How to Use Green Tea for Eczema – 7 Excellent Recipes



Apart from lifting your mood and shed weight, herbal tea can treat skin ailments. This write up is about benefits of green tea for eczema and its recipes.

It starts with a small scratch and every part of the body starts itching. I went through that annoying situation, not just inflamed blisters; eczema ruins your social life.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this chronic skin condition. However, you can reduce inflammation by using steroid creams and natural remedies.

Also, you must avoid foods that trigger eczema flare-ups. Luckily, there are some foods that can help you to treat eczema.

Chinese used this herbal tea for all health ailments. Now, the whole world is after this nutritious tea.

Am not exaggerating, regular consumption of green tea can benefit your health, skin and hair. Not just internally, you can use green tea topically as a face scrub.

Before that, what causes eczema?

Mere cause of eczema is not known, however according to researchers hereditary can be the reason for this ailment.

When you skin comes in contact with certain triggers, eczema flare-ups pop-up.

Official report says that even stress can irritate your skin and dermatitis can appear. (1)

Itching and dry patches are main symptoms of eczema. Check more about eczema here.

Is Green Tea Good for Eczema?

Before you take a sip of this healthy tea, talk to your doctor.

Experts say that sensitive people may experience side-effects or allergic reaction to ingredients in green tea. Make sure you aren’t allergic to any of the substances used in this herbal tea.

Now, let’s dwell into benefits of green tea.

  • Antioxidant agents housed in green tea can thwart free radicals that damage cell membrane.
  • Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, a natural exfoliating agent found in green tea will remove impurities off the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties reduce eczema inflammation and fasten the healing process.
  • University of Maryland Medical Center states that regular consumption of green tea and red clover tea can treat eczema and psoriasis.
  • Nutrients in green tea will improve your skin complexion and enhance elasticity.
  • Astringent properties help to tighten skin texture and help to get rid of dark circles.
  • Anti-aging activity of this herbal tea protects your skin from wrinkles, fine lines and UV rays.
  • Antibacterial properties thwart acnes bacteria and other infectious germs.
  • Internal and topical application of green tea mask will wipe impurities and reduce large skin pores.
  • Vitamins and nutrients in this herbal tea can improve your overall skin complexion.
  • It also guards your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • American Botanical Council states conducted a research that states that regular consumption of green tea can efficiently reduce stress.
  • Flavonoids and antioxidants help to boost your immune system and can prevent eczema flare-ups.

Yes, this herbal tea has everything for your skin, not just reducing eczema inflammation.

Regular consumption has many exceptional benefits for your skin, which cosmetic creams fail to fulfill.

How to Use Green Tea for Eczema?

Skin of eczema affected person is piled with dry patches. You must cleanse them to allow natural healing.

Both internal and topical application of green tea is recommended to treat this chronic skin ailment.

If you’ve mild eczema, then use green tea face mask over the skin for 3-4 times in  a week and continue drinking green tea for rest of your life.

#1 Green Tea to Exfoliation

Impurities, dead cells and dry patches accumulate over the skin. Exfoliating with this remedy will remove hanging dry skin patches and also prevent further infection.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of green tea with 3 teaspoons of plain yogurt and massage over eczema affected area.
  • Don’t be harsh.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off after 5-10 minutes.

Repeat this process thrice in a week.

You can exclude yogurt and prepare green tea mask.

  • Take your partner help to brew 3 cups of green tea.
  • Let it cool down, you can refrigerator for future use.
  • Take soft cloth or cotton ball and dip in the tea. Gently apply over prewashed eczema patches.
  • Repeat 3-4 times a day and leave it to dry naturally.

Don’t allow moisture over eczema flare-ups. Pat dry using soft cloth after every wash.

#2 Turmeric and Green Tea on Eczema Affected Skin

Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing abilities of turmeric are prominent. Repeated use of this simple ingredient can actually treat various mild and moderate skin ailments.

Curcumin is the vital compound in this home available ingredient that is known to exhibit exceptional qualities.

Regular application of this innate ingredient can effectively lighten the appearance of eczema scars.

  • Brew ½ cup of green tea and the allow it to cool down.
  • Now, add 1 teaspoons of turmeric powder and 3 tbsp of yogurt to the cup.
  • Mix them thoroughly and then gently apply it on prewashed face.
  • Let it dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

#3 Green Tea Bags for Eczema

Anti-inflammatory ability exhibited by green tea can reduce inflamed flare-ups. Vitamin K housed in this ingredient can effectively reduce appearance of dark patches and scars.

  • Brew green tea and collect the tea powder.
  • Let it cool down to room temperature.
  • Now, apply the tea powder on eczema affected skin and allow it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with normal water.
  • Repeat this process regularly for few weeks.

#4 Honey and Green Tea Mask

Internal consumption and topical application of honey is beneficial for your skin. Beauty experts however, recommend applying it on the skin to treat skin related ailments.

Humectant property of honey locks lost moisture on your skin. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce burning sensation on eczema flare-ups.

  • Collect green tea powder after preparing its tea.
  • Let it cool to room temperature.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of raw honey to left over green tea.
  • Apply it on eczema affected skin.
  • Rinse it off with normal water after 15 minutes.

#5 Lemon Juice and Green Tea to Treat Eczema

Acidic and bleaching ability exhibited by lemon juice can reduce itching and improve skin complexion.

Antibacterial property housed in this citrus fruit can effectively thwart infectious germs and bacteria.

But, excess use of lemon juice will make your skin sensitive towards sunlight.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with 2 green tea bags.
  • Also add 2 tbsp of raw honey to make it more effective towards dry skin.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and then gently apply it on your skin.
  • After 15 minutes wash it off with water.

#6 Green Tea Cubes

This simple recipe can help to avoid rigorous eczema itching.

  • Brew required amount of green tea in a bowl.
  • Skip adding sugar as a sweetener.
  • After cooling, fill ice cube tray with prepared green tea.
  • Freeze it and gently rub its ice cubes on eczema affected skin.

#7 Internal Consumption of Green Tea

  • Take 2 grams of green tea for 6 ounces of water.
  • Boil the water in a bowl. When the temperature of the water reaches certain level pour it into a cup.
  • Add green tea and raw honey.

Have this nutritious tea regularly in the morning and evening. Regular consumption will improve your overall functioning of the skin.

Read this

Don’t expect overnight results. Regular application will do wonders on your skin.

As mentioned earlier, ingredients that trigger eczema must be avoided.

Apart from topical application, you must change your lifestyle to prevent eczema. Ingest vitamin rich diet and foods that are water rich can be beneficial for hydrate your skin from inside.

Certain creams that include chemical preservatives must be avoided, as they strip natural moisture from your skin.

Green tea for eczema works great when you decide to change your lifestyle.

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