How to Tighten Skin Under Eyes – Home Remedies?

how to tighten skin under eyes

Do you desire to have that taut skin around your eyes? The firm, blemish and wrinkles free skin is a dream that every woman wants to achieve. Here you’ll learn how to tighten skin under eyes.

It is really an unfortunate fact that our skin loses its natural firmness as we age. As we get older, the skin loses the elasticity, but have you ever wondered what causes saggy skin under eyes?

Why Does the Skin Lose Tightness?

The skin around our eyes are several times more sensitive to losing the elastin and collage, which is why more vulnerable to sagging, fine lines and wrinkles.

Apart from the nature’s natural course, bad diet, and habits like not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep and not following proper skin regimen are sure to speed up the natural process of losing firmness.

The skin surrounding our eyes gets sagged even faster when we repeatedly rub, tug, and massage the region.

Sun exposure, and bad eating habits are the major cause of skin damage, the UV rays are also responsible for damaging the sensitive skin area around the eyes.

What is the Best Treatment to Get Tighter Skin Around the Eyes?

When it is about eye skin care and eye health, it’s safe to go with the phrase that prevention is better than cure.

As mentioned earlier, the skin around your eyes are very sensitive, and thus you need to start taking of this area way before the signs of aging appear on your skin.

Right around the period when puberty hits, start following a good skin care regimen that addresses all your skin troubles.

While there are several surgical methods that can help tighten the sagged skin and reduce wrinkles under eyes, there are some non-surgical, natural methods that can be followed to tighten the skin effectively.

The creepy, lose skin under your eyes can be treated by following proper skin care regimen.

Natural home remedies are the considered best for reducing under eye wrinkles and tightening the sagged skin. The thing is when it is about the sagged skin, all efforts are put towards stopping down the aging process of the skin.

But if you really want to know an effective and safe solution for this creepy problem, read on this article because we’ve got you covered with the best methods for tightening skin under the eyes.

How to Tighten Skin Under Eyes Naturally?

When signs of sagging and fine lines start to appear on your skin, and the natural aging process begins to take its toll on the sensitive skin under your eyes, you need to be vigilant about taking steps to avoid the damage.

There are a lot of remedies that can be followed to tighten the skin around your eyes.

These can conveniently be divided into two categories: Natural Remedies and Cosmetics Measures

Cosmetic Measure to Tighten Skin Under Eyes

These cosmetic measures should never be ignored if you really want to avoid the damage of your sensitive under eye skin area. Set up a skin regimen according to this and strictly follow it.

#1 Apply Moisturizing Creams to Remove Sagging Under Eyes

The Moisturizers are one of the most important parts of skin care regimen, and they play an important role in eye care as well.

Find a moisturizer that contains hydrating ingredients because they are the best and safest natural element for healthy under eye skin.

  • If you are looking for a natural moisturizer, look no further than almond oil because they have tightening properties and are considered best for delicate eye area.
  • Retin-A Cream are also recommended for creepy lose skin. The anti-aging creams with this compound can firm up and the delicate under eye skin.

Related Post: How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles without Botox?

#2 Hydraulic Acid Serum to Get Rid of Saggy Skin Under Eyes

The Hydraulic Acid has long been used in skin care products because they improve skin’s texture and firm up the skin around the eyes.

  • It works by absorbing the excess moisture from the sensitive skin, and then gradually tightens the skin.
  • It can also help the skin to stimulate cells to produce more collagen and thus tighten up the loose dermis layer.
  • Skin care specialists thus recommend applying the Hydraulic acid serum around eyes every night before going to bed.
  • It will not only moisturize the skin but also plump up the skin with required firmness.

#3 Wear Sunscreen When You Go Out During the Day Time

As mentioned earlier, sun exposure plays a major role in damaging the under eye skin.

Excess exposure leads to baggy eyelids and saggy under eye skin. The best option to avoid harmful UV rays is applying sunscreen every time you step out in sunny days.

Wearing sunscreen will help prevent eye puffiness, fix sagging lines, diminish fine lines and improve your complexion as well.

Home Remedies to Tighten Skin Under Eyes?

These natural remedies do not require depending on the cosmetics or artificial eye skin care products.

Most of the ingredients are available in your kitchen and these natural remedies are as effective as any expensive surgical procedure, but they show their miracle only when followed regularly.

Beauty freaks that wonder how to tighten skin under eyes, and want to try natural remedies should try at least three of these remedies and stick to religiously follow the most suitable one.

Also read: 9 Amazing Benefits of Papaya for Skin

#1 Egg Whites to Eliminate Eye Wrinkles and Saggy Skin

Egg white mask is one of the best skin tightening remedies and it is sure to bring in the result within a week.

This facial mask when applied regularly tightens the lose skin, prevents appearance of premature wrinkles and reducing fine lines under eyes.

  • Fresh egg whites can be directly applies around the eyes and allowed to sit for at least ten minutes.
  • Take egg white in a small bowl and apply it under eyes.
  • Allow it to dry naturally and then rinse it off with water.

It will tighten the skin, remove wrinkles, reduce the appearance of fine lines and also help you get rid of bags under the eyes.

Egg whites are composed of hydro lipids, an element that tightens the skin and makes it appear firm.

#2 Rose Water to Avoid Saggy Under Eye Skin

Rose water is one of the most loved beauty products. Regular use of rose water will not only make your skin feel fresh, reduce the sagging, but also add a radiant glow to your face.

It works like an astringent to tone the lose skin, and gradually improve its elasticity.

  • Just dip the cotton wool pads in the rose water, and then gently dap the rose water soaked pad on the under eye area.
  • Allow it to sit and repeat the process every time you go to bed.
  • Doing this simple process every day will help you treat both wrinkles, fine line and prevent your under eye skin to get sagged.

#3 Cucumbers to Naturally Tighten Skin Under Eyes

Cucumbers are the most widely used natural ingredient for dealing with skin care problems.

Cucumber juice is known for its refreshing properties that can tighten the pores and make your skin feel lighter and fresher.

  • Just dab some cucumber juice on your puffy eyes, saggy skin under your eyes or anywhere on your face.
  • Allow it to fry and then rinse under cool water.
  • You can also use cucumber moisturizing mask for they can effectively tone your lose skin and help it regain its firmness.

#4 Baking Soda to Tighten the Lose Skin Under Eyes

Is there any single thing that Baking Soda is not capable of doing?

Baking soda is one miraculous natural ingredient that can effectively improve your skin’s texture.

It naturally brightens and scrubs your skin by removing the dead skin cells.

  • So, if you really want to taut the loose under eye skin, just make a paste of baking soda and water.
  • Apply this paste on the under eye skin by spreading it evenly with your fingers, and then apply it over your entire face.
  • Allow it to sit for ten minutes and then rinse off under running water.

#5 Use Eye Creams to Tighten the Under Eye Skin

Apart from these natural remedies, there are few eye creams that you can apply to help tighten the skin.

These creams generally tend to be costly than any other regular facial cream, but they are value for money products as they can actually slow down the aging process of your delicate under eye skin.

  • These eye creams can also help tighten the area by tightening the production of co
  • Be sure to opt for an eye cream that doesn’t only have moisturizing properties but also provides SPF protection.
  • Apply the under eye cream every time you step out in the sun.

The best night eye cream should be the one that has restorative properties and is very potent.

These creams should rejuvenate the delicate skin around your eyes and help repair the damaged skin cell, as well as help you get rid of toxins, any free radicals and other toxic elements that might work their way to weight the skin down.


  • Have enough sleep. This is very important.
  • Drink enough water and ingest vitamin rich diet that is essential for your skin.
  • Hydrate your skin from inside and outside by apply natural moisturizers listed above.
  • Regularly massage the skin under eyes with almond oil.
  • Irritants that you’re allergic must be avoided.
  • Consult physician if you experience irritation.

Did you ever use any home remedy to tighten skin under eyes? Let us know your recipe.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Dark Spots – 5 DIY Recipes Included

lemon jucie for dark spots

Hormonal changes, excess exposure to sunlight and facial hair removal are held responsible for dark spots. In this article, you’ll know how to use lemon juice for dark spots.

Apart from this, skin ailments, vitamin deficiency, age and certain medication also results in brown or dark spots.

Also read: How to get rid of white spots on face?

Is Lemon Juice Good for Dark Spots?

Lemon juice is a natural remedy to cleanse, exfoliate and tighten the skin. Though it can lighten dark spots it can’t treat freckles permanently, when your skin gets exposed to sunlight again freckles may darken.

  • Bleaching property residing in lemon juice helps to lighten the appearance of dark spots on your face.
  • Astringent ability of this citrus fruit helps to remove dirt and excess oil from the skin.
  • Assorted properties residing in lemon juice helps to curb overproduction of melanin.
  • Lemon juice is packed with citrus acid that is prominent to lighten your skin.
  • Vitamins residing in this home available ingredient help to enhance collagen production and improve your skin’s elastin.
  • Regular application of this innate will help to cleanse your skin and remove dead cells.
  • Antibacterial ability of lemon juice helps to restrain bacterial infection.
  • Study reveals that lemon juice consists of 22 anti-cancer compounds that thwart cancer-causing
  • Anti-inflammatory property of this juice will reduce inflammation caused by acne and other skin ailments.
  • Antioxidant agents in the lemon help to shrink large skin pores.
  • Hydrating ability exhibited by this citrus fruit help to moisturize your skin.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Dark Spots?

Note: excess use of lemon juice will make your skin sensitive.

This remedy is just to lighten the dark spots and not mere solution for freckles. Before using lemon juice see that your skin has no impurities. Cleanse it.

To remove dead cells or dirt accumulated on skin exfoliate using natural exfoliants like honey or aloe vera and pat dry with soft towel.

Also read: 6 homemade face scrubs for dry skin

#1 Remove Dark Spots with Lemon Juice

Take 1 fresh lemon and squeeze its juice to collect in a bowl. Cleanse your face with gram flour or rosewater.

  • Take a cotton ball and dip into the lemon juice.
  • Apply it on your face, especially on dark spots.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#2 Honey and Lemon Juice to Remove Dark Spots

Assorted vitamins and minerals housed in honey make your skin radiant. Enzymes housed in this natural ingredient promote cell regeneration.

Known for its healing ability, topical application of honey will enhance collagen production and improve your skin texture.

Nutrients in honey guard your skin against harmful UV rays and avoid excess production of melanin.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
  • Apply this mixed solution on your prewashed face and allow it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Antibacterial ability of honey will restrain bacterial infection.

#3 Oatmeal and Lemon Juice for Dark Spots

Saponins housed in oatmeal help to cleanse toxins that promote skin discoloration. Prominent for its exfoliating properties, oatmeal mask help to repair damaged skin cells.

Amino acids residing in this ingredient can lighten the appearance of dark spots and scars.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of oatmeal with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Allow it steep for about 15-20 minutes, so that it becomes soft.
  • Apply it over prewashed face and rinse it off with water.

#4 Get Rid of Dark Spots with Lemon Juice & Glycerin

Renowned for its cleansing properties, glycerin can remove impurities accumulated over your face.

Nutrients in glycerin help to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Mix well and apply it over dark spots using a cotton
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

#5 How to Remove Dark Spots on Face with Lemon Juice

  • Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of tomato juice and 1 tbsp of sandalwood
  • Apply it on pre-washed
  • Rinse it off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Sandalwood powder is known for its skin brightening properties. Cleansing ability of this ingredient helps to remove impurities, excess oil and dead cells from your face.

Tomato juice is also packed with skin brightening ability. Its application will make your skin glow naturally.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants abilities exhibited by this mask will improve your skin texture.

Lemon Exfoliating Face Mask Recipes

Pollutants and dead cells piled over your skin are also responsible for dark patches.

Exfoliating promotes skin rejuvenation and make your skin radiant.

  • Mix 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tbsp of egg white, 1 tbsp of lemon juice.
  • Exfoliate your skin by circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for few more minutes and then rinse it off with water.

For Dry skin, mix 1 tbsp of milk powder, 1 tbsp of honey, 2 tbsp of essential oil to 1 tbsp of lemon juice.

Tips on Using Lemon Juice for Dark Spots

  • Dilute lemon juice will above listed ingredients to avoid irritation.
  • Spot using lemon juice to lighten dark spots if you experience irritation.
  • After rinsing off, apply moisturizer when your skin is still damp. Try rosewater or aloe gel.
  • Repeated use of lemon juice makes your skin sensitive, wear sunscreen or widespread hat while going out.
  • Reach your dermatologist if you experience any burning sensation.
  • Always use a cotton ball to avoid spilling.
  • Wear sunscreen cream while going out.
  • Avoid use of chemical-filled creams that may result in dark spots.
  • Include vitamin-rich diet to enrich your skin internally.
  • Drink enough water and energy drinks to hydrate the skin from inside.

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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Lipoma? 3 DIY Methods

apple cider vinegar for lipoma

Soft rounded and a movable nodule on your skin can be lipomas. In some cases, these small fat lumps can grow up to 6 cm. Here you’ll learn on how to use apple cider vinegar for lipoma.

No need to panic, this is a benign tumor. Unlike cancer, this will not spread to nearby tissues. However, you must get diagnosed by your physician.

Considered as a beauty concern, a lipoma isn’t associated with pain or inflammation like acne.

This movable lump is made up of adipose or fat tissues. Located under the surface of your skin, lipoma has many subtypes.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Get Rid lipomas?

  • Acidic nature of this ingredient destroys the fat tissues and help to get rid of the swollen
  • Internal consumption of ACV will help to reduce fat deposits in your body, thus may decrease or prevent lipoma.
  • Acid and alkaline nature of apple cider vinegar balance pH level on your skin and gradually reduces
  • Nutrients, organic acids, potash, pectin and other essential enzymes in ACV helps to burn the fat.
  • Regular consumption of ACV diluted in water and honey will suppress your appetite and make you feel lighter.
  • Internal consumption helps to flush toxins and other impurities from the body. It also removes stored waste in color that helps to prevent fat deposits.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid residing in ACV help to cleanse dead cells and other impurities from the skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in this home available remedy help to improve your overall skin texture.

Also Read : Ultimate Guide on Using Vinegar Foot Soak

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Lipoma?

As mentioned above, we strongly recommend that you get diagnosed by doctor initially before using this recipe.

Based on the severity of nodule, they may suggest medication or surgery.

Apple cider vinegar isn’t associated with any serious side-effects, so you can give it a try.

#1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Acidic nature of ACV may irritate your sensitive skin. So, patch test before applying it on lipoma.

  • Internal consumption and topical application both ways can be effective in treating lipomas.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of ACV with water and drink before going to bed.
  • You can take 1 teaspoon of ACV directly.

#2. ACV for Lipoma

If you feel irritated while drinking ACV directly, then you can mix it with honey.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Stir well and drink it to get rid of lipomas.
  • Take this solution twice per day.

#3. Topical Application of ACV

For this recipe, you need beeswax, cedar and apple cider vinegar.

These ingredients help to soften lipoma and reduce its size.

  • Melt beeswax in a pan by heating it.
  • Add dried cedar to the pan.
  • Turn off the heat after few minutes and allow it to reach room temperature.
  • Add apple cider vinegar to the mixture and shift the mixture to a container.
  • Apply this ointment on affected part regularly to see positive change.

Apart from mixing it with honey, you can wrap lipoma with apple cider vinegar for few weeks to see the change.

Initially, you may notice wound like structure but regular use can treat this lump.

There are various innate ingredients that you can mix with ACV to apply it on lipoma. Anyways, these recipes may not work for everyone. Try your luck.

Other home remedies to get rid of lipoma are turmeric powder, honey, flaxseed oil, flour & honey mask and neem oil.

Different Ways to Get Rid of Lipoma

Apart from home remedies, surgical removal of this fat lump is recommended. However, it depends on size, amount of tumor, family history, and pain in some cases.

  • Surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Steroid injections

These are three ways that can be used to treat lipomas.

Surgical removal will leave scars on your skin. Yes, again you need natural ingredients to lighten these scars.

Liposuction though doesn’t leave a scar but can be expensive and it’s not a permanent solution.

Steroid injections aren’t good for your healthy functioning of the body.

So, I personally recommend trying home remedies if the lipoma is in initial stages. Do consult your physician.

Foods that Can Help to Get Rid of Lipoma

Diet plays a vital role in the overall functioning of your health and skin.

Better diet will help to reduce the fat deposits and reduce the lipoma size.

  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables like corn, soy, and canola.
  • Drink lots of water and lemon juice to reduce acidity in your body.
  • Drink flaxseed oil and apple cider vinegar regularly.
  • Foods that help to burn fat must be considered like green tea, whey, and whole grains.
  • Artificial sweeteners, sodas, preservatives and carbonated drinks must be avoided.
  • Do regular exercise and avoid stress.

Try apple cider vinegar for lipoma and share your views in comments.

15 Benefits of Nutmeg (Jathikai, Jaiphal) for Skin and Health – 5 DIY Face Mask

benefits of nutmeg, jaiphal for skin

Rich flavor of this spice helps to make your food delicious. Uses and benefits of nutmeg aren’t just confined for culinary purposes.

Topical application and internal consumption of this home available spice can enhance your beauty. Also known as jathikai in Tamil, jaiphal in Hindi and jajikaya in Telugu, grounded nutmeg can be mixed with honey for a face mask.

My personal experience: A few months back when I had severed a cough, my mom suggested me to take nutmeg, and though its distinct taste made my mouth tasteless I got relief from a continuous cough.

Anyhow, after research I found that uses of nutmeg are not just confined to a cough, you can use jaiphal for skin and to improve overall health.

Uses of Jaiphal for Skin

Let’s start with its beauty benefits.

  • Astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities residing in nutmeg help to treat oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Assorted nutrients in this natural ingredient help to combat chronic skin ailments like eczema.
  • Exfoliating ability of nutmeg face mask can cleanse your face and improve its texture.
  • Hydrating property of this natural remedy help to get rid of dry skin.
  • A study states that nutmeg contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can heal acne scars.
  • Anti-inflammatory ability effectively reduces acne inflammation and soothes your skin.
  • Analgesic property of this innate ingredient can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging.
  • Cleansing, healing and hydrating abilities exhibited by jathikai help to obtain radiant skin.

Also read: Banana peel for wrinkles

Now let me spell down amazing benefits of nutmeg for health and skin.

Amazing Benefits of Nutmeg (Jaiphal)

#1 Treat Arthritis

Anti-inflammatory properties residing in nutmeg oil can be an excellent sedative for joint pains. If you’ve arthritis, lumbago or rheumatism, massaging with nutmeg oil will relieve you from pain.

It’s an important part of Chinese medical treatment for abdominal pain and inflammation.

#2 Improve Blood Circulation

Internally using nutmeg oil or powder can improve blood circulation and comfort the body parts with its aromatic properties.

#3 Nausea

Nausea or vomiting can be cured by tasting nutmeg powder mixed with raw honey.

A pinch of nutmeg powder mixed in a glass of milk makes you sleep better. It’s an old home remedy practiced by grannies.

#4 Treat Respiratory Issues

As mentioned above, nutmeg can be used to treat a cough, cold and other respiratory problems like asthma.

#5 Avoids Bad Breathe

Antiseptic agents packed in nutmeg will relieve you from bad breath and makes your teeth, gums strong.

#6 Optimum Health

Nutrients and vitamins packed in nutmeg will enhance smooth functioning of the nutritional cycle in the body and aids to maintain optimum health.

#7 Reduce Menstrual Cramps

Women facing menstrual cramps can find this as an excellent soothing remedy.

#8 Treats Liver Disease

Exceptional properties in nutmeg oil are capable of thwarting toxins from the liver and thus it’s able to treat liver diseases.

#9 Avoids Mental Distress

When you consume it internally along with your favorite dish it stimulates the brain and discards mental stress. Students will find it very useful, as it increases efficiency and concentration at the study.

#10 Improves Digestion

Internally use nutmeg oil to treat digestive problems like gas, indigestion, flatulence, vomiting, and diarrhea. But avoid consuming excess.

#11 Reduce Blood Pressure

Iron content in this spice will improve RBC and copper helps to regulate blood pressure. Consequently, it helps to prevent cardiovascular problems to some extent.

#12 Nervous System

Apart from improving respiratory and digestive systems, nutmeg oil can help in proper functioning of nervous system.

#13 Aphrodisiac

From ancient times this spice has been used to stimulate hormones.

#14 Reduce Hair Fall

Massaging with nutmeg oil will improve blood circulation and thus reduce hair fall.

#15 Healthy and Shiny Hair

Nutrients packed in nutmeg oil enhance hair growth and add a lustrous shine. You can mix this essential oil with other ingredients and apply it on the scalp.

DIY Nutmeg Face Mask Recipes

To reap benefits of nutmeg for skin, you must topically apply the ingredient.

Excellent nutrients in this spice help to enhance your overall beauty.

1. Honey & Nutmeg to Heal Acne

Acne is caused due to inflammation and hormonal imbalance. Anti-inflammatory properties residing in nutmeg can soothe acne inflammation and its antiseptic property restrain infectious bacteria.

Make a homemade facial scrub with little nutmeg powder, honey or water to treat acne and acne scars.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Cleanse your face and pat dry with a clean cloth.
  • Apply this mixed mask evenly and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

2. Rosewater and Nutmeg

Homemade face mask: Rub nutmeg on a smooth stone with little rose water to obtain a paste. Likewise, rub sandalwood with rose water and mix both ingredients in a small bowl. Apply it over prewashed acne lesions.

3. Cinnamon, Honey, and Nutmeg

Take required amount of cinnamon powder and mix it with nutmeg powder.

Now to obtain thick paste add raw honey to it and mix thoroughly.

Wash your face and apply the mask evenly all over the face. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

4. Nutmeg and Baking Soda

Bleaching property of baking soda can help to lighten the appearance of dark spots and its antibacterial ability help to treat acne blemishes.

Mix these two ingredients and add water to form a paste. Apply evenly and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

5. Nutmeg Face Scrub

Known for its exfoliating property, nutmeg paste can be used for scrubbing.

Impurities and dead cells accumulated over the face can be cleansed by its application.

  • Mix masoor dal powder with nutmeg powder.
  • Add distilled water to make a paste like consistency.
  • Its application will help to get rid of blackheads, unclog skin pores and treat skin ailments.
  • You can add a pinch of turmeric powder to make it more effective.


This home available spice can be used in baked foods, various dishes, and black coffee.

However, excess use of this spice isn’t recommended.

Its powder is extensively used in vegetarian dishes.

While using it as a face mask, make sure you’re not allergic to any of its ingredients.

Redness, itching, and inflammation can be experienced for sensitive skinned people. Taste depends on the quality of nutmeg.

Did you ever taste or used jaiphal for Skin? Share your recipe in comments.

How to Use Aloe Vera for Vitiligo? – 7 Methods (No.2 is Best)

White patches appeared on face, neck and chest ruin your appearance. Aloe vera for vitiligo is one of the effective remedies that you’ll learn today.

Though these patches aren’t associated with any serious ailments, people try to get rid of them out of cosmetic concern.

Home available remedies like aloe vera and cosmetic creams can fade or lighten the appearance of white patches but do not treat this disorder completely. (

What Are Causes & Symptoms of Vitiligo?

The main cause of vitiligo is unknown.

However, experts say that this condition is triggered because of autoimmune disease. In other words, your own immune system attacks melanocytes, which are responsible for skin color. Thus the loss in melanin results in white patches.

  • Oxidative stress
  • Genetic alterations
  • Autoimmunity
  • Changes in skin pigment are cause of vitiligo

Hereditary, UV rays and chemical incorporated products also result in this disorder.

Skin discoloration is the main symptom of vitiligo. These white patches may appear on different parts of the body but initially starts with most exposed parts like face, neck, hands, mouth, and nose. (Source)

Though it is not contagious in most cases it may spread to other parts of the body. Also, many people with vitiligo face difficulties in marriage.

Does Aloe Vera Work for Vitiligo?

Researchers state that aloe gel is packed with 75 active contents including vitamins, enzymes, sugars, minerals, lignin, amino acids, salicylic acid, and saponins.

  • Healing properties exhibited by nutrients in aloe gel help to lighten the appearance of white spots.
  • Sticky nature of aloe gel helps to remove impurities piled over the skin.
  • Gibberellins and Glucomannan residing in aloe gel exhibit healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities.
  • Rejuvenating property of this sticky gel improves your skin texture.
  • Fatty acids housed in aloe gel hydrates your skin and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamins like C, E and A packed in the aloe vera gel helps to promote collagen, elastin production and fade white patches.
  • Researchconcludes that aloe has healing and other active compounds that can reduce inflammation.
  • Aloe displays anti-inflammatory effect, which can be used to treat various skin ailments.
  • Internal consumption of aloe vera juice can improve the immune (source)
  • Researchers say that assorted properties in aloe gel can guard skin against inflammation and harmful effect of UV rays.

Also read: Aloe vera for Acne Scars

How to Use Aloe Vera for Vitiligo?

As mentioned above, experts say that vitiligo can’t be cured. However, regular use may get you out of the aesthetic appearance.

Now that you’ve been through all nutritional benefits of aloe vera gel, let’s now check out how to use it.

#1 Aloe Vera for White Spots on Skin

You can find ready-made aloe vera gel at any drug store. But, beauty experts recommend using the raw form to see effective and long lasting results.

If you don’t have an aloe plant, borrow it from your neighbor and assure to plant one aloe vera in your garden or pot, it has abundant health and beauty benefits.

  • Wash the affected part before apply aloe vera gel.
  • Topically apply the oozing aloe vera gel over white patches and leave it to dry.
  • Though it has no side-effects, patch test before trying it on your face.
  • Leave the aloe gel to dry naturally and rinse it off.

You can optionally add other innate ingredients to make this home remedy more effective.

#2 Honey and Aloe Vera for Vitiligo

Honey is packed with exceptional nutrients that can enhance collagen production, fade aging wrinkles and white spots.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in raw honey restrain bacterial infection and reduce inflammation.

  • Peel aloe vera leaf and take out the gel.
  • Slice the gel into small pieces and blend it with 2 table spoon of raw honey.
  • Add water if need to form a thick paste like consistency.
  • Rinse your face and apply this face mask over affected parts.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

#3 Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is packed with alpha –hydroxy acids that exfoliate your skin and nutrients residing in it help to lighten the appearance of scars and white spots.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water.
  • Now add 1 tbsp of fresh aloe gel to the solution.
  • Mix well and apply it over pre-washed
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#4 Aloe Vera Toner

This homemade toner helps to improve the overall functioning of the skin.

  • Brew 1 cup of green tea with 2 tea bags.
  • Add 1 tbsp of aloe gel with prepared green tea.
  • Stir thoroughly and it on white spots using a cotton
  • Apply this toner before going to bed.
  • Rinse it off with water in the morning.

#5 Turmeric and Aloe Vera for Vitiligo

Antioxidant activity exhibited by curcumin helps to reduce oxidative stress. Nutrients in turmeric help in skin rejuvenating and improve skin texture.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe gel with 1 tsp of gram flour and ½ tsp of turmeric powder.
  • Mix the ingredients well and apply the obtained paste on the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#6 Aloe Gel and Tea Tree Oil

Because of its antifungal, immune stimulating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree essential oil helps to reverse vitiligo.

Pure tea tree oil has the ability to cleanse your skin and help you obtain radiant skin.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with few drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • Wash your face to cleanse impurities and pat dry using a clean cloth.
  • Apply the mask and leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes.

#7 Drinking Aloe Vera Gel for Vitiligo

As mentioned above 75 active components in aloe vera gel can help to improve your overall health, skin, and hair.

So to reap its benefits, you can ingest this sticky gel.

Mix it with orange juice or just swallow small pieces of aloe gel. You may not like the taste, but you’re going to love its benefits.


  • Wear sunscreen while going out to avoid vitiligo.
  • Hydrate your skin internally and topically using natural remedies.
  • Cleanse your face twice in a day to remove impurities and dead cells.
  • Ingest vitamin rich diet like turmeric powder, olive oil, dates, figs, black pepper and apples to combat vitiligo.
  • Foods that you must avoid include raw tomato, raw garlic, papaya, grapes, dairy products, and fish.
  • White spots differ from person to person.
  • If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above, then avoid using them.
  • Consult physician if the problem persists.

Did you ever use aloe vera gel for vitiligo? Share your views and recipes in comments.

aloe vera and vitiligo


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How to Use Turmeric for Melasma – 7 DIY Ways (No.3 is Best)

turmeric for melasma

Brown to grey patches on your face is one of the common signs of melasma. In this article, I’ll discuss different recipes of turmeric for melasma.

Turmeric is prominent spice, which is extensively used for culinary purposes. Packed with essential nutrients that your skin needs, turmeric powder has the ability to treat various skin disorders including hyperpigmentation.

Before jumping to its benefits, let’s look at causes of melasma.

Who Gets and What Causes Melasma?

According to American Academy of Dermatology, only 10 percent of people who’re affected with this skin disorder are men. So, this is most common in women and people with dark skin.

Melanocytes, which are responsible for your skin color, produce too much melanin resulting in grey to brown patches on your skin.

The mere cause of these unusual patches is unknown. However, hormonal change, sun exposure, and certain chemical filled creams may increase melasma condition.

Why Turmeric to Treat Melasma?

Curcumin is the active compound in this spice that exhibits antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.

Extensively used in cooking, internal consumption of turmeric powder can improve heart functioning, Alzheimer’s disease and other health related ailments.

  • Assorted nutrients in this spice are renowned to lighten the appearance of scars, dark spots and reduce hyperpigmentation.
  • Curcumin is known to regulate melanin production and helps to reduce hyperpigmentation problem.
  • Topical application of turmeric helps to inhibit the growth of matrix metalloproteinase-2 which reduces collagen production.
  • Protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Antioxidant agents packed in this ingredient help to reduce oxidative stress fights free radicals and prevent wrinkles.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties housed in turmeric reduce inflammation triggered due to various chronic skin ailments.
  • Antibacterial ability residing in turmeric powder can restrain infectious germs and fast the healing process.
  • Chronic skin ailments like acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be reduced by anti-inflammatory property of turmeric powder.

How to Use Turmeric for Melasma?

To avail these enticing benefits, all you need to do is apply turmeric paste on the affected part of your skin and leave it to dry naturally.

Below listed are different recipes, pick the one that suits your skin type.

#1 Turmeric and Lemon

Lemon is known for its bleaching property. Topical application of this juice will help to reduce the appearance of brown patches.

Apart from that, it’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and skin tightening abilities can improve skin functioning.

  • Blend 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Wash your face to cleanse impurities and pat dry with a cloth.
  • Apply the mask on your face in circular motion.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off.

Note: Excess use of lemon juice makes your skin sensitive to sunlight. Apply sunscreen while going out.

#2 Turmeric, Almond Oil, and Gram Flour

Almond oil is packed with vitamins and minerals that exhibit SPF 5 to protect your skin from UV rays. Vitamin A, E, and B housed in the oil hydrates your skin and avoid premature aging wrinkles.

Gram flour is known to exfoliate your skin and remove impurities. Vitamins in this home available ingredient promote collagen production, lighten brown patches and make your skin firm.

  • Turmeric powder – ¼ teaspoon
  • Gram flour (chickpea flour) – 3 tablespoons
  • Almond oil – ½ teaspoon
  • Milk – ½ teaspoon
  • Cucumber juice

Mix all listed ingredients in a bowl. Also, add milk to obtain thick paste like consistency.

Cucumber juice works great to achieve radiant skin.

Apply the mixed mask on pre-washed face and leave it to dry naturally for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Note: Initial usage may not seem beneficial, but regular usage will reduce melasma patches.

#3 Turmeric, Egg White, and Red Sandal Powder

Assorted nutrients in egg white can remove impurities, dead cells and excess sebum on your skin. Packed with skin brightening properties, this ingredient is really beneficial to treat melasma.

Red sandalwood powder is also packed with exfoliating, antibacterial and skin lightening properties. Because of its alluring nutrients, cosmetic industries incorporated this innate ingredient to their products.

  • Take 1 egg white, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of almond oil and ½ tsp of turmeric powder.
  • Also, add ½ teaspoon of red sandalwood powder to above mixture.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with clean cloth.
  • Now, apply the mixed mask evenly on your face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#4 Turmeric and Butter Milk

Proteins and lactic acid present in buttermilk exhibit skin lightening properties. It also helps to cleanse dead cells, pollutants and excess oil from your skin.

Regular application of this home available ingredient can improve your skin complexion.

  • Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 2 tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • Mix well and apply it over your face using your clean fingers.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#5 Neem and Turmeric for Melasma

Nutrients in neem help to reduce scars and lighten the appearance of brown patches. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are beneficial to make your skin supple.

  • Grind few fresh neem leaves with a ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste evenly and rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process 2-3 times in a week.

#6 Castor Oil and Turmeric to Treat Melasma

Omega-3 fatty acids residing in castor oil promote healthy tissues and reduce pigmentation. It’s hydrating property helps to lock moisture in the skin.

Rinoleic acid housed in castor oil is known to reduce melasma. Assorted nutrients in this sticky oil help to restore your skin complexion.

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Apply this thick paste on pre-washed face and leave it to dry naturally.
  • Rinse it off with water after 15-20 minutes.

#7 Turmeric and Gram Flour

Gram flour or besan is an excellent cleansing ingredient. Apart from that, it can lighten the appearance of scars and brown patches.

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of gram flour and required an amount of yogurt.
  • Mix well till you obtain paste like consistency.
  • Apply the paste on pre-washed face and rinse it off with water.


  • Use sunscreen cream while going out in summer.
  • Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin from inside.
  • Eat vitamin rich diet to provide essential nutrients to your skin.
  • Remove chemical included creams and makeup
  • Avoid stress, as it can trigger skin ailment.
  • Cover your face with wide-hat or cloth to protect from sunlight.

How to Use Carrot Seed Oil for Skin, Wrinkles and Skin Lightening

carrot seed oil for skin, skin lightening

Carrot seed oil is derived through a steam distillation process of dried Daucus carota seeds (a wild carrot). Similarly, carrot oil (carrier oil) is extracted from roots of similar carrot. In this article, you’ll learn about benefits of carrot seed oil for skin.

Everyone desires to have supple and spotless skin, which can’t be achieved by cosmetic creams. Because these media promoted products are incorporated with chemical ingredients that strip natural oil from your skin.

Is Carrot Seed Oil Good for Skin?

Both essential and carrier oils of this wild carrot are prominent for reducing wrinkles, treating acne and skin whitening abilities.

  • Carrot seed essential oil is packed with carotenoids, which exhibits antioxidant ability. It helps to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and oxidative stress.
  • Scientist state that carotol packed in this oil exhibit moisturizing, vitamin C and vitamin E
  • Topical application of this oil will help to regulate excess sebum production and help to get rid of oily skin.
  • Its exceptional healing ability soothes minor sunburns, restore damaged skin cells and promote cell regeneration.
  • Carrot seed oil is packed with the anti-inflammatory property that can help to reduce inflammation triggered due to ailments.
  • Topical application of this essential oil (blend it any carrier oil) can make your skin firm and shrink large skin pores.
  • Dark spots, scars, stretch marks and other skin disorders on your skin can be reduced with the topical application of this natural ingredient.
  • Skin whitening and moisturizing abilities packed in carrot seed essential oil are helpful to obtain radiant skin.

DIY Recipes: Carrot Seed Oil for Skin

Beauty experts say that direct application of essential oil isn’t recommended, as it can irritate your sensitive skin.

Oils that can you blend with carrot seed essential oil are bergamot, cedarwood, cinnamon, fennel, rosemary, geranium, lime, orange sweet and frankincense.

Below listed are different recipes, choose the one that suits your skin type.

#1 Carrot Seed Oil for Skin Lightening

In this recipe, you’ll need

  • 4 drops of lemon oil
  • 2 tablespoons of argan oil
  • 7 drops of carrot seed oil

Rich in antioxidant, argan oil can effectively reduce wrinkles. It’s exfoliating and moisturizing ability helps to obtain glowing skin.

Topical application of lemon oil will help to improve your skin complexion. It also nourishes your skin and makes it supple.


  1. Mix all listed ingredients and shift it to the amber dropper bottle.
  2. Wash your face and apply 2-3 drops of this lotion regularly before going to bed.
  3. Rinse it off in the morning.

#2 Carrot Seed Oil and Almond Oil

Vitamin A, B, and E housed in almond oil can hydrate, rejuvenate and nourish your skin. It un-clog your blocked skin pores and promotes collagen production.

It protects your skin from environmental irritants and harmful UV rays.


  1. Mix 1 tbsp of carrot seed oil with 1 tbsp of almond oil in a bowl.
  2. Wash your face and pat dry using a dry
  3. Now gently massage this lotion over the face and around the neck.
  4. Leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse it off.

#3 Carrot Seed Oil for Wrinkles

In this recipe, you need 200 ml of pomegranate oil and carrot seed oil.

Pomegranate oil is renowned for its hydrating and soothing abilities. Antioxidant ability exhibited by this oil can effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face.

It also protects your skin from irritants and harmful UV rays.


  1. Take carrot seed oil and pomegranate oil in equal quantities.
  2. Mix them and add 10 ml of vitamin E oil to make it perfect for your dry skin.
  3. Apply this homemade mask over pre-washed face and rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  4. Repeat the process twice or thrice in a week.

#4 Cucumber, Beetroot, and Carrot Seed Oil

Cucumber is renowned for its watery rich content. It can effectively soothe and hydrate your skin. Healing ability of this home ingredient can treat ailments like acne and eczema.

Vitamins and minerals residing in beet juice help to improve your complexion and fade dark spots. Internal consumption and topical application both are beneficial for your skin. (Source)


  1. Mash cucumber and beetroot to collect the juice in a bowl.
  2. Mix 4 tbsp of cucumber juice, 4 tbsp of beet juice and ½ tbsp of carrot seed oil in a bowl.
  3. Wash your face and apply this face mask evenly all over the face.
  4. Leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal cold water.

#5 Lemon Juice and Carrot Seed Oil

Lemon is packed with bleaching, cleansing, and antibacterial abilities. Vitamins residing in this innate ingredient can improve the elasticity of your skin.

However, excess use of lemon juice can make your skin sensitive.


  1. Take ½ teaspoon of carrot seed oil and mix few drops of lemon juice to it.
  2. Also, add ½ tsp of brown sugar and 2 tbsp of distilled water.
  3. Optionally, mix 3 drops of vitamin E oil to this lotion.
  4. Apply it over pre-washed face and leave it to dry naturally.

#6 Carrot Seed Oil for Acne

Jojoba oil is prominent for its ability to treat acne and control excess sebum production. It tricks your skin to produce less sebum and this helps to get rid of oily skin.

It’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities help to treat chronic skin ailments like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. (Source)


  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of carrot seed oil with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.
  2. Apply this mixed solution on pre-washed
  3. Rinse it off with water after 20 minutes.

Before applying the mask, expose your face to steam to open blocked skin pores.

#7 Carrot Seed Oil and Rosehip Oil

Rosehip seed oil is packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, fatty acids, gamma linolenic acid, vitamin E, and D.

Topical application of this oil helps to protect your skin from wrinkles, eczema, acne and other skin disorders. (Source)


  1. Mix all these ingredients 1 tablespoon of rosehip seed oil, ½ tbsp of jojoba oil, ½ tbsp of pomegranate oil, 10 drops of vitamin E oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of carrot seed oil and 3 drops of helichrysum (Source)
  2. Mix thoroughly and apply it over pre-washed
  3. Use this lotion regularly before going to bed.

Tips on Using Carrot Seed Oil for Skin

  • As mentioned high concentration of these ingredients may irritate your skin. So, patch test before applying it on the face.
  • Moisturize your skin with rose water or olive oil after this face mask treatment.
  • Include vitamin rich diet to make your skin healthy internally.
  • Watery rich fruits and vegetables are good for your skin.
  • Excess use of chemical included creams isn’t good for your skin.
  • Do regular exercise and avoid stress.

12 Benefits of Glycerin for Skin, Acne and Wrinkles

glycerin for skin, acne and wrinkles

Glycerin looks humble, but nutrients packed in this colorless liquid can’t be replaced with any other product. In this article, you’ll know about benefits of glycerin for skin.

Prominent for its healing and moisturizing abilities, glycerin is one of the vital ingredients in beauty products.

Apart from its cosmetic benefits, glycerin can be used to treat minor health woes. This sweet tasting and viscous liquid is non-toxic. So you can give this odorless ingredient a try.

Jump to: Glycerin Face Mask Recipes

Is Glycerin Good for Skin?

Before that…

Why should you go for glycerin when there are a bunch of beauty products available in the aisle? Because these products are incorporated with chemical ingredients that may irritate your skin.

Home ingredients on other hand are packed with essential nutrients that your skin needs and aren’t associated with any serious side-effect.

  • This viscous liquid is packed with cleansing properties that can wipe dead cells and other pollutants piled over your skin.
  • Humectant ability exhibited by this odorless liquid is prominent. It locks moisture in the skin and helps to get rid of dry skin.
  • Topical application of glycerin can shrink your large pores and make your skin firm.
  • Assorted nutrients in this home available liquid can thwart skin ailments like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It can effectively reduce blemishes and lighten their appearance.
  • Vitamins and minerals housed in it form a protective layer over your skin and prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • It helps to tone and maintain pH level on the skin.
  • Skin rejuvenating ability of glycerin help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and exhibit exfoliating property.
  • Phenylethanol is an active compound in glycerin, which exhibits healing property and stimulates cell regeneration.
  • Mix glycerin with lemon juice or rosewater to fade dark spots and to obtain radiant skin.

DIY Recipes: Glycerin for Skin, Acne, Wrinkles and Skin Whitening

If you’re done with scrolling, allow me to share few beneficial recipes of this humble liquid that your skin love to have.

The easiest or simple recipe for lazy guys is to wash your face, pat dry and gently massage your skin with glycerin. That’s it.

If you’re serious about your skin, then journey doesn’t end here.

The reason why you need to blend other ingredients with glycerin is to make it more effective so that it suits your skin type.

#1 Glycerin for Acne

It is one of the common skin ailments affecting about 80 percent people between the age group of 11-30. Researchers hold excess sebum, dead cells, bacteria, and inflammation to be main causes of this skin disorder.

Glycerin exhibits the non-comedogenic property that doesn’t cold skin pores. To make it more effective, we’ll mix rosewater and lemon juice with it.

Rosewater is packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities that can effectively reduce acne inflammation.

Lemon is also packed with antibacterial and antimicrobial abilities that treat skin ailments.

How to Use:

  • Mix required an amount of rosewater with glycerin.
  • Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the lotion.
  • Expose your face towards steam or wash it with lukewarm water to open blocked skin pores.
  • Pat dry and apply the mask using a cotton
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#2 Glycerin for Wrinkles

Aging, low nutritious diet, and environmental factors result in wrinkles or fine lines. Instead of applying chemical filled creams, you can use glycerin and vitamin E oil.

Vitamin E is known to block free radicals that result in wrinkles. It also boosts collagen formation to improve your skin texture. Elastin, which is essential to reduce wrinkles, can be produced by this vitamin.

How to Use:

  • Puncture 2 vitamin E capsules to collect the oil in a bowl.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply this mask using your clean fingers on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally and then rinse it off.

#3 Glycerin for Skin Whitening

We all are exposed to harmful UV rays, pollutants, and impurities. Apart from this, our skin sheds millions of dead cells. These factors turn skin complexion to dark.

Glycerin and rosewater are packed with essential nutrients that can wipe these impurities to make it look radiant.

How to Use:

  • Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with the required amount of glycerin.
  • Also, add 2 tablespoons of rosewater to it.
  • Mix thoroughly and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Night is the best time to try this recipe.

#4 Glycerin for Oily Skin

Unlike harsh soaps, glycerin is gentle on your skin. Blend it with rose water to cleanse excess sebum piled over the face.

It’s non-comedogenic property makes it the perfect ingredient for oily and acne-prone skin.

How to Use:

  • Take equal quantities of rose water and glycerin in a bowl.
  • Stir well and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally overnight.
  • Rinse it off in the morning.

#5 Glycerin for Dry Skin

Dry skin is one among the main causes of skin ailment. Dry skin often leads to itching and inflamed skin.

Researchers state that glycerin is gifted with a tendency to attract moisture. Hydrating and healing ability of glycerin does not just moisturize your skin but it can heal inflamed blemishes.

How to Use:

  • Make your yummy homemade face mask by mixing required amount of raw honey with 2 tablespoons of glycerin.
  • Apply this face mask over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and repeat the process twice or thrice in a week.

#6 Glycerin, Egg White, and Honey

Egg white is prominent to remove blackheads, impurities, and excess sebum. Benefits of honey need no explanation. Humectant, healing and anti-inflammatory abilities of honey are renowned.

How to Use:

  • Whisk 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Wash your face and apply this mask evenly all over the face.
  • Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.

Optionally, you can apply rosewater after washing this face mask to avoid the foul smell.

#7 Milk and Glycerin for Skin

This recipe is beneficial to cleanse your skin. Your skin is surrounded by various impurities as mentioned above. If you ignore to cleanse it, you’ll have to face skin disorders like dark spots, itching and dark complexion.

How to Use:

  • Take 3 teaspoons of milk and mix it with 1 teaspoon of glycerin.
  • Wash your face and apply this face mask using a cotton
  • Leave to dry and rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this process regularly for best results.

#8 DIY Recipe of Glycerin for Blackheads

Though blackheads aren’t associated with extreme pain, they ruin your physical appearance. Instead of giving your money run for pricey creams, try glycerin regularly.

How to Use:

  • Take 1 TBSP of fuller’s earth, 4 TBSP of almond powder and required an amount of glycerin in a bowl.
  • Mix thoroughly to obtain a smooth paste and apply it over prewashed face.
  • Allow it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

#9 Glycerin for Minor Burns

Women spend most of their time in the kitchen and it’s normal that you end with minor burns. Instead of looking for an ointment, this time you can just apply glycerin and relax.

How to Use:

You’ll not have time to mix any ingredient. So, just glycerin is enough for it has healing properties.

#10 Glycerin for Diaper Rash

Yes, it’s humble as it looks. It goes well on your baby’s sensitive skin and it is non-toxic.

How to Use:

Directly apply glycerin over baby’s skin or mix it with 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Don’t make it complex by mixing other ingredients.

#11 Glycerin for Dry Lips

After face, lips make your appearance alluring. Topical application of glycerin removes dead skin from lips, treats mouth ulcers, avoids irritation, treats cracked lips and gives your lips natural pink color.

How to Use:

  • Mix 2 drops of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of glycerin.
  • Apply it over the lips.
  • Non-toxic nature of glycerin makes it safe for internal consumption.

#12 Treat Mouth Ulcers

Last, but not the least benefit of glycerin for the skin. Canker, ulcers appear in your mouth can be treated by using glycerin.

How to Use:

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with 1 tbsp of glycerin and apply it over ulcers. Don’t swallow it, hold it for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Important Tips

  • Beauty experts recommend blending glycerin with rose water or distilled water.
  • Yes, you can use it directly, but its diluting it will be a great comfort.
  • Don’t leave glycerin mask on your skin for longer time.
  • While going out, you must wash off glycerin from your face.
  • You can alternatively, mix glycerin to your favorite cream to reap its benefits.
  • Drink enough water to hydrate your skin.
  • Consume vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables so that your skin becomes healthy internally.
  • Stay away from chemical incorporated creams and makeup.

Did you ever use glycerin for skin or to treat acne?