bleach. It can be very effective with baking powder for skin lightening.


  • Add 2 tbsp. baking soda and 4 tbsp. olive oil.
  • Mix well and make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the skin affected with dark spots.
  • Leave for 1 hour and then wash off with clean water.
  • Repeat the process for 3 times a week.

#12 Baking Soda with Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits: ACV contains alpha hydroxyl acids that can remove dead cells from skin and can help to reveal healthy and vibrant new skin.


  • Take 2 tbsp. baking soda and 3 tbsp. ACV.
  • Prepare a fine paste by mixing well.
  • Apply on the dark spots and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process twice a week for 2 months.

#13 Baking Soda with Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Benefits: Carrot Seed EO full of beta-carotene which makes it mighty helpful to reduce hyperpigmentation and hence to maintain the natural coloration of skin.


  • Take 2 tbsp. baking soda and add little amount of water to make a fine paste.
  • Add 10 drops of carrot seed EO and mix well.
  • Apply on dark spots and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash well with fresh water.
  • Keep following the process for 2 months.

#14 Baking Soda with Sandalwood EO

Benefits: Sandalwood EO is very good at maintaining the coloration as well as tonicity of skin. It is known for controlling hyperpigmentation and hence can be used for getting fair skin.


  • Make a fine paste using 2 tbsp. baking soda and little amount of water.
  • Add 8-10 drops of sandalwood EO and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected areas and cover with soft cloth.
  • Leave for whole night and then take shower in morning.
  • Repeat the process before going to sleep for 2- 2 ½ months.

#15 Baking Soda with Carrot Juice

Benefits: Carrot juice is full of skin related benefits due to high amount of vitamin-C. It is capable of fighting most of the skin problems like skin rashes, darkness of the skin, acne, pimples, psoriasis etc.


  • Take 5 tbsp. carrot juice and add 2 tbsp. baking soda.
  • Mix well until it becomes a fine paste.
  • Apply thoroughly on dark spots.
  • Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the process daily for 2 months.

#16 Baking Soda with Rose Water

Benefits: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, rose water is very good to get rid of a lot of skin related problems including acne, dermatitis and hyperpigmentation. It can reduce the darkness and hardness of the skin to a decent extent.


  • Take 3 tbsp. baking soda and prepare a fine paste using rose water.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and leave for 2 hours.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply rose water as moisturizer.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a day for 1 month.

Tips to Obtain Glowing Skin

  • Keep your skin moisturized with a gentle moisturizer.
  • Don’t skip bathing without a valid reason.
  • Add enough vegetables and fluids to your diet.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Don’t use any product for your skin without knowing properly about it.
  • Add physical exercise in your daily routine.
  • Avoid sunlight as much as possible or keep your body covered when you are out.
  • Do not ignore even a little rash or redness on your skin.
  • Try to wear loose and soft clothes (cotton will be the best choice).

If you’re using baking soda to lighten your skin, then make sure you hydrate the face with aloe vera to avoid irritation.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema – 15 Treatment Methods

Plenty of people around the world are suffering from different types of skin related problems. Eczema is one of the most common and stubborn skin diseases affecting millions of people around the globe. This write-up will discuss about apple cider vinegar for eczema.

According to the world’s leading dermatologists and other health experts, eczema is an incurable unhealthy skin condition caused due to some different factors including genetics, weak immune system, lifestyle including diet and lack of physical exercise.

It might be a fact that eczema is incurable, but there are enough proofs which suggest that the homeopathy treatment can entirely cure it. Homeopathic remedies like petroleum, psorinum, graphites and Sulphur are very beneficial to cure eczema.

The severity of eczema can also be controlled with some home-made remedies. How can ACV be very beneficial for eczema, which properties of ACV make it very useful for eczema?

Before discussing the benefits of ACV for skin and how to use it smartly to get rid of eczema, we will underline some of the possible causes of eczema. Last but not least, we will try to figure out some handy tips to avoid eczema. Let’s start with the causes of eczema first.

What Causes Eczema?


The exact cause of eczema is still unknown, but experts across the globe believe that it can cause due to some factors or even due to some group of factors including genetics, abnormal immune system, environment, sensitiveness of the skin and defects in the skin barriers.

Genetics is surely one of the biggest reasons behind eczema. If anyone of your close relative has or had eczema, you might get affected by it. Eczema runs through the generations and can affect the generation after generation.

Having an abnormal or weaker immune system can be another triggering factor for eczema. You are always surrounded by loads of harmful elements including microorganisms and other disease-causing agents.

Constant exposure to the disease-causing agents can actually make your immune system weaker and you can easily be affected with even less harmful elements.

The environment is another undeniable reason behind eczema. Being constantly in an unhealthy environment can make your skin prone to different types of skin related problems including eczema.

Different types of pollution including water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution can be responsible for the development of eczema. According to some trusted survey reports, people who live in slum areas where the atmosphere is not healthy, have more chances of getting affected with eczema.

Another reason behind eczema can be the sensitiveness of the skin. Some people may have more sensitive skin than others. These people with sensitive skin can be easily affected with different types of abnormal skin conditions including eczema.

Also read: How to Use Herbal Tea for Eczema?

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Eczema?

This is an interesting question and the answer is, yes it is pretty good for eczema. Let’s try to find out which properties of ACV make it very effective to reduce the severity of eczema.

In this segment of the article, we are going to discuss some of the very notable skin-friendly benefits of ACV.

ACV Detoxifies Your Body

Toxicity of your body can only aid the eczema. Due to being rich in enzymes, good bacteria and acetic acid, ACV can detoxify your body to incredible extent.

Abnormal blood circulation is not good in any way. ACV is very effective in blood circulation as well. It helps blood to circulate even to the thin layers of the skin and hence can be very beneficial in case of eczema.

Great Anti-Oxidant Properties

Bioactive compounds like acetic acid, caffeic acid and galleic acid make it a great anti-oxidant. These antioxidant properties of ACV can control the free radicals, can control the cell DNA damage and hence can play a key role in curing eczema.

A Wonderful Antiseptic

Apple cider vinegar is in use since a long time for treating plenty of skin diseases thanks to its antiseptic properties. Eczema is almost always accompanied with inflammation, itchiness and irritation of the skin.

ACV can control all these symptoms thanks to its antiseptic properties. It can also be used as an antiseptic even for healthy skin.

Improves Immune System

Improving immune system is one of the best ways to combat eczema. By improving immune system, we can surely improve the condition of the skin altered due to eczema.

ACV is proved to be a wonderful supporter of immune system. Constant use of concentrated ACV can progressively improve immune system and hence can be very handy to get rid of eczema without any side effect.

Strong Disinfectant

Infection of the skin can only support the progress of eczema. Skin infection can help eczema to affect different parts of the body. If you are not controlling the skin infection, trying to treat eczema is waste of time.

ACV works as a wonderful disinfectant and reduces all types of infections related to skin, and hence can be more than handy to get rid of eczema.

Purifies Blood

Impurity of blood can be another responsible factor in case of eczema. Consuming a little amount of concentrated ACV on a regular basis can be proved very handy to combat most of the unhealthy skin conditions including eczema.

Can Reduce the Itching

Eczema on the scalp is more than annoying than eczema on other parts of the skin and it also takes very long time to cure. Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Scalp Eczema is one of the best options.

Constant itching of the scalp can only increase the severity of eczema. ACV can sooth the skin and can reduce the urge to rub the skin which can proved handy to get rid of eczema.

Maintains the Balance of The Skin

ACV is capable of controlling the excessive skin oil and it can also maintain the p H level of the skin. Whether your skin is too oily or too dry, both the conditions are ideal for eczema.

It is very effective to maintain the balance of your skin and it stops your skin to become too oily or too dry.

Reduces Age Spots

Age spots can be very annoying as well as tough to get rid of. ACV is rich in alpha hydroxy acids that can remove the dead cells from the skin and help to build the new, healthy and vibrant skin.

Fights Acne, Pimples and Blemishes

Due to the presence of malic acid, apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and it becomes capable of keeping bacteria and other harmful microorganism at bay and hence keeping your skin free from different types of skin related problems like acne, pimples and blemishes.

Fights Wrinkles

Diluted apple cider vinegar can help you to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles from face. Soaking a cotton pad with little amount of diluted ACV and applying on your skin daily is enough to keep the wrinkles at bay.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema?

There are plenty of different topical as well as internal use of ACV to reduce the severity of eczema. You can increase its effectiveness by using it a bit differently or by using it along with some other sin friendly ingredients.

Let’s have a look at some of the recipes of ACV for topical use.

ACV for Topical Use:

#1 ACV in bath water

Benefits: Adding a little amount of ACV in your bathing tub can very effective in case of eczema. This is one of the best and cheapest ways to get rid of eczema. It won’t only reduce eczema, it will also make your skin smooth and light.


  • Add a half cup of ACV in your bath tub or 2 tbsp. in a bucket of water.
  • Soak your body in a warm bath tub each evening.
  • Follow it with a healing ointment.
  • You can repeat this process as long as you can, it will only be healthy for your skin.

#2 Application of ACV with water

Benefits: Eczema flare-ups can be very annoying as well as can make your skin very ugly and unhealthy. This particular method is very effective to get rid of flare-ups due to eczema.


  • Add equal amount of water and ACV properly (1:3 ratio i.e. much diluted ACV is recommended for children).
  • Take a small cotton ball and soak it will with the mixture.
  • Apply gently in the affected area(s).

#3 Excellent Skin Cleanser

Benefits: Anti-bacterial anti-microbial properties make it a very effective skin cleanser. It can clean your skin like no other ingredients. Cleaning your skin in case of eczema is one of the best ways to reduce eczema.


  • Mix 1 cup of ACV with 1 cup of water.
  • Add 2-3 drops of essential oil like lemon essential oil.
  • Apply this mixture to the affected areas using a cotton ball.

#4 ACV Moisturizer

Benefits: Moisturizing your skin is very necessary especially in case of eczema. And what can be a better skin moisturizer than ACV itself? Its constant application on the skin can moisturize your skin to a decent extent and can be very handy to reduce the flare-ups caused due to eczema.


  • Add 1 tbsp. ACV to 30 mL lukewarm water.
  • Add 2-3 drops of honey and mix well.
  • Apply on the skin affected with eczema.

#5 Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Eczema

Benefits: Application of ACV with Aloe Vera can be very healthy for your skin. In addition to be a great cleanser, Aloe Vera is wonderful to make your skin smooth and soft. It can also reduce the inflammation of the skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Extract 2 tbsp. Aloe Vera juice from fresh Aloe Vera leaves.
  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV to it and mix well.
  • You can increase the quantity of both Aloe Vera and ACV according to the area affected with eczema.
  • Mix it well until it becomes like a lotion.
  • Apply properly on the affected areas.
  • Repeat the process daily for at least a month for excellent results.

Must read: Is Aloe Vera Good for Eczema?

#6 ACV with Olive Oil

Benefits: All of us are very well aware about the benefits of holy Olive Oil. It is not less than a blessing for skin. It can make your skin healthy, soft and supple by getting rid of loads of unhealthy skin conditions. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil can be more than handy in case of eczema.


  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV to equal amount of virgin olive oil.
  • After mixing them well, apply on the affected areas and leave it 3-4 hours.
  • Gently wash with lukewarm water and moisturize with a gentle moisturizer.

#7 ACV with Glycerin

Benefits: When it comes to moisturizing your skin, nothing can be as effective as glycerin. Eczema causes the dryness of the skin and glycerin is surely going to be effective to reduce the dryness and to make your skin soft and moisturized.


  • Take 1 tbsp. ACV, 2 tbsp. glycerin and mix them properly.
  • Apply the solution gently using a cotton ball.
  • Keep it on for an hour and then wash gently with lukewarm water.

#8 ACV with Petroleum Mother Tincture

Benefits: Some of the Homeopathic remedies are wonderful to cure eczema and mother tincture of petroleum is surely one of the best among them. Its crude form is used to prepare Vaseline and it can be very effective to maintain the smoothness of the skin.


  • Take half cup of ACV and add 3-4 tbsp. Petroleum MT to it.
  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the skin affected with eczema.
  • Keep it on for at least 5 hours.
  • Then wash off with fresh water and apply a gentle moisturizer.

#9 ACV with Mother Tincture of Sulphur

Benefits: Sulphur is another excellent homeopathic remedy for skin. It can cure most of the chronic skin conditions including eczema. It can help you to get rid of dried, scaly and unhealthy skin caused due to eczema.


  • Mix 5 tbsp. ACV and 10 drops Sulphur MT together in 2-3 drops of water.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) using a cotton plug.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Keep repeating the process daily for 1 to 1 ½ month.

#10 ACV with Turmeric

Benefits: Turmeric is a wonderful ingredient for skin. In addition to having excellent anti-inflammatory properties, it work wonders to reduce the scars and rashes of the skin.


  • Take a half cup of turmeric and add enough water to make a fine paste.
  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV and keep aside until the bubbling is done.
  • Mix well with a spoon so that ACV is absorbed properly in turmeric paste.
  • Apply on the affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
  • Apply little amount of lukewarm water to ease off the hardened paste.
  • Wash thoroughly with fresh water and apply a gentle moisturizer.

Related Post: How to Use Turmeric for Psoriasis?

ACV for Internal Uses:

#11 ACV with Baking Soda

Benefits: Baking soda is very healthy for skin in plenty of ways. It can exfoliates your skin to decent extent. Due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it becomes very good ingredient for treating eczema.


  • Add ¼ tbsp. baking soda to 2 tbsp. ACV.
  • Ad both these ingredients to a half cup of water.
  • Once the fizz is stopped, add a little amount of honey.
  • Stir it properly and drink.
  • Follow the process regularly for a month for better results.

#12 ACV with Lemon Juice

Benefits: When it comes to making your skin bright and light, lemon juice is perhaps one of the best ingredients thanks to the presence of plenty of vitamin C in it. It will work wonderfully with ACV and will be handy to reduce the hardness of the skin caused due to eczema.


  • Take one glass of water and add 1 tbsp. ACV into it.
  • Stir well with a spoon and add half tbsp. lemon juice.
  • Stir again and drink.
  • Repeat the process daily in morning.

#13 Bubbling ACV tea

Benefits: This fizzy tea is not only helpful to reduce the severity of eczema, it will also give you a fresh and soothing feeling.


  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV to an empty cup.
  • Add ¼ tbsp. baking soda, mix well and keep aside for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add a half cup of lukewarm (not boiling) water.
  • Now add 1 tbsp. tea leaves (you can use tea bag as well).
  • Take this tea daily in the morning and see the difference.

#14 ACV with Peppermint

Benefits: Fresh peppermint leaves are very healthy and beneficial for overall health including skin. Peppermint is known for its excellent soothing properties. It can be proved very effective to reduce the hardness and rashes caused due to eczema. Adding peppermint leaves with ACV can also help you to feel fresh and energized.


  • Take a handful of peppermint leaves and prepare a fine paste.
  • Take a glass of chilled water and add 2 tbsp. ACV and the peppermint paste.
  • Mix well with the spoon and add a little amount of lemon juice.
  • Drink this juice daily in the morning until you get some better results.

#15 ACV in Orange Juice

Benefits: Improving your immune system is one of the best ways to combat eczema. Drinking tangy glass of fresh orange juice is not only going to improve your immune system, it will also make your skin healthier thanks to the presence of calcium, fiber, and vitamin C. Adding ACV to your orange juice is certainly a very smart idea.


  • Squeeze the juice of 3-4 oranges in a jar.
  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV, ½ tbsp. sugar and a pinch of black pepper powder.
  • Mix well and consume the drink.
  • Keep drinking daily in morning for a month or so.

Tips to Reduce Eczema Flare-ups:

Flare-ups caused due to eczema can be very annoying and can make your skin unhealthy and ugly. You can easily get rid of these flare-ups by adapting some proved tricks. Let’s have a look at some of the very easy and time-saving tricks to reduce the eczema flare-ups.

  • Keep Your Skin Moist: Dryness of the skin can only aid the eczema. If your skin is too dry, it becomes more rough and itchy. Use a humidifier or a gentle moisturizer to keep the dryness away from your skin.
  • Keep Yourself Away From Irritants: Try to find out what may irritate your skin and keep yourself away from it.
  • Clothing: Wearing tight and rough clothes can also cause the increase in severity of the eczema. It can also cause itchiness of your skin. Try to wear soft and loose clothes so that you feel better and comfortable.
  • Keep Your Surroundings Clean: Try to keep your surroundings clean and fresh. Keeping your surrounding clean is very important if you want to get rid of eczema flare-ups.
  • Drink Enough Liquid: Keeping your body hydrated is a must especially if you are fighting with eczema. Consuming enough liquid on a daily basis can be very handy to keep your body hydrated and hence to combat eczema and eczema flare-ups.
  • Make A Significant Change In Your Lifestyle: Lazy lifestyle can also be a triggering factor for eczema and eczema flare-ups. You can avoid it by adapting a healthy and active lifestyle. Try to take enough veggies and other beneficial stuffs with your diet and make sure you are doing enough physical workout constantly.
  • Manage Your Stress: Stress can only make your unhealthy skin condition worse than you can imagine. Try to figure out the reason behind your stress and get rid of it as soon as possible. Consulting a mental expert won’t be a bad idea.

If you ever used apple cider vinegar for treating eczema, then share your experience in comments.

How to Use Clove Oil for Acne and Acne Scars – 5 Methods Included

Official reports say that about 80 percent of people between the age group of 11 to 30 have acne breakouts. It’s the most embarrassing feeling faced by teenagers. This write-up is about using clove oil for acne inflammation.

Luckily, I experienced mild acne which was treated after using anti-acne creams. But, one of my cousins tried almost all the available creams with no positive results. Then, he used natural home remedies over acne and it worked.

So the remedy worked for me may not work for you. You’re advised to try natural home remedies initially, because even if they fail to treat acne it will not have any serious side-effects.

However, these home remedies lack strong scientific evidence to back them.  Interestingly, researchers from University of Buenos Aires conclude that clove oil is effective over E.coli bacteria.

clove-oil-for-acne (1)

What Causes Acne?

The American Academy of Dermatology states that acne/pimples are mainly caused by inflammation which results in excess sebum, dead cells and P.acnes bacteria accompany sebum to form blackheads.

So the remedy must control excess production of sebum, cleanse impurities and thwart bacteria.

Your body undergoes hormonal changes during puberty, which results in acne inflammation.

Along with topical application, you must change your diet to combat acne. There are few foods that trigger acne blemishes.

Is Clove Oil Good for Acne?

Clove oil is extracted from dried clove buds. Since 2,000 years, Chinese have been using clove for its medicinal properties.

Assorted nutrients in clove oil enticed cosmetic industries to include it to their products. As it blends with other prominent essential oils, clove oil is extensively used in aromatherapy. The distinct aromatic smell by clove oil can be used in perfumes.

  • The Journal of Immunotoxicology, conclude that clove oil exhibits anti-inflammatory activity. Anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation and redness of pimples.
  • Clove is packed with eugenol that exhibits antibacterial abilities, which can effectively treat acne lesions.
  • Another study carried out to check its antibacterial effect concludes that, clove can efficiently restrains bacterial infection. (1)
  • Antioxidant agents residing in clove can kill free radicals and enhance healing.
  • Exfoliating ability exhibited by this oil can effectively remove impurities and lighten the appearance of acne scars on your face.
  • Anti-fungal, antiseptic and analgesic agents combined with other exceptional properties can effectively treat acne blemishes.
  • In 2001, “Girls Life” claims that people who used clove oil for acne gave positive feedback.
  • Vitamin A and C in this essential oil can enhance collagen production and fade wrinkles.
  • Ingesting clove is said to remove toxins from your blood and purify platelets and the blood.
  • Due to its antiseptic and soothing property, many cosmetic creams incorporate this ingredient to their products.

Other benefits of clove oil include reducing hair fall, conditioning hair, protection from insects and as a flavoring agent.

I personally use clove as a mouth fresher.

How to Use Clove Oil for Acne?

It’s not recommended to use concentrated clove oil directly over the skin. You must blend it with other essential oils.

#1 Raw Honey and Clove Oil

Honey is renowned for its humectant and antibacterial properties, which can restrain bacterial infection.

Anti-inflammatory property exhibited by this natural ingredient can reduce redness and inflammation triggered by acne.

Assorted vitamins residing in honey can fasten the healing process and lighten the appearance of acne scars.

  • Blend 3 drops of clove oil with 6 tablespoon of raw honey.
  • Cleanse your face with water and pat dry.
  • Evenly apply the mixed mask over the face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • You can rinse it off after 20 minutes.

#2 Coconut Oil and Clove Oil

Renowned for its hydrating abilities and antibacterial properties, topical application of coconut oil can reduce acne inflammation.

It can wipe impurities, sebum and other dead skin cells piled on the skin.

  • In winter, you can mix clove oil with virgin coconut oil and apply it over acne.
  • This remedy may make your skin slimy in summer.

#3 Olive Oil and Clove Oil

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties housed in olive oil can effectively thwart infectious bacteria and reduce acne redness.

Vitamin E present in olive oil helps to restore natural moisture on your skin and enhance collagen production to reduce wrinkles.

Topical application of this oil can effectively remove impurities and excess sebum.

  • Mix 1 part of clove oil with 10 parts of olive oil or any other carrier oil.
  • After washing your face with lukewarm water, apply the mask evenly or use it as a spot treatment on acne zits.
  • Leave it to dry naturally, and then rinse it off.

#4 Moisturizer and Clove Oil

Choose your favorite moisturizing cream with non-comedogenic ability and mix it with clove oil.

Your moisturizing cream will help to dilute clove oil and make a barrier on the skin.

  • Wash your acne affected skin with water and pat dry.
  • Mix 1 drop of clove oil with required amount of moisturizing cream and oil-free cleanser.
  • Apply the obtained mask on the face and allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with normal water.

#5 Foundation and Clove Oil

If you’re a make-up freak, then mix 1 drop of clove oil to your foundation and apply it on your face.

However, this method is not so recommended by beauty experts.


  • As clove oil is very strong, it can damage your sensitive skin. You must dilute it with carrier oil.
  • If you experience irritation, stop using it and reach dermatologist.
  • Though you can use clove oil as a spot acne treatment, take care while using it.
  • As an alternative remedy you can use lavender oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil and raw honey to treat acne.

Apart from using clove oil, you must avoid foods that trigger acne blemishes.

Studies also show that stress trigger skin ailments like acne and eczema. So, try to avoid it.

If you ever used clove oil to treat acne, then let us know your experience in comments.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne and Acne Scars – 12 Methods

When it comes to skin related problems, you will quickly find acne on the top of the list. It is a prevalent condition occurs when the hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. It is generally a chronic condition accompanied by inflammation of the skin. It causes dark as well as light spots on the skin and pimples as well.

It can appear on different parts of the body including face, neck, chest, back, shoulder, and upper parts of the arms. There are so many causes of acne which will be discussed later.

This write-up is about using hydrogen peroxide for acne. We will try to learn about the causes of acne, benefits of hydrogen peroxide in case of acne as well as how to use hydrogen peroxide more effectively to get rid of acne.

After all these, we will try to figure out some handy tips to prevent acne. Let’s start with the causes of acne.

What Causes Acne?

There is not a single cause of acne. It is a combination of some factors including genetics, diet, stress, pressure and drugs. It is hard to find out a single cause of acne in a particular person. Genetics is one of the most common causes of acne.

If even one of your parents had acne in the past, it is very likely that you will also get acne and it will be complicated to control. In more than 70% of cases where mother or father had acne in the past, the next generation also suffered with it.

Another prevalent cause of acne is diet. If you do not have proper and healthy eating and if you are fond of excessive junk food, then be aware, you are most probably going to be affected with acne.

Stress, pressure and side effects of drugs are also considered as the prominent causes of acne.

What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do for Acne?

hydrogen peroxide for acne

(Some notable benefits of H2O2 for skin and acne)

This question worth to have attention. Why is Hydrogen Peroxide very useful to get rid of acne? Why is concentrated hydrogen peroxide full of skin related benefits? In this part of the article, we are going to discuss some of the most beneficial properties of hydrogen peroxide for acne as well as for the overall health of the skin.

  • Get Rid of Acne: Using hydrogen peroxide instead of any other antibacterial soap can help you to speed the healing process after getting affected with acne. Applying it on the acne is equally effective as using on the wounds. It doesn’t only clean the upper layer the skin, and it also kills the unwanted bacteria present below the surface of the skin.
  • Soothes Dry Skin: Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent remedy for dry skin. Adding a little amount of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water can be very handy to rejuvenate your body. Its antibacterial and anti-viral properties protect a lot of infections.
  • Fantastic Deodorant: Using hydrogen peroxide with dish soap at 1:2 ratio can help you to create a very effective yet very mild deodorant. Applying it under your arms can be very beneficial to get rid of foul odor from your body.
  • Detoxifying the Bath: You can get rid of all kinds of infections by just adding a little amount of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water. Soak hydrogen peroxide in the bathtub for at least thirty minutes to make sure you are free from all types of bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Treatment of Yeast Infection: Hydrogen peroxide is very good to treat the infection caused due to yeast. It can kill the Candida Albicans very quickly and can stop the spread of infection to different parts of the body.
  • Wound Care: 3% hydrogen peroxide is used for cleaning wounds and removing dead tissues from the skin. Hydrogen peroxide effectively stops bleeding and oozing of the wound.
  • Combats Allergies: Different types of skin allergies can surround you due to any reason including diet, lifestyle and environment. 3% hydrogen peroxide is very good to get rid of all kinds of allergies.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne?

You can increase the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide by using it a bit differently and smartly. In this segment of the article, some very efficient recipes using hydrogen peroxide are discussed.

Note: Always try to make sure that the hydrogen peroxide solution is not stronger than 3% of the total solution. If your skin is even a bit sensitive, you must consult a dermatologist before starting its usage.

#1 Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant and is capable of destroying the bacteria causing acne. It will assist your skin to heal from acne and acne scars. Besides it, it can also exfoliate your skin to a decent extent and make your skin newer and healthier.

  • You should have 3% hydrogen peroxide, a moisturizer, cotton pad, towel and facial cleanser.
  • Wash your face using facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Take a little amount of hydrogen peroxide in the cotton pad.
  • Apply the cotton with hydrogen peroxide on affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 4-5 minutes
  • Wash your face with fresh water.
  • Use towel for drying your face and moisturize it with a moisturizer.
  • Keep repeating the process 3 times a week until you get rid of acne.

#2 Hydrogen Peroxide and Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent natural remedy for acne. It is known for its antibacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide and tea tree oil are going to work very effectively in case of acne or even getting rid of acne scars.

  • Wash your face properly with a facial cleanser and dry it.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 8-10 drops of tea tree oil properly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected areas (do not apply it near your eyes).
  • Keep it on for 5-6 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Pat dry with towel and moisturize with a suitable moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process once in a week.

#3 Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

There is no better option than baking soda when it comes to maintaining the pH balance of your skin. In addition to maintaining the pH level, it can also exfoliate your skin to a decent extent. Baking soda alone is very effective in acne and using it with hydrogen peroxide is going to be destructive for acne.

  • Wash your face properly and dry it.
  • Mix both 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 ½ tbsp. baking soda thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on your face avoiding the eyes.
  • Leave it for about five minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Dry your skin again with a soft cloth and use a smooth moisturizer.
  • Use this method only twice a month.

#4 Hydrogen Peroxide and Lemon

Lemon juice is one of the best fluids when it comes to the skin related problems. It is a wonderful cleansing agent. After mixing it with hydrogen peroxide, it will not only reduce the acne scars, it is also going to make your skin brighter and lighter.

  • Take 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture using cotton pads avoiding your eyes.
  • Keep it on for at least 5-8 minutes and then wash off with clean water.
  • Pat dry with a towel and moisturize it with a suitable and gentle moisturizer.
  • You can follow this process 1-2 times a week

#5 Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax

Borax is known for exfoliating the skin and for removing dead cells and bacteria from the skin. Using it with hydrogen peroxide will help you to treat your acne from scratch thanks to its capacity of killing acne-causing bacteria.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, ½ tbsp. borax and a little amount of water.
  • Apply the mixture on your face except eyes.
  • Leave it for 5-8 minutes and then wash off with clean water.
  • Dry your face with a soft cloth and apply any suitable moisturizer.
  • Follow the process once a week.

#6 Hydrogen Peroxide and Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not less than a precious gift from nature. It is very useful in plenty of health-related problems including skin problems. It can combat the redness of the acne due to its excellent anti-bacterial properties. Its high amount of anti-oxidants can boost the process of healing.

  • Wash your face with clean water and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Saturate the cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply gently on the affected areas and leave for about five minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry again with a soft cloth.
  • Apply a thin layer of Aloe Vera gel and leave it for at least half an hour.
  • Repeat the process for maximum twice a week.

#7 Hydrogen Peroxide with Aspirin

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin is very good to soothe your skin. Salicylic acid found in aspirin is one of the most common ingredients of most of the acne creams. Combination of hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid is undoubtedly going to help you to get rid of acne.

  • Take 3 tablets of aspirin and make a fine powder.
  • Add 5 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide to it.
  • Mix both ingredients properly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Wash your face with normal water and pat it dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixture on affected areas.
  • Make sure that the mixture doesn’t touch your eyes.
  • Gently message for 30-40 seconds and then leave for 5 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and moisturize using a gentle moisturizer.

#8 Hydrogen Peroxide with Apple Cider Vinegar & Witch Hazel

Excessive oil of the skin can aid the acne. Apple cider vinegar is very effective to reduce the oil from skin. It can assist hydrogen peroxide to reduce acne.

However, apple cider vinegar can be a bit harmful for those who have sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, you can add Witch Hazel to this recipe. Witch hazel is a wonderful skin toner and it tightens the skin and refines pores.

  • Take a half cup of both apple cider vinegar and witch hazel.
  • Add 3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide to it.
  • Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon.
  • Add a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils.
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Apply the toner every morning before taking a bath.

#9 Hydrogen Peroxide with Milk Powder

Milk powder contains lactic acid which can improve the tonicity of the skin. Tonicity improving quality of milk powder and lightening and scar reducing power of hydrogen peroxide can be a great combination for getting rid of acne.

  • Mix two tbsp. milk powder and half tbsp. hydrogen peroxide properly.
  • Add glycerin or honey for moisturizing the skin.
  • After mixing all the ingredients well, apply it on the affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Use a gentle moisturizer if you feel dryness of the skin.

#10 Hydrogen Peroxide with Clay and Tea Tree Oil

Natural and pure clay can be very beneficial for skin. It can absorb the excessive oil from the skin. Tee tree oil included in this recipe is an excellent bio-stimulator, which aids the regeneration of the skin cells. Both these ingredients with hydrogen peroxide can be very handy to remove acne as well as acne scars.

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and clay in equal proportions.
  • Mix well until you observe some bubbles.
  • Add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  • Apply the mixture properly on the face.
  • Keep your face covered with a wet handkerchief or tissue paper for 5 minutes.
  • Wash your face under running water.
  • Follow the procedure once in a week.

#11 Hydrogen Peroxide with Yeast and Grapeseed Oil

Yeast is more than suitable for most of the skin related problems. It is very effective especially in case of dry skin. Moisturizing capacity of yeast and cleansing property of grapeseed oil are considered very safe and effective with hydrogen peroxide. This combination doesn’t only cleans your face, it is very effective in maintaining the natural shine of the skin as well.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. yeast.
  • Add a half tbsp. grapeseed oil and mix all the ingredients properly.
  • Apply a thin layer on the affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off under running water.
  • Follow the procedure twice a week for better results.

#12 Hydrogen Peroxide with Calendula and Rice Flour

Antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of calendula are only going to assist the healing acne. Calendula oil itself is used for plenty of skin related problems including eczema, acne and psoriasis. Anti-ageing and oil-absorbing properties of rice flour can also prove very handy to reduce acne.

  • Add 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. rice flour and mix them well.
  • Add 10-15 drops of calendula tincture.
  • Mix all the compositions properly and apply on the affected area(s).
  • Leave for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the procedure thrice a week for excellent results.

Tips to Prevent Acne

  • Keep your face clean: It doesn’t matter you have acne or not. You must keep your face clean by washing it at least twice a day.
  • Moisturize your skin:Dryness of the skin also causes plenty of skin related problems including acne. Use a mild and gentle moisturizer for keeping your skin moisturized.
  • Try to stay away from the sun:UV rays of the sun are very harmful to the skin. Constant and prolonged exposure to sunlight can also cause acne and other skin problems. If it is not possible to stay away from the sun, keep your body covered with proper clothes.
  • Avoid Junk Food: Spicy junk food is only harmful for your body and health. Try to avoid junk food as much as possible. Replace your junk food with enough vegies, liquids and fruits.
  • Exercise regularly:Physical exercises and workouts are like gold. Nothing can replace the effects of physical workouts. You must involve in some types of physical exercises at least 4 to 5 days of the week.
  • Manage your stress:Stress can be a reason behind loads of unhealthy conditions. Try to manage your stress as early as possible. It will be better to consult an experienced and qualified mental expert to reduce your stress correctly.

Share your experience with hydrogen peroxide for treating acne.