How to Use Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

It’s not associated with any serious issue. But yes, you’ve a cosmetic concern with these tiger stripes. Stretch marks appear as a result of sudden weight gain, during pregnancy in women and in puberty. Your skin literally ripped apart at the deeper layers of dermis that leaves marks over epidermis, the upper layer of the skin.

You can find a long list of expensive creams to fade stretch marks. But among them coconut oil for stretch marks stands out to be my no.1 choice, because of 2 reasons, one is I don’t have to rush to a store (most of us have it) and other reason is it comes with additional skin benefits (which I discussed here).

How it Works: Coconut Oil and Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

coconut oil for stretch marks

As discussed earlier, the real mark is made in dermis (the deeper layer of the skin), so you need a cream which can penetrate deep into the skin and heal. Most of them are expensive except innate remedies like coconut oil. Coconut oil is cheaper and because of its properties coconut oil able to reach deeper layers of the skin and enhance cell production to heal.

Over the time the upper marks (seen over the skin) gets faded. Excellent thing is you can use coconut oil to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Apply virgin coconut oil over stomach evenly so that it enhances collagen production, which in turn improves skin’s elasticity and prevents stretch marks.

Note: This natural remedy may or may not work for you it depends, but you can give it a try as it’s cheap.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks?

Vitamin E, K, fatty acids and moisturizing elements housed in coconut oil can make your skin wrinkle free and radiant. But unfortunately, most of them in stores are processed, means they have fewer nutrients. So experts suggest using virgin coconut oil as it contains all innate properties.

coconut oil for under eye wrinkles

  • Best time to apply coconut oil is, after shower. In this state your skin is free from all dirt and ready to absorb the oil.
  • When your skin is still damp apply coconut oil over stretch marks or over stomach (if you’re pregnant), on back and over knees. Yes, you can apply over the face and under eyes.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off.

If you’re going out in sun, then use a hat or cloth to cover the area. Alternatively, you can use Olive oil, Shea butter or avocado oil. Along with stretch marks coconut oil can treat cellulite problem.

You can use coconut oil over your body in various forms, one such natural way to wipe impurities off the body is here.

Other coconut oil benefits for skin

  • Studies prove that topical application of coconut oil will treat dry skin and is safe.
  • Regular application will make your skin free from scars and stretch marks.
  • Major skin diseases are associated with itching some or the other way. Applying coconut oil will give your instant relief from itching.
  • Assorted properties in this oil soften your skin and enhance collagen production leading to wrinkle free skin.

A special Remedy of Coconut oil, Shea butter and Almond oil for Stretch Marks


  • Coconut oil – 1/4 cup
  • Shea butter – 1/4
  • Almond oil – 3 tbsp
  • Calendula flowers – 1 tbsp (optional)

Boil calendula flowers at simmer and strain flowers. Add Shea butter and coconut oil to double boiler and stir both ingredients. Remove from heat and add almond oil and water collected after straining calendula flowers. Store in a jar and use it regularly.

Note: Consult your doctor before using any such home remedies while pregnant.

Have you ever tired coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy? What’s your say on this?

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5+ Effective Remedies to Get Rid of Blood Blisters Over Night

When a blood vessel under the skin gets damaged due to a trauma, allergens, pinching, burning or through fungal infection, red bumps filled with fluid appear. Though these blisters are not dangerous they can be extremely painful and get infected if not treated.

Most blisters heal on their own. Anyway, if you want to get rid of pain over night you can try below mentioned home remedies which will reduce blisters and terminate further infection.

how to get rid of blood blisters

5 Home remedies to get rid of blood blisters

1. Placing Ice Cubes on Blisters

As soon as trauma occur blister begin to form causing pain. To stop blisters from forming large bumps place ice cube in a towel or cloth and apply it on blisters.

Don’t place ice cubes directly as this may lead to infection.

2. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Oil Mixture

aloe vera gel for blood blisters

Aloe vera has great inflammatory properties, mix aloe vera juice with vitamin E oil and apply it on blisters. Repeat the process for few days to see the change.

If you don’t have vitamin E oil then you can use aloe vera gel or juice. Raw aloe vera is preferred; you can get aloe juice from local store.

3. Garlic Oil

Garlic is filled with manganese, vitamin B and C. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of garlic terminate further infection of blisters.

Get some raw garlic and crush/chop them, else you can buy garlic oil from a local store and slightly heat it. After allowing it to come down to room temperature, apply it on blisters and rinse off with cold water after few minutes. Repeat this process daily.

Note: If you see redness on skin then, stop using garlic.

4. Place Sliced Cucumbers on Blisters

cucumber to treat blood blisters

Cucumber belongs to melons family and has rich amount of nutritional values. Fresh cucumbers have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamins such are K, C and B1 are found in this fruit.

Slice cucumber into round shaped pieces and place it on the affected part. Nutritional properties in cucumber relieve you from pain, swelling and inflammation. Along with using it topically on skin you can have raw cucumber or drink cucumber juice.

You can also use cucumber to cure forehead acne.

5. Tea Bags, Sandalwood, Turmeric and Tea Tree Oil

Process to use above mentioned remedies are simple and identical to previous remedies.

Tea Bag – Place unused tea bag in refrigerator and now place it on blisters, this will stop blister from swelling.

Sandal Wood – This absorbs the heat from blister and thus helps in quick healing process. Add rose water to sandal wood powered; now apply this paste on blisters.

Turmeric – Another most used home remedy to treat skin problems. Mix turmeric powered to rose water and apply it on affected part.

Tea Tree oil – Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in tea tree oil helps to get rid of blood blisters. Add some water to tea tree oil and apply it on blisters, after 15 minutes rinse it off with cold water.

If blister is large and painful you can drain it using a pin, gently puncture the edge of the pin and press fluid toward the hole. If you’ve diabetes, heart diseases don’t drain this may cause infection.

For serious problems consult medical attention.

How to Get Rid of Dark Upper Lip Shadow or Female Mustache – Lighten The Skin Fast

Your skin doesn’t only work as an excellent defense mechanism; it also keeps our body in better shape and provides much-needed texture. As it is exposed to different types of external environment and stimuli, it is always at risk of getting suffered from different kinds of disorders and cosmetic issues.

Dark upper lip skin discoloration is one among them. Though this disorder will not trigger major ailment, it’s a cosmetic concern that everyone wants to get rid of it.

Who don’t have the zeal to have a clean and toned skin, and when we talk about face, it is always important to take proper care of it. Your face is undoubtedly one of the most critical parts of your body, and it makes a considerable role to determine your overall personality.

If there is even a little abnormality on your face, you might suffer from low confidence. After all, your attitude is one of the most significant assets in your personality, and if you have a clean and toned face, your personality can become very attractive and effective. There are plenty of skin and face related problems people are facing and trying to find proper solutions

This write-up is going to tell you about the dark shadow on the upper lip of women, sometimes dark skin on upper lip looks like a mustache and is also known as “Female Mustache.”

This is a type of skin blemish, and in most of the cases, it is a temporary skin problem. It is very annoying for females, and it is imperative to take some measured steps to get rid of it. Here, we are going to talk about the causes of mustache shadow and how to get rid of it.

We will also try to discuss some very successful home remedies and how to use them to remove the darkness of the upper lip. At the end of this article, we will highlight some handy tips to prevent mustache shadow. Let’s start with possible causes of dark upper lip skin discoloration.

dark upper lip shadow

What Causes Mustache Shadow?

There is no particular proven cause of girl or woman mustache shadow. There might be different reasons for different people. According to health experts and dermatologists, there are various possible factors might be responsible for imperfect skin tone above the upper lip.

  • Overexposure to the sun is one of the most common causes of the female mustache. When you are out under the sun for a longer time, your skin is always under threat to develop different types of abnormalities.
  • There are high chances that your skin can get hyper-pigmented which is responsible for most of the abnormal skin conditions.
  • Hormonal imbalance at the time of puberty, pregnancy, and vitamin E deficiency is another common cause of the dark upper lip. Age of youth is a critical phase of your life.
  • If there is any problem in your hormone at the time of puberty, you might suffer from the darkness of different parts of the body including the upper part of the lip.
  • Different types of skin allergies are also responsible for melasma or dark patches over the upper lip. A lot of people have allergies of different kinds of allergens and other particles.
  • If you have allergy with any allergic particle like smoke, pollen grains, or dust, you have higher chances of getting affected with skin darkness.
  • Oral contraceptives, creams containing tar derivatives, and hyperpigmentation of face are some of the other reasons for a female mustache shadow.
  • Oral contraceptives might be very helpful at times, but they have their side effects as well. If you are using oral contraceptives regularly, there are chances of hormonal imbalance and hence different skin problems including the female mustache.
  • Using creams that have tar derivatives or any other chemical might be another cause of darkened upper lip.

How to Get Rid of Dark Upper Lip Female Mustache Shadow?

The skin around your lips is very soft and sensitive. So, excessive waxing or plucking isn’t a good idea at all. These types of practices are only going to harm your skin badly.

Going the natural ways is the best option for you if you want to remove the darkness of your upper lip without any side effects. Here are some beneficial home remedies along with directions to use them to get rid of upper lip darkness.

#1 Lemon

Lemon is one of the most beneficial home remedies for all types of skin related problems. Its excellent bleaching properties are going to be very handy to remove darkness from the upper lip

  • Take one large lemon or two small-sized lemons and squeeze in half glass of lukewarm water.
  • Apply gently on the upper lip at bed time and leave for whole night,
  • Wash your face with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer on the skin.
  • Keep repeating the process consistently at bed time.

#2 Homemade Mask for Mustache Shadow

All the three ingredients used in this mask are excellent for skin. Applying ACV on the skin is very beneficial in most of the abnormal skin conditions. Cucumber is known for keeping the skin hydrated while rose water is a great skin moisturizer. This homemade mask is going to be very effective to reduce the darkness of upper lip.

  • 5 ml Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3 cucumber slices
  • 5 ml Rose Water


  • Crush 3 slices of cucumber and squeeze the juice.
  • Add 5 ml rose water and 5 ml ACV into it.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Use cotton plug to apply the paste on the dark upper lip before going to bed.
  • Keep it on till morning and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week to have a bright and clean upper lip skin.

#3 Orange Juice

Like all the citrus fruits, orange is very effective in most of the skin related problems as well. There are plenty of health benefits of drinking orange juice, but it is very beneficial for skin as well. Acidic properties of orange juice makes it an excellent skin bleach and it is surely going to help in removing dark upper lip shadow.

  • Take 4-5 pieces of orange and squeeze juice.
  • Add 2 tbsp. ACV and mix properly.
  • Apply on the upper lip using a cotton plug.
  • Leave for 4-5 hours and wash off with fresh water.
  • Keep repeating twice or thrice a week until you get rid of mustache shadow.

#4 Fresh and Pure Honey

Honey is very good for maintaining overall health and it is an excellent home remedy for all types of skin related problems as well due to plenty of antioxidants in it. Using honey is another very good option to reduce the darkness of upper lip especially if your skin is very sensitive.

  • Take 2 tbsp. pure honey
  • Add 2 drops of lukewarm water and mix well
  • Apply on the upper lip and leave for 2 hours.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry using soft cloth.
  • Apply gentle moisturizer.
  • Keep repeating the process thrice a week for 3 months.

#5 Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a wonderful as well as affordable oil for all types of skin related problems. It doesn’t only have some amazing antifungal and antibacterial properties, it is capable of maintaining skin tonicity as well. Applying it regularly will be very good to reduce female mustache shadow.

  • Add ½ tbsp. rosemary oil to 2 tbsp. coconut oil.
  • Mix both oils together and apply on the dark upper lip.
  • Keep it on for 3-4 hours.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Use coconut oil for dark upper lip on regular basis.

#6 Baking Soda

Sodium Bicarbonate is an excellent bleach and is very handy for skin lightening. There are numerous skin benefits of baking soda. In addition to being a wonderful skin exfoliator, it is very effective to maintain the overall skin health as well.

  • There are plenty of different handy ways to use baking soda for skin darkness
  • Mix 2 tbsp. baking soda in 4 tbsp. water.
  • Mix well until it become a fine paste.
  • Keep aside for 10 minutes.
  • Take a cotton plug and soak it properly in the paste.
  • Apply gently on the lip and leave for an hour
  • Use lukewarm water to wash the lip
  • Repeat the recipe for 3-4 times a week.

#7 Banana

Banana is very good at improving natural skin color due to large amount of potassium and vitamin E and C in it. You can use banana on regular basis for having toned and light upper lip.

  • Mash one banana and add 1 tbsp. glycerin in it.
  • Mix thoroughly and make a fine paste.
  • Apply gently on the upper lip.
  • Keep it on for 3 to 4 hours and wash with lukewarm water.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process on alternate days for 1 month.

#8 Castor Oil

If you are still thinking how to lighten upper lip skin fast, castor oil might be a wonderful option for you. Castor oil contains plenty of fatty acid that is capable of maintaining the tonicity of the skin. It is going to work quickly on your dark upper lip.

  • Take 4-5 drops of castor oil in your palm.
  • Apply gently on the upper lip with the help of your finger or cotton plug.
  • Leave it for 5-6 hours.
  • Try keep water away from the upper lip for 5-6 hours.
  • You don’t need to wash your lip.

#9 Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent home remedy for any problem related to skin it is very good for improving skin color as well as tonicity. Yogurt might be proved very good for removing upper lip darkness as well.

  • Take 3 to 4 tbsp. fresh yogurt and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Mix properly and apply gently on the dark lip.
  • Leave for 2 hours and wash off with fresh water.
  • Keep repeating the process three time a week for 3 months.

#10 Rose Water

Rose water is an excellent remedy for having glowing and clean skin. It is a common solution to a lot of related problems including dermatitis, acne, pimples, and blemishes. Its regular application can be very handy to reduce the darkness from your upper lip.

  • Apply rose water regularly on your lip or any part of the skin with dark patches.

#11 Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best oils for maintaining overall health to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, antioxidant, and moisturizing effects. Its regular application on the upper lip should be very beneficial to reduce darkness and to get the tonicity and brightness back.

  • Mix 4 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. coconut oil together.
  • Dip coconut plug and apply on the upper lip.
  • Leave for 2 hours and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the process daily for 1 month.

#12 Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not less than a blessing from the nature. ? It is one of the best natural remedies for all skin problems. There is more than enough mucilaginous polysaccharides in Aloe Vera gel and is capable of alleviating hyperpigmentation and hence improving your lip’s natural color.

  • Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Extract the fresh gel and keep aside in a bowl.
  • Gently apply on your lip and message for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave it on the lips for 3 hours and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the process daily for 1 to 1½ month(s).

#13 Horseradish

Horseradish is very beneficial for curing plenty of different skin problems. It has the capacity to cure any type of skin discolorations, scars, and blemishes. It can be an excellent option for removing female mustaches as well.

  • Break a dried horseradish into small pieces.
  • Make a fine powder of small horseradish pieces.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. horseradish with 1 tbsp. yogurt.
  • Mix well to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the dark upper lip and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.

#14 Papaya

Papaya is one of the best fruits for achieving a good overall health. It is also very good for skin. Papaya is used in different types of skin related products particularly in fruit facial masks. Papain is the active of papaya and is a wonderful exfoliant and is capable of removing darkness from any part of the body skin.

  • Mash a few pieces of papaya and prepare a fine paste.
  • Add 2 tbsp. honey to and mix well.
  • Apply the paste on upper lip and leave for 2 hours
  • -Then wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Follow the process thrice in a week for 2 months for better results.

Important Tips to Lighten Upper Lips Skin

Mustache shadow is not something very serious or harmful for you skin or overall health. It is an indication of some abnormalities in your body like hormonal imbalance or lack of vitamin E.

We have discussed some very effective home remedies and their recipes to get rid of mustache shadow. Prevention is always better than cure.

Here are some important tips to prevent mustache like darkness of upper lip. You can follow this simple tips to keep the female mustache away.

  • Have a healthy food. Take food items that are rich in vitamin E.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Keep unknown skin products away from your beauty kit.
  • Don’t use harsh chemical products on your skin.
  • If you are a lipstick user, try to go for branded and gentle lipstick.
  • Don’t have excessive plucking or waxing of upper lip.
  • Keep doing the physical exercises for maintaining overall health as well as tonicity of your skin.
  • Eat fruits like papaya and banana on regular basis.
  • Drink enough water and other fluids every day.
  • Use mild and gentle cream after consulting your dermatologist


Darkness on the upper part of the lip is not something strange in women. There is nothing serious related to this type of skin blemish. If you are annoyed with dark upper lip skin discoloration, you can follow any of the recipe discussed above.

All the listed home remedies are very beneficial in case of female mustaches. You can easily get rid of the darkness within a few weeks. If you want to keep this annoying skin problem at bay, we have discussed some important tips to prevent it as well.

By following this tips, you can make it very easy to keep your overall skin including lips light and toned. Skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, hence it is very important to take proper care of your skin. If it is only about female mustaches, this article should be very beneficial for you.

How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation on Black Skin – 17 Methods

When we talk about look, beauty, and personality, different types of skin related problems like acne, pimples, premature wrinkles, dark spots etc. spoil everything. Most of the people across the globe are suffering from some annoying skin related problems.

Pigmentation is one of the most important factors behind skin color, and when there is any abnormality in pigmentation, whether it is hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, your skin becomes unhealthy.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to get rid of hyperpigmentation on black skin. We will try to figure out some causes of hyperpigmentation on dark skin. We will also talk about the best ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation on black skin.

You will also be able to learn some possible ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation like natural remedies and different pigmentation treating methods. We are very determined to let you know all about how to get rid of hyperpigmentation. So, we will also encircle some efficient and successful natural remedies to get rid of it along with their recipes as well as benefits.

As we already know care is much better than cure. So, in our last section of the article, we will try to underline some tried and tested tips to improve your overall skin. So, let’s discuss the causes of hyperpigmentation on black skin first.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Melasma Forever Using Natural Remedies?

What Causes Hyperpigmentation on Dark Skin?

Hyperpigmentation is very common in people having dark skin, and there are some common factors responsible behind it. Hyperpigmentation causes darkness of skin, and it can be seen in small patches, cover large areas on the body or may even affect the entire body.

One of the most common factors responsible for hyperpigmentation is genetics. People having ancestors with full dark skin texture or little dark spots on different parts of the body are prone to have the darkness of skin. If we talk mainly about black people, region-based factors are also very much responsible.

Some parts of the world especially African countries and their neighbors are known for having a population with dark skin. The apparent reason behind the darkness here is genetics. Another pervasive factor responsible in these parts of the world is atmospheric temperature. You will observe higher temperatures during almost every part of the year.

Other responsible factors behind hyperpigmentation or darkness of skin are medication, usage of unhealthy and unsuitable skin products, improper diet, unhealthy environment, lack of physical activities, obesity, pregnancy, and different prolonged diseases.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation on Dark Skin

Getting rid of hyperpigmentation on dark skin is not something very challenging. By adapting some healthy and easy habits, you can have clear and fair skin with proper tonicity and tanning. There are some excellent natural remedies as well as some very successful pigmentation treating methods. Let’s have a look at some of them.

hyperpigmentation on black skin

#1 How to Treat Hyperpigmentation on Black Skin

If you want to reduce hyperpigmentation on black skin quickly and don’t want to wait for results of home remedies, here are some other successful and easy treatments for you.

1. Lightening Creams

There are plethora of lightening creams available in the market. You can easily purchase these creams without spending too much money. Always remember one thing, do not use any cream for your skin before consulting your dermatologist.

It is advised to go through all the ingredients of the cream you are willing to use. And understand all advantages as well as disadvantages (if any) before applying on your skin. Here are some commonly found ingredients of over-the-counter creams (OTC) for hyperpigmentation.

  • Hydroquinone
  • Vitamin B-3 (Niacin amide)
  • Licorice Extract
  • N-Acetyl glucosamine

Which type of products are better?

  • Murad Post-Acne Spot Lightening Gel: There is 2% hydroquinone in this geland is really wonderful to get rid of hyperpigmentation and all types of new and dark spots.
  • ProActiv Complexion Perfecting Hydrator: If you have oily skin, you should try this wonderful lightening cream. It will help you to get rid of skin inflammation as well as hyperpigmentation without causing any irritation or infection on the skin.

Most of the lightening creams including these two work very well on the flat spots like age spots and melasma. They are very effective in getting rid of all types of discoloration and dark spots as well.

You can apply these creams once or twice in a day to have clear and fair skin. It is again advised to consult an experienced dermatologist before using these products.

Face Acids:

Face acids like azelic acid, kojic acid, salicylic acid, I-ascorbic acid, and alpha hydroxy acids like lactic, malic, glycolic, tartaric acidare very good to get rid of darkness of the skin.

These acids work powerfully by shedding or exfoliating the top layer of skin. Exfoliating your skin will help new cells to emerge out on the uppermost dermis layer. There are plenty of acids available in the market. Make sure you purchase OTC creams with less than 10% acidic content.

Which Option is better among Plenty of Acidic OTC Creams?

  • ProActiv Mark Correcting Pads: These pads are made using concentrated glycolic and salicylic acids and are very effective to exfoliate your skin as well as to reduce acne scars appearance.
  • FAB Skin Lab Resurfacing Liquid: This excellent liquid contains 10% alpha hydroxy acid- mainly malic acid and is very good to improve overall skin health including hyperpigmentation and tonicity of skin. If you are annoyed with large skin pores, this might be very helpful.
  • Retinoids: Retinoids are used in most of the OTC skincare products. Derived from Vitamin-A, very small molecular structures of retinoids are very good to penetrate deep into the skin and to treat almost all the layers below the epidermis.

Generally retinoids are used as OTC but are believed to be a little weaker. If you are not satisfied with OTC retinoids, look for retinoid tretinoin after consulting your dermatologist especially if you have dark skin.

Which types of product you can try?

  • Pure Biology Anti-Ageing Night Cream: If you are looking to combat age-spots, wrinkles, and dryness, you can try this formula made with hyaluronic acid and retinoids.
  • Differin Gel: This retinoid is known for its wonderful effects in case of hyperpigmentation and acne. Consider consulting your dermatologist before starting its usage.
  • Chemical Peel: Chemical peels are slightly stronger than any other OTC treatment purely because of higher concentration of acidic ingredients. The chemical peels completely remove epidermis layer and might be slightly painful.

If you are someone who is under sun for regularly for long, it is better not to use chemical peel treatment. These peels can increase your skin’s sensitivity under the sun. Always take extra precaution during using these chemical peels and never ever apply them before getting nod and instructions from your dermatologist.

Which type of chemical peels are better?

  • Exuviance Glycolic Acid Peel: This is one of the most popular professional-grade peel which can be used at home as well. Using this peel twice a week should be enough to get rid of hyperpigmentation of dark skin.
  • Juicy Beauty Green Apple Peel: All the ingredients used in this peel are organic and is particularly good for sensitive and dark skin.
  • Laser Peel (Skin Resurfacing): There are two types of lasers used in this treatment: Ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers are slightly painful and intense because they remove the layers of the skin. Non-ablative lasers are much better especially if you have sensitive skin because the target of using non-ablative lasers is to target dermis layer to promote collagen growth.

Ablative lasers are very powerful and there are some side effects associated with them as well. If you have dark skin, only ablative laser is going to be successful. Think a dozen of times before going for any of these two treatments.

#2 Natural Ways to Clear Hyperpigmentation on Black Skin

Using natural methods for any skin condition is good not only because of effectiveness, but due to the safety of your skin as well. Here is a list of some excellent natural remedies for hyperpigmentation of dark skin with their benefits as well as some highly effective recipes. More often than not, these methods are going to be very effective as well as heathy for your skin unless you are suffering from chronic sensitivity of skin.

1. Lemon

Using lemon is one of the best, affordable and easiest ways to get rid of hyperpigmentation.

  • It is a very common ingredient and is easily available in most of the kitchens.
  • Lemon contains plenty of citric acid which works as an excellent bleach.
  • Drinking lemon juice or rubbing it on your dark spots might be an excellent home treatment for dark skin.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

We can call ACV “a miracle” for skin. That’s how effective it is in most of the skin related problems. Its powerful skin lightening and astringent properties are very helpful to reduce hyperpigmentation of any type of skin.

Whether it is about small patches or large patches even covering all the body, ACV works wonder to give you spotless and fair skin.

3. Turmeric

Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric which is an excellent bleach. Bleaching properties of turmeric can be very helpful to get rid of hyperpigmentation.

In addition, it will also keep your skin free from most of the skin infections.

Related post: How to Use Turmeric for Melasma?

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera juice is a magical juice for health especially skin. It is capable of combating almost all types of skin related problems.

Mucilaginous Polysaccharides of aloe vera gel makes it excellent for hyperpigmentation. It is very good to promote regeneration of new skin cells as well.

5. Raw Potato

Raw potato is another very common as well as affordable vegetable you will easily find in almost every kitchen. It works very well to lighten hyper-pigmented skin.

Moreover, it is excellent to get rid of other skin spots and blemishes thanks to catecholase enzyme.

6. Baking Soda

Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate is an excellent remedy for reducing hyperpigmentation. There are plenty of skin related benefits of baking soda. Being a wonderful skin exfoliator, it is capable of removing dead cells from the skin layers and assisting the formation of new cells.

  • You can use baking soda for skin in plenty of different ways and with different ingredients.
  • Add 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate to half cup of water.
  • Mix well and prepare a fine paste.
  • Keep aside for a while and wait until the bubble formation is stopped.
  • Apply on the hyper-pigmented skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process two times a week until you get rid of dark spots.
  • You can adjust the quantity according to your requirements.

7. Orange Juice

Being an acidic fruit, orange is highly recommended for most of the skin related problems. Acidic properties of orange juice are very good to maintain p H levels of skin. It is also very effective to improve collagen production thanks to presence of vitamin-C.

  • Squeeze half cup fresh orange juice.
  • Add 2 tbsp. lemon juice and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected skin and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash with fresh water and pat dry using soft cloth.
  • Keep repeating on alternate days for 1 month or until you get rid of dark spots.
  • You can even drink 1 glass of tangy orange juice thrice a week.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another excellent home remedy for all types of skin related problems. In addition to having excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties, coconut oil is a very good skin moisturizer as well. Applying it on the body is going to keep most of the skin problems at bay.

  • Take half cup of organic coconut oil and add ½ tbsp. sandalwood oil.
  • Mix both oils well and apply properly on the dark spots.
  • Keep the mixture on for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water using a mild body soap and pat dry.
  • Use coconut oil for body message regularly to get rid of hyperpigmentation.

9. Honey

Honey is not only known for getting rid of excessive body fat, it is an excellent home remedy for skin whitening as well thanks to the presence of large number of antioxidants. Using honey can also be very helpful to reduce skin infection and irritation. If you use honey constantly, you will also be successful to reduce the sensitivity of your skin as well

  • You can simply apply pure honey on the skin.
  • To reduce its thickness, add 1/4th part of distilled water.
  • Mix 4 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. distilled water.
  • Apply on the affected areas and leave for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Use only lukewarm water for washing to get rid of stickiness of honey.
  • Pat dry and apply gentle moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process twice a week for 2 months.

10. Lemon Juice

Where there is skin problem, there is lemon. That’s how the lemon is used for getting rid of skin related problems. Being a wonderful skin bleach, it can assist you immensely in your journey to get rid of dark spots from your body.

  • Squeeze the juice of 2 medium sized lemons in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton plug or any other soft cloth piece with lemon juice.
  • Apply gently on the hyper-pigmented area and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry using soft cloth.
  • Apply a gentle moisturizer.
  • Follow the process twice or thrice a week for 2 months.

11. Egg Yolk

Face mask of egg yolk is very effective to get rid of problems like pimples, acne, blemishes and wrinkles. Dryness of skin can also cause dark spots and thanks to the presence of water and fats, egg yolk is capable of locking moisture in skin cells. It is also very effective in getting rid of dead cells and helping in production of new cells.

  • Take 3 egg yolks and add 2 drops of olive oil.
  • Mix both the ingredients very well.
  • Apply on the dark spots and leave for an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Apply a gentle skin moisturizer.
  • Repeat it on alternate days for 2 months.

12. Banana

Banana is very good at promoting natural skin color thanks to the presence of potassium and vitamin E and C in it. Using banana for skin is very effective to slow down the ageing process as well.

  • Mash one banana properly and add 1 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • Mix well and prepare a fine paste.
  • Apply on the hyper-pigmented skin.
  • Keep it on for 40 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply glycerin or other supple moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process daily for 1 month.

13. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the best oils for skin thanks to its antibacterial, exfoliating, antioxidant, and moisturizing Applying it on any skin regularly should be enough to get rid of all types of skin problems including hyperpigmentation.

  • Wash your face and pat dry.
  • Apply olive oil evenly on your face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

14. Yogurt

Lactic acid of yogurt is an excellent element for skin related problems. It is capable of improving skin color as well as tonicity. Yogurt is very good at for anti-ageing treatment as well as getting rid of wrinkles.

  • Add 1 tbsp. olive oil to 4 tbsp. fresh yogurt.
  • Mix well and apply on dark spots.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and wash off with fresh water.
  • Repeat the process three time a week for 2 months.

15. Castor Oil

If you want to keep your skin moisturized, castor oil might be an excellent option. Fatty acids of castor oil are very good at penetrating the skin and repairing skin cells damage caused due to hyperpigmentation.

If possible, use castor oil regularly for simple topical application.

16. Cucumber

Presence of Caffeic acid and vitamin-C makes cucumber one of the best veggie for skin. High concentration of water can keep your skin moisturized for very long. It is also very good to reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin.

  • Cut half cucumber into small pieces.
  • Mash very well to make paste like structure.
  • Add 2 tbsp. lemon juice and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected areas and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Follow the procedure twice a week for 2 months.

17. Rose Water

Rose water is not less than a blessing for skin thanks to its skin glowing and anti-inflammatory It is a common solution to plenty of skin related problems including dermatitis, acne, pimples, and hyperpigmentation. Its regular application can be very handy to reduce dark spots from your body.

Apply rose water daily on whole body or hyper-pigmented skin after having a bath.

Important Tips to Improve Your Skin

  • Add green vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Avoid junk food as much as possible.
  • Always keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.
  • Try to do physical exercise at least four days a week.
  • Have a bath daily or at least on alternate days.
  • Don’t use unknown soap, cream or other skin related products.
  • Consult your dermatologist on regular basis.
  • Try to avoid makeup as much as possible. If you are wearing makeup, get rid of it before going to sleep.
  • Wear loose and soft cloths so that your skin can feel better.
  • Try to cover your body when you are going out.

How to Get Rid of Melasma Forever With 20 Home Remedies

It is not easy at all to have wholly healthy and clean skin. Most of the people around the world are facing some types of skin related issues. There are loads of unhealthy skin conditions you can suffer from very quickly due to different factors like environment, diet, lack of physical exercises, consumption of junk food, pregnancy, medications, etc.

We are going to discuss- How to get rid of melasma without using any harmful or harsh skin product.

Melasma is one of the prevalent skin problems usually occurs in women. Although it can also be seen in men, the condition is more common in women, especially during and after pregnancy. It is also termed as “chloasma,” and when it occurs during pregnancy, it is called as “mask of pregnancy” in general terms.

Melasma causes discoloration patches on different parts of the body. Usually, the melasma patches are darker than your natural skin color and typically occurs on the face. It is very easy to observe similar patches on both sides of the face.

Different parts of the body like forehead, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose, forearms, and neck can develop melasma, and it tends to increase its presence when the person suffering from melasma is continuously under the sunlight.

The melasma doesn’t cause any physical harm, but it can create a lack of self-confidence and may develop self-consciousness especially due to the way it looks. If you are also annoyed with melasma or want to help someone to get rid of the annoying skin discoloration, you can have a look at this article.

We will try to figure out some causes of melasma. Then we will proceed further to learn about some home remedies for melasma. We will also underline some handy tips to avoid melasma. Let’s talk about the causes of melasma in brief.

Also Read: 12 Essential Oils for Hyperpigmentation

how to get rid of melasma

What Causes of Melasma?

The exact cause of melasma is still not apparent, but the tendency or trends of melasma can be taken into account to point out some common causes.

According to the reports, melasma is commonly seen in individuals with dark skin. The sensitivity of estrogen and progesterone are also associated with melasma.

We can say stress, pregnancy, bit control pills, hormone therapy and sunlight exposure can trigger melasma.

20 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Melasma Naturally

When melasma occurs due to pregnancy or birth control pills, usually it disappears on its own. If some other factors are responsible for melasma, it can be a bit tough to get rid of it. Using unknown harsh chemical substances can cause further damage to the skin. So, it is better to adopt some natural ways to get rid of melasma.

This is the most crucial part of our discussion. We are going to discuss so many natural and home remedies that can reduce melasma with ease and that too without causing any health-related problem. You can use these home remedies to get rid of melasma without overthinking about the side effects or something like that.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits: ACV is one of the best home remedies and can cure most of the unhealthy skin conditions. Presence of acetic acid makes ACV a very powerful bleaching agent which can help to remove dark spots from the skin. It can also make your skin radiant and smooth.


  • Take half cup concentrated ACV and half cup of water.
  • Mix well and apply on the melasma spots.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes in open area to let it dry.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • You can use ACV like this every day.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Melasma?

#2 Lemon Juice

Benefits: Wonderful astringent properties of lemon juice make it one of the best skin lightener. Powerful acidic nature of lemon juice is capable of removing unhealthy skin layers and eliminating a whole new layer.


  • There are so many different ways to use lemon juice. We are discussing a very simple one.
  • Take a fresh medium sized lemon (green lemon is better) and squeeze its juice.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and rub gently for a couple of minutes.
  • You can wash off with lukewarm water after leaving it for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process twice a daily and you will see the difference with 2-3 weeks.

#3 Onion Juice with ACV

Benefits: There are plenty of sulfur-containing compounds in onion which make it one of the best natural remedies for maintaining the tonicity of the skin. It can easily remove the dark patches from skin. Onion juice can also nourish your skin to a decent extent.


  • Take 3 medium sized onions and chop finely.
  • Cover them in a soft cotton cloth and beat slightly on a hard surface.
  • Squeeze the cloth to extract onion juice.
  • Add equal amount of ACV.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply on the affected areas.
  • Keep the mixture on for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Apply a scented moisturizer like rose water to get rid of raw smell of onion.
  • Follow the process twice daily for 3-4 weeks.

#4 Turmeric and Milk

Benefits: Abnormal melanin production is also one of the responsible factors behind melasma. And using turmeric is one of the best options to maintain the melanin production.

Active ingredient of turmeric- curcumin has antioxidant and skin-lightening properties and can be very effective in case of melasma. Skin Glowing properties of milk is undoubtedly going to be helpful to reduce dark spots caused due to melasma.


  • Add 5 tbsp. turmeric powder to 10 tbsp. milk.
  • Mix well and prepare a fine paste.
  • It is better to use whole milk.
  • Add 1 tbsp. gram flour to maintain the consistency.
  • Apply evenly on the melasma affected areas.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat this process daily for excellent results.

Also read: How to Use Turmeric for Melasma?

#5 Oatmeal

Benefits: Oatmeal is one of the most powerful natural exfoliating agent and can remove dark spots very easily. It can also dissolve dead skin cells under the skin layers and will give you clean, brighter and glowing skin.


  • Take 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. milk and 1 tbsp. honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Keep the mixture on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Keep doing this three times a week for 5-6 weeks.

#6 Aloe Vera Gel

Benefits: When we talk about skin, how can we forget Aloe Vera Gel? It is one of the best natural remedies for most of the skin conditions. There are plenty of mucilaginous polysaccharides in Aloe Vera gel and is capable of alleviating hyperpigmentation and restoring your natural and original skin color.


  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut it to open.
  • Extract the fresh gel into a small bowl.
  • Gently message on the affected area for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave it on the skin for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the process for twice or at least once in a day for 5 weeks.

#7 Horseradish

Benefits: Horseradish is not only beneficial for reducing excessive body weight, it is also very good at curing plenty of different skin problems. It has the capacity to reduce all types of skin discolorations, scars, and blemishes. It is also one of the most effective home remedies for melasma.


  • Take a dried horseradish and break into small pieces.
  • Convert these pieces into fine powder.
  • Add 2 tbsp. horseradish powder and 1 cup of sour curd together.
  • Mix well to make a fine paste.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for half an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process once or twice a week.

Also Read: How to Use Olive Oil for Melasma?

#8 Papaya

Benefits: Papaya is one of the best fruits for maintaining overall health. It is also very good for skin. Both raw and ripe papaya is used in different skin products especially fruit facial masks. Active enzyme papain of papaya is a wonderful exfoliant and is capable of removing dead cells from skin layers and maintaining the natural skin color.


  • Mash a few pieces of papaya and prepare a fine paste with slightly thick consistency.
  • Add 2 tbsp. honey to it and mix well.
  • Apply the paste on affected area and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Follow the process once in a week for 2 months and see the magic.

#9 Guava

Benefits: Guava is not only a delicious fruit. It is a wonderful natural remedy as well. Lycopene compound of guava is very good for melasma and is capable of reducing hyperpigmentation as well as blemishes. It can also exfoliate your skin and can remove the dead skin cells as well.


  • Cut 1 medium sized guava into small pieces.
  • Mash properly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Add a little amount of milk or glycerin.
  • Mix well and apply on the affected areas.
  • Wash off with fresh water after half an hour and pat dry.
  • It is better to repeat this process on the daily basis.

#10 Banana

Benefits: In addition to being a yummy and tasty fruit, banana is very good at promoting glowing skin. It contains moisture, vitamin E and C as well as potassium in large amounts. Due to its effective glowing capacity, it can reduce melasma in very quick time.


  • Mash one banana and make a fine paste.
  • Add a 1 tbsp. honey and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected area(s) and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process once in a day for 2 months.

#11 Ginseng

Benefits: Ginseng is very beneficial for skin in plenty of ways. Whether you are using its root or leaves, both are full of health related benefits. Due to the ant-inflammatory, anti-ageing and energy supporting properties of ginseng leaves, it can be a great idea to use ginseng for melasma.


  • Take a handful of fresh ginseng leaves and add in a glass of water.
  • Pour the water into a kettle or pan and boil it properly.
  • Keep aside for a while until water gets slightly colder.
  • Take out the leaves and mash to make fine paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with the remained ginseng water.
  • Follow this process twice or thrice a week for 2 months.

#12 Grape Seed Extract

Benefits: Extract of grape seed is used in a lot of different skin and cosmetic related products thanks to its powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. Very strong detoxifying capacity of grape seed extract makes it one of the most potent home remedies for melasma.


  • Take a handful dry grape seed and make fine powder.
  • Add 2 tbsp. glycerin and 2 tbsp. honey.
  • Mix well to prepare fine paste.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week for 7-8 weeks.

#13 Apricot

Benefits: Apricot is a delicious fruit containing plenty of health-related benefits. It is also used in different types of skin and cosmetic products and is a wonderful scrub. Apricot is full of vitamin A, C, and E, and fatty acids. It can nourish your skin to a decent extent, reduce inflammation and can lighten the skin in case of melasma.


  • Cut 2 apricots and remove the seed.
  • Cut again into small pieces and smash properly.
  • Smash until it becomes a fine paste.
  • Add a little amount of milk and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Wash off after half an hour and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process twice a week for 6 weeks.

#14 Sandalwood

Benefits: Using sandalwood powder and sandalwood oil is very beneficial for skin. There are numerous skin benefits of sandalwood. Essential oil present in sandalwood can enhance skin complexion, remove blemishes and is one of the best home remedies for melasma pigmentation.


  • Mix 2 tbsp. sandalwood powder, 1 tbsp. turmeric powder and 10 tbsp. whole milk.
  • Add some drops of lemon juice and mix well to make fine paste.
  • Apply the paste evenly on the melasma spots and rub in circular motion.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water containing little amount of rose water.
  • Pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process 4 times a week for 4 weeks.

#15 Cucumber

Benefits:If you want to remove pigmentation, nothing can be as effective as cucumber. There is plenty of water in raw cucumber which makes it one of the best natural remedies for keeping your skin hydrated. Ascorbic acid is the active ingredient of cucumber and is proved very handy to treat most of the skin problems including acne, blemishes, and melasma.


  • Take a small sized or half large sized cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  • Cover in a soft cotton cloth and crush properly.
  • Squeeze the cloth to get the cucumber juice.
  • Keep aside the squeezed cucumber pieces.
  • Add 2 tbsp. rose water to cucumber juice and mix well.
  • Apply on the affected area using a cotton ball.
  • Wash off after half an hour and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process on alternate days for 2 months.
  • Dry the squeezed cucumber pieces under sunlight and use it as scrubber.

#16 Almond

Benefits: All of you are very well aware about the benefits of almonds. Almonds and almond oil are very good in most of the skin conditions. High protein content of almonds can lighten the skin. Vitamin E of almond is very effective to reduce the discoloration of skin. Using almonds for melasma is undoubtedly one of the best options.


  • Grind 10-12 almonds to make a fine powder.
  • Add 2-3 tbsp. honey and mix until you get a fine paste.
  • Smear the paste on melasma and rub for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it on for half an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week for 2 to 2 ½ months.

#17 Gotu Kola

Benefits: If you can get the Chinese herb Gotu Kola with ease, it might be the blessing for you. Gotu Kola is used in China and its neighbor countries for ages in different skin-care products. It is a powerful natural remedy for most of the skin problems like dark pigmentation, scars, spots, blemishes. You can use it to remove melasma spots on face.


  • Take a handful of dried Gotu Kola leaves and make a fine powder.
  • Add equal amount of glycerin and rose water and prepare a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on affected areas and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Keep applying this wonderful paste regularly to get rid of melasma forever.

#18 Yogurt

Benefits: Active ingredient of Yogurt, Lactic acid is very effective in conditioning the skin. It can make your skin soft and supple. Applying yogurt on the skin affected with melasma is one of the very good options.


  • Add a pinch of turmeric to two tbsp. yogurt.
  • Mix well and apply on the skin affected with melasma.
  • Leave for about 30 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Keep doing this twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

#19 Soy Milk

Benefits: Most of the topical creams used to treat melasma contain soy milk thanks to its ability to inhibit hyperpigmentation. Different constituents of soy milk are capable of lightening the skin and hence can be very effective for melasma.


  • Take a cotton pad and soak it in soy milk.
  • Dab gently on your face and leave it for an hour.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process two times a day for a few weeks.

#20 Tomato

Benefits: Tomatoes contain large amount of lycopene- an antioxidant known for providing protection from sunlight. Tomatoes are very good for skin health and are known for producing great results in case of melasma as well.

To get rid of melasma forever, apply this natural ingredient regularly.


  • Cut two tomatoes into small pieces.
  • Gently smash to make a slightly thick paste.
  • Add 2-3 drops of lemon and mix well.
  • Apply on the melasma affected skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • You can repeat the process twice a day for 3-4 weeks.

 How to Prevent Melasma?

  • Wear sunscreen every time you step out of your home.
  • Drink enough water and other liquids to stay hydrated for whole day.
  • Take care of your skin and use very mild and gentle skincare products.
  • Try to avoid waxing as it causes inflammation and can aggravate melasma.
  • Have a balanced and nutritious diet consisting all types of vegetables and fruits.
  • Keep avoiding junk food as much as possible.
  • Try to maintain your mental stress as it is one of the primary causes behind most of the unhealthy conditions.
  • Keep your body fit and fine by doing physical exercise on daily basis.
  • Try to avoid strong medications like hydrocodone, buprenorphine, morphine etc. as much as possible.
  • Always try to take bath at least once in two days.
  • Wear soft and mild clothes as harsh clothes are also responsible for skin irritations and other skin problems.

If you ever used home remedies for melasma pigmentation removal, then share your views in comments.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne and Acne Scars – 12 Methods

When it comes to skin related problems, you will quickly find acne on the top of the list. It is a prevalent condition occurs when the hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. It is generally a chronic condition accompanied by inflammation of the skin. It causes dark as well as light spots on the skin and pimples as well.

It can appear on different parts of the body including face, neck, chest, back, shoulder, and upper parts of the arms. There are so many causes of acne which will be discussed later.

This write-up is about using hydrogen peroxide for acne. We will try to learn about the causes of acne, benefits of hydrogen peroxide in case of acne as well as how to use hydrogen peroxide more effectively to get rid of acne.

After all these, we will try to figure out some handy tips to prevent acne. Let’s start with the causes of acne.

What Causes Acne?

There is not a single cause of acne. It is a combination of some factors including genetics, diet, stress, pressure and drugs. It is hard to find out a single cause of acne in a particular person. Genetics is one of the most common causes of acne.

If even one of your parents had acne in the past, it is very likely that you will also get acne and it will be complicated to control. In more than 70% of cases where mother or father had acne in the past, the next generation also suffered with it.

Another prevalent cause of acne is diet. If you do not have proper and healthy eating and if you are fond of excessive junk food, then be aware, you are most probably going to be affected with acne.

Stress, pressure and side effects of drugs are also considered as the prominent causes of acne.

What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do for Acne?

hydrogen peroxide for acne

(Some notable benefits of H2O2 for skin and acne)

This question worth to have attention. Why is Hydrogen Peroxide very useful to get rid of acne? Why is concentrated hydrogen peroxide full of skin related benefits? In this part of the article, we are going to discuss some of the most beneficial properties of hydrogen peroxide for acne as well as for the overall health of the skin.

  • Get Rid of Acne: Using hydrogen peroxide instead of any other antibacterial soap can help you to speed the healing process after getting affected with acne. Applying it on the acne is equally effective as using on the wounds. It doesn’t only clean the upper layer the skin, and it also kills the unwanted bacteria present below the surface of the skin.
  • Soothes Dry Skin: Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent remedy for dry skin. Adding a little amount of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water can be very handy to rejuvenate your body. Its antibacterial and anti-viral properties protect a lot of infections.
  • Fantastic Deodorant: Using hydrogen peroxide with dish soap at 1:2 ratio can help you to create a very effective yet very mild deodorant. Applying it under your arms can be very beneficial to get rid of foul odor from your body.
  • Detoxifying the Bath: You can get rid of all kinds of infections by just adding a little amount of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water. Soak hydrogen peroxide in the bathtub for at least thirty minutes to make sure you are free from all types of bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Treatment of Yeast Infection: Hydrogen peroxide is very good to treat the infection caused due to yeast. It can kill the Candida Albicans very quickly and can stop the spread of infection to different parts of the body.
  • Wound Care: 3% hydrogen peroxide is used for cleaning wounds and removing dead tissues from the skin. Hydrogen peroxide effectively stops bleeding and oozing of the wound.
  • Combats Allergies: Different types of skin allergies can surround you due to any reason including diet, lifestyle and environment. 3% hydrogen peroxide is very good to get rid of all kinds of allergies.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne?

You can increase the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide by using it a bit differently and smartly. In this segment of the article, some very efficient recipes using hydrogen peroxide are discussed.

Note: Always try to make sure that the hydrogen peroxide solution is not stronger than 3% of the total solution. If your skin is even a bit sensitive, you must consult a dermatologist before starting its usage.

#1 Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant and is capable of destroying the bacteria causing acne. It will assist your skin to heal from acne and acne scars. Besides it, it can also exfoliate your skin to a decent extent and make your skin newer and healthier.

  • You should have 3% hydrogen peroxide, a moisturizer, cotton pad, towel and facial cleanser.
  • Wash your face using facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Take a little amount of hydrogen peroxide in the cotton pad.
  • Apply the cotton with hydrogen peroxide on affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 4-5 minutes
  • Wash your face with fresh water.
  • Use towel for drying your face and moisturize it with a moisturizer.
  • Keep repeating the process 3 times a week until you get rid of acne.

#2 Hydrogen Peroxide and Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent natural remedy for acne. It is known for its antibacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide and tea tree oil are going to work very effectively in case of acne or even getting rid of acne scars.

  • Wash your face properly with a facial cleanser and dry it.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 8-10 drops of tea tree oil properly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected areas (do not apply it near your eyes).
  • Keep it on for 5-6 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Pat dry with towel and moisturize with a suitable moisturizer.
  • Repeat the process once in a week.

#3 Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

There is no better option than baking soda when it comes to maintaining the pH balance of your skin. In addition to maintaining the pH level, it can also exfoliate your skin to a decent extent. Baking soda alone is very effective in acne and using it with hydrogen peroxide is going to be destructive for acne.

  • Wash your face properly and dry it.
  • Mix both 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 ½ tbsp. baking soda thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on your face avoiding the eyes.
  • Leave it for about five minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Dry your skin again with a soft cloth and use a smooth moisturizer.
  • Use this method only twice a month.

#4 Hydrogen Peroxide and Lemon

Lemon juice is one of the best fluids when it comes to the skin related problems. It is a wonderful cleansing agent. After mixing it with hydrogen peroxide, it will not only reduce the acne scars, it is also going to make your skin brighter and lighter.

  • Take 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture using cotton pads avoiding your eyes.
  • Keep it on for at least 5-8 minutes and then wash off with clean water.
  • Pat dry with a towel and moisturize it with a suitable and gentle moisturizer.
  • You can follow this process 1-2 times a week

#5 Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax

Borax is known for exfoliating the skin and for removing dead cells and bacteria from the skin. Using it with hydrogen peroxide will help you to treat your acne from scratch thanks to its capacity of killing acne-causing bacteria.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, ½ tbsp. borax and a little amount of water.
  • Apply the mixture on your face except eyes.
  • Leave it for 5-8 minutes and then wash off with clean water.
  • Dry your face with a soft cloth and apply any suitable moisturizer.
  • Follow the process once a week.

#6 Hydrogen Peroxide and Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not less than a precious gift from nature. It is very useful in plenty of health-related problems including skin problems. It can combat the redness of the acne due to its excellent anti-bacterial properties. Its high amount of anti-oxidants can boost the process of healing.

  • Wash your face with clean water and pat dry using a soft cloth.
  • Saturate the cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply gently on the affected areas and leave for about five minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry again with a soft cloth.
  • Apply a thin layer of Aloe Vera gel and leave it for at least half an hour.
  • Repeat the process for maximum twice a week.

#7 Hydrogen Peroxide with Aspirin

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin is very good to soothe your skin. Salicylic acid found in aspirin is one of the most common ingredients of most of the acne creams. Combination of hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid is undoubtedly going to help you to get rid of acne.

  • Take 3 tablets of aspirin and make a fine powder.
  • Add 5 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide to it.
  • Mix both ingredients properly to prepare a fine paste.
  • Wash your face with normal water and pat it dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixture on affected areas.
  • Make sure that the mixture doesn’t touch your eyes.
  • Gently message for 30-40 seconds and then leave for 5 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and moisturize using a gentle moisturizer.

#8 Hydrogen Peroxide with Apple Cider Vinegar & Witch Hazel

Excessive oil of the skin can aid the acne. Apple cider vinegar is very effective to reduce the oil from skin. It can assist hydrogen peroxide to reduce acne.

However, apple cider vinegar can be a bit harmful for those who have sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, you can add Witch Hazel to this recipe. Witch hazel is a wonderful skin toner and it tightens the skin and refines pores.

  • Take a half cup of both apple cider vinegar and witch hazel.
  • Add 3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide to it.
  • Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon.
  • Add a few drops of tea tree and lavender essential oils.
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Apply the toner every morning before taking a bath.

#9 Hydrogen Peroxide with Milk Powder

Milk powder contains lactic acid which can improve the tonicity of the skin. Tonicity improving quality of milk powder and lightening and scar reducing power of hydrogen peroxide can be a great combination for getting rid of acne.

  • Mix two tbsp. milk powder and half tbsp. hydrogen peroxide properly.
  • Add glycerin or honey for moisturizing the skin.
  • After mixing all the ingredients well, apply it on the affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.
  • Use a gentle moisturizer if you feel dryness of the skin.

#10 Hydrogen Peroxide with Clay and Tea Tree Oil

Natural and pure clay can be very beneficial for skin. It can absorb the excessive oil from the skin. Tee tree oil included in this recipe is an excellent bio-stimulator, which aids the regeneration of the skin cells. Both these ingredients with hydrogen peroxide can be very handy to remove acne as well as acne scars.

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and clay in equal proportions.
  • Mix well until you observe some bubbles.
  • Add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  • Apply the mixture properly on the face.
  • Keep your face covered with a wet handkerchief or tissue paper for 5 minutes.
  • Wash your face under running water.
  • Follow the procedure once in a week.

#11 Hydrogen Peroxide with Yeast and Grapeseed Oil

Yeast is more than suitable for most of the skin related problems. It is very effective especially in case of dry skin. Moisturizing capacity of yeast and cleansing property of grapeseed oil are considered very safe and effective with hydrogen peroxide. This combination doesn’t only cleans your face, it is very effective in maintaining the natural shine of the skin as well.

  • Mix 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. yeast.
  • Add a half tbsp. grapeseed oil and mix all the ingredients properly.
  • Apply a thin layer on the affected area(s).
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off under running water.
  • Follow the procedure twice a week for better results.

#12 Hydrogen Peroxide with Calendula and Rice Flour

Antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of calendula are only going to assist the healing acne. Calendula oil itself is used for plenty of skin related problems including eczema, acne and psoriasis. Anti-ageing and oil-absorbing properties of rice flour can also prove very handy to reduce acne.

  • Add 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. rice flour and mix them well.
  • Add 10-15 drops of calendula tincture.
  • Mix all the compositions properly and apply on the affected area(s).
  • Leave for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the procedure thrice a week for excellent results.

Tips to Prevent Acne

  • Keep your face clean: It doesn’t matter you have acne or not. You must keep your face clean by washing it at least twice a day.
  • Moisturize your skin:Dryness of the skin also causes plenty of skin related problems including acne. Use a mild and gentle moisturizer for keeping your skin moisturized.
  • Try to stay away from the sun:UV rays of the sun are very harmful to the skin. Constant and prolonged exposure to sunlight can also cause acne and other skin problems. If it is not possible to stay away from the sun, keep your body covered with proper clothes.
  • Avoid Junk Food: Spicy junk food is only harmful for your body and health. Try to avoid junk food as much as possible. Replace your junk food with enough vegies, liquids and fruits.
  • Exercise regularly:Physical exercises and workouts are like gold. Nothing can replace the effects of physical workouts. You must involve in some types of physical exercises at least 4 to 5 days of the week.
  • Manage your stress:Stress can be a reason behind loads of unhealthy conditions. Try to manage your stress as early as possible. It will be better to consult an experienced and qualified mental expert to reduce your stress correctly.

Share your experience with hydrogen peroxide for treating acne.

How to Use Lemon for Dark Underarms (Whitening with 10 Methods)

lemon for dark underarms

The hectic daily schedule can take a toll on your health and lifestyle. You can suffer from different types of health-related problems. Some of them might be serious and might need special attention, this write-up is about using lemon for dark underarms.

One of the prevalent skin related problems are dark underarm. It is not that a significant medical condition and doesn’t need much attention. There are different reasons for behind dark underarms.

You can get rid of dark underarms without much effort. Different types of creams and lotions are available which are proved very handy to remove the darkness of underarms. But using natural ingredients is always much better than commercial creams and lotions.

Lemon is one of the most useful parts of almost every kitchen, especially in Asian countries. There are numerous benefits of lemon, and it is a single solution for plenty of health-related problems.

It naturally hydrates your body, lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, it immensely improves the quality of your skin, it aids digestion as well as supports weight loss, and it can freshen your breath.

It’s juice can prevent a lot of harmful conditions like blood clotting, renal stones, urinary problems and much more. In this article we are going to discuss about Lemon for Dark Underarms, its causes, how lemon is effective to remove darkness of underarms, different tips for using lemon to remove darkness of underarms and at last but not least, we will highlight some points about ‘how to keep your underarms whiter and clearer’.

What Causes Dark Underarms?

Before moving further and knowing how effective lemon is to get rid of dark underarms, it is very important to know what the causes of dark underarms are. Let’s have a look.

  • Shaving: Shaving your armpits is one of the most important causes of dark underarms. The hair follicles below the skin cause darkness around your armpits, shaving your armpits with a hard razor can only shave the hair from upper layer, not hair follicles. Too much shaving can also cause hardening of the skin and can lead to different skin related infections.
  • Deodorants and Antiperspirants: Everyone wants to smell nice and for that uses different types of deodorants. There are a lot of deodorants and body perfumes available in the market. Most of them contain different types of chemicals. Chemicals can causes rashes on your skin. Constant usage of deodorants and antiperspirants can cause darkness of underarms.
  • Accumulation of dead cells: Cells of the body tend to die with passing the time. There are higher chances of accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of your underarms. It means the accumulation of dead cells is another reason behind dark underarms.
  • Friction due to clothes: Different types of clothes are available in the market but not every cloth is good for your body. Wearing tight and hard clothes can cause rashes on your skin as well as the darkness of underarms.
  • Hyperpigmentation: It is one of the most common causes of abnormal coloration of the skin. Pigmentation is the process responsible for skin color. Any disturbance or abnormality in pigmentation can cause hyperpigmentation as well as hypopigmentation.
  • Hyperpigmentation is very common nowadays because of loads of factors including unbalanced diet, lack of fluids in the body, stressful and tensed lifestyle etc. Dark underarms can certainly cause due to hyperpigmentation.
  • Acanthosis Nigricans: It is the medical term used for dark and thick patches of skin. The darkness can develop under the arm, around the neck and groin. This abnormal thickness and roughness of the skin might be the symptoms of diabetes, obesity and hormonal imbalance.
  • Infection due to bacteria: No other body part can be a better home for bacteria than underarms. Excessive sweat can cause development and nourishment of bacteria. The regular presence of bacteria around the underarms can also cause darkness of underarms including foul smell.
  • Corynebacterium minutissimum is responsible for excessive sweating, and its presence can only increase the chances of the darkness of underarm. The foul smell or dark underarms due to bacteria is not something serious, but constant darkness can turn into chronic infection to the deeper layers of skin called erythrasma.
  • Smoker’s Melanosis: Constant tobacco smoking can cause different types of health-related as well skin related problems including infections and darkness of the skin. Tobacco smoking aids hyperpigmentation which can be chiefly responsible for the darkness of underarms.
  • Melasma: Melasma is not a serious problem, and there are a lot of people already suffering from it. Melasma generally occurs due to constant exposure of skin to the sun. Abnormality in hormones during pregnancy can also trigger melasma in women. Melasma is also one of the reasons behind dark armpits.
  • Addison’s disease: Any abnormality or damage to the adrenal gland causes Addison’s disease. There are some prominent symptoms of Addison’s disease including hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation due to Addison’s disease can cause darkness of your armpits.

Related post: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Dark Underarms?

Does Lemon Whiten Dark Symptoms?

It seems a very interesting question and the answer is a simple Yes! Lemon is very effective to get rid of the darkness of underarms. In this section of the article, we will learn about some properties of lemon and lemon for underarm whitening.

#1 Exfoliation

Natural exfoliants like Vitamin C and ascorbic acid are present in lemon which can improve the tonicity as well as the color of the skin. Vitamin C reduces the cohesion between old cells and helps them to leave the layers of the skin as early as possible.

It also helps new cells to come out on the upper layer of the skin. By removing old cells and adding new cells to come out of the inner layers make vitamin C very important for skin related problems. Constant use of lemon can help you to get rid of dark underarms that too in very short duration.

#2 Can Stimulate Collagen

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, and it can minimize the cell damage due to free radicals. It can also stimulate the production of skin collagen.

Therefore applying lemon juice on the skin can improve its complexion and can inhibit the process of cell ageing. Due to its capacity to stimulate collagen, it can be used to reduce the underarm darkness.

#3 Great Moisturizer

Different type of skin related problems can happen due to dryness of the skin. Skin darkness, skin discoloration, the hardness of the skin etc. can happen due to dryness.

Lemon is an excellent moisturizer and can keep your skin moisturized and hydrated for a very long period of time. The darkness of armpits can also happen due to dryness. Using lemon can reduce the darkness by moisturizing the dark areas around your armpits.

#4 Antiseptic and antibacterial properties

Due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, lemon can be an excellent solution for different types of skin related problems. Dark underarms are no exception. Lemon can reduce the effects of bacteria and can whiten the dark underarms.

#5 Reduces body weight

Increased body weight is another very common cause of dark underarms. Using lemon juice has been proved more than handy to reduce excessive body weight. Drinking lemon juice can help you to get rid of excess body fat and hence the darkness of different body parts including underarms.

#6 Natural Cleanser

Lemon is a wonderful cleanser. It can remove unwanted substances from your body as well as can clean skin surface. Due to its cleansing properties, lemon can clear the dark areas of armpits from inside and can give you clean and shiny skin.

#7 Reduces Production of Melanin

Vitamin C is also very helpful to reduce production of melanin. Melanin is very important for our skin as it provides protection from different harmful factors including UV rays.

Overproduction of melanin can cause dark and rough patches on the skin. Underarm darkness can also happen due to overproduction of melanin.

Tyrosinase enzyme is responsible for stimulating the production of melanin. Vitamin C of the lemon interrupt the action of tyrosinase and hence the production of melanin.

#8 A wonderful natural bleach

Lemon is known for its excellent bleaching properties. It can bring the shiny new skin by bleaching the old and dull skin from the surface.

How to Use Lemon for Dark Underarms?

As we have discussed enough dark underarms, its causes and how effective lemon can be to get rid of dark underarms, different ways to use lemon for removing the darkness of underarms can increase its effectiveness. Following any one of these methods can help you to get rid of dark underarms. You just need to have a bit patience.

#1 Slices of Lemon

  • Cut a large lemon into 4-5 thin slices.
  • Rub the slices on affected parts for at least 10 minutes.
  • Leave it for half an hour and wash with fresh water.
  • Follow the process every day for better results.

#2 Lemon with Sugar

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon and add 1 tbsp. sugar to it.
  • The mixture will serve as an excellent scrubber.
  • Keep scrubbing the affected parts for 5 minutes.
  • Wash it thoroughly with fresh water.
  • Follow the process 3-4 times a week for brighter and clearer underarms.

#3 Lemon Juice with Olive Oil

  • Take juice of 1 medium sized lemon and add 1 tbsp. Olive Oil into it.
  • Mix it properly and apply on your underarms.
  • Leave it for at least 1 hour and then wash thoroughly with fresh water.
  • For better results, you can follow the process daily before bed.

#4 Lemon Juice with Aloe Vera and Turmeric

  • Take all the ingredients mentioned above in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Prepare a fine paste by mixing all the ingredients properly.
  • Clean your underarms with the help of a cotton piece dipped into rose water.
  • Apply the mixture thoroughly on the affected surface.
  • Leave it for overnight and then have a bath with fresh water.
  • You can use lukewarm water for quick and excellent results.

Also read: How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Dark Underarms?

#5 Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Cucumber and Baking Soda

  • Cut a small cucumber into thin slices and blend it properly into a blender.
  • Add all the ingredients to it and blend again.
  • You will get a fine paste.
  • Apply it thoroughly on your underarms and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash properly with lukewarm water.
  • Follow the procedure for 3-4 times a week.

#6 Lemon Juice with Honey

  • Mix 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey.
  • Apply the mixture properly on the underarms.
  • Keep your underarms covered for half an hour.
  • Wash with fresh water and dry using a soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process daily before going to bed.

#7 Lemon Juice with Honey and Peanut Powder

  • Convert a few peanuts into a fine powder by grinding.
  • Add 1 tbsp. lemon and 1 tbsp. honey into it.
  • Prepare a fine paste by mixing it well.
  • Apply the mixture evenly on your underarms and leave for at least 20 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture by applying a little amount of water.
  • Repeat the procedure for 3-4 times a week.

#8 Lemon Juice with Honey, Peanut Powder, Turmeric and Yogurt

  • Add 2 tbsp. lemon juice, ¼ tbsp. each of honey, yogurt and turmeric.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly to make a fine paste.
  • Apply gently on underarms and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash with normal water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat the process twice a week for better results.

#9 Lemon Juice, Peanut Powder,  Avocado and Baking Soda

  • Take 1 tbsp. each of all the above ingredients and mix them well.
  • You will have a fine paste.
  • Gently apply the mixture under your arms.
  • Leave for half an hour and then wash gently with fresh water.
  • Applying this paste for 2-3 times a month will give you excellent results.

#10 Lemon Juice with Olive Oil and Turmeric

  • Take all the ingredients mentioned above in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Prepare a fine paste by mixing all the ingredients properly.
  • Clean your underarms with the help of a cotton piece dipped into rose water.
  • Apply the mixture thoroughly on the affected surface.
  • Leave it for overnight and then have a bath with fresh water.

Important Tips for White Underarms

As we have learned how amazing lemon is for getting rid of dark underarms, avoiding the darkness of underarms should always be the priority. Let’s have a look at some very important tips for keeping underarms whiter and clearer.

  • Do not use sharp razors: Using sharp razors constantly can certainly cause darkness of underarms. Avoiding sharp razors can be a great idea. You can use trimmers instead of razors. Trimmers aren’t going to cause rashes on your skin, , and hence you can avoid the darkness of your underarms.
  • Use mild deodorants: Using mild deodorants is another very handsome option for having soft and clear underarms. Try to purchase deodorants which are mild and free from harmful chemicals. Using naturally made deodorants is another wonderful option. There are a lot of natural ingredients which can be used as deodorants.
  • Keep your body clean: Keeping your body clean is always handy to avoid different types of health-related problems. Different types of skin related problems and infections can happen due to germs and dirt. Try to take a shower every day. Use mild soaps for your body.
  • Manage body weight: Excessive body weight is another reason behind a lot of problems including diabetes, heart problems, increased blood pressure etc. Excessive body weight is also responsible for the darkness of underarms. Try to have a healthy and active lifestyle. This wonderful habit can avoid a lot of skin related problems including darkness of underarms.
  • Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking enough water and other fluids can also help you to avoid different types of skin related problems. Your body needs a lot of fluids.  A lot of people doesn’t realize the importance of water and fluids and can suffer from different types of health issues. Underarm darkness can also be avoided by keeping the body hydrated.
  • Use body moisturizer: A lot of different types of moisturizers are easily available in the cosmetic markets. You can even prepare some amazing moisturizers at home. Natural ingredients like yogurt, Aloe Vera, orange, banana, cucumber etc. can be used to prepare natural moisturizer. Applying moisturizer on your body regularly can also be handy to reduce underarm darkness.
  • Wear soft cotton clothes: Hard and tight clothes can also cause underarm darkness. Wearing comfortable clothes made with cotton or other soft fabrics can be very helpful for avoiding underarm darkness. Try to avoid tight clothes as well. Your body requires some comfort and wearing tight clothes can cause rashes and hardness of the skin.
  • Add enough vegetables in your diet: Eating vegetables and salads is always related to your wellbeing. There are plenty of health benefits of vegetables and salads. Eating enough vegetables can also help you to avoid dark underarms.
  • Replace your milk tea with green tea: Green tea is full of antioxidants and some other very healthy nutrients. Green tea can help you to keep your body as well as skin healthy and safe from different problems and infections. Underarm darkness can also be avoided by constantly using green tea instead of milk tea.

Did you ever use lemon for dark underarms? Please share your recipe in comments.

Myrrh Essential Oil for Skin, Acne & Wrinkles (10 Benefits)

myrrh oil for skin

Who doesn’t want to look younger and own a bright, clear, and an acne-free skin?

If you are reading this article, I bet you are in search of a miraculous remedy that can trash away the acne marks, fight pimples, and make your skin wrinkle free. Here you’ll learn about benefits of myrrh oil for skin.

Well, ladies, we’ve got you covered with an excellent solution to your acne problems. You can actually fight acne by using natural ingredients and look younger just by sneaking some ingredients out of your kitchen shelves.

Well, before we dive into listing wonderful recipes, let me ask one question; Have your heard of myrrh essential oil?

If yes, you already have dug a treasure, and if not, you’re one step away of learning about the best ever anti-acne and anti wrinkle oil.

Myrrh has been used traditionally as an antiseptic, toothpaste, gargle, mouthwash etc. It also has some liniment and healing properties and can be proved effective in wound healing.

Myrrh Oil is holy and traditional oil with very important medicinal properties. It has been in use for different purposes for a very long time. This important oil might be very helpful in a lot of diseases and skin-troubles like acne-fighting and wrinkle removal.

It can help you get back an acne free skin if you include it in your daily regimen. But before we scan through the homemade recipes of myrrh oil for acne, let’s know more about this oil.

10 Benefits of the Myrrh Oil for Skin, Acne & Wrinkles

#1 Anticancer Property

Some recent studies and researches are claiming that Myrrh Oil probably have some anticancer attributes. According to some well-known researchers, during different clinical researches, Myrrh Oil was found reducing the replication as well as proliferation of human cancer cells.

These are the initial claims and more researches are in process. But any sort of hint of being an anticancer can be very helpful for the future of cancer treatment.

#2 Antibacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-Parasitic

Myrrh oil has been used traditionally to treat wounds and has been proved as an excellent antibacterial and anti-fungal.

There are some external medicines made using myrrh oil and are able to decrease some parasitic infections.

Also read: 17 Benefits of Moringa Oil for Skin & Acne

#3 Useful for Fighting Acne Breakouts

Direct application of myrrh oil on the skin can cure a lot of skin problems from soothing cracked skin to moisturize the dry skin. It can be proved handy to prevent ageing of the skin.

#4 Prevention of Oral Infections

Myrrh oil also have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the various types of inflammation including inflammation of the gums. Its antibacterial properties can also cure mouth ulcers.

#5 Provides strength to different internal and external organs of the body

Being an astringent, it strengthens the different parts and organs of the body like muscles, gums, intestines, also smoothen the skin.

It can also prevent hair loss by providing strength to the roots of the hair. Its direct application on the wound can reduce the flow of blood to a great extent.

#6 Reduces the severity of cough

Myrrh oil is also very effective in cough and cold. Its ability to fight the viral infections & more importantly, the ability to cease the causes of the infections makes it effectively curable in cold and cough.

#7 Stimulation of the Nervous System

It is capable to stimulate the nervous system. Helps to keep the nervous activities in balance. And hence is very useful in the treatment of nervous patients. Myrrh oil can be proved handy to keep you active and alert.

#8 Anti- Catarrhal Ability

It has the capacity to control the excess secretion of the mucus and phlegm. Excessive mucus secretion may be associated with some serious troubles like breathing disturbance, congestion of respiratory tract and chest, heaviness of the chest and cough. Myrrh oil reduces the mucus secretion and therefore very essential for all kinds of respiratory problems.

#9 Improves Perspiration

The process of sweating or perspiration is very important for being healthy.  With this process, some unnecessary substances along with toxins get out of the body.

Due to some factors, the process of perspiration gets disturbed. Myrrh oil removes these factors and works as a cleansing agent and hence it increases the process of perspiration.

#10 Stimulation of Blood Circulation

Due to its cleansing property, Myrrh Oil removes all the impurities from the blood and makes sure the proper oxygen supply to the blood and hence improves the blood supply to all parts of the body.

Also read: Home Remedies for Glowing skin in Summer

How to Use Myrrh Oil for Skin, Acne & Wrinkles?

Due to its incredible history and some extraordinary properties, Myrrh Oil can be very useful for different health purposes. In this segment, you will get some ideas about the recipes of Myrrh Oil and their proper uses.

Myrrh Oil for Acne:

Myrrh oil has been used to treat skin problems for a long time now. It is very handy to treat wounds, scars, skin irritations, acne and eczema. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties makes it a great remedy for acne.

If you want to get rid of acne permanently, use Myrrh Oil as told in the recipes above. Myrrh essential oil for skin can treat acne in quick time and increase the tonicity of the skin.

#1. Rollerball to remove pimple marks


  • 3 Drops of Myrrh Oil
  • 2 Drops Peppermint Oil
  • 3 Drops Lemongrass Oil
  • 3 Drops Clove Oil
  • 2 Drops Frankincense Oil
  • 2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil

Peppermint and Frankincense oil have vitamins A and C as well as some minerals. Clove has been in used for various medicinal purposes. Lemongrass is another amazing herb with lots of medicinal qualities.

How to use:

  • Mix the oils mentioned above properly.
  • Transfer them in a bottle having rollerball top.
  • Add a little quantity of coconut oil again.
  • Use the rollerball to apply the mixture over the scarred area daily for surprising results.

#2. Acne Relief Balm


  • 6 Drops Myrrh Oil
  • 10-12 Drops Lavender Oil
  • 25-30 ml Almond oil (Olive, Coconut, Jojoba can also be used) as a carrier oil

Extracted from certain lavender plants, Lavender oil have some exceptional health benefits. It can eliminate acne scars, improve blood flow, and treat skin troubles. Due to its antibacterial quality, it can heal the acne skin in quick-time.

How to use this recipe in injury:

  • Mix the Myrrh and Lavender oil properly in a bottle.
  • Add the carrier oil in balanced quantity.
  • Shake the bottle well to mix the solution properly.
  • Now apply directly on the acne prone area.

Related post: Best Skin Care Tips for 40 Year Old Woman

#3. Oil Mixture for treating Acne Scars


  • 5 Drops Myrrh Oil
  • 10-12 Drops Helichrysum Oil
  • 6 Drops Lavender Oil
  • 8 Drops Lemongrass Oil
  • 4 Drops Patchouli Oil

Helichrysum Oil is extracted from medicinal plant Helichrysum. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is very beneficial in a lot of health problems. Patchouli Oil can be very handy in lots of health related problems due to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant and much more.

How to use:

  • Take a suitable carrier oil in a small dropper.
  • Add all the oils mentioned above one by one.
  • Shake the bottle slowly and steadily for a couple of minutes.
  • Apply directly on scars for surprising results.

#4. A solution for acne breakouts


  • 15-20 Myrrh Oil
  • 2 Vitamin E Capsules
  • 15-20 Lavender Oil

Known as fat soluble vitamin, Vitamin E have numerous benefits. From being an antioxidant, to prevent free radical damage and naturally slowing ageing, it is a much needed vitamin for us.

How to use:

  • Add myrrh and Lavender Oil in a small dropper.
  • Empty the vitamin E capsules into it.
  • Add any carrier oil.
  • Shake well before use and apply the solution over the face.

#5. Myrrh oil with Rose water


  • 7 Drops Myrrh Oil
  • 9 Drops Rose Water
  • Approx. 1 cum Almond Oil.

Rose water has a pleasant fragrance. Its anti-inflammatory property can reduce the redness of irritated skin, can be a good treatment for acne, dermatitis and eczema.

Almond is known for its anti-fungal, diuretic, antiseptic and sedative properties. It also improves the health of heart, also known for stimulating libido.

How to use:

  • Mix all the liquids properly in small bottle.
  • Add almond oil to fill it.
  • Shake the bottle gently to mix the ingredients.
  • Place the bottle in a dark place for a day.
  • Apply it over the acne marks or pimples every night.

#6. Myrrh Oil for Wrinkles

Anti-ageing is the best quality of Myrrh Oil. It can be extremely handy to remove the wrinkles and very helpful in reducing the speed of ageing. The main cause of premature ageing, some other factors like imbalance of proteins within the skin.

Myrrh Oil, due to its antioxidant properties can treat wrinkles greatly and can be proved more than handy to prevent ageing.

Must read: Is Castor Oil Good for Wrinkles?

#7. Myrrh oil with Beeswax


  • 5 Drops Myrrh Oil
  • 5 Drops Lavender Oil
  • ½ Cup Almond Oil
  • 2 Tbsp. Beeswax

Lavender oil is very healthy because it contains unsaturated fats. Almond Oil is very important to keep skin healthy. It gently removes the debris from inside the skin and keeps it healthy. Beeswax is a great skin ointment. Its direct application on the skin maintains the tonicity of the skin.

How to use:

  • Melt the beeswax properly on low flame.
  • Add all the ingredients to heating beeswax and keep aside for a couple of minutes.
  • Store in a fresh glass container and keep aside for at least 2 hours.
  • Apply under your eyes and to your entire face.

#8. Myrrh Oil with Frankincense Oil


  • 1 Cup Myrrh Oil
  • 1 Cup Frankincense Oil
  • 4 Cups Carrier Oil

Frankincense oil has some amount of Vitamin E and is known to be a great anti-ageing oil. It removes free radicals from the body and hence can slow the ageing process.

How to use:

  • Mix the oils in a jar and let sit for a few hours.
  • Shake the jar once in a few minutes.
  • Store the mixture in a colored bottle
  • Apply directly to your face.

#9. Myrrh & Glycerin Soap


  • 2 Cups Glycerin Soap Base
  • 2 Tbsp. Myrrh Oil
  • 2 Tbsp. Frankincense Oil
  • Soap Mold
  • A couple of thin Gold Leaves

Glycerin is a great medication used to moisturize the skin. Glycerin when used with Myrrh oil can prevent the dryness and roughness of the skin and also restore elasticity of the skin. Application of myrrh oil for skin can reduce a lot of skin related problems including wrinkles.

How to use:

  • Place the soap base in the mold.
  • Keep the mold in a heat proof container.
  • Melt the mold in microwave.
  • Add 5 drops of Myrrh and Frankincense oil.
  • Add the gold leaves.
  • Transfer the mixture in another mold and keep in a cool place.

#10. Myrrh Anti-wrinkle Face Cream


  • 3 drops Myrrh Oil
  • 5 Drops Frankincense Oil
  • ½ Cup Coconut Oil
  • ¼ Cup Vitamin E Oil
  • 1 Tbsp. Beeswax

A very important part of Ayurveda tradition, Vitamin E oil can be very helpful in fighting pimple marks. It also have some extraordinary medicinal properties. The wonderful Coconut Oil benefits the skin and removes toxicities.

How to use:

  • Whip the coconut oil properly for a couple of minutes.
  • Make sure that coconut oil is not melted.
  • Mix all three oils properly.
  • Add melted beeswax and continue to whip until it is mixed properly.
  • Apply a small amount of cream on your face for a taut and wrinkle free skin.

#11. Myrrh oil with Cedarwood Oil


  • 5 Drops Myrrh Oil
  • 5 Drops Frankincense Oil
  • 5 Drops Cedar Wood Oil
  • 5-8 Drops Orange Oil

Cedarwood oil  is used widely in aromatherapy and herbal medications for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, diuretic, and antiseptic properties.

How to use:

  • Mix all the oils in a 2 ml dark glass bottle.
  • Roll the bottle between your palms to mix them thoroughly.
  • Add the mixture to a spray bottle.
  • And spray it over your face daily to get younger skin.

Myrrh Oil Side Effects

Experts have listed dozens of surprising myrrh oil benefits. Despite of all the great qualities of Myrrh Oil, it also have some side effects like most of the medicines and you must consult your physician before starting its usage.

May Upset Stomach

Due to internal use, it may upset the stomach and cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is not a serious issue, but if not treated properly, it may go to the chronic stage and may cause dehydration. Loss of body fluid can be very harmful especially for children and old age people.

Cardiovascular Troubles

Myrrh Oil sometimes can decrease the blood pressure, especially after overdose. Lowered blood pressure can cause some serious problems like weakness, endocrine problems, low blood sugar level, dehydration etc.

May Cause Uterine Contractions

It is not suitable for pregnant women, because it may cause the uterine contractions. The shortening and tightening of the uterine muscles can be proved dangerous, especially during labor. It also can be disturbing factor during the child birth.

Interaction with anticoagulants

People using anticoagulants should avoid the usage of Myrrh Oil as it has great interaction with them and can cause serious trouble. Diabetic patients taking medications for diabetes should also avoid the Myrrh Oil. If you still want to use the Myrrh Oil, you must consult your physician before starting its usage.

Can be proved harmful just after a surgery

Myrrh Oil have the ability to affect the blood glucose levels. Blood glucose control during and after the surgery is very important. It may hamper the blood sugar level during that period and may cause some serious trouble.

What is Myrrh Oil?

Myrrh is an aromatic gum resin having a slightly bitter pungent taste collected from a tree called Commiphora abyssinica (from the family Burseraceae & native to eastern Africa and Arabia).

This oil is of great value in history and tradition and has been in used as incense, perfume, and medicine. One can have an idea about its importance in the history from the fact that it was mentioned in Bible for as many as 152 times!

There have been continuous clinical researches about this oil because it has some properties which are giving some sort of hints that it may become a great remedy to treat cancer. Being a great antioxidant, it can also very useful in parasitic infections.

Now that we’ve got you covered with all benefits, possible side-effects, and recipes of using myrrh oil for skin, it’s on you to choose the most suited recipe. Do try them and let us know about your experience in the comments below.

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