Grapeseed Oil for Psoriasis – 3 Effective Recipes

Being the largest organ, skin needs your attention. Grapeseed oil for psoriasis is a natural remedy that can’t be ignored.

You’re not alone, according to official reports approximately 7.5 million people in USA are affected with psoriasis. Its main cause is unknown, however immune system and genetics are held responsible for psoriasis.

Dry and scaly patches appear on different parts of the body including knees, scalp, elbows, fingernails, toenails and genitals.

Researchers state that immune system triggered by T-cells results in rapid growth of skin cells. As your skin fails to shed them dry itchy patches are formed.

Doctors and dermatologists state that repeated use of cosmetic creams strip natural oil from the skin and leads to premature aging wrinkles.

Natural home remedies on other hand aren’t associated with any serious side-effects and are packed with effective nutrients.

Grapeseed Oil for Psoriasis

Like other natural oils, grapeseed oil has essential vitamins, omega -3&6 fatty acids and astringent properties. This essential oil is derived from seeds of grapes.

  • Hydrating properties packed in the oil hydrates dry scaly patches and helps to shed dead skin cells.
  • Omega -3&6 fatty acids with its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties hydrate the dry patches and reduce inflammation caused by psoriasis.
  • Nutrients residing in grapeseed oil repair damaged tissues and make the skin moist.
  • Vitamin C and E improves elasticity of the skin, lighten the appearance of psoriasis patches and guards skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Linoleic acid exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat psoriasis.
  • Beta-carotene, vitamin C, D, E and other assorted nutrients together aids to treat psoriasis and promote supple skin.


How to Use Grapeseed Oil to Treat Psoriasis?

Psoriasis can’t be treated permanently; however using natural remedies and steroid creams you can reduce its effect.

For severe psoriasis, consult dermatologist. These simple home remedies can be helpful for mild or semi-moderate ailments.

  1. Initially, cleanse the dead cells piled over the skin with water.
  2. Don’t use warm water, as it triggers itching.
  3. Pat dry using soft cloth.
  4. Take pure grapeseed essential oil and gently spread it over psoriasis affected area.
  5. Leave it to dry naturally.

Avoid moisture (water) over the skin, use cotton ball or soft cloth to pat dry.

Argan oil and grapeseed oil

High concentration of essential oils can irritate your sensitive skin, so it’s recommended to blend argan oil or any carrier oil with grapeseed oil.

Take 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and 3 tablespoons of argan oil in a bowl. Optionally, add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil to it and apply it over prewashed skin.

Honey, lemon and Grapeseed Oil for Psoriasis

Unlike cosmetic creams, you can blend other innate ingredients with grapeseed oil depending on your skin type.

Take required amount of raw honey, 1-2 drops of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a bowl.

After mixing thoroughly, apply the mask over prewashed skin and leave it to dry naturally.

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Pumpkin for Skin Whitening – 3 Awesome Recipes

With the fall of autumn, you see pumpkins everywhere including online. Though most of them use it for design, pumpkin for skin whitening can enhance your skin texture and restrain infection.

Essential vitamins and nutrients, which your skin needs, are housed in this big sized vegetable.

Everyone yearns to have alluring and glowing face. With media promoting more and more enticing models, women and teenage girls are craving to have that look.

Cosmetic creams though claim to turn your skin fairer magically in weeks, they harm your skin. According to doctors repeated application of beauty creams will strip natural moisture and results in wrinkles.

Jumping to conclusion, natural remedies are effective and are free from side-effects.

Benefits of Pumpkin Face Mask for Skin Whitening

Use of modern gadgets is increasing every day. Repeated exposure to these screens will impact your skin texture and in most cases leave dark spots.

Apart from this, UV rays, internal factors and other impurities pile over the skin resulting in dry dark patches.

Due to external or internal factors, melanin production increases at a particular spot resulting in dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

  • Retinoic acid housed in pumpkin face mask will cleanse dead cells and other impurities off the skin.
  • Vitamin E repairs damaged skin cells and improve blood circulation.
  • Vitamin C, beta-carotene and other nutrients penetrate deep into the skin and lighten dark spots.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid helps to obtain glowing skin and make the skin texture supple.
  • Hydrating activity of this natural remedy helps to get rid of dry patches.
  • Vitamin C enhances collagen production and improves elasticity of the skin. Thus fading wrinkles and dark spots.
  • Antioxidants agents thwart free radicals and fade fine lines. Anti-inflammatory activity reduces inflammation caused by skin ailments.


How to Use Pumpkin for Skin Whitening?

Let me disclose you that, natural remedies may take long time to show positive results, but unlike chemical filled creams they don’t make your skin dry. So, you must use the same recipe for few weeks.

#1 Pumpkin and Lemon Juice

Bleaching activity of lemon juice will lighten the appearance of dark spots and pumpkin tightens your skin.

  • Take fresh pumpkin and mash into smooth paste.
  • Add few drops of lemon juice to it.
  • Optionally, add 2-3 vitamin E capsules to the mask.
  • Wash the face with water or cleanse it with gram flour mask.
  • Pat dry and apply mixed pumpkin face mask on the skin evenly.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#2 Oats and Pumpkin Mask for Skin Whitening

Exceptional property in oatmeal will remove impurities and pollutants accumulated over the skin.

Mix pumpkin pulp and finely grounded oats in a bowl. You can add raw honey to make the face mask more effective.

Wash your face and apply the mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.

#3 Pumpkin and Gram Flour

I love this face mask recipe because of gram flour. This natural ingredient will cleanse impurities and remove dead skin cells. However, if you’ve dry skin you must apply rosewater after using it.

Mix 1 tablespoon of pumpkin and 2 teaspoon of gram flour in a bowl. Depending on your requirement you can increase or decrease the quantity.

  • Wash the face with water and pat dry.
  • When the skin is still damp apply this face mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Place two sliced cucumbers on your eyes, to get that spa feeling.
  • After 10-15 minutes rinse it off.

Excellent thing about these home remedies is that you can add or remove ingredients that match your skin type.

Other ingredients like potato, honey, sandalwood powder, papaya, pineapple, yogurt, rice flour, turmeric, apple cider vinegar and almond paste can be included in pumpkin pulp.

Note: Pumpkin for skin whitening works only when you internally supply essential vitamins to your skin by consuming vitamin rich diet and drink enough water.

Bearberry Extract for Skin Lightening


Bearberry extract became cosmetic industry’s darling ingredient when Dr.Oz unveiled its benefits to fade aging wrinkles. Many experts support bearberry extract for skin lightening.

This natural remedy is renowned for treating urinary tract infection and illness. Its antiseptic and antioxidant activities are beneficial for skin as well.

What are Benefits of Bearberry Extract?

Many beauty products started incorporating this natural ingredient to increase the effectiveness of their product. Bearberry extract comes from leaves of bearberry shrub.

  • Alpha-arbutin an active ingredient housed in bearberry can effectively lighten skin discoloration.
  • Polyphenolic compound residing in this natural ingredient exhibit antioxidant activity that can thwart free radicals.
  • Free radicals damage cell membrane and leads to wrinkles.
  • Topical application of this remedy will save your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Antiseptic property fastens the healing process of the damaged skin.
  • Like synthetic skin lightening components arbutin can actively lighten skin by inactivating tyrosinase, an enzyme responsible for melanin production.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties packed in its leaves can treat acne and other inflamed injuries.
  • Antibacterial and other assorted nutrients can treat urinary tract infection, kidney and bladder issues.

 Not just skin lightening; this innate ingredient can bring more perks to your skin.

Your skin exposed to a great range of impurities, which get accumulated over it. Apart from this, excess exposure to UV rays and other internal factors stimulate production of melanin leading to dark spots.

Natural remedies like bearberry extract for skin lightening can inactivate production of excess melanin and restrain bacterial infection.

A study was carried on 80 women, they were asked to use 1 percent alpha arbutin. After a month, researchers found improvement on participant’s skin. Thus it’s confirmed to be an effective skin lightening ingredient.

Risk of using sunscreen creams

Its looks catchy and simple to use sunscreen cream to guard form UV rays. But, sunscreen creams also include harmful chemical ingredients that can strip natural oil from the skin.

They can also block vitamin D, which is responsible to prevent breast and other cancers. Bearberry extract allow you to enjoy the sun and protects your skin from aging signs.

How to Use Bearberry Extract for Skin Lightening?

To make your work easy, cosmetic industries started collecting pure bearberry extract. But, experts recommend blending it with other lotion or cream, before applying on the skin.

  1. Cleanse your skin with water or rosewater to remove dead cells and other impurities.
  2. Pat dry and apply bearberry extract blended with cream or lotion.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Make sure you don’t opt for chemical incorporated creams. It’s recommended to patch test before applying it on the face.

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Using Vitamin C for Stretch Marks – One Simple Home Remedy

vitamin c for stretch marks

After giving birth to lovely babies, women are left with deep stretch marks. They are common, but most of them try hard to get rid of stretch marks. After trying different cosmetic creams and few home remedies they compromise to live with these embarrassing lines.

I don’t assure you that vitamin C for stretch marks works effectively. But, anecdotal reports claim that regular application of vitamin C serum can reduce striae.

What Can Be Done About Stretch Marks?

You can’t completely get rid of stretch marks. However, using cosmetic creams and home remedies you can lighten its appearance.

In some cases stretch marks fade naturally, cosmetic creams and home remedies help to lighten them quickly.

Sudden gain or loss in weight, puberty and pregnancy results in stretching of dermis layer, which tears the skin in different spots. As a result you see linear striae on upper layer of the skin. (1)

How Vitamin C for Stretch Marks Works?

Because of its nutritional benefits, your body needs vitamin C. You can get vitamin C through diet or supplements.

  • You can ingest rich amount of vitamin C foods or topically massage your skin with vitamin C cream or serum.
  • Exceptional properties of this vitamin stimulate collagen production, which is responsible to support blood vessels, tendons, ligaments and improve elasticity of the skin.
  • Antioxidant agents of vitamin C thwart free radicals and save skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Vitamin C can reduce brown spots and lighten stretch marks.
  • Fasten the healing process of minor wounds, minor burns and fade scars.
  • Impurities and dead cells accumulated over the skin can be cleansed to obtain radiant skin.
  • Improves blood circulation, heals skin cells, bring back moisture, enhance elasticity and improves skin texture.

Not just to get rid of stretch marks, you can use vitamin C to overall healthy functioning of the skin.

Note: Decades of research back benefits of vitamin C, but as one food isn’t sufficient to supply all essential nutrients to your body, likewise one single ingredient can’t solely improve your overall skin texture.

How to Use Vitamin C to Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

Foods and Supplements

Consuming vitamin C rich foods or fruits can’t at once lighten stretch marks. But, it will gradually prevent stretching of dermis layer.

Antioxidants in these fruits, restrain free radicals that damage cell membrane.

Foods with vitamin C include: Citrus fruits, tomato, peas, papaya, strawberries, broccoli, kiwi fruit, kale, yellow bell peppers, guavas, melons, cauliflower, cilantro, thyme, basil and other herbs.

Vitamin C serum

Experts recommend both oral and topical treatment for healthy skin. Though anecdotal reports claim effectiveness of vitamin C serum, no scientific evidence backs this claim.

So, it’s recommended to patch test before applying it over the skin.

Dr. Emily Kane says that topical application of vitamin C can improve skin growth and lighten stretch marks in early stage. In case of old stretch marks, skin structure is altered and there is no cream that can bring the layers back.

A health blogger shared her experience of using vitamin C on stretch marks. (Read here)

Topical ointments recommended by dermatologist which include vitamin C and other vitamins can help you fade stretch marks. However, remember that you can’t completely fade deep stretch marks.

Wash your skin with water and pat dry with a cloth. Take few drops of vitamin C serum and gently massage over stretch marks regularly.

Bottom Line

For that it’s recommended that you regularly apply vitamin C serum or other natural remedies around stomach, shoulders, knees and hip. Nutritional benefits of the vitamin gradually increases elasticity of the skin and prevent stretch marks.

Did you ever use vitamin C for stretch marks; share your experience with our readers.

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Mulberry Extract for Skin Whitening

Natural extracts are filled with essential nutrients, which can improve your skin texture. Read this article to know benefits of mulberry extract for skin whitening.

mulberry extract for skin whitening

Skin is the largest organ of your body, any dark spots, pigmentation and scars ruin its appearance and most of us try to get rid of it. Fortunately, there are many home remedies with which you can eliminate dark spots and obtain whitening skin.

Dangers of Skin Whitening Creams

There are different techniques to lighten skin pigmentation. Chemical peels, skin whitening creams and laser treatments.

But, they are incorporated with chemical preservatives and chemical substances; which often irritate your sensitive skin. Repeated use of skin lightening creams will damage your skin, say doctors. (1)

There are few cosmetic creams that include natural extracts, but they also use preservatives to increase the shelf-life of the product.

Benefits of Mulberry Extract for Skin Whitening

Mulberry is extracted from white Mulberry tree, which is native to China. It has been used for centuries because of its medicinal properties. Recently, cosmetic world allured by its beauty benefits and started incorporating it into their products.

Apart from skin, mulberry leaves are used for various health ailments including diabetes, strengthen immune system, treat certain cancers, improve vision, strengthen hair and enhance supple skin.

  • Vitamin A, C, E and K residing in this natural ingredient can cleanse dead cells, fade dark spots, retain moisture and enhance collagen production.
  • It’s a natural inhibitor of tyrosinase, an enzyme that triggers production of melanin.
  • According to Journal of Drugs in Dermatology both white mulberry and paper mulberry can effectively contribute for skin whitening.
  • Vitamins in this ingredient improve elasticity of the skin and make it firm.
  • Antioxidant activity restrains free radicals and prevents premature aging wrinkles.
  • Steeping mulberry leaves in coconut oil or olive oil can hydrate your skin.
  • Taking bath with mulberry leaves will make your skin soft and radiant.

How to Use Mulberry Extracts for Skin Whitening?

You can get beauty products with mulberry extracts at a local store. Apart from this you can directly use its leaves or eat its fruits.

  1. As mentioned, skin care industries are making products that include mulberry extracts, licorice and other beneficial ingredients. Wash your face and apply the cream. Chemical ingredients in the cream may irritate your skin.
  2. Second option is to steep dried mulberry leaves in a hot cup of tea (8 ounces of water and 1 teaspoon of dried mulberry leaves). Eat ripe mulberry fruits regularly to improve healthy functioning of the skin.
  3. Third and best method is to steep mulberry leaves in coconut oil or olive oil for few days and massage gently over prewashed face regularly before going to sleep. Rinse it off in the morning.

Natural remedies hardly have any side-effects; however in few people mulberry extracts can trigger allergic reaction. So, patch test before using it.

Share your views on mulberry extracts for skin whitening with us.

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Use Vitamin E Oil for Skin Lightening

vitamin e oil for skin lightening

Probably you might know about the health and beauty benefits of vitamin E. Even beauty experts recommend topical application of vitamin E oil for skin lightening.

However, to reap most benefits from vitamin E oil you must use it with caution. In some cases properties of this oil can irritate your skin and results in more breakouts.

What Causes Pigmentation of the Skin?

Melanin is the pigment, which is responsible for skin’s color. Due to some external and internal factors production of melanin increases at particular spot resulting in dark patches.

Apart from this, your skin is exposed to increasing pollutants, impurities and it sheds millions of dead cells. When you don’t care to cleanse them, skin discoloration occurs.

Does Vitamin E Oil Lighten Skin Discoloration?

Due to its healing properties, vitamin E oil is incorporated in many personal care products. It is also sold in the form of capsules, which can be used over the skin.

With exceptional properties listed below vitamin E oil for skin lightening is an efficient home remedy.

  • Emollient activity packed in vitamin E oil can wipe the impurities efficiently and balance oil over the skin. Dip cotton ball in the oil and wipe on your face.
  • Dark patches, skin discoloration and scars can lighten with nutritional properties of this oil.
  • Antioxidant agents restrain free radicals and soothe sunburns.
  • Premature aging wrinkles caused by internal and external factors can be reversed by topical application of vitamin E oil.
  • Vitamin E enhances collagen production and elasticity of the skin.
  • Hydrating properties in vitamin E oil rejuvenates skin and restore lost moisture.
  • Skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks and acne can be treated by regular application of vitamin E oil.

How to Use Vitamin E Oil for Skin Lightening?

Before you dwell into its usage, let me warn you that ingredients in this oil may irritate your sensitive skin. So, it’s recommended to patch test on elbow before applying it over the face.

Using vitamin E oil and other home remedies is one of the easiest things you can do for your skin.

  1. Wash your face or cleanse it using gram flour mask.
  2. Pat dry with soft cloth.
  3. Take vitamin E oil in your clean palm and gently massage over the skin when it is still damp.
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

Best time to apply vitamin E oil is before going to bed.

According to experts oral or topical usage of vitamin E can improve your skin functioning. However, to see positive results topical application is recommended.

Vitamin E capsules

Get it from local store and hole it using needle. Collect the oil in a bowl or palm and apply it over prewashed face.

Vitamin E and vitamin C

According to Dr.Broumand, mixing vitamin C with vitamin E oil will improve its effect and guards skin from UV rays.

Many cosmetic creams include vitamin E because it helps to process vitamin A. Your skin can’t absorb vitamin A without vitamin E.

Coconut oil and vitamin E oil

Massage your skin with these two ingredients. Both are renowned for their moisturizing and healing benefits. Assorted nutrients in this solution will directly or indirectly helps to improve your skin tone.

Glycerin and vitamin E oil for skin lightening

Like other innate ingredients, glycerin is packed with healing and moisturizing agents. Add 3-4 drops of glycerin with vitamin E oil and massage gently over prewashed face.

Night is the best time to use vitamin E oil.

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Vitamin E Oil for Rosacea – 3 Simple Recipes

vitamin e oil for rosacea

Most people mistaken rosacea for adult acne or rosy cheeks. According to reports there are 16 million Americans who suffer from this chronic skin condition, but most of them aren’t aware of it.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for these red patches. However, with topical creams and natural home remedies you can reduce inflammation. In this article you’ll learn how to use vitamin e oil for rosacea.

Rosacea affects central third of the face including nose and cheeks. Small red bumps can be seen on face, sometimes filled with pus. Over 76% people with rosacea are suffering from lower confidence.

Main cause of this chronic skin inflammation is unknown. However, experts say alcohol, spicy food, heat and emotional stress trigger rosacea pimples.

Why Vitamin E Oil is good for Rosacea?

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, which is renowned for its numerous health benefits. Normally, people ingest vitamin E capsules to reap its benefits. However, to enhance skin functioning, experts recommend topical application of this oil.

  • According to Jack Challem (member of American Society for Nutrition), properties in vitamin E can effectively repair damaged skin cells.
  • With its exceptional properties it reduces redness on the face caused by rosacea.
  • Cleansing activity of this oil will remove impurities and dead cells accumulated over the skin.
  • Antioxidants agents residing in this oil will protect the cell membrane from damaging elements.
  • Restorative property of vitamin E oil can guard skin from oxidative stress and UV rays.
  • Locks the moisture over the skin by strengthening skin’s barrier function.
  • Unlike other oils, vitamin E oil gets easily absorbed by the skin.

How to Use Vitamin E oil for Rosacea?

It’s easy to reap its exceptional properties like cleansing, repairing, moisturizing and skin lightening.

All you’ve to do is to topically massage the oil over the skin and leave it to dry naturally.

However, states that to treat rosacea both oral and topical medication must be followed.

  1. Before going to bed, wash your face with water and pat dry.
  2. When the skin is still damp, take required amount of vitamin E oil in your palm and start massaging over the skin.
  3. The oil should be applied evenly all over the face.
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

You must regularly repeat the process to see positive results.

To make it more effective you can blend other innate ingredients with this oil.

Avocado and Vitamin E Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins residing in avocado oil can bring oxygen to the skin. It can promote collagen production and decrease inflammation.

Take fresh avocado and mash it to form smooth paste. Add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil to the mask.

Wash your face and apply the face mask over the skin.

Vitamin E Oil and Honey

honey and oatmeal for skin whitening

Uses of raw honey have been documented in various religious books. It is prominent for healing benefits.

  • Warm vitamin E oil and add 1 teaspoon of honey to it (after cooling).
  • Apply this mixture over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Best time to use this mask is before going to bed.

Other innate ingredients that you can add with vitamin E oil for rosacea are aloe vera gel, olive oil and sesame oil.

You can directly use vitamin E capsules on skin.

Take 3 to 4 vitamin E capsules and pin a hole, using needle. Collect the oil in a jar and add little olive oil to it.

For chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and rosacea, you can place punctured capsule on the skin directly. Pure vitamin E oil can effectively treat rosacea condition.

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Use Grapeseed Oil for Stretch Marks

grapeseed oil for stretch marks

It’s common to have stretch marks. Few women on Instagram came out to express their love towards these lines. However, most people want to remove them. Grapeseed oil for stretch marks is an excellent remedy.

According to experts, sudden weight gain or lose, puberty and pregnancy makes connecting fibers in dermis layer to stretch and tear at some parts , which can be seen on the upper layer of the skin as red lines.

As the time progress, these red lines turn silver white and may ruin your physical appearance.

Note: You can’t completely fade stretch marks. Topical beauty creams and home remedies lighten the appearance of these vertical lines.

Cosmetic industries are rapidly inching towards natural ingredients; more and more beauty industries are advertising about innate ingredients in their products.

It may help to increase their business, but customers can’t be benefited, because these cosmetic products include chemical preservatives to increase the shelf-life of the item.

Jump to:How to Use Grapeseed Oil?

There are many cases where repeated use of this beauty creams resulted in sagging skin.

Natural remedies like grapeseed oil on other hand are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. You hardly see any side-effects on these remedies.

Grapeseed oil is derived from seeds of wine grapes. Without ado let me drive through the benefits of this essential oil.

  • Vitamin C and E packed in the grapeseed oil stimulates collagen production, fade wrinkles, lighten the appearance of stretch marks and protects your skin from UV rays.
  • Assorted nutrients in grapeseed oil repair damaged skin tissues and lock the moisture on the skin.
  • Essential fatty acids residing in the oil hydrates your dry skin and strengthens cell membrane.
  • Astringent activity of this essential oil makes your skin firm and improves your skin tone.
  • Antioxidant property helps to thwart free radicals, which may damage cell membrane.
  • Linoleic acid housed in this oil exhibits anti-inflammatory property, which can effectively treat acne and other skin inflammation.

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Stretch Marks?

As mentioned earlier, there is no cream or remedy to completely fade stretch marks. However, repeated use of natural remedies will lighten these lines.

  1. Wash your skin with water or cleanse it to wipe impurities and dead cells.
  2. Pat dry using clean cloth.
  3. Take grapeseed essential oil in your palm and gently massage over the skin.
  4. Leave it to dry naturally.

Simple, isn’t it?

To reap nutritional benefits of grapeseed oil, beauty experts recommend organic and unrefined essential oil.

Argan oil and grapeseed oil

Essential oil may irritate your sensitive skin. So, it’s recommended to blend other natural oils with it.

  • Take 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and 3 tablespoons of argan oil in a bowl.
  • Alternatively, add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil and massage on prewashed skin.
  • Save the remaining oil solution in a container and regularly apply it before going to bed.

You can use this oil to prevent stretch marks. Assorted nutrients in the oil will enhance collagen production and improves elasticity of the skin. Pregnant women must consult doctor before using it.

Because of its non-greasy nature it easily gets absorbed by the skin. Check out this post where a blogger discuss her experience with grapeseed oil.

Even you can share your experience with grapeseed oil for stretch marks in comments.

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grapseed oil and argan oil stretch marks