Cinnamon and Honey for Acne

Even after using different topical creams, still most of us face this problem. Zits, pimples or blemishes whatever you call it, it’s very annoying and sometimes extremely painful. As cosmetic creams fail to treat acne permanently, beauty experts recommend trying natural home remedies for acne treatment.

Unlike chemical added creams innate remedies penetrate deep into the skin and thwart infectious bacteria. Cinnamon and honey for acne is one such home available remedy that can effectively stop bacteria and enhance healing.

Research concludes that acne is mainly caused by inflammation. Due to hormonal imbalance, sebaceous gland secrets excess sebum which gets clogged at skin pores along with dead cells. A blackhead is formed over the skin with impurities and excess sebum. P.acnes bacteria feed on sebum and in return gifts you inflammatory waste that increases the infection.

How Cinnamon and Honey Can Treat Acne?

cinnamon and honey for acne

  • Cinnamon is a spice normally used in cooking. It has wonderful aroma and packed with exceptional nutritional values.
  • Cinnamaldehyde, a chemical compound in cinnamon has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Anti-bacterial properties in cinnamon thwart acne causing bacteria.
  • Cinnamon improves blood circulation and brings oxygen to acne bumps to kill bacteria. (Oxygen provides unfavorable condition for bacteria)
  • Topically applying cinnamon face mask will unclog skin pores and dries pimples.
  • Antioxidants in this remedy kill free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Honey is humectant, means it holds moisture around the skin.
  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in honey reduce acne inflammation.
  • Water molecules in honey inhibit bacterial growth and low pH level of honey makes it difficult for bacteria to multiply.
  • Exceptional vitamins residing in honey can enhance healing of pimples and its bleaching property lightens the acne scars.

To make it more effective, combine these two innate ingredients and apply it over acne blemishes. Don’t expect instant results as it may take 1-2 weeks to see positive results.

For serious bumps use this remedy as spot treatment.

Using Cinnamon and Honey for Acne

You can apply raw honey directly over prewashed face to treat skin ailments. To make it more effective add cinnamon powder. Assorted nutrients in these ingredients penetrate into the skin and improve its functionality.

  • Blend 1 table spoon of cinnamon powder and 1 table spoon of raw honey.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water or expose it to steam.
  • Pat dry and apply the mask over face evenly by avoiding eye and nostrils.
  • After 20 minutes rinse it off.

You can replace raw honey with manuka honey, as it is packed with more nutrients that can treat acne.

Nutmeg, Honey and Cinnamon Face Mask for Acne

benefits of nutmeg

Nutmeg has anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents reduces inflammation. Blend 1 table spoon of raw honey, 1/2 table spoon of cinnamon powder and 1/2 table spoon of nutmeg powder in a bowl.

Wash acne affected face with lukewarm water and pat dry. Evenly apply the mask all over the face and leave it to dry naturally.

Optionally, add lemon juice to above face mask. Bleaching property in lemon can effectively fade acne scars, but excess use can make your skin dry. If you experience dryness over the face, then apply natural moisturizer like olive oil or jojoba oil after wiping face mask.

Note: If you see any redness or allergic reaction after using cinnamon and honey face mask stop using it and consult dermatologist. It is best to patch test before trying it over face.

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Honey and Baking Soda Face Mask

Everyone yearns to have smooth and glowing skin. Girls are more concerned about their looks than boys. Cosmetic world knew this open secret, so they’re striving to come up with an effective cream. But unfortunately they add chemical ingredients to preserve and for aroma.

These chemical ingredient products may turn dangerous to your sensitive skin, so beauty experts prefer natural remedies as they don’t have any side-effects. Honey and baking soda face mask is one such innate home remedy that is cost effective and makes your skin supple.

The earth’s oldest sweetener honey is renowned for its healing properties. Even religious books include exceptional benefits of honey. Apart from consuming it, you can topically apply it over face or skin to enhance its healthy functioning.

Honey and Baking Soda

honey and baking soda face mask

Raw honey alone is sufficient to make your skin free from skin ailments; but you can optionally add baking soda for serious skin disorders. Abrasive property of baking soda helps to clean dirt and dead cells piled over the face.

While humectant properties in honey lock moisture around the skin, nutrients in baking soda or sodium bicarbonate exfoliates dead cells.

Approximately, you shed one million dead cells in 24 hours. All these cells accumulate over your skin along with other impurities from the surrounding. Excess sebum gets clogged with these impurities to form blackheads. So, baking soda face mask helps to exfoliate your skin.

As properties residing in baking soda can wipe moisture around the skin and make it dry, its recommend to limit its use or apply natural moisturizer after treating with this face mask.

  • Exfoliants in baking soda removes dirt (oil, dead cells and pollutants) accumulated over your face.
  • Moisturizing agents in honey hydrates your face and enhances collagen production. It also helps to get rid of dry itchy patches over the skin.
  • Antiseptic agents residing in raw honey fight bacterial and fungal infection.
  • Antioxidants in honey thwart free radicals and anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation.
  • Assorted properties packed in honey stimulate fast healing of minor burns, injuries and other skin ailments.
  • Baking soda regulates pH level of the skin and controls excess production of sebum.
  • Together baking soda and honey can exfoliate your skin and treat acne blemishes.

How to Make Honey and Banking Soda Face Mask at Home

Ingredients in this face mask are available right now in your kitchen. Regularly using this face mask can make your skin free from infections. Apart from treating acne and other ailments, this face mask turns your dull skin to bright. All these benefits come for very cheap price.

Prefer raw or organic honey over processed honey and limit baking soda as it may make your skin sensitive.

  • Take 4 table spoons of pure baking soda in a clean container.
  • Add 1 table spoon of raw honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Optionally add water to make paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face and pat dry before applying this mask.
  • Using your clean fingers topically apply the face mask avoiding eye and nostrils.
  • Let it dry for few minutes and then rinse it off or wipe with wet cloth.

Optionally, apply natural moisturizer like olive oil or jojoba oil to hydrate the skin.

Honey and Baking Soda for Acne

Antimicrobial and bleaching properties housed in lemon juice can restrain P.acnes and lighten acne scars. Acidic nature of lemon can make your skin dry, so limit its use if you see dry skin.

  • Pour 2 table spoon of baking soda in a small bowl.
  • Mix 1 table spoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lemon juice to it thoroughly.
  • Now, wash acne affected area with lukewarm water or expose it to steam. Clogged acne pores open up.
  • Apply the face mask over the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Apply this face mask 2-3 times a week. Stop using this mask if you see allergic reaction over the skin.

Is Honey Good for Acne?

Benefits of honey are documented in many religious books. Though it is mostly considered for losing weight, raw honey can make your skin glow and supple when used topically.

Its nutritional benefits enticed cosmetic world to incorporate it into their pricey products. However, most of them are processed or refined. Experts recommend raw honey because it is packed with high nutritional values. So next time you visit a store, see for raw labeled on the bottle.

Honey is good for acne because of its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These agents restrain bacterial growth, controls excess sebum production and stimulate fast healing. There is no single honey mask recipe for acne; you can add different natural ingredients to raw honey.

Before dwelling deep into benefits of honey for acne, lets checkout the causes of acne.

What Causes Acne?

honey for stretch marksMostly the age groups between 12 – 25 are seen with acne vulgaris. Experts hold inflammation to be main cause behind these lesions. Sebaceous glands secrets sebum (natural oil) to keep the skin moist and smooth, but due to hormonal imbalance in puberty excess sebum is produced that clogs at pores with dead cells accumulated over it. Bacterial infection takes this to next level by increasing inflammation.

So, excess sebum production, bacteria and dead cells are main causes of acne or pimples.

Cosmetic creams include chemical ingredients, which may stripe natural oil covering your skin and they can’t reach the root level of acne vulgaris.

Whereas, on the other hand natural remedies are inexpensive and they can penetrate deep into the skin to treat acne. It may take more time when compared to creams, but the result last for long time.

Why Is Honey Good for Acne?

Raw honey is packed with assorted nutrients that make it an excellent remedy for acne. This is why many anti-acne products include honey as vital ingredient. Apart from treating acne, humectant property in honey locks moisture over your skin.

  • Antioxidant activity of honey kills free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Antibacterial property restrains acne causing bacteria and condemns its infection.
  • Inflammation around acne lesions can be reduced by anti-inflammatory activity of honey.
  • Further, its antiseptic property stops fungal and bacterial infection over busted pimples.
  • Sticky nature of honey face mask attracts dead cells and impurities piled over your skin.
  • Probiotic agents in this remedy stop further acne breakouts.
  • Humectant property prevents excess production of sebum and hydrates the skin from outside.
  • Vitamins like B2, B3 and C residing in this homemade honey face mask can stop wrinkles and enhance collagen production.
  • Minerals including Calcium, Zinc, Iron and Selenium works to improve your skin texture. (source)

You can eat honey to treat acne and other skin ailments. Apart from this, internal use of honey can decrease cholesterol level, as minerals in this innate remedy improve digestion and metabolizing fatty acids.

Sugar in honey can be easily absorbed in blood, thus it improves digestion. Although it has many health and beauty benefits, you’re advised to take not more than 10 table spoon of honey every day.  (However, the quantity may alter depending on your life style.)

How to Use Honey for Acne?

There are different types of honey available in the market, prefer raw honey or manuka honey to treat acne. As they are packed with more nutrients compared to other types.

You can directly apply honey over acne lesions but to make it more effective you can optionally add other natural ingredients. Let’s now check out various recipes that prove honey is good for acne.

1. Raw Honey

  • Wash affected area with lukewarm water so that clogged pores open up.
  • Pat dry and topically raw honey using cotton ball.
  • Apply evenly all over the face and on forehead.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then risen it off.

Best time to apply honey is before going to bed.

2. Honey and Nutmeg Face Mask

  • Mix equal quantity of honey and powdered nutmeg in a clean bowl.
  • Expose your face to steam or wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply the mask over affected part and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

3. Cinnamon and Honey Face Mask for Acne

Cinnamon powder has wonderful aroma and packed with antibacterial properties. It’s helps to dry acne lesions and unclogs clogged pores.

  • Mix equal quantities of honey and powdered cinnamon in a bowl.
  • After mixing thoroughly apply it over washed acne blemishes.
  • Rinse the mask with water after 20 minutes.

4. Honey and Oatmeal for Acne

Oats can be used to exfoliate dead cells and impurities accumulated over face. It also helps to control excess production of sebum.

  • Mix finely grounded oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/4 cup of water.
  • After washing the face with lukewarm water apply the face mask.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Optionally, you can apply natural moisturizer after face mask treatment to hydrate your dry skin.

5. Lemon juice and Honey for Acne Scars

Lemon is renowned for antibacterial properties and lightens dark spots. Scars left after treating acne blemishes fades if treated regularly with this face mask.

  • Take 2 table spoon of raw honey and add 2 drops of lemon juice.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

6. Honey and Turmeric Face Mask

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric powder can help to treat and fade acne scars.

  • Mix 1 table spoon of raw honey to 1 pinch of turmeric powder in a clean bowl.
  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Now, apply the face mask evenly using your clean fingers.
  • Rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  • Decrease the quantity turmeric powder if you want to avoid yellow stains. Anyhow, those stains fade in few hours.

7. Honey and Sugar Face Scrub

  • Mix raw honey with brown sugar thoroughly.
  • Apply this mask over face to remove impurities and shed dead cells.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Avoid this mask if your pimples are painful.

You can use honey and olive oil for fading acne scars and avoid further acne lesions. Olive oil has abundant nutrients that can make your skin functioning healthy.

Avoid pressing or scratching on pimples, it may increase the infection. Once you see positive results, don’t stop using the honey for acne. Massage your face with olive oil or jojoba oil before going to bed.

  • Honey good for acne only when you decided to use it consistently and follow a healthy lifestyle. Drink as much water as you can and give yourself good sleep.
  • Stay away from chemical filled soaps and creams.
  • All the home remedies take long time to see positive results.
  • Avoid foods that can trigger acne inflammation, like sugar, dairy products, coffee, soy, bread, coconut oil and peanuts. (source)
  • Cleanse your face twice to wipe impurities and millions of dead cells piled over your face.

Is honey good for acne, what’s your take on this article? Share your valuable views in comments.

honey good for acne

Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne and Scars

Oats are popularly known to reduce cholesterol level in the body. Apart from being a healthy breakfast, oatmeal face mask has abundant benefits for skin. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties residing in oats aid to get rid of itching and acne.

Experts say that acne is mainly caused due to inflammation; oatmeal face mask for acne exfoliates your skin and wipes off the impurities that clogs skin pores. Assorted nutrients residing in oats enhance healthy functioning of the skin.

Benefits of Oatmeal Face Mask

  • oatmeal and honey face mask for acneSaponins, a compound present in oatmeal exhibits cleansing property.
  • Starchiness of this mask will lock moisture and lighten dark spots on face.
  • Antioxidants in oatmeal thwart free radicals that are damaging skin cells. This feature avoids premature aging wrinkles.
  • Vitamin B1 aids to improve blood circulation and makes your face glow naturally.
  • Anti-inflammatory property reduces acne inflammation and kills acne causing bacteria because of its antimicrobial property.
  • Oats are packed with zinc that can avoid many skin ailments including acne.
  • Apart from treating pimples, oatmeal mask can efficiently lighten acne scars.
  • Copper in oats improves your skin and fade wrinkles.

Homemade Oatmeal Face Mask

To reap all the benefits listed above, you’re advised to make your own oatmeal face mask at home. Depending on your skin type and ailment, you can add other innate ingredients to oats. Before that, let me share a simple recipe with which you can make your face clean and supple.

  • Take 5 table spoons of oats and cook it by adding required amount of water.
  • Cool it down and add water if needed to make smooth paste.
  • Before apply the mask, wash your face and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Use your clean fingers to apply the mask topically all over the face.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Optionally, you can apply natural moisturizer after wiping the face mask.

Lemon, Honey and Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne

Though oats are packed with exceptional properties that are enough to treat acne blemishes, you can add lemon juice and raw honey to make the mask more effective.

  • Citric acid in lemon juice lightens dark spots and anti-bacterial agents kill infectious bacteria.
  • Raw honey is renowned for antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and humectant properties. These agents can effectively treat acne and fade scars.
  • Excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive, so limit its use if you’ve sensitive skin.

Ingredients include 2 table spoon of raw honey, few drops of lemon juice and finely grounded oats.

Grind the oats and add honey and lemon juice to it. Optionally, you can add tea tree oil or other essential oil for aroma.

Wash your face with lukewarm water and massage it with jojoba oil (optional) before applying the face mask. So that blocked skin pores open up.

Add this face mask cream to your beauty regimen to use regularly. (Face mask recipe source)

Related post: Lemon for acne scars

Honey, Yogurt and Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne Scars

Probiotic enzymes in plain yogurt will nourish and fight acne lesions on the skin. And honey locks moisturizer and enhances collagen production to lighten the acne scars.

  • 1 table spoon of finely grounded oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp of plain yogurt
  • 1 tbsp of raw honey or manuka honey

Mix all ingredients in a clean bowl and apply it over your prewashed face. Don’t stop using the face mask after treating acne lesions; continue it until it gets clear skin.

Homemade Witch Hazel Face Mask

Witch hazel is an herb renowned for its medicinal activity. Tannin is a chemical compound in this plant that plays vital role in treating various skin ailments.

Apart from using it topically, you can use witch hazel internally to treat various diseases. Its bark, leaves and twigs are used to make medicine. Assorted nutrients residing in witch hazel plant reduces itching, swelling, inflammation and enhances healing minor injuries.

Unlike other beauty care products, this herbal remedy is inexpensive and can be available at local drug store. Get it and apply it over affected part with cotton ball and the healing process starts.

  • Cleansing property in this mask can be used to exfoliate impurities accumulated over the face.
  • Controls excess flow of sebum and hydrates the skin from outside.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties residing in witch hazel reduces acne inflammation.
  • Other nutrients housed in this herbal plant helps to treat dry skin and itching.
  • Stimulates fast healing of minor burns and injuries.

How to Make Witch Hazel Face Mask at Home?

witch hazel face mask

To reap the benefits of witch hazel, it’s better to make your own witch hazel face mask at home. Store bought products are often refined and lack nutritional value.

1. Witch hazel face mask for acne

Astringent property in witch hazel is renowned to control excess production of sebum and its anti-inflammatory property reduces inflammation.

  • Mix 1 tea spoon of witch hazel to tea tree oil and 2 tbsp of raw honey.
  • Optionally, add few drops of lavender oil or any other essential oil for aroma.
  • Wash the affected area with lukewarm water and pat dry, so acne lesions open up.
  • Now apply mixed mask topically over the face and around the neck.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and then rinse it off.

2. Witch hazel and lemon juice face mask

Whisk one egg white and mix 6 drops of witch hazel to it. Optionally add 1-2 drops of lemon juice to remove dry patches from the face.

When you’re done with mixing ingredients then apply the mask over the face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Lemon juice is acidic in nature, which can stripe natural oils from the skin. Sensitive skin people are advised to limits it use.

3. Witch hazel and milk powder face mask

  • Blend one egg (exclude egg yolk if needed) with 4 tbsp of no-fat milk powder and 1 tbsp of witch hazel.
  • Rinse your face with water and then pat dry.
  • Topically apply the face mask and then leave it to dry naturally.
  • When the mask dries up, splash water over the face and pat dry.

Unlike other beauty products witch hazel exhibits no side effects. Witch hazel face mask can be effective when used regularly.

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30 Benefits of Chamomile Tea for Skin, Face and Health

Like any herbal tea, chamomile tea gives you an instant refreshing experience. Its aromatic smell can bring you back to life (not literally).

Chamomile includes different types of daisy like plants filled with nutrients and vitamins. Though we’re aware of benefits of green tea, most of don’t know about benefits of chamomile tea for skin and health. It has been used to treat various skin and heath diseases like sore throat, insomnia, anxiety, cold, digestion problems, psoriasis, eczema and acne.

Dried chamomile flowers are used to make this tea. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory activity of chamomile tea helps to eliminate infectious bacteria, fungus and reduces acne inflammation.

Bisabolol and flavonoids residing in chamomile tea enhances fast healing and includes anti-cancer property. These compounds have been included in cosmetic creams to stimulate healing and to improve skin’s texture. Flavonoids show antioxidant property, which thwarts free radicals that damages your skin cells leading wrinkles.

Benefits of Chamomile Tea for Skin

chamomile face mask

1. Your skin is piled with impurities and dead cells. Antioxidant and cleansing properties residing in chamomile tea can be used to exfoliate the skin. Apart from having brewing herbal tea, you can make chamomile face mask.

2. Enhances healing. Mix some water or any essential oil and apply it over injuries to fasten the healing process.

3. Treats minor sunburns and used topically with other innate remedies like honey and almond oil.

4. Antioxidant agents kill free radicals and prevent premature aging and wrinkles.

5. Experts say acne is mainly cause due to inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties reduce acne inflammation.

6. Place cool chamomile tea bags under your dark eyes to remove dark circles. Repeated use it important to see positive results.

7. Hydrates your skin from the outside and inside when consumed regularly.

8. Placing chamomile tea bags will soothe your tired eyes.

9. Blend it with olive oil and white sugar to protect the skin from harmful UV rays and moisturize the dry skin.

10. Blend it with oatmeal and almond oil and it can remove impurities off the skin.

11. Studies proved that topical application of chamomile mask can relive eczema symptoms.

12. Natural bleaching property of chamomile tea can lighten dark spots and aids in skin whitening.

13. Apply chamomile face mask over acne lesions to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Benefits of Chamomile tea for hair

14. Get rid of blonde hair with chamomile tea. Mix it henna for dark hairs.

15. Lighten your hair with chamomile tea to get stunning bright-golden light to brown hair.

16. You can get rid of scalp irritation by using chamomile tea.

17. Exceptional properties in this herbal plant can reduce dandruff.

Benefits of Chamomile tea for health

18. Dating back to ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians chamomile has been used to treat various health issues like chest colds, sore throats and ulcers.

19. Having a cup of chamomile tea can relax uterus muscles and reduce menstrual cramps.

20. If you’ve experienced stomach ache or under gone operation try chamomile tea in limited quality to soothe your pain.

21. Experts recommend taking chamomile tea to reduce stomach ulcers.

22. It can help to control blood glucose levels. Reports conclude that chamomile tea can be helpful for diabetic patients.

23. Studies suggest that chamomile can treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids and insomnia.

24. Sedative properties in this herbal tea can help you to sleep.

25. Migraines or experiencing headache, try one hot cup of chamomile tea to relax you.

26. Allergic reaction and rashes over the skin and internally can be treated by using chamomile tea.

27. Chamomile tea can treat chickenpox, diaper rash and colic in children. (source)

28. Assorted properties in chamomile tea can boost your immune system and give you instant relief.

29. Prevent gastric troubles by daily consuming a cup of tea.

30. Get rid of puffy eyes by placing chamomile tea bags under your eyes.

How to Pick and Make Chamomile Tea at Home

Important Points

  • Excess use of chamomile tea can upset your stomach. So limit its use.
  • Try to make your own chamomile tea at home, by picking its flowers and drying it for 1-2 weeks.
  • Keep the dried flowers in airtight container.
  • Pregnant must avoid chamomile tea, as it may cause abortion.
  • If you’re allergic to this herbal plant, then stop using it. Pat test before to know whether your skin is allergic to it.

Benefits of chamomile tea for skin and health are countless. So, try it once and let us know the results.

Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thighs

You might have seen a large swollen part on your face, armpits or in nose. Usually boils start with red lump and it turns painful filled with pus as it grows. Boils are of different types depending on the infection and its size.

Though they’re common, boils on inner thighs are not expected as they cause great discomfort. But, luckily most boils get reduced as time passes. Anyhow, it’s not easy to live with painful pus on thighs. Before dwelling into home remedies for boils on inner thighs, let’s check out what actually causes these lumps.

What Causes Boils on Inner Thighs?

The bacteria and fungi stay on your skin without any infection. But a cut, injury or wound breaks the skin and allows the bacteria to enter the skin to trigger infection. Staph bacteria is the one which enters your skin and spreads infection in hair follicle. This type of boil is commonly known as furuncle boil.

Other causes include allergic reaction, weak immune system, poor hygiene, less nutritional diet, sharing shaving blades, sharing toiletries and scratching repeatedly.

At times boils may increase in size to cause discomfort and harm. The red lumps can appear at any part of the body where there is a hair follicle. When pus filled lumps lands on genitals, it may lead to jock itch.

Signs and Symptoms of Boils

As mentioned above, initially red swollen lump can be seen on hair follicles. As times passes, this lump will be filled with pus and is accompanied by itch and pain. Severe boils may cause fever and fatigue.

Depending on infection, boils can be broadly classified into 6 types. (source:

  • Furuncle boil
  • Carbuncle
  • Cystic Acne
  • Armpit and Groin
  • Pilonidal Abscess
  • Stye

Home remedies to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thighs

Normal boils need no serious medication; you can treat them at home. But you must visit physician when a serious golf sized bump lands on your body. Often the bump is soft and spongy. Experts recommend placing warm cloth over the pus filled lump repeatedly for 3-4 times a day. If you want to try other remedies, then have a look below.

1. Treating with Tea

tea bags for boils on thighs

Don’t throw tea bags after using them. Let it cool down and place it over boils on inner thighs. As tea is filled with antioxidant and assorted nutrients, it can instantly heal boils and other skin ailments.

2. Warm Bath

When you wash boils with warm water or place warm cloth, it improves blood circulation around the boil and erupt the boil. Clean and wrap the busted lump and apply antiseptic cream if needed. Else the bacteria residing in the busted boil may spread to other parts of the body.

3. Apple cider vinegar to get rid of boils

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents packed in ACV will reduce pain and restrain further bacterial infection. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply topically over the boil using cotton ball.

Instead of water you can add honey or lime juice (with water). Leave the applied paste for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. Aloe vera gel for boils

Nutrients in aloe gel have exceptional benefits for skin related ailments. Its antibacterial and hydrating activity enhances healing and kills bacteria. Anti-inflammatory agents in aloe gel can reduce swelling and pain.

Take fresh aloe leaf and remove its skin after washing it thoroughly. Apply the obtained gel over boils and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the process daily to see the swelling wipes away.

5. Toothpaste for boils on inner thighs

Almost all pastes include cleansing and hydrating ingredients in it. Apply the toothpaste over boils and rinse it off after 15 minutes. Repeated use will burst the boil and pus drains away. Wrap the busted lump with cloth or bandage.

6. Cornmeal to get rid of boils

cornmeal for boils on inner thighs

Absorptive properties in cornmeal can treat boils when applied topically. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornmeal with hot water to make thick paste. Apply the paste over boils and wrap it with cloth and leave it for 30 minutes.

Repeat the process daily and you’ll see positive results as time passes.

7. Tea tree oil to get rid of boils

Tea tree oil is different from tea bags. Tea tree oil also packed with antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agents. Along with this, rich nutrients in this oil will enhance healthy functioning of the skin.

Dip cotton swab in tea tree oil and apply it over boils. Alternatively, mix it with warm water and add lavender oil to it.

8. Turmeric for Boils

Turmeric powder is renowned for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Indians use turmeric powder as a first aid and it’s been used by many cosmetic industries to enhance acne healing. Curcumin, the compound in turmeric helps to relive you from severe pain.

Mix turmeric powder with vinegar or boiled milk and apply it over boils. Leave it for 30 minutes so that nutrients start affecting and relive you from discomfort.

9. Neem for boils on inner thighs

neem and turmeric face pack

It’s renowned to treat various chronic skin diseases like measles, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Natural antiseptic and antioxidants in neem leaves stimulates healing and reduce pain.

10. Onion for boils

Onion juice when comes in contact with infection, it exhibits antiseptic and antimicrobial activity. It also reduces redness and pain because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Slice fresh onion and wrap it over boils using a cloth. Remove it after 30-40 minutes and replace it with other sliced onion pieces.

There are many prominent home remedies to get rid of boils on inner thighs, but for severe boils we recommend consulting doctor. Did you ever try anyone of the above home remedies? Share in comments.

home remedies for boils on inner thighs

Using Chamomile Face Mask

Aromatic effect of chamomile gives you an instant relief from stress and anxiety. It has been used to treat various health ailments for centuries.

Apart from exhibiting healing and calming effect chamomile face mask has many cosmetic benefits.

Men or women yearn to have attractive and smooth skin. Unlike cosmetic creams, that makes you dependent on them; natural remedies repair your skin from the root and enhance healthy functioning.

Chamomile is an herbal plant extensively used for its exceptional medicinal properties. Assorted nutrients in this herbal plant can treat hemorrhoids, hay fever, inflammation, menstrual problems, gastric problems, insomnia and ulcers. Here go brief benefits of chamomile face mask.

  • Anti-inflammatory agents in this herbal plant can effectively reduce inflammation of acne, eczema, psoriasis, minor burns and rashes.
  • Its antimicrobial activity can thwart bacterial infection.
  • Essential oil extracted from chamomile can effectively enhance skin texture and helps to get rid of frown lines and wrinkles.
  • Flavonoids and Bisabolol present in this herbal plant aids in healing injuries and exhibits anti-cancer activity.
  • Alpha-bisabolol has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Apigenin has shown significant effect on cancer cells when applied topically. (source)

How to Make Chamomile Face Mask at Home?

chamomile face mask

Because of its enticing agents cosmetic industries included chamomile in their creams. Anyhow, they also include chemical ingredients in them. To stay away from them and to get benefited from natural remedy you’re advised to make your own chamomile mask at home with added ingredients.

1. Chamomile Honey Face Mask

Honey has humectant and anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe your skin. Apart from this raw honey can treat various skin ailments like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Add oatmeal to this face mask; salicylic acid in oats exhibits exfoliating properties. It can wipe the impurities accumulated over the skin.

  • Grounded Oats – 1/2 cup
  • Raw honey – 2 teaspoons
  • Strongly brewed chamomile tea – 1/4 cup.
  • White sugar – 3 teaspoons

Initially, brew chamomile tea with dried chamomile flowers and hot water. Then add other listed ingredients to this herbal tea. Sugar can be used to exfoliate dead cells and pollutants piled over the skin.

Remember to wash your face before applying this face mask.

After applying the mask, leave it to dry naturally and then rinse it off. Practice this regularly.

Read: Turmeric and honey face mask recipe

2. Chamomile and Olive Oil Face Mask

Vitamin E in olive oil has antioxidant properties and can help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It’s also protects your skin from harmful UV rays. Assorted nutrients in olive oil can effectively exfoliate impurities and unclog blocked pores.

  • Olive oil – 1/4 cup
  • White sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Chamomile tea bag – 1

Mix chamomile tea powder with olive oil and white sugar. Place it aside in airtight container, meanwhile wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Now, apply the face mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

Related: Olive oil for Skin Whitening

3. Almond Oil and Chamomile Face Mask

Almond oil reduces dark spots and exfoliates impurities accumulated over the skin. Assorted nutrients in almond oil can enhance healthy functioning of the skin and hydrates it from the outside.

  • Chamomile tea bag – 1
  • Almond oil – 3 drops
  • Grounded oats – 1 tablespoon
  • Raw honey – 2 tablespoons

Take chamomile tea bag in a bowl and add honey, grounded oats and almond oil to it. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly apply it on prewashed face.

You’re not confined only to use these ingredients in chamomile face mask, you can add your favorite innate ingredient. But, limit its use if you see allergic reaction or patch test before using it.

Image source

chamomile and honey face mask