How to Reduce Melanin in Skin by Eating – 5 Vitamins Included

How to Reduce Melanin in Skin by Eating

It’s everyone’s desire to have radiant skin. Apart from topical application, internal consumption can also help to get rid of discoloration.  In this article, you’ll learn how to reduce melanin in skin by eating?

Melanin is a pigment which is responsible for your skin’s color. People with dark skin have more melanin than light-skinned people. Various factors influence its production.

What Stimulates Melanin Production?

Melanocytes are specialized cells that are responsible for melanin production. This pigment actually protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

  • Excess exposure to sunlight increases production of melanin, turning your skin dark.
  • According to experts, sun rays trigger inflammatory mediators in your skin. These inflammatory substances activate various hormones including melanocytes. As a result melanin production increases.
  • Apart from UV rays vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, skin disorders, hormonal changes, adrenal and liver disorders also impact melanin production.
  • Both topical and oral steroids can result in hyperpigmentation. Irritants like fabric dyes and drugs can trigger inflammation.

Your skin needs an adequate amount of melanin to protect itself from harmful UV rays. Anyway, over production can turn complexion dark.

Also read: Best Foods that Lighten Skin Quickly

How to Reduce Melanin in Skin by Eating?

There are several home available ingredients to reduce melanin internally. Instead of listing foods, I think it’s good to list vitamins that can reduce melanin production.

You can either topically apply them over the skin or ingest regularly to inhibit dark complexion.

#1 Vitamin A

  • Prominently known as retinol, cosmetic creams include Retin-A as a vital
  • Though it doesn’t effectively reduce melanin production, it stimulates the growth of epidermal cells to replace dark cells with new skin cells.
  • Antioxidant activity residing in vitamin A help to reduce skin discoloration and protect your skin from sun damage.

Vitamin A rich foods are sweet potatoes, liver, carrots, spinach, eggs, broccoli, apricots, butter, and kale. (1)

Apart from ingesting, beauty experts recommend topical application of vitamin A incorporated creams.

#2 Vitamin C

  • Tyrosinase is an enzyme present in your body which is responsible for controlling melanin production. Foods with vitamin C are known to inhibit this rate-limiting enzyme.
  • Vitamin C exhibits antioxidant property that helps to neutralize free radicals that influence melanin production.
  • Studies state that topical application of vitamin C repairs skin that damaged due to sun burn.
  • Exfoliating ability housed in vitamin C helps to get rid of dead skin cells and makes your skin supple. (2)

Foods that are rich in vitamin C are oranges, red peppers, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, guava, grape fruit, kiwi and green peppers.

#3 Vitamin E

  • Antioxidant property housed in vitamin E help to protect your skin from sun damage and aging signs.
  • Experts state that vitamin E is essential for processing vitamin A, which can effectively lighten the appearance of dark spots. (3)
  • Topical application of creams that include vitamin E can exfoliate your skin and lock moisture over it.

Foods with vitamin E are almonds, spinach, avocado, wheat germ, palm oil, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, butternut squash, olive oil and trout.

#4 Vitamin K

  • In some people excess leakage of blood capillaries result in skin discoloration. Vitamin K intake helps to normalize your skin tone and repair broken capillaries.
  • Vitamin K is the only vitamin that your body produces when it is exposed to sunlight. Apart from reducing melanin production, vitamin K can strengthen your bones.
  • Excess exposure to sunlight stimulates melanin production and then dark circles. Study show that topical use of vitamin K with retinol cream can reduce these dark circles under eyes. (4)

Vitamin K rich foods are kale, cabbage, dairy products, cucumbers, dried basil, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spring onions and prunes.

#5 Vitamin B12

  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 also causes pigmentation over the skin.
  • Vitamin B12 interacts with other B vitamins in your body to regulate production of melanin.
  • Cobalt is an element in B12, which helps your body to produce healthy red blood cells. RBC is responsible to supply oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

Foods with vitamin B12 are shellfish, liver (beef), fish, crab, cereals, soy products, red meat, cheese, eggs and low fat dairy.

How to Reduce Melanin Internally?

Along with these vitamin rich foods, you must change your lifestyle and stay away from irritants.

  • Drink enough water to hydrate your skin internally.
  • Avoid harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen cream on face, neck and arms.
  • Also wear sunglasses and cover your face, neck and arms to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Avoid spending excess time before TV screens.
  • Stay away from irritants that trigger allergic reaction.

Along with internal care, you must try home remedies for radiant skin. There are several home available ingredients that can help to lighten dark complexion.

How to Reduce Melanin in Skin (Home Remedies)

  1. Mix sandalwood powder with rosewater and apply it over prewashed face. Regular application of this mask will reduce complexion, dark circles and other skin disorders.
  2. Take oatmeal and mix it with curd and tomato juice. Wash your face and apply this mask. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey to 2 tablespoons of sour cream and mix thoroughly. Apply it over the face and let it dry for 15 minutes.
  4. Grind almonds after soaking it overnight. Add 1 teaspoon of milk to the paste and apply it over the face.
  5. Take fresh mint leaves and grind them by mixing with water. Apply it over prewashed face and rinse it off with water after 20 minutes.

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Mouth and Lips – 5 Home Remedies

how to get rid of dry skin around mouth

Cold weather, cosmetics, repeated licking of lips, ailments and certain medications are held responsible for dry skin around the mouth. A layer of dry flaky skin appears which may sometimes bleed.

It not just ruins your physical appearance but may lead to social isolation. So, how to get rid of dry skin around mouth?

Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with this disorder. Over the counter creams, exfoliating and cosmetic products. However, beauty experts prefer home remedies to get rid of dry flaky skin around the mouth.

Before jumping to treatment, let’s check out its main causes.

What Causes Dry Skin Around Mouth?

The broken skin around the mouth and lips are embarrassing and painful. This dry flaky skin makes you look sick and it is accompanied by itching, burning and causes discomfort while eating.

The importance of moisturizing can’t be ignored. It helps your skin function normally and blocks infectious germs. (1) When you fail to hydrate the skin, it results in dry patches.

  • Environmental changes: Decrease in humidity can result in dry skin. As the air loses its moisture and when your skin is repeatedly exposed to winds in cold weather, skin turns dry.
  • To moisturize dry lips in cold, most people lick their lips repeatedly thinking that they are hydrating them. But, actually, they are making things worse. Constant lip licking results in the darker skin around the mouth.
  • Certain medication like tretinoin and antibiotics used orally or topically may result in dry skin.
  • Chemical ingredients in cosmetic products can irritate your skin. Most beauty cream manufacturers use preservatives and fragrance in their products, which strip natural moisture from the skin and results in dry flaky skin.
  • Ailments or allergic reaction can also result in this skin disorder. There are few people who experience dry skin around the mouth regularly because of ailments.
  • Experts held perioral dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and allergic reaction for this dry skin. However, you must consult a dermatologist to determine the ailment.
  • Bacterial infection is also held responsible for this condition. Due to some reason, if your skin around the mouth becomes dry, bacteria and fungi invade and triggers infection.

Apart from this, other factors like longer exposure to AC, toothpaste and other substances that include irritants may result in dry skin.

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Mouth and Lips?

As mentioned, there are several methods to heal your dry lips. But, natural remedies are more effective as they aren’t associated with any side-effects.

These home available remedies are cost effective and any person can try them.

Step: 1 Exfoliating

Exfoliating helps to shed dead cells and impurities from the skin. Regular exfoliating improves blood circulation and improves your skin tone.

Further, it makes your skin smooth, well hydrated, reduce the appearance of premature aging signs and restrain break-outs.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and mix it with 1 tablespoon of raw honey.
  • Also, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Apply this natural scrub around the mouth and on lips.
  • Be gentle while massaging (1-2 minutes), rinse it off with water.

Instead, you can try these DIY lip scrubs without honey.

Step: 2 Moisturize

I hope you knew about its importance.

Hydrating is one among the most effective ways to protect your skin from ailments. Check things that trigger skin ailments you’ll find dry skin behind them.

After exfoliating, you must moisturize your skin around the mouth and lips. You can try your favorite cosmetic cream, or apply natural remedy like aloe vera, petroleum jelly, beeswax, cucumber, milk cream, shea butter or glycerin.

Apart from an external application, you must drink plenty of water and ingest vitamin C & E rich food.

Step: 3 Homemade Mask

If you’ve extremely dry flaky skin around the mouth, then you must regularly apply the natural mask. As these ingredients are packed with exceptional nutrients, your skin will love them.

Beeswax is one among the renowned remedies. Wash your skin and apply beeswax before trying pricey creams. Below are different DIY recipes to try, select the one that goes well with your skin.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin Around Mouth

#1 Lemon Juice

Bleaching property of lemon helps to whiten dark area around the mouth. Vitamin C housed in this home available ingredient inhibits melanin production.

However, excess use of lemon may irritate your skin. So beauty experts recommend blending it with glycerin or honey.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of raw honey.
  • Apply the mask around the mouth and on lips.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

Lemon juice makes your skin sensitive to sun rays. So apply moisturizer or sunscreen while going out.

#2 Aloe Vera Gel

Though it tastes bitter, you must apply aloe gel on the dry skin. Prominent for its humectant property, aloe gel hydrates your skin.

Antioxidant activity of this gel lightens the appearance of the dark area around the mouth. Sticky nature of aloe gel helps to remove dry skin hanging around the mouth.

  • Take fresh aloe gel and apply it around the affected part.
  • Leave the skin with the gel for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Optionally you can apply almond oil to remove the bitter taste on your lips or lick some honey.

#3 Cucumber to Get Rid of Dry Skin Around Mouth

90% of cucumber consists of water. This cool cuke can hydrate you from the inside and outside.

Vitamin C packed in cucumber helps to enhance collagen production and improve skin texture.

Antioxidant activity exhibited by caffeic acid present in it protects your lips and skin around the mouth from sun rays.

  • Take one fresh cucumber and slice it.
  • Take one sliced piece and gently rub over the dry flaky skin around the mouth.
  • You can try this simple remedy regularly.

Alternatively, you can grate the cucumber and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Place the mask around your mouth and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.

#4 Gram Flour and Turmeric

Gram flour is prominent for its exfoliating activity, which helps to lighten the appearance of the dark area around the mouth.

Identically, turmeric is packed with essential vitamins that benefit your skin.

  • Mix a pinch of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of gram flour in a bowl.
  • Add few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar.
  • Mix well and massage gently over the affected part.
  • After few minutes rinse it off with water.

Sugar and lemon both help to exfoliate and lighten dark skin. Instead of lemon, you can also add curd.

#5 Oatmeal and Tomato Juice

Like above ingredients, oatmeal also exfoliates your skin and lightens the dry skin around the mouth.

  • Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of tomato juice.
  • Also, add 1 teaspoon of curd and mix thoroughly.
  • Now, gently rub this mask over the dry flaky skin for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and moisturize it.

Tips to Get Rid of Dry Flaky Skin Around Mouth & Lips

  • Moisturize your dry skin regularly with olive oil, almond oil or honey.
  • Avoid licking your lips frequently.
  • Avoid peeling dry skin on lips.
  • Chemical ingredients that may irritate your skin must be avoided.
  • Drink enough water and ingest vitamin rich diet.
  • Wear sunscreen while going out.
  • Cover your face with a cloth when cold winds blow.
  • Exfoliate once or twice in a week.
  • Patch test before applying any home remedy on your skin.

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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal – 7 DIY Methods

apple cider vinegar for mole removal

Skin moles are regarded as beauty marks. Ancient Chinese believe it to be lucky or unlucky mark depending on its location. (1)

Back to modern world, thanks to media promoted models these black spot on the skin is a cosmetic concern. Fortunately, you can use home remedies like apple cider vinegar for mole removal.

Apart from being a cosmetic concern, moles can also result in skin cancer.

What Causes Moles to Appear on Face?

Moles occur when melanocytes (cells present in the skin) grows in cluster rather than spreading throughout the skin. There are different types of moles, and they may grow in group or single.

Hair develops on mole which may ruin your beauty. People try to hide this annoying black or brown colored mark on their face with makeup.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Mole Removal?

ACV is a type of vinegar made from cider (beverage from apple juice). This acidic liquid can be used in foods and has many health benefits.

You can get apple cider vinegar from a local grocery store.

  • Acid nature of this ingredient destroys mole tissues without damaging your skin.
  • Apart from this, nutrients in ACV help to soften the skin texture and stimulate skin regeneration.
  • Anti-inflammatory ability this ingredient reduce skin irritation and acetic acid soften the skin.
  • Vitamins and minerals residing in it help to balance pH level of the skin.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal?

Higher concentration of ACV may irritate your sensitive. So, initially start diluting it with other ingredients.

Below listed are different methods to use ACV.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar

Things you need

  • Cotton ball
  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • Band aid

Carry a band-aid on face is quite annoying, so we recommend trying this process before going to sleep, it takes few minutes.


  1. Wash your face or part of the body with mole with cold water.
  2. Pat it dry with a dry and smooth towel.
  3. Dip cotton ball in apple cider vinegar solution and squeeze it so that the extra amount of ACV is dropped into bowl.
  4. Now place the ACV dipped cotton ball over the mole and using band-aid lock the cotton ball.
  5. Practice this for a week to see the change.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar and Onion Juice

Onion juice consists of acidity and chemicals which can effectively reduce skin ailments including moles. Regular application of onion juice on skin moles will help to get rid of them.

Now, blend these tow ingredients.

  • Blend equal amount of ACV with onion juice in a bowl.
  • Use cotton ball to apply the juice over the skin mole.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.
  • Repeat this process twice per day, within few weeks you’ll see positive change.

#3 Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda for Mole Removal

When you mix baking soda with water, it releases hydrogen ions which dehydrate skin tissues of mole.

Bleaching property residing in this home available ingredient also help to lighten the appearance of mole.

  • Take required amount of baking soda and mix it with apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the paste on mole and wrap it with bandage.
  • After few hours, remove it and rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat the process till you remove mole.

Baking soda may irritate your skin, so take care not to apply it over skin or under eyes.

#4 Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing ability of honey is well known. Enzymes in honey are responsible to reduce mole size and gradually remove it.

To reap nutritional benefits, beauty experts advice to prefer only pure honey.

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Now add 1 tablespoon of raw honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your skin with water or soap and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply this mask over the mole and cover it with a bandage.
  • Repeat this process regularly till you see positive results.

#5 Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Nutrients in ACV can easily be grabbed if you mix it in your bath tub. You can treat chronic skin ailments surrounding your body with this simple remedy.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of ACV to your bath tub.
  • After mixing thoroughly, soak your body in the tub for 20 minutes.
  • Then normally apply the soap and rinse it off.

#6 ACV and Horseradish

Nutrients in horseradish can lighten the appearance of scars and discoloration. Healing ability of this innate ingredient can reduce freckles, remove moles and treat blemishes.

  • Extract juice from horseradish and mix it with required amount of apple cider vinegar.
  • Also add little honey to the solution and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash the skin with mild soap to remove impurities.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth and apply the paste over mole.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water.

#7 Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingesting apple cider vinegar will help to reduce weight and treat ailments. It promotes healthy cholesterol and improves absorption of nutrients.

Antioxidant helps to thwart free radicals and prevent skin disorders like wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of ACV in distilled water or salad.
  • Drink it regularly in the morning.
  • You can also add raw honey or lemon juice to enhance the taste. (Source)

Tips on Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

  • Higher concentration of ACV may irritate your skin, so patch test before applying it over the skin.
  • You may experience slight stinging sensation after applying apple cider vinegar, its common so don’t worry.
  • Mole turns darker with first application, but regular application will remove it completely.
  • Moisturize your skin after applying ACV with coconut oil.
  • Wear sunscreen cream before going out.
  • To avoid irritation apply Vaseline around the mole.
  • Few moles can be cause cancer, so you must consult dermatologist to confirm the ailment.
  • Don’t remove moles at home surgically.

3 Ways to Use Lavender Oil for Burns

This Mediterranean native plant is renowned for its aromatic and medicinal value. Lavender oil has significant role in aromatherapy; its exceptional nutritional profile does wonder when applied over the skin.

Lavender oil for burns was first discovered by a French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse in 1990 when he burned his hand in an experiment and unexpectedly dropped his hand in lavender oil container. Fortunately, the burn stopped hurting and healed quickly.

Broadly burns are of 3 types, minor burns are most common in kitchen. Not only fire, chemicals, hot liquids and steam can burn your sensitive skin. Though severe burns need medical attention, minor burns can be treated at home using lavender oil.

How Lavender Oil Can Treat Burns?

  • Lavender oil is exhibits antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. Burns often accompanied by inflammation and infectious bacteria, topically applying this oil will reduce pain and thwart infection causing germs. (1)
  • Linalyl acetate and linalool residing in this essential oil shows analgesic and anesthetic effect, which relives you from pain.
  • Whereas beta-caryophyllene exhibits anti-inflammatory property and linalool shows antibacterial effect. (2)
  • Assorted properties in lavender oil enhance healing of burns, cuts and wounds.

How to Use Lavender Oil on Burns?

Studies prove that topically applying diluted lavender oil can effectively treat skin ailments. Anyhow, experts avoid using concentrated or raw lavender oil; you must dilute it with other essential oil or coconut oil before using it.

1. Lavender Oil and Water

Mix organic lavender oil with equal ratio of distilled water. Pour the mixed solution in a spray bottle and spray it over the affected parts. For positive results experts recommend using of this innate remedy regularly.

2. Lavender Oil and Aloe Gel

Aloe gel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property. It’s renowned for hydrating dry skin and healing minor wounds.

Dilute this essential oil with 1/2 cup of fresh aloe gel thoroughly and apply topically over burns. Best time to apply this remedy is before going to bed.

3. Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil

Coconut oil is renowned source of saturated fats, which helps in moisturizing skin and fastens the healing process.

Coconut oil and lavender oil mixture can be used to treat chronic skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis and acne. Take two ingredients in equal ratio and mix thoroughly. Apply it over burns regularly to enhance the healing process.

Even some hospitals use lavender oil to treat burns and other skin ailments. You can add this essential oil to tea, food or salads.

7 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin in Summer

home remedies for glowing skin in summer

I love summer for it comes with holidays, relatives gather, enjoyment and fun. But, heat and heavy sweating is also accompanied which has adverse effect on your skin and health. Apart from taking nutritious diet and enough water, you must take care of your skin. Cosmetic creams may not come handy this time; you must try home remedies for glowing skin in summer.

Dry & warm winds that are blowing outside steal moisture from the skin making it dull and rough. Excess use of chemical ingredients may irritate your skin and result in dark spots. If you don’t take care of your skin in summer, you’re going to ruin your appearance.

Sun tan, black spots or hyperpigmentation are common skin issues in summer. Luckily, there are many effective home remedies to achieve radiant skin.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin in Summer

#1. Drinking water is like taking shower on the inside of your body

I’m starting with easiest yet important aspect to keep you hydrated. About 70 percent of your body is made up of water. You can easily flush toxins off the body just by drinking more water. Recommended water only daily basis is 8 cups, but this doesn’t mean only water. Food and fruits you consume may count to this requirement.

Herbal remedy, for instance green tea has antioxidant activity that can fight free radicals and postpone aging wrinkles. Replace your daily tea with this nutritious tea.

Skin is nothing but a projector of your health. When you drink enough water, your skin automatically becomes hydrated and functions normally.

Don’t mind to visit the wash room frequently. 😉

Also read: Homemade Face Packs for Glowing Skin

#2. Good Food = Good Mood

Your strength and energy levels gets reduced after hectic work in summer. If you don’t pay attention to nutritious food, then most probably you’ll face health issues. Avoid oily and salty foods that can dehydrate your body.

Include water rich fruits like water melon, oranges, strawberries, grapefruits, pineapple, cranberries, raspberries, apricots, plums and banana. Most the listed fruits contain 80-90 percent of water in it. (Source:

Recommended vegetables are: Cucumber, lettuce, radish, zucchini, celery, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, carrots, green peas, tomatoes and potatoes. These vegetables consist of 79-90 percent of water.

Water rich fruits and vegetables provide your body vitamins, natural sugars, amino acids and minerals that can enhance health functioning of health and skin. You’ll experience fullness after consuming these food items.

#3. Protect Your Skin with Sunscreen

Now that you internally hydrated your body, you must prepare a barrier around the skin to combat intense UV rays. Sunscreen creams contains SPF that protects your skin. You must apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going out.

I personally recommend natural sunscreen mask that has exceptional proteins and vitamins. For that you need shea butter, coconut oil and zinc oxide.

  • Melt 2 ounces of shea butter and 2 ounces of coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Remove the bowl from steam and add 1 ounce of zinc oxide (wear mask).
  • Let it cool and shift it to container.
  • Optionally, you can add lavender oil to the mask.

This particular sunscreen mask contains 20 SPF. (You can check step-by-step guide here)

#4. Wipe the Impurities by Exfoliating

As mentioned pollutants and dead cells accumulate over the skin blocking skin pores. Without removing them you can’t achieve glowing skin. You can use natural exfoliator which I highly recommend or just try a store brought product.

My favorite face scrub is gram flour or besan face mask. Properties in this natural ingredient can remove all impurities off the skin. You can also try oatmeal face scrub to remove dead cells.

#5. Moisturize Your Sensitive Skin

You’ve hydrated your body from inside by drinking water and consuming enough water. Now your skin needs moisture too, because the warm wind and soap strip natural oil. This is the easiest way to make your skin glow naturally.

There are bunch of innate ingredients that can make your skin supple and flawless. Take essential oil of your choice blended with carrier oil like jojoba oil.

Natural oils that can hydrate your skin are argan oil, olive oil, carrot seed oil, peppermint oil and lavender oil. Do check the process on how to use these oils over skin before proceeding. Most of the time you can add other carrier oils to reduce the high concentration of essential oils.

Apart from hydrating your skin, these natural remedies can treat ailments like acne, eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. (Eczema and psoriasis can’t be treated completely).

For acne blemishes, experts recommend to expose your skin to steam or wash it with lukewarm water; so that clogged skin pores open up.

#6. Unclog Your Pores with Steam Bath

At-least once in a week go through steam bath, this will remove toxins from your body and open up your skin pores. Surprisingly, this process can enhance collagen production and boost immune system.

More about Benefits of Sauna are here.

#7. Homemade Mask for Tan Removal

Sometimes you can’t practice these simple remedies to save your skin and you end up with tan. No need to worry, natural remedies can help you get rid of sun tan. But remember to practice this simple mask remedy regularly.

Blend 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of raw milk and apply it over prewashed face. Initially, wash your face or cleanse it using gram flour mask. Pat dry and apply the face mask.

Another simple yet effective remedy is to mix raw honey with lemon juice in required quantity. Wash your face, pat dry and apply this mask evenly.

You can also use gram flour face mask blended with rosewater or distilled water to remove tan. Other simple remedies to remove tan include topical application of mint juice, raw honey, sesame oil, turmeric powder, cucumber face mask and orange juice.

Important points

  • Stay indoors most of the time. You can enjoy summer in evening or early hours of morning.
  • Drink excess water, don’t ignore this.
  • Regularly exercise; this will remove toxins and radicals off the body.
  • Exercise will increase blood circulation and can tighten your skin.
  • Wear loose outfits and wide hat while going out.
  • Avoid direct sun rays.

Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness. 🙂

Share your favorite home remedy for glowing skin in summer under this post. I love to hear you.

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Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thighs

You might have seen a large swollen part on your face, armpits or in nose. Usually boils start with red lump and it turns painful filled with pus as it grows. Boils are of different types depending on the infection and its size.

Though they’re common, boils on inner thighs are not expected as they cause great discomfort. But, luckily most boils get reduced as time passes. Anyhow, it’s not easy to live with painful pus on thighs. Before dwelling into home remedies for boils on inner thighs, let’s check out what actually causes these lumps.

What Causes Boils on Inner Thighs?

The bacteria and fungi stay on your skin without any infection. But a cut, injury or wound breaks the skin and allows the bacteria to enter the skin to trigger infection. Staph bacteria is the one which enters your skin and spreads infection in hair follicle. This type of boil is commonly known as furuncle boil.

Other causes include allergic reaction, weak immune system, poor hygiene, less nutritional diet, sharing shaving blades, sharing toiletries and scratching repeatedly.

At times boils may increase in size to cause discomfort and harm. The red lumps can appear at any part of the body where there is a hair follicle. When pus filled lumps lands on genitals, it may lead to jock itch.

Signs and Symptoms of Boils

As mentioned above, initially red swollen lump can be seen on hair follicles. As times passes, this lump will be filled with pus and is accompanied by itch and pain. Severe boils may cause fever and fatigue.

Depending on infection, boils can be broadly classified into 6 types. (source:

  • Furuncle boil
  • Carbuncle
  • Cystic Acne
  • Armpit and Groin
  • Pilonidal Abscess
  • Stye

Home remedies to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thighs

Normal boils need no serious medication; you can treat them at home. But you must visit physician when a serious golf sized bump lands on your body. Often the bump is soft and spongy. Experts recommend placing warm cloth over the pus filled lump repeatedly for 3-4 times a day. If you want to try other remedies, then have a look below.

1. Treating with Tea

tea bags for boils on thighs

Don’t throw tea bags after using them. Let it cool down and place it over boils on inner thighs. As tea is filled with antioxidant and assorted nutrients, it can instantly heal boils and other skin ailments.

2. Warm Bath

When you wash boils with warm water or place warm cloth, it improves blood circulation around the boil and erupt the boil. Clean and wrap the busted lump and apply antiseptic cream if needed. Else the bacteria residing in the busted boil may spread to other parts of the body.

3. Apple cider vinegar to get rid of boils

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents packed in ACV will reduce pain and restrain further bacterial infection. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply topically over the boil using cotton ball.

Instead of water you can add honey or lime juice (with water). Leave the applied paste for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. Aloe vera gel for boils

Nutrients in aloe gel have exceptional benefits for skin related ailments. Its antibacterial and hydrating activity enhances healing and kills bacteria. Anti-inflammatory agents in aloe gel can reduce swelling and pain.

Take fresh aloe leaf and remove its skin after washing it thoroughly. Apply the obtained gel over boils and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the process daily to see the swelling wipes away.

5. Toothpaste for boils on inner thighs

Almost all pastes include cleansing and hydrating ingredients in it. Apply the toothpaste over boils and rinse it off after 15 minutes. Repeated use will burst the boil and pus drains away. Wrap the busted lump with cloth or bandage.

6. Cornmeal to get rid of boils

cornmeal for boils on inner thighs

Absorptive properties in cornmeal can treat boils when applied topically. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornmeal with hot water to make thick paste. Apply the paste over boils and wrap it with cloth and leave it for 30 minutes.

Repeat the process daily and you’ll see positive results as time passes.

7. Tea tree oil to get rid of boils

Tea tree oil is different from tea bags. Tea tree oil also packed with antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agents. Along with this, rich nutrients in this oil will enhance healthy functioning of the skin.

Dip cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply it over boils. Alternatively, mix it with warm water and add lavender oil to it.

8. Turmeric for Boils

Turmeric powder is renowned for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Indians use turmeric powder as a first aid and it’s been used by many cosmetic industries to enhance acne healing. Curcumin, the compound in turmeric helps to relive you from severe pain.

Mix turmeric powder with vinegar or boiled milk and apply it over boils. Leave it for 30 minutes so that nutrients start affecting and relive you from discomfort.

9. Neem for boils on inner thighs

neem and turmeric face pack

It’s renowned to treat various chronic skin diseases like measles, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Natural antiseptic and antioxidants in neem leaves stimulates healing and reduce pain.

10. Onion for boils

Onion juice when comes in contact with infection, it exhibits antiseptic and antimicrobial activity. It also reduces redness and pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Slice fresh onion and wrap it over boils using a cloth. Remove it after 30-40 minutes and replace it with other sliced onion pieces.

There are many prominent home remedies to get rid of boils on inner thighs, but for severe boils we recommend consulting doctor. Did you ever try anyone of the above home remedies? Share in comments.

home remedies for boils on inner thighs

Tea Tree Oil for Jock Itch

You might have seen or experienced this awkward scratching habit in groin areas. Jock itch is common and effects groin area, buttocks and genitals. Though it is not accompanied by serious health hazard, you must get rid of jock itching because you may hurt yourself by repeated scratching.

Experts recommend to topically applying anti-fungal creams; however these creams aren’t effective for permanent solution. There are few natural home available remedies like tea tree oil for jock itch, which have ability to treat from the root. I’ll leave it to you, to choose anti-fungal creams or natural remedies. (1)

But, remember to practice a good lifestyle along with these remedies. Else, the fungus invades to trigger infection again.

tea tree oil for back acne

What Causes Jock Itch?

  • Itching is mainly triggered due to fungus or bacterial infection.
  • Moist, warm and tight clothing gives favorable condition to these infectious bacteria.
  • Excess sweating, tight clothing and moisture are few causes of jock itch.

Though it’s common in adult men, people with diabetes, obesity and other diseases may experience more jock itch. It all starts with mild itching and then itching spreads to buttocks and two sides of groin areas. Skin in the affected areas becomes in dry, itchy and scaly. If not treated it may turn severe, spreading to genitals. Women can also get infected with this disorder and experience vaginal white discharge.

Note: Jock itch will spread to your partner, so stay away till you get treated.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Jock Itch?

Tea tree oil is renowned for healing common skin ailments. Tea tree is native to Australia and has enticed cosmetic world to incorporate into their skin care creams.

  • Antiseptic and anti-fungal activity of this oil will thwart infectious bacteria and fungus in groin areas.
  • Research shows that antibacterial property residing in tea tree oil can reduce acne and bumps that appear in the groin areas.
  • Assorted properties housed in this oil enhance fast healing and reduce itching.
  • When you topically apply the oil, it hydrates your dry skin and heals minor injuries that are caused due to scratching.

Related post: Tea tree oil for warts

Tea Tree Oil and Almond Oil

almond oil for stretch marks

Naturally almond oil is packed with exceptional nutrients and vitamins. It can be used to cleanse dead cells and other impurities accumulated over affected area. On the other hand tea tree oil stops infection.

  • Mix 18 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tbsp of almond oil thoroughly. Wash the affected area before applying the solution. Best time to apply is before going to bed.
  • Get pure tea tree oil from drug store and apply it over prewashed affected area using cotton ball. You can dilute it with other natural oils if needed.

Also read: How to Use Almond Oil for Stretch Marks?

Alternatively, you can add few drops of tea tree oil for jock itch in your bath tub before taking bath and make sure to clean groin areas thoroughly.


Excess use of tea tree oil may cause severe rash or inflammation over your skin. Reach your physician if you see any such symptoms. While mixing other natural oils confirm with experts, as in one case lavender oil and tea tree oil triggered allergic reaction.

Get Rid of Unwanted Facial Hair with Home Remedies

home remedies to get rid of facial hair

Men look enticed with facial hair and it add up for their macho look. Anyhow, this is not the same case with feminine. Women try to get rid of this unwanted facial hair using bleaching, shaving or waxing. Unfortunately all these cost effective remedies go in vain.

Luckily, with home available products you can effectively remove this unwanted hair from body. Let me line few notable innate home remedies to get rid of facial hair for your easy understanding.

1. Egg mask for hair removal

egg white face mask

Unlike chemical filled remedies, these natural ingredients don’t irritate your sensitive skin. Egg mask is packed with exceptional nutrients and proteins, which can enhance healthy functioning of hair and skin.

Make a smooth paste like consistency by mixing 1 egg white, 1/2 tbsp corn flour and 1 tbsp of sugar. Wash your face and apply the egg white face mask over the face. When the mask dries up completely, pull it out. Yes, you’ll feel a bit painful but it works.

2. Turmeric for facial hair removal

Studies claim that turmeric is packed with powerful medical properties. In India it’s renowned as first aid for all minor injuries. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties restrain bacterial infection over the affected area. Anyhow, it’s also known to remove unwanted hair on face, legs and on hands (for women). Though I don’t know the exact reason, brides in India are treated with turmeric face mask before marriage.

Its damn simple to make your own turmeric face mask, mix turmeric powder in required amount of water and then start apply it over prewashed face. Leave it for few minutes, when the mask is dried wipe it using a clean cloth.

Also read: 10 Amazing Benefits of Multani Mitti for Skin

3. Gram flour for facial hair

gram flour for skin whiteningGram flour is known to remove dark spots and improve your complexion. Indian women use gram flour with turmeric as a beauty remedy to remove hair around mouth and chin.

Take equal parts of gram flour (besan) and turmeric powder in a clean bowl. Add required amount of water to it and mix thoroughly. Wash your face and pat dry using soft cloth. Now, topically apply the mask over face, particularly over hair spots. After leaving for few minutes, wipe it with soft cloth.

Studies show that hormonal imbalance trigger facial hair, consuming food with phytoestrogens can reduce hair growth on the face. Foods with phytoestrogens are: soy beans, tempeh, soy milk, soy protein powder, green bean, peanuts, flax seed and dried dates.