After calcium and phosphorous, sulfur is 3rd most abundant mineral in your body, 50 percent of sulfur is found is muscles, skin and bones. Anyway, it plays a vital role in overall body functioning like protein synthesis,
For those who’re thinking WTH is Candida. Its yeast like fungus found in your body and it’s harmless. But when they grow in excess, researchers say that they cause many health problems including body odor. Out
Perspiration is a normal condition of your body and it’s quite embarrassing at times. Isn’t it? Though there are lots of deodorants and natural remedies to keep odor at bay, they don’t work for all. If
Human sweat is odorless by its nature. Yes, you read it right. But how come it turns to an unpleasant body odor? When sweat glands secrete sweat out of the body they interact with bacteria or
Acne is most common skin condition which includes clogging and inflammation of skin pores. In most cases, due to lack of hygiene, bacteria invades to worsen the disease, causing itching and inflammation. Yes, top companies had
Zinc and body odor are closely related. Surprised! Thinking how zinc controls body odor? First let’s know about the importance of zinc in the body. Zinc is a trace element and plays a vital role in
In my college days we were asked to remove our shoes to enter computer lab. The computer lab class would last for about an hour and we had to tolerate that foul smell coming from shoes,
Next time you visit any restaurant (or at home) avoid onion slices. Though it tastes yummy with spicy food, it leaves an unpleasant odor on your body. Let’s first know the cause of body odor. In