In a study carried out to measure the antioxidant capacity of foods in US, strawberry notched 27th place. When only fruits were considered, this juicy heart shaped fruit ranked 4th among all fruits. Like its physical
Are you stepping to be a bride or getting ready for a party? You yearn to have spot less, smooth and radiant skin. What if I tell you that you get this right being at home?
Mostly used for culinary purpose and as a cleanser, vinegar has excellent properties that can make your skin radiant. It neutralizes pH level of the skin and makes your skin tone smooth and clear. Depending on
These homemade face mask recipes are lovely, because they’re inexpensive, effective and have no or less side-effects. Honey and olive oil face mask is an irreplaceable remedy for dry and itchy skin. Acclaimed for their
Renowned for its exceptional antioxidant properties, tomato face mask stimulates collagen production to obtain radiant skin. Use it internally or topically, tomatoes have abundant benefits for your skin. It improves skin’s ability to fight germs, bacteria
Blackheads are first stage of acne or pimples. Hormonal imbalance stimulates sebaceous glands to produce excess oil (sebum). Along with dead cells this oils blocks follicle (pores). People are found of squeezing blackheads, which is not
Tomato is a fruit, though we use it as a vegetable in salads, sauce, dishes and in drinks. This fruit is rich in Lycopene, an antioxidant compound that has enticing health benefits. Consume or topically apply
Apart from being delicious condiment at the table, mustard can be used to exfoliate and tighten the skin. According to Wikipedia, Romans are first to coin mustard condiment and the rest of the world slowly followed.