Cortisone Cream for Treating Acne

cortisone cream for acne

As you may know acne causes because of excess sebum production which gets clogged with bacteria and dead skin cells. Often acne blemishes are painful and may sometimes cause itching.

There are many home remedies and medical treatments to cure acne; cortisone cream is one of the effective topical creams.

Cortisone cream is a topical corticosteroid ointment which reduces various skin diseases including itching, redness and acne; it is normally sold as Hydrocortisone.

For minor skin burns, itching and irritations hydrocortisone is available without prescription and for serious skin diseases like acne, eczema, inflammation and scaling Doctor’s prescription is needed.

Related post: Get rid of acne overnight!

How to Use Hydrocortisone cream to Treat Acne

Step: 1 – Wash the affected area with mild soap

Using warm water and mild soap (antibiotic is preferred) wash acne affected area. Don’t scrub your skin as it may damage blemishes.

Step: 2 – Exfoliate your skin with honey or baking soda

To flush dead skin cells accumulated and to open up skin pores exfoliate your skin try a natural remedy or you can get a cream from local store.

Also read: 10+ Homemade Salt and Sugar Body Scrubs for Skin

Note: Excess use of baking soda may leave your skin dry.

Step: 3 – Apply hydrocortisone cream on pimples and cysts

Apply the cream on affected area twice. Properties in hydrocortisone cream reduce redness and inflammation.

Recommended Acne Treating Remedies

When You Should Stop Using Hydrocortisone?

  • According to you should not use hydrocortisone cream more than recommended dosage and discontinue using it if you see no change in 2 weeks.
  • says hydrocortisone can be used 1-4 times a day for skin diseases. (follow prescribed dosage)
  • If you miss any dosage don’t apply double dosage skip the one you forgot.
  • suggests avoiding tight pants for kids who’re prescribed hydrocortisone cream.
  • Hydrocortisone may counter with other treatments, if you’re under prescription. Inform your Doctor or pharmacist about medicines you’re using.
  • Corticosteroids present in this cream may affect growth rate in children, check with your doctor before using hydrocortisone for children.
  • Side-effects include – itching, redness, wheezing, oozing of pus and change in skin color. Consult your doctor immediately once you see any abnormality on skin.

Hydrocortisone can treat acne but you must consult your doctor or pharmacist for dosage. If you see no change in 2 weeks discontinue using it.

Remember that this is topical ointment not to be swallowed if applied for mouth sores.

10 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

Acne is the most common skin disease where small bumps pops out of skin. Main cause behind acne is excess sebum production, which gets accumulated over skin with dead cells forming bump.

Though, not all pimples (bumps) are inflammatory they are distressing and quite depressing. According to a study about 7.1% of acne case turns to suicide. (source:

Yes, acne or pimples are not critical but they spoil your appearance which restrains your social life. There are many natural as well as other remedies to get rid of acne.

Especially, when you’ve a surprise party, try these quick home remedies to get rid of acne, so that you don’t have to give vague reasons.

10+ Ways to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

#1 Cucumber

how to get rid of acne fast - cucumber

Cucumber though didn’t receive much press compared to other vegetables it is has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In a test it was found that fresh sliced cucumber reduced inflammation in animals. This vegetable belongs to melon family and is packed with vitamin K, B and C, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

  • Slice fresh cucumber into pieces and soak it in water for about an hour, so that all nutrients get transferred to water. Then drink that water or wash acne affected area.
  • Or make cucumber face mask, place it on your face for about 15 minutes and rinse it off.

Also read: Natural relief for itchy acne on face

#2 Lemon

lemon - quick relief from acne

Lemon/limes are rich source of vitamin C and have antioxidant properties which dries acne. From a local store get some fresh lemons, squeeze lemon juice in a bowl.

  • Using a cotton swab apply lemon juice on pimples at night and rinse it off on next day.
  • You can mix cinnamon powder with lemon to make paste, apply it on pimples.

#3 Ice

ice cube to freeze pimples

Acne causes inflammation and redness. Ice cube freeze skin pores and helps to remove dirt from it. Repeatedly placing ice cubes on inflammation reduces redness fast.

  • Wrap ice cubes in a cloth or in an ice pack, place it on acne affected area for fast relief.
  • Repeat the process.

#4 Honey

acne treatment with honey

This natural antibiotic medicine helps in healing and fighting acne causing bacteria. Honey benefits for skin here.

  • Apply honey on pimples using cotton swab.
  • If you’ve enough time, mix it with cinnamon powder and apply the paste on acne affected areas.

#5 Papaya

papaya for acne

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. Exfoliating properties in papaya clears dead cells accumulated on skin pores. Anti oxidant properties helps sooth fresh swollen pimples.

  • Extract papaya juice using knife and apply it over pimples.

Also read: 6 homemade face scrubs

#6 Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar for acne relief

Not just in salads, ACV (apple cider vinegar) used to treat many health issues. Apply few drops of ACV on affected area and it turns your skin into smooth and reduces fine lines, this works by restoring pH level of skin. To treat acne, dip cotton swab into apple cider vinegar solution and apply it on pimples at night.

Also read: How to remove mole with ACV?

#7 Garlic

garlic for acne treating

Garlic contains sulfur which promotes fast healing. It has antioxidant and anti-fungal properties which refrain acne causing bacteria.

It’s damp simple to use, just crush few garlic cloves in to pieces and apply it over acne affected area, then rinse it off. But make sure you don’t use it excess as it may irritate your skin.

Also read: Argan oil skin benefits

#8 Baking Soda

baking soda for acne

This home available chemical is also known as sodium bicarbonate. Only because of antibacterial properties several laundry advertisers use them, baking soda removes odor from clothes and also from body. It refrain body odor causing bacteria.

It can even treat acne. (May or may not work for you depending on your skin type)

  • Wash your face or affected area and leave it damp.
  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice or water to make it paste.
  • Apply the paste on acne affected area and rinse it off.

Note: Frequent and longer use of baking soda makes your skin dry.

Also read: Control body odor with baking soda

#9 Peppermint

peppermint for pimples

Peppermint is hybrid mint which contains high amount of menthol. Several pricey product manufacturers include menthol because of its soothing property. Its antibacterial properties fight bacteria on skin.

  • Get some fresh peppermint leaves and crush them to extract juice.
  • Apply it on acne pimples and rinse it off after 10 minutes.

Also read: 7 Jojoba Oil Skin Benefits

#10 Steam

steaming for acne

Steaming process is good for your skin, it clears dirt and clogged skin pores helping it to breathe.

  • Fill container with hot water and bend over the container so that your face comes in contact with steam.
  • Wash your face for after 5 minutes with lukewarm water.

Other Acne Treating Remedies

# Tooth Paste

This home remedy is not recommended by experts.

Ingredients in tooth paste like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide does help to dry out pimples but they may also irritate your skin. As it come in handy people list tooth paste to home remedies.

We listed here to caution you against it. Don’t use it.

Whats your fast home remedy to get rid of acne fast? Share with our readers in comments.

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Natural Relief for Itchy Acne on Face

Acne is most common skin condition which includes clogging and inflammation of skin pores. In most cases, due to lack of hygiene, bacteria invades to worsen the disease, causing itching and inflammation.

Yes, top companies had worked there butt off to bring pricey medicines before us. But, you can save your pocket and step back from these extravagant products.

With natural remedies you can treat acne. There are bunch of cases where people like you cured acne with one simple natural remedy. Click here to read about one such case.

Also read

Note: For severe acne we recommend to consult doctor.

Here am listing only 4 natural home available remedies to treat itchy acne. But as you must know, there are many such natural medicines under nature’s hood.

4 Natural Remedies to Treat Itchy Acne on Face

1. Yogurt and Oatmeal

yogurt and oatmeal for itchy acne
Probiotics in yogurt fight with acne causing bacteria and also soothes inflamed and itchy acne pimples. Either you can use cool yogurt or mix oatmeal with it. Mixing both of them form a mask, apply it on acne affected skin and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Oatmeal is a natural exfoliator and dries up acne pimples instantly.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

aloe vera for treating itchy acne on face

Aloe Vera is gifted with such properties that you can use it topically or take internally (aloe vera juice) for all skin diseases. Cut the upper part of aloe vera leaf to find gel, apply topically on affected area. You can get aloe gel from a local store.

Related: How to make aloe vera gel?

3. Herbs (Tea tree oil and Guggulu)

herbs treating itchy acne

Herbal remedies also come in handy to treat acne and other skin and health problems. Tea tress oil one among them, apply this topically on itchy acne pimples.

Guggulu is another herb which can be used to treat itchy acne. This medicine can be taken orally but check with your doctor before opting as this may counter with other medicines you’re taking.

4. Honey and Cinnamon

honey and cinnamon

According to a study carried out in 2002, honey and cinnamon combination can relieve painful and itchy acne. Honey is packed with antibacterial properties which fights with acne causing bacteria and cinnamon inhibits effects of nitric oxide (this is responsible for painful acne).

Mix 3-4 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of cinnamon; apply the paste on acne affected area. Rinse it off in morning.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

15 Celebrities With Acne Scars Including Megan Fox, Brad Pitt and others

Celebrities with acne

Yes you’re not alone.

Many celebrities who spend lots of money on pricey skin products and undergo costly surgeries do experience acne. And many of them carried these (acne) scars with them unwantedly.

I hope now this makes you believe that acne is a normal skin condition and you’re not an isolated person who got it.

Dealing with small spots on skin is normal and it’s a weekly if not daily for many of us. But severe acne or pimples on forehead is where problem arises.

Preteens with severe acne have to deal with lots of stuffy things on daily basis. Because, it’s easy to cover one or two pimples, but just imagine when your face is covered with red swollen pimples, how intense work it takes to cover all of them. With these red and painful pimples there are few abusive people who make their life miserable.

Not just preteen but many adults also have to face these problems.

There are many excellent home remedies with which you can reduce acne.

If you’ve severe or moderate acne and you feel depressed and isolated, remember you’re not alone who has acne. There are many celebrities who have acne. Here are 15 of them.

  1. Lorde
    Youngest pop star and by sharing her photos with acne on instagram she proved that after all she is human. (source)
  2. Adam Levine
    American song writer, with height of 6″ have acne.
  3. Cameron Diaz
    Former model and now actress Cameron Diaz in her book The Body Book shared how horrible her skin was.
  4. Naya Rivera
    While shooting for Proactiv (acne treatment medicine) Rivera shared that she had a very uncomfortable with adult acne while shooting but she adds that her co-stars were nice. (source)
  5. Julianne Hough
    Singer and dancer, Julianne discussed about her battle with acne in an interview PEOPLE. (source)
  6. Rihanna
    Actress and dancer, Rihanna experienced acne like any other person.
  7. Jessica Simpson
    She is spokesperson for Proactiv says she dealt with acne for years. So, remember that acne can’t be cured at once.
  8. Olivia Munn
    Another actress and Proactiv lady experienced acne.
    Other famous celebrities include.
  9. Victoria Beckham
  10. P Diddy
  11. Britney Spears
  12. Megan Fox
  13. Brad Pitt – Yes he too experienced acne. (source)
  14. Jessica Alba
  15. Alicia Keys

There are many more celebrities who experience acne and other skin diseases just like we do. Don’t get disappointed now because even stress and depression triggers acne blemishes.

How to Reduce Redness of Pimples

Pimples on face, forehead or on any body part starts with redness, swelling and most of the times comes with pain. These bulging red pimples spoils overall look of your face and you may feel depressed and isolated.

With simple home remedies you can reduce redness and swelling of pimples right away. So, next time when you’ve to visit a party try this quick remedy and wipe out swollen pimples.

how to reduce redness of pimples

Quick and short term fixes to reduce swelling and redness of pimples

  1. Place an ice cube on bulged pimple for few minutes. This minimizes redness and swelling of pimple, as blood underneath pimples contracts.
  2. Aspirin, that old tablet you use for fever you can use it on pimples too. Salicylic acid present in aspirin has an anti-inflammatory property which helps to fight acne.
    Procedure: Make gritty paste of aspirin tablets by breaking them into fine powder and mix water. Using cotton ball or stick, apply the paste on pimples.
  3. Use cream tooth paste to apply it on red pimples. Hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals present in tooth paste may leave your skin dry. So, it recommended using this home remedy with care.
  4. Place sliced lemon, cucumber or tomato on pimple. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in these natural ingredients fight bacteria and reduce redness, swelling of pimples.

Long term remedies to wipe away pimples

Acne can’t be treated in a single shot, it’s a continuous process. So remember that you need to continue with same home remedy for weeks to see best result. Another important step in treating acne involves knowing and determining your skin type.

Step: 1 Don’t pick or squeeze pimples

Bacterial infection is one of the main causes of acne. When you pop or pick pimple infection spread to other parts of the body. Though it’s tempting to touch we recommend avoiding it. You may try above mentioned short term remedies to restrain yourself from touching pimples.

Step: 2 Wash your face with any cleanser

Daily twice wash our face with mild soap specially made for cleansing. Be gentle on your pimples. After washing pat dry don’t rub hard.

Avoid soaps with fragrance, as they contain chemicals which strip natural moisturizer from skin.

Step: 3 Apply moisturizing cream

Prefer noncomedogenic moisturizer, which doesn’t blocks skin pores. As you determined your skin type select moisturizer that works for your skin. For oily skin consider oil free moisturizer.

You can try homemade natural moisturizers like honey, aloe vera gel and other essential oils.

Step: 4 Watch what you’re eating

Though there are many experts saying that food has no direct relation to acne or pimples, few researches proved that taking low glycemic diet improved acne.

Consider taking rich amount of vitamins and nutritious diet.

Hydrate yourself from inside by drinking water and eating citrus fruits.

Related: Food and acne

Step: 5 Treat acne with home remedies

It’s better to cure before red pimples pop out. Try some home remedies including argan oil, jojoba oil, hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel, rose water, fish oil and face packs to cure acne.

Acne is normal, so don’t get depressed, as stress and depression also causes acne. Thinking it’s common you shouldn’t ignore, as this may spread all over the body.

Related: Home remedies to treat forehead acne

Consult your doctor for severe acne.

Wrap up

Redness and swelling of pimples are part of acne. With short term fixed you can reduce bulging of pimples right away, but within a day they may come back. Try long term remedies to treat acne.

Here we shared all home remedies to treat acne.

Have queries? Comment below

Fish Oil Treats Acne – And Why You Should Not Use It

First of all let me clear that it’s not fish oil but omega 3 fatty acids present in fish oil matters.

Just by adding fish oil to your diet you can reduce acne by 42% (studies shows). How it works, how much amount you should take, do they’ve any side-effects and why it’s not recommended for everyone? We’ll discuss on these questions in this article.

Let’s start with omega 3 fatty acid as it got a good amount of popularity in nutrition world.

Related post : Relation between food and acne

fish oil for acne

Omega 3 fatty acid – A short intro

Omega 3 fatty acid belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acid.

The word fatty acid may trigger a concern in you. But let me bust this myth. Not all fats harm your health; there are some fats (like this one) which are not only important for your health but have a bunch of benefits.

And I must clear this, your body can’t make omega 3 fatty acid (they’re important); you must get them from your diet.

There are 3 types of omega 3 fatty acid – DHA (docosahexaenoic), EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). DHA and EPA are found in marine oil and ALA in plant oil.

Reports says with fish oil you can treat acne by 42%

Experts in Seoul National University College of Medicine (South Korea) carried a study with 42 acne affected adults and distributed them in three groups.

  • First group advised to take omega 3 fatty acid (1000 mg DHA and 1000 mg EPA).
  • Second group, 2000mg of borage oil, containing 400 mg of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid).
  • And the last group with no supplement.

After 10 weeks first and second group shown a positive impact, more than 42% of acne was cured. (source)

One important thing to be noted here is people with mild to severe acne shows good results.

Another study carried out, 13 men with mild to severe acne were given fish oil capsules for 12 weeks. (930 mg EPA, 720 mg DHA and 174 mg DPA)

And the result was, though people with moderate and severe acne shown improvement, mild acne got worse.

Conclusion from these 2 reports

From above mentioned reports it can be concluded that fish oil can treat moderate/severe acne, but for mild acne you’ve to look for some other natural remedies like argan oil, rose water, jojoba oil or honey.

Also read: Remedies to get rid of pimples with baking soda

Fish Oil for Acne – How it works

There are lots of researches which proved that omega 3 fatty acid can cure acne.

To know what properties in omega 3 fatty acid help to cure acne, let’s refresh the main causes of acne.

Acne is caused due to excess oil (sebum) production by sebaceous glands and dead skin cells which blocks skin pores. Bacterial infection increases acne. Though these are main causes of acne, stress, depression and some hormone causes excess oil production.

Now come back to fish oil.

Main properties of omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, as inflammation and oxidation stress are main causes of acne it makes sense that omega 3 fatty acid easily treat acne. You know that stress also causes acne; omega 3 DHA fatty acid in fish oil reduces mental stress.

Fish oil contains bioactive chemical which helps in regulating sebum production.

Note: Pregnant women are asked to consult a doctor before taking omega 3 fatty acid capsules.

Wrap up

Omega 3 fatty acid in fish oil notably DHA and EPA treats acne. These are important fatty acid for our body which you can get through diet. There are various studies which prove that omega 3 fatty acid can treat acne. But for mild acne it’s not recommended.

You can get omega 3 fatty acid or fish oil capsules from local store. 3000 mg of dosage is recommended.

Other health benefits of omega 3 fatty acid or fish oil include

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Witch Hazel A Quick Remedy For Acne

Witch hazel is an astringent extracted from leaves and barks of Witch hazel shrub. A chemical found in witch hazel called tannins helps to break down excess oil; controlling sebum (oil) production is the main criteria in terminating acne cycle.

Because of anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties of witch hazel, many cosmetic products include it. After shave cream is the best example, witch hazel in this cream helps to tighten the skin, and many other medications include this astringent to slow down bleeding.

Not just acne you can cure many skin related diseases with witch hazel, which include minor burns, skin irritation, itching, inflammation and insect bites.

witch hazel for acne

How Witch Hazel Works in Treating Acne

As mentioned above a chemical in witch hazel astringent called tannins helps to break down oil resulting is clearing clogged pores which were blocked with excess oil and dead skin cells.

Not just this, if any bacteria (P.acnes) comes in contact with witch hazel it kills them. Thus two main reasons of acne (excess oil production and bacteria) can be resolved by applying witch hazel.

Diseases including diarrhea, vomiting, cough, tuberculosis, cold, eye inflammation and bruises are said to be cured with witch hazel but not yet proved.

Directions to Apply Witch Hazel

Get witch hazel from a local store.

Dip a cotton ball in witch hazel to apply it on washed acne affected area. Leave it for few minutes and rinse it off, apply twice daily.

If you’re like me (I love natural remedies) then you can add honey, avocado or egg white to make it a face mask.

Witch Hazel Face Mask

Things you’ll need

  • Witch hazel
  • Honey
  • Tea tree oil
  • Rose water (optional)


  • Mix 1 tbsp of witch hazel, 1 tbsp of tea tree oil and 2 tbsp of honey in a bowl. Add rose water if you’ve dry skin.
  • Once you mixed it thoroughly apply a light layer to acne affected area.
  • Then rinse it off after 20 minutes.

You can try adding egg white, avocado, essential oil or sandal wood.

Side Effects

  • Though it’s safe for many adults it may cause mild skin irritation in some people.
  • Topically application has no high rate of side effects. But internal use is not safe.
  • Witch hazel contains safrole, this is a cancer causing chemical. Anyway amount of it is too small to concern.

Do you use witch hazel as face mask? Share your mask ingredients here.

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Benzoyl Peroxide Or Salicylic Acid for Acne?

Both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are used to treat acne and both have their side-effects too.

These drugs are included in most recommended home remedies to treat acne.

Note: Consult your doctor before using any of these drugs.

Let’s start with Salicylic acid.

Salicylic Acid for Acne

Also known as beta hydroxy acid is commonly used to treat skin diseases. Salicylic acid promotes shedding of dead skin cells; this is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Many cosmetic products already included salicylic acid to their ingredients list.

Acne which is caused due to accumulated dead cells and excess sebum clogging pores can be treated when you can shed dead cells clearing pores. Anyway excess oil can’t be effectively control by salicylic acid. For this purpose (to control excess sebum) use jojoba oil or aloe vera gel.

Salicylic acid is a keratolytic and belongs to same class that of aspirin. If you’re allergic to aspirin don’t use salicylic acid.

Not just acne with salicylic acid you can treat warts, stretch marks, remove calluses and corns and other skin diseases.

Directions to use Salicylic acid

Concentrations of salicylic acid in products vary from .5% to 2%. Get the one prescribed by dermatologist. Follow doctor or instructions given on product.

Various forms of salicylic acid found in market are, salicylic acid pads, a salicylic acid lotion, cream, gel. Use any one among them.

Wash the area before applying medication. Pat dry and apply medication on bumps, avoid medication coming in contact with eyes, nose or other sensitive parts of the body, wash immediately if medication gets in these areas.

It’s important to continue using salicylic acid for best results.

Side Effects

Not every skin loves these remedies. You may see redness, dryness or irritation on your skin. Stop using salicylic acid as soon as you feel irritation.

Apply natural moisturizer after treating with salicylic acid.

Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne

This is one of the most recommended and inexpensive treatment for acne. Many over-the-counter products include benzoyl peroxide as an ingredient; even in medication this drug is prescribed.

Acne is mainly caused by excess sebum (oil), dead cells and bacteria. These bacteria are called P. acnes. When pores gets blocked oxygen is not allowed, so this oxygen less environment is favorable for P.acnes to grow and multiply. Applying benzoyl peroxide will promote oxygen into pores thus making it difficult for these bacteria to survive; also it reduces number of break outs on skin.

Directions to use Benzoyl Peroxide

Get a lotion or gel with 2% of benzoyl peroxide, higher percentage may irritate your skin.

Wash the affected part and then apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide, leave it for few minutes and rinse it off. Avoid nose, eyes and other sensitive parts getting in contact with this lotion or gel.

If you see no result after using for weeks, try increasing the dosage.

Side Effects

Like salicylic acid bezoyl peroxide may leave your skin dry and flaky. Though you may see acne is treated, you‘ll have dry skin left.

Consult your dermatologist before continuing with these remedies.

acne treatment

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