15+ Amazing Uses of Alum for Skin, Acne and Skin Whitening

uses of alum

The word alum reminds you of shaving cuts, however, benefits or alum uses aren’t just confined to men.

Antiseptic properties housed in alum combat razor burns and soothe them. Packed with essential nutrients you can use alum for acne and skin whitening.

Based on the chemical compounds there are different types of alum. But the one with potassium, aluminum, and sulfate (potassium alum) is commonly used in households.

You can get alum in blocks at a local store. Extensive uses of alum include purification of water, treating canker sores, acne, healing shaving cuts, reducing mouth odor and heal cracked heels.

What is Alum?

It is known as fitkari or phitkari in Hindi, patikaram in Tamil and patika in Telugu.

Alums are double sulfate salts and it’s a combination of various elements like potassium or ammonium.

Potassium alum is the most commonly available alum available in the market. Its scientific name is potassium aluminum sulfate.

15+ Amazing Benefits of Alum for Skin

Alum uses will blow your mind. You can use this chemical compound in your day to day life. Check out below listed benefits.

Don’t skip, read the article. 😉

#1. Alum for Acne

Acne is the most common skin disorder and it’s near to impossible to prevent them.

Experts hold hormonal imbalance, inflammation, and excess sebum to cause this skin ailment.

There are lots of home available remedies to treat pimples and reduce inflammation. With its antiseptic and cooling properties, alum powder can be used as a face mask to get rid of pimples.


  • Alum powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Multani mitti – 2 teaspoons
  • Egg white

Directions to use alum for pimples:

  1. Mix egg white, fuller’s earth (Multani mitti) with alum powder and add required amount of rose water.
  2. Conduct a patch test before applying it over the face.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water to open blocked skin pores.
  4. Pat dry and apply the mixed face mask evenly.
  5. Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#2. Alum for Wrinkles

Due to internal or external factors, your skin loses elasticity resulting in wrinkles and fine lines.

They spoil your appearance and show pre-aging signs. Renowned agents residing in alum block can help you in fading wrinkles.

How to use:

  • Wet alum blocks in water and rub it over prewashed face for few seconds.
  • Repeated use will tighten your skin and treat wrinkles.
  • Rinse it off with water and apply moisturizer.

#3. Alum for Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are common and are associated with the cosmetic problem. If not taken care, it may turn to a painful problem.

With dry thick skin cracked heels are accompanied by redness, itching, and inflammation. To restrain bleeding and relieve pain try alum block as a soothing remedy.

How to use:

  • Heat the alum block in a pan until you get a crumbly
  • Let it cool down and finely ground the mixture.
  • Mix the powdered alum with coconut oil and apply it over the cracked heels.
  • Regularly apply this paste on affected parts.

#4. Alum for Canker Sores

alum powder for canker sores
Unlike cold sores, canker sores are white or yellow colored patches bordered by the red area.

These painful ulcers appear on tongue, lips, throat and inside mouth.

Acidic food, vitamin deficiency, allergic reaction, hormones, smoking, emotional stress, injury, oral cancer and certain medication are held responsible for canker sores. (Source)

How to use:

  • Place small blocks of alum over canker sores.
  • If you can’t withstand it burning sensation, mix it with water and add a little salt to rinse the mouth.

#5. Alum for Eye Abscess

Abscess is caused by inflammation of hair follicles, injuries, punctures and due to blockage of sebaceous glands and sweat. Middle of the abscess is filled with pus and debris. This pink to red colored tender mass can’t be treated without removing the pus.

How to use:

  • Alum paste helps to burst the mass same day when applied.
  • Rub alum block on sandalwood by adding little water.
  • Collect the obtained paste in a bowl and apply topically over the abscess.

#6. Alum for Shaving Cuts

Alum block is commonly used to soothe minor injuries caused by a razor. This old-fashioned remedy used by barbers is packed with same identical ingredients that your shaving deodorants include.

How to use:

Dip it in water and start rubbing on shaved part for soothing effect. Salts packed in alum powder stops bleeding and tighten the skin pores. It has been used as aftershave remedy from centuries.

#7. Alum for Body Odor

When your body releases sweat, the food compounds in sweat attract bacteria which leave an unpleasant smell after feeding on these compounds.

Alum exhibits antiperspirant activity, better than store bought deodorants.

How to use:

Apply alum block on prewashed arms on alternate days. Antibacterial and antiseptic properties residing in alum will fight and restrain bacterial infection.

You can mix it with rose water and apply it underarms.

#8. Purifying Water

Yes, you can use this home available ingredient to purify water.

When added to water, it reacts with bicarbonate alkalinities residing in water to form a gelatinous precipitate. It attracts other fine particles towards the bottom of the container.

How to use:

Take some alum block with you when you’re out on a trip. Drop 1gm of powdered alum into muddy water, after few minutes you’ll see mud particles settle down and clear water comes up.

#9. Alum for Removing Hair

Hair acts as an insulator and protects your body. However, they also ruin your physical appearance.

Unwanted facial hair can be easily removed using alum and rose water.


  • Alum powder – ½ teaspoon
  • Rose water – 2-3 tablespoons
  • Olive oil – few drops


  1. Mix alum powder and rose water. Use a spoon to completely dissolve alum.
  2. Apply this lotion on your face or on unwanted hair.
  3. Leave it for few minutes to dry and then again apply the lotion.
  4. Repeat the process 3-4 times and then rinse it off using cotton or tissue paper.
  5. Apply olive oil to moisturize after this face mask treatment.

#10. Use Alum to Remove Lice

Lice are a sign of bad hygiene. Nobody wants to be with a person who has lice.

Apart from hydrating your scalp with natural oils, you can use alum to get rid of this issue.

How to use:

  • Mix little-powdered alum with tea tree oil and water, apply it over scalp and rinse it off.
  • If you experience hair fall after using this remedy then limit the use of alum powder or reach your doctor.

#11. Alum Uses for Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid is a common health problem. In this condition, rectal veins get swollen.

Increase in anal pressure, sitting for long hours, diarrhea and lifting heavy objects are main causes of hemorrhoids.

Not sure if this remedy can completely treat piles.

But, to some extent, you can get relief (suggested by a doctor). Mix a small quantity of alum powder in lukewarm water taken in a tub and sit in for 5-10 minutes. Alum is good at treating hemorrhoids.

#12. To Rinse Gums and Mouth Odor

Mix a small quantity of alum in water and rinse in the mouth. Overdose can harm you.

#13. Alum for Skin Whitening

External and internal factors like impurities, excess sun exposure, certain creams, skin ailments and overproduction of melanin results in hyperpigmentation or dark spots.

Huge list of beauty creams that claim to improve your skin complexion includes chemical ingredients, which isn’t good for your skin.

Instead, home remedies are effective and inexpensive compared to cosmetic creams.

How to use:

  • Rub alum block over face alternate days to get rid of skin discoloration.
  • Or you can use it as face mask mixed with Multani mitt and water.

You can use alum to get rid of dark circles.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of alum powder with 2 teaspoons of rose water.
  • Take a cotton ball and apply on dark circles.
  • Avoid eye contact, as it may burn your eyes.

#14. Use it in Bath

If your surroundings are unhygienic and impure, mix a small quantity of alum powder to bathtub to restrain the bacterial infection.

#15. Tightens the Vagina

Exceptional properties in alum block can tighten the vagina walls. But it’s not safe to use for a long time, as it may damage vaginal tissues and dry them.

I hope there are much more uses of alum for skin, acne, and health. But remember not to use it internally or in higher dosage.

Alum Powder for Athletes Foot

Antimicrobial ability packed in alum can effectively restrain bacterial infection and treat athlete’s foot.

Mix 2 teaspoons of alum powder with 4 tsp of rose water. Apply it on the affected part using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry naturally.

Or you can soak your feet in a tub of lukewarm water mixed with alum powder for 15 minutes.


Uses of alum include in the wool industry, as a dye fixative, purification of industrial waste, to dissolve steel tool bits, cosmetic industries, flame retardant, medicine, art and for culinary purposes.

Did I miss any uses of alum for skin or health? Share in comments.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

How to Use Lemon Juice for Dark Spots – 5 DIY Recipes Included

lemon jucie for dark spots

Hormonal changes, excess exposure to sunlight and facial hair removal are held responsible for dark spots. In this article, you’ll know how to use lemon juice for dark spots.

Apart from this, skin ailments, vitamin deficiency, age and certain medication also results in brown or dark spots.

Also read: How to get rid of white spots on face?

Is Lemon Juice Good for Dark Spots?

Lemon juice is a natural remedy to cleanse, exfoliate and tighten the skin. Though it can lighten dark spots it can’t treat freckles permanently, when your skin gets exposed to sunlight again freckles may darken.

  • Bleaching property residing in lemon juice helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots on your face.
  • Astringent ability of this citrus fruit helps to remove dirt and excess oil from the skin.
  • Assorted properties residing in lemon juice helps to curb overproduction of melanin.
  • Lemon juice is packed with citrus acid that is prominent to lighten your skin.
  • Vitamins residing in this home available ingredient help to enhance collagen production and improve your skin’s elastin.
  • Regular application of this innate will help to cleanse your skin and remove dead cells.
  • Antibacterial ability of lemon juice helps to restrain bacterial infection.
  • Study reveals that lemon juice consists of 22 anti-cancer compounds that thwart cancer-causing
  • Anti-inflammatory property of this juice will reduce inflammation caused by acne and other skin ailments.
  • Antioxidant agents in the lemon help to shrink large skin pores.
  • Hydrating ability exhibited by this citrus fruit help to moisturize your skin.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Dark Spots?

Note: excess use of lemon juice will make your skin sensitive.

This remedy is just to lighten the dark spots and not mere solution for freckles. Before using lemon juice see that your skin has no impurities. Cleanse it.

To remove dead cells or dirt accumulated on skin exfoliate using natural exfoliants like honey or aloe vera and pat dry with soft towel.

Also read: 6 homemade face scrubs for dry skin

#1 Remove Dark Spots with Lemon Juice

Take 1 fresh lemon and squeeze its juice to collect in a bowl. Cleanse your face with gram flour or rosewater.

  • Take a cotton ball and dip into the lemon juice.
  • Apply it on your face, especially on dark spots.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#2 Honey and Lemon Juice to Remove Dark Spots

Assorted vitamins and minerals housed in honey make your skin radiant. Enzymes housed in this natural ingredient promote cell regeneration.

Known for its healing ability, topical application of honey will enhance collagen production and improve your skin texture.

Nutrients in honey guard your skin against harmful UV rays and avoid excess production of melanin.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Apply this mixed solution on your prewashed face and allow it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Antibacterial ability of honey will restrain bacterial infection.

#3 Oatmeal and Lemon Juice for Dark Spots

Saponins housed in oatmeal help to cleanse toxins that promote skin discoloration. Prominent for its exfoliating properties, oatmeal mask help to repair damaged skin cells.

Amino acids residing in this ingredient can lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Allow it steep for about 15-20 minutes, so that it becomes soft.
  • Apply it over prewashed face and rinse it off with water.

#4 Get Rid of Dark Spots with Lemon Juice & Glycerin

Renowned for its cleansing properties, glycerin can remove impurities accumulated over your face.

Nutrients in glycerin help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Mix well and apply it over dark spots using a cotton
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#5 How to Remove Dark Spots on Face with Lemon Juice

  • Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of tomato juice and 1 tbsp of sandalwood
  • Apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Sandalwood powder is known for its skin brightening properties. Cleansing ability of this ingredient helps to remove impurities, excess oil and dead cells from your face.

Tomato juice is also packed with skin brightening ability. Its application will make your skin glow naturally.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants abilities exhibited by this mask will improve your skin texture.

Lemon Exfoliating Face Mask Recipes

Pollutants and dead cells piled over your skin are also responsible for dark patches.

Exfoliating promotes skin rejuvenation and make your skin radiant.

  • Mix 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tbsp of egg white, 1 tbsp of lemon juice.
  • Exfoliate your skin by circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for few more minutes and then rinse it off with water.

For Dry skin, mix 1 tbsp of milk powder, 1 tbsp of honey, 2 tbsp of essential oil to 1 tbsp of lemon juice.

Tips on Using Lemon Juice for Dark Spots

  • Dilute lemon juice will above listed ingredients to avoid irritation.
  • Spot using lemon juice to lighten dark spots if you experience irritation.
  • After rinsing off, apply moisturizer when your skin is still damp. Try rosewater or aloe gel.
  • Repeated use of lemon juice makes your skin sensitive, wear sunscreen or widespread hat while going out.
  • Reach your dermatologist if you experience any burning sensation.
  • Always use a cotton ball to avoid spilling.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out.
  • Avoid use of chemical-filled creams that may result in dark spots.
  • Include vitamin-rich diet to enrich your skin internally.
  • Drink enough water and energy drinks to hydrate the skin from inside.

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How to Use Sesame Oil for Acne and Acne Scars – 5 DIY Recipes

sesame oil for acne

Beauty cream may not go well on your sensitive skin, as they may irritate and cause over dryness. Natural remedies like sesame oil for acne can be your effective weapon in the arsenal to fight blemishes.

Along with their hectic college schedule, teenagers have to combat blackheads or acne lesions. It is one of the common skin ailments affecting about 80 percent of people between the age group of 11 to 30.

Scientists and cosmetic industries are consistently working hard to bring a solution for these bumps.

But, home remedies stand undisputed at the top of all treatments because they’ve no side effects compared to cosmetic creams.

Most of us know that beauty products are manufactured with chemical ingredients to increase their shelf life, which can trigger allergic reaction on the skin.

What Causes Acne?

According to researchers excess sebum, dead cells and bacteria are three culprits responsible for pimples. Report further states that inflammation is the main reason for this hormonal imbalance. Whatever the reason, they ruin your appearance leaving behind scars.

Anti-inflammatory activity in sesame oil does a great job in controlling acne inflammation. Its antibacterial effect can successfully fight with P.acnes bacteria. All you’ve to do is apply it over affected part and wait for its nutrients to effect.

What is Sesame Oil?

Sesame oil is yellow colored oil which is extracted from sesame seeds. It is light, warm and neutral-wet oil with medium density.

Reports state that sesame plant is oldest cultivated crop in Babylon. Now, India and China stands at the top in production of this crop.

Sesame seeds are naturally packed with 50 percent of oil and 25 percent of proteins. Apart from healing this oil has extensive use in culinary purposes.

Is Sesame Oil Good for Acne?

Nutrients like vitamin E, B-complex, vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus are housed in this essential oil.

  • Antioxidant agents in sesame oil help to fight free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Anti-inflammatory property reduces acne inflammation.
  • Antibacterial activity thwarts bacterial infection and thus helps to get rid of acne blemishes.
  • Sesamol housed in the oil helps to prevent wrinkles, reduce oxidative stress and rejuvenate your skin.
  • Exceptional healing properties fasten the healing process of pimples and enhance collagen production.
  • Linoleic acid residing in this oil help to moisturize your skin.
  • Solvents in sesame oil reduce the excess production of sebum.
  • Massaging your skin with this oil will increase blood circulation and clear toxins.
  • Vitamin E, D and B complex packed in sesame oil helps to lighten the appearance of acne scars.
  • The high viscosity of this oil helps to penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in the oil help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Fatty acids like linoleic acid and palmitic acid exhibit antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from treating acne, this innate remedy will make your skin supple and protects it from UV rays.

How to Use Sesame Oil for Acne and Acne Scars?

One of the easiest ways to use this innate ingredient is to dip a cotton ball in sesame oil and apply it over acne affected skin.

However, beauty experts recommend blending other natural ingredients to make the remedy effective.

#1. Sesame Oil to Treat Acne

  • Dead cells and impurities are piled over your skin, wipe them out initially. Use natural exfoliator like gram flour mask or oatmeal face mask.
  • Expose acne bumps to steam or wash them with lukewarm water. So that blocked pores open up to take the oil in it.
  • Use a soft cloth to pat dry and apply sesame oil with a cotton ball.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. (You can leave it overnight and wash in the morning)

Repeat the process till you see positive results. It may take 4-5 weeks to see the result.

Alternatively, use sesame oil as a spot treatment on acne lesions. Repeatedly massaging your skin will lighten the appearance of acne scars.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar and Sesame Oil

Antibacterial and antiseptic abilities packed in ACV helps to thwart acne causing bacteria. Apart from this, an anti-inflammatory property exhibited by this ingredient helps to reduce acne inflammation.

  • Dilute 4 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 4 tbsp of water.
  • Add 5 tbsp of sesame oil to the above solution.
  • Stir thoroughly and apply it on pre-washed
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#3. Turmeric and Sesame Oil for Acne Scars

Curcumin is an active compound in turmeric powder that exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat acne blemishes.

Healing properties of turmeric help to lighten the appearance of acne scars.

  • Mix 8 tbsp of turmeric powder with 5 tbsp of sesame oil.
  • Expose your face towards steam to open blocked skin pores.
  • Pat dry and apply the face mask evenly all over the face.
  • You can also use this face mask as spot acne treatment.
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#4. Sesame Oil and Rice Flour

Vitamins and minerals present in rice flour help to remove excess oil from the skin and also lighten the appearance of acne scars.

Tyrosinase is a compound in rice flour that is known to regulate melanin production and make your skin radiant.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with the required amount of sesame oil.
  • Wash your face to remove impurities.
  • Pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mixed paste on the face and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Moisturize with rose water after this face mask treatment.

#5. Eucalyptus Oil, Sesame Oil, and Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is renowned for its exfoliating ability. This face mask recipe will remove impurities and excess oil from your face.

However, don’t be harsh while applying the mask.

  • Add 2 teaspoons of sesame oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to 2 tablespoons of brown sugar.
  • Apply it over the skin gently.
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with water.

Apart from this, green tea, honey, and drinking of excess water will do wonders to your skin. Change your lifestyle and you’ll notice the positive change on your skin.


  • While cleansing or exfoliating, be gentle to avoid inflammation.
  • Don’t squeeze or pinch your pimples, it will leave scars on your face.
  • Be careful while shaving on acne affected part.
  • Cosmetic creams and ingredients that you use must be non-comedogenic, as it will not block skin pores.
  • Avoid eating foods that can trigger acne blemishes.
  • Drink enough water and ingest vitamin rich diet to make improve the overall functioning of your skin.
  • Ingredients that may irritate your skin must be avoided.

Did you ever use sesame oil for acne? Please share your recipe in comments.

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How to Use Flaxseed Oil for Acne – 7 DIY Methods Included (No.3 is Best)

flaxseed oil for acne

Antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy functioning of your skin and these nutrients can be found in flaxseed. Here you’ll learn about benefits of flaxseed oil for acne.

You’re not alone.

Nearly about 85 percent people are suffering from acne blemishes. Researchers hold hormonal imbalance, excess sebum, dead cells and bacteria for this chronic skin ailment.

Why shouldn’t you use steroid creams?

Not just steroid creams, even cosmetic products that claim to treat acne are packed with chemical preservatives.

Though they include extracts of natural ingredients to entice customers, regular usage may strip natural moisture from the skin.

Instead, assorted vitamins and minerals packed in natural ingredients can do wonders on your skin. Flaxseed oil is one such remedy.

Is Flaxseed Oil Good for Acne?

It’s a powder house for manganese, magnesium, vitamin B1 and omega-3 fatty acids. Internal and topical usage of flax seeds can improve your overall health.

But, in case of acne, beauty experts recommend the topical application.

Note: Flaxseed oil isn’t for all skin types. People with oily skin must use it with caution.

  • Antioxidants housed in this innate oil help to restrain free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Studies state that use of omega-3 fatty acids in treating acne can be effective.
  • Assorted nutrients in flaxseed oil help to cleanse impurities and unclog skin pores.
  • Anti-inflammatory ability exhibited by fatty acids help to reduce acne inflammation.
  • University of Maryland Medical Center also states that this oil can reduce stress, which is one of the major factors for acne blemishes.
  • According to Herb Wisdom website, flaxseed oil can also regulate the excess production of sebum to prevent acne.
  • Lignans is a phytoestrogen found in flaxseed oil has an impact on hormone related issues. Thus can reduce acne, which is also caused by hormonal imbalance.
  • Alpha linolenic acid found in omega-3 fatty acids is known to inhibit tumor growth and promote healthy functioning of your skin.

Studies show that most Americans take foods that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation. Experts recommend taking a balanced diet with both omega-3&6 fatty acids.

Also read: How to Use Black Seed Oil for Acne

How to Use Flaxseed Oil for Acne?

You need time and some flaxseed oil to start.

One of the easiest ways is to wash your face, pat dry and apply this oil evenly.

As same recipe may not work for all skin types, beauty experts recommend blending other natural ingredients to make the recipe more effective.

#1. Flaxseed Oil and Avocado Oil

Anti-inflammatory property residing in avocado helps to reduce acne inflammation. Vitamin E and antioxidants present in this ingredient help to fight bacteria and free radicals.

Avocado oil easily gets penetrated into your skin.

  • Mix required an amount of flaxseed oil with avocado oil.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water to open blocked skin pores.
  • Pat dry and apply the mixed mask evenly all over the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

#2. Flaxseed Seeds Face Mask

Flaxseed oil is extracted from its seeds. You can use the grounded flaxseed mask to treat ailments.


  • Water – 3 teaspoons
  • Grounded flax seeds – 1 tsp


  1. Ground flax seeds in a blender to form smooth
  2. Add required amount of water.
  3. Scoop the mask with your clean fingers and then start applying it on acne affected face.
  4. Allow the mask to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse it off with water.

#3. Flaxseed Oil to Treat Acne

As mentioned above, you can just use this natural oil derived from flax seeds directly.

Initially, cleanse your face to remove impurities and dead cells.

Beauty experts also recommend exposing the face to steam, so that skin pores open up.

Pat dry with a clean cloth and take the required amount of flaxseed oil in your palm.

Using your clean fingers apply the oil on acne affected skin. Allow the oil to dry naturally.

Best time to apply this ingredient is before bed. Rinse it off with normal water in the morning.

#4. Flaxseed Mask for Cleansing

Exfoliating ability of this ingredient can make your skin free from dead cells and excess oil.

Dip a cotton ball in flaxseed oil and apply it on the acne affected skin. Use it to wipe impurities.

Alternatively, you can mix grounded flax seeds with egg white. Apply the mask on acne affected face and leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.

#5. Flaxseed, Lemon, and Honey

Instead of flaxseed oil, you can use its seeds to treat acne.

Lemon is packed with antibacterial properties that can fight P.acnes bacteria. Topical application of this ingredient also helps to reduce acne scars.

Honey is prominent for having anti-inflammatory properties. Healing activity exhibited by this innate ingredient can lighten the appearance of scars.

  • Soak flax seeds overnight in a bowl.
  • Grind the flax seeds to make a paste.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of raw honey to the paste.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over pre-washed
  • Allow the face mask to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#6. Rose Water, Blue Clay and Flax seeds

Rose water is renowned to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hydrating properties that are essential to treat acne.

Blue clay is helpful to remove impurities and control excess sebum on the skin.

  • Grind flax seeds like mentioned above.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of blue clay to the paste.
  • Also, add required amount of rose water to make the mask more effective.
  • Apply the paste evenly on your face and rinse it off after 10-15 minutes.

Do this twice or thrice in a week.

#7. Flaxseed Oil

Instead of topical application, you can actually ingest things natural ingredient to treat acne.

Though the topical application is more beneficial, consuming this oil will help to thwart toxins in the body.

Add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil to water and drink it.

You can also add this natural oil to your diet and make your food more nutritious.

So, the list goes on. Other ingredients that you can mix with flax seeds are turmeric, gram flour, and your favorite essential oil.


  • Before applying these recipes, make sure you’re not allergic to any of its ingredients.
  • If you feel irritated after using these recipes, then stop using them and reach your physician.
  • Acne is normal and you don’t have to worry.
  • Avoid squeezing acne blemishes; they will leave a scar on your face.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out.
  • Stick to one recipe for 4-5 weeks to see positive results.
  • Drink enough water to hydrate your skin internally and to remove toxins from the body.
  • Ingest vitamin rich foods that have the ability to fight acne.
  • Foods that trigger acne blemishes must be avoided.

Did you ever use flaxseed oil for acne treatment? Share your recipe in comments.

How to Use Olive Oil for Dark Spots – 10 DIY Methods (No. 3 is Best)

olive oil for dark spots

Cleopatra, the beauty queen who is renowned for her beauty regimen in the modern world used olive oil. Beauty experts and bloggers are consistently harping about cosmetic uses of olive oil for dark spots.

Extolling benefits of this natural ingredient can be found in religious books like the Qur’an and Bible.

Packed with vitamins and minerals that your skin needs, extra virgin olive oil can promote cell regeneration and make your skin soft.

Why Do I Have Dark Spots on My Face?

You don’t have a single cause for these brown spots.

Various factors like hormonal imbalance, skin ailments like acne, eczema, aging and harmful sun rays influence melanin production, which is responsible for your skin color.

Uneven or excess production of this pigment results in dark patches.

Apart from this, acne leaves scars on your face that turn to dark spots.

Is Olive Oil Good for Dark Spots?

So, now how can this natural oil improve your skin complexion or lighten the appearance of dark spots on your face.

  • Essential vitamins and minerals residing in this innate ingredient have the ability to lighten the appearance of dark spots and discoloration.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by vitamin C in olive oil promotes cell regeneration and thwarts free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Vitamin A and E housed in this oil guards your skin against harmful UV rays and prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Exfoliating ability exhibited by this oil help to cleanse impurities and pollutants off the skin.
  • Hydrating property exhibited by olive oil moisturizes your face and protects it from ailments.
  • Olive oil application on the skin helps to balance oil on your face and avoid excess greasiness.
  • Vitamin C and K in it promote collagen production and elastin to make your skin firm.
  • Healing ability of these vitamins fastens the healing process and reduces the appearance of acne scars.

Assorted vitamins and minerals of olive oil have the ability to make your skin look radiant, but don’t expect overnight results with this home remedy.

How to Use Olive Oil for Dark Spots?

Wash your face and directly apply this innate oil on your skin. This is one of the easiest ways to use olive oil.

But, depending on your skin type and the reason for dark spots, you must mix other natural ingredients to make the recipe more effective.

#1 Olive Oil and Turmeric Powder

Curcumin is an active component in turmeric powder that is known to reduce excess production of melanin. Its antioxidant agents remove toxins from the body and prevent wrinkles.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder.
  • Prepare your face by washing it with water.
  • Pat dry using a clean cloth and apply the mixed face mask.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water

Note: Turmeric may leave yellow stains on your face, which may fade away in few hours.

#2 Olive Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Studies state that topical application of tea tree essential oil can lighten the scars and dark spots.

Vitamins in tea tree oil help to heal wounds, reduce inflammation and balance oil on your face.

  • Mix 3 drops of tea tree essential oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on dark spots.
  • You can evenly apply the lotion on your face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#3 Honey and Olive Oil for Dark Spots on Face

Nutritional benefits of honey are highlighted in historical books, religious scriptures, and modern scientific studies.

Healing ability, moisturizing property and rich amount of vitamin residing in honey can effectively lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars.

  • I prefer raw honey as it is packed with exceptional nutrients.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Stir thoroughly and apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.

#4 Olive Oil, Chickpea Flour, and Yogurt

Chickpea flour is prominent for its cleansing properties. Anecdotal reports claim that its repeated use will make the skin radiant by removing dark or black spots.

Vitamin B5 housed in plain yogurt helps to brighten the skin and reduce dark spots. Apart from this, yogurt can tighten skin pores, promote skin whitening, thwart free radicals and prevent hyperpigmentation.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour with 2 tbsp of yogurt.
  • Also, add olive oil and 1 tsp of turmeric powder to the mask.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over pre-washed
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#5 Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

Acidic activity and vitamin C residing in lemon are known to reduce dark spots and scars. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities of this citrus fruit can restrain bacterial infection.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it on the face using a cotton
  • You can also use your clean fingers instead of the cotton
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Olive Oil and Baking Soda

Bleaching property of baking soda is helpful to lighten dark spots, brown spots or liver spots.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda with 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Also, mix 1 tsp of lemon juice. If you’ve sensitive skin, then don’t add lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixed paste on your face and rinse it off with water after 10 minutes.

#7 Olive Oil Steam

Apply extra virgin olive oil on your face evenly. Allow it to dry naturally for 10 minutes

Now, boil the water to a certain extent and expose your face towards the steam for 5minutes.

Use lukewarm water to remove the oil from your face.

#9 Castor Oil and Olive Oil for Black Spots on Face

Sticky nature of this folk remedy is known to remove impurities and lock moisture over the skin. Vitamins and minerals residing in it fade scars and dark spots.

  • Mix required an amount of olive oil in an equal amount of castor oil.
  • After mixing these ingredients thoroughly, apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with water after 15 minutes.

#10 Olive Oil and Vitamin E Oil

The nutritional ability of vitamin E oil is prominent and is essential for the overall functioning of your skin. Apart from making your skin radiant, this ingredient can protect the skin from various ailments.

  • Extract vitamin E oil from its capsule and mix it with olive oil.
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a clean cloth.
  • Apply the face and leave it to dry naturally for few minutes.

Olive Oil for Dark Spots on Legs

You can use recipes listed above to get rid of scars or dark patches on legs. Instead, you can also mix olive oil with glycerin.

Add 20 drops of olive oil with equal quantity of glycerin.

Wash your legs and pat dry, as you do for the face. Apply the mask evenly and allow it to dry naturally.

Wear old clothes to avoid oil stains.


  • Patch test before using it over the face.
  • Excess use of lemon juice may irritate your skin.
  • Don’t squeeze acne or pimples, as it results in dark spots.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Stick to one recipe to see positive results.
  • Ingredients that trigger allergic reaction must be avoided.
  • Ingest vitamin rich diet and drink enough water to hydrate your skin from inside.

Did you ever try olive oil for dark spots? Share your recipe in comments.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Lipoma? 3 DIY Methods

apple cider vinegar for lipoma

Soft rounded and a movable nodule on your skin can be lipomas. In some cases, these small fat lumps can grow up to 6 cm. Here you’ll learn on how to use apple cider vinegar for lipoma.

No need to panic, this is a benign tumor. Unlike cancer, this will not spread to nearby tissues. However, you must get diagnosed by your physician.

Considered as a beauty concern, a lipoma isn’t associated with pain or inflammation like acne.

This movable lump is made up of adipose or fat tissues. Located under the surface of your skin, lipoma has many subtypes.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Get Rid lipomas?

  • Acidic nature of this ingredient destroys the fat tissues and help to get rid of the swollen
  • Internal consumption of ACV will help to reduce fat deposits in your body, thus may decrease or prevent lipoma.
  • Acid and alkaline nature of apple cider vinegar balance pH level on your skin and gradually reduces
  • Nutrients, organic acids, potash, pectin and other essential enzymes in ACV helps to burn the fat.
  • Regular consumption of ACV diluted in water and honey will suppress your appetite and make you feel lighter.
  • Internal consumption helps to flush toxins and other impurities from the body. It also removes stored waste in color that helps to prevent fat deposits.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid residing in ACV help to cleanse dead cells and other impurities from the skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in this home available remedy help to improve your overall skin texture.

Also Read : Ultimate Guide on Using Vinegar Foot Soak

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Lipoma?

As mentioned above, we strongly recommend that you get diagnosed by doctor initially before using this recipe.

Based on the severity of nodule, they may suggest medication or surgery.

Apple cider vinegar isn’t associated with any serious side-effects, so you can give it a try.

#1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Acidic nature of ACV may irritate your sensitive skin. So, patch test before applying it on lipoma.

  • Internal consumption and topical application both ways can be effective in treating lipomas.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of ACV with water and drink before going to bed.
  • You can take 1 teaspoon of ACV directly.

#2. ACV for Lipoma

If you feel irritated while drinking ACV directly, then you can mix it with honey.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Stir well and drink it to get rid of lipomas.
  • Take this solution twice per day.

#3. Topical Application of ACV

For this recipe, you need beeswax, cedar and apple cider vinegar.

These ingredients help to soften lipoma and reduce its size.

  • Melt beeswax in a pan by heating it.
  • Add dried cedar to the pan.
  • Turn off the heat after few minutes and allow it to reach room temperature.
  • Add apple cider vinegar to the mixture and shift the mixture to a container.
  • Apply this ointment on affected part regularly to see positive change.

Apart from mixing it with honey, you can wrap lipoma with apple cider vinegar for few weeks to see the change.

Initially, you may notice wound like structure but regular use can treat this lump.

There are various innate ingredients that you can mix with ACV to apply it on lipoma. Anyways, these recipes may not work for everyone. Try your luck.

Other home remedies to get rid of lipoma are turmeric powder, honey, flaxseed oil, flour & honey mask and neem oil.

Different Ways to Get Rid of Lipoma

Apart from home remedies, surgical removal of this fat lump is recommended. However, it depends on size, amount of tumor, family history, and pain in some cases.

  • Surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Steroid injections

These are three ways that can be used to treat lipomas.

Surgical removal will leave scars on your skin. Yes, again you need natural ingredients to lighten these scars.

Liposuction though doesn’t leave a scar but can be expensive and it’s not a permanent solution.

Steroid injections aren’t good for your healthy functioning of the body.

So, I personally recommend trying home remedies if the lipoma is in initial stages. Do consult your physician.

Foods that Can Help to Get Rid of Lipoma

Diet plays a vital role in the overall functioning of your health and skin.

Better diet will help to reduce the fat deposits and reduce the lipoma size.

  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables like corn, soy, and canola.
  • Drink lots of water and lemon juice to reduce acidity in your body.
  • Drink flaxseed oil and apple cider vinegar regularly.
  • Foods that help to burn fat must be considered like green tea, whey, and whole grains.
  • Artificial sweeteners, sodas, preservatives and carbonated drinks must be avoided.
  • Do regular exercise and avoid stress.

Try apple cider vinegar for lipoma and share your views in comments.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Chin – 10 DIY Remedies Included

how to get rid of blackheads on chin

Blackheads are the pores that come with bigger openings. It gets stopped up with the dirt and also dead skin. Melanin oxidation brings about the dark color. Here you’ll learn how to get rid of blackheads on chin.

Acne is considered as the 1st phase of acne by the medicinal professionals. Fundamentally, blackheads are yellowish or even blackish bumps that rooted in the pores.

Blackheads effortlessly create when the skin delivers much oil and also can decline if you neglect to clean it legitimately if dead skin developments if you do visit cosmetics or even if you make utilization of tropical oils.

If microbes begin to attack the pores, blackheads begin to transform into pimples. In case, you need to secure blackheads, first of all, you need to recognize what it is it, what makes blackheads and regular home cures to dispose of blackheads.

Blackheads – What Are They?

As indicated by ULM (US Library of Medicine), blackheads are small and in addition dull spots on our skin as a result of clogged hair follicles. The surface of blackheads looks dull brown or dark.

Essentially, blackheads are a kind of acne that forms for the most part all over. It can similarly show up on the chest, back, arms, neck and additionally shoulders. If you can evacuate your blackheads at its essential stage, you will have the capacity to ensure the development of skin inflammation all over.

What Are Causes of Blackheads on Chin?

At the point, when a clog up or even connect begins to create to the hair follicles opening, the blackheads begins to shape in the skin.

One follicle contains just a single hair and sebaceous gland produces oil that is known as sebum. It helps keep our skin soft. Oil and Dead skin cells create a bump that is known as comedones. In case, our skin covers the bump, at that point, the bump is known as Whitehead.

At the point, when our skin over this bump opens, microscopic organisms, dust, and some different components make it look dim dark colored or dark and it forms a pimple.

There are some essential factors that are similarly expanded the odds of developing blackheads. Following is a list of components that you should consider as the reasons for Blackheads:

  • Oily skin causes clogged pores. In case, your skin is sleek, at that point, you need to wash your face 5 to 6 times each day. It will decrease the generation of oil.
  • Hair follicles bothering caused by dead skins cells additionally accountable for clogged pores.
  • The buildup of propionic bacterium acnes on the skin.
  • Hormonal changes amid youngster years, pregnancy, and menstrual cycle can cause blackheads.
  • Taking certain medications like corticosteroids or androgens.
  • Taking birth control pills.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on the Chin?

Nothing puts a damper on an unmistakable appearance similar like persistent clogged pores. Caused by a collection of dust and oils on the surface of your skin that gets caught in your pores, blackheads can be hard to evacuate.

When blackheads visible on your chin and resist the urge to press them in attempt to separate them. Rather, following a consistent healthy skin regimen aimed at clearing your pores and expelling dust and microscopic organisms from your face.  Below mentioned are the best way to get rid of blackheads on chin.

Step 1

Wash your face every day with a shedding cleanser. Utilizing a bit grainy cleanser every night before going to bed expels the dust, oil, and bacteria that have developed on your skin for the duration of the day to prevent it from settling in your pores.

Step 2

Utilize items containing salicylic or glycolic corrosive. These exfoliate shed your skin to build skin-cell turnover, clean out your pores. They similarly act as anti-inflammatory agents to treat breakouts while attempting to relieve and quiet the aggravated zones.

Step 3

Apply retinoid creams. These vitamin-A-based subsidiaries increment the speed at which the external layer of your skin sheds, in this manner keeping dead skin cells from clogging pores and forming clogged pores. You can buy standard quality retinoids over-the-counter in the drugstore; however, more intense varieties are accessible by prescription.

Step 4

Spot-treat blackheads utilizing pore strips. This at-home treatment can be bought at the drugstore and can give prompt alleviation to some obviously clogged pores. Counsel the package for directions and cautions. Pore strips are not a replacement for keeping up a customary healthy skin schedule, so just utilize them as a supplement.

Things You’ll Need

  • Exfoliating chemical
  • A product containing salicylic or glycolic acid
  • Retinoid
  • Pore strips


Avoid picking at or trying to extricate blackheads all alone. This can make microbes on your skin and prompt breakouts and contamination. In case, you wish to have blackheads extricated professionally, counsel your dermatologist.

10 Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Blackheads on Chin

#1 Egg White Mask

This is a simple cover that can be set up at your home rapidly. Egg White can fix the pores of your face briefly, which won’t just evacuate your present pimples, but additionally, lessen the odds of future blackheads. It is less drying and rich with much important nourishment.


  • Keeping in mind the end goal to utilize this mask, you simply require an egg, a few bits of facial tissue (or bathroom tissues), a spotless towel, and a little bowl. After collecting these, you need to break the egg and separate the white from the yolk. At in the first place, Wash and pat dry your face.
  • Then, apply the thin egg’s white layer over your skin.
  • With a specific end goal to apply the layer, you can put a portion of tissue over the thin layer; at that point squeeze it onto your face tenderly.

At the point when the primary layer will dry, deliberately apply this technique again for the second and third time. Give the mask a chance to dry appropriately. It will make you feel fix in the skin. Presently, peel the tissue layers, and delicately wash your face to ensure that all deposits are cleaned appropriately. At long last, pat dries your face.

Note: If you need, you can apply layers 3 to 5 times. However, you need to ensure that each of the layers is sufficiently dry to put the next layer. In case, the layers are insufficient dry, this technique won’t work legitimately.

#2 Get Rid of Blackheads with Honey and Milk Pore Strips

We realize that honey and milk have some advantageous properties for skin. Milk has lactic corrosive that can keep your skin delicate, and honey has helpful antibacterial fixings. Both of them are good to cure pimples quick.


In order to apply this technique, you need to take 1 teaspoon of drain, 1 tablespoon of crude honey (natural honey is should), and a clean segment of cotton.

Take the milk and honey and combine. Warmth the blend for 5-10 seconds in a microwave until the point when you obtain a thick paste.

At the point, when the temperature ends up noticeably agreeable to utilize, apply the glue over your skin. Presently, put a portion of spotless and dry cotton onto it. Give the glue a chance to dry. At that point, peel the strip and wash your face with frosty water.

Note: It is good to wait for 20 minutes subsequent to applying the glue over your skin to give it a chance to dry appropriately.

#3 Try Honey and Cinnamon Strips

The mix of cinnamon and honey is a great property to dispose of blackheads. Honey has antibacterial properties, while the cinnamon regards enhance your skin’s blood flow. A blend of the two properties will expel pimples, as well as take away acne and make your skin smooth and vigorous.


This technique requires 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon of natural honey, and clean pieces of cotton.

At first blend, the cinnamon powder and the honey together until the point when the two properties transform into glue.

At the point, when the glue is readied, apply a thin layer over your influenced zone. Presently, press a perfect piece of cotton over it. Take a seat for 3 to 5 minutes, at that point evacuate the glue and clean your face delicately but reasonable.

Note: After cleaning your face, you should utilize a cream for a better outcome.

#4 Use Lemon to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight From Nose and Face

Blackheads are caused by clogged, open and pores that respond to oxygen. Along these lines, the best strategy to dispose of clogged pores quick is shrinking your skin’s pores. Lemon juice is a fundamental astringent that will carry out this job appropriately.


In this technique, you simply require 1 lemon, a little jug, and cotton balls.

Clean your face, at that point pat dry. Presently take the lemon, crush it and keep the juice in a little container.

Take a little cotton ball, at that point, dampen the cotton ball utilizing the juice. Apply it to your influenced zones at sleep time.

Subsequent to getting up from the bed, wash your face with water, and apply lotion.

You can store whatever remains of the juice in a cooler up to seven days.

Note: Lemon juice may make your skin touchy to the sun. In case, you are intending to apply this strategy in the late spring season, you should stack up on sunscreen. In case, your skin is soft, you should weaken lemon juice with water.

#5 Baking Soda and Water

Baking soda is a decent fixing to expel pimples. Its little granules work normally to expel anything clogging up your skin pores.


Keeping in mind the end goal to apply this technique, you require some baking soda and crisp water.

Blend Water with baking soda to make thick paste like consistency, but spreadable. Massage the glue utilizing a roundabout movement into your skin. Presently wash completely with crisp and a little icy water. At long last, pat dries your face and utilizes a cream.

Note: You can’t try too hard since baking soda is high in pH that can truly dry your skin.

#6 Get Rid of Blackheads on Chin with Cinnamon and Lemon Juice

Cinnamon and lemon juices, both are utilized to treat clogged pores. In case, you need, at that point, you can similarly mix them together.

You simply need to make a veil with Cinnamon powder and also lemon juice.


If you need to make this blend, at that point, you need to mastermind 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. You can similarly include 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, however, this option is flexible.

Blend one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and in addition lemon juice with a bit of turmeric powder. It is a discretionary decision. In case, you need, you can keep away from it. Use this as a facial cleanser.

Apply it on the affected zone and abandon it overnight. Wash your face in the morning great with a run of the mill water. For the best outcome, you need to keep up the procedure for no less than one week.

Note: If you have issues in your skin like skin break out or other skin issues, at that point, you require not to leave this cover overnight. Simply wash your face or the influenced region after 30 minutes.

#7 Use Oatmeal and Yogurt Mask to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight on Chin & Nose

The blend of oats and yogurt is mind boggling for keeping your skin free of blackheads or pimples. You will get wonderful outcome soon after utilizing this cover as it will give you moment result!


You can make a mask by joining two tablespoons of oats, three tablespoons of yogurt. In case, you need, at that point, you can similarly utilize 1 or 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Apply the cover to your entire face or even the contaminated zone and leave for a few minutes and after that wash your face with icy water.

Note: Lemon juice is optional. You can similarly stay away from it. Yogurt ought to be plain yogurt.

#8 Get Rid of Blackheads on Chin with Tomato Mask

In case, you need to attempt this mask, you simply need to do only to mastermind a tomato!


Take a medium size tomato and squash it with a fork or even with your hand. Apply this cover to your face or over your clogged pores. Rub the territory for 2 minutes. Abandon it for fifteen minutes. After that wash your face or skin.

Note: If your skin is dry, at that point you can similarly attempt to include some additional olive oil with this tomato cover.

It will make your skin soft. In case, your skin is smooth, at that point, don’t endeavor to utilize olive oil as it might expand the shot of skin break out. In case, your skin is typical, then it is your desire whether you need to attempt olive oil or not!

#9 Use Sugar and Olive Oil to Get Rid of Blackheads Overnight

If you need to apply this arrangement, you need to organize 1 teaspoon of sugar and in addition one teaspoon of olive oil.


Blend olive oil and sugar, rub it into the influenced region and rub this veil for 1 minute. After that wash your face with clean water.

Note: If you have skin inflammation issues, at that point you require not to rub your skin. You can similarly add some lemon juice to get the best outcome.

#10 Get Rid of Blackheads with Green Tea Solution

If you utilize unlimited hours endeavoring to pop, rub, or concentrate clogged pores from your face, have a go at using an all-regular cure rather – green tea.

Green tea is high in cancer prevention agents, green tea not simply reduces oils and aggravation on the skin, moreover, serves to secure it from future harm.

So next time you find small dark blocked pores covering your face, simply blend up green tea to help ostracize the blackheads for good

In case, you need to apply this treatment, you will require a few things like one pot, drinking glass, soft towel, soft face wash, cotton ball and 2 bags green tea.


  • Fill your pan with 1 mug of water. Put on the stove and warmth to the point of bubbling.
  • Remove the compartment from the stove. Place 2 green tea packs into the water and additionally let soak for 30 minutes.
  • Place this tea blend to another glass and Place the glass in the cooler and chill for 60 minutes. Wash your face with a soft face wash or child chemical.
  • Wash well and additionally pat your face dry with a soft towel.
  • Take the cotton ball and wet it with the chilled green tea. Touch this tea onto the stopped up pores everywhere.
  • Abandon it on your skin for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cool water, dry totally, and apply skin cream or lotion to your skin. Repeat a similar procedure for one week. You will get a delighted outcome.


Green tea additionally works incredibly for serious skin break out. In case, you have extreme blackheads issue, at that point, you can similarly apply a similar green tea arrangement, however, all things considered, you need to proceed with this process for no less than a month and a half and you need to apply in any event once per day.

You can similarly drink green tea consistently as it will help to stimulate your mood and it is additionally an extraordinary answer to treat your blackheads all around!

Here is a complete pack of information and you can apply the best way to get rid of blackheads on chin from this list. These given ways will help in treating your blackheads problem for sure. In case, you are allergic, counsel with an expert today.

5 DIY Peppermint Face Mask Recipes & Benefits – (No.2 Is Best)

peppermint face mask

Before cosmetic products came into existence, women in those days used natural beauty ingredients. Here you’ll learn how to use peppermint face mask.

Calming and numbing effect of peppermint leaves has been used to treat various health and skin ailments. Renowned for its aromatic smell, peppermint is incorporated in various products for flavoring.

Cooling effect exhibited by peppermint can do wonders over your sensitive skin.

When compared to store brought creams, peppermint facial is inexpensive and have no chemical ingredients in it.

Few cosmetic industries understood the importance of innate ingredients and added them to their products, but unfortunately they include refined ingredients that have less nutritional value.

Interesting thing about homemade facial mask is that you can add other home available ingredients to meet your skin type. But make sure to patch test before trying it over face.

Before you ask me about the face mask recipe, allow me to discuss about its benefits.

What are the Benefits of Peppermint Face Mask?

  • Strong healing effect in this herb will help you to treat skin rashes, wounds and injuries.
  • Menthol residing in the herb will limit the secretion of sebum and thus treat oily skin.
  • Astringent activity of this face mask tightens the skin pores and balances the pH level of your skin.
  • Cleansing ability of peppermint helps to remove stubborn acne and dark spots.
  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties in peppermint restrain bacterial infection and reduce acne inflammation.
  • High concentration of vitamin A and C make this facial mask suitable to reduce wrinkles and fight suntan over your skin.
  • As mentioned anti-inflammatory property of this face mask will reduce burning sensation and reduce inflamed bumps.
  • Moisturizing property of this face mask help to hydrate your dry skin and get rid of itchy dry patches.
  • Assorted nutrients in this homemade face mask will enhance healthy functioning of your skin.

How to Use Peppermint for Skin?

As your face is the most exposed part of your body, all pollutants and impurities get piled over it. Regular cleansing and moisturizing has to be done to make it glow naturally.

#1 Peppermint Face Mask

Blend peppermint leaves and turmeric powder with some water to make smooth paste. Now, apply the paste over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.

You can use peppermint oil instead of its leaves. It easily penetrates into your skin and controls excess production of sebum. Antiseptic property kills bacteria and anti-inflammatory property reduces inflammation.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of milk, 1 drop of peppermint oil, 2 tbsp of kaolin clay in 3 tbsp of water thoroughly.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the face mask evenly and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

#2 Lavender Oil and Peppermint Oil Face Mask

These essential oils have soothing effect and can treat headache and migraine with their aromatic smell. Mix 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil with 1 drop of peppermint oil and lavender oil. Optionally, add kaolin clay to make smooth paste.

  • Apply the mask over the face and relax for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Don’t expect to see positive results over night.
  • You must use it regularly for weeks to see good results.

#3 Peppermint, Honey and ACV Face Mask

Honey is known for its emollient and exfoliating activity. Dead cells and impurities accumulated on the face can be removed by this conventional ingredient.

Apple cider vinegar can effectively maintain pH level of your skin and reduces dark spots over the face.

  • Raw honey – 1 table spoon
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1/4 cup
  • Peppermint oil – 5 drops
  • Distilled water – 1 cup

To dissolve honey in water, initially heat some water and mix honey till it gets dissolved. Now, add ACV and peppermint oil to the bowl.

Once the solution in cooled completely, you can either store it for future use or directly apply it over face.

Alternatively, you can add other ingredients like lemon, kaolin clay and other essential oil to it.

#4 Peppermint Face Pack for Acne

Researchers hold inflammation to be one of the main culprits of acne blemishes. Cooling and soothing ability packed in this home available ingredient can reduce inflammation.

Assorted nutrients in this ingredient can lighten the appearance of scars.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of curd or yogurt with peppermint paste.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water to remove impurities and open blocked pores.
  • Pat dry and apply the face pack on acne affected area.
  • After 10-15 minutes, rinse it off with water.

#5 Peppermint Face Mask for Oily Skin

Though most people think that oily skin is main reason for acne, it is not true in all cases.

However, oily skin ruins your appearance.

Vitamins and minerals residing in this home ingredient regulate excess production of sebum and keep your skin moisturized.

  • Mix 2 tbsp of clay powder with 1 tbsp of chopped peppermint leaves.
  • Add water to make paste like consistency.
  • Now, apply this paste on your oily skin and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.


  • Ingredients that irritate your skin must be avoided.
  • You must patch test before using any of these ingredients.
  • Drink enough water and ingest vitamin rich diet to provide essential nutrients for your skin.
  • Avoid excess use of makeup and chemical filled creams, as they strip natural moisture from your skin.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • Stick to your recipe for 4-5 weeks to see positive results.

Image source: 1, 2, 3

peppermint face mask

Image source: 1, 2, 3