Psoriasis (suh-RY-uh-sus) is a chronic (long term) skin disease resulting red, scaly and dry patches on skin; mostly concentrating elbows, scalp, knees and fingers. These patches may be small (mild psoriasis) or large (severe psoriasis). In
Honey manufactures, Bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide making honey anti-bacterial. Apart from treating heart, cancer and other diseases, the earth’s old sweetener proved that it can treat skin diseases too. Reddit user cthulhuandcats
Though our skin is naturally made to lockup the moisture, at times it fails to do its job because we fail to supply nutritional elements to our body. Also, change in climate like winter or dry
Dry skin is a common skin condition which can be cured in a week by applying a moisturizer. Dry skin irritates your skin which stimulates itching and it’s almost impossible to refrain yourself from scratching though
Fed up of using Vitamin A pills? Forget that and get a bunch of carrots which host many nutritional items. This home available root vegetable is well known for Vitamin A and Beta-carotene. Anyway, there are
Eczema is a term used to refer a group of skin diseases where skin becomes inflamed or irritated. In some languages, eczema also called as dermatitis, while in other languages dermatitis known for acute skin disease
Beetroot or informally simply known as beet is getting more new coverage after a research carried out which proved that this dark red vegetable can cure blood pressure and improve blood flow. Beet is not new;