How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal – 7 DIY Methods

apple cider vinegar for mole removal

Skin moles are regarded as beauty marks. Ancient Chinese believe it to be lucky or unlucky mark depending on its location. (1)

Back to modern world, thanks to media promoted models these black spot on the skin is a cosmetic concern. Fortunately, you can use home remedies like apple cider vinegar for mole removal.

Apart from being a cosmetic concern, moles can also result in skin cancer.

What Causes Moles to Appear on Face?

Moles occur when melanocytes (cells present in the skin) grows in cluster rather than spreading throughout the skin. There are different types of moles, and they may grow in group or single.

Hair develops on mole which may ruin your beauty. People try to hide this annoying black or brown colored mark on their face with makeup.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for Mole Removal?

ACV is a type of vinegar made from cider (beverage from apple juice). This acidic liquid can be used in foods and has many health benefits.

You can get apple cider vinegar from a local grocery store.

  • Acid nature of this ingredient destroys mole tissues without damaging your skin.
  • Apart from this, nutrients in ACV help to soften the skin texture and stimulate skin regeneration.
  • Anti-inflammatory ability this ingredient reduce skin irritation and acetic acid soften the skin.
  • Vitamins and minerals residing in it help to balance pH level of the skin.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal?

Higher concentration of ACV may irritate your sensitive. So, initially start diluting it with other ingredients.

Below listed are different methods to use ACV.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar

Things you need

  • Cotton ball
  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • Band aid

Carry a band-aid on face is quite annoying, so we recommend trying this process before going to sleep, it takes few minutes.


  1. Wash your face or part of the body with mole with cold water.
  2. Pat it dry with a dry and smooth towel.
  3. Dip cotton ball in apple cider vinegar solution and squeeze it so that the extra amount of ACV is dropped into bowl.
  4. Now place the ACV dipped cotton ball over the mole and using band-aid lock the cotton ball.
  5. Practice this for a week to see the change.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar and Onion Juice

Onion juice consists of acidity and chemicals which can effectively reduce skin ailments including moles. Regular application of onion juice on skin moles will help to get rid of them.

Now, blend these tow ingredients.

  • Blend equal amount of ACV with onion juice in a bowl.
  • Use cotton ball to apply the juice over the skin mole.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.
  • Repeat this process twice per day, within few weeks you’ll see positive change.

#3 Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda for Mole Removal

When you mix baking soda with water, it releases hydrogen ions which dehydrate skin tissues of mole.

Bleaching property residing in this home available ingredient also help to lighten the appearance of mole.

  • Take required amount of baking soda and mix it with apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the paste on mole and wrap it with bandage.
  • After few hours, remove it and rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat the process till you remove mole.

Baking soda may irritate your skin, so take care not to apply it over skin or under eyes.

#4 Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing ability of honey is well known. Enzymes in honey are responsible to reduce mole size and gradually remove it.

To reap nutritional benefits, beauty experts advice to prefer only pure honey.

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Now add 1 tablespoon of raw honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your skin with water or soap and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply this mask over the mole and cover it with a bandage.
  • Repeat this process regularly till you see positive results.

#5 Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Nutrients in ACV can easily be grabbed if you mix it in your bath tub. You can treat chronic skin ailments surrounding your body with this simple remedy.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of ACV to your bath tub.
  • After mixing thoroughly, soak your body in the tub for 20 minutes.
  • Then normally apply the soap and rinse it off.

#6 ACV and Horseradish

Nutrients in horseradish can lighten the appearance of scars and discoloration. Healing ability of this innate ingredient can reduce freckles, remove moles and treat blemishes.

  • Extract juice from horseradish and mix it with required amount of apple cider vinegar.
  • Also add little honey to the solution and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash the skin with mild soap to remove impurities.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth and apply the paste over mole.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water.

#7 Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingesting apple cider vinegar will help to reduce weight and treat ailments. It promotes healthy cholesterol and improves absorption of nutrients.

Antioxidant helps to thwart free radicals and prevent skin disorders like wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of ACV in distilled water or salad.
  • Drink it regularly in the morning.
  • You can also add raw honey or lemon juice to enhance the taste. (Source)

Tips on Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

  • Higher concentration of ACV may irritate your skin, so patch test before applying it over the skin.
  • You may experience slight stinging sensation after applying apple cider vinegar, its common so don’t worry.
  • Mole turns darker with first application, but regular application will remove it completely.
  • Moisturize your skin after applying ACV with coconut oil.
  • Wear sunscreen cream before going out.
  • To avoid irritation apply Vaseline around the mole.
  • Few moles can be cause cancer, so you must consult dermatologist to confirm the ailment.
  • Don’t remove moles at home surgically.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Cuticles – 5 DIY Methods

cuticle oil for cuticles

Having healthy and well-moisturized cuticles makes a big difference for your manicure. On the other side, cracked and dry cuticles hurt you. Luckily, there are many natural oils to treat; coconut oil for cuticles is one among them.

A thin skin surrounding and protecting your nail plate from infectious bacteria is known as cuticle. Like your skin, cuticles are a barrier to your nails, which guard nail plate against infectious germs without this you can’t expect healthy nails.

Most of us cut or pick dry cuticles out of ignorance. Experts condemn this act, as cutting cuticles will leave a small gap through which fungi may invade to trigger infection.

Extolling benefits of coconut oil for dry skin enticed experts to try this cheap yet effective remedy on nails, and it’s confirmed that coconut oil for cuticles is an excellent home available moisturizer.

What Causes Dry Cuticles?

Most people experience minor issues with cuticles, which are easily treated.

External factors like low humidity, cold weather and wind strip moisture from cuticles leaving it dry and cracked. Apart from this few chemical incorporated lotions, soaps and creams can damage cuticles.

Ailments like nail fungus, eczema and psoriasis also leave your cuticles dry. Few habits like pushing, plucking or cutting cuticles may leave them injured.

Internal factors include lack of nutritious diet and dehydration may result in dry cuticles.

Is Coconut Oil Good for Cuticles?

  • Hydrating properties packed in coconut oil help to moisturize your dry cuticles and make it look healthy.
  • Coconut oil consists of anti-fungal agents that restrain infectious germs from nail plate and avoid fungal infection.
  • Essential fatty acids in coconut oil enhance collagen production and fasten the healing of dry cracked cuticles.
  • Regular application of this oil over dry cuticles can strengthen your nails and avoid hangnails.
  • Topical application of this natural oil helps to remove impurities from the skin.
  • Lauric acid housed in the oil acts as an anti-bacterial agent and protects your nails from bacterial infection.
  • Regular application of pure coconut oil will stimulate the growth of nails.
  • Due to lack of moisture, your nails and cuticles crack ruining your physical appearance. The moisturizing ability of coconut oil will help to cure ridges and cracks.
  • Assorted nutrients in this oil help to restrain mild to moderate atopic dermatitis over nails and skin.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Cuticles?

Who doesn’t want to have healthy and attractive nails?

Along with trimming nails and cleaning them, you need to pamper your cuticles. Dry and hanging cuticles give an unsightly look. Few external and internal factors dry them out. But! No worries. Every home has coconut oil, which is popular for hydrating skin; scalp and now it can be used to moisturize dry cuticles.

While assorted properties residing in coconut oil helps to moisturize dry cuticles, lauric acid restrain bacterial and fungal infection.

#1 Coconut Oil for Dry Cuticles

  • Wash your hands (including cuticles) with a conditioner after a bath.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth and apply virgin coconut oil around nails and on cuticles.
  • Regular use will do wonders.
  • You can blend essential oils listed below if you’ve a problem with coconut oil smell.

The night is the best time to apply this natural ingredient. Cleanse before going out.

#2 Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil

Solid coconut oil is enough to treat dry cuticles, but if you’d like to make it more effective then mix it with lavender oil.

Renowned for its aromatic smell and hydrating abilities, lavender essential oil can do wonders for your skin.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and add 1 drop of lavender essential oil to it.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed cuticles.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water. (Source)

You can save remaining in a tight container.

#3 Aloe Vera Gel and Coconut Oil

It’s sticky gel prominent for healing and moisturizing properties. Also, the antimicrobial activity of this gel thwarts infectious germs and protects your nails.

Dead cells piled around the nails can be cleansed by this home available remedy.

  • Take 1 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix required amount of aloe vera gel to it.
  • After mixing thoroughly apply it around nails and on cuticles.
  • Allow nutrients in this remedy to act effectively and heal cuticles.

#4 Best Nail Soak with Coconut Oil

Hydrating is one of the most important factors of treating dry cuticles. To make it more effective, you can mix honey and rosemary oil with coconut oil.

Honey is known for its humectant properties, which help to lock moisture in the skin. Anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties avoid fungal infection and reduce inflammation.

Rosemary oil thwarts free radicals that damage cell membrane and promotes new skin cells. Moisturizing and astringent abilities of the oil can make it more effective.

  • Mix ¼ cup of virgin coconut oil with ¼ cup of raw honey.
  • Also, add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil to the solution.
  • Wash your fingers and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Now, soak your fingers in this solution for about 15 minutes once in a week.

#5 Coconut Oil – the best cuticle oil

This is the ultimate cuticle oil, packed with all innate ingredients.

If you’re like simple things, then go with coconut oil + aloe vera gel. To make the cuticle cream more effective, try this below-mentioned recipe.

To start you need lavender essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, vitamin E oil, peppermint essential oil, coconut oil and a bottle to store this cuticle oil.

  • Add 15 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil in a bowl.
  • Mix 1mL of vitamin E oil to it and add required amount of coconut oil to the solution.
  • Shift the oil to empty nail polish bottle and shake well before applying it over the cuticles. (Source)

Tips on Using Coconut Oil for Cuticles

  • Instead of picking or cutting dry cuticles, experts advice to push them back using metal or wooden cuticle pusher.
  • Take experts help if you’re doing it for the first time. If you frequently visit the spa, avoid manicurist from cutting cuticles.
  • Apply coconut oil or any other moisturizer on cuticles before going to bed. This way you don’t have to dip your oil filled nails in a drink or dish.
  • Housewives are recommended to wear rubber gloves while doing household works, as prolonged contact with water may weaken your nails and cuticles.
  • Alternatively, you can apply other cuticle oils to moisturize cuticles.

A simple tip, don’t apply coconut oil on cuticles in a closed bathroom, because it’s difficult to turn the doorknob with oily hands 🙂

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How to Use Yogurt for Skin Whitening – 7 DIY Face Mask Recipes Included

yogurt for face whitening with lemon juice

Not just nutritious elements, yogurt is also packed with exceptional beauty benefits. You can use yogurt for face whitening, read this article to find different recipes.

When you turn ancient and few religious books, they all include extolling benefits of yogurt for health. Yogurt with honey has got special attention in ancient times. Packed with protein and calcium, yogurt can reduce blood pressure and help you to lose weight.

Fortunately, its benefits are not just confined to health, topical use yogurt for skin whitening can reduce skin complexion and lighten the appearance of scars.

Hyperpigmentation or dark spots over the face appear when your skin stimulates excess production of melanin. Certain external factors like few chemical incorporated creams, excess exposure to sunlight and internal factors like foods and hormonal imbalance are common causes of dark spots. (1)

Sadly, most people unknowingly use chemical peels to retain normal complexion, which may strip natural oil along with impurities. There are many cases reported about dull and wrinkled skin after repeated use of these commercial beauty products.

Is Yogurt Good for Face Whitening?

Calcium, vitamin D, probiotics and alpha hydroxy acid housed in yogurt restrain ailments, improve complexion and enhance skin tone.

  • Lactic acid housed in yogurt exhibits bleaching property, which effectively fades dark/brown spots.
  • Even zinc residing in yogurt help to exfoliate the skin to make it firm and free from dead cells.
  • Moisturizing agents residing in plain yogurt mask will hydrate your dry skin.
  • Often dead cells along with other impurities get accumulated over the skin; yogurt has exfoliating agents that can be used as a face scrub.
  • Antibacterial properties residing in yogurt soothes acne blemishes. Add it with tea tree oil to make it more effective.
  • Anti-aging agents thwart free radicals that result in fading wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Assorted properties blended in yogurt tighten skin pores, heals sunburns and reduce age spots.
  • Dermatologist state that topical application of this home available ingredient can rejuvenate skin cells and make it supple.
  • Even its internal consumption can reduce aging wrinkles and skin discoloration.

How to Use Yogurt for Skin Whitening?

Instead of visiting a spa, you can turn your home into a beauty spa for few minutes. Take a pack of plain yogurt and topically apply it over the face.

To make it more effective, beauty experts recommend mixing other innate ingredients, which are listed below.

#1 Yogurt for Face Whitening

If you think that this recipe will turn your brown skin to bright, then am sorry it will not.

And I think there is no such cream available. Anyway, these recipes and beauty creams available in local store help to cleanse and obtain a flawless skin.

  • A simple recipe would be to wash your face and apply plain yogurt to it.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • If you think that yogurt results in acne breakouts, then read this.

#2 Yogurt and Lemon for Skin Lightening

Lemon juice is packed with citric acid, which has natural skin lightening components. Bleaching property residing in it reduces the appearance of dark spots and improves skin complexion.

Antibacterial and acidic properties exhibited by it can thwart acne causing bacteria and help to balance pH level of the skin.

Anyways, you must dilute lemon juice before applying it, as it makes your skin sensitive to sunlight. Experts even advice to wear wide hat or sunscreen while going out (after applying lemon juice).

  • Wash your face with water and pat dry with soft cloth.
  • Mix 2 tbsp of plain yogurt with few drops of lemon juice, then evenly apply the mask over the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off.

Alternatively, you can mix 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tbsp of plain yogurt and lemon juice.

Oatmeal can effectively cleanse impurities, dead cells and excess sebum accumulated over the skin. Antioxidant agents in it can thwart free radicals and postpone aging wrinkles. Amino acids in oatmeal can be used for lightening skin.

#3 Yogurt and Orange for Skin Whitening

Packed with vitamin C, topical application of orange juice will enhance collagen production and plays a vital role in reducing complexion.

Citric acid housed in orange juice exhibits bleaching property, which helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars.

Vitamin A and E in this citrus fruit help to increase blood circulation and protect your skin from UV rays.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and mix 1 tablespoon of orange juice to it.
  • Wash your face and apply this face mask evenly.
  • Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Apply natural moisturizer if your skin becomes dry after using this face mask recipe.

#4 Cucumber and Yogurt to Lighten the Skin

Cucumber consists of 90% of water in it. Prominent for hydrating and healing properties, topical application of cucumber will improve blood circulation and guards your skin against ailments.

Vitamin C is also present in cucumber, which improves skin’s elasticity and makes the skin flawless.

  • Take 1 fresh cucumber and peel its skin.
  • Now grate the cucumber and mix it with plain yogurt.
  • Apply this face mask over the prewashed face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#5 Yogurt for Skin Discoloration

Rosewater is renowned for hydrating and cleansing properties. This colorless liquid will cleanse impurities and reduce dark spots.

Turmeric powder is packed with essential nutrients that improve skin complexion, reduce hyperpigmentation and restrain ailments.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of rosewater with 2 tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl.
  • Also, take a pinch of turmeric powder and mix to the above paste.
  • Apply it over the face and rinse it off with water.

#6 Yogurt and Egg White

Exfoliating properties of egg white removes impurities and shrink large pores. It also makes the skin firm and reduces dark spots.

  • Take 2 egg whites and whisk with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.
  • Apply the mask on prewashed face.
  • Massage in circular motion.
  • Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Apply rose water after this face mask treatment.

#7 Yogurt, Avocado and Coconut Oil

According to a study, coconut oil has SPF of 7.119 and stands second after olive oil.

Also, fatty acids packed in it can hydrate your skin and other nutrients lighten the skin.

Avocado has vitamin A, C, D and fatty acids in it. These vitamins reduce fines lines, lighten dark spots, rejuvenate your skin and make it smooth.

  • Take ¼ avocado and mash it.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of yogurt and 1 tsp of pure coconut oil to the paste.
  • Wash your face and apply the mask evenly all over the skin.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

This effective homemade face mask will help you to get rid of hyperpigmentation when used regularly. To get rid of sun tan, topically apply plain yogurt evenly all over the skin. Rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Tips on Using Yogurt for Skin Whitening

After rinsing yogurt facial mask, your skin becomes tight and dry. Topically apply the olive oil or any other natural moisturizer to hydrate the skin.

Avoid smiling and moving muscles when the mask is over the face, as this will result in fine lines and wrinkles. Yogurt for face whitening is an effective remedy but like other home, remedies lack strong scientific research, anyhow people who used this mask post positive reviews.

  • Drink enough water and include vitamin rich diet.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out.
  • Avoid long exposure to sunlight and computer screens.
  • Regularly moisturize your skin to avoid dry itchy
  • Chemical included creams can make your skin rough and dull, avoid them.
  • Patch test before applying above mentioned recipes.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. 🙂

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How to Use Cucumber for Skin Lightening – 13 DIY Recipes

cucumber for skin lightening

The hectic schedule doesn’t let us take care of skin. Dead cells and impurities pile over your face resulting in the dark looking skin. Luckily, you can use homemade cucumber for skin lightening.

This vegetable is fortified with exceptional cosmetic benefits. Packed with 90% of water, cucumber for glowing skin is an excellent remedy. (1)

Packed with assorted vitamins and minerals, cucumbers are used to make pickles, eaten raw and extensively used for cosmetic purpose. Vitamin K, C, B1, manganese, copper, potassium and phosphorous are included in the nutritional profile of cucumber.

Though it lacks press attention in terms of health benefits compared to other vegetables, cucumbers are well known for its use as cooling and soothing agent on sensitive skin like under eyes. (2)

Is Cucumber Good for Skin Whitening?

Cucumber for skin lightening is an innate remedy. Regular usage of this face mask can gradually improve your skin complexion. Traditionally, this vegetable is placed over eyes to remove dark circles.

  • It is one among the vegetable that contains above 90% water in it. Topical application or regular ingesting of cucumber helps to hydrate your body.
  • Astringent property exhibited by this facial mask make the skin firm and improve skin complexion.
  • Vitamin C housed in cucumber help to enhance collagen production and reduce the appearance of dark spots.
  • Vitamin A works on cell regeneration and fastens the healing process.
  • Massaging with this face mask will improve blood circulation and guards your skin against chronic skin ailments.
  • Bleaching property exhibited by cucumber help to obtain glowing skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in it help to reduce aging signs, lighten the appearance of scars and ensure youthful skin.
  • Antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties packed in cucumber restrain free radicals and reduce inflammation triggered by ailments.
  • Excess oil secreted by your skin can be controlled by topical application of cucumber facial mask.
  • Moisturizing your skin is one of the effective remedies to pamper it. Regular massaging with cucumber will help to maintain pH level and to obtain supple skin.

How to Use Cucumber for Skin Lightening?

There are lots of beauty creams claiming about skin whitening, but they fail to fulfill their claims.

The report says that regular application of these pricey chemical incorporated products may lead to premature aging wrinkles. (3)

#1 Cucumber, Egg White, and Milk Powder

Egg white helps to remove dirt, tighten skin pores and improve blood circulation. Moisturizing ability exhibited by this ingredient help to hydrate your dry skin.

Milk powder is packed with vitamin A, C, B6, lactic acid, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Lactic acid in milk powder helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots and achieve radiant skin.

  • Juice cucumber into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and 1 egg white in a bowl.
  • Blend these ingredients to smooth paste.
  • Apply this skin lightening face mask on prewashed face. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

#2 Cucumber and Rose Water

Rose water is packed with lots of essential vitamins and minerals. Moisturizing, cleansing, skin lightening and acne fighting ability of this home available ingredient can’t be ignored.

To make cucumber toner for skin lightening, in equal quantities, mix rose water and cucumber juice. Apply it on prewashed face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Before applying this face mask, cleanse your face with gram flour to remove accumulated impurities.

#3 Cucumber, Yogurt, and Papaya

A journal on medicinal plants states that papaya can help to make the skin radiant. An enzyme known as Papain is effective in skin whitening.

Few beauty experts suggest using papaya peel to best results and other recommends its pulp.

One of the basic recipes is to massage your face and hands with papaya peel. For an advanced recipe, you can blend other ingredients with it.

Lactic acid present in plain yogurt help to reduce dark spots and nourish dry skin. Apart from that yogurt contain vitamin B12 and B2 which help to get rid of skin discoloration and enhance new cell growth.

  • For special skin lightening and fairness mask, blend cucumber pulp, ripe papaya pulp, and yogurt.
  • Apply on face and rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  • Optionally you can massage with rose water after this face mask treatment.

#4 Cucumber and Multani Mitti

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti is prominent for fairness. It extracts excess sebum from the skin and makes your skin super smooth.

If you’ve extremely dry skin, then stay out of its use.

  • Grate fresh cucumber and extract its juice from it.
  • Add this juice to multani mitti to make a thick
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry using a soft
  • Apply the mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Sensitive skin people must moisturize with jojoba oil after this face mask application.

#5 Cucumber and Potato Juice

Catecholase is an enzyme residing in potato that helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots, acne scars and improve skin complexion.

It also contains vitamin C that enhances collagen production and improves the elasticity of the skin.

Bleaching property exhibited by potato juice help to inhibit melanin production and get rid of hyperpigmentation.

  • Peel cucumber and potato.
  • Blend these two ingredients and extract its juice in separate bowls.
  • Mix both juices and apply it over the skin using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water.

#6 Milk Powder and Cucumber for Skin Lightening

Milk powder contains lot more nutrients than milk itself. Lactic acid housed in it help to get rid of skin discoloration.

  • Blend and extract cucumber juice in a bowl.
  • Take required amount of milk powder and add cucumber juice to it.
  • Mix thoroughly you obtain thick paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face and apply the obtain mask evenly.
  • Massage in a circular motion and leave it dry for 15 minutes.

#7 Cucumber as Skin Toner

Exceptional abilities of cucumber are enticing. Instead of making all these recipes you can just slice cucumber and start rubbing sliced cucumber over the skin.

Or make your skin toner with its juice.

Extract its juice and pour it into a spray bottle. Whenever you need to spray its juice on the skin and allow it to dry.

#8 Cucumber and Gram Flour

Gram flour is renowned for its cleansing and skin lightening properties. It effectively removes excess oil from the skin and thwarts infectious germs.

People with sensitive skin must apply moisturizer after washing this face mask.

  • Extract cucumber juice as mentioned in above recipes.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour and mix it with the required amount of cucumber juice.
  • Wash your face with water and apply the mask evenly all over the face.
  • After 15 minutes rinse it off with water.

#9 Lemon Juice and Cucumber

Lemon is known for its bleaching and acidic properties. Regular application of lemon juice helps to get rid of discoloration.

However, undiluted use of lemon juice will irritate your sensitive skin.

  • Dilute lemon juice with the required amount of cucumber juice.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the lotion over the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.

#10 Cucumber and Coconut Water

Coconut water is prominent for rehydration and to restore electrolytes levels. Regular application of this innate ingredient will help to cleanse and tighten skin pores.

  • Mix equal amount of coconut water and cucumber juice in a bowl.
  • Also, add raw milk to the lotion and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

#11 Cucumber and Honey

Benefits of honey are documented in religious scriptures and historical books. Humectant property of raw honey locks moisture over the skin and its assorted nutrients help to lighten the appearance of dark spots.

  • Grate cucumber and add required amount of honey to it.
  • Apply this face mask over prewashed face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#12 Rice Flour and Cucumber for Glowing Skin

Allantoin present in rice powder promotes skin repair and heals sunburns. Tyrosinase housed in rice flour inhibits melanin production and thus results in radiant skin.

  • Blend cucumber and extract its juice.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of rice flour to the cucumber juice to make a smooth
  • Optionally add few drops of lemon juice to the paste.
  • Apply the mask over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and apply moisturizer.

#13 Cucumber and Aloe Vera

  • Mix cucumber paste with aloe gel and yogurt.
  • Apply the mixed paste on prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Share your secret ingredients that you used in your cucumber for skin lightening.



Glycerin and Rosewater for Face, Skin Lightening and Acne – 12 DIY Recipes

glycerin and rosewater for face

Glycerin and rosewater are prominent for hydrating and healing abilities.

These innate lock moisture over the outer layer of the skin. Due to its versatile nature, it easily gets absorbed by your skin. According to humectants like glycerin, lecithin and rosewater attract water to the skin. (1)

Enticing properties residing in these two ingredients allured cosmetic industries to incorporate them it into their beauty products.

Benefits of glycerin and rosewater for face have been documented by many beauty experts and ancient people.

Glycerin is a colorless viscous liquid and sweeter in taste. While rose water is also colorless and is made by steeping rose petals. Both are non-toxic and have been used in cosmetic and food industries.

12 Awesome Benefits of Glycerin and Rosewater for Skin

Comparatively, glycerin is sticky than rosewater. You can either use them separately or blend them and topically apply over the skin.

Else you’re free to prefer any innate home ingredient as a combination. Now let’s take a note on how rosewater and glycerin for skin are beneficial.

#1 Rosewater and Glycerin for Acne

benefits of glycerin and rosewater for face

Phenylethanol housed in rosewater is an astringent, which thwarts acne-causing bacteria and reduce pimples. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of rosewater help to reduce inflammation caused by acne. (Source)

Glycerin is non-comedogenic in nature, which makes it a perfect remedy for treating acne lesions.

Lemon juice is packed with an antibacterial ability that helps to restrain acne causing bacteria.

To make the recipe effective, beauty experts recommend blending these ingredients.

How to Use: Take required amount of rosewater, glycerin and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Wash your face and apply the toner all over the face.

Limit the use of lemon juice if you’ve dry skin.

#2 Glycerin and Rosewater for Skin Lightening

Increasing levels of pollution and dirt give a tough competition for your skin. Wipe them out using rosewater and glycerin solution.

Various factors influence the formation of dark spots. UV rays, skin ailments, dry skin and hormonal imbalance are held responsible for this skin disorder.

Bleaching ability of lemon juice, the moisturizing activity of glycerin and cleanse property of rosewater combine to work for skin fairness.

How to Use: Cleanse your face to remove impurities. I prefer gram flour mask for removing dirt and dead cells.

Mix required an amount of rosewater with glycerin and apply it over the face using a cotton ball. Leave it to dry naturally.

Note: These ingredients will effectively reduce skin complexion and cleanse impurities. But, don’t expect this remedy to change your brown skin to radiant skin within weeks.

#3 Rosewater and Glycerin Toner

glycerin and rosewater

To reap exceptional benefits of these two ingredients, a skin toner will be helpful. You can get this toner at the local drug store or make it at home.

Repeated application of this toner will reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate skin, moisturize and makes the skin radiant.

How to Use: Mix 1-2 cups of rose water with a 1/4th cup of glycerin. After mixing thoroughly pour the solution into a spray bottle for future use.

#4 Aromatherapy

Rosewater essence is regarded as mild sedative and anti-depressant. So it’s believed to reduce stress and increase your focus.

According to researchers, stress is one of the main triggers of eczema, acne, and psoriasis. (Source)

How to Use: Spray your room with rose water before sleeping. You can also apply this toner over the face and on the pillow to burst stress and to have a good sleep.

#5 Fades Redness

These astringent properties in rosewater help to diminish the redness over skin caused by capillary enlargement.

Regular application of glycerin and rosewater will reduce redness caused due to inflammation, scars and make the skin radiant.

#6 Healing Agents

Phenylethanol also acts as healing agent; it stimulates cell growth to faster healing. In 2002 a study reports that cream with 20% of glycerin treated dry and eczema affected skin better when compared with creams with no glycerin.

#7 Moisturizing Ability

Glycerin is the first remedy to try in winter when skin dries up. It absorbs water from the air, this property made glycerin to incorporate into cosmetic creams. When directly applied over the skin it brings moisture to the outer layer of the skin.

Assorted properties in rosewater are known to hydrate dry skin, fade scars and reduce inflammation.

Night is the best time to apply this face mask. As it has no chemical ingredients, you can freely apply it regularly.

#8 Treats Skin Ailments

It makes a protective barrier over the skin to protect it from pollution, dirt, and infection causing bacteria. Antibacterial property in rosewater fights bad bacteria.

Chronic skin ailments like acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be reduced by healing and the moisturizing ability of rosewater and glycerin toner.

Note: Eczema and psoriasis can’t be treated permanently by rosewater. You must consult a dermatologist.

#9 Balance pH of the skin

Both glycerin and rosewater for skin turn out to be an excellent toner. It helps to balance the pH level of the skin.

#10 Rejuvenates the Skin

The mixture helps to rejuvenate the skin and postpone aging wrinkles. Mix sandalwood or lemon juice and it turns out to be a great exfoliator. It also makes your skin smooth and helps to shed dead cells.

#11 Fade Wrinkles

Topically applying this mixed solution will revitalize skin and enhances the elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins residing in this toner help to reduce aging wrinkles by moisturizing the skin.

Along with its topical application, you must include vitamin rich diet and drink enough water for healthy skin.

#12 Glycerin and Rosewater for Oily Skin

Because of its sticky nature, many people think that glycerin will block skin pores and may result in acne.

But when you dilute it with rose water it stands out to be the most perfect remedy for oily skin. The non-comedogenic ability of this toner avoids blocking of skin pores.

It easily penetrates into the skin to improve healthy functioning of the skin.

However, people with oily skin must avoid excess use of glycerin as it may attract impurities and dirt. Night is the best time to apply this home remedy. Wash this mask before leaving your home.

How to Use Rosewater and Glycerin and Lemon for Face?

If you want to make your own solution, then mix 1 ½ cup of rosewater into a 1/4th cup of glycerin. Mix or shake it well after pouring into the bottle. You can keep it for further use. (2)

Optionally add few drops of lemon juice to this solution and apply it over the face.

You can make your own solution or get it from a local drug store. Wash your face before applying and pat dry using a soft cloth. When the skin is still damp, apply the solution using a cotton ball. Leave it for few minutes so that your skin absorbs it.

Most experts recommend applying creams or lotions at night so that ingredients get a longer time to affect your skin and also it’s easy to rinse it off in the morning.

Did you ever use glycerin and rosewater for face or to treat acne? Share your views in comments.

Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4


How to Get Rid Thick Skin Under Toenails & Fingernails – 5 DIY Recipes

get rid of thick skin under toenails

Thick skin under toenails can lead to separation of toenail from the nail bed. This comfortable and sometimes painful disorder is mainly caused by fungal infection.

Reports claim that about 10% of US population has this disorder. It is scientifically known as onychomycosis.

According to medical experts at Columbia University onychomycosis triggers thick dry skin along the outermost edges of the nail and continue to underneath toenails.

Though it’s not associated with a health problem, but the negative consequence of onychomycosis is not ignorable. Topical ointments and good hygiene are enough to get rid of thick skin under toenails.

Before discussing the actual remedy, let me first throw light on fungal infection.

Keratin Buildup Under Toenails: Causes

Your hair, skin, and nails are made of an identical protein called as keratin. These keratin cells combine to form nail plate.

Due to several factors, excess keratin is built under toenails resulting in nail discoloration or separation from the nail bed.

External trauma, thyroid problem, side-effects of certain medication or nail fungus may result in the build of keratin beneath the toenail.

Experts say that unhygienic practice will entice fungus and bacteria to invade your moist foot. Then the dermatophyte fungus triggers fungal infection, which may turn your toenails and skin underneath toe to yellow and thick.

How to Get Rid of Thick Skin Under Toenails: Home Remedies

Don’t despair if you experience this disorder, as it may result in foul odor, nail discoloration, and pain.

Regular application of ointment can effectively treat this disorder.

Step: 1

Wash your toenails with anti-bacterial soap to wipe dirt and impurities accumulated. Use luke-warm water for this purpose.

Pat dry toenails with a clean cloth and avoid moisture between toenails.

Step: 2

Trim your nails with a nail cutter and file the sharp edges. This will help to remove remaining dirt accumulated under the nail.

Step: 3

Topically apply anti-fungal ointment on your toenails and around it.

Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Thick Under Toenails

Instead of these steroid creams, you can try your own homemade recipe.

  • Pour few drops of apple cider vinegar into a tub of water. Mix thoroughly and soak your affected feet into the plastic tub. Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.
  • ACV is acetic and packed with antimicrobial properties that can thwart infectious bacteria.

#1 Glycerin and Lemon Juice

  • Glycerin is prominent for its healing and hydrating ability.
  • Mix required an amount of glycerin with lemon juice.
  • Apply it directly over the thick skin under toenails.
  • Leave it to dry naturally.

#2 Epsom Salt

Assorted properties residing in this ingredient help to get rid of the thick skin and restrain infectious fungi.

  • Add required amount of Epsom salt to water.
  • Now soak your feet in the water tub for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Pat dry and apply petroleum jelly to hydrate the skin.
  • Try this simple remedy twice in a week.

#3 Lemon Juice and Warm Water

Acidic nature of lemon juice is perfect to remove impurities and thick skin. The antibacterial and anti-fungal ability can help to restrain the infection.

  • Add lemon juice to lukewarm
  • Soak your feet in the water tub for 20 minutes.
  • Pat dry with a clean cloth.

#4 Tea Tree Oil

This is one of the most effective ways to combat fungal infection. Renowned for its moisturizing and healing abilities, tea tree oil can reduce major skin ailments.

  • Drop few drops of tea tree oil over affected toenail.
  • High concentration of this essential oil may irritate your skin.
  • So beauty experts recommend blending it with a carrier oil to dilute the solution.

#5 Baking Soda

Alkaline nature of baking soda helps to inhibit fungal growth. You can mix baking soda with water to apply it over the toenails or mix Sodium borate (borax) with it.

  • Mix these two ingredients with water to form a thick
  • Apply it over affected toenails and leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat this twice in a week.

Other remedies include coconut oil, lavender oil, oregano oil and olive oil.

There are many foot soak recipes to get rid of thick skin under toenails.

One of the most effective yet inexpensive home remedies is to use foot soak at home.

It’s really fascinating that you can work on your laptop while vinegar foot soak removes dead skin from your feet. I know time is precious and you can’t spend long hours in the soak. But, when you can try chemical filled creams why not try this home remedy?

Thick Skin Under Fingernails: Home Remedy

Naturally healthy nails are not surrounded by thick or dry skin. Like in the case of toenails, the skin under fingernails turns hard due to various internal and external factors.

  • Fungal infection can be responsible for this unnatural texture of skin.
  • Chronic skin diseases like psoriasis can show its effect over nail by making them thick.
  • Ineffective blood circulation may turn soft skin under fingernails to thick.

Like in the case of toenails, you must initially diagnose with the help of an expert and accordingly start the treatment.

One common way to keep things at bay is to moisturize your hands with coconut oil or other essential oils. These oils are packed with antibacterial properties which can thwart infectious bacteria.

Bacteria grow in the moist and dark environment. So avoid wearing wet gloves, socks or shoes, and when you don’t use them keep it under the sun.

These simple tips to get rid of thick skin under the toenails and fingernails may not show instant results but surely you’ll see long-lasting results if you regularly practice it.

Tips: How to Get Rid of Thick Skin Under Toenails and Fingernails

Prevention is the best option than treatment.

  • Wash your toenails and fingernails regularly with anti-bacterial soap.
  • Cut your nails short and avoid moisture between nails.
  • Prefer shoes that absorb sweat.
  • Avoid wearing old shoes.
  • Spat anti-fungal spray inside your shoes to inhibit fungal growth.
  • Occasionally take off your shoes to reduce humidity.
  • Wear rubber gloves to protect your fingernails from long exposure to water and chemicals.
  • Avoid trimming skin around the nails, this will allow germs to invade your nail bed.
  • Don’t trim or cut cuticles.
  • Wear sandals while in public areas like locker rooms and swimming pools.
  • Chemical incorporated nail polish must be avoided.
  • Drink enough water and consult your physician regularly. (Source)

Image source


How to Use Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Lightening – 3 DIY Recipes

wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil for skin lightening may sound oxymoron because we normally use facial creams and face mask recipes to whiten the skin.

Rejuvenating, cell regeneration and therapeutic properties of this carrier oil can efficiently improve your skin complexion.

Your skin gets its color from a pigment known as melanin. Some external and internal factors influence melanocytes to produce more melanin resulting in darker complexion.

UV rays, vitamin deficiency, skin ailments, chemical incorporated creams, and genetics are held responsible for hyperpigmentation. (1)

There are few cases where repeated use of cosmetic creams resulted in premature aging wrinkles and preservatives incorporated in them damaged elasticity of the skin.

Does Wheat Germ Oil Works for Skin Lightening?

Nutrients housed in this natural oil help to stimulate the overall functioning of the skin and improve its complexion.

Everyone desires to have a flawless, bright and clear skin. You’ll find 3 different products for this purpose when you check beauty aisle at a local store. Luckily, wheat germ oil is packed with all these nutrients.

  • Vitamin C residing in wheat germ oil consists of tyrosinase, which helps to inhibit melanin production.
  • Vitamin E neutralized the harmful effect of UV rays and stimulate skin repair.
  • Vitamin A is prominent for reducing dark spots, improving skin tone and reducing wrinkles.
  • Amino acids packed in wheat germ oil stimulate the production of collagen thus helps to improve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in this oil guards your skin against harmful UV rays.
  • Antioxidant activity packed in the oil can thwart free radicals and reduce aging wrinkles.
  • Minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron help to shed dead cells, cleanse skin pores and saturate skin cells with oxygen.
  • The emollient ability of this remedy helps to regulate moisture over the skin.

Overall this magical carrier oil can reduce dark spots, reduce wrinkles, lighten the appearance of scars and protect from UV rays.

How to Use Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Lightening?

Wheat germ oil for skin lightening

This remedy and other natural remedies can improve your skin complexion by removing impurities, protecting from UV rays and treating ailments.

Method: 1 (Wheat Germ Oil)

You can get pure wheat germ oil from a local store. Cleansing is one of the effective ways to make your skin radiant.

  • Remove makeup and other creams if applied over the skin.
  • Take few drops of wheat germ oil and rub in your hands.
  • Now, apply the oil gently over the face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Massage circularly to improve blood circulation.
  • If you’ve acne or pimples, then expose your face to steam or place a washcloth dipped in hot water (wring to remove excess water) on your face.

Exposing to steam helps to open blocked skin pores.

Method: 2 (Wheat Germ Oil and Avocado)

To make the mask more effective, you can blend another natural ingredient to it.

  • Grind half avocado into a smooth
  • Add 3 tablespoons of wheat germ oil and ½ cup of plain yogurt to the avocado paste.
  • Blend once again to make a smooth paste like consistency.
  • Wash your face with water and apply the mask evenly all over the skin.
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

Method: 3 (Jojoba Oil and Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Lightening)

Strong aroma of wheat germ oil may irritate your skin, so beauty experts recommend blending it with a base oil like jojoba oil or carrot oil.

You can also mix sandalwood or geranium essential oil.

Cleanse the face with gram flour, as it effectively removes impurities and excess sebum.

Take required amount of wheat germ oil and mix it with jojoba oil. Gently massage the face with this mask and leave it to dry naturally.

Alternate Usage

Optionally, you can mix this oil with your favorite beauty cream. (One that doesn’t include harmful chemicals)

You can ingest wheat germ seeds in a traditional way. Add 1 teaspoon of wheat germ to your salad or juice. Check this article for different ways to consume.

Best Time to Apply Wheat Germ Oil for Skin Lightening

Before going to bed is the preferred time to try this beauty regimen. However, you can try it in the morning if you’ve enough time.

But, make sure you don’t rush outside by applying this face mask, as the oil can attract impurities over the face.

  • Don’t use refined or impure wheat germ oil.
  • Drink enough water and water rich vegetables.
  • Include vitamin rich diet and avoid junk foods.
  • Wear a wide hat while going out in sun.

Have you ever used wheat germ oil for skin lightening? Would you mind to share your recipe here in comments? 🙂

Image source: 1

How to Get Rid of Pimples with Baking soda (7 Awesome Recipes)

how to get rid of pimples with baking soda

A pimple is a nightmare for teenagers, as they ruin physical appearance and may impact social life. Luckily, there is a huge list of remedies and baking soda is one of them. (1)

This home available remedy is used for household works. How to get rid of pimples with baking soda?

Baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate has a gamut of medical uses.

This fine white colored powder has been used in many ways since 1800. In ancient Egypt, baking soda was used in soap and to preserve fish.

Of course, even now we include baking soda as an ingredient in many products like toothpaste, personal care items, to neutralize batteries and in food.

Still, we’re leaving behind lots of nutritional values of baking soda by not using it as a home remedy to treat ailments.

Jump to: How to use

Is Baking Soda Good for Pimples?

Before knowing its benefits, let’s dwell into main causes of pimples.

Pimples on face are caused due to 3 main reasons,

  • Excess oil production
  • Accumulation of dead cells on pores
  • Bacterial infection

Due to hormonal imbalance, sebaceous glands release excess sebum that clogs skin pores. Along with this, your skin also sheds dead cells that pile over the skin forming a bump like structure.

P.acnes bacteria feed on sebum and dead cells to trigger infection.

  • Bacteria over the skin need an acidic environment to multiply. Alkaline nature of baking soda helps to inhibit bacterial growth and avoid pimples.
  • The exfoliating ability of baking soda removes excess sebum and dead cells accumulated over the skin.
  • pH imbalance is one of the main causes of pimples. Amphoteric property of this inexpensive product neutralizes pH of the skin. (2)
  • Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties exhibited by baking soda can help to treat pimples and lighten its appearance.
  • Cleansing ability of this ingredient prevents clogging of skin pores and removes excess sebum.
  • It’s absorbing ability helps to remove excess oil from the skin.
  • Topical application of baking soda will make your skin bright and pimple free.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of baking soda will help to reduce the size of a pimple and restrain further infection.

Also read: Argan Oil to treat Acne

Note: Baking soda can’t replace professional anti-pimple or anti-acne creams prescribed by a dermatologist.

How to Get Rid of Pimples with Baking Soda?

If you’ve sensitive skin then be careful using baking soda, excess use can strip natural oils leaving your skin dry.

Test on a small patch of the skin before applying it over the face. Repeated use of baking soda may irritate your sensitive skin and lead to infection.

Experts recommend using no more than twice per week on the skin.

Method #1 (Spot Treatment)

For spot treatment, mix 1-2 tablespoons (tbsp) of baking soda with 1-2 tbsp of water.

Wash your face and pat dry using a soft cloth. Apply the baking soda mixture on the affected part. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse off with water.

If a pimple is open, this application could sting little.

Moisturize your face with rose water or coconut oil after applying baking soda.

Method #2 (Face Mask)

  • Make a paste of 3 tbsp of baking soda and 2-3 tbsp of water.
  • Also, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Cleanse your face or expose it to steam. So that blocked skin pores opens up.
  • Pat dry and apply a lighter layer of this face mask on your face.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse it off with water.
  • The mixture may slightly sting and may leave your face red but don’t worry it will fade shortly.

If the problem persists, avoid using baking soda.

Antibacterial, acidic and bleaching properties of lemon juice can help to thwart infectious bacteria.

Try this homemade face mask recipe 2 twice per week and don’t forget to moisturize after face mask application.

how to use baking soda for pimples

Method #3 (Exfoliator)

As mentioned above, excess sebum and dead cells pile over the face and block skin pores.

The exfoliating ability of baking soda help to remove these impurities and unclog skin pores.

  • Add lemon juice to the mixture of baking soda and water to form a smooth
  • Damp your face with water and apply this paste.
  • Massage gently in circular motion to exfoliate the skin, rinse off with water.

Method #4 (Bath Soak)

If you’ve acne scars on your body then try this baking soda bath soak remedy. Mix a half cup of baking soda to warm water, using your hand mix it well. Hop into the bathtub and stay there for 15 minutes then rinse off under the shower.

Optionally, add ½ cup of Epsom salt to the bath tub.

Method #5 (Baking Soda and Honey)

Honey is prominent to treat various skin and health ailments. Anti-inflammatory ability of raw honey can reduce pimples and also moisturizes it.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and ½ teaspoon of raw honey with 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply the mask over affected skin in circular motion.
  • After 10-15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

You can skip olive oil and mix honey with baking soda to get rid of pimples.

Method #6 (Hydrogen peroxide)

Not suitable for sensitive skin.

This chemical peel can effectively treat acne and cleanse impurities off the skin.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed face.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse it off with water.

You can use this recipe as a spot treatment on pimples.

Method#7 (Apple Cider Vinegar)

ACV is obtained by double fermentation of apples. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties are packed in ACV.

It thwarts free radicals, maintains pH of the skin and reduces the appearance of acne scars.

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of ACV with 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Apply this mask over prewashed face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Also, add 1 tablespoon of distilled water to dilute the solution.

Important Tips

  • Though applying baking soda can help to get rid of pimples and remove acne scars excess application dries your skin.
  • So, it’s recommended to apply the moisturizing cream after using baking
  • Drink plenty of water and juices to keep your skin well hydrated.
  • Avoid stress and stay away from harmful chemical incorporated creams.
  • Foods that trigger pimples must be avoided, which include chocolate, spicy foods, milk, coffee, sodas, and alcohol.
