How to Use Bergamot Oil for Acne and Scars – 7 DIY Methods Included

bergamot essential oil for acne

Teenage is notorious for making hormones rebel against their own body turning people into monsters with red bumps on face, acne can attack people of all age groups. This write-up is to help you use bergamot oil for acne.

Acne breakouts mostly appear on face, shoulders, neck, chest, back, and sometimes can be very painful too. If left untreated, it can turn severe and even damage the self-esteem of the person.

As a result, people flock the clinics of dermatologists, pay hefty fees and return disappointed even then because chemical treatments and prescription medicines not only have a long list of side effects but are also ineffective many times.

Anyone with acne will run in the opposite direction even by hearing the name of a facial product containing oil. However, bergamot essential oil for acne is indeed the best gift of nature. It is fresh citrus oil with an uplifting fruity scent. It originated in Italy. It is extracted through cold pressing of nearly ripe bergamot oranges (Citrus Bergama)

Now, what are bergamot oranges?

They are an exquisite result of cross-breeding of the lemon tree and orange tree. They have the best of both worlds. With size as big as an orange, they look almost like pears and are yellowy green in color. The fruity and ravishing fragrance makes them the perfect choice for the perfume industry.

Coming back to the topic, this article will discuss the benefits of bergamot oil, how to use bergamot essential oil for treating acne and also some important tips to treat acne.

Also read: How to Use Cucumber for Treating Acne?

Is Bergamot Oil Good For Acne?

Bergamot oil is packed with exceptional properties that can help you reduce inflammation accompanied by acne lesions.

  • Antiseptic Properties: Bergamot oil is known for its antiseptic properties. The same properties make it highly beneficial for treating acne. Bergamot oil not only clears existing acne but also keeps future breakouts at bay.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Research has proved that bergamot oil has great anti-inflammatory properties. The red color and size of acne make it look even worse. By its anti-inflammatory properties, bergamot oil helps in successfully fighting the same.
  • Natural Cleanser: Citrus oils, in general, have great benefits for the skin. Not only do they cleanse the skin thoroughly and naturally drive out excess oil, dirt, and pollution but also exfoliate dead cells and keep the skin looking flawless with their alpha hydroxyl acid content.
    To formulate a face wash, that will be the strongest weapon against acne, scroll down to see the recipe.
  • Balances Oily Skin: An astringent is often used to remove the excess oil from the skin and shrink the pores. Bergamot oil also has astringent in its composition. Thus, it is successful in making the skin beautifully dry and tight. Moreover, by reducing large pores it greatly decreases the amount of oil secreted in the first place.
  • Reduces Painful Acne: Thanks to the pain-relieving properties of the bergamot oil, the pain of deep-rooted pimples and angry red cysts now has a solution. To find the recipe for an effective acne cream, scroll below!
  • Anti-scarring: Sick of the scars gifted to you by your existing acne? Bergamot oil with its anti-scarring properties is the ideal solution. Moreover, it also ensures beautiful skin by preventing scars from coming back.
  • Uplifting Scent: Bergamot also has a solution to the frustration and disappointment that often follows breakouts. It has a fruity scent which makes it one of the favorites of the perfume industry as well.

Through its aromatherapy, it releases endorphins or happy hormones to lift up the spirit and prevent acne caused due to stress.

Also read: How to Get Rid of Deep Blackheads on Nose?

How to Use Bergamot Oil for Acne?

Bergamot Essential Oil indeed has many benefits. However, what must be kept in mind is that bergapten is an active constituent of bergamot oil which makes it slightly phototoxic.

Here are some recipes which will help in the utilization of Bergamot Essential Oil in the best possible manner.

#1 Anti – Acne Face Wash

To remove impurities, dirt and excess oil, make it a point to wash the face twice every day. Washing it more than twice may do more harm than good. 


  • 3/4th cup distilled water
  • 1 tbsp. unscented liquid castile soap
  • 7 drops tea tree oil
  • 5 drops Bergamot Oil
  • 250 ml foaming soap dispenser


  • Pour the distilled water in a bowl.
  • Add liquid castle soap to it.
  • Add the essential oils to it.
  • The face wash is ready. This all-powerful face wash can now be poured into a foaming soap dispenser by using a funnel.
  • Take a small amount of it on your palm and use it to clean your face.

Precaution: Avoid contact with eyes.

#2 Bergamot Spot Treatment

The spot treatment recipe is an effective way of getting rid of acne and pimple marks. Here’s how you can use it. 


  • 1 drop Bergamot Oil
  • A q-tip


  • Place a drop of Bergamot Oil on a clean q-tip.
  • Use it as a spot treatment and gently dab it on acne or pimples.


Bergamot Spot Treatment must not be used in case of sensitive skin to avoid further irritation.

#3 Citrus Acne Cream

Bergamot oil with Citrus acne cream makes a powerful solution to treat acne. 


  • 2 tbsp. shea butter
  • 5 drops Bergamot Oil
  • Approx 120 ml amber glass jar


  • Place 2 tbsp. shea butter in the glass jar.
  • Mix and mash the shea butter to break it down into a silky cream.
  • Add 5 drops of Bergamot Oil and mix well till everything is combined.
  • That’s it! Now, apply a small amount on face after cleansing it thoroughly.

#4 Moisturizing Lotion 

This recipe will not only prevent the acne breakouts but also help remove acne marks with regular use. 


  • 7 grams avocado oil
  • 5 grams Shea butter
  • 5 grams beeswax
  • 3 grams coconut oil
  • 1 drop Vitamin E oil
  • 2 drops Vanilla extract
  • 2 drops Bergamot essential oil
  • 1 drop Geranium essential oil


  • Combine and stir the avocado oil, Shea butter, beeswax, coconut oil.
  • Vitamin E oil and vanilla extract in a double boiler until completed melted.
  • Remove from heat and stir in essential oils.
  • After pouring into tubes, allow it to cool before using it.
  • Apply it on the affected areas

#5 Bergamot with Coconut Oil

Bergamot oil for acne in combination with coconut oil helps to reduce the acne marks and heals pimple breakouts. 


  • 1 ½ teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops bergamot essential oil


  • After inserting the coconut oil and essential oils in the roller bottle, replace the roller ball and place the lid. Swirl to combine.
  • Roll a bit of the mixture on your face and gently massage with fingers.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.

#6 Bergamot Oil Spray

Regular uses of this spray will help get rid of acne. 


  • 10 ml spray bottle
  • 8 drops Balsam Fir essential oil
  • 8 drops orange essential oil
  • 4 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 1 ¾ tbsp. 100 proof rum or vodka


  • Remove the spray attachment from the bottle
  • Add the essential oils and rum to the bottle by using a funnel.
  • Replace the spray attachment and spray on acne, affected parts, and acne marks.
  • Store in a cool and dark place.

 #7 Aromatherapy Bath Oil

This bath oil is excellent for relief from acne. It helps in tightening pores and also reduces oil production.


  • 10 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops sweet orange essential oil
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil
  • 125 ml carrier oil of choice (e.g. Jojoba oil)


  • Combine all ingredients in a glass bottle or a PET plastic bottle.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.
  • To use the oil, pour approx. a tbsp. of the same into the bath after the water is ready.
  • To boost the acne fighting powers, use grapeseed essential oil as the carrier.

Related Post: Is Jojoba Oil Good for Acne?

Safety Tips Using Bergamot Essential Oil

Essential Oils are very safe to use and are very beneficial for skin. They also have excellent qualities which makes them suitable for aromatic therapy.

However, just like every good thing comes with a flip side, there are some safety precautions that must be followed while using Bergamot Essential Oil-

  • Always go for a patch test before using Bergamot Oil. Mix 1 drop Bergamot Oil and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (like olive oil).
    Apply this mixture on the inner side of the elbow. Post application; monitor the area for 1-2 hours. Do not use Bergamot if any sign of irritation is seen as this shows allergy.
  • As Bergamot Oil is phototoxic in nature, avoid using it during the day. It is best to use it at night as it is also the time when skin repairs and regenerates itself.
  • Pregnant or lactating women must avoid the use of Essential Oils altogether.
  • Make it a point to ensure that the essential oil being used is 100% pure high-quality therapeutic grade essential oil.
  • Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil like sunflower oil (Good for acne prone skin) or base ingredient such as a facial cleanser.
  • Do not apply the oil directly to eyes, ears or nose.
  • If the oil is used for aromatic purposes, use much smaller amounts if pets or children are around.
  • You shouldn’t ingest essential oils as a daily preventative practice.
  • Internal usage of essential oils must be done under the supervision of a medical practitioner or an aromatherapist trained in the internal use of essential oils.
  • Children under the age of 12 and pregnant women should not ingest essential oils.

Important Tips to Treat Acne

Every skin type reacts differently to different types of skin care treatment. When it comes to skin, there is no one size that fits all. In fact, it may take years for even an expert dermatologist to study the skin of a person and determine exactly what is needed for the proper treatment.

Acne is a common problem in all skin types. So, the solutions of the same are not merely limited to the use of essential oils. Here, some other tips are listed which will help in fighting acne and ensure flawless and radiant skin which will surely turn heads.


  • Avoid acne products that contain ingredients that dry the skin.
  • Use a moisturizer that minimizes dryness and skin peeling.

Use makeup sparingly

  • If possible, always go for oil-free cosmetics. Such products do not have added dyed and chemicals.
  • Always choose makeup that is labeled as “non -comedogenic”.
  • Never ignore the ingredient list on a product label before buying it.

 Use the right sunscreen

  •  Use a sunscreen that has a good SPF, is oil-free, non-comedogenic and won’t clog pores.
  • Elta MD and Peter Thomas Roth are the best options for acne-prone

 Tailor your diet

  • Avoid food items that can cause a spike in insulin as they can cause inflammation and an acne flare.
  • Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants and nutrients to improve skin quality.
  • Limit intake of dairy products as they contain antibiotics that can worsen acne breakouts.

Eggs, nuts, legumes, and quinoa are also said to be great for skin.

Avoid toothpaste or rubbing alcohol 

  • Such remedies are more likely to cause dryness and irritation than treat a pimple.
  • Trust topical over-the-counter and prescription spot treatments which salicylic acid which is specially meant to treat acne.
  • However, a natural method that can be used is dabbing tree tea oil on the area a few times a day with a cotton ball.

 Acne is one of the worst problems in life for many of us. There are many factors at play when it comes to creating this menace. The factors range right from the diet, hormone balance, stress levels and genetic makeup to little things like cleansing the skin too often or rubbing the skin too hard.

If spending thousands on chemical prescriptions haven’t solved you acne problems, it is high time to give realize that harsh chemical washes, scrubs, and creams might just be making the skin worse.

Instead, go back into the lap of Mother Nature and realize the value of all natural products.

Essential oils of the bergamot oil for acne are indeed a must for every person with acne prone skin.