How to Use Black Seed Oil for Eczema? 5 DIY Recipes (No.#3 is Awesome)

black seed oil for eczema

There are a bunch of natural remedies that are ignored by modern science. Prominent for vitamins, amino acids, oils and minerals, black seed oil for eczema is an effective home remedy.

You may wonder what this Nigella Sativia seed can do to combat chronic skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis.

Benefits of black seeds are praised by The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as that it can treat all ailments except death.

Apart from this, many researchers and studies are carried to show its amazing uses for ailments like cancer, diabetic, migraine and asthma-related issues. (1)

However, in this article, you’ll learn about its ability to treat contact dermatitis.

Before that let’s discuss eczema.

Jump to: How to Use

What Triggers Eczema?

According to NIAID reports approximately 30 percent of U.S. population is affected by this skin ailment.

Dry itchy skin, inflammation, and oozing flare-ups are common signs of eczema.

Though main cause of this chronic ailment is unknown, researchers hold genetics, foods and immune system to trigger the flare-ups.

Unfortunately, currently, there is no permanent treatment for eczema. However, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid creams, and ointments can be used to reduce its symptoms. (2)

As most of these creams include chemical ingredients, they may irritate your sensitive skin. Natural remedies like black seed for eczema aren’t associated with any serious side-effects.

So, you can give it a try.

Is Black Seed Oil Good for Eczema?

This herbal oil is obtained by black seeds of Nigella Sativa plant. To reap its nutrients, you can either ingest or topically apply its oil over the skin.

It is known as kalonji seeds or black cumin seeds in India, other names include Nigella cretica oil, Black caraway oil, Fennel flower oil, Black sesame oil and Roman coriander oil.

  • Vitamin A components residing in black seed oil known to reduce excess cellular growth and also thwart bacterial infection.
  • Fat soluble vitamins in this innate ingredient repair damaged cell membranes and restore the skin barrier.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by black cumin seeds helps to improve skin texture and reverse eczema flare-ups. (3)
  • Anti-inflammatory ability of black seed oil can reduce inflammation by blocking pro-inflammatory (4)
  • According to University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin C can reduce eczema symptoms. It can also enhance collagen production to improve skin texture.
  • Thymoquinone is an active ingredient in black seed oil known to exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Thymol, another active ingredient has an antimicrobial ability that can thwart bacterial infection. (5)
  • Black seed oil includes omega-3, omega-6, and omega – 9 fatty acids, which can help to improve eczema condition. (Source)
  • Vitamin A, C, E and fatty acids residing in this natural ingredient help to lighten the appearance of eczema scars and moisturize your dry skin.

Apart from treating eczema, black seed oil help in skin nourishment, unclog skin pores, get rid of itchy patches and reduce aging signs.

How to Use Black Seed Oil for Eczema?

Nearly 600 studies back the amazing nutritional benefits of black cumin seed oil. But, how can you reap all these nutrients?

As mentioned above, you can either ingest its seed with honey or massage gently over eczema affected skin. Both ways will benefit your skin.

Any way to get rid of dry itchy patches and eczema inflammation, experts recommends topical application.

You can try both recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

#1 Black Seed Oil for Topical Application

Initially, wash eczema affected area with water to cleanse dry patches over the skin.

Take pure black seed oil from a local store and apply when the skin is still damp.

Optionally wrap the skin with plastic paper to avoid impurities from accumulating over the skin.

Preferred time to apply this innate ingredient is before going to bed, so that it can easily penetrate into deeper layers.

black seed for eczema

#2 Black Cumin Seeds and Raw Honey (Internal consumption)

Benefits of both remedies are included in religious books like The Qur’an and Bible.

Mix 1 teaspoon of black seeds with 1 teaspoon of raw honey thoroughly. Take this innate ingredient before breakfast. You can also slightly heat black cumin seeds before mixing it with honey.

#3 Black Seeds and Honey Mask

If you want to get benefited by these ingredients, it’s recommended to apply it over the skin.

Ground black seeds and mix it with raw honey. Wash your face and apply the mask evenly all over the skin.

#4 Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Seed Oil for Eczema

Vitamins, minerals, and bioflavonoids housed in ACV exhibit antioxidant activity. These ingredients help to treat eczema effectively.

Take required amount of black seeds and mix it with ACV solution. Dilute with distilled water to avoid irritation.

Now apply this mask over the skin and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#5 Lemon Juice and Black Seed Oil

Lemon juice is packed with antibacterial, anti-fungal and bleaching ability. These properties effectively reduce skin ailments like eczema and acne. (6)

However, excess use of lemon juice can irritate your skin. So, dilute it with black seed oil.

Add few drops of lemon juice in black seed oil and apply it over eczema affected skin.

Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Important Tips for Using Black Seed Oil for Eczema

  • Many studies back this innate ingredient; however, there are few women who complained about irritation. So, patch test before using it on the skin.
  • Avoid ingredients that may trigger an allergic reaction on your skin.
  • Don’t expect overnight results, add this innate ingredient to your beauty regimen and it will gradually show a positive
  • Cosmetic products and steroid creams that include harmful chemical preservatives must be avoided.
  • Consult your physician before taking black seed oil if you’re pregnant.
  • A study shows that food triggers eczema flare-ups, so you must avoid them. Some of them are peanuts, milk, soy, wheat and fish.
  • Avoid hot water, as it may trigger itching.
  • Excess sweat and long exposure to sun rays may trigger this skin ailment.
  • Wear loose clothes and avoid polyester, rayon and nylon clothing.

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7 Benefits of Hibiscus for Skin, Skin Lightening and Wrinkles

benefits of hibiscus for skin

It’s really disgusting to apply this flower face mask over the skin due to its sticky nature.

But, will you still ignore benefits of hibiscus for skin if I tell you that it is packed with alpha-hydroxy acids, antioxidants, and exfoliating ability?

This ornamental flower is prominent for its exotic vibrant petals and variety of colors. The viscous substance in hibiscus flower makes it effective to hydrate your dry skin.

Apart from its looks, this flower can be used to heal health ailments like appetite, respiratory issues, colds, swelling and stomach irritation. Studies back that its consumption can reduce blood pressure.

Now, let’s check out its beauty benefits.

Jump to: How to Use

7 Awesome Hibiscus Benefits for Skin

It isn’t a surprise to those who knew about hibiscus tea; when it can benefit your health, certainly, it can tone your skin too.

With its trumpet-shaped petals, hibiscus flower is prominent in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. Without any ado let’s jump on to its benefits.

#1 Improves your Complexion

Once and for all, you must exfoliate your skin.

There are various reasons why you must cleanse your skin. Impurities, dead cells and other external factors accumulate over the skin blocking its pores.

Alpha-hydroxy-acids residing in hibiscus flower not just exfoliate your skin, but also promote cell regeneration and purify your complexion.

Unlike cosmetic products, hibiscus includes gentle acids without any chemical preservatives. These innate substances control acne blemishes by unclogging skin pores.

#2 Hibiscus for Wrinkles

Antioxidant agents in hibiscus face mask thwart free radicals and reduce fine lines (& wrinkles) on the forehead.

Apart from aging, UV rays, smoking, and pollutants damage elasticity of your skin resulting in wrinkles. Antioxidant activity exhibited by hibiscus flower blocks harmful UV rays and cleanse your skin.

Also, vitamin C in the flower helps to enhance collagen production and improve the elasticity of the skin.

You can blend other natural ingredients with hibiscus to make it an anti-aging recipe. (Recipes are included below)

#3 Moisturizes Your Skin

The viscous substance of this flower is known as mucilage, which helps to lock moisture on the skin.

As mentioned above external factors like pollutants, chemical filled creams and harmful UV rays strip natural oil from your skin making it look miserable.

Natural moisturizers are filled with vitamins and aren’t associated with any side-effects. So massaging regularly with home available ingredients like hibiscus will not just hydrates your skin, but supply essential nutrients to it.

#4 Treats Acne

Reports say that about 80 percent of people between the age group of 11 to 30 are affected by acne.

By this, you can assume how common it is. One such report holds inflammation to trigger acne blemishes. P.acnes bacteria feed on dead cells and excess sebum to worsen the situation.

Luckily, this flower face pack can reduce inflammation with its anti-inflammatory property.

Gentle acids mentioned above also clears dead cells and control excess sebum production.

#5 Tones Your Skin

Mild organic acids like citric acid and malic acid in hibiscus plant can inhibit the production of melanin and form a protect layer over the skin.

Skin cell regeneration feature of this face mask helps to make the skin supple and smooth.

#6 Skin Tightening

When your skin loses its elasticity, sagging skin appears which ruin your appearance.

Anthocyanosides packed in hibiscus exhibit antioxidant activity that thwarts free radicals as mentioned above. This compound also exhibit astringent property to shrink large skin pores and make the skin firm.

#7 Hibiscus for Skin Lightening

Hormonal imbalance, blemishes, UV rays and excess use of chemical filled creams can cause dark spots.

These factors influence the production of melanin, which is responsible for your skin color. As a result, melanin accumulates at different positions to form dark spots.

The exfoliating ability of this homemade hibiscus face mask cleanses impurities and lightens the appearance of these dark spots.

How to Use Hibiscus for Skin?

hibiscus face mask for skin lightening and wrinkles

To reap its benefits, you can either use it internally or topically.

Before you stick with hibiscus tea, let me disclose what beauty experts recommend.

Internal consumption verily benefits your overall health. But, for an enhanced skin, topical application will do wonders.

#1 Rose and Hibiscus Face Mask

Both are flowers and are packed with exfoliating, moisturizing and antibacterial abilities.

You can use this recipe to exfoliate your face or whole body.

Ingredients include coconut oil, dried rose petals, dried hibiscus, sea salt, and safflower oil.

Blend all ingredients in a bowl and add distilled water to make a paste-like consistency. Optionally, you can add any essential oil to this mask.

#2 Hibiscus and Vitamin E Oil

You can use vitamin E oil and hibiscus face mask for skin lightening.

Take fresh hibiscus petals in a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil to it. Let it be for a day.

Next day thoroughly mix these ingredients and apply it over prewashed face. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.

You can also use a cotton ball to apply the mixed solution to avoid excess oil over the skin.

#3 Brown Rice Flour, Aloe Gel and Hibiscus for Skin

Selenium residing in the brown rice flour can reduce wrinkles and inflammation.

Aloe gel is prominent for its healing and anti-inflammatory activity.

Ingredients include ¼ cup of brown rice flour, 1 teaspoon of grounded hibiscus, plain yogurt, and aloe gel. (Source)

Initially, mix ¼ cup of brown rice flour with 1 tsp of powdered hibiscus. Add required amount of aloe gel and plain yogurt to this powder.

Apply it over prewashed face and rinse it off after 20 minutes with water.

Apart from this, you can blend honey, coffee and French clay with hibiscus for glowing skin.


Hibiscus benefits for skin are abundant, go with the simplest DIY recipe listed above. Along with its topical application, ingest its herbal tea for various health benefits.

Also stay away from cosmetic creams that include chemical preservatives. Drink enough water and avoid stress to stay beautiful.

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Jojoba Oil for Face Wrinkles and Eye Wrinkles – DIY Anti-aging Recipe Included

jojoba oil for face wrinkles and eye wrinkles

As you age skin loses its natural elasticity and wrinkles starts appearing.

Instead of jumping on media promoted products, beauty experts recommend jojoba oil for face and eye wrinkles.

What makes this oil distinct or better?

It has identical characteristics like your natural oil sebum. This liquid wax is extracted from seeds of the jojoba plant.

Pronounced ho-ho-bah, this oil is native to south-west Americans and northern Mexicans. To reap its nutritional value, numerous moisturizing and cosmetic products include it as an ingredient.

Unlike your beauty creams, this oil doesn’t clog skin pores and can effectively control sebum production.

Is Jojoba Oil Good for Wrinkles?

Fine lines or wrinkles are all around your eyes, on forehead and face.

When you don’t pay attention towards your skin, external factors damage them and you’ll be left with no option but to compromise.

Harmful UV rays in sunlight damage your skin and you might mistake it as aging skin.

Unhealthy diet, bad skin care, and smoking make your skin loses its natural elasticity.

To combat them you skin secrets natural oil (sebum) to protect you from fungi and bacteria.

But, alarming levels of pollution and UV rays makes your skin dry, and make it lose its elasticity and thus results in wrinkles

Common causes of wrinkles include UV rays, aging, sleeping position, poor nutritional diet, facial expressions, free radicals, and gender. (Source)

Jojoba oil is an emollient, so it’s well known for hydrating skin and fading wrinkles. Restorative properties in jojoba oil enhance elasticity of skin, thus helps to disappear wrinkles over face and under eyes.

Few beauty experts suggest avoiding jojoba oil under eyes. You can mix it with essential oil to apply a light barrier over the skin which protects your skin and locks moisture.

  • With its waxy characteristic jojoba oil locks moisture over the skin and thwarts germs, impurities, and external elements.
  • Vitamin E and B-complex residing in this liquid wax protects your skin from harmful UV rays and heals minor sunburns.
  • Nutrients in jojoba oil fasten the healing process and help to get rid of aging skin.
  • The excellent cleansing ability of this base oil can help to remove impurities, dead cells and pollutants piled over the skin.
  • Vitamin E housed in the oil blocks UV rays thwarts free radicals and acts as anti aging cream. (1)
  • It also controls excess sebum production by tricking your skin to produce less oil. Thus it can control acne lesions.
  • Gamma linoleic acid and other essential fatty acids packed in the liquid promote collagen production and help to reduce aging wrinkles.

However, you must use it topically under the supervision of a dermatologist.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Face Wrinkles?

To reap above mentioned innate ingredients of jojoba oil for skin, initially, cleanse your face and exfoliate using natural or store bought product. This helps to open up pores and shed dead skin cells.

Beauty experts recommend patching test before applying it to the skin. Because ingredients in store bought jojoba oil may irritate your skin and result in allergic reaction.

You can blend this base oil with other essential oils to make it more effective.

  1. Take few drops of pure jojoba oil in your palm.
  2. Gently massage the oil over prewashed face in circular motion.
  3. Avoid eye areas slowly massage in upward direction starting from jaws to forehead with light pressure.
  4. Thoroughly apply the oil at wrinkles and fine lines.
  5. Allow it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes, so nutrients in this liquid wax can penetrate into the skin.

At night you can apply pure jojoba oil topically so as to leave your skin to breathe well.

Note: You can include jojoba oil as an ingredient in your facial mask.

Honey and Jojoba Oil for Anti-Aging

Healing and the emollient ability of raw honey need no explanation.

This innate ingredient is packed with all those essential nutrients that a healthy skin needs.

  • Take 8 fresh strawberries and mash it into a smooth
  • Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey, 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the paste.
  • Now mix thoroughly and apply the face mask over face.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Aloe Vera and Jojoba Oil for Aging Skin

I too don’t like the sticky nature of aloe gel, but healing benefits can’t be ignored.

  • Blend 3tsp of aloe gel with 1 tsp of pure jojoba oil.
  • Optionally add 2 drops of essential oil to the mask.
  • Wash your face with water or cleanse it.
  • Pat dry and apply this mask on the face.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off with water.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Eye Wrinkles

Based on the discussion over, it’s recommended not to use pure jojoba oil to remove under eye wrinkles, because skin here is very sensitive. You can either mix it with any facial moisturizer or just avoid it completely.

However, some users at recommended it to remove eye wrinkles, as they used it and found helpful. But remember that jojoba oil for wrinkles under eyes works only when it’s caused by dry skin.

Jojoba Oil for Oily Skin

Topical application of jojoba oil forms two barriers over the skin. On one hand, it locks moisture and on another hand it controls sebum production, thus resulting in the acne free skin.

Also read: Jojoba oil for acne scars

So don’t be afraid of using this natural wax over your skin.

Tips to Avoid Wrinkles

Not just applying jojoba oil, to get rid of wrinkles you must change your lifestyle and follow below-listed tips.

  • Smoking can damage your skin, so avoid smoking
  • Drink enough water and keep your skin well hydrated
  • Avoid chemical filled creams
  • Use non-toxic sunscreen
  • Get enough sleep
  • Include vitamin rich diet
  • Don’t spend long hours before computer or mobile screens
  • Exfoliate your skin regularly, at least twice in a week

Did you ever use jojoba oil for face wrinkles or eye wrinkles? Let us know through comments.

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Helichrysum Oil for Skin – 5 Benefits and DIY Recipes Included

helichrysum oil for skin

Whenever I think about natural beauty, herbal oils are the one that comes to my mind. In this article, you’ll read benefits of Helichrysum oil for skin.

Do you know about Helichrysum plant?

It belongs to sunflower family and includes 600 different species. However, Helichrysum italicum is the most prominent among them and is renowned for its healing benefits.

Through steam distillation process of flowers, Helichrysum essential oil is obtained. Unlike other essential oils, this oil is very expensive and last for a very long time.

Rich in taste and to some extent like honey. With its intense scent, this essential oil can be used to uplift your emotional blocks.

Also read: Benefits of Palm Oil for Skin

5 Amazing Benefits of Helichrysum Oil for Skin

Renowned nutrients like antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiallergenic, antioxidant and emollient properties can efficiently benefit your skin.

Helichrysum essential oil isn’t confined to cosmetic benefits. Tribes in Africa used this plant to heal wounds, treat a cough, fever and they also burn its leaves for incense. (1)

#1 Helichrysum Essential Oil for Acne

According to researchers acne is triggered due to inflammation. P.acnes bacteria feed on the excess sebum and dead cells released to make the acne worse.

Studies show that Helichrysum oil is packed with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties, which help to reduce acne inflammation.

How to Use: Wash the affected part and directly apply undiluted Helichrysum essential oil on acne blemishes and leave it to dry naturally.

#2 Soothe Sunburns and Protect Skin from Cancer

Sunburn or suntan happens due to harmful UV rays in sunlight. According to Jeffery M. Sobell, ultraviolet radiation damage skin molecules and result in redness, swelling, and pain. (2)

Healing benefits of Helichrysum essential oil can efficiently soothe these burns and block UV radiation from entering your skin.

Apart from this, UV rays may also lead to skin cancer. Fortunately, topical application of Helichrysum oil can block them and hydrate sunburns.

How to Use: Dilute Helichrysum essential oil with coconut oil and apply it to the affected part for healing.

#3 Reduce Age Spots and Discoloration

Diketones housed in this essential oil is able to reduce age spots and improve your skin complexion.

Excess exposure to chemical creams and UV rays may result in dark spots. Assorted nutrients in this essential oil can effectively reduce these spots.

As mentioned above, blend any base oil with this essential oil and apply it over prewashed skin.

#4 Helichrysum Oil for Wrinkles

Chemical creams, impurities and repeated exposure to sunlight strip natural look of your skin. Slowly skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles start appearing.

Antioxidant agents in Helichrysum essential oil can guard your skin and thwart free radicals that damage cell membrane.

It also fights against impurities and pollutants that you come across daily. As a result, your skin regains its lost look and wrinkles disappear slowly. (3)

How to Use: Wash your face with water to remove impurities and pat dry using a soft cloth. Now apply diluted Helichrysum oil and apply it over the face.

Patch test before applying it over the face

#5 Moisturizing Ability

Almost all essential oils are emollient in nature. Hydrating your skin is one of the most effective ways to combat ailments.

Dehydration damages your overall health.

According to Dr. Diana Howard, dry skin is different from dehydrated skin. An oily skin too becomes dehydrated.

Dehydration is a lack of moisture or water in Stratum Corneum, whereas, dry skin lack of oil over the skin.

Irritation, itching, scaly skin, fine lines, inflammation and severe redness are common signs of both disorders. (4)

You must internally and externally hydrate your skin to get rid of this problem.

Helichrysum oil helps to moisturize your skin from the outside, which is very important to get rid of itching and inflammation.

How to Use Helichrysum Oil for Skin?

There are different ways you can use this essential oil depending on your ailment.

For internal consumption, blend 1 drop of Helichrysum oil with 4 ounces of liquid.

To uplift your mood and release emotion block, mix 3 drops of Helichrysum essential oil is steam bath and inhale it.

Method: #1

Topical application is one of the best ways if you’re using it for cosmetic benefit.

Mix Helichrysum oil with coconut oil and apply it over prewashed face. You can replace coconut oil with olive oil.

Method: #2 Helichrysum oil and Cream

There are many beauty creams that include this essential oil. However, you can mix few drops of Helichrysum oil to your favorite cream or lotion before applying it to the skin.

Method: #3 Lavender, Helichrysum and Coconut Oil

All these ingredients are prominent for their healing and moisturizing benefit.

Anti-inflammatory ability of this oil can relieve from acne and allergic blisters.

  • Mix 10 drops of lavender essential oil with 10 drops of Helichrysum essential oil.
  • Also, add ½ cup of coconut oil to dilute the ingredients.
  • After mixing thoroughly apply it over the skin.

Method: #4 Honey and Helichrysum Oil for Skin

The nutritional ability of raw honey can’t be ignored.

Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 20 drops of Helichrysum essential oil.

Mix all ingredients and apply it to the skin.

Method: #5 Frankincense and Helichrysum Essential Oils

Take 10 drops of both Helichrysum and Frankincense oil. Add ¾ cup of coconut oil and 2 tbsp of shea butter to the solution.

Mix thoroughly and apply the mask over the face. Leave it dry naturally.

Internal Benefits of Helichrysum Oil

As mentioned apart from beauty benefits, this essential oil can be used to treat various other ailments.

For years Helichrysum essential oil is been used to treat respiratory problems and soothe coughing.

It can also benefit internal organs, nervous system, and liver.

Nutrients in this oil promote fasten healing of wounds, digestion, cure acidity, clear blood clots and relieve spasms.

Is it safe?

This oil is non-toxic and isn’t associated with any serious side-effects. However, if you’re sensitive towards ketones, then avoid this essential oil in all forms.

Internal consumption of this oil is also safe but you must dilute it before ingesting. (Please consult a physician before ingesting this oil.)

Did you ever use Helichrysum oil for skin? Share your views in comments.

7 Flower Face Packs for Glowing Skin – No. 1 Best

Blossoms are denoted with beauty and it’s literally true. You can use homemade flower face packs for glowing skin because they are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

Even cosmetic creams include flowers to reap their benefits, then why should we stay behind.

Instead of using those chemical included products you can make your own homemade facial with different flowers. Before that, allow me to spill few more beans.

Top 10 Flower Face Packs for Glowing Skin

You can blend fruits, dairy products, and other innate ingredients to make it more effective.

Nutrients housed in these flower masks not just improve your skin complexion, but enhance collagen production, improve your skin texture and lightens the appearance of marks.

Without any ado let’s check out these alluring recipes.

#1 Rose Petals and Sandalwood

Its universal fact that red rose represents true love. Instead of throwing them, you can actually use it to improve your appearance.

  • The antibacterial ability of rose petals can treat chronic skin ailments like acne. It can also help to exfoliate dead cells and impurities piled over the skin.
  • Hydrating activity exhibited by rose lock moisture over the skin and benefits your sensitive skin.
  • Aromatic benefits of rose help to relax and avoid stress.
  • The astringent ability of this flower face pack will tighten your skin and improve your skin complexion.
  • Antioxidants agents thwart free radicals and avoid oxidative stress.

Sandalwood helps to cleanse impurities and lighten the appearance of dark spots.

How to Use:

  1. Drop rose petals in boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Strain and mash these rose petals.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder to puree.
  4. Apply the mask over prewashed face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

#2 Hibiscus Face Pack

hibiscus flower face pack

  • Gentle acids residing in this flower help to exfoliate your skin.
  • High mucilage content in hibiscus flower help to hydrate your dry skin and improve your skin’s complexion.
  • Antioxidants agents residing in this face pack help to avoid premature aging wrinkles and reduce inflammation.
  • Elastase enzyme in hibiscus flower helps to improve the elasticity of the skin.

How to Use

  • Mash few hibiscus petals with 4-5 rose petals.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of multani mitti and 1 tablespoon of yogurt.
  • Wash your face and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Apply the mask evenly all over the face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

#3 Marigold Flower Face Pack

Antioxidant property exhibited by this flower can help to soothe minor burns and reduce infection.

It also boosts collagen production, moisturizes your skin, fastens cell repairing and reduces inflammation.

How to Use

  • Dry marigold petals and powder them.
  • Add required amount of milk or distilled water to it.
  • Mix thoroughly to make a thick paste like consistency.
  • Apply the paste over prewashed face and leave it to dry naturally.

#4 Jasmine and Yogurt Face Pack

  • Topical application of jasmine can improve your skin tone by reducing aging spots.
  • Oil extracted from jasmine can hydrate your dry skin and it doesn’t clog your pores.
  • Stress is one among the triggers of skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis. Calming fragrance of this flower will reduce stress.
  • Antioxidant agents residing in this flower face pack help to avoid aging wrinkles.

How to Use:

Mash jasmine petals and add required amount of plain yogurt to it to form a smooth paste. Add some sugar for exfoliating your skin. Apply the mask over the skin in circular motion and leave it to dry naturally.

#5 Lotus Flower Face Pack

Lotus is regarded as purifying flower by Ancient Hindus and Buddhist. Like other flowers, it is also packed with antioxidant activity, which can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Moisturizing and soothing benefits of this face pack can’t be ignored. Nutrients in this flower can tighten your skin and help to get rid of the itchy dry skin.

How to Use:

  • Rinse 5-6 lotus petals and cut them into small pieces.
  • Grind these pieces along with raw milk and few drops of almond oil.
  • Apply the obtained paste over prewashed face and leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes.

#6 Lavender Face Pack

lavender oil and acne scars

Aromatic benefits of lavender essential oil are prominent in aromatherapy. You can just massage its oil over the skin to reap its benefits. However, experts recommend blending it with other base oil.

Nutrients in lavender flower can enhance your beauty, treat ailments and lift your mood.

How to Use:

  • Boil lavender petals in a bowl for 5 minutes.
  • Now mash these petals to smooth paste and add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder to it.
  • Wash your face and pat dry using a soft
  • Apply this mask evenly all over the face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Practice this DIY recipe once in a week.

#7 Sunflower Seeds and Milk

High concentration of vitamin E in sunflower seeds exhibit antioxidant activity, avoid aging wrinkles and can reduce inflammation.

Nutrients in its seed help to enhance collagen production and make your skin look youthful.

How to Use

  • Soak 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds in 4 tablespoons of milk overnight.
  • In the morning grind them into a smooth
  • Add few drops of lemon juice to it and apply it over the face.
  • Limit the use of lemon juice if you’ve sensitive skin.

Essential Oil Face Pack for Dry Skin

You can get benefited by using oils extracted from these flowers through the distillation process.

However, the essential oil can irritate your skin. So, beauty experts recommend blending base oil for diluting them.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of raw honey with 4 tablespoons of gram flour.
  • Mix thoroughly and add 2-3 drops of rose essential oil to it.
  • Apply the mask over prewashed face.

Essential Oil Face Pack for Oily Skin

Blend 4 tablespoons of multani mitti with 4 tablespoons of rose water. Drop 3 drops of lavender oil to the mask.

Apply the mask over the face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Please let us know which flower face pack you’ll use for glowing skin.

How to Use Green Tea for Rosacea – 5 DIY Recipes (Included)

green tea to treat rosacea

Herbal remedies are prominent for their nutritional value. You can use green tea for rosacea treatment. Both internal and topical application of this herbal tea will improve your skin texture.

High concentration of antioxidants, amino acids, phytochemicals and vitamins residing in green tea are really enticing for beauty lovers.

Coming to rosacea, redness on nose, cheeks, swelling, acne like break-outs, visible blood vessels and small bumps may appear on the skin. (1)

What causes this skin ailment is still unknown. However, researchers hold hereditary, overreaction of immune system, bug infection and certain proteins to trigger the ailment.

Fair-skinned people between 30-50 years of age are more likely to get rosacea. According to US Officials, about 14 million people are affected with this skin ailment in US alone.

Why Is Green Tea Good for Rosacea?

Drink it or make a facial by blending it with some water, this herbal ingredient can benefit your skin.

But, let me confess that chronic skin ailments like eczema, rosacea and psoriasis can’t be cured permanently. However, you can reduce their symptoms with natural remedies or steroid creams.

  • Anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogen activity exhibited by green tea can efficiently reduce rosacea inflammation and redness.
  • Assorted nutrients in green tea can protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Topical application will reduce bumpy texture and reveal your skin from inflammation.
  • A study conducted on women with rosacea showed 70% improvement in the condition, when compared to placebo. (Source:
  • Professor from University San Francisco, Calif. says that green tea extract as anti-aging and anti-acne properties.
  • Further experts say that soothing ability exhibited by this herbal remedy can reduce redness caused due to rosacea.
  • Apart from regular application of this green tea facial, you can improve skin complexion, prevent aging signs, treat acne and improve your skin tone.

How to Use Green Tea for Rosacea?

green tea for rosacea

As mentioned internal and topical use of this herbal remedy will do wonders on your skin.

Replace your tea or coffee with this herbal tea every morning and enjoy the change.

All you’ve to do is to drop fresh green tea when the water starts boiling. I prefer few drops of lemon or fresh peppermint leaves with green tea. (Source)

#1 Green Tea to Reduce Redness

  • Brew green tea as usual and refrigerate it for about half an hour.
  • Soak a soft cloth in this cold tea for few minutes.
  • Now place the cloth over rosacea affected skin.
  • Leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Practice this remedy twice per day.

#2 Olive oil and Green Tea Mask

To make the mask more effective, you can blend olive oil with this herbal ingredient.

Known for moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties olive oil can lock moisture over the skin. Vitamins residing in this oil will penetrate deep into the skin to improve its texture.

  • Blend required amount of green tea powder with olive oil.
  • Mix the paste thoroughly and apply it over prewashed skin.
  • Leave the mask for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off.

Don’t expect overnight results with any home remedy. Add this to your beauty regimen and it will slowly improve your skin.

#3 Green Tea Cream for Rosacea

I personally avoid beauty creams because they refine natural extracts. But, if you’re lazy or don’t have time to make your own facial every day, try beauty products that include green tea extracts. Check the list here.

Avoid them if you experience irritation.

#4 Rice Flour, Lemon Juice and Green Tea (Oily Skin)

Lemon juice is known for its bleaching properties. However, it can make your skin sensitive towards sunlight. So, avoid its use if you’ve sensitive skin.

Rice flour is packed with exfoliating ability. All these ingredients have ability to make your skin radiant and remove excess sebum.

Mix all these ingredients in required amount in a bowl and apply it over prewashed face.

Leave it to dry naturally for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off.

#5 Green Tea and Honey Mask

This is an ultimate mask for all skin disorders. Rosacea, eczema and psoriasis can be reduced by this homemade facial.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory ability of raw honey can reduce rosacea effectively.

  • Mix 1-2 teaspoons of brew cooled green tea water with 2 teaspoons of raw honey.
  • Soak a soft cloth or cotton ball in the solution.
  • Place the cloth over rosacea affected skin for few minutes.

Instead, you can also mix green tea powder with required amount of honey to make thick paste. Apply this paste on the skin and leave it for few minutes.

Drinking or Facial Application?

Though both ways you reap nutritional benefits of green tea, experts recommend topical application as it directly affects the skin.

Or you can just try both.

Read this tips before using green tea for rosacea.

  • Foods like liver, chocolate, avocados, spicy food and yogurt that trigger rosacea must be avoided. (Source)
  • Repeated application of chemical filled creams will damage elasticity of your skin, stay away from them.
  • Change your lifestyle by including vitamin rich food and drink enough water.
  • Consult physician if problem persist.

Image source: 1, 2

How to Use Horseradish for Melasma – 3 DIY Recipes

Excess sun exposure, cosmetic products, and hormonal changes are few common triggers of melasma. Read on to know to use horseradish for melasma.

Known for its pungent and spicy taste, horseradish is a herb used for treating numerous health ailments since ages.

Packed with exceptional nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, protein and iron, this herb is widely used with meat as a condiment.

Before you jump to its benefits, let me discuss few points about melasma.

Who Gets and What Causes Melasma?

This disorder is commonly seen in people with darker skin and in women. Only 10% of people with melasma are men.

The main cause of this skin disorder is unknown.

Researchers think that excess production of melanin is the main reason for this pigmentation.

UV rays, pregnancy, genetics, hormonal imbalance, birth control pills and reaction with beauty creams may trigger brown-grey spots.

If the pigments are triggered due to pregnancy, then American Academy of Dermatology states that they may fade with time. (Source)

If you have these brown spots for years, then use hydroquinone. But, if you want to try something free from chemical elements then there are many natural ways, one of them is listed below.

Also read: Is Castor Oil Good for Melasma?

Why Use Horseradish for Melasma?

Steroid creams prescribed by dermatologist works fine. My friend used them and all patches vanished in few months.

As ingredients in these creams can irritate sensitive skin and repeated use can strip moisture, most beauty lovers opt for natural remedies.

Innate remedies like horseradish penetrate deep into the skin and enhance its overall functioning. Vitamins and minerals housed in this herb not just treats ailments but improves your skin texture.

So, it’s two birds for one shot.

  • Ascorbic acid packed in this herb inhibits melanin production and reduces pigmentation.
  • Antioxidant activity exhibited by vitamin C thwart free radicals and avoids oxidation, which gradually reduces the appearance of pale pigmentation.
  • Bleaching property of horseradish help to reduce hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and melasma. (Source)
  • Regular application of this herb will peel off the skin by making it darker initially. So, no need to worry if you see brown spots getting darker.
  • Apart from this, horseradish can reduce birth marks, freckles, blemishes and make your skin radiant.

How to Use Horseradish for Melasma?

horseradish for melasma

There are many ways you can use this herb. To make it more effective and get an attractive skin blend other natural ingredients with it.

Below are few DIY recipes.

#1 Horseradish

Get the horseradish root and start rubbing it over the affected part. You can also slice and apply it over brown-grey melasma spots.

Nutrients in the herb start working by peeling the affected skin. Initially, you may notice the spots are changing dark. Don’t worry it’s a sign of improvement.

Experts recommend trying this herb once in a week and wait for the skin to peel.

#2 Apple Cider Vinegar and Horseradish

ACV also has exceptional nutritional value and bleaching agents. It’s moisturizing and higher concentration of vitamins improves the elasticity of the skin.

  • Crush ½ cup of horseradish and add a ½ liter of apple cider vinegar to it.
  • Place the ingredients in a bottle and cover it for 2 weeks, so that nutrients in both substances mix.
  • Shake the bottle daily and strain the mixture before topical application.
  • Apply the solution over the melasma spots after 2 weeks.

Instead of ACV you can use glycerin and buttermilk and let it settle for one night before applying it on the skin.

#3 Oatmeal, Horseradish, and Sour Cream

  • Mix powder of horseradish root, oatmeal powder with sour cream.
  • Topically apply the mask over the skin and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Beauty experts recommend using this mixture twice in a week.

You can also mix 1 cup of raw milk with grated horseradish and apply it over melasma.

Did you ever use horseradish for melasma? Share your views in comments.

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How to Get Rid of Itchy Scalp Without Washing Hair – 5 DIY Recipes

It’s normal to the scratch head while answering or thinking crucial things. But, there are many people who experience persistent itching because of various factors including the dry scalp, skin ailments, and weather.

Washing your scalp may seem as an ultimate solution for this problem.

But can it restrain itching? No.

So, how to get rid of itchy scalp without washing hair?

Hydrating your itchy dry scalp with natural ingredients may work like magic. Why to use only natural remedies, when there are numerous cosmetic products?

Beauty experts say that repeated use of chemically incorporated products may irritate your sensitive skin and scalp. Also, ingredients in these hair products may trigger a reaction.

Why Not Shampooing or Washing for Itchy Scalp?

For many people, it may come as surprise.

Without any doubt washing or shampooing will help to remove dry flakes over the scalp. But to stop itchy scalp, you must reach its main cause.

Hot water irritates your scalp and results in itching. Apart from this, most shampoos are added with preservatives and synthetic perfumes, which can damage your scalp and hair. (1)

It doesn’t mean that you must completely stop washing or shampooing.

Instead of regular use, try it few times in a week. Check for the best product with natural extracts. You can also use natural ingredients to wash your hair.

How to Get Rid of Itchy Scalp without Washing Hair?

how to get rid of itchy scalp without washing hair

Often people associate itchy scalp with dandruff. Though in some case they might be correct, but bacterial infection and other ailments also cause itching.

So, you must initially know the under cause of the issue.

More than us, cosmetic industries knew about nutritional benefits of natural ingredients. This is why you see many products highlight that they include natural extracts.

But, they refine and process to meet their product. You can instead use the natural ingredient yourself and reap its benefits.

#1 Coconut Oil to Stop Itchy Scalp

Like your skin, scalp too needs attention.

Exfoliating and hydrating your scalp will make it healthy. Coconut oil is free from harmful chemical ingredients that may damage your scalp.

  • The moisturizing ability of coconut oil can help to get rid of itchy scalp and also stimulate hair growth.
  • A study state that coconut oil outperforms mineral and sunflower oil in controlling hair loss. (2)
  • Regular massaging with coconut oil will improve blood circulation, which enhances the healthy functioning of your scalp.
  • Lauric acid and capric acid housed in coconut oil penetrate deep into the scalp and thwart infectious germs that irritate your scalp.
  • Dandruff which is caused by dry skin and harsh chemicals can be treated by coconut oil. (3)
  • With SPF 8 coconut oil can protect your scalp and hair from harmful sun rays. (4)

How to use: Heat coconut oil if it’s in a solid state. When the oil is cooled, apply it over the scalp evenly and leave it to dry naturally.

Try this natural home remedy every alternate day before going to sleep.

For an effective remedy, you can mix 6 tablespoons of organic coconut oil, olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. You can also blend 3 drops of tea tree oil to this lotion. (Source)

#2 Tea Tree Oil

  • Antibacterial and anti-fungal ability exhibited by this essential oil can help you to stop itching scalp.
  • Studies also back tea tree oil for reducing eczema and other inflammatory scalp conditions. (5)
  • Another study stated that shampoo with 5% of tea tree oil showed excellent results in treating dandruff.
  • The moisturizing activity of tea tree oil can help to get rid of dry scalp.
  • Anti-androgenic effect of this oil inhibits male hormones that result in hair loss.

How to use: High concentration of tea tree oil can irritate your skin and scalp. So, beauty experts blend this essential oil with coconut oil to dilute. Instead of coconut oil, you can use few drops of water or conditioner.

If you experience itching even after using this oil, then stop its use and consult a physician.

Also read: How to Use Almond Oil for Eczema

#3 Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Dandruff Fast without Washing

  • Vitamin C, antioxidant and anti-fungal properties housed in lemon juice can effectively reduce dandruff.
  • Healing and the soothing ability of this natural ingredient also reduce itching and maintain pH level over the scalp.
  • Antibacterial properties residing in lemon can thwart infectious germs that trigger itching and flaking.

How to use: Blend coconut oil with lemon juice or just drop lemon juice on your scalp and start massaging evenly. Rinse it off after 30 minutes.

There are different recipes you can try with lemon juice. But, make sure that you aren’t applying excess lemon juice. Acidic nature of this citrus fruit can make your scalp sensitive.

Also read: Fish oil for scalp psoriasis

#4 Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe gel is prominent for its healing and moisturizing benefits. You can consume it internally to reduce heat and its cosmetic uses are renowned.

  • This sticky gel may not smell good but nutrients packed in it can heal minor cuts, burns, chronic ailments and inflammatory conditions.
  • It locks the moisture on the scalp and skin.
  • The anti-inflammatory property of aloe gel can reduce persistent itching and red spots over the skin.

How to use: Peel the skin of aloe vera leaf and apply aloe vera gel over the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

For an effective remedy blend 1-2 drops of glycerin, 2 drops of jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon of aloe gel and 10 drops of grapefruit extract with 8 ounces of distilled water. (Source)

#5 Baking Soda

  • Its use isn’t confined to the kitchen; you can mix some water with baking soda and apply it over the scalp.
  • Assorted nutrients in baking soda can help to maintain pH balance over the scalp.
  • It can possibly thwart fungal infection and other ailments that result in the itchy

How to use: Mix required amount of baking soda with apple cider vinegar or distilled water. This hair lotion will remove scaly patches and restore natural pH level on the scalp.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Fast without Washing?

Dandruff is one among the main causes of itchy scalp. Washing or shampooing will though help to remove dry scaly flakes, you can’t get rid of it just by washing.

I don’t completely condemn using shampoo; there are some good products that work fine. But, as mentioned above, repeated use of this chemical included products are going to irritate your scalp.

Though few blogs recommend using dry shampoo, they may irritate your scalp. Instead use natural remedies listed above.

How to use: Mix 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix thoroughly. Massage the oil over scalp and leave it dry. Cover with a shower cap to increase its effect.

Try this remedy 2-3 times in a week.


Above listed are few home available remedies to get rid of itchy scalp without shampooing. These ingredients can be used for quick moisture and its assorted nutrients can thwart infectious germs.

This article doesn’t mean that you must not wash or shampoo, instead of solely relying on shampooing and washing your hair try these quick remedies.

Avoid chemical ingredients, drink enough water and ingest omega-3 fatty acids included diet.

Share your recipes to get rid of itchy scalp without washing hair in comments.