Apart from their aromatic smell, roses have therapeutic benefits that can improve your overall health. For most youngsters it’s just a symbol to express love, but it has something more hiding behind the petals.
It is extensively used in aromatherapy, to improve blood circulation, boost immune system and to reduce stress. Massaging rose oil over the skin makes it free from ailments like acne, rosacea and dry skin.
Regular application of rose oil for skin lightening can bring positive results. The oil is obtained through simple distillation process that you can try at home.
Enticing nutrients in rose oil allured cosmetic industries to include in their beauty products. So now, most perfumes and beauty creams incorporate this natural substance.
Is Rose Oil Good for Skin?

Unlike our grandparents we no more have pollution free environment. We spend most of our time in impurities and pollutants; apart from this we explicitly apply chemical filled creams on face.
Along with this, to feed on excess sebum and dead cells, bacteria invade your skin to worsen the situation.
Dark spots are formed due to harmful UV rays. Your skin has melanin that multiplies when it exposed to sun. Due to some internal factors the melanin production is confined to few particular places resulting in dark patches all over the face and body.
First you must wipe those impurities and also save your skin from harmful UV rays. With external application like rose oil, experts recommend to have nutritional rich diet to combat infections in the body.
Putting an end to this, let’s start discuss about benefits of rose oil to whiten skin.
Assorted vitamins and minerals present in rose oil protect your skin from harmful UV rays and thus avoid excess production of melanin.
- Researches state that rose oil has many healing compounds that exhibits antioxidant, antibiotic, antimicrobial and healing activity.
- A study published in 2010 concludes that, with small amount of rose oil you can destroy acnes bacteria.
- Anti-inflammatory properties in this oil can reduce inflammation caused by infection. Dry skin triggers most skin ailments, starting from itching. Topical application of rose oil will hydrate your skin and bring back the lost moisture to it.
- Astringent agents shrink skin pores and reduce wrinkles. Free radicals that damage cell membrane are removed by antioxidant activity.
- Assorted properties residing in rose oil can wipe the impurities off the face and make it clear and supple.
- Prominent for its moisturizing abilities, rose oil application will hydrate your skin and make it supple.
- You can use rose oil as a skin toner, with its astringent abilities it can tighten your skin and help you obtain youthful skin texture.
- Antibacterial abilities housed in the oil help to combat infectious germs and restrain other ailments.
- Antioxidant property reduces oxidative stress and thwarts free radicals.
- Vitamin C present in rose oil can encourage collagen production and improve your elastin.
- Internal consumption of rose oil will help to remove toxins from your body.
Also read: 10 Benefits of Glycerin and Lemon Juice for Face
Interestingly, a study carried in 2009 states that topical application of rose oil showed great relaxing and helped to reduce blood pressure.
This versatile oil can be used on all skin types and you won’t feel greasiness on the skin. But, its recommend to dilute it with other carrier oil and massage evenly over the face and on neck. You can also control chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, if you regularly apply it over the affected parts.
German Scientist said that “For substances applied in rose oil, a clear relationship between their lipophilic character, chemical structure, and skin permeation could be confirmed.”
In other words, rose oil improves skin’s absorption feature. So implicitly if you use chemical creams you’re damaging your skin.
Don’t use chemical creams or cosmetic creams that include rose oil. As they also incorporate other chemical ingredients they do more harm than benefit to your skin.
How to Use Rose Oil for Bright and Youthful Skin?
As mentioned, don’t use it directly over the face. However, for acne or pimples you can apply the rose oil as a spot treatment using cotton ball.
#1 Coconut Oil, Lavender Oil and Rose Oil
Coconut oil is known for its hydrating abilities. Its application can reduce dry patches and help to lighten your skin.
Lavender essential oil is prominent for its aromatic smell and its application can reduce stress.
- Mix rose oil with any carrier oil like jojoba oil, coconut oil or olive oil.
- Initially, wash your face to remove external dead cells and impurities.
- Pat dry and apply mixed rose oil and carrier oil solution.
- Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
#2 Aloe Vera Gel and Rose Oil
Aloe vera gel is sticky in nature and its application will soothe your skin. Known for its hydrating ability, it locks moisture on your skin.
- Mix 1 teaspoons of aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoon of bentonite clay and 1 tsp of witch hazel.
- Also, add 2 drops of rose oil to above lotion.
- Wash your face and apply the mask on it.
- Rinse it off with normal water after 15-20 minutes.
#3 Turmeric Powder and Rose Oil
Turmeric powder consists of a compound known as curcumin. It exhibits antiseptic, antioxidant and antibacterial abilities. Regular application of turmeric powder will remove facial hair and lighten your skin.
- Add 2 tablespoons of aloe gel with 2 drops of rose oil and 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
- Apply the mixed paste on your prewashed face.
- Allow it to dry for 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with water.
Tips to Obtain Glowing Skin
Now, that you’ve gone through all listed recipes. (I hope) To achieve fair skin, you must change your lifestyle so that you look gorgeous from inside.
- Food you eat directly impact your health and it shows on your skin.
- Avoid foods that aren’t good for skin. Choose foods that can lighten your skin and reduce melanin production.
- Wear sunscreen cream while going out. This will reduce excess production of melanin.
- Chemical incorporated creams that may irritate your skin must be avoided.
- Hydrate your skin internally by drinking enough water and consuming water rich diet.
Try to avoid stress and be happy, because beauty is in your heart.
Add this beauty ingredient to your regimen and use it regularly. Let us know if you ever used rose oil for skin lightening.