How to Use Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

aloe vera for stretch marks

Your skin is like a rubber band, it’s flexible. If you pull too far it breaks. Rapid weight gain expands your skin, but connective fibers under skin breaks; collagen grows in the place forming reddish marks, known as stretch marks. Also known as striae, according to Medline Plus, these marks fade over time. Anyhow, you can try home remedies like aloe vera for stretch marks.

Bitter truth is you can’t completely treat stretch marks with aloe vera gel. It may lighten its appearance. Based on article on Medline Plus, there is no specific cure for stretch marks. Avoiding rapid gain may reduce these marks. (1)

Pregnancy, puberty, obesity, cushing syndrome and over use of cortisone cream may lead to stretch marks. Common places of striae are on breast, hips, flank, buttocks and abdomen.

Also read: Benefits of aloe vera gel for skin

Aloe Vera for Stretch Marks

All nutritional properties of aloe are packed in its succulent leaf that contains gel. Aloe vera gel is extracted from aloe leaf by peeling its skin. You can blend aloe gel to make juice out of it. Else, you can have store bought aloe gel. Assorted antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties in aloe vera gel made it renowned remedy for soothing skin. 75 active constituents like vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars and amino acids, strive to soothe your skin and enhance collagen production. (2)

Also read: Aloe Vera Gel Face Mask Recipes

aloe vera leaf and stretch marksAccording to, topical application of aloe vera gel on stretch marks at initial stages can limit its growth. Anti-inflammatory agent in aloe gel acts to reduce inflammation or aids to limit its growth. rates, aloe gel for stretch marks and wounds with a ‘C’, on a scale of A to F. Though some studies proved its effectiveness at healing striae, others have shown no evidence.

If you’re allergic to aloe vera, avoid using it or test with small quantity before trying.

Must read:

Does Aloe Vera Help Stretch Marks?

May be! Mayo Clinic states, creams which claim to treat stretch marks include ingredients like cocoa butter, vitamin E is not harmful but they’re less effective at treating striae. Alternatively, just leave it and they disappear naturally. (3)

Lack of conclusive evidence, make aloe vera less effective remedy for stretch marks. As it has no harm, you can use it and see how it works.

How to apply Aloe Vera on Skin?

Get fresh aloe leaf; wash it to remove mud and oozing aloe rinse. Slice its borders and peel its skin to get aloe gel. Wash your stretch marks and start rubbing the gel over it. Use it regularly at-least once in a day. (Here is a simple guide on how to use aloe vera for face)

Image source: 1, 2

How to Use Aloe Vera for Eczema – 5 DIY Methods

Aloe vera is one of the most precious gifts from nature to humans. There are numerous benefits of this amazing plant. It improves the overall digestive system, strengthens the immune system, cures dermatitis, reduces arthritis pain, delays ageing process, cures nausea, eliminates ulcers, heals wounds etc.

Besides these wonderful benefits, aloe vera works wonder on the skin. It seems like aloe vera is the best solution to all the skin related problems like acne, ulcers, pimples, psoriasis, eczema etc. In this article, we are going to discuss aloe vera for eczema. There are a lot of claims that aloe vera is one of the best and safest ways to cure eczema.

There are more than enough historical and anecdotal pieces of evidence that prove aloe vera as a wonderful cure for disease. But, what about scientific pieces of evidence? Are there enough scientific shreds of evidence which can suggest it as a proper cure for disease? We will try to find through this article

What Causes and Who Gets Eczema?

Let’s have a look at some of the important facts regarding eczema:

The term “eczema” generally used for the most common type of eczema- “atopic dermatitis”.

The proper definition of “Atopic Dermatitis” is the itchy inflammation on any part of the body.

Children under 5 are at higher risk of affected by eczema or atopic dermatitis, but it can also occur at any stage of the life.

It is generally a chronic skin problem and sometimes accompanied by asthma or hay fever.

According to the leading medical bodies, there is no proper cure available for atopic dermatitis, but Homoeopathy is the most promising option for its treatment and cure.

Some self-care measurements can reduce the itching to a decent extent.

Let’s discuss a bit about the causes of eczema:

Cause of disease is still not clear, but there are some strong assumptions which suggest that eczema caused by due to some of the following reasons.

1. Genetics

Genetics plays an important role in a lot of health-related problems, and eczema isn’t separated from it as well. If dermatitis remains for a longer period on the body of a person, there are a lot of chances that the next generation will be affected with disease as well.

2. Abnormal immune system

The Immune system provides much-needed protection to the body from different types of disease-causing agents. If the immune system gets weaker and weaker because of prolonged attacks of disease-causing agents, there is a higher probability that the person with the weaker immune system can get affected with eczema.

3. Environment factor

Dirty or polluted environment can also cause a lot of skin related problems like eczema. People living in slum areas where the atmosphere is pretty much dirty or polluted can suffer from disease.

4. Different types of jobs or other activities

Working in a pollutant or allergic atmosphere can also trigger eczema causing agents inside the body. Prolonged and constant contact with the allergic agents like cement, spices, coal etc. can be a triggering agent for inflammation.

5. Abnormalities in the skin barriers

Our skin contains some very important skin barriers which stop the germs and other harmful agents to enter the body and also keeps the moisture under the skin. Any problem or abnormality in the skin barrier can cause the dryness of skin and hence initiate issues like eczema.

Related post: How to Use Oatmeal for Eczema?

Is Aloe Vera Good for Eczema?

aloe vera for eczema

Why and how aloe vera is being claimed as one of the best solutions to eczema and other skin related problems as well. Let’s understand some of the benefits of aloe vera in eczema.

  • Reduces the dryness of skin and bring the moisture back to it: A lot of researchers being done about the aloe vera which suggests that it is an excellent moisturizer.
  • Natural aloe vera gel for eczema can increase the water contents of the uppermost layer of the skin known as the epidermis.
  • Aloe vera gel for inflammation contains a higher amount of sugar which acts as the collagen and holds the water effects in the dermis.
  • A significant increase in the epidermis can reduce the dryness caused on the outer as well as an inner layer of the skin due to eczema.
  • A great infection reducer: Infections of the skin work like fuel for eczema. The severity of disease can be increased significantly due to skin infections.
  • Aloe vera initially stops the virus from spreading, reduces its severity and then starts to minimize it properly.
  • Babies are more prone to get infected with different types of infections, and aloe vera for baby’s eczema can be more than handy to combat diseases and ultimately eczema.
  • Provides calmness to the itching: Constant itching on eczema affected surface of the skin can increase the severity as well as can reduce the healing duration of disease.
  • Plenty of anti-inflammatory substances are found in the aloe vera and are believed to reduce the itching. Stopped or decreased itching due to the application of aloe vera cream for eczema can help you to get properly rid of eczema.
  • Can accompany hydrocortisone: Hydrocortisone found in steroid creams are believed to be very effective in eczema. But the main problem with its usage is it doesn’t absorb on the skin properly.

Using aloe vera with steroid can enhance the absorption of hydrocortisone and can work more effectively than only hydrocortisone.

How to use Aloe Vera for Eczema?

A simple application of aloe vera on the skin affected by eczema can be enough, , but for getting proper benefits of Aloe Vera, there are some different ways to use Aloe Vera. Let’s know some of the recipes, how they are made and their nutritional benefits.

#1 Simple and pure Aloe Vera

Nutritional value:

Vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 & B6, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Polysaccharides, Fatty Acids and Minerals like Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Chromium, Selenium, Manganese, Iron, Sodium, Copper etc.


  • Get out the Aloe Vera from the leaf with the help of a spoon.
  • Store it in a clean and air-tight container.
  • Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the affected area and keep it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash the area under running water.
  • Keep repeating it until you get rid of eczema.

#2 Aloe Vera with coconut

Nutritional value of coconut:

One standard cup of coconut oil contains 276 calories, 7 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams protein, 3 grams fiber, 29 grams fat, 25 grams saturated fat and 4 grams sugar


  • Add 1/3 cup of Aloe Vera juice, ½ cup of coconut oil and 2-5 drops of any essential oil.
  • Whisk the mixture properly with the help of an electric whisker.
  • Transfer the mixture to a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Take enough mixture on your palm and apply on the affected area.
  • Leave the mixture on the skin until the skin absorbs it completely.
  • Keep repeating it at least for a month.
  • Don’t forget to prepare the fresh mixture in every two weeks.

Also read: How to Use Coconut Water to Whiten Skin?

#3 Aloe Vera with Olive Oil

Nutritional value of olive oil:

100 grams of Olive Oil contains 13.8% saturated fat, 73% monounsaturated fat, 0.76% Omega-3, 9.7% Omega-6, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.


  • Take the aloe vera gel out of the leave with the help of a spoon.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and 5-6 drops of olive oil.
  • Apply the solution on the affected area for three times a day.

Related post: Is Olive Oil Good for Skin Whitening?

#4 Aloe Vera with Vitamin E Oil

Nutritional value of vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E as D-Alpha Tocopherol (253 IU per serving i.e. about 8 drops)


  • Mix the equal quantity of Aloe Vera gel and Coconut Oil.
  • Stir the mixture well and keep it in an air-tight container.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave for a few minutes.
  • Wash the affected area properly under running water.
  • Repeat the process daily.

#5 Aloe Vera with Calendula

Nutritional value of calendula:

Calendula is an excellent medicinal plant and contains antioxidants in the form of flavonoids and carotenoids. Leaves of calendula plant contain lutein and beta-carotene.


  • Collect some calendula from its plant and dry it in sunlight for a day.
  • Convert the dried calendula flowers into a powder (you can get calendula powder from medical shops as well).
  • Mix the Aloe Vera Gel and calendula powder properly.
  • Apply the mixture on the skin where eczema occurred.
  • Leave it on the skin until it is absorbed properly.
  • Repeat its application daily with some patience for an excellent result.

Tips to Prevent Eczema

As we have discussed eczema, some of its important facts, causes of eczema and some very easy to prepare and use recipes, we should also know a bit about how to prevent eczema.

It is better to avoid a problem than countering it after getting affected by it. Let’s have a look at some important tips to prevent eczema:

  • Moisturize your skin: As dryness is one of the most important features of eczema, you can prevent eczema by constantly moisturizing your skin. Try to use some types of oils (essential oils will be great), natural moisturizers or artificial moisturizers in the form of creams.
  • Keep your body clean as much as possible: Taking a shower daily is always a good habit. Never forget to have a shower. Always try to keep your body clean and free of dirt and germs. The shower also hydrates your skin and stops it from getting dry and hence can be very useful to prevent eczema. If you are already suffering from eczema, taking a warm shower would be great.
  • Reduce the outbreak triggering factors: Skin problems or certain infestations can be increased or triggered due to some certain foods, dust, pollens etc. Try to understand the biggest allergy-causing agent for your body and always try to keep away from it.
  • Avoid Scratching: Scratching the skin constantly can cause rashes on the surface. Outbreaks are the starting of different types of skin related problems and can cause eczema. Always try to keep your body moisturized. And if your skin asks for scratching, try to avoid it as long as possible.
  • Use a humidifier: Low humidity can also a causing agent of eczema. Keep enough moisture in your room and your work space with the help of a humidifier and prevent the eczema outbreak.
  • Wear soft cotton clothes: Clothes made with raw linen, wool or other synthetic materials can irritate your skin. Try to wear cotton clothes which are very comfortable for your skin.

Did you ever use aloe vera gel for eczema? Please share your experience in comments.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Vitiligo? – 7 Methods (No.2 is Best)

White patches appeared on face, neck and chest ruin your appearance. Aloe vera for vitiligo is one of the effective remedies that you’ll learn today.

Though these patches aren’t associated with any serious ailments, people try to get rid of them out of cosmetic concern.

Home available remedies like aloe vera and cosmetic creams can fade or lighten the appearance of white patches but do not treat this disorder completely. (

What Are Causes & Symptoms of Vitiligo?

The main cause of vitiligo is unknown.

However, experts say that this condition is triggered because of autoimmune disease. In other words, your own immune system attacks melanocytes, which are responsible for skin color. Thus the loss in melanin results in white patches.

  • Oxidative stress
  • Genetic alterations
  • Autoimmunity
  • Changes in skin pigment are cause of vitiligo

Hereditary, UV rays and chemical incorporated products also result in this disorder.

Skin discoloration is the main symptom of vitiligo. These white patches may appear on different parts of the body but initially starts with most exposed parts like face, neck, hands, mouth, and nose. (Source)

Though it is not contagious in most cases it may spread to other parts of the body. Also, many people with vitiligo face difficulties in marriage.

Does Aloe Vera Work for Vitiligo?

Researchers state that aloe gel is packed with 75 active contents including vitamins, enzymes, sugars, minerals, lignin, amino acids, salicylic acid, and saponins.

  • Healing properties exhibited by nutrients in aloe gel help to lighten the appearance of white spots.
  • Sticky nature of aloe gel helps to remove impurities piled over the skin.
  • Gibberellins and Glucomannan residing in aloe gel exhibit healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities.
  • Rejuvenating property of this sticky gel improves your skin texture.
  • Fatty acids housed in aloe gel hydrates your skin and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamins like C, E and A packed in the aloe vera gel helps to promote collagen, elastin production and fade white patches.
  • Researchconcludes that aloe has healing and other active compounds that can reduce inflammation.
  • Aloe displays anti-inflammatory effect, which can be used to treat various skin ailments.
  • Internal consumption of aloe vera juice can improve the immune (source)
  • Researchers say that assorted properties in aloe gel can guard skin against inflammation and harmful effect of UV rays.

Also read: Aloe vera for Acne Scars

How to Use Aloe Vera for Vitiligo?

As mentioned above, experts say that vitiligo can’t be cured. However, regular use may get you out of the aesthetic appearance.

Now that you’ve been through all nutritional benefits of aloe vera gel, let’s now check out how to use it.

#1 Aloe Vera for White Spots on Skin

You can find ready-made aloe vera gel at any drug store. But, beauty experts recommend using the raw form to see effective and long lasting results.

If you don’t have an aloe plant, borrow it from your neighbor and assure to plant one aloe vera in your garden or pot, it has abundant health and beauty benefits.

  • Wash the affected part before apply aloe vera gel.
  • Topically apply the oozing aloe vera gel over white patches and leave it to dry.
  • Though it has no side-effects, patch test before trying it on your face.
  • Leave the aloe gel to dry naturally and rinse it off.

You can optionally add other innate ingredients to make this home remedy more effective.

#2 Honey and Aloe Vera for Vitiligo

Honey is packed with exceptional nutrients that can enhance collagen production, fade aging wrinkles and white spots.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in raw honey restrain bacterial infection and reduce inflammation.

  • Peel aloe vera leaf and take out the gel.
  • Slice the gel into small pieces and blend it with 2 table spoon of raw honey.
  • Add water if need to form a thick paste like consistency.
  • Rinse your face and apply this face mask over affected parts.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

#3 Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is packed with alpha –hydroxy acids that exfoliate your skin and nutrients residing in it help to lighten the appearance of scars and white spots.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Now add 1 tbsp of fresh aloe gel to the solution.
  • Mix well and apply it over pre-washed
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#4 Aloe Vera Toner

This homemade toner helps to improve the overall functioning of the skin.

  • Brew 1 cup of green tea with 2 tea bags.
  • Add 1 tbsp of aloe gel with prepared green tea.
  • Stir thoroughly and it on white spots using a cotton
  • Apply this toner before going to bed.
  • Rinse it off with water in the morning.

#5 Turmeric and Aloe Vera for Vitiligo

Antioxidant activity exhibited by curcumin helps to reduce oxidative stress. Nutrients in turmeric help in skin rejuvenating and improve skin texture.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe gel with 1 tsp of gram flour and ½ tsp of turmeric powder.
  • Mix the ingredients well and apply the obtained paste on the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Aloe Gel and Tea Tree Oil

Because of its antifungal, immune stimulating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree essential oil helps to reverse vitiligo.

Pure tea tree oil has the ability to cleanse your skin and help you obtain radiant skin.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with few drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Wash your face to cleanse impurities and pat dry using a clean cloth.
  • Apply the mask and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#7 Drinking Aloe Vera Gel for Vitiligo

As mentioned above 75 active components in aloe vera gel can help to improve your overall health, skin, and hair.

So to reap its benefits, you can ingest this sticky gel.

Mix it with orange juice or just swallow small pieces of aloe gel. You may not like the taste, but you’re going to love its benefits.


  • Wear sunscreen while going out to avoid vitiligo.
  • Hydrate your skin internally and topically using natural remedies.
  • Cleanse your face twice in a day to remove impurities and dead cells.
  • Ingest vitamin rich diet like turmeric powder, olive oil, dates, figs, black pepper and apples to combat vitiligo.
  • Foods that you must avoid include raw tomato, raw garlic, papaya, grapes, dairy products, and fish.
  • White spots differ from person to person.
  • If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above, then avoid using them.
  • Consult physician if the problem persists.

Did you ever use aloe vera gel for vitiligo? Share your views and recipes in comments.

aloe vera and vitiligo


Image source

How to Use Aloe Vera for Hyperpigmentation – 7 DIY Recipes

aloe vera for hyperpigmentation

Melanin is a pigment, which is responsible for your skin color. Due to some external and internal factors melanin production increases resulting in dark spots. Here you’ll learn about benefits of aloe vera for hyperpigmentation.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Melanocytes are responsible for producing melanin, which absorbs sunlight and protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

Damage to cells that produce melanin may result in excess or little melanin, which then paves the way for dark and white patches respectively. (1)

As mentioned above, sunlight, allergic reaction, certain medications, genetic, hormonal changes and skin ailments are held responsible for skin discoloration.

Pigmentation falls into three categories as mentioned below.

  • Brown spots (caused due to excess sunlight)
  • Melasma
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Is Aloe Vera Good for Hyperpigmentation?

According to researchers aloe vera is packed with an enzyme that can treat dark spots and make your skin glow.

Excellent thing is, it’s damn easy to prepare aloe vera for hyperpigmentation. All you must do is peel its leaf and start rubbing over affected areas.

Prior to that let’s check its nutrients.

  • Study states that topical application of aloe gel can protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Sticky nature of this home available gel will help to remove impurities and dead cells piled over the skin.
  • Gibberellins housed in aloe gel exhibits antibacterial and healing abilities, which help to fade the appearance of scars caused due to acne or eczema.
  • It’s rejuvenating property improves your skin texture.
  • Astringent agents housed in aloe vera cleanse your skin and shrink skin pores.
  • Glucomannan and gibberellins hormones present in aloe vera gel exhibit anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Also, they promote collagen production.
  • Its ability to absorb excess sebum over the skin helps to prevent clogging of skin pores.
  • Glycol-protein reduces inflammation associated skin ailments.
  • Antioxidant agents present in the gel help to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and restrain free radicals.
  • Apart from that it also improves blood circulation and stimulates cell regeneration.
  • Study also states that aloe vera gel binds moisture on the skin and nutrients in it promotes elastin production.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Hyperpigmentation?

To reap the nutritional benefits of aloe, cosmetic industries started manufacturing aloe vera gel; we don’t recommend these products because of the refined process they use. Take fresh aloe leaf and start topically rubbing over your skin. You can also make aloe vera face mask to apply on face.

Below mentioned are different recipes, go with the one that goes well with your skin.

#1 Aloe Vera and Seaweed

Packed with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and cleansing abilities, seaweed is gaining some serious kudos in the cosmetic world.

B-complex vitamins residing in this marine extract can lighten the appearance of dark spots and improve your skin complexion.

  • Extract the seaweed juice from a small portion of fatty stems.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of seaweed with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and ½ tablespoon of raw honey.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply the mask on pre-washed
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#2 Honey and Aloe Vera Gel for Hyperpigmentation

Manuka honey is prominent for hydrating, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing abilities.

  • Peel the thick green skin of aloe vera leaf from all sides to obtain gel like substance.
  • Now wash your face or skin and smoothly rub aloe gel over pigmented skin at night and rinse it off with water in the morning.
  • Alternatively, mix 2 tbsp of blended aloe gel with 2 tbsp of manuka honey and apply over affected area. Repeat this process regularly.

#3 Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar

Alpha-hydroxy acids present in ACV helps in skin rejuvenating, exfoliation and to treat skin ailments. Glycol present in ACV can cleanse your skin and improve your skin texture.

  • Dilute 1 tablespoon of ACV with water.
  • Also, add 1 tablespoon of aloe gel and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mask on your skin and rinse it off after 20 minutes.

#4 Aloe Vera Toner

This DIY recipe helps to cleanse dead cells, protect your skin from UV rays and also prevent pigmentation.

  • Prepare 1 cup of green tea by boiling water and by adding 2 tea bags.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel to prepared green tea and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply this toner on your face using a cotton ball.
  • Repeat this simple process regularly till you see positive results.
  • Optionally, you can also add rose water and lemon juice to above toner.

#5 Aloe Vera Gel and Tea Tree Oil

Nutrients in tea tree essential oil help to lighten the appearance of dark spots, acne scars and improve complexion.

  • Add few drops of tea tree EO with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over pre-washed
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes with water.

Note: If you’re allergic to any of these ingredients then avoid mixing and just use aloe vera gel.

#6 Aloe Vera and Turmeric for Skin Hyperpigmentation

Prominent for its skin whitening properties, turmeric powder is packed with assorted nutrients. It exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Mix 2 teaspoon of aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoon of gram flour and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#7 Consumption of Aloe Vera Gel

Vitamins and minerals packed in aloe vera gel can benefit your overall health and skin. Mix this sticky gel with orange juice and drink it twice in a week.

Vitamin A, E, B, zinc, niacin and other nutrients in it help to thwart radicals and toxins inside your body that may damage your cell membrane.

Aloe Vera for Skin Whitening – Does it Work?

First, what is skin whitening?

It’s a simple process to remove higher concentration of melanin and provide even skin complexion, also known as skin lightening or skin bleaching. Most people turn to chemical ingredients when they hear about this process. Yes, there are many pricey products, which has no or minimum side-effects with an excellent effect over the skin. But, if you’re like those who’d like to pamper your skin and use natural remedies, then aloe vera stands first in the aisle.

Secret nutritional profile of aloe vera includes Lignin that hydrates your skin, anthraquinone, and amino acids, which helps to shed dead cells and enhances regeneration of new cells. It easily gets absorbed by your skin as soon as you apply it. (2)

It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties keeps skin allergies at bay. Antioxidant agents housed in aloe gel tightens the skin, thwarts free radicals and reduces premature aging signs.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Skin Whitening?

  • Topically apply aloe vera face mask regularly.
  • Alternatively, you can directly peel the fresh aloe leaf and smoothly rub over face or skin.
  • Other natural ingredients like cucumber or honey can be added to blended aloe gel.
  • Many people are not aware of this but you can consume aloe vera gel, directly swallow the gel or blend it with any citrus fruit juice. This way it’s beneficial for both health and skin.


Assorted properties in aloe vera gel can treat chronic skin diseases. Antioxidant and anti bacterial agents packed in aloe gel are enough to make your skin radiant and supple. Directly apply the fresh gel over affected area or make your own face mask. Regular application is important for fast recovery.

Did you ever use aloe vera gel for hyperpigmentation? Share your experience with us.

Aloe Vera for Scalp Psoriasis – 5 DIY Recipes

aloe vera for scalp psoriasis

Inflammation, dry and scaly patches are common signs of this skin ailment. In this article, you’ll learn how to use aloe vera for scalp psoriasis.

Scaly patches over the scalp may look like dandruff, but it’s not. Anyway, you must consult a dermatologist to confirm the ailment.

Reports claim that nearly 2.2% of adult population is affected by psoriasis. According to, about 50 percent people with this chronic skin ailment have it on their scalp. (1)(2)

It not just ruins your physical appearance but shatters your self-confidence. Psoriasis creates difficulties in marriage also. Steroid creams and medications prescribed by dermatologists help to some extent and they really reduce inflammation.

But, a chemical ingredient in them strips natural moisture over the scalp. Most people opt for natural remedies instead of using such chemical incorporated creams.

Note: This doesn’t mean that you must stop using them. Natural remedies can be used as an alternative.

Is Aloe Vera Good for Scalp Psoriasis?

Renowned for its sticky nature and bitter taste, aloe gel exhibits medicinal properties.

  • Moisturizing ability residing in this gel help to reduce itching and inflammation caused by psoriasis.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory abilities housed in this gel restrain infectious germs.
  • Sticky nature locks the moisture over your scalp and reduces swelling of rashes.
  • Vitamins and minerals residing in this innate ingredient form a protective layer over the scalp.
  • Assorted properties in aloe gel penetrate deep into the skin for cell regeneration and to reduce the thickness of psoriasis rashes over the scalp.
  • Vitamin A residing in aloe gel boosts immune system and inhibits bacterial infection.
  • Vitamin C enhances collagen production and improves the elasticity of the skin.
  • Aloe vera gel consists of salicylic acid, which exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Internal consumption of aloe gel helps to eliminate toxins from the body and help to improve the digestive The digestive system directly impacts on your overall health.
  • Amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and enzymes packed in aloe vera gel together help to treat scalp psoriasis.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Scalp Psoriasis?

Studies back healing ability of aloe gel. Including burns, topical application of this colorless gel can reduce skin inflammation. (3)

You can use it internally and topically, but to treat scalp psoriasis experts recommend the external application.

Below are given different recipes, go with your favorite method.

#1 Aloe Vera Gel

Wash your scalp with water to cleanse impurities and scaly patches. Be gentle while washing, because you may irritate psoriasis rashes.

Avoid hot water, because it triggers itching. Towel dry your hair and gently massage with aloe gel.

It’s good to have your own aloe gel from your back yard. Wash the leaf and cut the thorny part using a knife. Also, peel the skin and collect the gel in a bowl.

Apply the oozing gel on the scalp and wrap your head with a shower cap to lock the moisture.

After 15-20 minutes rinse it off with water and optionally apply a natural moisturizer.

#2 Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil

Moisturizing, antibacterial and antifungal properties exhibited by coconut oil can effectively hydrate psoriasis patches.

To reap all nutrients from coconut oil, experts recommend extra virgin coconut oil.

  • Take ½ cup of extra virgin coconut oil in the solid
  • Melt it till you obtain liquid oil, after cooling add 1/3 cup of aloe vera gel to it.
  • Mix well and apply this hair mask over prewashed scalp.
  • Make sure you apply the mask on scaly patches or rashes as a spot treatment.
  • Leave it to dry for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Avoid using cosmetic products over the scalp, because ingredients in those beauty items may irritate your scalp.

#3 Aloe Gel and Water

If you want to use aloe gel alone, but hate that extra stickiness, then mix some distilled water to aloe gel.

  • Take required amount of aloe gel.
  • Blend it by adding some distilled water to make it a smooth
  • Gently massage your psoriasis affected scalp with this hair mask.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#4 Jojoba Oil and Aloe Vera Gel to Treat Scalp Psoriasis

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax that is prominent for cleansing and treating ailments like eczema and psoriasis.

The excellent thing about this oil is that it resembles skin’s natural oil sebum. It tricks skin to produce enough sebum to balance the moisture over the scalp.

Anti-inflammatory and soothing abilities of this liquid wax can effectively reduce psoriasis.

  • Remove the skin of aloe vera leaf and collect its gel.
  • Blend aloe gel with a required amount of pure jojoba oil.
  • Apply the obtained mask over prewashed scalp.
  • Leave for 20 minutes and rinse it off with water.
  • You can leave it overnight if needed.

#5 Lavender Oil, Coconut Oil, and Aloe Vera Gel

Lavender is an essential oil that is prominent for its calming and soothing abilities. It is extensively used in aromatherapy to get rid of stress and migraine.

It also contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and hydrating properties that can help to reduce psoriasis rashes.

  • Take ¼ cup of aloe vera gel and mix it with ¼ cup of coconut oil.
  • Blend the ingredients till you obtain a smooth
  • Add 15 drops of lavender essential oil to the above lotion.
  • Now gently massage over the scalp and leave it to dry naturally.
  • You can use physician prescribed shampoo for cleansing.

Tips: Aloe Vera for Scalp Psoriasis

  • Only use pure chemical free aloe vera gel.
  • Pregnant women must consult a physician before trying these home remedies.
  • Patch test before applying it to the scalp.
  • Stop using it if you experience irritation after using any of the above-mentioned
  • Don’t use these methods if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients.
  • Include vitamin rich diet and avoid foods (alcohol, red meat, gluten, condiments, dairy products and junk food) that may trigger psoriasis.
  • Foods like cod liver oil, salmon, tuna fish, eggs, yogurt and orange juice can help to reduce scalp psoriasis. (4)

Burst stress for a beautiful skin. 🙂

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Aloe Vera for Rosacea -How to Use (7 DIY Recipes Included)


Rosacea is a skin ailment that commonly develops at the age of 20, but severe signs can be seen after 30 years. Redness, large bumps and in some cases visible blood vessels are seen on the skin.

Though there is no permanent cure for this chronic skin ailment, using aloe vera for rosacea will reduce flushing and restore skin barriers.

Jump to: Aloe vera and Rosacea

What Causes and Who Gets Rosacea on Face?

According to the US government people who’ve rosacea are mostly between the age group of 30 to 50.

Fair skinned people are prone to this ailment. People with another skin complexion may also experience these symptoms.

The main cause of rosacea is unknown. But studies show that genetics, immune system, stress, excess exposure to sunlight and infectious germs can trigger this ailment. (Source)

You may wonder why I shouldn’t use cosmetic creams.

Media promoted cosmetic products include chemical preservatives along with natural extracts. In some cases, these harsh chemicals may actually aggravate rosacea condition.

If the products are more organic and include mild preservatives that go well with your skin, then you can use it. However, patch test before using it.

And if you’re a natural lover, opt for aloe vera gel.

Related: How to Use vitamin e oil to treat rosacea

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Rosacea (Why I should use it?)

Due to its immense nutritional value aloe plant has been prized to be effective healing remedy. Use it topically or ingest its gel with any juice, nutrients in this plant will leverage overall functioning of your skin.

  • Anti-inflammatory and soothing property exhibited by this gel will relieve inflammation and redness over the face.
  • The moisturizing ability of aloe gel will reduce dryness and sensitivity caused by this skin ailment.
  • Renowned for its healing properties, topical application of this gel will restore your skin barrier and treat rosacea symptoms.
  • Vitamin C and E housed in this natural remedy will have the ability to lighten blemishes, reduce aging and enhance collagen production.
  • When mixed with lemon juice this home remedy can lighten scars and large bumps left by rosacea.
  • Assorted nutrients in this gel will accelerate healing of rosacea flare-ups and reduce redness.
  • Antioxidant agents residing will thwart free radicals that can damage skin cells.

Add this safe and effective home remedy to your beauty regimen.

Note: Treating rosacea varies based on its triggers. Aloe gel may reduce or even cause an allergic reaction in some people, patch test before using it on the face.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Rosacea?

Simply peel aloe’s leaf with a knife and rub gently over rosacea-affected skin.

Seems very simple?

To make it more effective you can blend other natural ingredients.

Aloe Vera Gel and Olive Oil

This moisturizing pack will hydrate, reduce inflammation and lighten redness over the skin.

  • Blend 1 teaspoon of aloe gel with ½ teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Wash the affected part with water to cleanse impurities.
  • Evenly massage the mask over the skin and leave it for 20 minutes to dry.
  • You can rinse it off after that.

Aloe Vera Gel and Lemon Juice for Rosacea

Antibacterial, bleaching, and other nutrients in this homemade mask will reduce bumps and stimulate cell growth.

  • Take fresh aloe gel and mix 3 drops of lemon juice it.
  • Gently massage the gel on the face.
  • Alternately, you can blend both ingredients and apply the paste on the rosacea affected

Vitamin E Oil, Witch Hazel, and Aloe Gel

This particular recipe is to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Excess exposure to sunlight may trigger rosacea as mentioned above.

  • Mix required an amount of witch hazel, vitamin E oil and aloe gel paste in a bowl.
  • Apply it over prewashed face and rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Aloe and Honey

The combination of these both ingredients will effectively bring all necessary vitamins to your skin.

Swelling, itching, inflammation and redness can be reduced by this innate recipe.

Blend both ingredients and apply it over the rosacea-affected skin.

Soothing Moisturizer

Hydrating your skin is an effective way to treat skin ailments. With natural moisture, your skin will be able to thwart infectious germs and form a protective layer.

Mix almond oil, jojoba oil, aloe vera gel and other essential oil (few drops) in a bowl.

Apply the mixture over the skin and leave it dry for 20 minutes.

Green Tea and Aloe Vera Gel for Rosacea

This herbal tea can be used topically and it works great to reduce rosacea symptoms.

Blend water, green tea and some aloe gel to tighten skin pores, reduce redness and to get rid of acne like bumps.

Where to Buy Aloe Vera Gel?

To reap all benefits listed above, experts recommend opting for a fresh aloe plant in your garden.

If in case you don’t have one, borrow it from your neighbor.

Else try these aloe vera gel products – Aubrey organics pure aloe gel, Ocean potion skin care aloe gel and Fruit of the earth aloe vera gel.

Factors that Trigger Rosacea Flare-ups

Foods include: Liver, yogurt, vanilla, avocados, citrus fruits, soy sauce, chocolates and eggplant must be avoided.

Hot baths, overheating, excess exposure to sunlight and saunas can trigger this skin ailment.

Stress, anxiety, frequent flushing, alcohol, chemical filled creams, certain medications and other factors can trigger this skin ailment.

Aloe Vera Side Effects

Excess use or in hypersensitive people ingredients in aloe gel can trigger an allergic reaction.

Anthraquinone is a compound found in the gel that can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps and dehydration if ingested. Other symptoms like hives, rashes and swollen skin can be experienced in some cases.

Important Points

  • Don’t expect overnight results with aloe gel.
  • Along with this remedy include vitamin rich diet and avoid foods that can trigger rosacea.
  • Wear natural sunscreen cream while going out.
  • Avoid using chemical filled creams that may irritate your skin.
  • Drink enough water and consult a doctor to treat rosacea.

Did you ever use aloe vera for rosacea; share your recipe in comments.




Aloe Vera for Warts – A Home Available Remedy

About 40% people around the world are affected by HPV, which causes warts. In this article you’ll know how to use aloe vera for warts.


Healing benefits of aloe vera are prominent and needs no explanation. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities can effectively treat warts.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is ubiquitous virus that can be found everywhere.

While am writing this post, my fingers are in contact with HPV virus. Because, dermatologists says that we all come in contact with the virus while shaking hands, typing keyboards and turning doorknobs.

What Causes Warts?

By above lines, most of you might know that HPV is the main culprit that causes warts.

This ubiquitous virus invades your skin through tiny scratch or cut. Then it triggers rapid growth of skin cells resulting in rough, skin colored warts over face, fingers or foot.

Scientist identified different types of HPV virus, which cause different types of warts. Some may even cause genital warts.

Apart from injuries and cuts, HPV can invade by skin-to-skin contact. If you touch other person’s wart or something to which his wart touched this will trigger the infection.

Shaking hands, sharing towels and clothes is the most common way wart spread, says a dermatologist.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Warts?

This non cancerous skin growth will be removed naturally, but it may take years. Luckily, there are many home remedies that can remove this unwanted skin warts.

  • Healing benefits of aloe gel are renowned and its moisturizing properties help to get rid of dry skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties residing in aloe gel reduce inflammation or pain and restrain infection.
  • Antibacterial activity can effectively treat warts and thwart HPV virus.
  • Due to sticky nature of its gel, you can easily apply it over the affected spot.

Also read: How to Use Aloe Vera for Acne?

  1. Get fresh aloe vera leaf from garden or borrow from a neighbor. Alternatively, you can just reach a store to take refined aloe vera gel, but it lacks nutritional properties.
  2. Wash the leaf to remove mud and peel its skin.
  3. Cleanse your skin to remove impurities and dead cells. Pat dry with a soft cloth.
  4. Place sliced aloe gel over the wart and wrap it with duct tape to hold. Or just drop aloe gel succulent over the wart and place a cotton ball before wrapping it.
  5. Leave it over night.


Simple, isn’t it?

Well, but don’t expect overnight results. Anyway, you may notice minor changes over the warts.

Repeatedly use aloe gel over the wart before going to bed. Within few weeks, wart gets removed.

Being a natural remedy, aloe vera gel isn’t associated with any side-effects. But, if you’re allergic to aloe gel, then don’t use it. Instead use apple cider vinegar.

You can use aloe gel to treat other skin ailments like acne, eczema and psoriasis. Its antibiotic property effectively heals injury, cuts and minor burns.

So, next time when you experience cut or injury, place aloe gel to avoid further infection.

Folk remedies are incredible; however, there are no scientific data to back these claims. Anecdotal reports back them and nature lovers believe in its uses.

Will you ever use aloe vera to treat warts? Let us know your personal experience with this innate remedy.

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Aloe Vera Gel for Acne and Acne Scars

aloe vera for acne

Your skin needs moisturizer to keep infection causing bacteria at bay. Sebaceous glands look after this by secreting oil known as sebum. Medical News Today states, when your skin produces excess sebum it gets clogged in hair follicles along with dirt and dead skin cells forming pimples. Thus acne arises. Hormonal imbalance is the mere cause of acne blemishes.

With home remedies you can reduce inflammation, swelling of acne/pimples and fade acne scars. Aloe vera gel for acne is one of the eminent remedies. Aloe vera is packed with all essential nutrients needed to soothe skin. This includes antioxidant, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. According to a review published on National Institute of Health, aloe vera gel has 75 active nutritional constitutes namely, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sugars, enzymes and proteins. (1)

How Aloe Vera for Acne Works?

Let’s dwell into nutritional profile of aloe vera gel and know how these properties soothe acne blemishes.

  • Aloe gel contains 8 enzymes; bradykinase is one among them that aids to reduce inflammation of acne blemishes. While other enzymes in aloe gel work to break down compound sugars and fats in your body.
  • Aloe gel has abundant anti-inflammatory agents like auxins, gibberellins, β-sisosterol, lupeol and salicylic acid. All these aids to reduce inflammation, swelling, redness and pain of pimples.
  • Antioxidant agents like zinc, beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, thwarts free radicals that trigger infection. It also soothes your skin and enhances healing process.
  • Amino acids in aloe gel acts on hard skin cells to soften it and zinc acts as an astringent to tighten pores and control excess sebum production.
  • Along with anti-inflammatory properties salicylic acids consists of antibacterial properties, which kills acne causing bacteria, P.acnes.
  • Aloe vera gel is acclaimed for its healing properties. Gibberellin and glucomannan enhances collagen production. This in-turn results in fading acne scars.

How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Acne?

aloe vera for acne scars
Image credit:

To reap all nutritional properties of this natural herb use it in raw form. Aloe vera is a home plant; borrow it from your neighbor if you don’t have one. You can either mix it with other natural ingredients or directly apply it over acne blemishes. Remember to test before trying as you may be allergic to aloe vera gel.

#1 Using Raw Aloe Gel

  • Initially extract gel from succulent aloe leaf. It’s simple! Just like you peel any vegetable, peel the skin off and congrats you’ve sticky gel in your hands.
  • Wash affected part with warm water and pat dry with soft cloth. When the skin is still damp apply aloe vera gel smoothly.
  • Don’t rub it too hard, it may burst pimples. Rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat the process daily to see the change.

Note: Change your diet plan.

#2 Aloe Vera and Honey for Acne

  • Mix fresh aloe gel with turmeric, honey and rose water.
  • After mixing it well apply it over acne blemishes.
  • After settling it for about 15-20 minutes, wash with thoroughly with water.

Also read: Honey and cinnamon face mask

#3 Aloe Vera and Lemon for Acne

  • Extract aloe gel from fresh aloe leaf and blend it.
  • Now drop few drops of lemon juice into aloe vera gel.
  • Stir thoroughly and apply it over acne blemishes. Rinse it off with water.

Else you can try store-bought aloe vera gel or creams with aloe gel as ingredient. Regular application is must to see results.

#4 Aloe Vera Mask for Acne

aloe vera gel for treating acne
Image credit:

For a radiant and glowing skin add aloe vera gel to your face mask regimen. With cucumber, cottage cheese, lemon juice you can make aloe vera face mask, to treat acne and acne scars. Beauty of this face mask is that it heals acne, fades acne scars and also leaves your skin supple.

  • Mix cottage cheese, seedless dates, cucumber and aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Now add few drops of fresh lemon juice.
  • Wash your face or cleanse it using any natural or store bought cleanser.
  • Using your prewashed hands massage this mask on acne blemishes.
  • Let it settle while nutrients in aloe gel and other ingredients start acting on pimples, then rinse it off after 15- minutes.

People with sensitive skin should limit the use of lemon juice.

Related post: Cucumber for Acne

#5 Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

As listed above aloe vera gel consists of anti-inflammatory properties, which acts on acne scars to fade them by enhancing collagen production. You can use any of them recipe to fade acne scars or use it in raw form.

  • After cutting aloe leaf to the ground from aloe plant.
  • Wash it with water to remove mud or dirt.
  • Now slice the borders of succulent leaf and cut into small pieces.
  • Then peel the green skin off using knife.
  • Start rubbing over acne scars regularly.
  • Regularly apply this herb over skin to fade scars.

Also read: 10 Home Remedies for Acne Scars

You can use aloe vera juice for acne, but we prefer it in gel form as it stays on skin for long time. Instead you can consume aloe vera juice with any citrus fruit.

According to, aloe barbadensis and arborescens, species of aloe vera plant has mostly associated with healing properties. Though there is lack of conclusive evidence, aloe vera gel has shown significance results when used topically.

Did you ever use aloe vera gel for acne or acne scars? Please share your thoughts on this herb.

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