How to Rejuvenate the Skin

rejuvenate the skin

As you age your skin starts losing its elasticity, which develops wrinkles and flaws on the skin. Yes you can’t stop aging, but you can rejuvenate your skin to get back youthful skin.

Because of pollution and other chemical products our skin gets dry and dead cells gets accumulated on skin pores making it difficult for skin to breathe and secrete sebum which helps to fight bacteria. Thus resulting in dry itchy skin and with the absence of moisture (sebum) skin quickly loses its elasticity and wrinkles start appearing.

Below are few natural remedies with which you can bring back your skin to life.

Step – 1 Rejuvenate skin using cleanser

With all the dirt and dead cells accumulated over skin, first step involves clearing them up. This will help skin to secrete natural moisture. You can get cleanser from local store.

Or you can use Aloe Vera gel as cleanser, the most inexpensive yet effective remedy. Other natural cleansers include baking soda, jojoba oil, honey, lemon, Orange and raw milk.

Step – 2 Exfoliate your skin

Dead skin cells present on the body will be washed away by exfoliating and this process helps for good blood circulation. Baking soda, sugar, honey and oatmeal can be used as exfoliator.

Else you can get best exfoliate cream from local store.

Related post: Best natural exfoliants and DIY facial scrub recipes

Step – 3 Apply moisturizer

Main reason for all skin diseases is lack of moisture, skin when looses moisture bacteria acts skin, which triggers itching and frown lines. Though skin has its own natural moisturizer at times it fails to secrete, applying external moisturizer helps skin regain its youthfulness.

Shea butter, honey, aloe Vera gel and essential oils can be used as moisturizer.

Related post: Natural moisturizers for skin

Step – 4 Drink more water

Now it’s time to hydrate your skin form the insider. Drink at least 8 glasses of water. Water plays vital role in maintaining skin’s elasticity and suppleness.

Step – 5 Avoid stress

Not just your work your skin also gets affected by stress. Stress makes your skin dull, dry, prematurely aged skin, wrinkles appear and compromises immune function. Long time effects of stress may lead to chronic skin diseases like hives, psoriasis, eczema or rosacea.

You can meditate, go out for a long walk or try any other way which makes you feel peace.

Few more tips

  • Check what you’re eating; prefer vitamins and proteins contained diet.
  • If needed take vitamin supplements.
  • Regular exercise helps your body and skin to function great.
  • Avoid intoxicants.
  • Avoid products with chemical ingredients.
  • Pamper your skin while going out; take moisturizer in winter and sunscreen cream.

Different Types of Moles That You Must Know

Moles generally are not dangerous but they ruin your appearance. Identifying the type of mole will let you understand about the risks associated with it. Though moles look benign they may cause skin cancer in long run.

You may think that this small brown or black cluster on your body will do nothing and there is no need to pay attention, but ignoring them may lead to serious problems.

Blemishes which appearance suddenly or have these signs need medical attention.

  • Mole with irregular shape
  • Mole with uneven color
  • Mole with jagged borders
  • Great protruding mole
  • Lager than normal moles

Also read: Risks associated with mole removal

If your mole has any of the above signs then rush to a dermatologist and get medical attention.

Experts suggest checking asymmetry, border, color and diameter of a mole to identify its nature, popularly known as ABCD.

Also read: Itchy Dry Skin Patches On Body, Face and Hands

Dysplastic Nevi

dysplestic nevus

Also known as atypical mole, dysplastic mole differs to normal mole in appearance, it has irregular shape, irregular color, larger than normal moles and has jagged borders.

Though this mole has all the signs mentioned above we can’t confirm that it causes skin cancer. According to National Cancer Institute these atypical moles are more likely to turn into cancer called melanoma.

If you’ve dyspletic nevi then it’s better to have an appointment with dermatologist.

Congenital Nevus

congenital nevi

These types of moles appear from childhood and it occurs in 1% of infants worldwide. Mainly there are 3 main type of congenital nevus small-sized, mid-sized and giant-sized. Unlike atypical mole congenital nevi is larger in diameter and can occupy larger portion of the body.

As child grows this mole grows and may turn cancerous. Immediate medical attention is needed after observing color or shape variation.

Related post: 6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Moles

Halo Nevus

halo nevus

Halo nevus is associated with vitiligo. It was named halo because of its appearance, this particular type of mole is surrounded by light depigmentation making it resembles a halo. People with this mole will have a white patch surrounding that mole.

It’s believed that when white blood cells destroy pigmentation it forms white patch. Anyway mere cause is unknown.

As Halo Nevus is not cancerous except for cosmetic purpose there is no need of treatment.

Skin Tags

Though both moles and skin tags appear on various parts of the body they’re quite different. Like moles skin tags are removed for cosmetic purpose, this benign flap doesn’t have any health issues. Anyway this may cause discomfort and may sometimes ruin your appearance. You can either try natural or surgical way to remove skin tags.

Note: Before going with any treatment check with your professional dermatologist.

Also read: Get rid of blood blisters over night

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10 Herbal Remedies for Body Odor

herbs for body odor

The unpleasant smell you get from your body is not because of sweat.

According to sweat is odorless. So why do you get foul smell after sweating?

Our body has sweat glands which secrete sweat when body temperature rises. When you don’t take bath or wash your body, bacteria gets accumulated on sweat to feed on fats and proteins in sweat. This releases a foul smell.

As it’s a common problem there are many conventional deodorants and antiperspirants to control body odor. Few of them works great but few are harmful because of chemical ingredients. (Though not proved.)

One medicine doesn’t work for everyone. Try different remedies to find out which one works for your body.

Note: Try with doctor’s supervision.

Herbs are natural medicines used to treat various health problems including body odor. Here in this article we’ll discuss about few herbs for eliminating body odor.

Body odor is caused when fats and proteins don’t gets digested; these herbs listed here will help you out in digestion which in one way reduces body odor.

Herbs for Body Odor

1. Take an Herbal Bath

Blend herbs like oregano, coriander, licorice root, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, bay leaf, fennel and nutmeg to make a tea. Refrigerate it and apply it on sweat prone areas like under-arms and in groins using cotton ball.

You can also dip all these herbs packed in a cloth into bath tub for an herbal bath. These herbs restrain bacteria from spreading odor. They act as a natural deodorant.

If you’ve no knowledge about blending herbs you can see it here.

2. Rosemary (for external application)

Rosemary is an evergreen herb used in foods. This herb especially its top flower contains phenolic acid which is said to be antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Packed with A, B – complex and C vitamins, rosemary is an antioxidant and is traditionally used for treating indigestion.

Because of these properties rosemary has shown evidence in killing bacteria in a lab test, says University of Maryland Medical Center.

Steep ½ cup of rosemary leaves in 2 to 4 cups of water and add it to your bath tub.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is a great boon for skin, almost all skin diseases can be treated using aloe Vera gel. Antioxidant properties in aloe treat and fights diseases causing bacteria. Aloe gel applied on skin burns helps to heal them fast. Chronic skin diseases like eczema and acne can be treated by repeated application of aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera can be used both internally and externally. You can consume aloe Vera gel after blending it.

Blend the gel and mix the juice in any fruit juice of your choice and drink. It acts as a great cleanser in stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder.

Related: How to make aloe vera juice

4. Peppermint

Leaves and oil of peppermint are used to treat many health problems including digestive problems like diarrhea, upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, bacterial in small intestine and gas.

High in copper, vitamin C and manganese peppermint can treat skin disease as well as body odor.

After meals drink peppermint tea, this helps to digest food.

5. Cleavers

Properties in cleavers help in cleaning lymph and toxins from the body. This promotes good digestion.

6. Milk thistle

Silymarinis, the main compound in milk thistle is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, according to WebMD. Though there is no scientific evidence, milk thistle or Mary thistle is used to treat liver problems.

You can consume milk thistle after blending it with other herbs or in tea.

7. Oregano

In a preliminary test CAMonline found that oregano may have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which can help to control odor causing bacteria.

Add steeped oregano to your bath tub which aids to control body odor. It may cause blood sugar level fluctuate. (Use under doctor’s supervision)

8. Dandelion

Mix it with herbal tea and it can treat liver and kidney problems including constipation, jaundice, gall stones and upset stomach.

9. Chamomile

Having any stomach problem? Brew a cup of chamomile tea. Take 3-4 cups of tea every day. Chamomile tea has anti-oxidant and cleansing properties which restrains odor causing bacteria.

10. Essential Oils

Oil extracted from herbs like rosemary, sage, lavender and oregano can be used topically to fight odor causing bacteria. Anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties present in these herbs helps fight bacteria and its aroma counteract with the foul smell.

Consult your doctor or any medical care provider to select herbs for essential oil them mix it with vegetable oils to lessen the effect of essential oil on skin, as they may irritate your skin.

It can be a great natural deodorizer, but consult your doctor before trying.

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25 Easily Digested Foods and 5 Difficult Ones

easily digested foods

Natural ingredients are packed with essential nutrients that are essential for your health. Apart from digestion, you can use best foods for skin whitening.

Do you’ve gastric, diarrhoea or constipation problem? Then your digestive system has to be blamed. Sorry, you need to be blamed for taking food that is tough for your digestive system to handle.

Your overall health depends on functioning of your digestive system. As we seldom do any physical work, it becomes very tough for digestive system to break down food compounds, so it takes longer time affecting your health. If you’re softhearted person then reduce the burden of digestion by taking easily digested food.

Here is the list of easily digestible foods and rich in proteins.

Best Easily Digested Foods to Consider

#1 Salmon (Baked salmon)

salmon for easy digestion

Apart from having Omega-3 benefits salmon has many fascinating health benefits which involves amino acids and proteins. A recent study shows that salmon has a small bioactive protein called bioactive peptides which control inflammation in digestive system. (source: Selenium an antioxidant mineral found in salmon, helps in cardiovascular protection.

Not only this, there other fishes too which are easy to digest, as they’re less oily.

#2 Chicken Breast

chicken breast

Are you serious? Yes.

Though many of us think that non-veg food takes high on digestive system chicken breast and other lean meat including lean beef don’t upset your stomach, at the same time they provide rich some of nutritional benefits to your body.

But remember you must cook them well. Though chicken breast is rich in proteins and nutrients they’ve no fiber, so it’s recommended to take fiber contained food with it so that your digestive system will have a good experience.

#3 Eggs (Chicken or Duck eggs)

chicken eggs and duck eggs

If you’re dieting then avoid yolk, else take whole egg. Eggs give minerals and nutritional benefits to your body at the same time making it easy for digestive system.

Don’t think that only chicken eggs are recommended, you can try duck eggs too.

#4 Leafy Vegetables

leafy vegetables

Apart from having fascinating nutritional benefits leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and others will help your digestive system to push undigested food.

Good for weight loss.


#5 Brown Rice

brown rice for digestion

Brown rice is the “unrefined” version of white rice. In terms of nutrition and other health benefits brown rice tops according to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Yes, white rice looks delicious than brown rice, but you must know that in refining process white rice has been stripped of iron, vitamins, zinc and other nutrients.

So brown rice has more nutrients including selenium, natural occurring oils, manganese and considered as whole grain because it hadn’t under go any refining process.

Both white rice and brown rice are easily digestible, but sometimes white rice may cause gas and constipation problems.

#6 Yogurt

yogurt for digestion

There are two types of yogurt; one is yogurt-regular and Greek. Greek yogurt is made after straining whey (the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) from regular yogurt.

Though yogurt is a dairy product it is easy on digestive system. Both types of yogurt are rich in proteins and easily digestible.

#7 Oatmeal

oatmeal for digestion

For people dealing with heart disease or diabetes oats provides nutrients and proteins. Oatmeal is great in fiber and less in cholesterol, thus making it the best food for many diseased as wells as healthy people.

One bowl of oatmeal is enough for you to deal with the hectic work schedule. Because of rich fiber it gets digested easily and helps digestive system to digest other foods.

Stick with traditional oats.

#8 Sauerkraut


Your digestive system needs some bacteria which aids to digestion. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage which has rich amount of lactic acid bacteria which helps in digestion of other foods.

So not just is easily gets digested it also helps you to break down other foods.

#9 Cod liver oil

cod liver for easy digestion

It’s derived from liver of Cod fish. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and D. Vitamin A plays crucial role in maintaining mucosal membrane and tissue lines in digestive system. Like vitamin D affects your digestive tract.


 #10 Ginger

ginger for easy digestion

Various stomach problems such as vomiting, gas and diarrhea can be cured by ginger intake. But it shouldn’t be consumed excess.





#11 Tomatoes

tomatoes for digestion

Rich in fiber tomatoes is good for good digestion. Potassium and magnesium in tomatoes helps in regulating fluids in the body. Anyway, when you’ve constipation or other stomach problems avoid tomatoes sauce.


 #12 Peaches

peaches for digestion

Potassium, fiber, iron, calcium and vitamin C in peaches aids in good digestion and proper functioning of heart. They’re also high in fiber, making it easily digested. Powerful peaches help to get rid of intestinal worms.


#13 Beetroots

beet root for digestion

According to beetroot was used to treat fever, constipation and skin problems during Roman times. It is rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium which help to remove the waste.

Related post: Benefits of Beet juice for skin


#14 Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes for digestion

Sweet potatoes are helpful to treat peptic and duodenal ulcers. Fiber, carbohydrates and manganese present in sweet potatoes makes it easy to digest.



#15 Beet Greens

beet greens

Tops of beetroot consist of calcium and beta-carotene which helps digestion. But excess consumption of beet greens makes your teeth weak.



 #16 Carrots

carrots for digestion

Apart from giving healthy vision carrot consumption can makes digestion process easy because of fiber and antioxidants elements.

Related post: Carrot benefits for skin


 #17 Cucumber

cucumbers for digestion

Cucumber has vitamin K, C, B1, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to treat various health diseases including skin and stomach problems. Our intestinal glands produce a protein called Erepsin which plays a vital role in digestion. Cucumber has this protein in it.

You can eat raw or make cucumber juice.

#18 Apples

apples for easy digestion

Apples are packed with lots of health benefits which are used to treat many health issues. This is why they say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Apples are rich in fiber, antioxidant and vitamin C, which aids in digestion.

#19 Bananas


Rich in fiber bananas helps in digestion and a must fruit when suffering with diarrhea.




 #20 Avocado

avocado for digestion

Avocados are rich in carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene etc… Beta-carotene are converted to vitamin A which helps in maintaining digestive tract, pancreas functioning and gall bladder.



#21 Blueberries

blueberries for easy digestion

Fiber aids in waste management, natural detoxification and reducing cholesterol level. Blueberries are a high-fiber fruit. Antioxidants present in blueberries helps to fight free radicals.


#22 Papaya

papaya for digestion

Papaya helps in proper bowl functioning and makes it easy to break down food in the body. If you’re affecting from diarrhoea or constipation eat papaya, anti-inflammatory properties present in this fruit soothe stomach problems.

Papain present in papaya helps to break down proteins in the body; this is why it is used as a meat tenderizer. Experts say green papaya has more papain than yellow papaya.

 #23 Cantaloupe

cantaloupe for digestions

Cantaloupe is low in calories and high in fiber, thus helping is digestion and weight loss. This fruit is rich in myo-inositol, vitamin A, C and potassium which all together aids in easy digestion.


#24 Kiwi

kiwi for digestion

Pepsin, an enzyme present in stomach, used to break down proteins into peptides is present in kiwi fruit. Other nutritional properties include actinidin, linolenic acid, vitamin C &, E, magnesium and potassium.


#25 Kimchi

kimchi for easy digestion

Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made using different vegetables; this is why they contain high amount of dietary fiber. Though it spicy and sour it aids to easy digestion.

Here is the Kimchi recipe.

 5 Foods That Are Not Easily Digested

  1. Dairy products
  2. Grains
  3. Hot Peppers
  4. Chocolate
  5. Corn

Share your favorite easily digested food with us in comments.

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Cortisone Cream for Treating Acne

cortisone cream for acne

As you may know acne causes because of excess sebum production which gets clogged with bacteria and dead skin cells. Often acne blemishes are painful and may sometimes cause itching.

There are many home remedies and medical treatments to cure acne; cortisone cream is one of the effective topical creams.

Cortisone cream is a topical corticosteroid ointment which reduces various skin diseases including itching, redness and acne; it is normally sold as Hydrocortisone.

For minor skin burns, itching and irritations hydrocortisone is available without prescription and for serious skin diseases like acne, eczema, inflammation and scaling Doctor’s prescription is needed.

Related post: Get rid of acne overnight!

How to Use Hydrocortisone cream to Treat Acne

Step: 1 – Wash the affected area with mild soap

Using warm water and mild soap (antibiotic is preferred) wash acne affected area. Don’t scrub your skin as it may damage blemishes.

Step: 2 – Exfoliate your skin with honey or baking soda

To flush dead skin cells accumulated and to open up skin pores exfoliate your skin try a natural remedy or you can get a cream from local store.

Also read: 10+ Homemade Salt and Sugar Body Scrubs for Skin

Note: Excess use of baking soda may leave your skin dry.

Step: 3 – Apply hydrocortisone cream on pimples and cysts

Apply the cream on affected area twice. Properties in hydrocortisone cream reduce redness and inflammation.

Recommended Acne Treating Remedies

When You Should Stop Using Hydrocortisone?

  • According to you should not use hydrocortisone cream more than recommended dosage and discontinue using it if you see no change in 2 weeks.
  • says hydrocortisone can be used 1-4 times a day for skin diseases. (follow prescribed dosage)
  • If you miss any dosage don’t apply double dosage skip the one you forgot.
  • suggests avoiding tight pants for kids who’re prescribed hydrocortisone cream.
  • Hydrocortisone may counter with other treatments, if you’re under prescription. Inform your Doctor or pharmacist about medicines you’re using.
  • Corticosteroids present in this cream may affect growth rate in children, check with your doctor before using hydrocortisone for children.
  • Side-effects include – itching, redness, wheezing, oozing of pus and change in skin color. Consult your doctor immediately once you see any abnormality on skin.

Hydrocortisone can treat acne but you must consult your doctor or pharmacist for dosage. If you see no change in 2 weeks discontinue using it.

Remember that this is topical ointment not to be swallowed if applied for mouth sores.

Can Black Tea Be a Solution for Body Odor?

The most annoying and inevitable odor can be treated by various remedies and can be controlled using chemical added deodorants. (Check homemade deodorants here)

This is what many people say, am I right?

And they’re right.

black tea for body odor

There are lots of remedies which help you to fight odor causing bacteria and black tea is one among them. If you don’t knew why your odorless sweat gives unpleasant smell, read causes of body odor.

In short, bacteria on our body feed on fats and proteins present in sweat, which gives unpleasant smell.

How Can Black Tea Control Body Odor?

Black tea though we think that it just helps to improve concentration. It has handsome of health benefits. It stimulates the immune system and inhibits the growth of cancer. You can also use it for weight loss.

Antioxidant properties in black tea fights free radicals. It contains vitamin A, B, C, E and K.

Tea stops the growth of bacteria.

Dr. Jaliman says, black tea cuts down body odor. Because tea contains polyphenols which reduces output of sulfur compounds by 30% and also refrain bacteria growth.

Sulfur compounds in sweat and bacteria, these two are main causes of body odor which can be controlled by black tea.

Note: Excess consumption of tea may discolor your teeth and it may interfere with other medication. Consult your doctor before trying.

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10 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Acne is the most common skin disease where small bumps pops out of skin. Main cause behind acne is excess sebum production, which gets accumulated over skin with dead cells forming bump.

Though, not all pimples (bumps) are inflammatory they are distressing and quite depressing. According to a study about 7.1% of acne case turns to suicide. (source:

Yes, acne or pimples are not critical but they spoil your appearance which restrains your social life. There are many natural as well as other remedies to get rid of acne.

Especially, when you’ve a surprise party, try these quick home remedies to get rid of acne, so that you don’t have to give vague reasons.

10+ Ways to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

#1 Cucumber

how to get rid of acne fast - cucumber

Cucumber though didn’t receive much press compared to other vegetables it is has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In a test it was found that fresh sliced cucumber reduced inflammation in animals. This vegetable belongs to melon family and is packed with vitamin K, B and C, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

  • Slice fresh cucumber into pieces and soak it in water for about an hour, so that all nutrients get transferred to water. Then drink that water or wash acne affected area.
  • Or make cucumber face mask, place it on your face for about 15 minutes and rinse it off.

Also read: Natural relief for itchy acne on face

#2 Lemon

lemon - quick relief from acne

Lemon/limes are rich source of vitamin C and have antioxidant properties which dries acne. From a local store get some fresh lemons, squeeze lemon juice in a bowl.

  • Using a cotton swab apply lemon juice on pimples at night and rinse it off on next day.
  • You can mix cinnamon powder with lemon to make paste, apply it on pimples.

#3 Ice

ice cube to freeze pimples

Acne causes inflammation and redness. Ice cube freeze skin pores and helps to remove dirt from it. Repeatedly placing ice cubes on inflammation reduces redness fast.

  • Wrap ice cubes in a cloth or in an ice pack, place it on acne affected area for fast relief.
  • Repeat the process.

#4 Honey

acne treatment with honey

This natural antibiotic medicine helps in healing and fighting acne causing bacteria. Honey benefits for skin here.

  • Apply honey on pimples using cotton swab.
  • If you’ve enough time, mix it with cinnamon powder and apply the paste on acne affected areas.

#5 Papaya

papaya for acne

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. Exfoliating properties in papaya clears dead cells accumulated on skin pores. Anti oxidant properties helps sooth fresh swollen pimples.

  • Extract papaya juice using knife and apply it over pimples.

Also read: 6 homemade face scrubs

#6 Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar for acne relief

Not just in salads, ACV (apple cider vinegar) used to treat many health issues. Apply few drops of ACV on affected area and it turns your skin into smooth and reduces fine lines, this works by restoring pH level of skin. To treat acne, dip cotton swab into apple cider vinegar solution and apply it on pimples at night.

Also read: How to remove mole with ACV?

#7 Garlic

garlic for acne treating

Garlic contains sulfur which promotes fast healing. It has antioxidant and anti-fungal properties which refrain acne causing bacteria.

It’s damp simple to use, just crush few garlic cloves in to pieces and apply it over acne affected area, then rinse it off. But make sure you don’t use it excess as it may irritate your skin.

Also read: Argan oil skin benefits

#8 Baking Soda

baking soda for acne

This home available chemical is also known as sodium bicarbonate. Only because of antibacterial properties several laundry advertisers use them, baking soda removes odor from clothes and also from body. It refrain body odor causing bacteria.

It can even treat acne. (May or may not work for you depending on your skin type)

  • Wash your face or affected area and leave it damp.
  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice or water to make it paste.
  • Apply the paste on acne affected area and rinse it off.

Note: Frequent and longer use of baking soda makes your skin dry.

Also read: Control body odor with baking soda

#9 Peppermint

peppermint for pimples

Peppermint is hybrid mint which contains high amount of menthol. Several pricey product manufacturers include menthol because of its soothing property. Its antibacterial properties fight bacteria on skin.

  • Get some fresh peppermint leaves and crush them to extract juice.
  • Apply it on acne pimples and rinse it off after 10 minutes.

Also read: 7 Jojoba Oil Skin Benefits

#10 Steam

steaming for acne

Steaming process is good for your skin, it clears dirt and clogged skin pores helping it to breathe.

  • Fill container with hot water and bend over the container so that your face comes in contact with steam.
  • Wash your face for after 5 minutes with lukewarm water.

Other Acne Treating Remedies

# Tooth Paste

This home remedy is not recommended by experts.

Ingredients in tooth paste like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide does help to dry out pimples but they may also irritate your skin. As it come in handy people list tooth paste to home remedies.

We listed here to caution you against it. Don’t use it.

Whats your fast home remedy to get rid of acne fast? Share with our readers in comments.

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How to Control Body Odor with Baking Soda?

baking soda and body odor

Baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate is a common household item used for cleaning and baking. Also, baking soda refrain odor causing bacteria from clothes. This is why several detergents advertisers promote that they use baking soda.

In the same way it can treat body odor by refraining bacteria which feed on fats and proteins present in sweat.

Read: What causes body odor?

Though sweat secreted by sweat glands is odorless, bacteria feed on them to release unpleasant smell.

How to Use Baking Soda to Treat Body Odor?

  1. Get fresh baking soda from a local store. Mix it with water and apply the paste on odor causing areas like under arms, foot and in groin areas.
  2. After leaving it for about 3 to 4 minutes rinse it off.
  3. If you want to give baking soda treatment to your complete body, then mix 1/2 cup of baking soda in bath tub.
  4. To extend odorless hours, sprinkle baking soda powder mixed with other baby powder (for fragrance) under arms. Let it be for 5 minutes before you wear clothes, else it leaves white marks on your clothes.
  5. To treat foot odor, add 4 tbsp of baking soda in 4 cups of warm water and soak your feet in the solution.

Note: Baking soda may burn, so test before trying.

To uproot body odor avoid foods which causes odor.

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