Fish Oil Treats Acne – And Why You Should Not Use It

First of all let me clear that it’s not fish oil but omega 3 fatty acids present in fish oil matters.

Just by adding fish oil to your diet you can reduce acne by 42% (studies shows). How it works, how much amount you should take, do they’ve any side-effects and why it’s not recommended for everyone? We’ll discuss on these questions in this article.

Let’s start with omega 3 fatty acid as it got a good amount of popularity in nutrition world.

Related post : Relation between food and acne

fish oil for acne

Omega 3 fatty acid – A short intro

Omega 3 fatty acid belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acid.

The word fatty acid may trigger a concern in you. But let me bust this myth. Not all fats harm your health; there are some fats (like this one) which are not only important for your health but have a bunch of benefits.

And I must clear this, your body can’t make omega 3 fatty acid (they’re important); you must get them from your diet.

There are 3 types of omega 3 fatty acid – DHA (docosahexaenoic), EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). DHA and EPA are found in marine oil and ALA in plant oil.

Reports says with fish oil you can treat acne by 42%

Experts in Seoul National University College of Medicine (South Korea) carried a study with 42 acne affected adults and distributed them in three groups.

  • First group advised to take omega 3 fatty acid (1000 mg DHA and 1000 mg EPA).
  • Second group, 2000mg of borage oil, containing 400 mg of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid).
  • And the last group with no supplement.

After 10 weeks first and second group shown a positive impact, more than 42% of acne was cured. (source)

One important thing to be noted here is people with mild to severe acne shows good results.

Another study carried out, 13 men with mild to severe acne were given fish oil capsules for 12 weeks. (930 mg EPA, 720 mg DHA and 174 mg DPA)

And the result was, though people with moderate and severe acne shown improvement, mild acne got worse.

Conclusion from these 2 reports

From above mentioned reports it can be concluded that fish oil can treat moderate/severe acne, but for mild acne you’ve to look for some other natural remedies like argan oil, rose water, jojoba oil or honey.

Also read: Remedies to get rid of pimples with baking soda

Fish Oil for Acne – How it works

There are lots of researches which proved that omega 3 fatty acid can cure acne.

To know what properties in omega 3 fatty acid help to cure acne, let’s refresh the main causes of acne.

Acne is caused due to excess oil (sebum) production by sebaceous glands and dead skin cells which blocks skin pores. Bacterial infection increases acne. Though these are main causes of acne, stress, depression and some hormone causes excess oil production.

Now come back to fish oil.

Main properties of omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, as inflammation and oxidation stress are main causes of acne it makes sense that omega 3 fatty acid easily treat acne. You know that stress also causes acne; omega 3 DHA fatty acid in fish oil reduces mental stress.

Fish oil contains bioactive chemical which helps in regulating sebum production.

Note: Pregnant women are asked to consult a doctor before taking omega 3 fatty acid capsules.

Wrap up

Omega 3 fatty acid in fish oil notably DHA and EPA treats acne. These are important fatty acid for our body which you can get through diet. There are various studies which prove that omega 3 fatty acid can treat acne. But for mild acne it’s not recommended.

You can get omega 3 fatty acid or fish oil capsules from local store. 3000 mg of dosage is recommended.

Other health benefits of omega 3 fatty acid or fish oil include

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Witch Hazel A Quick Remedy For Acne

Witch hazel is an astringent extracted from leaves and barks of Witch hazel shrub. A chemical found in witch hazel called tannins helps to break down excess oil; controlling sebum (oil) production is the main criteria in terminating acne cycle.

Because of anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties of witch hazel, many cosmetic products include it. After shave cream is the best example, witch hazel in this cream helps to tighten the skin, and many other medications include this astringent to slow down bleeding.

Not just acne you can cure many skin related diseases with witch hazel, which include minor burns, skin irritation, itching, inflammation and insect bites.

witch hazel for acne

How Witch Hazel Works in Treating Acne

As mentioned above a chemical in witch hazel astringent called tannins helps to break down oil resulting is clearing clogged pores which were blocked with excess oil and dead skin cells.

Not just this, if any bacteria (P.acnes) comes in contact with witch hazel it kills them. Thus two main reasons of acne (excess oil production and bacteria) can be resolved by applying witch hazel.

Diseases including diarrhea, vomiting, cough, tuberculosis, cold, eye inflammation and bruises are said to be cured with witch hazel but not yet proved.

Directions to Apply Witch Hazel

Get witch hazel from a local store.

Dip a cotton ball in witch hazel to apply it on washed acne affected area. Leave it for few minutes and rinse it off, apply twice daily.

If you’re like me (I love natural remedies) then you can add honey, avocado or egg white to make it a face mask.

Witch Hazel Face Mask

Things you’ll need

  • Witch hazel
  • Honey
  • Tea tree oil
  • Rose water (optional)


  • Mix 1 tbsp of witch hazel, 1 tbsp of tea tree oil and 2 tbsp of honey in a bowl. Add rose water if you’ve dry skin.
  • Once you mixed it thoroughly apply a light layer to acne affected area.
  • Then rinse it off after 20 minutes.

You can try adding egg white, avocado, essential oil or sandal wood.

Side Effects

  • Though it’s safe for many adults it may cause mild skin irritation in some people.
  • Topically application has no high rate of side effects. But internal use is not safe.
  • Witch hazel contains safrole, this is a cancer causing chemical. Anyway amount of it is too small to concern.

Do you use witch hazel as face mask? Share your mask ingredients here.

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Benzoyl Peroxide Or Salicylic Acid for Acne?

Both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are used to treat acne and both have their side-effects too.

These drugs are included in most recommended home remedies to treat acne.

Note: Consult your doctor before using any of these drugs.

Let’s start with Salicylic acid.

Salicylic Acid for Acne

Also known as beta hydroxy acid is commonly used to treat skin diseases. Salicylic acid promotes shedding of dead skin cells; this is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Many cosmetic products already included salicylic acid to their ingredients list.

Acne which is caused due to accumulated dead cells and excess sebum clogging pores can be treated when you can shed dead cells clearing pores. Anyway excess oil can’t be effectively control by salicylic acid. For this purpose (to control excess sebum) use jojoba oil or aloe vera gel.

Salicylic acid is a keratolytic and belongs to same class that of aspirin. If you’re allergic to aspirin don’t use salicylic acid.

Not just acne with salicylic acid you can treat warts, stretch marks, remove calluses and corns and other skin diseases.

Directions to use Salicylic acid

Concentrations of salicylic acid in products vary from .5% to 2%. Get the one prescribed by dermatologist. Follow doctor or instructions given on product.

Various forms of salicylic acid found in market are, salicylic acid pads, a salicylic acid lotion, cream, gel. Use any one among them.

Wash the area before applying medication. Pat dry and apply medication on bumps, avoid medication coming in contact with eyes, nose or other sensitive parts of the body, wash immediately if medication gets in these areas.

It’s important to continue using salicylic acid for best results.

Side Effects

Not every skin loves these remedies. You may see redness, dryness or irritation on your skin. Stop using salicylic acid as soon as you feel irritation.

Apply natural moisturizer after treating with salicylic acid.

Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne

This is one of the most recommended and inexpensive treatment for acne. Many over-the-counter products include benzoyl peroxide as an ingredient; even in medication this drug is prescribed.

Acne is mainly caused by excess sebum (oil), dead cells and bacteria. These bacteria are called P. acnes. When pores gets blocked oxygen is not allowed, so this oxygen less environment is favorable for P.acnes to grow and multiply. Applying benzoyl peroxide will promote oxygen into pores thus making it difficult for these bacteria to survive; also it reduces number of break outs on skin.

Directions to use Benzoyl Peroxide

Get a lotion or gel with 2% of benzoyl peroxide, higher percentage may irritate your skin.

Wash the affected part and then apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide, leave it for few minutes and rinse it off. Avoid nose, eyes and other sensitive parts getting in contact with this lotion or gel.

If you see no result after using for weeks, try increasing the dosage.

Side Effects

Like salicylic acid bezoyl peroxide may leave your skin dry and flaky. Though you may see acne is treated, you‘ll have dry skin left.

Consult your dermatologist before continuing with these remedies.

acne treatment

Image source

8 Argan Oil Skin Benefits – A Remedy to Treat Acne

Beauty of natural resources is, they come with lots of benefits for human and have less or no side-effects. Same goes for argan oil; this gold liquid of Morocco is extracted from nuts of argan tree. (Argan trees are found in Morocco)

Argan oil comes with bunch of natural antioxidants, vitamins, fatty acids and carotenoids. The antioxidant property of argan oil helps to cleanse the skin pores that are clogged by sebum and dead cells. These nutritional properties of argan oil grabbed attention from cosmetic industries and most of them are now including argan oil their cosmetic products for skin and hair.

argan nuts

Traditionally unroasted argan oil is used to treat various skin diseases. We will be discussing about this later in this post.

Skin benefits of Argan Oil

1. Antioxidant

Antioxidant is a molecule which breaks chemical chain reaction that result in free radicals which damage skin cells. Vitamin E in Argan oil is primary antioxidant which helps skin in reducing acne inflammation and balances the skin moisture levels by controlling sebum production.

2. A Great Skin Moisturizer

Dry skin is the main cause of most skin diseases like itching, eczema and psoriasis. Essence of argan oil is a great skin moisturizer. Absence of cholesterol makes argan oil more effective than other natural moisturizers like olive oil and shea butter.

Wash the affected part with water and pat dry with smooth towel. Massage in circles with few drops of argan oil. For best result repeat it regularly.

3. Anti-aging property

Lack of hydrate makes skin lose its natural elasticity forming wrinkles; aging is the main cause of wrinkles. Applying argan oil topically helps rehydrate the skin and reduce wrinkles.

4. Controls Sebum

argan oil benefits for skin to treat acne

Acne causes when sebaceous glands releases excess sebum (oil), this oil along with dead skin cells gets clogged at pores blocking oxygen. Topical application of sebum as mentioned above helps to moisturize and control sebum level throughout the skin.

5. Reduce Stretch marks

Argan oil along with maintaining pH level helps to fight free radical that causes blocking of pores. Pregnant women can use argan oil to reduce their stretch marks.

6. Treating Acne with argan oil

Acne is not a single skin disease condition. Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and cysts all fall under acne. Main causes of acne are:

  • Dead skin cells.
  • Excess sebum production which blocks skin pore not allowing oxygen.
  • And bacteria grow rapidly due to lack of oxygen.

Applying argan oil on pimples or acne flare-ups, balance sebum level on the skin and terminate chain reaction that causes free radicals.

Acne, which spoil your appearance act as a spoilsport even after treating by leaving scars on your face. Studies prove that daily application of argan oil make acne scars disappear.

Also read about 14 natural remedies to get rid of white patches

7. Essence of Argan oil for Eczema and Psoriasis

Dry skin is main triggers behind these chronic skin diseases (though main cause is still unknown). Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes sliver patches on skin, applying argan oil helps retain skin moisturizer and reduce psoriasis symptoms.

Likewise, eczema triggers with dry and unhealthy skin, antiseptic property in organic argan oil reduces itching and regain moisture.

8. Boost Immune System

Argan oil is made of 80% of fatty acid this makes it more resistant to oxidation. Oleic acid is effective in lowering cholesterol improves circulation and boost immune system.

Did you ever use argan oil to treat acne or any other skin disease? Please share in comments.

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5 Effective Home Remedies for Forehead Acne

Forehead acne is common and most people have them at their adolescence age. People with pimples on forehead feel miserable, as it ruins appearance and come with pus. There are many pricey products to reduce these red bumps on your face and forehead, which takes time and sometimes can have side effects. Or you can try simple home remedies to treat acne on forehead.

Natural medicine kills bacteria, reduces inflammation and improves resilience of the skin.

Before spilling out those effective natural remedies let us write few words on causes of forehead acne.

Causes or triggers may differ from person to person but at the end common thing is they block skin pores. More oil (sebum) is produced by sebaceous gland which gets clogged at pores along with dead skin cells. Natural bacteria in our body need no oxygen and when pores gets clogged with oil these bacteria starts infecting resulting in inflammation and pus.

home remedies for forehead acne

So it’s best to prevent excess oil pumping through home remedies, in breakout cases where pimples or acne marks flare up, these below mentioned natural remedies will help to wipe out those red bumps.

Natural Home Remedies for Forehead Pimples or Acne

Though there are bunch of natural medicines to treat forehead acne we short list 5 effective remedies. First remedy is to exfoliate and cleanse skin either with home made scrubs or through products.

1. Raw Honey

Bees while making honey adds an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide, this makes honey antibacterial. Honey is been used as a natural remedy to treat various diseases from ancient times. Next time you see a honey bottle drop it your cart.

Honey can be used both externally and internally (by consuming it).

  • Apply honey on affected area using a cotton ball.
  • Wash it after half-an-hour with lukewarm water.

Cinnamon and honey mixture works great to slow down swelling of pimples.

2. Peppermint

This powerful herb is filled with manganese, copper and vitamin C. Oil extracted from peppermint helps to stop bacterial growth. This essential oil can be used in beverages, foods, cosmetic products and for treating skin diseases.

  • Get few peppermint leaves and crush to attract its juice.
  • After applying it on affected part, leave it for about 10 minutes and wash it with cold water.

You can get peppermint essential oil instead.

Related post: Diet for dry skin

3. Cucumber

cucumber to treat forehead acne

Cucumber which belongs to melons family has a bunch of health benefits. 95% of cucumber consists of water which helps body to hydrate and eliminate toxins. It has rich amount of vitamin K, vitamin C, biotin and vitamin B.

  • Grind cucumber to make a face mask, apply it on face and rinse it off after 20 minutes with cold water.
  • Else, soak sliced pieces of cucumber in water for about an hour and then drink that water or use it to wash your face. (Nutrients and vitamins in cucumber get transferred to water)
  • You can also eat it a sliced cucumber.

4. Papaya

Papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, copper, vitamin C vitamin B, potassium and magnesium. This antioxidant helps to reduce inflammation and redness of pimples.

  • Crush few pieces of papaya to extract its juice.
  • Now apply it on your flare-ups and rinse it off after few minutes.

5. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

ACV is a type of vinegar which can be used topically (on top of skin) to prevent various skin infections. Many doctors use ACV as antiseptic for infections. It’s also used in foods.

  • You can take it orally or apply few drops of apple cider vinegar on affected part.
  • Within few weeks you can see the change.

Related: Apple cider vinegar to remove mole

Few more natural remedies include tea tree oil, boswallia, witch hazel, lemon oil, mandarin oil, lavender oil, coconut oil for acne and aloe vera.

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9 Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Skin is like an outerwear of our body. From scalp to toes we’re covered with skin. Stratum corneum is the top most layer of epidermis which is made of dead cells. These dead skin cells grab water from natural moisturizing factors, amino acids and other molecules that can absorb water from air and lock the moisture inside skin cells.

But, when our body is made to keep up the moisture how and why skin dries?

It depends on genes, climate and most importantly food you take. When we stop drinking enough water enzymes present in our skin will have hard time keeping water in and infections out. This is why our skin complaints about lack of resources by turning itself dry. If you ignore, it turns to itchy dry patches.

home remedies for dry skinAs now the barrier is weak due to loss of moisture, bacteria easily attacks skin leading to major chronic skin diseases like Eczema, Dermatitis or Psoriasis.

Anyway if you’ve identified dry skin in its early stages and followed few home remedies you can cure dry skin.

Simple Home Remedies to Treat Dry Skin

There is no magic to turn your rough scaly dry skin to baby soft skin. Like everything in the world dry skin takes dedication, work and patience to get rid of it.

Note: Initially apply moisturizing cream to washed dry skin.

Here are few kitchen available simple remedies with which you can get rid of dry skin.

#1 Oil is great remedy for dry and itchy skin

Coating yourself in oil may make you feel a bit annoying at times. But experts say that oil (vegetable oil, sunflower or peanut oil) can work as great remedy to treat dry skin.

Coconut oil because of its fatty acids makes skin moist. It’s recommended to apply coconut oil at night and rinse off with lukewarm in the morning.

Castor oil which is known as one of the ancient oils is used to treat acne, yeast infection, sunburns, itching and other chronic diseases. Like other oils castor oil has fatty acids which penetrate into skin remove dry itchy patches on skin. If you want to get rid of itching instantly apply castor oil.

Must read this: Dry skin brushing

#2 Petroleum Jelly and Glycerin

For a long time petroleum jelly and glycerin both used as moisturizers in winter. Duo can relieve your from itching and make your skin smooth and soft.

#3 Olive oil

Olive oil is natural oil which is helped to cure heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Olive oil is abstracted from olive tree. It is high is monounsaturated fat which controls cholesterol. It’s recommended to use in moderation because of its high calories.

To treat dry skin you can mix it with egg yolk. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp of olive oil, few drops of rose water and lemon drops to make it a paste. Apply this mixed paste on affected part and leave it for about 20 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Consider reading this:

#4  Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera to treat dry skin

Either use ready mate gel or extract yourself from Aloe Vera. Apply generously over affected parts and leave it for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off. This is not just moisture but help you to get rid of itchy skin.

Aloe Vera is a great natural remedy for all skin problems.

Other face packs to apply on dry skin include

#5 Papaya, avocado and banana paste

#6 Egg yolk, milk powder and honey paste

#7 Cucumber paste

#8 Peeled almond, gram flour and lemon paste

#9 Turmeric powder with lemon

Related post: How to Make a Cucumber Face Mask


  1. Drink more water. Enzymes in skin need water to lock moisturizer else they will dry up.
  2. Consider vitamin rich diet.
  3. Avoid hot water instead consider lukewarm water.
  4. Consider consuming citrus fruits. Here are list of citrus fruits.
  5. Use humidifiers in winter.
  6. Apply moisturizing cream regularly.

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Refer these articles

30+ Awesome Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin, Health and Hair

aloe vera for skin

The yellow-colored liquid which is extracted from Aloe vera can do wonders when you consume it with any citrus juice.

Since 600 years, this short stemmed plant has been used for healing. Though there are no more scientific evidence to back the benefits of aloe vera for skin, cosmetic industries includes aloe gel to their products, claiming that it soothes, moisturizers and heals skin. Aloe vera gel has been an ingredient in many cosmetic products, including tissues, makeup, moisturizers, soaps and shampoos.

Aloe vera is packed with nutritional, antiseptic and antioxidant properties; this helps to destroy fungus, virus and infection causing bacteria. There are long list of diseases which can be cured by treating with aloe vera, which include eczema, psoriasis, skin ulcers, diabetes, blisters and so on.

Not just its gel, but aloe vera juice for skin has abundant identical benefits.

With all the benefits and uses of aloe vera juice for skin unfortunately there are side-effects of consuming excessively. So, don’t miss the last section about over-use and procedure to consume aloe vera.


34 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin

  1. Aloe vera for eczema

    Reduces eczema flare-ups – apply aloe gel on eczema affected skin directly twice a day and rinse with cold water.

  2. Aloe vera for dry skin

    Act as a moisturizer on your itchy dry skin. Either use raw aloe leaf or apply with olive oil.

  3. Aloe vera for wrinkles

    Aloe is a good anti-aging remedy, also rejuvenates skin making your skin glow.

  4. Enhances fast healing processaloe vera for acne

    A great healing remedy, mostly used for skin burns, allergies, cuts, insect bites and injuries.

  5. Aloe vera gel for acne

    This is an innate remedy. People with acne, a chronic skin disease have red bumps and rashes on their skin, by applying aloe vera gel on the targeted skin can reduce or lighten blemishes.

  6. Topical application protects you from UV rays

    Applying aloe vera gel regularly on face and hands can protect you from harmful UV rays. With this you can save yourself from pricey sunscreen products.

  7. Aloe vera for herpes

    Herpes can be reduced by applying aloe gel on wounds. Herpes a viral infection effecting face, mouth and genitals. Resembles like small wounds filled with fluid.

  8. Aloe vera unclog pores

    Afraid of hanging out with friends because of pimples? Get aloe vera and extract its gel to apply the lotion on your pores.

  9. Prevents skin pigmentation

    Helps remove pigmentation and dark spots on skin.

  10. Aloe vera for for Psoriasis

    This is a chronic skin disease that can be treated or reduced by applying aloe gel on flare-ups. It reduces itching instantly.

  11. As a body massage

    A body massage, mix 1 tbsp of aloe gel, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of brown sugar, now apply it all over the body for an Eco-friendly massage. It exfoliates dead cells.

  12. Fed up with stretch marks?

    Aloe vera for stretch marks is an excellent remedy.
    Mix 2 cups of sea salt
    1 cup of coconut oil
    1 cup of aloe and 2 cups of honey or manuka honey, using a swab apply it on stretch marks regularly.

  13. Frost Bites

    Reduces tissue damage from frostbite. Frostbite is a medical condition caused due to freezing; it damages parts away from heart.
    You’ll know benefits of aloe vera for skin when you use it. You can either get a raw aloe leaf or rush to near-by store to pick aloe vera gel.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Health

  1. Asthma patients boil aloe vera leaves and breathe in its vapor to alleviate asthma.
  2. Lower your blood sugar level by consuming aloe vera juice with any citrus juice. Blend aloe gel with any citrus juice and consume it.aloe vera gel benefits for health
  3. Get rid of joint and muscle pain by applying aloe gel on affected part.
  4. Lose weight with regular consumption of aloe vera juice, it helps to burn fat.
  5. Drinking aloe vera juice will relieve you from indigestion, stomach ulcers, heartburn, urinary infections and colitis.
  6. Vaginal irritation is very comfortable and most of the times look awkward to scratch in public places, you can treat this aloe vera gel.
  7. Aloe is rich in magnesium lactate which helps to helps to get rid of sinus problem.
  8. Wash off eye makeup with aloe vera and water mix, you can also add boric acid.
  9. Aloe vera works great for painful gums, directly apply aloe on gums.
  10. Detoxifying agent.
  11. Improves circulation by reducing cholesterol and wiping toxins.
  12. On the while boost immune system.
  13. Can cure or prevent few cancer tumors.
  14. Aloe is a cellular regenerator.
  15. With its anti-inflammatory properties it can save you from inflammation by arresting it.
  16. Aloe vera is an alkaline in nature, which is good for your body as body needs 80 percent alkaline.
  17. Taking aloe vera orally in liquid form can help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides for healthy heart.

Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair

  1. Get rid of dandruff by mixing aloe gel with coconut oil and then rinse.
  2. By massaging with aloe you can have fast growing hair.
  3. Replace your pricey conditioners with aloe for smooth and silky hair.
  4. To keep hair and scalp moist you must maintain pH level, by applying aloe vera gel with coconut oil you can keep your hair and scalp moist.

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel

how to make aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is an herb with bunch of benefits to human body and especially for skin; it’s an instant remedy for dry and itchy skin. Though you can get aloe vera gel from local store, we doubt its freshness. As making aloe vera gel at home is damn simple we don’t recommend store bought aloe gel.

Get some fresh aloe leaves from local garden or borrow it from neighbor. Place the leafy vertically upwards so that resin goes off. (Resin is sticky insoluble substance.) Then wash the leaf. Carefully slice the borders of the leaf from both sides. To extract the gel easily, cut aloe into pieces and peel the thick skin with a knife.

Now you’ve gel in your hand. Blend these gel pieces with vitamin C powder and vitamin E oil. Pour the blended solution in a jar and refrigerate for future use.

How to Make Aloe Vera Juice

After extracting aloe gel from leaves, blend them with any citrus juice and add sugar in required quantity. Initially try with small quantity. [List of citrus fruits]

Nutrients in Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a cornucopia of vitamins and minerals including:

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene), C and E.
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12.
  • Folic acid.
  • Choline, calcium, sodium, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
  • Fatty acids and 20-22 human required amino acids.
  • Sugars include glucose and fructose.

Dosage Recommendation

Consult your doctor before taking any step.

Don’t buy; grow your aloe vera plant for fresh juice.

Start with small dosage for 1-2 weeks, and then try if you don’t any results. Treat like a medicine not a juice.

News About Benefits of Aloe Vera

  • Healing the skin inside out – drinking aloe vera juice will balance alkaline and acid level in stomach. (source)
  • Reduce cholesterol by taking 10 – 20 milliliters of aloe juice. (source)
  • Aloe vera can be used as cleanser. (

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Baby Eczema Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and Triggers

Unlike eczema in adults, baby eczema is common and treatable. Dry itchy patches flare up on your baby’s skin.

In most cases these patches are wiped out naturally, in other cases you must practice a moisturizing remedy prescribed by doctor. 10 to 15 percent of babies are affected by atopic dermatitis or infantile eczema.

Where it appears and what does it look like?

red baby eczema rashes

Dry, red, itchy and crusty eczema patches may appear anywhere on baby’s skin, but in most cases flare ups can be seen on fore head, cheeks, scalp and over joints.

You may confuse eczema rashes with cradle cap rashes. Cradle cap rashes normally occurs on baby’s scalp, it is harmless and does not usually itchy (goes off in 8 months).

What causes baby eczema?

Scientists are researching to find the exact cause of eczema, right now cause for eczema in adults and babies are unknown.

But few experts say that dry skin and hereditary can cause eczema flare ups.

Skin is barrier which protects inner parts and natural oils present on skin helps it to work efficiently. When these natural oils are stripped either by using harsh soaps or by hydrating baby from inside the body, dry skin appears which results in itch-scratch cycle.

Related: How to get rid of dry skin in adults

Or if anyone in parents have hay fever or asthma or diseases which are associated with eczema, then eczema flare ups may appear.

Does this patch go away by itself?

In most cases red itchy patches goes away when your infants grow up. Only small number of children will carry it to adolescence age. Anyway, remissions may appear in different stages of life. Avoiding dry skin by applying moisturizer will work.

Baby Eczema Triggers?

Triggers or irritations increases flare-ups and may make the situation worse. But remember that eczema triggers will not be same for all babies. Here are common eczema triggers.

#1 Dry skin

It causes itching, which increase eczema condition. Dry skin is caused when you use soaps with alcohol as ingredient. They strip natural oils from skin leaving it dry from the outside. Climate can also make skin dry; like winter. The dry air makes skin dry by stimulating itching.


Apply moisturizer prescribed by doctor and use humidifier in your room when air outside is dry. Prefer moisturizing soaps. Hot water leaves your baby’s skin dry, instead go for lukewarm water.

#2 Stress

Babies with eczema react to stress by flushing, which leads to itching.


Keep yourselves stress free to calm your babies.

“When parents stress, the kids are going to be stressed,” says Andrew Garner, MD (source: WebMD)

#3 Irritants

Keep your babies away from wool or synthetic fibers which trigger itching, also from body sprays, perfumes and soaps or creams which are made for adults.

Sweat and heat can make infant eczema worse.


If you’re not sure which type of clothes are your baby’s skin love, take advice from other or consult your doctor.

#4 Allergens

According to WebMD still there is a debate on food allergies triggering eczema. Few experts suggest that removing cow’s milk, peanuts and eggs from baby’s diet may help to reduce eczema flare ups.

Read this: Home Remedies for Skin Allergies

Treating Baby’s Eczema

If you want to get rid awkward looking rashes on your baby’s skin then you may try below suggested tips. (Few of them are already discussed above, will repeat it here)

  • Before taking for a bath apply oil (essential oil or any other oil) on your baby’s whole body.
  • Avoid hot water, consider lukewarm water.
  • After bath pat dry baby’s skin, don’t rub.
  • While baby’s skin is damp apply moisturizing cream.
  • Dress baby with cotton and avoid synthetic fiber cloths.
  • Cut your baby’s nails (be careful, you might hurt him/her). So that, while scratching he/she won’t damage skin. You can use gloves instead.
  • Avoid putting too many blankets, because sweating can trigger itching.

If none of the above is working go for steroids, which may include creams or any other medication if needed.

We recommend consulting a doctor before taking a step.

Baby Eczema Pictures

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

