Fortunately, we’re gifted with all natural ingredients that can reduce chronic skin ailments like psoriasis. This write-up will discuss about benefits of apple cider vinegar for psoriasis.
A large number of people around the world are suffering from different types of skin ailments like acne, hives, eczema, mycosis, warts, pimples and psoriasis.
There are so many reasons behind these skin conditions like environment, genetics, lifestyle including diet and physical work, local atmosphere etc. Some of these skin conditions can be treated easily while some can be hard to treat. A minor skin rash can convert into serious skin conditions.
It is very important to give complete attention to your skin when you are affected by even a little skin problem. This article will discuss a very common but slightly serious skin condition, psoriasis. Millions of people around the world are being affected with psoriasis every year.
This article also discuss apple cider vinegar to treat psoriasis, the causes of psoriasis, properties of apple cider vinegar, how it can be more than handy to treat psoriasis, and also highlight some very important recipes of apple cider vinegar which can be useful to treat psoriasis.
Last but not least, the article also focus on some important tips to avoid psoriasis. Let’s have a look at some important points on psoriasis first.
What Causes and Who Gets Psoriasis?
Before talking about the causes of psoriasis, we should be familiar with psoriasis first. What actually Psoriasis is. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition which generally produces itchy, scaling and thickened skin. It is generally considered as an incurable long-term inflammatory skin condition.
The person suffering from psoriasis can experience different types of skin conditions from improving to worsening.
Sound and enough proved causes of psoriasis are still not clear, but after decades of medical researchers and studies, scientists, medical experts and dermatologists reached to a conclusion that there are two general factors responsible for psoriasis.
The first one is genetics and the other is immune system. Genetics is one of the biggest reasons behind a lot of diseases and psoriasis is not separated from it.
People who have immediate family member(s) suffering from psoriasis are at higher risks of getting affected with it. Second and more common cause of psoriasis is immune system.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition.
Autoimmune condition can be very dangerous for your body as the white blood cells known for their protective actions, start to mistakenly attack different cells of the body. In the case of psoriasis, white blood cells start attacking the skin cells.
Continued attack by white blood cells to the skin cells causes inflammation, redness and itching on the upper layer of skin. Plaques associated with psoriasis also occur due to autoimmune conditions.
Psoriasis can affect any part of the body, but scalp psoriasis is more common and serious than other types of psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis can cause dryness of the scalp, itching, dandruff-like flaking, hair loss, burning or soreness of the scalp and red, bumpy patches on the scalp. Like psoriasis of other parts of the body, causes of scalp psoriasis are genetics and abnormal activities of immune system.
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Psoriasis?
ACV is an excellent disinfectant and can be very helpful in treating different skin conditions. It is very effective in psoriasis as well. Let’s try to understand why and how using Apple Cider Vinegar for Psoriasis is a great idea.
1. A great antiseptic
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent antiseptic and can combat different types of unhealthy skin conditions. In cases of psoriasis, it can reduce the inflammation, itching and irritation caused due to psoriasis. By reducing all these skin conditions, it can be very handy to aid in fighting psoriasis. Because psoriasis is not easy at all to treat and constant itching with nails or other pointed substances can certainly halt the progress of healing.
2. Supports Immune System
As we have already learnt, one of the most important causes of psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, repairing immune system can be the smart option. By improving the immune system, we can definitely reduce one of the principal causes of psoriasis and hence can get rid of psoriasis. Apple Cider Vinegar has been proved as an excellent supporter of the immune system. Its constant use can surprisingly improve the conditions of the immune system and hence can be very effective in psoriasis.
3. A very powerful disinfectant
Our skin is always prone to different types of infections. Any type of skin infection can aid psoriasis, and it can spread to other parts of the body as well. Reducing the chances of skin infection is very important in case of psoriasis. Applying apple cider vinegar on the affected part(s) can be very handy to combat the chances of skin infections and hence can be very effective to stop psoriasis from spreading further.
4. Proven Blood Purifier
Apple cider vinegar is known for purifying the blood. Impurity of blood can also aid different types of abnormal skin conditions, and psoriasis is not different. ACV can surprisingly purify the blood and hence can aid in fighting skin infections and other abnormal skin conditions.
5. Can Reduce the Itching
Intensity of scalp psoriasis can certainly be increased due to itching. Using apple cider vinegar for scalp psoriasis can help you to get rid of constant itching and hence can aid the process of healing. Applying ACV directly on the scalp can help to combat itching to a decent extent.
Also read: Is Oatmeal Good for Psoriasis?
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Psoriasis?
As we have already learnt, how effective Apple Cider Vinegar can be for psoriasis, using it differently and with other ingredients can increase its effectiveness to a decent extent. Using something and using it smartly are two different things.
Similarly only using apple cider vinegar and using it in a smart and more effective way are two different things. In this section, we will learn how to increase the effectiveness of Apple Cider Vinegar by using it with different other ingredients.
#1 Isolated Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and using it alone can cause burning sensation in the skin. It is good to add a little amount of ACV to enough water.
- Take one glass of distilled water (normal water can also be used)
- Add 2—3 tbsp. Of ACV into it.
- Mix it well by using a spoon.
- Consume every day before dinner.
Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and diluting it with water can balance its acidity. It is known for making the pH of the body more alkaline. It can improve the digestive functions, can kill all the toxins present in the blood. More importantly, it can purify the blood and hence can improve skin condition.
ACV can also reduce the itching around the surface affected with psoriasis. It contains vitamins A, B1, B6 and C, minerals like potassium and iron, as well as alpha- hydroxy acids. Due to all these vitamins and minerals, it can immensely exfoliate the top layers of skin.
#2 ACV with Baking Soda
- Take a small bowl and add 1 tbsp ACV, and 1 tbsp and baking soda.
- Add enough water to and mix it well to give a semi-solid consistency.
- Apply the mixture properly on the affected area(s) and leave for half an hour.
- Wash the affected area with lukewarm water and gently pat your skin dry.
- Repeat the process twice a day for a couple of weeks.
Baking soda is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also very effective in balancing the pH level of the body. Using ACV with baking soda can increase its effectiveness to a decent extent.
#3 Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar for Scalp Psoriasis
- Take two tbsp. Virgin olive oil and two tbsp. ACV.
- Mix both the ingredients properly.
- Message the affected area(s) gently with the mixture.
- Leave the mixture for a whole night.
- Repeat the process daily until you get the soft and clear skin.
- Gently wash with lukewarm water in the morning.
- Sleeping on a plastic sheet can save your bed covers from getting stained.
Olive oil has some excellent medicinal features. It is like a blessing for the skin. Olive oil can combat different types of skin related problems. Due to its emollient properties, it reduces the dryness of the skin and keeps the skin smooth and supple. Antioxidant properties of the olive can play a key role in preventing the further damage to healthy skin cells.
#4 ACV with Glycerin
- Take 1 tbsp. ACV and 1 tbsp. Glycerin.
- Mix both ingredients properly. Glycerin can take some time to dissolve in ACV.
- Apply the solution properly on the affected area.
- Leave it for half an hour and then wash thoroughly with lukewarm water.
- Repeat the process twice daily.
Glycerin is a great skin moisturizer. It will keep the skin moisturized and hence can reduce the dryness of the skin. Dryness can lead to the severity of psoriasis. It prevents the dryness and works magnificently with ACV to decrease the irritation caused due to psoriasis.
Related post: 12 Benefits of Glycerin for Skin and Acne
#5 ACV with Honey
- Take 1 tbsp. ACV and 1 tbsp. Honey.
- Add a pinch of powdered cinnamon.
- Mix all the ingredients properly.
- Consume the mixture, and the have a glass of fresh water.
- Follow the process daily in the morning.
- You can also apply this mixture on the affected area and leave for 30 minutes.
Infection can certainly increase the intensity of psoriasis. Honey is known for its excellent antioxidant properties. Using it with ACV can help to prevent the skin infection and hence reduce the severity of psoriasis.
A pinch of cinnamon can do wonders. Hydrocinnamaldehyde present in cinnamon can be very helpful to tackle inflammation of the skin.
#6 ACV with Lemon Juice, Honey and Cayenne Pepper
- Take 1 tbsp. ACV, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tbsp. honey and ¼ tbsp. cayenne pepper.
- Mix all the ingredients and consume with a glass of fresh water.
- Repeat the process twice a day for excellent results.
Lemon is very effective to prevent as well as reduce the inflammation of the skin. Lemon also reduces the effects of infection on the skin.
Antioxidants present in cayenne pepper and some wonderful skin benefits of lemon together can reduce the inflammation, itching and soreness of the affected part(s). Addition of honey makes this recipe very powerful and effective.
Also read: How to Use Honey for Psoriasis?
#7 ACV with Mother Tincture of Carcinosin
- Take a cup of distilled water and add 1 tbsp. ACV and 2-4 drops of Carcinosin Mother Tincture.
- Transfer the mixture to a clean and dry glass bottle.
- Shake the bottle forcefully for 20-30 seconds.
- Apply the mixture properly on the affected area(s).
- Follow the process daily for 15 to 20 days or until you get rid of the condition.
Conventional treatment has been failed to treat psoriasis. Even after decades of researchers and studies, there is still no proper treatment of psoriasis. Homoeopathic treatment or homoeopathic medicines are proved very successful to treat psoriasis.
Carcinosin is the most effective remedy for those who get psoriasis due to genetics. Taking Carcinosin orally on a daily basis can be very effective, but consulting a qualified homeopathic physician is advised. Application of carsinosin mother tincture with ACV can be a great option.
#8 ACV with Mother Tincture of Graphites
Follow the same process as we have discussed for carcinosin:
- Take a cup of distilled water and add 1 tbsp. ACV and 2-4 drops of Mother Tincture of Graphites.
- Transfer the mixture to a clean and dry glass bottle.
- Shake the bottle forcefully for 20-30 seconds.
- Apply the mixture properly on the affected area(s).
- Follow the process daily for 15 to 20 days or until you get rid of the condition.
Graphites is one of the most effective medicines when it comes to managing psoriasis. It is unbelievably effective to reduce the dryness of the skin as well as can help you to get rid of hardness, roughness and thickness of the skin.
Generally, this medicine is prescribed to obese patients and those who generally suffer from constipation. Applying graphites mother tincture with ACV can be very handy to get rid of psoriasis.
#9 ACV Compressor
- Take a soft cotton cloth and soak it into lukewarm water.
- Add 1 cup ACV into 1 cup lukewarm water.
- Dampen the wet cotton cloth with this solution.
- Apply the compressor directly on the surface and keep compressing for half an hour.
- Repeat the process twice a daily.
- You can also add a pinch of cinnamon into the solution.
This is a very effective way to use apple cider vinegar for psoriasis. The warmth of the water will increase its effectiveness and will provide very pleasing and soothing feeling in the affected area(s).
Tips to Reduce Psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the worst skin diseases and treating it can be very challenging. Conventional treatment is still not successful to properly treat psoriasis. We are going to discuss some very important tips to reduce the severity of psoriasis. Let’s have a look.
Homeopathy treatment
Unlike conventional treatment, homeopathy has been very successful to treat a lot of skin diseases including psoriasis. There are plenty of cases where patients completely recovered from psoriasis after a prolonged and complete homeopathy treatment.
If you are suffering from psoriasis, don’t think twice before visiting an experienced and qualified homeopathic physician. Undoubtedly homeopathy is the brightest hope for patients with psoriasis.
Keep your skin moisturised
This is not a way to treat or cure psoriasis. But keeping your skin moisturized can certainly reduce the severity of psoriasis. Dryness of the skin is one of the biggest friends of skin diseases, and psoriasis is not different.
Always try to keep your skin moisturized. Using moisturizers like glycerin and olive oil for the application can be very handy to reduce the problems caused due to psoriasis.
Cold Showers and Cold Packs
Taking a cold shower once or twice a day can also give you a lot of relief. Using ice packs or cold water packs for applying to psoriasis affected area(s) can reduce the burning, itching, redness and inflammation.
Remove Scales and Flaking
Skin affected with psoriasis leave the scales and flaking itself. Do not ignore these scales and always try to remove these scales and flake from the affected parts. Doing this can help you to get rid of itching and burning sensation.
Consume Enough Liquid Everyday
As we have discussed earlier, dryness of the skin can increase the severity of psoriasis, keeping your body hydrated by consuming enough water and other essential liquids can help to reduce the severity of psoriasis.
Manage Your Stress
Stress can also increase the severity of psoriasis. Despite different treatments and medications, you can’t get rid of psoriasis until your mind is stress-free. Try to do different types of stuff like music listening, book reading, cycling, walking, exercising etc.
Do whatever you want to do to keep yourself happy and positive. Managing mental stress has been proved very handy to combat psoriasis.
If you ever used apple cider vinegar for psoriasis or on scalp? Share your views in comments.