How to Use Gotu Kola for Cellulite

gotu kola for cellulite

Often cellulite is referred as cottage cheese, mattress or orange peel. Fat deposits on thighs, legs and butts, but it isn’t associated with any serious health ailment. However, it’s embarrassing and uncomfortable for few people. Anecdotal reports show that gotu kola for cellulite can flush the dreaded fat.

About 90 percent of women will have this excess fat pockets in some point of their life. It’s related with weight gain or loss; fat bumps may appear even on skinny girls.

Main culprits of cellulite are: hormonal imbalance, genetics, unhealthy diet and your lifestyle. Due to these factors, fat gets accumulated between connecting skin (dermis) and muscle giving a bumpy look on outer layer of the skin. Regularly massaging with essential oil and exercise can reduce this fat accumulation.

Why women get more cellulite than men?

Epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue in men are thicker, so the fat doesn’t pucker.

How Gotu Kola for Cellulite Works?

For thousands of years gotu kola (Centella asiatica) had extensive use in treating ailments in India, China and Indonesia. Nutrients in this herb can effectively reduce chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and leprosy.

  • Triterpenoids are the active components in gotu kola that can tighten skin, improve blood circulation, boosts antioxidants and enhance collagen production. (1)
  • Antimicrobial effect protects you from pathogens.
  • Assorted properties in this herb aid to flush toxins that may damage skin cell membrane.
  • By improving blood circulation and enhancing connective tissue structure, this herb efficiently removes cellulite.
  • Topically application of this herbal oil will reduce stretch marks and fade scars.
  • Other benefits of gotu kola include relief from anxiety, healing wounds, treats venous insufficiency and insomnia.

A study carried out to check the effectiveness of gotu kola in treating cellulite. Patients were given 60mg of gotu kola for 90 days. A whopping 70 percent of patients showed improvement in cellulite condition.

Gotu kola herb is available in different forms, including dried leaves, tincture, standard extract and capsules.

Research states that products with gotu kola extract (topically or internally) can effectively treat ailments. You can either take capsules as prescribed by physician or consider using dried leaves.

Brew tea using dried leaves of gotu kola to treat cellulite. Have it 2-3 times a day. (Source: University of Maryland Medical Center). For tincture, dosage level is 30 to 60 drops thrice a day. (Take 2 week break before taking the herb again)

Important Note: People with liver disease shouldn’t try this herb. A component in gotu kola has been linked with tumor in mice. So consult physician before taking this herb.

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Gotu Kola for Stretch Marks

gotu kola to get rid of stretch marks

It’s a small herb with prominent nutritional activity. Also known as Indian pennywort, spade leaf or centella asiatica, gotu kola grows nearby water. This tasteless herb has extensive use in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. Fortunately, benefits of gotu kola enticed modern science to treat skin ailments.

Gotu kola for stretch marks is one of the cost effective and natural remedy available at this time. Charles poliquin one of the renowned strength coaches, noticed in his students who were taking gotu kola that stretch marks started fading after 6 months of regular use.

Seems where long, but you must consider other benefits of this small herb for your overall health. Ailments like psoriasis, leprosy, respiratory problems, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, asthma, fever, mental fatigue and diarrhea can be prevented by gotu kola. (1)

This herb is known as “the fountain of life” because an ancient Chinese herbalist survived more than 200 years by consuming gotu kola.

So I don’t think it’s a good decision to ignore this miraculous herb. (Well am not saying you’ll live up to 200 years if you consider this herb. May be it can help you to get rid of skin and health ailments.)

Gotu Kola & Stretch Marks

Sudden weight gain, pregnancy and hormonal imbalance are main causes of stretch marks. Your skin (dermis layer) breaks in different places as a result of stretching. Initially stria or stretch marks are red, as time passes they turn silver-white.

Often these lines appear around stomach, buttocks, thighs, breasts, knees, shoulders and other parts of the body. They aren’t associated with any health problem, but it’s a cosmetic concern. People get embarrassed to show their lines and try to fade them.

The bitter truth is that you can’t treat stretch marks permanently. You can only lighten their appearance. Cosmetic creams are normally filled with chemicals and processed ingredients. They may irritate your skin and trigger infection. It’s better to try natural remedies like gotu kola to lighten stretch marks.

  • Substances like amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids and other phytochemicals residing in this herb aids to reduce inflammation, fasten healing, stimulate cell growth, improve blood circulation and enhance collagen production.
  • Compounds like Triterpenoid and saponins in gotu kola enhance healing and lighten the appearance of lines.
  • Topical or oral consumption of the herb will prevent damage of connective tissues and improve circulation.
  • Research show that it can effectively repair veins, heal minor burns, lighten scars, stretch marks and treat psoriasis. (2)

How to Use Gotu Kola for Stretch Marks?

As mentioned you can consume it orally or apply topically over the affected part. Experts recommend consuming 60-180 mg of gotu kola extract per day.

Another way is to brew tea with dried leaves of this herb. Add 1-2 teaspoon of sugar and few dried leaves in boiling water. Allow it to steep for 10-15 minutes. You can take 2-3 cups of gotu kola herbal tea every day. Or simply get gotu kola cream or oil and topically massage over the stretch marks.

Alternate names of gotu kola are Brahmi, Centella, Centella Asiatica, Indian pennywort, Marsh pennywort, Luei gong gen and Hydrocotyle.

Stop using this herb if you experience allergic symptoms like dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and consult physician.

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