How to Use Gotu Kola for Cellulite

gotu kola for cellulite

Often cellulite is referred as cottage cheese, mattress or orange peel. Fat deposits on thighs, legs and butts, but it isn’t associated with any serious health ailment. However, it’s embarrassing and uncomfortable for few people. Anecdotal reports show that gotu kola for cellulite can flush the dreaded fat.

About 90 percent of women will have this excess fat pockets in some point of their life. It’s related with weight gain or loss; fat bumps may appear even on skinny girls.

Main culprits of cellulite are: hormonal imbalance, genetics, unhealthy diet and your lifestyle. Due to these factors, fat gets accumulated between connecting skin (dermis) and muscle giving a bumpy look on outer layer of the skin. Regularly massaging with essential oil and exercise can reduce this fat accumulation.

Why women get more cellulite than men?

Epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue in men are thicker, so the fat doesn’t pucker.

How Gotu Kola for Cellulite Works?

For thousands of years gotu kola (Centella asiatica) had extensive use in treating ailments in India, China and Indonesia. Nutrients in this herb can effectively reduce chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and leprosy.

  • Triterpenoids are the active components in gotu kola that can tighten skin, improve blood circulation, boosts antioxidants and enhance collagen production. (1)
  • Antimicrobial effect protects you from pathogens.
  • Assorted properties in this herb aid to flush toxins that may damage skin cell membrane.
  • By improving blood circulation and enhancing connective tissue structure, this herb efficiently removes cellulite.
  • Topically application of this herbal oil will reduce stretch marks and fade scars.
  • Other benefits of gotu kola include relief from anxiety, healing wounds, treats venous insufficiency and insomnia.

A study carried out to check the effectiveness of gotu kola in treating cellulite. Patients were given 60mg of gotu kola for 90 days. A whopping 70 percent of patients showed improvement in cellulite condition.

Gotu kola herb is available in different forms, including dried leaves, tincture, standard extract and capsules.

Research states that products with gotu kola extract (topically or internally) can effectively treat ailments. You can either take capsules as prescribed by physician or consider using dried leaves.

Brew tea using dried leaves of gotu kola to treat cellulite. Have it 2-3 times a day. (Source: University of Maryland Medical Center). For tincture, dosage level is 30 to 60 drops thrice a day. (Take 2 week break before taking the herb again)

Important Note: People with liver disease shouldn’t try this herb. A component in gotu kola has been linked with tumor in mice. So consult physician before taking this herb.

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Use Geranium Oil for Stretch Marks

geranium oil to treat stretch marks

Geranium oil is extensively used in aromatherapy to reduce stress. Egyptians use this essential oil to treat chronic skin conditions like acne and inflammation. This holistic medicine has nutrients that can improve healthy functioning of the skin.

You can use geranium oil for stretch marks, as assorted nutrients in this sweet-smelled oil can tighten your skin, fade wrinkles, cleanses impurities and improve skin’s elasticity.

Now-a-days people are paying more attention to their appearance; reports say that average women spend about 55 minutes every day having a glimpse for her beauty in the mirror. (1)

We knew that having stretch marks is very embarrassing. It isn’t associated with any health issue, but surely it’s a cosmetic concern.

Striae or stretch marks appear when you suddenly lose or gain weight. The dermis layer stretches according to your weight, but it tears at different places that appear like vertical lines over the skin. These red lines change to silver color as time passes.

Expert says that you can’t permanently treat stretch marks.

Hold on, don’t get depressed. You can use cosmetic creams or natural remedies like geranium oil to lighten the appearance of stretch marks.

If you’re my regular reader, then you’ll know why I don’t recommend cosmetic creams. Even doctors don’t recommend few beauty products as they can trigger contact dermatitis.

On the other hand, natural remedies are filled with high nutritional values that can enhance your skin texture and aren’t associated with any serious side-effects. Researchers say that essential oil are effective in treating ailments and has minimal risk. (2)

How to Use Geranium Oil for Stretch Marks?

Let me clear this once more, there is no treatment to completely remove stretch marks. But, you can lighten their appearance over the skin. Geranium oil is one such try.

Some beauty experts recommend using essential oil during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks to some extent. As these essential oils are packed with nutrients that can enhance collagen production and improve elasticity of the skin. To some extent you can reduce the affect of stretch marks.

However, there is no scientific evidence to back this theory.

You must dilute essential oil before using it. Mix 30ml of carrier oil with 15 drops of lavender oil and 15 drops of geranium oil. Mix thoroughly and massage over affected parts.

It’s recommended to cleanse the skin and pat dry before applying the natural remedy.

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Avocado Oil for Dark Circles

avocado oil for dark circles

Few sleepless nights can ruin your appearance. But, just by having good sleep will not remove dark circles completely. People use home remedies to get back their alluring appearance, avocado oil for dark circles is one such try.

The joy of having a glimpse of yourself in the mirror vanishes when you spot dark circles under eyes. With increase in technology and impurities around us, it’s very common to have dark circles these days.

Stress, sleepless nights, hyper pigmentation, dryness, too much exposure to sun light and computer screen, liver diseases, unhealthy diet and seasonal allergies are mere causes of these patches. Apart from this, hereditary and aging can turn the skin under your eyes dark.

How Do Dark Circles Appear Under Eyes

As mentioned there are main factors that may lead to this cosmetic issue. But, experts hold genetics to be the main culprit. Your inherited thin skin around the eyes dries quickly and lower blood circulation under eyes makes it look dark.

Your skin becomes thin as you age, thus veins under the skin can be seen clearly. Excess exposure to sunlight and TV screens mottle skin color. Another reason can be seasonal allergies. Allergic reaction releases histamines to fight irritants, which resulting in swelling of blood vessels.

How to Use Avocado Oil for Dark Circles

Avocado oil is in dark green (unrefined) or yellow pale (refined) color and has nutty smell. Prominently it is used for culinary and medical purposes. Excellent property of this oil is that it gets quickly absorbed by skin.

  • Fatty acids, vitamin A, C, D and E can hydrate your dry skin under eyes. Nutrients in this oil help to enhance elasticity of your skin and stimulate blood circulation around the eyes.
  • Carotenoids housed in this oil fight age related degeneration and protects your skin under eyes from wrinkles.
  • Anti-aging property in avocado oil helps to fade wrinkles and fine lines over the face.
  • Vitamins like C and B complex helps to lighten dark spots and give you a lightening skin.
  • It rejuvenates your skin and makes the texture smooth and supple.
  • Moisturizing activity of avocado oil helps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Increasing pollution and impurities that get accumulated over the face can be cleansed by using avocado face mask or oil.
  • Internal consumption will improve digestion and reduce cholesterol level.
  • Antioxidant agents packed in this fruit will help to restrain free radicals.
  • Mono-saturated fatty acids like oleic acid can make your skin moisturized and smooth.

Apart from applying it topically under eyes, you can include this healthiest fruit to your diet for better skin.

Method – 1

Slice avocado and place them over your eyes. Press them so that nutrients in the fruit get in contact with the skin under eyes. Let it be for 20-25 minutes. Do this regularly to see positive changes.

You can mash the avocado and add any essential oil to make paste. Apply the mask over dark circles regularly for about 4-6 weeks.

Method – 2

One of the simplest methods is to topically apply this oil under eyes. But, make sure that oil doesn’t get into eyes. I recommend washing your face before using any home remedy, because impurities may interrupt the affect of avocado nutrients.

Method – 3

Mash sliced avocado into paste. Add olive oil or almond oil to it; apply it over prewashed face and under eyes.

After 15-20 minutes rinse your face with lukewarm water and optionally apply natural moisturizer.

Note: If you’re sensitive to avocado, then stop using it.

  • Along with avocado oil, you must change your diet and lifestyle.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure of sunlight and computer screen.
  • Wear sunscreen cream before going out.
  • Have a good sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Cleanse your face and skin under eyes regularly with natural exfoliators.

Avocado oil alone can’t help you to get rid of dark circles. Change your lifestyle to see its effect.

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Gotu Kola for Stretch Marks

gotu kola to get rid of stretch marks

It’s a small herb with prominent nutritional activity. Also known as Indian pennywort, spade leaf or centella asiatica, gotu kola grows nearby water. This tasteless herb has extensive use in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. Fortunately, benefits of gotu kola enticed modern science to treat skin ailments.

Gotu kola for stretch marks is one of the cost effective and natural remedy available at this time. Charles poliquin one of the renowned strength coaches, noticed in his students who were taking gotu kola that stretch marks started fading after 6 months of regular use.

Seems where long, but you must consider other benefits of this small herb for your overall health. Ailments like psoriasis, leprosy, respiratory problems, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, asthma, fever, mental fatigue and diarrhea can be prevented by gotu kola. (1)

This herb is known as “the fountain of life” because an ancient Chinese herbalist survived more than 200 years by consuming gotu kola.

So I don’t think it’s a good decision to ignore this miraculous herb. (Well am not saying you’ll live up to 200 years if you consider this herb. May be it can help you to get rid of skin and health ailments.)

Gotu Kola & Stretch Marks

Sudden weight gain, pregnancy and hormonal imbalance are main causes of stretch marks. Your skin (dermis layer) breaks in different places as a result of stretching. Initially stria or stretch marks are red, as time passes they turn silver-white.

Often these lines appear around stomach, buttocks, thighs, breasts, knees, shoulders and other parts of the body. They aren’t associated with any health problem, but it’s a cosmetic concern. People get embarrassed to show their lines and try to fade them.

The bitter truth is that you can’t treat stretch marks permanently. You can only lighten their appearance. Cosmetic creams are normally filled with chemicals and processed ingredients. They may irritate your skin and trigger infection. It’s better to try natural remedies like gotu kola to lighten stretch marks.

  • Substances like amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids and other phytochemicals residing in this herb aids to reduce inflammation, fasten healing, stimulate cell growth, improve blood circulation and enhance collagen production.
  • Compounds like Triterpenoid and saponins in gotu kola enhance healing and lighten the appearance of lines.
  • Topical or oral consumption of the herb will prevent damage of connective tissues and improve circulation.
  • Research show that it can effectively repair veins, heal minor burns, lighten scars, stretch marks and treat psoriasis. (2)

How to Use Gotu Kola for Stretch Marks?

As mentioned you can consume it orally or apply topically over the affected part. Experts recommend consuming 60-180 mg of gotu kola extract per day.

Another way is to brew tea with dried leaves of this herb. Add 1-2 teaspoon of sugar and few dried leaves in boiling water. Allow it to steep for 10-15 minutes. You can take 2-3 cups of gotu kola herbal tea every day. Or simply get gotu kola cream or oil and topically massage over the stretch marks.

Alternate names of gotu kola are Brahmi, Centella, Centella Asiatica, Indian pennywort, Marsh pennywort, Luei gong gen and Hydrocotyle.

Stop using this herb if you experience allergic symptoms like dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and consult physician.

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Tangerine Oil for Cellulite

tangerine to fight cellulite

Cellulite is the most common skin disorder in women and men, which is caused due to fat deposits. Tangerine oil for cellulite is an inexpensive yet effective home remedy recommended by many beauty bloggers.

90% of women experience cellulite at some point of her life. Hips and thighs are most common spots where cellulite appears. Also known as adiposis edematosa and dermopanniculosis deformans, cellulite makes your skin look like cottage cheese.

Experts say that hormones, genetics, diet and life-style plays vital role in development of this fat. These factors start pushing the fat through collage fiber and get settled right under the skin. Luckily it’s not accompanied by any serious health ailment. But, it’s a great cosmetic concern for few people.

Over the counter medicines failed to fulfill their claims about treating cellulite and it’s not recommend as chemical ingredients in those creams may irritate your skin.

Natural nutrients and vitamins in tangerine essential oil can help to get rid of cellulite and enhance healthy functioning of the skin. (However, there is no strong scientific evidence to back this claim)

How Tangerine Oil Works for Cellulite?

This essential oil is extracted from the peel of tangerine fruit, which belongs to mandarin orange family. Renowned for its anti-fungal and antiseptic activity, tangerine oil can enhance your skin functioning. It can treat acne, dandruff, hydrate dry skin, dry scalp and other ailments.

  • says massaging tangerine oil over the muscles will help to fight cellulite.
  • Cytophylactic property in this oil helps to restore damaged tissues and fade scars, including stretch marks and cellulite.
  • Its tangy aroma and calming effect reduces stress and promotes healthy sleep.
  • Unwanted toxic compounds that may cause cellulite can be excreted through sweat, urine and excretion.
  • It aids to speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation and helps to release digestive juice.
  • Apart from massaging, you can also use it over minor injuries, wounds and minor burns to fasten healing process.

How to Use Tangerine Oil?

Excellent thing about this essential oil is, you can use it for culinary purpose, bathing and for cleaning house. But, make sure to consult an expert before using it internally.

  • First method: To fight cellulite and stretch marks, mix 1-2 drops of tangerine essential oil with 1-2 drops of lavender oil and 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. After mixing thoroughly, apply the oil over affected part.
  • Second method: Add one drop of tangerine oil in 5 ml of coconut oil or jojoba oil and massage over cellulite affected area.
  • Third method: Mix 5 drops of tangerine oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and massage over cellulite for 10 minutes. Let the skin absorb the oil to thwart toxins and improve blood circulation.
  • You can apply the oil over minor wounds and injuries to enhance healing and restrain bacterial infection. For internal consumption, add a drop of this essential oil in a glass of clean water and drink.

Avoid sun exposure after applying this essential oil, because ingredients in the oil may trigger allergic reaction if react with sunlight.

Note: Tangerine oil is safe to use during pregnancy to prevent cellulite and stretch marks. However, I recommend you to consult your physician before trying it.

Did you ever use tangerine oil for cellulite?

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Use Lavender Oil for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can’t be prevented permanently and there is no cream or remedy to fade them completely. Lavender oil for stretch marks can help you lighten the appearance of these annoying lines and enhance healthy functioning of the skin.

Sudden weight gain or loss results in stretch marks. They may look ugly and sometimes embarrassing, but they aren’t associated with any health issue. It’s interesting that few people love these lines. However, great percentage of people tries to get rid of these streaks.

Excess stretching damages elastic fiber of the dermis resulting in red perpendicular lines. You can see a bunch of creams and steroids available to remove stretch marks, but experts say that none proved to be effective. They have very less impact on the scars, this include natural remedies. However, nutrients in innate ingredients can lighten the appearance of scars.

Also read: Lavender Oil for Skin Lightening

How Lavender Oil Can Lighten Stretch Marks?

lavender oil for stretch marks

Lavender oil is prominent for its calming and relaxing fragrance. It is one among the versatile essential oils that is being used in aromatherapy. Researchers say that lavender oil has significant use in medicinal and religious purposes.

  • Its exceptional healing properties speeds the healing of minor burns, cuts, wounds and injuries.
  • Antioxidant properties residing in this essential oil will combat with free radicals that can damage cell membrane.
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity of lavender oil helps to restrain infectious bacteria.
  • Topically massage your skin with this oil, and nutrients in it will help you to fade wrinkles.
  • Ailments like insomnia, migraine, headache and stress can be reduced by this oil.

Its impact on stretch marks can be effective, if you use it regularly. Experts recommend applying essential oil over waist, stomach and shoulders regularly when you’re gaining or losing weight. Nutrients in this oil will enhance elasticity of the skin and thus may prevent stretch marks to some extent.

Pregnant women must consult their doctor before using lavender oil to prevent stretch marks.

How to Use Lavender Oil?

Pure lavender oil may or may not irritate your skin. Shirley Price an expert, recommends blending lavender oil with carrier oil like calendula oil before applying it over the skin.

Wash the affected part with water and pat dry. Now, topically massage the oil over the skin and leave it to dry naturally. Nutrients and vitamins in lavender oil will benefit your skin more than your expectation.

Another recipe: Mix 1/2 tbsp of lavender oil, 1/2 tbsp of chamomile oil with 2 tbsp of almond oil. These ingredients hydrate your skin; improve elasticity and helps cell regeneration to lighten the stretch marks.

Did you ever use lavender oil to get rid of stretch marks?

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How to Get Rid Of Dead Skin On Lips

get rid of dead skin on lips

Dead skin on lips isn’t going to make it look gorgeous. Sensitive skin over lips turn dark due to few external factors like UV rays, allergens, excess smoking and hormonal imbalance. Dead skin over lips is common and every men and women will experience this in some point of their life.

Good news is that you can get rid of dead skin on lips at home. All you’ve to do is to exfoliate dead skin and apply the natural lip balm to hydrate them. You must try this simple remedy 1-2 times in a week.

Discard your idea about peeling the skin manually, this result in injury or bleeding. Natural home remedies not just it wipes those impurities off the lip, but the nutritional ingredients in it improve healthy functioning of the skin. I personally don’t recommend chemical creams as they can stimulate allergic reaction in sensitive people.

Hold on for few more minutes and you’ll know simple remedies to get rid of dry skin on lips.

1. Make your lips wet with warm water

To remove dry skin or dead cells piled over lips you must initially hydrate them with water. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and place it over lips for 5 minutes. You can alternatively use cotton ball over lips.

2. Exfoliate dead skin using lemon and sugar scrub

Lemon is renowned for its cleansing and whitening properties. It can effectively remove dark spots and dead skin over the lips. You can use this remedy over other parts of the skin like over elbows and knees.

Take required amount of powdered sugar in a clean bowl. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and water to it. Mix until you get thick paste.

Now, apply this scrub over lips and rub gently to remove dead skin cells. Once you’re done with this process rinse the scrub with water and pat dry.

Alternatively, you can mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 tablespoons of sea salt. Squeeze few drops of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Gently massage the scrub over lips in circulation motion.

Note: Limit the use of salt and lemon juice if you experience infection over the lips.

3. Hydrate your lips with cucumber

As dead cells are wiped off, now your lips need natural ingredients that can stimulate cell regeneration and moisturize it. Rinse the scrub and pat dry with soft cloth.

Take chilled sliced cucumber and massage gently over the lips. Assorted properties in cucumber hydrate the skin and help to remove dark spots. Regular use can make your lips clear and healthy.

Another remedy to remove dead skin is to rub your lips with sliced beet root. With these natural remedies you must take nutritional rich diet and drink enough water.

If you’ve serious dark spots over lips, then use soft toothbrush to exfoliate. But, don’t apply force else you may damage your soft lips.

Raw Honey for Lips

Benefits of honey are prominent and have been documented in religious books. Honey moisturizes and exfoliates your skin and lips. Apart from that, it can lighten dark lips and gives your lips a pinkish glow. You can mix few drops of lemon juice with honey.

Don’t apply it before going to bed, as its sweetness will attract ants and insects towards your lips. You can try this first thing in the morning.

Gram Flour Paste

Gram flour is renowned to remove impurities and make the lips soft. But, you may find slight difficulty in remove the mask from lips.

Mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice and water with gram flour. Apply it over wet lips and leave it for few minutes. Use damp cloth to wipe the gram flour mask off the lips. Impurities and dead skin cells will be removed along with the mask.

Aloe vera gel to get rid of dead skin on lips

Hydrating and exfoliating activity of aloe gel will fade dark spots on lips. Because of its nutritional properties, cosmetic industries started incorporating aloe gel to their beauty products.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in this gel restrain infectious bacteria and fungi. Mix few drops of lemon juice with aloe gel, and topically apply it on lips. Repeat the process once in a week.

Important tips

  • Use this remedy to exfoliate dead skin for twice in a week.
  • Use natural moisturizer to hydrate lips after wiping dead skin.
  • Chemical creams may irritate your sensitive lips, so use only natural ingredients.
  • Limit the use of lemon juice if you experience inflammation over lips.
  • Include nutritious food in your diet to improve healthy functioning.

Would you like to share your secrete remedy to remove dead skin on lips?

Use Rosehip Seed Oil for Acne Scars

It’s extremely sad that after a long battle with acne breakouts, the healed bumps leave red or brown spots over the face. Acne scars are formed due to the damage of skin’s upper structure leaving it jagged.

Roughness of the skin texture makes it difficult to heal. Skin lightening creams that reduce melanin production claim to fade acne scars, but they fail to work on red or pink scars as they aren’t related to melanin. But, people with dark skin tone may find it helpful.

However, the chemicals used in these creams may trigger allergic reaction. (1)

You must pamper your skin, as it plays a vital role for your enticing appearance. And I don’t see any other option than natural remedies for that. Unfortunately, there is no strong scientific evidence to prove the assumption that rosehip seed oil can fade acne scars. But, those who tried found it helpful with zero side-effects.

Because of its alluring nutritional properties, cosmetic industries incorporated rosehip oil in their products. Just have a glance over the ingredients list on beauty products and you’ll come across this name. Australian model Miranda Kerr revealed that she would like to wear rosehip oil before going to bed.

Rosehip Oil for Acne Scars

rosehip oil benefits for faceThis oil is extracted from the seeds of wild rose bush. For hundreds of years people from Chile used rosehip oil for cosmetic purposes.

Nutrients like vitamin C, A, antioxidants, lycopene and fatty acids combine to rejuvenate and enhance healing process of your skin.

Dr. Ariel Ostad says that assorted properties in rosehip oil can reduce scars, fine lines, fade dark spots, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. He adds that its non-greasy property makes it perfect mask for sensitive skin.

Anti-inflammatory agents housed in this oil can effectively reduce acne inflammation. Apart from this, the moisturizing activity can relieve you from itching and dry skin.

Free radicals in cell membrane can damage it and lead to premature wrinkles. Antioxidant agents can effectively restrain these radicals and save your cell membrane.

P.acnes bacteria that are responsible for acne lesions are restrained by anti-microbial property of rosehip seed oil. Along with this, other nutrients can promote production of new healthy cells. Rosehip seed oil can fade acne scars, treat acne, fade wrinkles and exfoliate your skin.

But, wonder how to use it over my face?

  1. Initially, exfoliate dead skin cells piled over your face. You can use natural exfoliators like oatmeal or just wash with lukewarm water.
  2. Using a soft cloth to pat dry your face and apply rosehip seed oil on acne scars when the skin is still damp.
  3. Leave it to dry naturally, and then rinse it off.

I personally recommend trying this oil for 2-3 weeks to see positive results. Along with it, you must regularly wipe impurities and dead cells off the skin, have fiber rich diet and do regular exercise.

Important Points

  • Continuous exposure to sunlight will darken the acne scars.
  • Repeatedly washing with soap may irritant your skin and reduces elasticity.
  • Don’t scratch scars, bacterial infection may lead to larger scar.

Will you try rosehip seed oil for acne scars? Or are you already tried?