How to Use Fenugreek for Face, Acne & Skin Whitening – Face Mask Recipes

fenugreek-for-skin whitening

Fenugreek (methi) seeds are extensively used in treating health ailments and to fix hair fall. Recent researchers state exceptional benefits of fenugreek for skin whitening, acne and to tighten skin.

Apart from reducing cholesterol, preventing diabetes and increasing breast milk, fenugreek seeds and leaves are extensively used in Indian households. Especially North Indians use methi in making of dals, parathas, curries and other dishes.

Exceptional medical properties packed in fenugreek makes it an effective remedy for all skin disorders. High amounts of proteins and vitamins in this herb fights infection causing bacteria and rebuild your dry skin. Below listed are uses of methi for skin.

Stay with me to know uses of methi seeds, before jumping to fenugreek (methi) face mask recipe list.

Is Fenugreek Good for Skin?

Fenugreek seeds are packed with exceptional nutrients that are essential for your sensitive skin.

  • Cleansing ability of fenugreek seeds can remove dead cells, pollutants and lighten your skin.
  • Moisturizing and healing properties of fenugreek seeds can tone your skin and make it supple.
  • Skin whitening abilities exhibited by vitamin C residing in methi seeds can make your skin bright.
  • Strengthen Your Skin& Hair: Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1 is responsible for generating energy from food. With this vitamin you can maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
  • Treats Chronic Skin Ailments: Vitamin A housed in fenugreek and incorporated in cosmetic products can treat major skin disorders like acne, eczema, psoriasis and blackheads.
  • Exfoliates your skin: Apart from using chemical peels you can use fenugreek seeds to exfoliate your skin.
  • Fasten the Healing Process: Its healing agents treat wounds, sun burns and other minor injuries.
  • Reduce Wrinkles: Antioxidant properties of vitamin C in methi can help you from UV rays and prevent aging wrinkles.
  • Reduce Stretch Marks and Acne Scars: Fenugreek is rich source of vitamin K, various skin care creams and doctors use vitamin K as it helps in blood clotting. Assorted properties in vitamin K helps to treat stretch marks, spider veins, fade scars and reduce dark circles.
  • Other minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and iron residing in fenugreek seeds and leaves helps to treat minor to moderate skin problems.

The brief nutritional benefits of fenugreek conclude that it can topically and internally make the skin free from bacteria and harmful virus.

8 Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds for Face, Acne and Skin Tightening

Benefits that natural ingredients bring to you can’t be listed in numbers, as they’re numerous. Here are notable uses of methi for skin. (I placed number just to attract your eye balls ;))

Below listed are fenugreek (methi) face mask recipes.

#1. Fenugreek for Skin Whitening

Let me clear you that using these home remedies you can improve skin complexion to some extent. Like if your skin is piled with dead cells, dark spots, impurities and scars.

It can’t magically turn a brown or black skin to fair, like they show in cosmetic ads.

However, don’t be upset. Exfoliating, hydrating and healing properties exhibited by this home available ingredient may bring a natural glow on your face.

How to Use:

  • Prepare fenugreek seed powder by grind it.
  • You can store the powder in air tight container for future use.
  • Mix milk with this powder in required quantity and apply it over the face evenly.
  • Allow it to dry naturally and then rinse it off with water.

#2. Fenugreek for Skin Tightening

Accumulated impurities give your skin hard time to breathe and function. Exfoliating makes it easy for your skin to breathe and thwarts infection causing bacteria.

Probiotics, anti-inflammatory and lactic acid ability housed in yogurt help to reduce ailments and make your skin supple.

How to Use:

  • Mix powdered fenugreek seeds with yogurt in equal ratio.
  • Wash your face and massage fenugreek face mask on your skin.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse it off.

This face mask will exfoliate and wipe dead cell from your skin.

#3. Reduce Inflammation

Minor burns, eczema, pimples and other skin disorders are associated with inflammation. Apply fenugreek face mask topically will get rid of inflammation.

How to Use:

  • Grind methi seeds into powder and pour warm water to it.
  • Now apply the mixture over affected part like poultice. You can use clean cloth.
  • In other words, you just need to wrap mixed past in a cloth and apply it over affected part for few minutes.

Related post: Bentonite clay face mask

#4. Fenugreek for Acne

Properties in this herb draw toxins from the skin, so it can easily treat blackheads and enhance elasticity of the skin. Acne is mainly cause due to inflammation, which can be reduced using above mentioned face mask.

Also, fenugreek seeds are packed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial abilities that can help you to fight acne.

Honey is packed with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing abilities. Humectant property residing in honey helps to get rid of dry skin.

  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight.
  • Grind methi seeds with 1 tablespoon of manuka honey till you obtain smooth paste.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply this paste evenly in circular motion.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#5. Prevent Dark Spots and Lightens the Skin

Dirt and dead cells along with bacteria accumulate over the skin to form dark spots. Fenugreek face mask wipes out all impurities and tones your skin making it glow naturally.

How to Use:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds as mentioned above and grind it with plain milk.
  • Apply the obtained paste over prewashed face and under eyes.
  • Let it dry naturally and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Also read: Green tea for blackheads

#6. Protects your Skin from Sun

Prolonged exposure to sun rays makes your skin dark and results in peeling. Vitamin C housed in fenugreek seeds protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

Consuming it shows excellent results in protecting skin from sun rays. Else you can also use the above mentioned fenugreek and honey face mask.

  • Boil ½ cup of fenugreek seeds in 2 cups of water.
  • When the water turns yellowish, stop heating and allow it cool.
  • Refrigerate it and apply it on the face using a cotton ball.

#7. Fenugreek for Wrinkles

As you age, your skin loses its natural elasticity. Apart from aging other external factors results in premature aging wrinkles.

Topical application of such vitamin rich ingredients will enhance collagen production and improve elasticity of your skin.

As it combats with free radicals, fenugreek stands as an excellent innate remedy for aging signs.

  • Mix boiled milk to fenugreek paste, optionally add raw honey and mix thoroughly.
  • Topically apply this face mask over the face and then rinse it off.

Method- 2 (Anti-aging)

  • Take 1 tablespoon of methi seeds and soak it overnight.
  • In the morning, grind these seeds with 1 tbsp of plain yogurt.
  • Add little water if needed.
  • Blend till you obtain smooth paste.
  • Use this paste as a face mask to reduce wrinkles or fine lines.

#8 Methi Face Pack for Oily Skin

  • Take 2 tablespoons of methi seeds and soak it in a cup of water overnight.
  • Drain the water and mash the seeds to obtain smooth paste like consistency.
  • Add aloe gel or vitamin E oil to the methi paste and apply it on prewashed face.
  • Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water.

You can use this simple face mask to brighten your skin.

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds to Nourish the Skin

As you can see fenugreek is naturally stuffed with exceptional nutrients that can nourish the skin and improve your skin tone.

  • Take fenugreek seeds and water in equal quantities.
  • Keep it over stove on simmer.
  • After 10 minutes, collect the strained water in a bowl and let it cool.
  • Now, daily wash your face using this water.

Nutrients in fenugreek transferred to water, which will cleanse and tones your skin.

Fenugreek Face Mask

Renowned properties housed in methi helps to reduce scars and treat acne lesions. Boil washed methi seeds in water for few minutes. Let it cool down and strain the seeds to apply the water over your face using cotton ball.

Alternatively, you can grind methi seeds with little water to form a thick paste like consistency and apply it over prewashed face.

Consumption of Fenugreek Seeds

Ingesting limited amount of methi seeds can treat various health related issues like cancer, reduce joint pains, lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar level, promote proper digestion and helps to lose weight.

However, excess consumption may trigger inflammation and irritation. Pregnant women must consult their physician before ingesting these seeds.

Tips on Using Fenugreek Seeds for Face

  • To reap its nutrients for beautiful skin, experts recommend topical application.
  • To make it more effective you can blend other natural ingredients with methi seeds powder.
  • Ingredients that irritate your skin must be avoided.
  • Drink enough water and include vitamin rich diet for best results.
  • Chemical incorporated creams are harmful for your sensitive skin, so stop using them.
  • Choose any of the above mentioned recipes and start with small quantity to make sure your skin isn’t allergic to its ingredients.

Skin Whitening Tips With Fenugreek Seeds

  • Choose any one of the face mask recipes listed above.
  • Avoid chemical incorporated creams as they may irritate your sensitive skin.
  • Best time to apply this ingredient is before going to bed.
  • Apart from this, ingest skin lightening and collagen foods.

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How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

how to get rid of forehead wrinkles

Frown lines or forehead lines are no more just seen in aging people. You can see this even in teenagers. And cause for these forehead wrinkles include smoking, heredity, skin type and due to sun exposure. Sometimes even your diet may affect this. Whatever the reason is frown lines makes you look upset even when you’re not. It may seem to your friends/colleagues that you’re in serious problem even if you’re not in any problem.

Note: Frown lines are vertical lines formed when the eyebrows are brought together.

get rid of forehead wrinkles

There are many problems that can arise due to early forehead lines. You may get rejected when you propose anyone. You can be treated as elderly person in your group. There are infinite things which can listed.

Also read: Why is My Skin So Itchy?

But sadly there is no effective treatment through which you can scrape forehead lines. (You can go for surgery but that gonna cost you much from your pocket, as medical insurance can’t cover this because this considered cosmetic rather than medical). Well don’t worry you can reduce frown lines to some extent.

If you want to get a smooth glabella (space between the eyebrows) or get rid of forehead lines this article will inform you all those options you can go with.

Ways to get rid of Forehead lines

Treating Frown lines with Botox

Botox is nonsurgical cosmetic procedure performed in United States. In the year 2007 about 2.8 million Botox procedures were carried out. (source)

Botox involves injection. When injected to targeted muscles Botox reduces the frown lines in three to seven days to see results. And it’s not permanent, it lasts for 3 – 4 months. Anyway there are some minimal side-effects like drooping eyelids, headaches. There are few cases where Botox’s side effects include hard breathing, difficulty in swallowing and weak muscles.

If in case injection and side effects freaking you, then you out. Try with other way listed below to remove fine lines.

Consider reading this too: Home Remedies for Skin Allergies

Try Wrinkle fillers (Injection)

Unlike Botox Wrinkles fillers last for about 6 months and have almost minimal side effects. You must visit dermatologist’s office for this and remember this doesn’t last long. These fillers include collagen, hyaluronic acid gel, calcium hydroxylapatite and Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA).

If you’re not likely to visit a dermatologist every time then you can go with other options.


This is permanent solution. Yes, it involves your pocket more than you expect. But it’s forever. Surgery involves positioning eyebrows or removing muscles or reduce frown lines.  It involves side effects like facial numbness, swelling and bruising.

Scraping those fine lines doesn’t involve easy way. Anyway there are few natural home remedies with which you can reduce these lines to some extent.

Tips to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles Easily at Home

  1. Are you confident that you’re leading a vigorous lifestyle? Are you caring yourself? Are you taking healthy diet? Are you sleeping on time? If your answers are not positive then you must checkout your diet and sleeping habits. Take vitamin rich food, drink at-least 2 liters of water everyday, sleep on time, workout regularly.
  2. Massage the targeted area (forehead, glabella) with olive oil regularly. Olive oil with coconut oil is an excellent way to hydrate skin.
  3. Massage with citrus fruits like orange, lemon and other citrus fruits. These are rich in vitamin E and C which can make skin healthy. Also you can try Aloe Vera and Egg white gel massage.
  4. Try face masks. In case you don’t know how to do read on here.
  5. Flaxseed oil is an effective way to get rid of frown lines.

Do you know any other way to get rid of forehead wrinkles/lines? Share here in comments.

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You Can’t Believe Benefits of Spinach for Skin

If you’re a cartoon watcher then you might have seen Popeye the Sailor Man (the cartoon character) taking spinach to build his physical power. To some extent it’s true; you can build a healthy body though not tough with spinach. Spinach is native to central and southwestern Asia. Anyway according to metrics in 2011 United States got second position in spinach production.

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Dark green leafy spinach is powerhouse for nutrients, minerals and antioxidant. Having this you can cure many harmful diseases both with spinach.

Also Read: 15 Best Collagen Building Foods for Your Skin

Before knowing about the vitamins and minerals let’s see types of spinach.

Types of Spinach:

Spinach comes in three types Savoy, Semi-savoy, and Flat-leafed. Spinach grows best in cooler temperature. It grows about a height of 30cm.

Savoy Spinach:

It has crinkled leaves with low growth making washing leaves a chore. Cooler temperature is good for this type of spinach.

Semi-Savoy Spinach:

Unlike Savoy spinach semi-savoy spinach aren’t crinkly, so you can easily wash.

Flat or Smooth-leaf Spinach:

It comes with broad and smooth leaves, making it easy to wash.

Spinach Nutritional Value

This dark green leaf has beta-carotene, an antioxidant which helps skin to repair its cells. Also helps in slowing down cancer cells. Spinach has bunch of nutritional values which are listed below.

Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Manganese ,Folate ,Magnesium0, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Trytophan, Vitamin E, Dietary Fiber, Copper, Vitamin B1, Protein, Phosphorous, Zinc, Omega-3 Fatty Avids, Vitamin B3, Selenium.

Benefits of Spinach for Skin

We all crave for healthy and glowing skin. Like other body parts skin contains cells, to keep having a glowing skin you must provide required amount of nutrients. In previous post we discussed on foods which are best for skin. Here spinach has more nutritional values which help you get rid of many skin diseases.

#1 Spinach for Acne

Spinach helps rejuvenating and refreshing skin when used has face mask. Mix blended spinach with little water and apply it on your face for about 20 minutes. Taking spinach in liquid form is more preferred. Procedure to make spinach and vegetable juice is mix half tomato, ¼ cucumbers, one carrot, one celery, half red pepper, half cup cabbage, one green onion and a handful of spinach. Blend these vitamin rich ingredients and drink daily.

#2 Spinach for Wrinkles

Our body is made of 80% of water. Cells need enough amount of water to function properly. Taking enough amount of water will help you develop strong immune system to fight diseases. Spinach is has rich amount of water content in it. Take it in cooked or juice form and you’re providing enough amount of water for your body.

Dry skin is on among the reason for wrinkles. Spinach contains Iron and Vitamin C which are important for collagen production. Collagen is protein responsible for skin and muscle elasticity.

#3 Repairs Skin

Spinach is rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A helps to keep smooth skin tone while vitamin C helps to build skin cells. Collagen present in skin responsible for skin elasticity and skin tone needs vitamin C and iron present in Spinach.

#4 Can reduce cancer cell growth

Spinach contains antioxidants which help to reduce cancer cell growth.

#5 Improves complexions

Vitamin K and folates in spinach reduce diseases like acne, dry skin and stretch marks making skin clear. Your skin glows when you provide rich amount of vitamins. No it won’t make you white if you’re black.

#6 Protects from UV rays

Vitamin B in spinach helps you from harmful UV rays which cause skin cancer, premature aging and other skin diseases.

Experts suggest that cooked spinach is more nutritious than raw spinach because we can’t digest all the nutrition from raw spinach. Exceptionally liquid spinach with other vegetables is preferred.

Spinach Face Mask

If you want to stay away from chemical filled masks and peels, try this innate homemade spinach face mask mixed with honey and other natural ingredients.

Things you’ll need

  • Fresh spinach leaves – 5 or 6
  • Raw honey – 1 tbsp (you can try manuka honey)
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
  • Almond oil – (optional)
  • Water


  • Chop fresh spinach leaves, mix raw honey, lemon juice to it. If you’ve sensitive skin, stay away from using excess lemon or add few tbsp of water.
  • The obtained mixture will be sticky.
  • Wash or cleanse your face first, then apply this homemade spinach and honey face mask.
  • Let it settle for 20 minutes and rinse it off with water.

Repeat the process to get smooth well toned skin.

You just covered discussion of spinach for skin. Spinach has mush more to give. Interested to know, below are references.

10 Homemade Salt and Sugar Body Scrubs to Exfoliate your Skin

Body scrubs gives you a refreshing and glowing skin. It exfoliates all the dead cells over your body allowing your skin pores to breathe easily. If you rush to a beauty spa you can get an excellent body scrub for a mere $100 – $300. Or you can spend some time and get an excellent homemade body scrub from your kitchen.

All you need is salt or sugar, warm water and oil. You can use this body scrub for your face.

Note: Hot water strips natural oil from your skin.

Things needed

  1. A bowl and spoon.
  2. Salt or sugar.
  3. Oil (Olive oil, Almond oil or vegetable oil).
  4. Warm water.
  5. Loofah mitts. (gloves or you can use your hands)
  6. 10 minutes.

Choosing salt/sugar and an oil

  1. If you’ve super sensitive skin then, prefer dark brown sugar. Else you can take salt or sugar. Selected salt or sugar granules must be small that they don’t tear your skin.
  2. Choosing oil. Eva Longoria (actress) shared that she exfoliates weekly with her homemade face mask, made of coffee, lemon juice, and olive oil. To follow her take olive oil. Or you can select any other oil available in kitchen.

Procedure to make homemade body scrub

  1. Mix 1 part of oil with 2 parts of salt/sugar. Don’t freak out if salt settles down at the bottom (you can’t mix it completely).
  2. You can add few drops of essential oil to make the solution divine. Cate Blanchett (actress) stirs mint and lemon mixture in to the sea salt mixture.
  3. Scrubs works best to exfoliate dry skin, get a loofah mitt (you can get one from a local store). They work well to remove the outer layer of dead cells. In case if you don’t have mitt or you can’t get it don’t worry you can use your hands.
  4. Now scrubbing begins. Take tea spoonful of mixture in your palm and start scrubbing from your feet towards knees. Then come towards hands from fingers. While scrubbing chest, stomach and other sensitive parts give a smooth scrub.
    Remember the scrubbing process should be towards heart.
  5. Once you’ve done with scrubbing total body, rinse thoroughly.
  6. Pat the skin dry and take your bath.
  7. Note: If you’ve bath tub then see that you’ve cleaned it as oil build up on the bathtub bottom.

Consider reading this too: Home Remedies for Skin Burns

Other alternative methods of making body scrubs at home

In addition to sea salt/sugar you can add other optional things to the mixture. Procedure to apply is same for all scrubs. So, let’s just look at ingredients.

  1. Citrus Scrub – add 10 drops of grapes or orange to the above mixture.
  2. Irish cream sugar scrub – 1 cup sugar, 1 tbsp of dry milk, peppermint oil few drops, few drops of green food coloring.
  3. Irish coffee scrub – Coffee helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Half cup of coffee, half cup of sugar, few drops of mint oil.
  4. Delicious scrub – 1 cup of organic cane sugar, 1/36 cup of sea salt, 1/2 cup of coconut oil, almond oil few tbsp, lavender oil few drops.
  5. Sugar Olive oil scrub – honey, sugar and olive oil.
  6. Pumpkin spice latte scrub – coconut oil, 1 tbsp ginger, oil 1/2 cup, granulated sugar 3/4, kosher salt 1/4, essential oil few drops.
  7. Candy cane brown sugar scrub – 4 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of olive oil and almond oil, peppermint oil few drops and vanilla extract.
  8. Brown sugar scrub – brown sugar half cup, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp olive oil and fresh lemon juice.
  9. Sweet and spicy scrub – ginger (2 tbsp), cinnamon (2 tbsp), 1 cup of granulated sugar and nutmeg (2 tbsp).
  10. Almond orange scrub – orange peel, almond oil and olive oil.
  11. Chocolate scrub – canola oil, cocoa (1/4 cup), brown sugar (1/2 cup), sugar (1/2 cup)
  12. Wake me up scrub – ground coffee 2 cups, half cup sugar, olive oil 3 tbsp, 1 tbsp vanilla extract.

Whats your favorite body scrub? Share in comments.

Other related post on skin care
  1. Dry skin brushing
  2. Best foods to nourish dry skin
  3. 8 home remedies to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks
  4. Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles


7 Plants and Herbs That Repel Flies Naturally

Flies come just second to mosquitoes on the disturbance scale in our family, and are number one in what we most need to destroy since they can spread germs (and also are upsetting). It doesn’t take long to progress toward becoming overpowered with flies in some of your favorited open air spots no matter what time of day.

While there are various compound alternatives for killing mosquitoes and different bugs, these can be perilous to your wellbeing and the strength of your family and creatures. To keep things all regular, attempt these plants and herbs.

#1 Basil

Basil is one of the warm season herbs that are works of art in mid year cooking. The plant requires a lot of sun and warmth however basil can be developed inside by a southern window for accommodation. There are numerous assortments of basil, adding a bend on the plant’s flavour in embodiments of citrus, liquorice, cinnamon and zest.

How to use and it’s effect

The extreme aroma and oil in basil and numerous different herbs are frequently used to dissuade regular family unit bugs. The sharp herb appears to repulse flies and basil bug control has been utilized since old occasions. Basil is prejudiced of cold temperatures and requirements an entire day of daylight.

The plants are helpful as pruned herbs in a radiant, brilliant kitchen or outside in the warm summer a very long time around the vegetable or herb garden. Potted basil plants require well-depleted soil and ought not be permitted to remain in a dish of water.

Wet soil draws in little gnats and basil plant flies which are irritating and hard to evacuate. Outside basil plants are defenceless to whiteflies in disdain of their capacity to repel domestic house flies. Rehashed uses of a plant cleanser may help dispose of basil plant flies. Basil bug control appears to have constrained adequacy when the irritations are entirely the plant!

Must Read: How to Grow Potatoes in Tires – Simple Steps

#2 Mint

The mint family contains peppermint, spearmint, sweet mints, citrus mints, and even chocolate mints! However, what they all share practically speaking is the fixing mentha, which is the thing that makes it so intense against numerous bugs, flies notwithstanding. All mints are sweet-smelling either crisp or dried, yet the extraction of their oil truly achieves their actual properties, and potency.

How to use and it’s effect

Assortments of mint are great at repulsing various kinds of creepy crawlies. Peppermint repulses mosquitoes, ants, flies, bugs and moths. Pennyroyal repulses ticks and insects, making it a choice as an anti-agents for outside pets.

Rub leaves of peppermint or spearmint on the skin to repulse creepy crawlies while outside, or make an anti-agents shower by adding five to 10 drops of a mint fundamental oil to an ounce or two of a transporter, for example, apple juice vinegar or witch hazel; apply to skin before going outside.

#3 Bay leaf

Bay leaf, otherwise called inlet tree, repulses flies. The fragrance of its dried straight leaves likewise hinders ants, bugs, and insects. Cove leaves are usually touted as compelling in repulsing huge creepy crawlies like cockroaches, just as bugs and flying bugs like wasps and flies.

How to use and it’s effect

Cove leaves are a typical herb that can be acquired in dried, entire leaf structure all things considered supermarkets. To utilize cove leaves to repulse bugs, place entire leaves in the zones where you frequently spot bothers. Spot narrows leaves on ledges, under cupboards and machines, around junk jars and along baseboards.

Following a couple of days, the sharp scent of the cove leaves may wear off and lose its adequacy, so you should supplant the leaves about once every week to keep up viable creepy crawly control.

#4 Wormwood

Wormwood (Artemesia absinthium) is among the severe herbs utilized for a considerable length of time to repulse and hinder creepy crawlies including ticks, flies and moths. Wormwood develops to a develop stature of around 3 feet and has dark green foliage. The plant is secured with fine hair and sprouts with yellow blossoms during summer.

Wormwood is broadly utilized in customary prescription both without anyone else or in blend with different herbs to assuage stomach related and gallbladder issue. Wormwood, likewise alluded to as artemesia, develops normally in the calm and mellow atmospheres. The foliage of wormwood is utilized for making a home grown tea.

How to use and it’s effect

At the point when picked new and scoured on your arms or apparel, it will repel flies. It additionally can be dried and packaged to be put in entryways, storage rooms, and so forth.

It likewise turned into a prominent seasoning for specific refreshments, and has since been prohibited in numerous nations because of its powerful properties and negative reactions when ingested in enormous amounts. In spite of its numerous utilizations, just outer applications are without alert.

#5 Rosemary

Repulses mosquitoes and an assortment of creepy crawlies destructive to vegetable plants. Rosemary is accessible in different structures. Plants can be developed in compartments on a porch and moulded into fancy pyramids, developed in herb cultivates or planted in arranged beds, where a few assortments can become very enormous.

How to use and it’s effect

The plant itself and its cuttings are successful anti-agents. You can make a straightforward anti-agents shower by bubbling 1 quart of dried rosemary in a quart of water for 20 to 30 minutes and after that stressing the fluid into a compartment at any rate a half-gallon in size that contains a quart of cool water. Put a top on the joined fluid and store it in the icebox.

Add the anti-agents to little squirt bottles as required when going outside. Dispose of the staying repellent in the fridge when it never again has a solid obvious smell of rosemary

#6 Lavender

lavender flourishes in well-depleted, hot, and bright atmospheres. Both the foliage and blossoms are fragrant and fight off numerous sorts of creepy crawlies, flies notwithstanding.

During blossom sprout, reaping of the blooms for drying results in packaged, rich smelling sachets to put in wardrobes, drawers and organizers to keep frightening little animals away. In addition it makes your garments smell incredible!

How to use and it’s effect

Rub lavender blossoms that you have at home or buy on your skin before after you shower. This may shield bugs from assaulting you. Rub the blooms to hot pieces of your body that can help course fragrance, for example, your neck, underarms, and behind your ears.

Placing saucers of lavender oil in key regions can repulse bugs from indoor and open air spaces. Consider utilizing this technique on the off chance that you need to abstain from applying anything to your skin. Use 30-40 drops of lavender basic oil per 1.5 ounces of refined water that you need to in trays. Fill the plate with the blend and put in spaces that pull in a ton of creepy crawlies

#7 Tansy

Not just with the smell of tansy repulse most flies, it will give you groups of truly yellow blooms to light up your home. In contrast to a large portion of these fragrant plants, the blooms produce the aroma as opposed to the leaves. So you do need to think about your plant all around ok that it will sprout inside for you.

How to use and it’s effect

Tansy is likewise extraordinary that it’s anything but a culinary herb at all. In fact, it can be bothering to the skin and ought not be kept in the event that you have children or pets that may approach it.

Concerning care, tansy simply needs a few hours of aberrant light and ordinary watering. It’s very tolerant of poor treatment. Another note about tansy is that it will self-seed very easily and is known as an obtrusive plant in certain regions. In the event that you do begin to develop it, ensure you keep your houseplants out of the nursery.

How To Lighten Dark Lips Permanently Using Honey?

Dark spots on lips are not something serious for your health, but these spots are indications of some abnormalities or lack of one or more essential elements in the body.

honey for dark lips

One of the biggest reasons you would want to get rid of the darkness of lips is self-consciousness. Although prolonged and severe darkness should not be taken lightly and you should consult your doctor, the darkness of lips during initial stages is very easy to remove.

There are so many home remedies proved very effective for dark lips, but honey has been one of the best remedies to get rid of dark lips.

Let’s discuss the causes of dark lips, benefits of honey, and how to use it effectively to combat darkness of the lips.

(Read: DIY Sugar and Honey Lip Scrub )

Causes of Dark Spots on the Lips:

Numerous factors can be responsible for dark lips, but we have highlighted some of the major factors to assist you to manage at home.

Deficiency of Vitamin:

Several vitamins mainly Vitamin B12 are responsible for maintaining the tonicity of your skin. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause several health-related issues including uneven skin tone and dark spots on the lips.


There are so many responsible factors behind hyperpigmentation or melasma. Hormonal imbalance, especially in pregnant women, is the major cause of hyperpigmentation and it causes dark patches on different parts of the body including lips.


You can get skin allergies from so many different things around you. Depending on your body’s reaction to various allergy-causing agents like pollens, dust, face makeups, lipsticks, lip balms, hair dyes, and various herbal teas etc. you can get skin allergy, and in the result, your skin can get dark.


Several medications and drugs including antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsants, antipsychotic, antimalarial, and cytotoxic drugs are also responsible for marked changes in skin color and dark spots on the lips.

Why Honey is an Excellent Option for Dark Lips:

Excellent Skin Moisturizer:

Dryness of the lips can also be a factor behind lips’ darkness. As you know, honey is used in numerous beauty and skin products thanks to its moisturizing properties. It will keep your lips moisturized for very long and help you to combat the dark spots.

Improves Skin Tonicity:

Using honey for skin can also be very effective to improve the lost tonicity of the skin. Improvement in skin tonicity will also assist you to get back the natural color of your lips.

Assists Natural Glow:

Direct application of honey will surely help you to get incredibly clear and glowing skin, and lack of tonicity and darkness of lips are also going to ease off.

Very Useful in Sunburns:      

Sunburn is another factor behind dark lips. Honey is one of the best home remedies to cure sunburn. It decreases the inflammation due to sunburn and promotes the overall healing process. Dark lips due to sunburn will also get the natural glowing color.

How to Use Honey for Dark Lips:

If you want to get maximum results of honey in case of dark lips, you should use in best possible ways. Here are some tried and tested methods of using honey for dark lips.

Honey with Lemon:

Amazing astringent properties of lemon will back the advantages of honey. The moisturizing properties of honey and astringent nature of lemon are going to work wonders for your lips. Here are the tips to use.

  1. Mix equal amount of honey and lemon in a little bowl.
  2. Take half tbsp. of the mixture and apply properly on lips using your fingers.
  3. Keep the mixture on for 30 to 45 minutes and then wipe off using water.

Honey and Rose Water:

Rose water is in use for various skin conditions for a very long time. Using it with honey will not only improve the discoloration of your lips, but it will also keep your lips moisturized and tinted. Have a look at the method of using honey with rose water. Adding a helpful of rose petals will make your job very easy.

  1. Mash the rose petals gently to make a thick paste
  2. Add one tbsp. rose water and one tbsp. honey to it.
  3. Mix all the three ingredients properly.
  4. Apply the paste on the lips properly and keep wearing for half an hour.

Honey with Strawberries:

Strawberries are the rich source of Vitamins, and it is also very good to improve collagen production. Using them with honey will give your lips natural pinkish color free from all the dark spots. Here is the best way to use strawberries with honey.

  1. Mash one piece of strawberry and add one tbsp. honey
  2. Mix both ingredients properly and apply on the lips.
  3. Don’t get greedy and keep it on for 30 minutes.
  4. You will see the excellent results of using strawberry with honey.

8 Best Essential Oils for Depression and Anxiety

essential for depression

Depression is very common in people especially when they face failure in something they really want to achieve. Do you know more than 20% of population in USA often leads to depression and more than 60% of women experience anxiety disorder every year?

This information is just by diagnosed cases, but we can’t know the true level of people living with anxiety and depression. There are lot of things that can lead to anxiety and depression, unfortunately some of the factors are out of control.

However, there are some symptoms that may signal the signs of depression and anxiety is as follows:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Low sex drive
  • Sadness
  • Moodiness
  • Low self esteem
  • Never accepting invitations to go out
  • Feeling tough days never end
  • Irritability and short temper
  • Body aches and pains
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Lack of confidence
  • Overwhelming feelings of being weighed down

A visit to a doctor after recognizing the symptoms is obviously a good start and depending on the severity you will recommend to take medications and alternative treatments.

Luckily apart from doctors’ visit we do have many natural remedies for depression and anxiety including certain essential oils. Aromatherapy using essential oils is scientifically proven method to improve mood and alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Here are 8 best essential oils to get rid of depression and anxiety shown in this article.

8 Best Essential Oils For Depression And Anxiety:

Essential oils not only work to deal with depression and anxiety but, it can actually affect a number of biological factors which including heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and immune system.

Generally, the aromatic molecules present in essential oils will passes through your brain barrier and have direct impact on areas of the brain which controls feeling of depression and anxiety.

Apart from aromatherapy, you can apply essential oils directly on your skin by mixing them with carrier oil. It cannot be used without mixing with carrier oil because of its strong and concentrated aroma.

You can even add few drops of essential oils around your home like trapping it to the bottom of trash can or in a cabinet to freshen the smell.

Let’s check out those best essential oils for alleviating your mood and reduces depression and anxiety.

#1 Peppermint Essential Oil:

Peppermint essential oil commonly known for its antiviral, anti bacterial, anti septic properties, offering pain relief and as an excellent digestive aid for calming nervous stomach.

According to recent studies peppermint essential oil also has calming and soothing effect on anxiety and depression. It can help you concentrated and stay alert and focused.

 #2 Chamomile Essential Oil:

Chamomile essential oil is capable of calming your mind and also helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Apart from chamomile essential oil, you can even enjoy consuming chamomile tea to get rid of depression and anxiety.

#3 Jasmine Essential Oil:

Due to its high concentration of linalool, jasmine essential oil is effective in improving mood and relieving stress. It even promotes the feeling of self confidence and optimism.

#4 Lavender Essential Oil:

All the properties in lavender essential oil will make you calm, relax and reduces stress. Lavender is versatile and used as a multipurpose essential oil that can be used for many different things.

#5 Lemon Essential Oil:

Lemon essential oil is often used as cleaning agent to clean our kitchens and bathrooms. But lemon has also proven to have positive effects in improving your mood and boost your immune system.

#6 Geranium Essential Oil:

Geranium essential oil brings positive emotions by relaxing your mind and body and acts as a natural sedative. It is absolutely good for reducing stress and improving mood.

#7 Sweet Orange essential Oil:

Orange essential oil is considered as potent anti depressant and wonderful in energizing and lifting your mood.

#8 Ylang Ylang Essential Oil:

Ylang ylang oil is known to promote hormonal balance. This is quite important because hormonal imbalance is known to cause irritability, mood swings and depression. This oil is mild sedative and used to lower the stress and promote calmness.

This Homemade Gel Can Remove Wrinkles, Stretch Marks, Blemishes And Burns

Having wrinkles, stretch marks blemishes and burns are not only annoying it’s quite frustrating to handle these days. Many women have been facing this problem around the world excluding their age and often people rely on skin care products and treatments that are quite expensive and they just don’t offer desired results.

Instead of going for chemically filled skin care products, using homemade gel and skin care recipes will help you get rid of all skin issues easily.

When these two ingredients combined together, they can act as natural skin health booster and perfect recipe for reducing those annoying stretch marks, wrinkles and blemishes from your skin.

The two ingredients are nothing but coconut oil and aloe vera gel. Well, these two ingredients are usually applied separately or in many skin care and cosmetic products to maintain healthy skin.

The following remedy or homemade gel with these two ingredients is completely natural and takes very little time to prepare it.


Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil hydrates the skin and provide natural glow to your skin. The anti bacterial and anti fungal properties in coconut oil works perfect to reduce all types of skin issues, especially for dry skin.

Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe vera rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin naturally. The anti inflammatory and anti allergic properties in aloe vera prevents allergens, blemishes, wrinkles, stretch marks and calms the irritation caused by it.

Essential Oil:

Using of essential oil with the combination of these two natural ingredients leaves your skin smooth and clean. Essential oils are loaded with anti viral, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties that helps in protecting your skin from all types of skin issues.

Homemade Gel:

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 cup of organic coconut oil
  • 1 cup of fresh aloe vera gel
  • Few drops of any essential oil

Directions To Use:

  • Take a small bowl and mix coconut oil and aloe vera gel thoroughly.
  • You should mix it well, until you get homogeneous mixture with thick texture.
  • Add 2-3 drops of essential oil and store it in a clean glass jar with a good lid
  • Keep the mixture at room temperature in a darker place.
  • Apply this mixture like a skin cream on your skin. The best time to use it after showering to experience the benefits provided by it immediately.