Homemade Deodorant for Sensitive Skin

homemade deodorant recipe

Upset with your armpits? (know causes of odor here)

Pricey deodorants may work but at the end of the day they fail to hold.

So this made me to think about a natural homemade deodorant and I found few interesting homemade deodorant recipes. Within minutes you can easily make your own deodorant.

Note: Ingredients added may not work for few skin types, test before trying.

Also read: 10+ Home Remedies for Body Odor

Homemade natural deodorant


  1. 4-5 tbsp of Coconut oil
  2. 1tbsp of Baking soda
  3. 6 tbsp of arrowroot powder
  4. 2 tbsp of Bentonite clay
  5. And few drops of essential oil of your choice.

Depending on how your skin reacts you can increase or decrease quantity of ingredients. You can add Shea butter to above mixture.

To deodorant smell good add grapefruit, tangerine or lemongrass essential oil. (List of citrus fruits)


  • Mix above listed mixture in a bowl to form a paste.
  • Store the paste in old deodorant containers.


Homemade Natural Deodorant Video

10+ Home Remedies for Body Odor

home remedies for body odor

Yes, it’s natural and healthy to sweat. But who is going to carry that pungent smell all the day. This aroma coming from the body after sweating is disastrous for social life.

Thinking of deodorants?

To some extent yes, deodorants may help you. But let me remind you that you’re spraying chemicals with deodorants.

Whether you’re concerned about health issues or want to save money, home remedies come as best alternatives to get rid of body odor.

Must read: main cause of body odor

10+ Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor

1. Fight Bacteria with Home Arsenal

Sweating differs from person to person. To fight the pungent smell, try following natural remedies.

  • Take hydrogen peroxide or vinegar and rub under your arms and in groin, where you sweat more.
  • Sweat produced is odorless but, the bacterium feeding on them leaves a pungent smell. Dust baking soda or cornstarch on odor-troubled areas of your body, they absorb sweat and kills odor causing bacteria.
  • Witch hazel, with cotton swab dab it on concentrated body. It has deodorizing properties and dries moist skin.
  • Oils such as lavender, pine and peppermint kills bacteria and also gives deodorizing smell. But may irritate skin, so test before trying.
  • Bacteria can’t survive in acidic environment, rub citrus fruit like lemon on odor-troubled areas then rinse with cool water.

2. Hygiene

Biggest weapon in your arsenal is staying clean. Your body mainly has two types of glands which secrete sweat; eccrine glands secrete sweat when your body temperature rises. This is odorless.

Apocrine glands located under arms and in the groin secrete fluid (sweat) with fats and proteins; though this sweat is odorless bacteria feed on fats and proteins to form a pungent smell.

So cleaning those areas (shaving regularly) will not allow bacteria to settle.

3. Manage Stress

As mentioned above apocrine glands secrete sweat when you’re in emotional stress. Control yourself so that your body controls excess sweating.

Practice meditation and visualization to keep yourself cool in stressful circumstances.

4. Food you eat is directly proportional to Odor

Food experts say that spicy food makes you moist (results in sweating).

Stinky foods like onion, garlic and red meat are broken into small compounds in the body, which courses through blood and comes out in the form of sweat, breathe and urine.

Stay away from such foods.

Instead try spinach, chard, parsley, wheat-grass juice, kale and food with rich amount of chlorophyll (gives pleasant smell in your body.)

5. Check Your Wardrobe

Yes, I knew that you like that dress and want to wear for a couple of days. But my friends remember that people around you don’t like it. Tight clothes locks sweat in them, which releases pungent smell.

So, regularly wash your clothes.

Select dress which manages perspiration. Loose-fitting and light weighted fabrics will help you out.

6. Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

Just like stinky food leave odor on your body, alcohol and tobacco makes your sweat pungent. Not just sweat, your urine and breathe gives an unpleasant smell.

Don’t think so? Ask your friends.

7. Pay Attention to Your Feet

Most ignored parts of our body are feet. Most of the time they’re tucked in dark environment and bacteria jump on them to feed leaving pungent smell.

Wash your feet with warm water and apply vinegar. Or soak your feet in salt water for about 15 minutes to kill bacteria. Then dry them.

Also read this : 10+ homemade salt and sugar body scrubs to exfoliate your skin

If it’s hereditary problem, then you must doctor.

Image source: 1,2,3

10 Awesome Vinegar Benefits for Skin

Not just cleaning your dishes, this diluted acetic acid (vinegar) can be consumed and used as a beauty regimen. Vinegar, which is most prominent in kitchen, can turn into a home remedy to maintain a well toned skin.

It’s definitely a versatile item, because besides being multitasked, it is inexpensive.

vinegar benefits for skin

Vinegar for Skin

1. Treat Itchy Skin

Itching is common skin disease. Add 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar into a bath tub and soak for about 10-15 minutes before taking bath.

Know why your skin is so itchy?

2. Lighten Age Spots

Worried about early age spots? Add onion juice and vinegar in equal quantities and dab solution on age spots with cotton ball. Repeat the process for 2-3 weeks to see spots lighten.

Related post: How to fight forehead wrinkles?

3. Heal Sun Burns

First degree burns can be treated using vinegar. Vinegar maintains pH balance of the skin.

  • Take a wet cloth and apply some vinegar to it.
  • Keep this cloth on sun burns.
  • Leave it for few minutes then rinse off.
  • Repeat the process.

4. Cures Dry and Cracked Feet

Properties in vinegar maintain pH level of skin which makes skin retain natural moisture. With this simple home remedy you can cure cracked heels.

  • Scrub your feet with a foot scrubber or pumice stone.
  • Add some vinegar to water and soak your scrubbed feet in it to make them soft.

Don’t miss this post: 7 homemade moisturizer for dry skin

5. Cures Insect Bites

Mosquito or ant bites makes skin itchy and may turn to wound if not taken care. Applying diluted vinegar avoids bacterial infection thus relieving from pain.

6. Astringent for Oily Skin

Vinegar acts as astringent for oily skin.

  • Add apple cider vinegar and cool water in equal quantities.
  • Now apply the solution on your face. (You can also freeze this solution into ice cubes and apply on face)

7. Treating Black Heads

  • Mash few strawberries and mix apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Apply the mixture on face and rinse it off after 2 hours.
  • Then apply apple cider vinegar on black heads.

Repeat the process.

For new pimple breakouts, mix wheat flour, honey and vinegar. Apply the mixture on breakouts. Rinse it off in the morning after keeping it overnight.

8. Fight Body Odor

Odor is most unpleasant experience, take bath with vinegar added in bath tub to get rid of it.

  • Add some vinegar to bath tub, leave it for few minutes.
  • Then take bath.

9. Cure Chapped Skin

Chapped skin is a state of skin where skin becomes cracked and dry. Mostly skin around lips, hands and on feet experience this.

  • Mix vinegar with hand cream in equal quantity.
  • Apply on affected skin.

Also read:

10. Get a Well toned Skin

We all knew skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the first one to tell about our health (because skin acts according to our health). Smooth and lightening skin is more attractive and impressive.

So, with vinegar you can help your skin achieve this.

  • Add vinegar to your bath tub.
  • After washing hands with hand wash apply vinegar to make them extra smooth.
  • Soak your feet in vinegar added water for few minutes.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar on black heads and burns.

Internally and externally you can use vinegar to attain a healthy skin.

There are different types of vinegar can you list few of them in comment section?

5 Home Remedies for Minor Burns

home remedies for minor burns

Am not good at cooking, but sometimes I try to help my mom in kitchen and end up cutting my index finger or with minor burns. Though the word “minor” seems small the pain you experience is not minor.

As these minor burns are inevitable quick home remedies come in handy for quick relief.

5 Simple Home Available Remedies to Treat Minor Burns

#1 Honey

Packed with vitamins and minerals honey is nature’s gift to human. From ancient times honey is been used to treat internal as well as external diseases, this includes minor and major burns. Antibacterial properties in honey fight bacteria and fasten healing process.

Using cotton swab apply honey on minor burns. Or you can also band-aid (which is not sticky) with dollop of honey. Change the dressing 3-4 times a day.

Related post: Benefits of Raw Honey for Skin

#2 Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe plays a major role in skin diseases. You can consume aloe gel after juicing. This unique looking plant is used in various cosmetic products as well as medicines.

Cut off an aloe vera leaf and squeeze for goo, apply directly on burn. You can get aloe gel from local medical store.

Related post: Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

#3 Frozen Peas or Ice Packs

Because you’re suffering from burn, for quick relief place frozen peas or ice packs on burn. (Remember for serious burn we recommend visiting doctor.)

#4 Vinegar

Like honey and aloe vera, vinegar can be used for internal and external diseases. Helps to treat acidity problem and skin diseases like itching, dry skin and acne.

Get diluted vinegar from local store and using a swab apply on burns.

#5 Potatoes

Cut pre-washed potatoes into chunks and place them on burns. Or you can liquefy it and pat potato juice on sunburned areas. Rinse it off after 20-25 minutes.

Note: For Severe burns we recommend medication attention.

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List Of Citrus Fruits You Never Knew

An orange is the most popular citrus fruit, if you’re bored of an orange or want to check out other citrus fruits here is the list of citrus fruits.

Before that let’s have small intro on citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits contains rich amount of vitamin C, folate and Potassium. Antioxidant properties in vitamin C helps fight damaging free radicals. Citrus flavonoid improves blood flow by reducing cholesterol and blood clotting ability of arteries. Vitamin C in citrus fruits enhances iron absorption in food.

Potassium is essential for nerve functioning, heart contraction and in metabolism process.

list of citrus fruits

List of Citrus Fruits

Clementine Fruit

Looks identical to an orange is a hybrid fruit with no seeds. It can be separated into 7 to 14 segments.

Satsuma Fruit

This is Japanese origin and called mikan in Japan. This citrus fruit is seedless, easy to peel, delicate skin and smaller than an orange.

Sweetie Citrus Fruit (Oroblanco)

This is a cross between pomelo and grapefruit, slightly larger and sweeter than grapefruit. It has thick rind over it in green color. This citrus fruit is first patented by University of California in 1981. The tree doesn’t grow in cold condition so you’ll find this citrus from September to December. (Source: Wikipedia)


Identical to an orange but taste is less sour and sweeter; smaller in size when compared to common oranges. Easy to peel and segment. Well known for beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium. In Telugu it’s referred as kamala kaya.

Clementine fruit is called seedless tangerine.


United States is the top producer of grapefruit. This fruit is known for sour to semi-sweet. Skin color varies depending on cultivars including red, pink, white and yellow-orange.

Red grapefruits are sweeter than the white grapefruit.


This yellow colored Asian native citrus fruit contains 5% to 6% citric acid. Lemon juice used to preserve food. Mix it (lemon juice) with water to add sugar or salt.


Smaller than lemon lime is green in color and less sour compared to lemon. India stands top in lime and lemon production. Limeade is best way to consume lime.


Most well known citrus fruit and according to studies carried in 2012 sweet oranges accounted 70% of citrus production. You can find varieties of oranges, commonly found are sweet oranges.

Minneola Tangelo

This is hybrid fruit of Mandarin orange and pomelo or grapefruit. They have loose skin which makes it easier to peel unlike oranges, easily distinguishable with a “nipple” at the stem.


This is created by hybridizing grapefruit or pomelo and orange. Because of its unsightly appearance (rough, wrinkles) this citrus fruit names Ugli.

Other Citrus fruits are

Mandarin Orange

Minneola tangelo


How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn Instantly

tips to get rid of razor burn

Those were my school days and for the first time I shaved unnecessary hair with a razor. To my surprise I found small red bumps on my armpits, legs and on my face.

Like a normal teenager I was shocked and worried. Then one of my friends who had some experience in shaving suggested me to use new blade.

It took few days to get rid of razor burns, as I was not aware of home remedies to treat razor burn instantly.

Even now I face this problem, but now I don’t have to carry these annoying burns with me for days. With simple home available things I can cure razor burn.

Treating Razor Burn

1. Apply Aloe Vera gel on affected parts

Aloe vera is packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which help to fight razor bumps and relieve the burning sensation. You can get aloe vera gel from local store or you can extract it form aloe vera plant.

2. Apply Glycolic acid or Salicylic acid

Lesion caused by shaving can be treated by applying glycolic acid. Prefer lotions with glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is well known for treating acne.

3. Use shaving cream or any other soap foam before shaving

Shaving hairs without using gel leaves your skin irritated.

4. Avoid products with alcohol

Our skin is sensitive, alcohol and other harmful chemicals stripes natural moisturizer form skin making it dry and inflamed.

5. Start with hot and end with cool

Initially use hot water and once you shaved all unnecessary hair off soothe skin with ice packs or cold water. You can also apply moisturizing cream if you’ve dry skin.

6. Use new or good quality razor

Practice hygiene and you don’t have to get a pricey razor, a simple razor will work. And don’t push the razor to your skin.

Practice correct shaving techniques, shave in the direction of hair, though shave won’t be close this will help prevent irritation.

Share your method in comments.

Recommended post: 5 lesser-known benefits of having a beard

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15 Celebrities With Acne Scars Including Megan Fox, Brad Pitt and others

Celebrities with acne

Yes you’re not alone.

Many celebrities who spend lots of money on pricey skin products and undergo costly surgeries do experience acne. And many of them carried these (acne) scars with them unwantedly.

I hope now this makes you believe that acne is a normal skin condition and you’re not an isolated person who got it.

Dealing with small spots on skin is normal and it’s a weekly if not daily for many of us. But severe acne or pimples on forehead is where problem arises.

Preteens with severe acne have to deal with lots of stuffy things on daily basis. Because, it’s easy to cover one or two pimples, but just imagine when your face is covered with red swollen pimples, how intense work it takes to cover all of them. With these red and painful pimples there are few abusive people who make their life miserable.

Not just preteen but many adults also have to face these problems.

There are many excellent home remedies with which you can reduce acne.

If you’ve severe or moderate acne and you feel depressed and isolated, remember you’re not alone who has acne. There are many celebrities who have acne. Here are 15 of them.

  1. Lorde
    Youngest pop star and by sharing her photos with acne on instagram she proved that after all she is human. (source)
  2. Adam Levine
    American song writer, with height of 6″ have acne.
  3. Cameron Diaz
    Former model and now actress Cameron Diaz in her book The Body Book shared how horrible her skin was.
  4. Naya Rivera
    While shooting for Proactiv (acne treatment medicine) Rivera shared that she had a very uncomfortable with adult acne while shooting but she adds that her co-stars were nice. (source)
  5. Julianne Hough
    Singer and dancer, Julianne discussed about her battle with acne in an interview PEOPLE. (source)
  6. Rihanna
    Actress and dancer, Rihanna experienced acne like any other person.
  7. Jessica Simpson
    She is spokesperson for Proactiv says she dealt with acne for years. So, remember that acne can’t be cured at once.
  8. Olivia Munn
    Another actress and Proactiv lady experienced acne.
    Other famous celebrities include.
  9. Victoria Beckham
  10. P Diddy
  11. Britney Spears
  12. Megan Fox
  13. Brad Pitt – Yes he too experienced acne. (source)
  14. Jessica Alba
  15. Alicia Keys

There are many more celebrities who experience acne and other skin diseases just like we do. Don’t get disappointed now because even stress and depression triggers acne blemishes.

How to Reduce Redness of Pimples

Pimples on face, forehead or on any body part starts with redness, swelling and most of the times comes with pain. These bulging red pimples spoils overall look of your face and you may feel depressed and isolated.

With simple home remedies you can reduce redness and swelling of pimples right away. So, next time when you’ve to visit a party try this quick remedy and wipe out swollen pimples.

how to reduce redness of pimples

Quick and short term fixes to reduce swelling and redness of pimples

  1. Place an ice cube on bulged pimple for few minutes. This minimizes redness and swelling of pimple, as blood underneath pimples contracts.
  2. Aspirin, that old tablet you use for fever you can use it on pimples too. Salicylic acid present in aspirin has an anti-inflammatory property which helps to fight acne.
    Procedure: Make gritty paste of aspirin tablets by breaking them into fine powder and mix water. Using cotton ball or stick, apply the paste on pimples.
  3. Use cream tooth paste to apply it on red pimples. Hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals present in tooth paste may leave your skin dry. So, it recommended using this home remedy with care.
  4. Place sliced lemon, cucumber or tomato on pimple. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in these natural ingredients fight bacteria and reduce redness, swelling of pimples.

Long term remedies to wipe away pimples

Acne can’t be treated in a single shot, it’s a continuous process. So remember that you need to continue with same home remedy for weeks to see best result. Another important step in treating acne involves knowing and determining your skin type.

Step: 1 Don’t pick or squeeze pimples

Bacterial infection is one of the main causes of acne. When you pop or pick pimple infection spread to other parts of the body. Though it’s tempting to touch we recommend avoiding it. You may try above mentioned short term remedies to restrain yourself from touching pimples.

Step: 2 Wash your face with any cleanser

Daily twice wash our face with mild soap specially made for cleansing. Be gentle on your pimples. After washing pat dry don’t rub hard.

Avoid soaps with fragrance, as they contain chemicals which strip natural moisturizer from skin.

Step: 3 Apply moisturizing cream

Prefer noncomedogenic moisturizer, which doesn’t blocks skin pores. As you determined your skin type select moisturizer that works for your skin. For oily skin consider oil free moisturizer.

You can try homemade natural moisturizers like honey, aloe vera gel and other essential oils.

Step: 4 Watch what you’re eating

Though there are many experts saying that food has no direct relation to acne or pimples, few researches proved that taking low glycemic diet improved acne.

Consider taking rich amount of vitamins and nutritious diet.

Hydrate yourself from inside by drinking water and eating citrus fruits.

Related: Food and acne

Step: 5 Treat acne with home remedies

It’s better to cure before red pimples pop out. Try some home remedies including argan oil, jojoba oil, hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel, rose water, fish oil and face packs to cure acne.

Acne is normal, so don’t get depressed, as stress and depression also causes acne. Thinking it’s common you shouldn’t ignore, as this may spread all over the body.

Related: Home remedies to treat forehead acne

Consult your doctor for severe acne.

Wrap up

Redness and swelling of pimples are part of acne. With short term fixed you can reduce bulging of pimples right away, but within a day they may come back. Try long term remedies to treat acne.

Here we shared all home remedies to treat acne.

Have queries? Comment below